Life and living from a higher perspective

A consciousness revolution is underway

The human race is going through a period of chaos. All systems are not GO; they are breaking down. In preparation for what?

I don’t think the world is going to fall apart. The climate isn’t going to kill us, and the nutjobs and psychopaths who run the planet aren’t going to win. They are on their last legs now.

The Crazies

It seems that there are two factions of the crazy “elites.” The first faction is the Transhumanists, who want a chipped human society living in “smart” cities hooked up to the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies. The second faction are what I call the Depopulationists. These are the bat-shit crazy people who put up the Georgia Guidestones and who want the human population drastically reduced. These are the people who created the Sars COVID-2 virus, who locked everyone down and masked everyone and kept kids out of school, and who forced experimental mRNA “vaccines” on hundreds of millions of people while denying early treatment options such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (two of the CDC’s safest drugs). This faction’s latest ploy is “Carbon Zero,” using a fake climate emergency to spread fear porn that carbon emissions will destroy life on earth during one of the earth’s natural climate cycles.

Oregon governor Kate Brown signs a bill in 2021. Climate activists wear T-Shirts predicting their own imminent deaths

 The Chinese Communist Party is using Carbon Zero to ruthlessly suppress dissent against their illegitimate regime, earlier this year locking down entire cities like Shanghai while people starved in their apartments. The governments of Canada and the tiny little country of the Netherlands – the world’s second leading exporter of food to the world – are following suit using this hoax, shutting down farmers because they are using nitrogen fertilizers! The result of these actions is not carbon-zero, but a restriction of the food supply. (Coming to the US soon by as many politicians as can be bribed or coerced.) Meanwhile China, the world’s biggest carbon emissions polluter in the world by far, is allowed to continue its reckless burning of coal in unscrubbed power plants with not a word said. Xi Jinping’s duplicitous statement at President Biden’s climate summit in July that China would reach net-zero emissions by 2060 ( with a peak no later than 2030), is a complete joke. According to the New Scientist, Xi’s CCP are continuing to build more carbon-spewing coal-fired power plants. “Some 176 gigawatts of coal capacity was under construction in 2021, and more than half of that was being built in China.” Carbon Zero my ass.

The Transhumanists and the  Depopulationists are a set of people who have little knowledge of Self. Their totalitarian and dictatorial impulses are a remnant of the past, a last demonic ejaculation of karma from the underworld of the collective human psyche.

This is what sane people are facing at this point in time. Fortunately, no one with any self-awareness embraces their dystopian insanity, which is why these policies must be imposed by force.

The Shift

The planet is going through a Shift: a shift away from old self-destructive ideas about human nature and into a more benevolent and harmonious conception that is more aligned with the Creative Source. The Shift is a realignment of how human beings perceive themselves. It is taking place worldwide on an invisible stage: the stage of consciousness.

The Shift is occurring at the level of thought. This idea is, of course, incomprehensible lunacy to the materialists and dystopians who firmly believe in the “human beings are meat” theory of life and consciousness.

Sorry meatians, thought isn’t neurons firing in the brain. It’s no wonder that neuroscientists have never been able to detect a thought. The energy of consciousness evades the investigations of science because it cannot yet be detected by scientific instruments. Science deals with and measures the material world.

Linear vs Non-linear

The Shift is also a move from linear to non-linear thinking.  Many people are taking an emotional approach to life rather than a rational one – a right brain approach rather than a left brain one. These are people who see society and its intractable problems and are reaching for untested and untried solutions, such as using social workers to arbitrate conflicts instead of the standard armed police force. These policies have been a failure so far, but look for more unusual approaches as the old ones, which are used in our traditional institutions and organizations, continue to fail. Just yesterday, in a  New York Times article titled “The Constitution is Broken and Should Not be Reclaimed,” two law professors,  Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard, and Samuel Moyn of Yale, have stated that the Constitution should be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from Constitutionalism” in order to fit certain conceptions of social justice.  Others have suggested defunding the entire Department of Education, and the FBI. These are radical solutions for endemic societal problems that reflect a desire to completely break from the linear past. Mathematics, for example, is being criticized because there is only one right answer to a math problem. Well, there IS only one right answer to a math problem, but people who say things like this are looking for more intuitive solutions to problems in general. They are using math as an example to say: “Linear thinking excludes too many other viable options.”

Many of the new approaches are irrational and nutty, but they are attempts to bypass linear thinking and replace it with more multidimensional or intuitive approaches. Their origin lies in the shift in consciousness. This social phenomenon will continue as the Shift progresses. Right now, they manifest primarily in political narratives that seek to “get over” on political enemies. However, I believe we will see more and more of this. Who knows, someone is bound to come up with a new approach that most people can agree on!

Linear thinking is represented by the statement, “If it was good enough for my granddad it’s good enough for me.” There are some people who want to go back to the “good old days,” when the world was a much more linear, and simple, place. But we aren’t going back to that old world. Attempts to recreate it will fail because the change in consciousness requires a clean break from old thinking.

During the Shift, the forces of darkness have seen their opportunity to remake the world.  Transhumanists and Depopulationists are ascendant now (temporarily) during the chaos as the new consciousness begins to break up corrupt, stale institutions. Outfits like the World Bank, the IMF – and any institution that lacks integrity – won’t make it to the new reality. Neither will degraded organizations like the World Economic Forum and their dystopian fellow travelers. You will eat bugs. You will own nothing and be happy. Yikes! These people are bonkers.

There is a dark side and a light side to the Shift.  

The good news is that all institutions and organizations with a debased view of humanity won’t survive the new consciousness. They will collapse without any help from the outside, because their view of human beings denies the basic goodness of the soul. In other words, the new consciousness doesn’t have to engage in the tactics of linear thinking: fighting against that which is not wanted. We don’t have to march in the streets or “give them a taste of their own medicine.” Sooner than we think these degraded notions will no longer be congruent with how the majority of humanity views itself. These organizations will fade away quietly, not with a bang but with a whimper.

This is a thought revolution, not a kinetic one. The dark is making it a kinetic fight, but this will fail.

The new consciousness is coming about slowly and invisibly. The new consciousness can’t be stopped by the Old Guard because it is occurring on a level beyond their materialist understanding. That won’t stop the Old Guard from lashing out in any way it can.

In their desperation to save their new world order – which is merely a modern-day version of traditional totalitarianism with new technology – they will act and speak more and more outlandishly and act in the only way they know how: with intimidation, coercion, and disinformation. The Old Guard will use the tried and true techniques of propaganda, which requires constant repetition.  But these organizations will wonder why their messaging is not getting through as it used to.

The reason is because their messages will be on a lower level of consciousness than the bulk of the population. The new kids coming in to the planet are ready for more harmony and cooperation, and will expect it and demand it. They will no longer accept war and conflict as a resolution to problems. Those who are awakening feel the same way, and there are more and more of us every day.

In essence, the Old Guard will eventually and inevitably destroy themselves, because their thinking and their belief structures will become more and more divorced from reality.

This will inevitably (and already has) led to conflict between the old consciousness and the new consciousness. This will not be a standard, traditional generational conflict. Over the next decade or two there will be a “splitting” of society into those with low consciousness and self-awareness, and those with higher self-awareness. The Shift will affect people of all ages and cultures, old and young. This process will happen naturally, because people like to hang out with people who think like them. We’ll see one side of society fighting and competing with each other, and another part of society more interested in cooperation and real diversity of thought. Only this time, unlike the past 6,000 years, the majority will be the good guys. The new awakening in consciousness is affecting the balance between light and dark on the planet. For 6,000 years that balance was always in favor of the dark, which is why civilizations constantly rose and then fell. Now the population has grown so large and so networked that the Shift is possible. The consciousness revolution is quietly underway, out of sight of the dark. Their only solution is to chip and disrupt world society and the world economy, but their plans must inevitably fail.  The vast majority of humanity isn’t falling for it!

The world is moving out of linear thinking

The Bureaucracy

The world is polarized. We are surrounded not by information, but by competing political narratives. Every sector of society is affected, including science.  The linear connections that kept the old system in place are dissolving. The world is becoming more multi-dimensional. New approaches to old problems are being tried (defund the police; unarmed, community-based civil security forces instead of standard police, etc.). So far these have been miserable failures, but change is the new normal. Old solutions don’t work anymore, so new ones are being tried. This looks scary sometimes.

In the US, our “checks  and balances” system of government, where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches stay in their lanes and provide stability, is morphing into something unrecognizable.  Our country is essentially governed now by the Senior Executive Service, which leads hundreds of thousands of established bureaucrats that ignore Supreme Court decisions, Congressional legislation, and presidential directives, and who stay on as political administrations change every four or eight years. In 2016, the Senior Executive Service (SES) had 8,156 members, 7,000 0f whom were appointed by President Obama (not confirmed by the Senate in a true democratic process). Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system, and are often  unqualified for their positions. The Senior Executive Service, as described by the Office of Personnel Management, is essentially a protective layer of senior bureaucrats that protect the administrative state and direct the operations of government regardless of the will of Congress and the people. According to,

Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.”

In 2022, the Federal bureaucracy runs the government – not elected officials or Senate confirmed agency leaders – and it is essentially election-proof.

The two British comedies, “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” outline the workings of the bureaucracy and its stultifying effect on  British democracy. These two programs are hilarious and also very educational.

This problem is not new. In ancient China, emperors were dependent on entrenched administrators and bureaucrats. The Chinese first developed the centralized, administrative state thousands of years ago. Brittanica says,

hsien [is] the basic unit of local government in China. The word hsien may be roughly translated as ‘county,’ or ‘district’… hsien became the model for a new type of administrative system based on districts that were all governed by the central power of the kingdom.”

The Communist Party in China, which rules the country with an iron fist, is a logical outgrowth of thousands of years of bureaucratic control. The Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire also had large bureaucracies that essentially ran the day-to-day activities of the empire. Throughout history, rulers have been dependent on bureaucracies that, through sheer inertia and size, have amassed power to themselves. This is now true in the US.

Today, our own government bureaucracy  has developed ingenious systems to bypass the three branches of government. Essentially, NGOs and activist groups submit complaints about policy to various government agencies with a list of demands. The bureaucracy then negotiates with these groups and comes to an agreement, and one or more of the demands become government policy.  (NGO stands for non-governmental organization[1], such as Catholic Relief Services. NGOs very often receive monetary support from state and federal agencies.) This system bypasses the democratic process and ensures that no matter which party is in control, the administrative bureaucracies run the show. My friend Diana, who used to work for a local city bureaucracy as an administrator, described the attitude of the government workers toward their elected boss. “He gives the orders, we ignore them and do what we want.” When the Trumpster ordered his generals to get out of Afghanistan, JCS Chairman General Milley and DoD Secretary Esper simply did not comply. So much for being “commander in chief.” The bureaucracy prevails.

