News and Politics

“You can be confident that a narrative is a lie (or partial truth) because it is inconsistent with the presented evidence, yet at the same time not know what the truth really is. This asymmetry (lies are more evident than truth) is at the heart of navigating the labyrinth of deception.”
— Martin Geddes

This brilliant statement of the current situation applies in this era of corruption and lies. Not knowing the truth about anything is almost a given these days, but that should not prevent one from recognizing lies, for lies are issued in abundance by almost everyone in authority. Therefore one should never dismiss “conspiracy theories” without investigating first.

The purpose of a lie is to obscure an agenda or a crime. Lies are contained in narratives. Narratives are what passes for news in this era of deceit.

Here is an example of a narrative. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this on Sunday January 12. 2025 on CNN’s “State of the Union,” as the fake Biden administration prepares to depart Washington DC:

“...our alliances are stronger than we found them four years ago. They’re stronger than they’ve been in decades. NATO is more powerful, purposeful and bigger. Our alliances in the Asia-Pacific are at all time highs, and our adversaries and competitors are weaker across the board. Russia is weaker. Iran is weaker, China is weaker and all the while we kept America out of war.”

CNN, State of the Union program

Sullivan, of course, is posturing for the legacy of the current regime. Almost everything he said (with the exception that NATO is bigger) was a lie, but everyone accepts that government officials and spokespersons are liars. “That’s politics,” people say, which is synonymous with saying that lies are the currency of the State. This has been true for millennia, but we don’t have to put up with this anymore!

Conspiracy Theories are the Result of Constant Lies

What do you do when you recognize a lie but you lack proof that it is a lie? Well, you compile evidence to the contrary and posit alternatives. These alternatives are called “conspiracy theories” by the agenda makers, but they are just attempts to dissolve the lies surrounding a narrative and uncover the truth.

My current set of conspiracy theories revolve around the massive destruction in Los Angeles from monster wind-driven fires, which have made tens of thousands homeless and destroyed entire towns. These fires have been raging for over a week.

Here is a video made by a L.A. resident in 2020 about the Cali fires in 2017, which would be classified as a conspiracy theory by any corporate controlled media outlet.  (It’s only 14 minutes long):

The same patterns of destruction were present in Maui in 2023, and in LA today.

The following is my own attempt to dissolve what I think are the lies behind a rapidly evolving crime against humanity.

My Conspiracy Theory

a) We know that the Air Force has already deployed aircraft with directed energy weapons.[1]

b) We know that weather weaponry exists (HAARP, Raytheon’s ice-cube neutrino detector, a directed energy weapon that can create earthquakes anywhere in the world).

We also know that a focused laser beam from a satellite in Low Earth Orbit can strike areas on the ground with great accuracy (see this video, which explains it in exhausting detail. For a short summary go to the Conclusion, at the 32 minute mark). And we know from Ashton Forbes’ interview with Dr. John Brandenburg – who worked in classified programs – that electron beam directed energy weapons are much more powerful than lasers.[2]

c) Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado may be the center for the deployment of directed energy weapons on U.S. satellites.[3]

And d) We know that there is a directed energy weapons facility not 40 miles from Maui.

This information, along with other vids I’ve seen, is enough for me to form a hypothesis: Because directed energy weapons from satellites or military aircraft can start “wildfires,” they could have been used by rogue elements in government or the military to start fires on the ground.

In this era of corruption and deceit in the public and private sector, I don’t think that’s an unreasonable hypothesis.

Therefore, sabotage is one of the factors that must be considered when massive firestorms ­– which are called “wildfires” by the media –  break out and destroy entire towns and cities, causing death and homelessness. Let’s just hint at the idea that such massive destruction wasn’t an accident of nature. “Five massive firestorms just happened to start, fueled by heavy winds. Perfectly natural!”

Of course in LA, these fires could have been helped along by arsonists. The LA District Attorney said at a press conference that one person is under arrest for arson. Are there others who didn’t get caught? Maybe, but I don’t lend a lot of credence to this theory. A much better way to torch inconvenient facilities, or even cities, would be to start a “wildfire” from a satellite. (Directed energy weapon beams are invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen with infrared equipment.)

