From Igor Chudov's substack. Igor is a brilliant, independent researcher.
From Igor Chudov's substack. Igor is a brilliant, independent researcher.
The most enlightening interview I have ever seen
"Rational knowledge cannot touch the truth of human experience."
Once you start this vid you won't be able to stop listening.
With 7 short explanatory vids
No, the Maui Fires episode will not go away. Sasha Latypova's substack ( has an update. Note: WordPress will not embed susbstack URLs, so click on the link below.
We are engaged in a planetary battle for the souls and minds of humanity, a spiritual battle between Light and dark. The entire human race is waking up, and evil is being exposed. The Great Awakening.
H.L. Mencken, scholar, author, and social commentator, once said,
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
from “Defence of Women,” 1923
This has probably been true since humanity came out of the caves and began to organize socially. Throughout history, many forms of human social organizations have been tried, from anarchy to totalitarianism. All of them have butted up against human nature. The “solutions” to managing populations usually involve what Mencken said above.
Reformers and activists, who want to change society for the better, constantly struggle against human nature, for there has never been a political system designed that can equitably force human beings to cooperate and tolerate one another. Efforts to do so inevitably result in coercion, conflict, and war.
The closest a modern political system has come to such an ideal society (and its faults have been manifest) is the one designed by the framers of the United States constitution back in 1787. Under this system – a federal constitutional republic – human rights are inalienable (not granted by the government), minorities are protected, and a system of “checks and balances” is set up between the parts of government so that one or the other does not usurp power to itself. This design for a government created conditions that made the US, after WW II until recently, the wealthiest and most prosperous nation by far in human history. At one point after WW II, the US, with 4% of the world’s population, was producing fully 60% of the economic activity in the entire world. Previous to the US, the tiny island of Great Britain did the same in the 19th century. Both countries had political systems that encouraged debate and the exchange of ideas. Both societies fell when the uglier part of human nature took over, and greed and corruption became rampant.
Unfortunately, social organization under some form of -ism can never overcome the inherent nature of human beings. Let’s take human trafficking, which is a $150 billion industry worldwide. How do you stop human trafficking? Well, you can identify traffickers and try to put them in jail, but that is a very difficult proposition.
The UN’s Global Report on Trafficking in Persons says,
Just how big is the human trafficking problem globally? Without a sense of the magnitude of the problem, it is impossible to prioritize human trafficking as an issue relative to other local or transnational threats, and it is difficult to assess whether any particular intervention is having effect.”
“Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,” United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,” at
Yup. Even if we could increase our enforcement efforts and put more traffickers in jail, they will simply be replaced by other traffickers because the money is so good.
Human trafficking is a demand-fueled activity, and that involves human nature.
90% of the people involved with child pornography are men (and the demand is mostly fueled from within the United States). How do you stop men with a desire for child porn from wanting child porn? The answer is you can’t, no matter how many well-intentioned activists yell and scream about it, no matter how many laws are passed against it, or forced treatments are given. You can drive trafficking underground, out of the eyes of the public, but if the demand is there it will still occur.
Child abuse and all of the problems of humanity are demand-side activities. The hard truth is this: There has never been and cannot ever be a political system, or any social organization system devised by human beings, that can create equity and prosperity in the absence of a change in human nature.
A change in human nature is a consciousness problem, not a social or political or economic one.
National and international prosperity can only come about when society broadly agrees on tolerance and the allowance of differing points of view. Once that breaks down, even the best system of checks and balances will fail, and society will fall apart as it is doing today in our Age of Rage.
Tolerance, harmony, acceptance of differing ideas, and cooperation are qualities of human consciousness. A civilization that believes human beings are meat bodies will eventually fail because it cannot access the higher qualities of consciousness. Without the recognition of the human being’s divine origins and qualities, society falls apart. Without a correct definition of human consciousness, civilizations fail. This means that a Transhumanist society is an evolutionary dead end. It’s a non-starter.
A strictly materialist/secular society will crumble because it cannot access the higher aspects of human consciousness. Harmony, peace, tolerance, and acceptance of different ideas all originate on the higher plane of consciousness, the plane of Spirit, God, the One, whatever you want to call it. Every human being has access to this higher plane because it is built-in to human biology and human DNA.
It’s about time humanity faced up to this. No -ism ever invented has or will have the power to create peace on earth and a prosperous human civilization for all without an understanding of the true nature of human consciousness.
U.S. Treasury debt: over $32 trillion.