That’s the situation we have in 2022: a gigantic government that sucks $4 trillion dollars out of what’s left of the private economy, run by an immense, unresponsive federal bureaucracy in DC, possibly the most corrupt city on earth. Congress itself is merely a rubber stamp for legislation that is written by K Street corporate lobbyists, and is essentially no different than the pathetic People’s Congress in China, which is wholly subservient to the diktats of the Party, the Ministry of State Security, and the PLA, the Chinese military. The present state of Congress is accurately described by Nancy Pelosi’s defense of Obamacare legislation when she said  in 2010 (no shit, she actually said this): “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.” Nothing new here. The Patriot Act was passed in 2001 at 3 in the morning, thousands of pages of legislation, without any of our so-called “elected representatives” ever seeing the bill or reading it through. The so-called “Infrastructure bill,” a $1.9 trillion boondoggle, was literally introduced and then voted on at 4 in the morning to celebrations. (In Revenge of the Sith, Padme says, “So this is how democracy dies – with thunderous applause.” Yup.)

The checks and balances system for a true, responsive democracy that was devised back in the 1780s is falling apart. The bureaucracy (administrative state) in the United States is trying to create a police state, backed by the corporate media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma, and is unwillingly financed by the people (who have no say in what policies are implemented), and directed by multinational corporations. The new Orwellian “Inflation Reduction Act” authorizes the hiring of more IRS agents. Do you think these guys are coming after millionaires and billionaires like Bill Gates? No, they will more than likely be investigating the working class and the middle class. Or what’s left of us. To see a list of qualifications for these new “agents,” click on the endnote number after the period.[2]

The Biden presidency perfectly demonstrates a government run by an unelected bureaucracy.  Clearly, this man is cognitively impaired, shaking hands with the air, walking off aimlessly on the stage, mumbling words even when reading off the teleprompter. Do you think this guy is running the executive branch? Seriously? This situation – an absentee president run by his handlers – is precisely what the people really running this government want. Without a competent chief executive, the bureaucracy rules unopposed. “End of quote. Repeat the line.” God help us.

That’s where we are now. Competing, hate-filled narratives dominate the “information” landscape. Fortunately, a grass-roots movement to restore common sense is gaining momentum. This, in esoteric terms, is the light reaching out to illuminate the darkness.

Change and Consciousness

The view from 40,000 feet looks different from the situation on the ground.

Let’s take the POV of consciousness, rather than the body reality. The origin of consciousness is not neurons firing in the brain; consciousness is not meat-based. Human consciousness is directly connected to the soul, an esoteric, non-physical awareness that exists independent of the physical body. The soul is itself an aspect of a universal consciousness that is eternal and cannot die. Death is a physical process whereby the soul awareness of the human being departs from a physical body. Consciousness exists before and after the death of the physical body – this is embodied in the ancient concept of reincarnation.

In the last post we discussed the idea that the collective consciousness of humanity has, in the past, not understood its own power. Throughout history we have accepted that human nature is barbaric, and have always waited for the other shoe to drop (my grandfather always used to say, “You can’t fight City Hall”). Well, fuck that. The theory of consciousness that says human beings are meat, and that when you die you’re dead, is an abject failure. It has led to a history of wars, conflict, poverty, and injustice based on a flawed concept of human nature. So yeah, enough of that.

A consciousness revolution is occurring all over the planet. It’s coming from individuals waking up and stepping into their power, understanding that they are more than hamburger. There is no way to stop it. The Transhumanists and their dystopian control structures, with chipped human beings in smart cities surveilled from above by a few psychopaths, isn’t going to happen. The hsien system of ancient China has been brought forward by the dictators in Beijing, using cutting-edge technology, but the Chinese people are waking up. The CCP in China is on its last legs. That system is now being hurriedly transferred to Western Europe and the US in a desperate attempt to create a dark future, but it will never take hold here.

So, the other shoe is never going to drop. Stop worrying and let’s all get a more positive outlook. The esoteric, soul-based system we are all a part of is benevolent. We can’t see this because we have been trained to think of ourselves in a debased, anti-human way. A more positive future is only constrained by the free will decisions of individuals. There are no all-powerful historic forces waiting “out there” to crush us. Our own conception of ourselves has created the problems our societies have faced throughout history.

So fuck it, let’s change that and see what happens.

[1] What are NGOs?

NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, play a major role in international development, aid, and philanthropy.

NGOs are often non-profit and may run budgets of millions or up to billions of dollars each year.

NGOs rely on a variety of funding sources, from private donations and membership dues to government grants.

Advocacy NGOs work to influence public policy. [emphasis mine]

Some well-known NGOs include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and Amnesty International.

Source: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Definition (

[2] Here is an a advertisement from the IRS’s own website, titled “IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent,” subtitled “WE’RE HIRING SPECIAL AGENTS NOW!” In the list of qualifications under “Major Duties” is the following:

Major Duties

Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity.

Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.

Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.

Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.

Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situation; must be willing to use of force up to and including the use of deadly force.

Source: IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent | IRS Careers

I have no argument with the first three, but the last one? Since when does a tax agency need armored agents to use deadly force? That only occurs in a police state.

As the world descends into chaos, history tells us that it has all happened before. Civilizations rise and fall as if by some natural law of human behavior. Some feel that a civilizational collapse is now almost inevitable; that the events of the past have built up historical momentum that is unstoppable. “It happened before so it will happen again.”

When Donald Trump was president, some people talked about “the rise of fascism,” and compared Trump to Hitler. This is an example of our almost knee-jerk reaction to current events as we compare them to what happened in the past. There’s a feeling that history MUST repeat itself.

Historians try to describe the cycles of history. A popular formulation has been detailed by Strauss and Howe in their generational theory.

According to this theory of history, each generation grows up in a certain cultural and historical era, and the cycles of history proceed in four steps of approximately 20 years in every person’s lifetime (80 years), which the authors called turnings: The first turning is called the High, and it always occurs after a crisis, where individualism is weak and society is confident about where it wants to go collectively. “The most recent High began in 1946 and ended with the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.” If you lived during that time you understand how much excitement there was in the US as the country became the world’s leading economy. The High is followed by the Awakening, where young people look back at the previous High as an era of cultural and spiritual poverty. “The US's most recent Awakening was the ‘Consciousness Revolution,’ which spanned from the campus and inner-city revolts of the mid-1960s to the tax revolts of the early 1980s.” Yup. If you have that lived experience, that’s exactly what it was like. Then comes the Unraveling, where institutions become corrupted and unresponsive to society because people become complacent. This occurred in the US during the economic boom that began in the 1980s to the early 2000s (before the crash in 2008) and led to the culture war between liberal and conservative values. The Unraveling leads to a Crisis (a “Fourth Turning”), which is usually accompanied by war and where institutions fall apart and are rebuilt. That’s where we are now.

Will history repeat itself again?

Explanations for human mass behavior all have one common element: Human nature has been the same throughout history, and it will always be the same into the foreseeable future. This leads to the idea of an unstoppable “historical momentum” that overwhelms society. It is based around a historical concept called the forces of history. Historical forces, it is said, have the power to affect people, and society, over multiple generations.

People have tried to make sense of the human experience over the past 6,000 years by trying to find common elements that drive human behavior. This is an admirable undertaking because if we can discover underlying elements to human behavior we can avoid the wars and the pestilence that has often made human societies miserable.

Sadly, we haven’t been able to do that. Although we have miraculous modern technology, human beings are still killing each other off at a frightening rate.

This is a substack about the view from 40,000 feet, so let’s move our perspective upward. Let’s ask ourselves, “What is a human being?” “Why does human nature never change?”

The standard scientific answer to the first question has always been, “A human being is a bunch of protoplasm that has somehow attained consciousness through the accidental collision of quantum and biological and evolutionary forces.” The answer to the second question is that human nature never changes because human beings haven’t evolved very far past the animals, and are inherently crude, selfish creatures.

What kind of history would you expect from a consciousness like that?

The kind of history humanity has experienced for the past 6,000 years: periods of peace between wars and conflict.

The movers and shakers of “historical forces” have perceived humanity as a collection of meat bodies with no higher awareness. Our social scientists regard human beings as statistical variables, somewhat like quantum particles in a physics equation.

Perception is reality. An individual with such a debased conception of Self is mentally and emotionally stunted. There is no spiritual connection to the Creative Source, the source of harmony, love, and cooperation. Our secular god, ScienceTM, doesn’t acknowledge anything beyond the physical body. ScienceTM serves secular and materialist political narratives that regard humans as something to be chipped, monitored, and controlled like lab rats (for our own good).

Unless humans change their conception about who they are, we aint going to make it. That’s obvious now after 6,000 years of recorded human history. You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem. The solution to human misery revolves not around new governments or new policies, but a new consciousness.

The old ideas and the old paradigms don’t work, and won’t work no matter how many times we tweak the system.

I’ve written a previous blog post that talks about the new track of history. Now I’m going a step further, suggesting that we need to create a new consciousness for humanity. We have to break out of the box of old thinking, and understand that the solution to seemingly intractable problems requires a clean break with the past, and with old, failed ideas about who we are. Something like this: “We are on a fresh, clean track of human history. What happened in the past does not have to repeat itself because human beings can take control of their collective and individual destinies.” 

“That’s dumb,” you say. “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.” (The origin of this quote likely comes from philosopher George Santayana, who wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”)

This old saw is simply a belief; a remnant of the old conception of human thinking. “Civilizations have collapsed over and over throughout history, so it must be a natural law of human evolution. Here we go again.”


Looking to the past to solve future problems merely perpetuates the old consciousness that caused the problems in the first place. We unthinkingly place on our future timeline the mistakes of the past. And we do this consciously.

Maybe something like this would be better: “Those who fail to create a bright future will default to the old, failed, past.”

It all depends on what you focus on. Successful people might learn from the past but they are always focusing on the brighter future they are creating.

In the past, these suggestions were utter nonsense and a delusional departure from reality.  But that was before the population explosion and the creation of a worldwide messaging system. Now, humanity has the chance for a true, planet-wide awakening during the next 80-year period of history.

“No,” you say, “history will always re-cycle in a similar way because human nature never changes.”

I would like to point out that this statement is just an assumption; a belief. Admittedly, it is a belief that the vast majority of human beings have always held. But it is a self-destructive belief. Fortunately, that is changing. The institutions that have run the world since the end of World War 2 (the last Fourth Turning) are falling apart because of their lack of integrity. They are falling apart because their view of human nature is flawed.

Isn’t 6,000 years of failure enough to convince people that maybe, somewhere in the human belief system about itself, we got it wrong?

Human nature isn’t fixed in stone, it is not an inevitable and immovable historical force. As the finance guys say, “Past results are not an indicator of future performance.” Human nature is simply the individual (and collective) BELIEF of humanity about itself, about what it is. And those beliefs can be altered, consciously.

The old beliefs about human nature are being demonstrated every day as the dead-heads and Transhumanist sociopaths who run the world’s governments and institutions expose themselves and show us what they think of human beings and human nature.

“Sorry, it’s not that simple,” you say. “You can’t change the beliefs of people unless by force. That’s been tried by every dictator in human history.”