For that reason, it is possible that these weapons may have been deployed on Maui in 2023 and perhaps in Los Angeles in 2025. I cannot prove any of it, which is why I have labeled it a conspiracy theory. On the other hand, there is evil in the world. Exposing evil is important, otherwise it will continue. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” as the saying goes.

BTW, I checked out everything I could on Schriever SFB, but could only find standard-issue, vanilla websites that reveal nothing. That isn’t surprising. If Schriever SFB is really the home of DEW satellites, would the military base admit to deploying directed energy weapons on U.S. satellites against U.S. targets?

At this point you may be wondering, “Why doesn’t this guy STFU and admit that there are wildfires and sometimes they get out of control and burn stuff? Sometimes a wildfire is just a wildfire.”

Yes. But my intuition says that these explanations are lies, and that there is more to the story. As Martin Geddes says, you can understand that something is a lie without having positive proof. So let’s carry on.

Three Examples of  Deception

1. During the Lahaina burn down in 2023, Dr. Robert Malone published an interview with two native Hawaiian researchers who began, 15 years before, to study satellite weather data over the Hawaiian Islands.

Fast forward to 9:50 for visual evidence of suspected HAARP activity over Hawaii. Hurricane Dora was 500 miles from the islands and could not have cause the high winds and the smoke. Even a large hurricane only influences weather for 150 miles or so around the weather system. HAARP technology has been around since the mid-1990s.

Fast forward to 25 minutes into the video for visual evidence of suspected DEW activity, and images of U.S. Air Force planes with DEW installations.

No one knows how the Maui fires started. The electric company admitted that it had shut down power before the fires began, but re-energized one line “around 6:30am” that could have been the cause of the morning fire (there was another fire in that area in the afternoon around 3 p.m.) “However, According to Hawaiian Electric, Maui County firefighters had declared the morning fire extinguished before leaving the scene. When the second fire erupted in the same area around 3 p.m., the company said that all of its lines in West Maui were already de-energized.”

As far as I know, Lahaina is now being turned into a 15-minute “smart city.” Residents have been kicked out and you can’t even fly a drone over the area to observe what is going on there.

Apparently, the Lahaina burn-down is what happens when perfectly natural wildfires destroy an entire town.

2. The L.A. fires began with 100 mph winds blowing, spreading monster fires over the Pacific Palisades, then the surrounding areas. The origin of the fires is unknown, but they were supposedly fanned by the “Santa Ana winds.” Sure, Santa Ana winds can get pretty strong, but 100 mph? Entire municipalities have burned to the ground and as of this writing the fires have still not been contained. A man with a gas torch was discovered trying to set fires in one of the L.A. neighborhoods, but was captured by residents. Is this all coincidence? How did the L.A. fires really start? Why did insurance companies cancel policies in the area a few months before the fires started? Did L.A. officials sign a smart city contract, as was apparently done in Lahaina?

Let’s look at the sequence of events that led up to the L.A. fires. First, the fire department budget was cut. Second, the Palisades Reservoir was completely dry (and has been since 2019). Third, insurance companies canceled fire insurance policies in the area. And lastly, the annual fire hydrant testing for fiscal year 2024/2025 was suspended on Dec. 24, 2024.

In case you were wondering why the LA Fire Department budget was slashed, look no further than the top politician in California, Governor Gavin Newsom. A Newsweek story published on Jan 10, 2025 has this headline: Gavin Newsom Cut $100M from Fire Prevention Budget Before California Fires.  Here is a video of Gavin Newsom talking about the wildfires. Notice at the 10 second mark where he smiles when talking about speculators on Maui “coming in and buying up properties.” That is a good lead-in to our final point.

Citizen Journalist George Webb and his group of researchers pointed out that a Chinese AI company, Deep Seek Labs, was conducting a Live Exercise for wildfire prevention in Southern California: “Do you remember California Governor Gavin Newsom having a press conference about Deep Seek Labs doing an AI fire prevention system in Los Angeles before the breakout of the disastrous fires raging now?”

Click on the above link and read this article, it will blow your mind.

What I read and see tells me that these fires are not natural, but I have no proof. Nevertheless, it is apparent to me that our country is under attack, and has been for at least the last three or four years. When entire cities burn down, that is no coincidence: it’s a plan. When acts of public violence occur almost every day, that’s part of a plan.

