The political debate is raging. Millenials love socialism because they think it’s a system that values people more than the corporatist capitalism we live in now. Some people even favor going all the way to Communism. Everyone agrees that fascism and Naziism are terrible.
These –isms serve to keep us fighting each other. In a previous blog post I described how socialism, communism, corporate capitalism, and naziism are identical. (See “Are You Confused?”
They are all materialistic and suppress the higher qualities of tolerance, love, and compassion. If humanity is ever to end the endless wars and realize its potential, we will have to abandon these old –isms and embrace new ones.
One of my favorite political commentators is Jimmy Dore, an ardent socialist (”progressive”) and a big Bernie Sanders fan. Dore digs out the facts and is a brilliant political commentator who will criticize anyone on the left or the right. But Dore and his panel (and Bernie) have a fuzzy view of socialism, thinking it is a benign lovey-dovey system that is focused on bringing about greater human potential. This flies in the face of facts. Perhaps Dore is talking about a “new” socialism, because socialist states in the past have been totalitarian dictatorships run by psychopaths and mass murderers like Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao. A socialist state is an authoritarian, completely centralized government where power devolves to a few elites, shutting out the rest of us. To see this examine the scum who ran Nazi Germany, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Stalin and Lenin’s Soviet Union, and Xi Jinping’s frightening AI-BigTech state where the goal is control of 1.4 billion people by a few thousand. Yeah, let’s not go that route!
I’m all in favor of a more compassionate –ism, which I call Compassionateism. This is a system that, unfortunately, depends on higher consciousness. We’re getting there, but it’s going to take some time.
It is evident that younger people are sick and tired of the old system (not as sick and tired of it as I am!). The United States has been at war constantly for 30 years. Millennials have grown up with this, and have been living in a corporate capitalist state their entire lives. This is why so many are turning to socialism. But we gotta have a different kind of socialism, a kinder, gentler version.
The problem is that socialism, and the other old, worn-out –isms, come with too much baggage. In the 20th century socialist/communist states killed about 100 million of their own people. This kind of shit has got to stop. And Bernie Sanders isn’t the answer. Bernie talks a good game. He purports to represent the working class (as does the traditional socialist state), but Bernie has never worked a day in his life. Actually he has. In an interview I read a few months ago (which I’m not going to dig up) Bernie joked that yes, he did have a job once. He was a carpenter for a few weeks. He said, “I was a pretty bad carpenter.” Don’t get me wrong, I like Bernie’s honesty, which is why so many people are attracted to him. But how can a guy who has been feeding from the public trough his entire life represent the working class? Unfortunately, Bernie is just another elitist.
Corporate capitalism isn’t much better. The U.S. military has been the enforcement arm of the Deep State, along with other psychopaths in the CIA and the intel community. These warmonngers favor regime-change wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama ... the list goes on. The CIA tries to topple leaders like Maduro in Venezuela even though they have been popularly elected, putting up U.S.-backed puppets like Guaido. (See “Venezuela's Opposition Leader, U.S. Embark On Risky Strategy For Military Uprising,” )
Why? Because Venezuela has lots of oil. Our involvement in Syria and Libya and Venezuela and Iraq have been to keep the war machine going. The war machine needs lots of oil, and it needs wars to justify its existence.
So OK, we need a new system. The old –isms just keep people fighting over which one of them is right. The answer is NONE OF THEM ARE.
Forget Trump, forget Bernie, forget the clowns in the Democratic debates (Except perhaps for Tulsi Gabbard, although she also believes in the old –ism of socialism).
Right now the world is engaged in throwing off the oppression of the global elites. It’s happening in Hong Kong, France, Britain, Chile and other South American governments. It will be exciting to see where that leads.
In a previous blog post I said that “human progress advances one grave at a time.” This is based on the famous Max Planck quote that science doesn’t progress because other scientists see the value in an opposing theory, but because the adherents to the old theories die off. That’s precisely what is going to happen with the old –isms.
The consciousness of humanity is rising. That’s why there is so much confusion these days, so much contention. The light is penetrating the darkness and people are waking up, it’s as simple as that. That’s why people are in the streets in Hong Kong, Chile, and in France. People are tired of the elites dictating policy from outfits like the IMF, the World Bank, and other institutions funded by the global wealthy elites.
What will happen? Old fogies like me will die off. New kids will come in, born in a new, higher energy. Yeah, some of them will go to the dark side because we live on a planet of free will. But most of them will go to the light.
Peace on earth is INEVITABLE.
It cannot be stopped by the warmongers, no matter how many regime-change wars they start. More and more people are fed up with a globalist-imposed darkness. These elitist organizations will collapse under the weight of their own internal contradictions and their own corruption.
For now, sit back and enjoy the ride, knowing that a bright future is assured even if events don’t yet reflect this. For in truth, the parade of insanity known as Current Events is being driven by the Light as it exposes corruption everywhere it touches.