Yup. And it’s being tried again. But now human beings have the planet-wide connections to stop it. We have to take a step back and look at what we’re doing.

Our belief systems aren’t working, and they are the crux of the problem. They result in a consciousness that creates poverty, war, and injustice, and in actions and institutions that don’t benefit the majority of humanity.

The solution is esoteric. It’s about a true definition of consciousness that is more than neurons firing in a meat brain.

The good news? People are waking up to this idea, which has been popularized in the phrase, “The Great Awakening.” This just means that people are sick and tired of the old human belief systems and want to create new ones. So let’s do that. Here’s a radical new idea: Let’s go up to 40,000 feet and engage in a house cleaning of the human psyche. Why not start a new consciousness movement that outlines a radical departure from the “Human Beings Are Hamburger” theory of human consciousness? Let’s see where that gets us.

Merely changing governments or policies isn’t going to change human consciousness because these changes are rooted in the same consciousness that caused the problems in the first place. The old solutions won’t work anymore. And we’re running out of time. The world is ready for this now.

So: Instead of focusing on the sordid lessons of history, how about we put our attention on a new idea about human history and human evolution? Let’s consciously abandon the old track and create a new, fresh track of human evolution without all of the old encumbrances. We can do that if we place our focus on creating a better future and ignoring past failures instead of letting the past rule and dictate our future actions. Action follows thought.   Sound silly or impossible? What’s silly and impossible is the same old shit, the same old doubts, the same old degraded conceptions of what a human being is. Let’s change that. We can do this by enough of us agreeing that the Ship of Humanity is sailing on clear seas with a fresh new breeze propelling us into a benevolent future.

“Faith gives us the fixed compass points to navigate by, to know who we are. Absent that we are going to believe the most attractive and seductive lie, or whatever generates in us the most fear.”

— Father Robert McTeigue

Spirituality and religion – the connection to God/Spirit – are what totalitarians fear most. People who understand that they are not meat bodies cannot be propagandized because we understand that life itself, and our own personal self awareness, is not dependent on what happens to the body. We understand that consciousness is divine and ultimately non-physical. Our very essence is independent of the physical world, and therefore, out of their reach.

This is a terrifying idea to the forces of darkness. It is why totalitarians react so brutally and violently when anyone brings up the subject of spirituality or religion or faith, for it goes beyond their authority. Deep down inside, in a hidden recess of their souls, totalitarians understand this. It drives them crazy. They burn churches and attack congregations and forbid all mention of the higher nature of the human being.

 In the world today, under the pressure of a mass awakening of humanity, the forces of darkness have been forced to organize and come out into the open. Over the past two years, under the guise of “climate change” and phony pandemics, we have been locked down, forcibly vaccinated with experimental gene therapies, overprescribed with SSRI’s (anti-depressants), our jobs and businesses shut down, our children forcibly masked for hours in schools. You know the rest. Behind all this is Big Pharma, who have essentially bought off the “public servants” in our parliaments, in Congress, and in the medical establishment.

For example, a new study from UCL (University College  London), published in MedicalXPress, shows that there is no link between low serotonin levels and depression. For decades doctors have been prescribing antidepressants because of this link. Moreover, according to Dr. Robert Malone, it is now established medically that there is a link between antidepressants and violent activity (mass shooters, anyone?). From the study:

Lead author Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a Professor of Psychiatry at UCL and a consultant psychiatrist at North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), said: "It is always difficult to prove a negative, but I think we can safely say that after a vast amount of research conducted over several decades, there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by serotonin abnormalities, particularly by lower levels or reduced activity of serotonin.

"The popularity of the 'chemical imbalance' theory of depression has coincided with a huge increase in the use of antidepressants. Prescriptions for antidepressants have risen dramatically since the 1990s, with one in six adults in England and 2% of teenagers now being prescribed an antidepressant in a given year.

"Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this new research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence."

University College London, "No evidence that depression is caused by low serotonin levels, finds comprehensive review,"

Oops. Looks like “the science” is wrong and has been wrong for decades. Once again we find the involvement of Big Pharma in the harms that are being done to people who trust the medical establishment.

But there is good news! The link between Vitamin D, and sunlight, to combat depression is strong.

What’s the lesson here?

Perhaps we shouldn’t immediately take some pharmaceutical cocktail (or vaccine) every time we feel bad. Maybe, traditional remedies can help (Ivermectin, anyone?)

Guess what? The FDA (under Emergency Use Authorization, NOT licensure) has authorized a new COVID vaccine!! Yes sir, line up and get your Novavax shots (two-doses recommended by the company). Dr. Malone says that the vax is being promoted to the vaccine hesitant, claiming that the new vax does NOT contain spike protein. According to virologist Malone, this is false. The new vax DOES contain spike protein and is associated with adverse  myocarditis events (blood clotting).

The Root Cause of Human Misery

What motivates people to do irrational things, or act against their best interests? Or go on public mass-shooting sprees?

The root cause is a disconnect from a person’s own inherent spiritual nature. Our society is completely secular. Even the mention of religion or spirituality is roundly criticized by media and spokespersons for government and public institutions.

The hatred of religion and spirituality is the hallmark of those who either lack self-awareness, or who have succumbed to the unending brainwashing that comes from mass media and social media. What bothers me is that people feel miserable following this anti-human narrative, yet they do not connect their misery with their fervent secularism, which denies their personal connection to Source. This is why many turn to drugs. This is why many cling to a politicized scientific narrative that has nothing to with real science, or real investigation. "Mathematics is racist!”

However, it’s better to believe in something than believe in nothing.

Even belief in a dangerous secularism that denies a person their very soul is better than the emptiness and hollowness of no belief at all in anything.

Propaganda, disinformation campaigns, and secularist nonsense fills in the gaps. People become unglued and unhinged.

The secularist narrative is the materialist narrative. The primary belief of all secularists and materialists is the “human beings are meat” theory of life and consciousness. When you die, you’re dead.

I’ve talked about this in most of my posts.

The idea that a person’s consciousness is snuffed out upon death of the body is at the root of all secularist/materialist belief systems. It is the ultimate falsehood. It is the only thing in this world that is 100% WRONG.

As I said in the last post, there is no way to broadly raise a person’s awareness of their  intimate connection to the One. Recognition of your own divinity is a PURELY personal and subjective experience.

Fortunately, the human race is undergoing a mass awakening, for reasons I described in the last post.

A New Track

We’re on a different track now. We can discard the old history, the old narratives, the old “Now I have tos” and “Now I’m supposed tos.”

These are all part of the old track with its wars and conflicts.

This mass awakening isn’t going to happen all at once. It’s happening one person at a time. The filthy closet of the collective human psyche, with all of its self-destructive beliefs and karma, must be cleaned out. We’re going through that process now as a species.

The good news is that EVERY person on this planet can discover that spiritual connection for themselves. It’s personal and subjective, and it’s all yours. Even a totalitarian society cannot deprive you of that Knowledge, even if your body is thrown into a prison.

When you die, you go Home. Some of you reading this understand what I’m saying.

And then you get to come back again, if that is your choice.

This moment in time /evolution is something all civilizations go through. By that I mean, there are other planets “out there” in the galaxy that have gone through the shit we’re going through. Perhaps this is a like a standardized test – the grand Test of light and dark. On a planet of free will, individuals get to make a choice to go either way.

I’m trying to say that the earth experience isn’t for sissies. As incarnated souls, we chose to come here to this rough and ready planet, to help the human race advance in consciousness. Well, we’re in it now! The process of spiritual advancement has begun, initiated by the soul desire of over 7 billion. That’s why this process is so intense, so powerful, so overwhelming.

The more of us who believe we are going to make it, the more of us will create a benevolent future and unleash the power of human creativity. When that happens there will be a a worldwide Renaissance. I see it, I can feel it. Undoubtedly some readers can feel this as well, for it is an aspect of the Light that is beaming forth into the world and exposing the darkness..

Despite appearances, we are on our way to defeating the secularist/materialist crazies, whose narratives are getting nuttier and nuttier every day. Eventually, even they will see the light.

The Mental Plane

In order to make better sense of current events we are going to enter the realm of esoterica and analyze events from 40,000 feet, from the vantage point of the mental plane. Mental plane is a term coined by Marshall Vian Summers to describe an esoteric space that contains the thoughts and the wisdom (and the karma) of the human species.

The mental plane is the collective consciousness space of humanity, created by every soul-infused human being on the planet.

(This discussion makes no sense if you think that self awareness comes from neurons firing in the brain, and that when you die you’re dead.)

We define consciousness as the great American philosopher Arthur Young defined it: a self-reflexive awareness that learns from experience, modeled geometrically on the torus.

Image: Consciousness is modeled on the torus. A torus is like a really fat doughnut with a hole in the middle. Energy moves around it and through it from top to bottom. This illustration shows the human body at the center of a toroidal field.
The energy surrounding the torus moves outward and then inward, reaching out to the world and then moving inward to digest the information and thus learning from experience.

In this discussion, we say that consciousness is an intelligence that is aware of being aware. This definition eliminates phony, programmed AI algos that magically – the process is unexplained – become sentient. The great cartoonist Sidney Harris illustrates the idea of magic masquerading as science:

Yeah. The magical process of AI suddenly but mysteriously becoming self-aware from a bunch of silicon and electricity aint going to happen.

The consciousness space I’m talking about is on the mental plane. It’s an esoteric energy that is generated by 7.3 billion soul-infused human beings, and might look something like this:

Artist’s conception of the collective consciousness space of humanity.

Life Force and Consciousness

The planet provides the living space that is the foundation for the mental plane. The earth itself isn’t a collection of dead things, or an inanimate rock – it contains complex, living ecosystems, and an atmosphere, that are clearly regulated to support humanity and a variety of other species. Therefore, the earth itself is, in a major way, an ally of humanity and all life upon it. It is the platform upon which the mental plane exists.

A purely materialist explanation for consciousness degrades a human being to a pile of meat (Transhumanists call the human body a “meat suit”). Meat doesn’t have self-awareness. Buy some ground beef and try to have a conversation with it! The human body, plus the soul – the animating principle – creates a consciousness space that supports thought. Collectively, then, the human mental plane is a dynamical, ever-changing esoteric system composed of the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and desires of 7.3 billion human beings.

The idea that all living things, including the planet, are infused with an esoteric component, or a “spiritual” (non-physical) aspect that makes consciousness possible,  has been a part of the human race’s understanding since cavemen looked up at the sky and wondered about the origins of the lights in the sky.

(There is a big debate about whether consciousness has to have a biological basis. Transhumanists say that the substrate upon which consciousness resides can be silicon based just as easily as being biologically based. They are trying to create consciousness from matter, which is doomed to failure. Materialists say that the claimed existence of the soul is also a magical, fantasy creation of deluded people, and has no validity. The entire field of Transhumanism is based upon the fear of body death, which is why they want to create artificial containers to replace the human body that do not deteriorate. Good luck with that, boys and girls.)