The L.A. burndown, which some residents called “Apocalyptic,” are called “wildfires” by the mainstream news (just as in Lahaina) as a way of explaining the torching of entire municipalities and populations. To me this is absurd and ridiculous, but it is accepted by a population that is used to being gaslighted and propagandized.

3. And then there is Hurricane Helene – a manipulated weather event to grab pure quartz and lithium. If you don’t want to gag, don’t click on the link (or you can read the article and understand the motivation of the “deep state”.) And yes, the Pentagon knows how to manipulate the weather. Folks, it aint “climate change,” which is just a fake cover story for the kind of destructive events whose purpose is to capture and monetize resources no matter the cost. How likely is it that predators will move into the LA area and buy all of that scorched land for pennies on the dollar? Just as Governor Newsom said. It has already happened in North Carolina.

Martin Geddes said that “You can be confident that a narrative is a lie (or partial truth) because it is inconsistent with the presented evidence, yet at the same time not know what the truth really is.” In the case of what started the Maui fires and the L.A. fires, we don’t know the truth. With Helene, we do know what the truth is. It’s just so horrible that hardly anyone can confront it. That’s the thing about evil – the bigger it is, the more people are frightened and turn away from it. But evil must be confronted or it will continue.

The US is under Assault

This is just a small sample of what is happening in our country today. We are confronted by entire cities burning down, mass murders in New Orleans, power plants blowing up in Texas, Tesla trucks burning down in front of hotels, huge drone swarms over New Jersey and Maryland (I saw one of these huge drones in Michigan as I walked out of a restaurant during the Christmas holidays), psychopaths setting fires to women in subways as people walk by, unconcerned, and weaponized weather events. These are not “coincidences.” The United States and its people are under full-scale assault. The narratives deployed to explain them are lies.

Our population has been thoroughly indoctrinated. We are on our third generation of dumbed-down children under Jimmy Carter’s (God rest his soul) Department of Education (started in 1980).  When you get the third generation, it’s over. Now you have children, their parents, and their grandparents all following the party line, unable to engage in critical thinking, unable to discern truth from lies, unable to understand that they are following programmed narratives. There is no one left to tell the truth, no one left to teach the kids the basic knowledge necessary to navigate successfully through life.

But we aren’t there yet. There is still hope.

Reason for Optimism

Fortunately, there is reason for optimism. Events like the L.A. fires are a massive wake-up call to the sleeping masses.

Whatever happens on this planet happens first in the United States because we are the only country in the world that recognizes in its founding documents that human rights are divinely granted, not dispensed by the State. This drives the psychotics, the psychopaths, the forces of Darkness, absolutely mad. And so they do mad things, feeling threatened by the Light.

We are seeing the perishing of the old system, the Death Cult that creates war, a medical system that poisons the people  through vaccination, and corrupt political institutions that have been bought off by power-mad billionaires and their corporate lackeys.

We the People are being forced to wake up.

All of this is right up in our faces now. And it’s going to continue.

There is no turning back from an awakening of consciousness on a planetary scale. Never in human history have we experienced a Shift like we are going through.

We are on a completely different track of history now. We are living through a completely unique time. The past and its lessons are for an old time track. Their old, tired methods of hate and destruction will no longer work. Their time is up and they know it. The Nazis, the Communists, the dictators, the power-mad psychopaths, are all on their way out. But they are leaving not with a whimper, but a very large bang.

During the Shift, the past karma of humanity has no power to affect us, unless we re-create it. Past performance is no indicator of future results, as the financial advertisements say.

As bizarre as it sounds to write this, the karmic slate of humanity can be cleansed, all 6,000 years of it. We are seeing the cleaning up of karma on a planetary scale through these destructive events. As I have written before, every human who has ever had a lifetime on earth is on the planet now – all 8 billion of us. It’s all playing out on the Big Stage. The Old Souls who have been here hundreds or thousands of times, and those of us with self awareness, understand this on a very deep level. This understanding is gradually being transferred to everyone through the crazy events of our time.