Monetized Federal Reserve debt: over $10 trillion.
Joe Biden submitted a budget for Fiscal Year 2023 with almost $7 trillion dollars in spending, knowing that the government will collect around $5 trillion or so in taxes and fees. This means a built-in $2 trillion increase in the debt this fiscal year. Because the U.S. government hasn’t approved a properly appropriated budget since 2007, the Congress will pass another Continuing Resolution (or a series of mini CRs) and an omnibus spending bill. And the UniParty will give our representatives in Congress one or two days to study the massive spending bill before rubber stamping it.
A continuing resolution keeps government spending at the prior year’s level. An omnibus bill shoves all of that spending, for every federal agency, into one slapdash spending bill that rewards the millionaires and billionaires, the special interest corporations that have relocated our manufacturing to China, and the politicized non-governmental organizations that are bringing millions of economic migrants into the country from literally all over the world, and paying them hefty monthly stipends to stay here and compete with American workers.
Our economy is being decimated by a government behemoth that leeches trillions out of the productive, private sector economy and transfers it to a parasitical, corrupt, and spendthrift government. How can any organization leech $5 trillion dollars out of a country in one year (2022–2023 fiscal year) without that country’s economy starting to fail? The answer is, it can’t.
How can a government spend $2 trillion more than it takes in without sparking inflation? The answer is, it can’t.
In the old days our deficit spending was financed by the Saudis, and the Japanese, and the Chinese, and U.S. investors, who saw dollar-denominated securities as a safe investment. But government deficits are now “funded” by printing money, which debases the currency and primes inflation.
How would you feel if you put your hard-earned money into U.S. securities that lose their value year after year? Well, you would look for alternatives, and that is exactly what the rest of the world is doing. If the U.S. dollar loses its reserve status, this country will become like Argentina, which presently has an inflation rate of over 100%.
The $5 trillion the federal government is draining out of the economy this year should be used to fix our roads and bridges, start new businesses, buy new equipment, and research new technology. A healthy economy requires educated workers who receive good wages that create new jobs and support a healthy middle class. But when the federal government gets too large it destroys the private sector, like a mother who eats her babies.
Technically, “finance capitalism or financial capitalism is the subordination of processes of production to the accumulation of money profits in a financial system... It is characterized by a predominance of the pursuit of profit from the purchase and sale of, or investment in, currencies and financial products such as bonds, stocks, futures and other derivatives.”
When the government becomes too large the economy loses its productive capacity to make stuff, and employ people to make the things that support life, such as building materials and appliances and electronics. Sadly, much of that U.S. productive capacity has been transferred to China. By BOTH parties. The economy is then reduced to wealthy people creating financial instruments and investing in them. The profits generated from that have no relationship to economic reality – they are just pieces of paper.
That’s where we are now, folks.
What’s the solution?
For God’s sake, let’s vote for politicians who understand the real world and who have actually worked in the private sector, not greedy right-wing MBAs and hedge fund billionaires and corporate running dogs, or left-wing airheads who go to university and then immediately join an NGO or a government agency with no grounding in reality and issue “regulations” that only create more and more bureaucracy.
It’s time to reduce the size of government by de-funding federal agencies and reducing the number of federal contractors. Let’s restore government back to the working class and the middle class, and de-fund federal bureaucrats and contractors who leech off the system.
1. Steve Favis uses publicly available satellite tracking data from NORAD and shows CCP satellites over Maui just before the fires began. Take this with a grain of salt (I have no way to verify this), but it's a possible valid data point.
2. Reinette Senum interviews Matt Roeske regarding weather modification events and what is happening on Lahaina. I feel that I have to post this stuff because of the outrageous events occuring on Maui.
Poll Chief software is used by thousands of Election Boards across the United States and is shared and stored on servers worldwide, allowing for manipulation of voting data from outside the US.
Fake "Neo-Nazi" group created by the Feds. Pathetic.
What is happening on Maui is a taste of things to come, via what some are calling the Global Cabal. In a previous post I showed the video posted by Dr. Robert Malone, of the evidence, presented by two Hawaiian researchers, of directed energy weapons being used on Lahaina city.
Dr. Judy Wood, mechanical engineer, has been posting since 2004 that the Twin Towers were hit by these weapons and much of the material of the buildings were turned to dust. This can also be seen in the vid presented by Dr. Malone, as houses have been literally turned to white ash and dust while trees are still standing. One photo of a car sitting right next to a house that has been turned to ash is particularly notable.