Materialists are fond of saying that no proof exists for a spiritual component, but perhaps that argument is simply a lack of understanding and awareness on their part. It could be said that the denial of a human being’s spiritual aspect is the crazy idea.

One can forgive a skeptic or a materialist for failing to understand, for from ground level it does look as if consciousness is entirely dependent on the physical vessel. Implicit in that assumption, however, is the assertion that consciousness dies when the body dies. This is unacceptable to those of us who know better. As Susan Sarandon says in the movie Bull Durham, “The world is a simple place for those without self awareness.”

Moreover, the charge of “no scientific proof” for a non-physical or spiritual aspect of the human being is always rooted in physical evidence, which by definition automatically excludes the esoteric argument and assumes the correctness of the materialist approach.

“Proof” of the spiritual component is always subjective and individual. It cannot be broadly shown to those without this understanding, or with scientific instruments that can only measure physical properties. Materialists cannot disprove the esoteric-soul argument and spiritualists cannot prove the idea that a non-physical component is the animating principle.

 This is the crux of the battle for the souls, minds, and hearts of humanity in this spiritual war. It’s “humans are physically incarnated souls” versus “humans are meat.”

A certain segment of the population (some say the vast majority) simply does not recognize that their physical bodies have been soul-infused. The Chinese call the life force chi. Westerners call this the God force, or just the force, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it prana. The Hindus say that prana permeates reality on all levels, including inanimate objects. This idea is embodied in reincarnation, the non-physical soul inhabiting different physical bodies through time.

The Fundamental Conflict through History

Thus the conflicts throughout history between the self-aware and the less-aware. I would say that this has been the fundamental conflict of humanity for the past 6,000 years. Forget the political and the economic and the sociological explanations. Fundamentally, those with self awareness are motivated to get along with their fellow man. Something deep inside the person understands that affinity and cooperation are the keys to life and living. This understanding is enough to prevent violent actions and the overwhelming greed that allows one to trample over others, and to start conflicts and wars.

Such are the depravities and malignancies of human beings. They occur only when one turns away from one’s personal connection to one’s own inherent, divine nature. This divine nature is powerful and benevolent.

Even though a person may turn away from their higher awareness, it still exists. Therefore, even the most hardened sociopath is contributing a positive energy (if only in a very limited way) to the consciousness space. Every human is a generator of esoteric energy, for each human is infused with the light-energy that comes from life force. Moreover, free will allows anyone who has turned away to turn back toward the light. Therefore, the game of earth is rigged in favor of higher consciousness; modified, of course, by free will decisions.

You’d never know it by examining the history of humanity! For millennia, humans have turned away from the light, etching history with intra-species wars and conflict.

Now, however, we have reached the End Times. The battle for earth is underway in earnest. Who has the upper hand at this point?

A rational observer would say that evil is ascendant, that fascism and communism and authoritarianism are rapidly subsuming the liberal democracies that are left in the world. From lockdowns to mandated experimental gene therapies to mass shootings, to economic uncertainty, the world seems to be spinning out of control.

Looks can be deceiving. Here we come to the essence of my argument, which is an esoteric one.

Jumping the Shark

Rational observers make a huge assumption: that the earth is on the same historical track it has always been on. Because historians and philosophers and scientists don’t account for the mental plane, and its effects on physical systems, discussions about the direction humanity is going in are all based within the same parameters. Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.”  But that’s what we do, generation after generation.

My proposal is as follows: What if the earth has jumped the shark, or rather, jumped on to a new track of history? How could that even happen?

The only physical evidence for this leap of logic is (1) for the first time in history, all persons on the planet are connected through a worldwide messaging system, and (2) shit is happening on this planet that has never happened before in human history, and it’s happening all at once. This suggests that, esoterically, the earth has switched tracks. The two are linked, I believe.

We are all sitting inside the consciousness field, and we always have been. The difference is that the internet has made everyone aware of it. Peter Russell’s “global brain” has become a reality. Although Russell’s concept refers to the physical nodes and pathways of the internet, there is also a global brain on the mental plane, with over 7 billion human nodes. Again, we must distinguish between a purely physical concept and a more esoteric one, or doom humanity to a degraded existence wherein semi-conscious “meat suits” try to get over on each other until the end of time.

Just as Russell’s global brain is a collection of physical nodes and networks in the physical plane, so too is the esoteric global brain a collection of soul-infused human beings on the mental plane. The conscious thoughts of human beings on the mental plane create the human consciousness space, as in the image above.

Beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking over and over again. Clearly, the human belief system is oriented around conflict and war, because generation after generation, we have accepted the idea that “human nature” is barbaric and greedy.

Just as with the internet, whose global network contain packets of data, so too does the earth’s mental plane contain packets of data called thoughts. Change the packets, change the orientation of the collective consciousness. Because thought always precedes action, physical conditions can then change.

What if “human nature” is just a dynamical creation of the collective consciousness on the mental plane? A dynamical system is one where the outcome always changes in response to different inputs that come into the system. This suggests that the consciousness space can be changed if the inputs (thoughts) change. Here there are no physical barriers to change. The mental plane responds at the speed of thought. All that is necessary to change “human nature” is a collective re-orientation of thought and belief.

I’m proposing this concept because the human race has made a lot of technical progress, but we are still fighting and killing and screaming at each other the same today as 6,000 years ago, at the dawn of recorded history. Something is missing; some concept we haven’t grasped is preventing us from creating peace on earth and unleashing the creative potential of our species.

The materialist solutions have all been tried and found wanting. That doesn’t stop them from being put forward over and over.

We’re seeing it again. In the spiritual battle for the souls and the minds of humanity, a Transhumanist, technocratic, authoritarian future is being created, complete with AI, neural-chipped humans connected to an Internet of Bodies and wired into the Internet of Things, complete with smart cities, lifelong vaccination, central bank digital currencies, and social credit scores to make sure no one questions the government narrative. It’s the last gasp from the old consciousness that has dominated the mental plane for millennia; one last attempt for a Final Solution for humanity.

The World of AI

The Track of History

Behind this attempt is a flawed conception of human nature.

Imagine that the track of human history is circular. We go around and around the track, century after century, creating more conflict and destruction. The track is so long that, like the horizon line on earth, it looks straight and flat. We think we are moving linearly when in fact we are going in a circle.

The Old Track of History

History repeats itself in eerie fashion; never precisely the same, but always according to the old saw, “The more things change the more they remain the same.” This saying expresses the idea that the human consciousness space never really evolves; it stays stuck in the same old rut of beliefs about itself. That’s because we keep traversing the same circle of history, over and over again.  

Until the “jump the shark” moment.

Jumping the Shark

A jump in consciousness can propel us onto a new track, clear of the old history and the old karma and the old beliefs.

The New Track of History

There is no physical evidence to believe this assertion, except that lately, the trajectory of human events has veered so wildly off-course from the track it used to be on. Of course we have had economic booms and busts before, and even world wars. However, the origin of these historical events had explainable causes, which historians have studied and come to general agreement on. But never have we simultaneously experienced planet-wide lockdowns, experimental vaccines given to billions, the crumbling of formerly stable institutions, gender dysphoria on a massive scale, mass shootings in the civilian sector, hatred and polarization all over social media, and a crumbling world economy. In the US, there are over 200,000 migrants from 150 countries presenting themselves at the border every month since March of 2022.

This is some crazy shit.

These events, concurrently, defy explanation in any terms we are familiar with. To explain them we have to take a jump out of the box of old assumptions and into a more “fuzzy logic” approach. Mathworld says about fuzzy logic,

In effect, much of Fuzzy Logic may be viewed as a methodology for computing with words rather than numbers. Although words are inherently less precise than numbers, their use is closer to human intuition.”

Take that one step further and compute with thought instead of words. Now we have a far more intuitive, fuzzy, and multidimensional computing system. This definition could, perhaps, describe the operation of the mental plane.

If the human race has launched itself onto a different historical track, what might the new track look like?

Well, if such a profound consciousness event did occur, its origins would not be explainable by past events, because we left the old track of history behind. This origins of this event would only be accessible through the mental plane. Materialists, Transhumanists, and sociopaths would have no idea, and would operate as if everything was the same. Unfortunately, access to the mental plane can only be personal and subjective. Fortunately, we are all connected within it, even those who are not aware of it. 

Futurists always look to the past to predict future events. We look to the “lessons of history” to guide us. But if humanity is on a new track, then the history of the old track is gone. When we look out through the train of history’s window on the new track, we no longer see conflict and war and poverty and injustice down through the millennia of history. We see green spaces and clean air and we can all take a fresh, deep breath.

There’s only one problem: We can always re-create the same history, the same greedy and conflicted “human nature” on the new track just as we did on the old track.

Why would we want to do that?

The simplest explanation is habit: “We’ve always done it that way.” We’re used to it. Human beings don’t like change.

The other answer is that the memories of the old track of history are still strong in our minds. Although the new track is historically clear, we see shadows from the old track through our mental and emotional filters. Perception is reality! This encourages us to look to the old past for predictions about the new future.

It is not obvious at all that we are on a different track. In fact it seems that we are quickly accelerating toward a hell on earth. Our memories kick in and we say, “You see, fascism is coming back.” “That politician is another Adolf Hitler.” “We are all doomed.” These premonitions come from our memories of the old track, because these events actually happened on the old track and many of us lived through them.

Things are going to hell because the light of higher consciousness is shining so brightly now that any system, organization, or individual that lacks integrity is collapsing. The dark underbelly of human society, with its human trafficking, drug running, and arms trafficking, is being exposed to the global brain. The crazies in the World Economic Forum, in Big Pharma, and in Big Tech and their nutty plans for humanity are being revealed. Individuals are feeling a sort of “psychic pressure” from the mental plane as the energy ramps up and events change rapidly.  

Perhaps the hell we are experiencing today is just the resolution of millennia of old karma in the human consciousness space. Although the new track of history is clean, the collective karma still exists on the mental plane. However, people are sick and tired of the old belief systems and the old ways. The desire for positive change is so strong it is creating a powerful new wave in the mental plane. Peace on earth and the unburdening of the human spirit requires that humanity’s old karma, and old ideas, be worked through. You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.

It would be nice to clean out a filthy closet by waving a magic wand. Unfortunately, you gotta put on your grubby clothes, wade in, and get dirty. You gotta be willing to work long enough and hard enough to clean out the old crap, wipe down the filthy and moldy walls and floor, clean out the cobwebs and breathe in clouds of dust. I believe that is what is happening now. Current events are a madhouse of insanity as millennia of karma is being worked out in the collective human psyche.

Read the headlines every day for a new dose of insanity. The unbalanced ones are losing their minds.