This Shift is the last great upheaval of humanity before we either kill ourselves off, or make it past the Barrier. The Barrier confronts all emerging civilizations in this galaxy. It is what the movie “Forbidden Planet” calls overcoming the “monsters of the id,” the species consciousness and karma of humanity that has been created through millennia of history. 

 The human race will continue to experience massive “wake up call” events until even the sleeping, indoctrinated normies wake up from the hallucinations provided by mass media and “pop culture.”

During this time, self-aware persons can follow the advice of Martin Geddes. Understand that lies are, on the surface, more evident than truth. Trust your intuition, and be comforted that the Shift we are going through is an inevitable step on the road to higher consciousness. The filthy closet of human karma needs to be cleaned out, but we have been granted the dispensation of a new time track of history.

We don’t have to re-create the past, we can create a beautiful and prosperous future.

[1] From a paper written in 2003, by the Air University at Maxwell AFB in Alabama: “Several nations are engaging in development and production of directed energy weapons. Recent scientific advances now enable the production of lethal lasers and high-powered microwaves. The current growth and development in this emerging area strongly suggests that directed energy weapons of lethal power will reach the battlefield before 2010. Since proliferation of lower power laser weapons has already happened, it is likely that proliferation of high power or high energy weapons will occur as well.”

Directed Energy Weapons  have been deployed on satellites and in ground-based mobile systems.

[2] From an interview by Ashton Foirbes with John Brandenberg, PhD.  Brandenberg worked in classified programs at Sandia National Laboratory from 1981-85.

“So you knew we had directed energy weapons back in the 1980s?”

“Oh, absolutely. It was a big program at Livermore and Sandia.”

“You think they could shoot them off of satellites? Where do you think  they were connected to, these directed energy weapons?”

 “The directed energy weapons we worked with were electron beam weapons. We were focused on shooting down missiles.... it was the idea of protecting ships like aircraft carriers from cruise missiles. An electron beam hits a lot harder than a laser. When you hit something with a laser mostly the energy bounces off  and reflects, but the electron beam would go right through it.”  

[3] The Space Delta 15 unit at Schreiver  “plays a vital role in safeguarding U.S. space assets and interests.” DEL 15’s role is to “Ensure the integrity and functionality of national security, communication, and navigation satellites against potential threats, Continuously evolve tactics and technologies to counter emerging threats in the space domain, and maintain a comprehensive understanding of the space environment, including potential hazards and adversarial activities.”

How else are you going to “counter emerging threats in the space domain” unless you use energy weapons?


Before I begin, I want to say that I am a university educated layman with no particular qualifications to write on any subject. But I do so anyway because I am interested in everything. One of my interests is how star systems and galaxies form. I’m OK talking about this because, from our tiny, limited perspective here on earth in a galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars, even the most reputable scientist is just making educated guesses. So here goes.

How do hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy stay oriented with each other? Why don’t the stars just wander around randomly? How do the stars in the Milky Way move to form spiral arms as each one of them travels around the center of the galaxy? 

The Milky Way galaxy. Photo from NASA. Public domain.

In the solar system, the planets orbit around the sun more slowly as their distance from the sun increases. Because of the sun’s gravitational field, the inner planets have to move faster in their orbits than the outer ones, or their orbits will decay. The outer planets are affected much less by the sun’s gravitational field, so they move slower. This makes sense because the sun is a thousand times more massive even than Jupiter, the most massive planet, and the sun’s gravitational field decreases as the square of the distance from the sun (1/r2)

The solar system. The orbits of the outer planets are much larger than the orbits of the inner planets. The inner planets move much more quickly around the sun. Image Credit: NASA/JPL at Public domain.

Galaxy Rotation Curve

If this pattern was the same for a galaxy, the stars should orbit the center of the galaxy faster the closer they are to the center. But just the opposite happens!

Galaxy Rotation Curve. Here the velocity of visible stars in their movement around a galaxy increases from the center until it levels off outside the “bulge” of visible stars. Image credit: Rotation curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray line). Mario De Leo, Own work. At

In the graph above, called a galaxy rotation curve, the visible stars move faster as they get farther away from the center, and the rotational speeds of less visible stars and gas outside the visible stars (the galactic bulge) hardly increase at all. And that isn’t all. The mass of all the visible stars in the galaxy isn’t enough to equal the observed mass of the galaxy!