Dr. Judy Wood – images:
Dr. Judy Wood – presentation by Dr. Wood on YouTube:
Dr. Malone – reposting of vid from two Hawaiian researchers: Go to 25 minutes in to see the proposed evidence of DEWs.
TPW_Patriot – reposting of vid from previous post: The coverup begins:
So why post this stuff?
For me, it’s because my niece lived in Lahaina and her house burned down and she lost everything. And because we have to understand what we are facing. There exists, apparently, a group of psychopaths on this planet with malign intentions toward humanity. Here, for instance, is one of Dr. Anna Mihalcea’s posts about self-assembling nanotechnology – quantum dots and hydrogels, in childhood vaccines. This post has a series of videos that show the self-assembly of injected, artificial life within human blood. This new bio-nano tech is part of the rollout of Transhumanism, whose proponents are, evidently, attempting to create a non-biological Humanity 2.0. (To say this is NUTS is an understatement.)
Dr. Mihalcea has been posting this stuff since 2022. I have seen a number of these posts, and dismissed them at first as the ravings of a conspiracy theory crank. But she posts vids with the articles that show, over and over again, this artificial self-assembling nanotech within human blood. It’s crazy! It is consistent with the theory that evil exists in this world, and that a small group of humans with access to cutting-edge tech are deploying it into the world.
Needless to say, if you have children, think twice about vaccinating them!
Do I vouch for the scientific validity of Dr. Mihalcea’s info? Nope, because I don’t know enough about the subject. I’m not an “insider” or an “expert,” just a concerned citizen. But it is something to be aware of.
Where does this technology come from? Take a gander at the CIA’s In-Q-Tel website. In-Q-Tel is the CIA’s venture capital company, and it funds (with government money), hundreds (perhaps thousands) of cutting-edge tech companies.
According to the website, “IQT focuses on the 15,000+ early stage venture-backed startup companies in the U.S. and select other countries. IQT also identifies and analyzes technologies in all stages of development that are critical to national security.”
Not only does it “focus on” these companies, I believe it also deploys this tech. For example, here is a website from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), an established commercial organization of the society of electrical engineers. Check out the 6G tech that is already being developed! This is an article from 2020:
Read this document and understand the types of projects these nutcases are working on. It’s not frightening to me, because 8 billion human beings will never accept the mass introduction of these technologies into their lives. BUT a few will, and so they are able to be be deployed. (My theory, as explained on my blog, is that a Spiritual Overton Window exists that is based on the collective consciousness of humanity. It says that no action can be taken unless there is support for it within the human consciousness.)
I’m not saying the IEEE is part of the CIA, but I am saying that In-Q-Tel is funding projects like this all over the world.
If you want to get your mind blown, go to and check out some of the projects the Agency is funding with your money.
We know there exists hidden black programs, called USAPs. These are what Dr. Steven Greer calls Unacknowledged Special Access Programs that are so dark, not even the people who fund the black budget know anything about them. These programs are called “pass through” USAPs because the money is untraceable.
Here is info in this long interview with Dr. Greer, who has been investigating the special access programs for decades:
Catherine Austin Fitts and an economist from Michigan State University have documented “missing funds” from HUD and the Pentagon that total – wait for it – over 21 TRILLION dollars. Check this out: Click on the link on the web page for the full video. Where does this “missing money” go? Your guess is as good as mine, but why is it being hidden? The people have to take back control of their government.
So what do we have here? Money disappearing from the public budget – trillions of dollars – into unacknowledged SAPs and into the black budget. The CIA has its own venture capital company that, in my opinion, funds itself and makes enormous profits for the CIA. I am no insider and can’t prove this, but it makes sense. The wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars. Hell, we could have used one-tenth of that money to fund health care for every American – instead of giving it to weapons manufacturers and corrupt government contractors – and completely modernized our roads and bridges.
The public has been asleep for a long time but more and more people are waking up.
It’s not too late to stop these insidious and anti-human technologies, but we have to be aware of the nutjobs who are actively developing and deploying them. These are a very small subset of humanity, persons who have lost their connection to the Divine, to God, to Spirit, to the Creative Source, call it what you want. They are operating on a materialist philosophy that, if embraced, will lead to the collapse of the human species.
However, an awakened public can easily defeat the Transhumanists and the crazies who deploy destructive exotic weaponry. The first step in that plan is, as The Who said, to “not get fooled again.”