Some guy dresses up as a girl and begins firing at a crowd of people celebrating in a parade. A man and his eight-year-old daughter are walking down the street in Chicago and she gets killed by a stray bullet from a gang fight. A guy in a SUV deliberately runs over people in a Christmas parade. A woman is standing by the subway tracks in New York, waiting for a train when some psycho shoves her onto the tracks just before the train comes. People are being mugged on the streets in random acts of violence. Some nutjob with no money spends thousands of dollars on guns and then executes 18 kids while 19 cops stand by for over an hour with riot shields and guns and do nothing (‘the door was locked, we couldn’t get into the classroom’). These are just a few of the acts of insanity that we have never seen before on such a massive scale. They are occurring just about every day now.

These are karmic acts between people that go back to the old track of history. They are unexplainable until we recognize our higher potential, and get more expert on the mental plane. We have to do this because we aren’t going back. We’ve jumped the shark and crossed the Rubicon to another dimension of consciousness and history.   


An awakening of consciousness is occurring on earth, fueled by the desire of 7.3 billion people for change.

We’ve all had enough of corruption, injustice, poverty, war, and conflict. We’re scared because, deep down in our awareness, we realize that we’ve passed on to a new dimension of human existence. People are afraid and angry because they don’t know what will happen, and the historical reference points we use no longer apply. That creates a lot of anxiety.

Chins up! The human race is shedding old, unworkable beliefs about itself. We are about to step into our power – the power of self awareness and the connection to a higher power that will direct events in a much more benign way.

But first we have to clean out the closet. And it’s really, really filthy and cluttered in there.

I’ll leave you with a quote some have attributed to Winston Churchill, the man who saw Britain through the brutal Nazi bombings in World War 2:

The positive thinker sees the invisible, sees the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

Background – A world economy in transition

The world’s economy and financial system is a complex system with billions of participants. This system is under enormous stress due to the recent actions of influential state actors. The Western (US) attack on the Russian ruble, and the freezing of Russian assets, has exacerbated a political shift that has turned state actors against the dollar. Countries in Europe and Asia saw how the current U.S. government weaponized the SWIFT interbank system[1] against a country (Russia) it doesn’t like. (SWIFT is a secure communication system between banks that allows them to quickly process international payments.) This political weaponization of routine currency payments between nations pissed off a lot of people. It has further cemented a new alignment of nations that is creating an alternative way of conducting business internationally.

The world economy is emerging out of a predictable dollar-based system into a more unpredictable one. This is causing huge volatility in markets around the world. And a lot of fear and anxiety.

The SWIFT system of international trade has dominated world commerce, and greatly benefits the U.S. dollar. The US controls SWIFT, so the U.S. government basically has (or had) control over global financial payments. From Washington DC, the US can damage the economy of any country by cutting it off from SWIFT. In 2018, the US also cut Iran off from SWIFT, which has caused continued damage to Iran’s economy.

U.S. sponsored economic sanctions are being rejected by powerful economies such as China, and other nations in China’s orbit. Despite its attack on Ukraine, Russia has gained sympathy from many nations because the U.S. sanctions have made it difficult for Russia to sell its products and conduct the business it needs to support its people. Nobody in the US cares about Putin and Russia (or the radical mullahs in Iran), but other nations ask the question, “What if we are next?” People want to be able to do business with each other without politics getting in the way.

As a reaction to the sanctions on its economy, Russia has demanded that all purchases of their liquid natural gas and oil be transacted in rubles, not dollars, bypassing SWIFT. This has further disrupted supply chains that world commerce relies upon, because Russia is a leading exporter of natural gas and oil.

In addition, the current U.S. government has curtailed domestic energy fossil fuel production in their zeal for a carbon-neutral economy. As a result, gasoline is much higher at the pump and truckers are beginning to run out of diesel fuel. Trucks transport 80% of the food and spare parts and appliances and the stuff in our hardware stores. Like it or not, trucks are the lifeblood of our economy. Not to mention that farm tractors, construction machinery, and transport trains also run on diesel engines.

Renewable energy is a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, wind and solar are intermittent energy sources. Wind and solar (with battery backups to release energy during periods when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow) are great for single-family homes connected to the fossil fuel grid, but they do not produce continuous baseline power generation, 24 hours a day.

Moreover, wind and solar will not solve our oil problem. Wind and solar are used to make electricity, but electricity won’t run today’s cars, and it won’t run tractors, or construction equipment, or transport trains, or aircraft. Oil and electricity are used for different things. Even if we generate more electricity, it doesn’t fix our oil problem.

And then there is the post-2008 era of massive Quantitative Easing and near-zero interest rates, which has led to a massive expansion of  U.S. government debt. The U.S. government has engaged in a trillions-of-dollars printing and spending spree over the past two years. This has resulted in massive inflation on vital goods and services. Like piling debt onto a credit card, you can only print so much money before the system maxes out! With a $30 trillion debt and over $9 trillion on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve, the consequences of more money printing by the government is even higher inflation. More and more money chases a limited amount of goods and services, the production of which has been reduced over the past two years by COVID, vaccine mandates, and lockdowns.

F. William Engdahl sums this up succinctly:

Since January 2020 the Fed, Bank of England, European Central Bank, and Bank of Japan have injected a combined $9 trillion in near zero rate credit into the world banking system. Since a Fed policy change in September 2019, it enabled Washington to increase public debt by a staggering $10 trillion in less than 3 years. Then the Fed again covertly bailed out Wall Street by buying $120 billion per month of US Treasury bonds and Mortgage-Backed Securities, creating a huge bond bubble.”

According to Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of HUD for Housing, the above is a planned operation. Where did that all the new money go? Not into the economy to procude more goods and services! I went to big banks and wealthy insiders like Larry Fink and Blackrock, who are picking up assets on the cheap as law and order breaks down in our cities. Fitts calls it “a significant financial coup d’etat. It’s not a turndown (recession), it’s a takedown.”

While the US has tried to wreck the Russian currency, and has inflated the dollar, China has cozied up to Russia. Russia has vast natural resources that China is in desperate need of to support its economy and its 1.3 billion people. China has offered to support Russia financially if it gets into trouble because of sanctions.[2]

Last year, the Chinese government  signed a 25-year agreement with Iran to support the regime in Tehran.

Combine the US attack on the ruble with China’s worldwide Belt and Road initiative, and you have a world economy in massive flux.

With Belt and Road, China is playing a worldwide game of Go while the US is playing chess with Russia. Go is a strategic board game in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent, whereas chess is a game that tries to capture the opponent’s king, killing as many pieces as necessary, strewing the board with dead bodies.

Image: China is playing a game of GO with its Belt and Road Initiative, as they acquire resources from countries all over the world. (This map does not show the effect of Belt and Road in South America and Latin America, but it gives an idea of the planetary game of Go China is playing.) Source: at

Well, there are a lot of economic casualties these days, especially when you consider the massive swell of migrants that are pouring over our southern border (financed by the Mexican drug cartels, who control large swaths of Mexican territory), along with Chinese made fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. The U.S. government is facilitating this migration (and the resultant drug smuggling) which makes our government the world’s leading human trafficking organization. In March, April, May, and June of 2022 over 200,000 migrants came to our border from over 100 countries, including those in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Latin America, and that number is increasing each month.

Migrants will put intense wage pressure on our working class as they compete for jobs, and will eventually drive down wages for everyone. That benefits multinational corporations who want labor costs reduced, as well as federally funded NGOs (non-governmental organizations) such as Catholic Relief Services who recruit and help migrants to the US.[3] But it doesn’t benefit the working class who are under intense pressure from inflation to make ends meet. (Forget the official government inflation figures. If you count the three most necessary items in anyone’s life – food, energy, and utilities – it is around 25%, not 8.6%)

We are a nation of immigrants, but a nation needs borders.

According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Even President Obama, who has always favored amnesty for immigrants, removed or returned over 5 million during his 8 years in office. In September, 2021, he said, in an interview with “Good Morning America,”

Immigration is tough. It always has been because, on the one hand, I think we are naturally a people that wants to help others. And we see tragedy and hardship and families that are desperately trying to get here so that their kids are safe, and they're in some cases fleeing violence or catastrophe. ... At the same time, we're a nation state. We have borders. The idea that we can just have open borders is something that ... as a practical matter, is unsustainable.”

We are living through a created crisis

Whew! That’s the situation we’re living in, as I see it. Seems hopeless, doesn’t it? As inflation rises and prices for essentials climb, as shortages occur and markets fall, many people see gloom and doom, and a complete collapse of the world economy. Call me delusional, but I don’t believe that will happen.

The world’s economic and financial system is certainly entering a more chaotic state in which formerly reliable supply chains are breaking down and the old reliable dollar-based financial system is under stress. But it isn’t collapsing, as the doomsayers loudly shout. The problems in the US economy are created, not systemic.

Food processing plants and grocery stores, truckers and farmers, and energy supplies, are under attack. Massive government overspending is largely responsible for increased inflation. These are political problems and human problems, not systemic ones. We are experiencing a  crisis that human intervention has created and human intervention can solve.

The average schmoe has never been able to influence the system, we just depend on it to work. Now, however, the system is breaking down because of human intervention. What can we do?

Above all we can ignore the screeching chaos merchants in the media and get informed. We can vote power-hungry political clowns from both parties out of office. We can also go out in the streets and protest and make a lot of noise to spur action by our benighted and incompetent national government in DC, which is run by stupid nincompoops in both parties. That will help, because the problem with the economy is largely poor economic and financial policy based on political narratives.

The Mental Plane

While we’re doing that, we also have to create something different on the mental plane. “Mental plane” is a term coined by Marshal Vian Summers. It refers to the world’s collective consciousness space, composed of 7.3 billion conscious human creators.

Thought precedes action. All action first originates in thought. For 6,000 years human history has essentially been interludes of peace between wars and conflict. History tells us that our thoughts are all messed up, because humans continue to create poverty, injustice, and misery over and over again. So, we have to collectively change our thinking.

The human race is ready for this. For the first time in world history, the world is connected. 7.3 billion thinking human beings are available in the collective consciousness space.

We have to intelligently apply hope and faith as a strategy. Faith and hope aren’t vague concepts; they involve the practical application of thought to a specific goal or purpose. We do this all the time when making life plans or achieving business goals. Now we can do it on the mental plane to affect the complex human systems on the planet, and make a better world.

I visualize the consciousness space of humanity like this:

Billions of humans are walking around on the planet, connected to an esoteric force generated by their own consciousness. We’re sitting in the middle of a powerful creative force that we don’t think to use, because we’re so distracted by the craziness of life. Many of us just accept doom and gloom from the media. We talk about how bad things are as if it is inevitable and will continue. It will continue only because we’re creating it.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that using the mental plane can be effective. A U.S. Department of Justice publication concluded in 1981 that using Transcendental Meditation reduced crime in experimental cities where large groups of meditators gathered. A similar project was undertaken in 1993 and again between 2007–2010. According to the Institute for Science and Public Policy,

In September 2003, the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation devoted all four issues of its annual publication to a special volume entitled “Transcendental Meditation in Criminal Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention” (J Offender Rehab 36 (1-4), 2003). This special volume presents a wide range of research showing that the practice of Transcendental Meditation can significantly reduce crime, criminal aggression, violence, recidivism, terrorism, and even international conflict, while simultaneously developing higher levels of psychological functioning—higher states of consciousness—in TM practitioners (see article titles and abstracts below).”

Of course it is difficult to measure these effects or establish causation. What would happen if, instead of a couple of thousand meditators using the mental plane, millions participated? At the very least, such activity comes under the heading of “Do No Harm.”

Human consciousness is the driver behind the rapid changes to our economy and our lives, because people are fed up with the old, corrupt organizations that only benefit a privileged few. People are asking and praying for improvements. That human desire from billions of people is creating a powerful force for change in the human consciousness space.

We have to go up to 40,000 feet and take another look at the way human beings have organized themselves. This takes us beyond the physical body, beyond politics and public policy and education, and into the essential nature of human consciousness. We have to finally acknowledge that there is a higher power, it is benevolent, and it exists within each of us. And then we have to use it to move the Overton Window upward toward more positive outcomes. And it doesn’t take a majority of us to have an effect.

Image: Overton window of human consciousness


Purely materialist solutions will no longer work without positive action on the mental plane, utilizing the human being’s spiritual component on a completely interconnected planet. That is why, for example, the Transhumanist movement will fail. Transhumanists are the people behind the dark aspects of societal change.

Transhumanism completely and deliberately rejects humanity’s spirituality, and believes that consciousness goes away upon death of the body. The Transhumanist worldview is a doomed attempt to escape from the jaws of physical death, not understanding that consciousness continues after the body dies.

We are seeing certain people trying to implement a Transhumanist economic order (The New Normal, The Great Reset, etc.). This Build Back Better technocratic/materialist wet dream requires an all-powerful central authority for it to work. In this crazy plan for humanity, destroying the private economy must occur, for the private economy has independent thinkers and actors. Lockdowns, for example, wrecked the private economy of small businesses. Corporate Big Box stores were immune. Lockdowns – even if necessary – made the central authority much more powerful.

 The goal of the Transhumanists is a world where humans are chipped and neural implanted, living in smart cities where all human bodies are connected and monitored by programmed AIs that are controlled from above by a few, and where the government controls all of your money via central bank digital currencies.[4] This dystopian vision for humanity’s future is an evolutionary dead end, as is the entire Transhumanist worldview. If embraced, it will result in the collapse and eventual destruction of the human race.

Fortunately, we don’t have to go there. Transhumanism, like all myopic philosophies, is acting as a catalyst to show people where we don’t want to go. It’s a motivation to connect with the higher power and create a much better future.

In order to save humanity from its own destruction, we must reject the doomsayers, the war mongers, the fear merchants in the media, the Transhumanists, and the forces of darkness that have chosen to ignore their personal connection to the divine intelligence – a universal intelligence that is waiting for us to recognize who we are, and change the future. Human and political problems can be influenced by positive action on the mental plane, and then in the physical world. We must recognize the power of consciousness.

Let us not just hope for a good future, but actively create it.

In the powerful words of a Navajo elder:

There is no greater gift than having a soul, a spirit, and moving, in rhythm, with God’s wisdom, with God’s love, with God’s power, with God’s vision of who we are as a species....The [new] wave that is coming has a fresh new heart and a strong, strong, spirit.”



Systems and organizations that lack integrity will implode. Whatever components of business and finance that lack integrity will collapse. That is causing some pain, but what is the alternative? 6,000 more years of fighting, injustice, poverty, and war?

The human family has made a collective decision on the mental plane to propel humanity to higher levels of cooperation and integrity. As a result, anything lacking coherence will fall apart. That’s a good thing, even though massive change may occur in our lives.

Let’s celebrate the change because it is being driven by the light of higher consciousness penetrating the darkness and exposing the dark underbelly of human society.

The collective human psyche must be cleansed of its dark memes, and the accumulated karma of humanity’s 200,000-year history on this planet. That is happening right now, and it’s happening quickly and decisively.

The only power the dark has is to convince you that failure and misery and anarchy is inevitable, and that it is all-powerful. That is a perversion of the truth. The light of God and higher consciousness is all-powerful, even though a small minority of humanity has freely chosen to turn away from the light and is attempting to create a dystopian world.

So what? Let them try! It can never happen if enough of us recognize our connection to the Creative Source. There are millions of us who have already done so, and that’s enough to create a tipping point for humanity.

The fresh new wave is creating more awakened humans every day, which is why the Dark is fighting so desperately to hang on to its power.

Don’t get convinced by the forces of darkness into creating a miserable future. The dark only has the power we give it. Exercise your spiritual power on the mental plane and create a bright future for the planet and for the human race.

Hope can be a strategy if it is applied with the conscious application of our inherent co-creative power!

[1] SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. SWIFT enables financial institutions around the world to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized environment. Because the dollar serves as the world reserve currency, SWIFT facilitates the international dollar system. SWIFT and dollar dominance in the world economy give the U.S. a great deal of leverage over other countries. Source:

[2] “Reuters is reporting that “Russia’s Gazprom increased gas supplies to China by 67% in the first five months of this year, the company’s CEO Alexei Miller said on Thursday.” It was also on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held their second phone call since the Ukraine war began. Xi told Putin that China is “willing to continue to offer mutual support (to Russia) on issues concerning core interests and major concerns such as sovereignty and security,” as quoted in state broadcaster CCTV.” Source:

[3] “Illegal migrants are assisted all along their journey to the United States and especially after arrival by networks of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide shelter, meals, information on transportation, and other services. The federal government pays some organizations to provide the services, and they operate more like government contractors than charities.” Source: Center For Immigration Studies, at

[4] While central bank digital currencies (CDBCs) are naively defined as a digital form of a nation’s currency, allowing all citizens and businesses to have a direct account at the central bank, that is also part of the problem. CDBCs make it easy for the issuing authority to simply cancel or control anyone’s account. CDBCs work hand-in-hand with social credit scores, and make it easy to track every financial transaction a person makes from the moment of birth until death. The totalitarian regime in China is rapidly implementing CDBCs and social credit scores as a way to squash dissent and free speech.

Something fishy is happening on planet earth. It has little to do with clueless politicians or the Right-Left conflict, or crazies with guns, or abortion, or monkeypox, or any of the fear porn we see in media. These are just the tools of the trade.

This is an attack on humanity.

The events we are seeing on the planet have never occurred before, all at once, in the entirety of human history. Worldwide pandemics created in a lab, experimental vaccines pushed on the entire human population, an invasion of the U.S. southern border in which thousands of people are crossing illegally every day from 150 countries, the attacks on women and children via baby milk supplies, threatening to withhold funds for the school lunch program, and gender and trans-gender identity where predatory men are gaining access to women’s bathrooms and prisons and other women’s spaces, and the insanity of Transhumanism, which seeks to replace the human being and the human body with a gene-altered one, or even, as the ultimate goal of Transhumanism, altered or artificial containers for human consciousness. Transhumanism is essentially an attack on human reproduction, and particularly, women and children.

The attacks on food producing plants all over the US. The shutdown of carbon-zero energy plants in the service of an insane zero-carbon energy policy. (See “Another Nuclear Plant Closes: Get Ready For Electricity Shortages” and “Massive Fire Breaks Out at Major Poultry Plant that Supplies Eggs to Major Supermarkets,” and “FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires”).

The mass shootings at schools, especially the attack in Uvalde where, 8 days after the incident, the statements from authorities make no sense. Armed police officers stood around for over an hour while a nutjob was killing kids. Somebody propped open a door at the school a minute before the shooter entered. The 18-year-old shooter spent thousands of dollars buying his weapons and enough ammo to start a war. Where did this kid from a poor neighborhood get that kind of green?

These are not a series of tragic “coincidences.” This is an all-out attack on humanity by the forces of evil.

We are living the Test now, as I talked about in a previous blog post. The Test is something our civilization has never experienced before. It’s a planet-wide clearing of human karma. It is an inevitable spiritual war between the forces of evil and the forces of light.

Where is it all going? To an exposure of the vast, unexplored underbelly of the human psyche.  

All of it.

To the darkness of human trafficking and child trafficking, the vilest evil on the planet.

The Mexican drug cartels are trafficking hundreds of thousands of people over our southern border, and fentanyl and other drugs. All for money. Large areas of southern Texas are now controlled by these criminal cartels, who laugh at the corrupt and criminal government in DC (composed of Democrats and Republicans).

We aint seen nothing yet folks. It’s going to continue until the light of truth and divine grace exposes all of it.

All of it.

How much evil is there in the world? We’re about to find out. My feeling is that the shooting in Uvalde was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The impetus for this exposure is a mass awakening of humanity. It’s not darkness ascendant, it’s darkness on the run. Aint nowhere to hide now. This little planet is connected by a worldwide messaging system. It’s going to be in all of our grilles, even those who don’t want to see it.

The light of truth is shining brighter every day.

WHA #75

The World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly #75, May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, is proposing new amendments to the International Health regulations that will create a one-size-fits-all global health strategy. The new amendments will mandate specific responses by all countries in the world affected by a health emergency. These amendments will simply be added to the existing regulations so that it does not need to be ratified by the world’s governments. The amendments to the existing WHO health regulations will push vaccinations, distributed by GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation organization.  

In a sneaky, backdoor manner, the Biden administration signed these amendments for the US in January, but did not release information about it until April 12 when it popped up on the WHO website.

In effect, the new amendments take away a country’s sovereignty in a health emergency, and power devolves to the WHO’s Director General. This is also a power grab by Gates, who will be in charge (and making money) from every vaccine produced during a declared pandemic.

Here is a summary of what the amendments say:

As required, the WHO finally published the US “amendments.” It shows the deletions and as well the new additions. What the Biden Administration changes do is to transform a previously advisory role for the WHO to national governments on not only pandemic responses but also everything tied to national “health,” with an entirely new power to override national health agencies if the WHO Director General, now Tedros Adhanom, determines. The US Biden Administration and WHO have colluded to create an entirely new treaty which will shift all health decisions from a national or local level to Geneva, Switzerland and WHO.

Typical of the Washington amendments to the existing WHO Treaty is Article 9. The US change is to insert WHO “shall” and delete “may”: “If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours, WHO shall may…,. In the same article now deleted is “offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned…” The views or judgment of say, Germany or India, or USA health authorities become irrelevant. WHO will be able to override national experts and dictate as international law its mandates for any and all future pandemics as well as even epidemics or even local health issues.

Moreover in the new proposed Article 12 on “Determination of a public health emergency of international concern, public health emergency of regional concern, or intermediate health alert,” WHO head–now Tedros in his new 5-year term–alone can decide to declare an emergency, even without agreement of the member state.

The WHO head will then consult his relevant WHO “Emergency Committee” on Polio, Ebola, Bird Flu, COVID or whatever they declare to be a problem. In short this is a global dictatorship over citizen health by one of the most corrupt health bodies in the world. The members of a given WHO Emergency Committee are chosen under opaque procedures and typically, as in the current one on polio, many members are tied to the various Gates Foundation fronts like GAVI or CEPI. Yet the selection process is entirely opaque and internal to WHO.

Among other powers the new Pandemic Treaty will give Tedros and WHO the power to mandate vaccine passports and COVID jabs worldwide. They are working on the creation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity program. Under the new “Pandemic Treaty”, when people are harmed by the WHO’s health policies, there’s no accountability. The WHO has diplomatic immunity.

Former WHO senior employee and whistleblower, Astrid Stuckelberger, now a scientist at the Institute of Global Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva, noted,

“if the new Pandemic Treaty is adopted by member states, “this means that the WHO’s Constitution (as per Article 9) will take precedence over each country’s constitution during natural disasters or pandemics. In other words, the WHO will be dictating to other countries, no longer making recommendations.”

A global, authoritarian vaccination regime under the guise of health emergencies is the Dark Army’s Final Solution to the pesky billions who demand ridiculous things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The wretched sociopaths in GAVI and the WHO want to create a worldwide collective hive-mind society, which has already been implemented by the CCP in China. The Chinese government, as of this writing, has locked down over 400 million people during its insane policy of “zero COVID.” Expect similarly irrational policies in other countries if these amendments gain traction among the world’s governments.

Fortunately, self-aware persons will never tolerate such dictatorial policies. This is the last gasp of the dark army, which is advancing its agenda worldwide in an attempt to stop the Great Awakening.

It will never work.

(Update: The amendments were withdrawn at WHA #75 due to pressure from all over the world. This is a big win.)

The goals of the dark army are Transhumanism and the creation of a collectivist, authoritarian, techno-fascist medical lockdown state. Their tactics: fear and intimidation.

The idea that an entire planet of almost 8 billion humans could be forced into such a mind-washed condition could only be envisioned by delusionary, power-mad psychopaths.

All human beings are being forced to choose what kind of planet we want to live on.

It’s in your grille now, ladies and germs. Those with self-awareness will understand instinctively which way to go.

The world is being divided in two: Those with self-awareness, and those without. Those who understand their divine origins, and those who are materialist meat-heads who can be herded by the latest fear porn and propaganda campaign.

Speaking Spiritually to Old Souls

Let me speak from the POV of an old soul who has seen this before. For old souls, the planet earth is not our first rodeo. We have been on other planets in other civilizations that have gone through the “barrier.” The barrier of light and dark. The Test.

The events we are seeing on the planet have never occurred before in the entirety of human history. Worldwide pandemics created in a lab, experimental vaccines pushed on the entire human population, an invasion of the U.S. southern border in which hundreds of thousands of people are crossing illegally every month from 150 countries, the attacks on women and children via gender and trans-gender identity, and the insanity of Transhumanism, which seeks to replace the human being and the human body with an artificial one, or even, as the ultimate goal of Transhumanism, altered or artificial containers for human consciousness.

Those who promote these agendas are, without exception, materialists with no understanding of self or their divine connection to the Creative Source. This is a war on human beings by the forces of darkness.

Every civilization goes through this. Free will determines success or failure. Some planets make it and others don’t.

On earth there is a contingent of old souls who recognize this. These are the people who are waking up.

We’re going to make it.

Old souls have been on planets that didn’t make it. There is a “feeling” associated with the collective consciousness on every planet that has gone through the Test. Old souls recognize the feeling of failure and success.

There’s a feeling of doom and inevitable failure associated with civilizations that don’t make it. There is also a feeling of success for those that do.

Enough old souls are awakening to ensure success.

The Great Awakening

Peace of earth is not going to happen in our lifetimes. On this planet of free choice there will always be those who choose the dark. But over the generations the shift, or the balance, between low and high consciousness is gradually going to shift to the light.

The most effective strategy of the Dark is to present itself as an overwhelming force that cannot be stopped. The WHO amendments are a good example. Already influencers are chirping about how evil it is, how humanity is going to be under the thumb of  tyrants, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

This is an overreaction. The WHO can pass all the amendments it wants. Illegitimate governments all over the world can sign on to them. But a reservoir of self-aware persons around the globe (growing more numerous every day) won’t buy into it. Fortunately, the percentage of anti-social persons is at most 10% of the population.

The Great Awakening has forced the Dark Army to advance their plan too quickly. Another generation, perhaps, and it might have succeeded.

Not now.

So let’s take a step back and get centered. The Dark has been forced by the Light to organize for its survival. The Dark cannot succeed except in stealth and secrecy. The light is shining so brightly now that the Dark operatives have been forced to come out from under their rocks. Their activities are being exposed, indicated by the publication of the new WHO amendments.

Is it too late to prevent the amendments from being adopted at WHA 75?

Probably. So what?

(Update: the amendments were rejected, but observers say they have just been postponed).

These pathetic psychopaths pass their diktats assuming that the world’s population will mindlessly obey, like sheep. Not going to happen.

Let’s listen to Yuval Hariri, the Transhumanist guru. He’s a very sincere psychopath, and one of the spokespersons for the globalist/WHO agenda.

This is what he says:

COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic — we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening underneath their skin.”

How about that folks? Is that the kind of world you want to live in?

Well, get set because sincere little sociopaths like Hariri and Klaus Schwab are all in. Fortunately, their low self-awareness blinds them to the absurdity of their own ideas and beliefs. Moreover, no sane person will give up his/her sovereignty for this psychotic plan, no matter how much intimidation is applied.

Here is Hariri’s (and the WEF, and the U.S. government’s) plan for humanity. Listen to this nutjob outline what he thinks is best for you and me:

Maybe in a couple of decades, when people look back, the thing they will remember from the COVID crisis, is: this is the moment when everything went digital. This was the moment when everything became monitored — that we agreed to be surveilled all the time. Not just in authoritarian regimes but even in democracies. This was the moment when surveillance went under the skin.”

See Emerald Robinson, “Yuval Hariri Tells You What The Vaccines Really Do,” at )

Even though our globalist elites are dead serious, it’s (almost) funny to think that a person could have turned away from his or her own divinity so far as to embrace this nonsense. However, there is a certain feeling of inevitability in Professor Hariri’s statements, is there not?

Well, it’s not inevitable. It’s simply the belief system of a very low-consciousness individual.

Psychopaths sound convincing because of their tunnel-vision, and their self-centered focus on their personal agendas. It’s why so many sociopaths have risen to the top of organizations: they concentrate on nothing but themselves and their personal goals. The Law of Attraction rewards those with fixed attention on any subject.

Fortunately for the rest of us, Hariri and Schwab and Grimes, Elon Musk’s partner, are the best the Dark has got. Behind the scenes are people like Ray Kurzweil and Nick Bostrom, who envision a technical singularity where AI becomes self-aware and quickly surpasses human intelligence, turning humanity into its pets. (I wrote a novel about this concept, titled The Old Soul.)  Bostrom and Kurzweil et. al are intellectually brilliant folks who are also materialists. They are fixated on the idea that when you die you’re dead. Transhumanism, and the Collectivist hive-mind society they envision, is a desperate attempt to prolong their lives and their consciousness. Transhumanism is what happens when you begin with an absurd, false premise that consciousness disappears when the body dies.

The Denouement, Act I

The denouement for human society is approaching here in Act I. The talk now is of nuclear war. Of course this is insanity. The consciousness of humanity has moved the Overton Window far beyond that, but many are still mired in the past.

The Overton Window, developed by American policy analyst Joseph Overton, frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme, given the climate of public opinion at that time. There is also a spiritual Overton Window that frames the allowable thoughts and actions based on the collective consciousness of humanity. This spiritual Overton Window has made nuclear war impossible.

(Author created from original source image by Hydrargyrum - Own work, based on discussion here and diagram here.Original W3C-unspecified vector image was created with Inkscape. CC BY-SA 2.0 File:Overton Window diagram.svg Created: 12 January 2015)

Nothing like this has ever happened in human history

Do events right now resemble ANYTHING that has happened in history? Nope. What we are experiencing is completely new. What we are seeing is full-blown insanity as thousands of years of human karma is being brought to the surface and worked out. Brought to you by Pfizer, but mostly by the Light and the rising level of human consciousness.

Yes folks, this is what progress and advancement in consciousness looks like: nutjobs and mentally and emotionally unbalanced people dramatizing their inner darkness for all to see. The Light uncovers the darkness in all of us, and exposes it.

You can see how nutty the Dark is. Just read the headlines on any given day!

The light is exposing nutjobs all over the world. These people stick out now like sore thumbs because the light, like a match struck in a dark room, is beginning to illuminate the darkness.

  We can all do our part to move the Overton Window upward by not buying into the craziness of unbalanced people.

Here’s where we are now:

The next step – and the goal of those who promote war and fear – is Transhumanism. Transhumanism masquerades as cutting-edge technology designed to increase life spans. It includes gene therapy (CRISPR), cryogenics, computer-brain-interfaces, nanotechnology (both biological and electronic), and a host of other crazy shit. To understand more about Transhumanism, you can go to the lifeboat site where you can find this article: I wrote an entire book about this, a novel called The History of the Future.

But its main goal is to promote a technocratic society where humans all have neural chips, digital IDs, and social credit scores. Human beings will not own anything, as the WEF head Klaus Schwab famously said. All humans will live in smart cities with every appliance and useful object having a smart chip that can connect to the internet. This infrastructure, called the Internet of Things, is being built right now. The ultimate goal of Transhumanism is the Internet of Bodies, chipped humans who communicate with the IOT and who can be regulated “for our own good.” This mindset – clearly psychopathic – is favored by a very tiny segment of humanity. Unfortunately this segment has a lot of power right now. Some people will embrace it – but not those who recognize their divine connection to the Creative Source.

The Dark Army on earth is mobilizing all of its forces now. Their goal is to re-form human society into a planetary Collective. The control paradigm has been the ultimate goal of nutjobs throughout human history, and it has taken many forms. However, now technology exists to make it happen all over the world. The creation of a human termite colony is well on its way, at least in the minds of the crazies who are promoting this to the rest of us.

The common personality trait of the Transhumanists is inflexibility and a rigidness that refuses to acknowledge even obvious facts. Unfortunately, as Erich Fromm pointed out, there are large sectors of the population who will always be willing to turn over their power. The reasons for this are simple: fear and insecurity. This is obvious now as people continue to wear masks even as populations have achieved herd immunity from COVID, and  when it was long ago proven that masks are ineffective in stopping the spread of COVID.

What we have seen since the beginning of 2020 is the spread of fear porn, which is necessary to create the fear that will motivate people to turn toward authority for answers.

The point is, it is irrelevant what form that authority takes. The only requirement is the creation of fear and insecurity in the population that will cause people to turn their human sovereignty over to others.  The authority could be a government, a local school board, a medical bureaucracy, a charismatic politician, the list is endless. And the format of the fear porn could be a war (Russia-Ukraine) or a pandemic. Or something else.

We have already reached Orwell’s 1984. Nancy Pelosi said the other day (defending yet another COVID supplemental spending bill) that more government spending will reduce the government deficit. Think about how absurd that statement is, yet the press accepted it without even a comment. Seriously, if you have a credit card with $10,000 on it and you spend $5,000 more on the card, does that reduce your credit card debt?

Media and politicians are deliberately creating cognitive dissonance, where two opposing thoughts can uncritically be true. Orwell called this Doublethink: a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, even when their own memories or knowledge is the opposite.

Today a politician said that sending lethal arms to Ukraine will help the cause of peace.

War is peace, friends, and deficits can be cured by more spending.

These absurdities are a sign that the ruling elites are getting desperate. Free speech is dangerous to the hive mind that Transhumanists desire. So is real science, which contradicts the absurdities of official narratives that must create fear in the population to succeed.

Within the objectives of the Dark Army are the seeds of their own destruction.

In order for a hidden agenda to succeed it must be surrounded by lies and contradictions. Inevitably that agenda will collapse. The Dark is accelerating their agenda in the hope that they can remake human society before the masses wake up.

Unfortunately for them, the masses are waking up pretty quickly!

What’s Next

No one can precisely predict the future, but general trends can be seen. We have to expect that a significant portion of humanity will fall into fear. This has already happened with the pandemic, but the pandemic is just the opening shot in the Dark Army’s game. The percentage of people still in fear now is receding after COVID-19 has largely made its way through the population and created herd immunity (despite the lockdowns, which was an introduction to a Transhumanist world). However, some people have been permanently scarred and will be prime candidates for the next virus, or the next crisis. Observing social media and the actions of warmongering and fear-mongering politicians and media hacks, one can easily see how emotions are whipped up.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Transhumanist agenda is being quietly implemented.

This thread is a bit misleading, because the CCP in China have already implemented most of the WEF’s Transhumanist agenda. Chinese citizens already have digital wallets and social credit scores, which the government uses to ruthlessly suppress dissent.

I mention the pandemic and the war in Ukraine because of the old saw, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Underneath the media and politicians screaming fear porn and World War 3, the remake of human society proceeds apace.

So – prepare your consciousness, old souls and awakened humans. Expect that another crisis will come, and another. Discernment is not a luxury anymore, it is a necessity to maintain sanity. You can see how people are getting triggered by events. These poor souls are the ones who have no problem giving up their personal power to a narrative. However, as Prof. Mathias Desmet has pointed out, doing this creates a form of hypnosis to the narrative. This process of giving up your power and not exercising discernment is called Mass Formation Psychosis. It is something to be avoided, and it can be avoided with a little mindfulness, and a resolution never to give your power away.

More narratives will be created. So what? If someone is screaming at you about pandemics, or war, (or anything), maybe it’s because there is a hidden agenda behind it. Hidden agendas are always surrounded by lies. So maybe the people promoting the latest crisis are lying to you. Maybe.

Persons interested in truth are calm and knowledgeable people. They don’t have to shout to be heard, because they have the truth on their side.

Only the nutjobs are screaming. Only the unbalanced people with agendas are so insistent on being heard! It’s the insistence that is so irritating, isn’t it? Along with it comes the rejection of logic and reason that is part and parcel of the demand that you go along, despite all the evidence to the contrary. That’s the psychosis part of mass formation psychosis. Don’t give your power away!

What’s coming next?

A lot of craziness.

Why? Because we have all been leading linear lives. In the past the fix has been in, the narratives accepted, and life went on. The only problem is that the old system came with a lot of bigotry and injustice and exploitation. The elites at the top had it made, and have been running the show. The human trafficking and child trafficking networks, the arms and drug-running networks worldwide were simply a part of “the way it was.”

“You can’t fight city hall” was the agreement for most of the population. Live and let live.

That’s all changing now.

A worldwide awakening is breaking through the linearity of old narratives and systems. Organizations and systems that lack integrity are falling apart. The human race is moving out of The Box into a higher consciousness. We’re already seeing crazy stuff we have never seen, things that could never have happened before. We’re going to see more of it as unbalanced people dramatize their hidden agendas and their fears. The good news: the light will keep shining brighter and brighter.

Life will be OK if you exercise discernment and stay in your power and postulate a glorious future for yourself and the planet. The power of co-creation is awesome.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”

― Mark Twain

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

― Joe Klaas, Twelve Steps to Happiness

“The truth is what you aren’t allowed to talk about.”

— Anonymous

We are living in a world where the light of truth is overwhelming the darkness of lies and deceit. People are getting triggered as their own personal demons rise to the surface. This snippet below is the perfect example of what Prof. Mathias Desmet calls “Mass Formation Psychosis.” Which is worse: the old guy deliberately triggering the student, or the emotionally disturbed student swearing at the old guy?

Here we have two competing “narratives” in the information war, acting out their frustrations with each other. There is no common ground, or at least no willingness to find common ground. This is what happens during a quantum leap in consciousness: the light of awareness finds every dark corner in your psyche.

The common theme of both competing narratives is, “Why can’t those stupid people on the other side see the truth?”

Each side is seeing (and feeling) the truth. It’s just pissing them off, as Joe Klaas said.

The truth behind the transgender movement is a completely spiritual phenomenon, but is being treated by both sides as materialistic.

Consider a soul who has 20 lifetimes on earth. This soul has been one gender that entire time, because it’s more comfortable to live in a body you are familiar with. Let’s say the soul has been male for 20 lifetimes in a row. The bias in their Akash, therefore, is oriented toward maleness, and liking women. Now the soul finds itself with a female body. They are still psychologically oriented toward the male, so this lifetime they become a lesbian. And vice-versa for gay guys.

Or, perhaps they are so confused by the “sex change,” and hate it so much, they decide to switch genders. Before that was not possible, but now medical science has advanced to the point that a person can alter their body to become the old gender.A newly minted man who has been female for 20 lifetimes insists that she/he is still a woman (and she is because that soul has been a woman for a thousand years). A newly incarnated woman who has been a man for 20 lifetimes insists that he/she is still a man (and he/she is because that person has been a man for a thousand years).

A human being is a soul in a body. A purely materialist view of gender causes the truth to be obscured. A lot of anger results. A lot of triggering happens, because people instinctively understand that they are a spiritual being in a body. But neither narrative sees this. People just wind up screaming at each other instead of acknowledging the truth.

The truth can piss you off if you have no experience being one gender or the other. It’s like getting on the scary rollercoaster. Once you’re up there screaming you are stuck. You can always jump off, but that solution is permanent. And, of course, you just get right back on the Wheel of Karma. The spiritual system on this planet doesn’t let you avoid hard problems. You come back and try again, no matter how much you taunt others, or get triggered.

The truth is that an awakening is taking place on our planet. The old systems mired in darkness, greed, and power are being exposed. That is really upsetting to both narratives because the world used to be a lot quieter. Human trafficking, drug running, corruption, greed, and power-hungry politicians have always been around. It’s just that before, the fix was in.

Now the truth is being exposed, and it’s ugly.

This world has been mired in materialism for millennia.

Materialism is like fake news: it’s just not true.

A human being isn’t just a piece of meat. The world is slowly waking up to that fact. The darkness inside each of us is getting exposed and triggered.

You might get criticized for telling the truth, but you can do so with a clear conscience. You don’t have to remember all the lies you told, and make your new lie consistent with the fake stuff you’ve been promoting. Mark Twain had that right.

The things you aren’t allowed to talk about are labeled “conspiracy theories.” One conspiracy theory was that COVID came from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. Fake news are still promoting the wet market / animal origin theory, but hardly anyone believes that lie anymore. The people who promoted that lie had to keep telling lies until they got busted.

Of course, Orwell’s maxim comes into play during times of universal deceit. You get blasted for telling the truth because it penetrates the lies and fake news. It’s a revolutionary act.  

Telling the truth even if it isn’t allowed is hard, so you have to be really motivated. Remember the old saying, the truth at first is ridiculed. Then it is fiercely resisted and arguments are marshaled against it (this is the stage we are in now: Competing narratives are created and mass formation occurs as people blindly adhere to one or the other). The third stage is, “Oh yeah, I always knew that.”

Here’s some truth: Ukraine and Russia are engaging in a regional conflict that has absolutely no significance to the United States – other than the price of oil going up because of fear- and war-mongering by the U.S. media. The conflict interests the military-industrial-Wall Street-Big Media complex because these groups profit, but not the working class and the middle class in America. Let me quote political analyst CJ Hopkins, who absolutely nails the situation:

OK, the first thing we need to look at, and dismiss, and deny, and pretend we never learned about, is this nonsense about “Ukrainian Nazis.” Just because Ukraine is full of neo-Nazis, and recent members of its government were neo-Nazis, and its military has neo-Nazi units (e.g., the notorious Azov Battalion), and it has a national holiday celebrating a Nazi, and government officials hang his portrait in their offices, and the military and neo-Nazi militias have been terrorizing and murdering ethnic Russians since the USA and the Forces of Goodness supported and stage-managed a “revolution” (i.e., a coup) back in 2014 with the assistance of a lot of neo-Nazis … that doesn’t mean Ukraine has a “Nazi problem.” After all, its current president is Jewish!

...It doesn’t really matter who the masses are being told to hate this week … the Russians, the Unvaccinated, the Terrorists, the Populists, the Assad-Apologists, the Conspiracy Theorists, the Anti-Vaxxers, the Disinformationists … or whoever. In the end, there is only one enemy, the enemy of the United Forces of Goodness, the enemy of the unaccountable, supranational global-capitalist empire (or “GloboCap” as I like to call it)."

CJ Hopkins, "The Revenge of the Putin Nazis"


The Ukrainian government, including Zelensky, also lied about Russians critically damaging the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in a way that caused radiation levels to rise. They used this lie to justify getting US/NATO involved.

I am not taking sides in this conflict. Putin is an oligarch and a former KGB officer, but he has not been lying about his intentions toward the Ukraine.

What affect us much more than the Ukraine is the South China Sea and Taiwan, which is Silicon Valley East. Taiwan makes 70% of the high end chips that go into your laptops, into your cars, into your smart TVs, even into your refrigerators. You think it’s hard to buy a car now? If the CCP takes over Taiwan you may not even be able to find a car. Or a laptop. Or a refrigerator. But our elites are, day after day, hyping the evil Putin and his second-rate economy, and ignoring China. It’s a total deflection. It’s also good for war and “defense” contractors, who can supply aid and arms.

What we have in Ukraine is a war between corrupt oligarchs in Russia and corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine, 6,000 miles away, forced by NATO's expansion to the borders of Russia. Let's let them fight it out -- they've been doing so for centuries. Our elites are great at creating crises and conflicts and narratives, then demanding that the sons and daughters of the working class spill their blood in foreign countries. Enough!

Lies are the stock-in-trade of the dark army.

Truth is the mainstay of a prosperous and successful society.

How can you tell whether your narrative is truth or lies?

Apply it in life and see how successful you are. The Ukraine-Putin narrative is going to blow up in the faces of our elites because it’s mostly based on lies.