When mass profiles of galaxies are calculated from the distribution of stars in spirals and mass-to-light ratios in the stellar disks, they do not match with the masses derived from the observed rotation curves and the law of gravity. A solution to this conundrum is to hypothesize the existence of dark matter and to assume its distribution from the galaxy's center out to its halo. Thus the discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.”

Wechsler, Risa H.; Tinker, Jeremy L. (2018-09-14). "The Connection Between Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 56 (1): 435–487. arXiv:1804.03097. doi:10.1146/annurev-astro-081817-051756. ISSN 0066-4146, in “Galaxy rotation curve,” at

In other words, theory doesn’t correspond with what astronomers actually observe. This was startling to me because I always thought dark matter and dark energy were observable quantities. But in fact they are just made up to explain astronomical theories that don’t agree with observation.

Possible Explanations for Galactic Spirals

In order to explain why the spiral arms stay together, astronomers postulate gravity waves that go through the spiral arms and hold up the orbits of stars a little bit. A gravity wave is like an unexpected slowdown on the freeway that will bunch up cars for a while until everything gets untangled. Another possible explanation is called Differential Rotation, where the stars at the center complete their orbits more quickly than those farther away. This process naturally form spirals. But again, this theory is the opposite of what has been observed.

Operating on the saying that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” I have come up with a simpler explanation. In fact, here I surpass the scientists who made up the dark matter hypothesis with an even crazier hypothesis of my own. But, as Peter Sellers said on The Muppets Show, “Forward, tuned chickens, into the breach!”

Is Space an Empty Void?

Astronomers (and most physicists) operate on the assumption that space is an empty void – a void with nothing in it except the almost undetectable cosmic background radiation left over from the Big Bang. Therefore stars, planets, electromagnetic waves, and atoms – all matter in fact – are entities that travel independently through a vast emptiness. But this theory of the empty void, even though Einstein validated it (theoretically) in General Relativity, has no agreed upon explanation for the coherent movement of stellar objects in a galaxy.

The empty void postulate makes coherence difficult and promotes randomness, because matter and energy move without reference to each other. These are the hallmarks of a materialist worldview: that the universe is merely the result of a collection of probabilities, and that life evolved almost randomly from chance.

One theory, however – an ancient theory that has been around for centuries – promotes coherence. It’s called the aether theory, and it has been thoroughly “debunked” by mainstream science. (If you don’t believe me, look up the word “aether” on any search engine.)

But what if the vastness of space is not empty? What if it is filled with an ether? What if matter itself – atoms, molecules, and stars and galaxies – manifest from the ether, just as the stars in our record analogy are part of the fabric of the disc? What if dark matter and energy (energy is convertible into mass and vice-versa, E=mc2) are just properties of the ether?

Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed SkunkWorks, confirmed the idea in 1988 that “all points in space and time are connected.” What if this isn’t just silly New Age nonsense? James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), the father of electromagnetics, assumed the presence of an ether when he wrote his famous equations that describe the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. Maxwell’s equations (modified by Oliver Heaviside) are the basis for all of electrical engineering today. Maxwell’s work shows that electricity, magnetism, and light are just different manifestations of the same, underlying phenomenon. But how can that occur in a random universe?

By the way, the ether is not a woo-woo idea. Nikola Tesla called energy from the ether “radiant energy.” Hard-nosed physicists have been writing about the Zero Point energy Field (ZPF) since the 1980s. Experimental evidence shows that the Casimir Effect and the Aharanov-Bohm effect are demonstrations of the effects of the ether on electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields.

From now on I will refer to the “ether” as the ZPF, a more modern term for it.

The brilliant physicist David Bohm describes the ZPF this way:

What we call empty space contains an immense background of energy, and  matter as we know it is a small, quantized excitation on top of this background, rather like a tiny ripple on a vast may be said that space, which has so much energy, is full rather than empty.”

David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, p. 242

Bohm postulates an underlying, coherent order to the seeming randomness of the observable universe. He calls this the Implicate Order. The Implicate Order essentially manifests itself in what some call natural law.

Expanding on My Wonderful Idea

To see how the stars can move at different speeds yet remain coherent and connected, imagine the galaxy as one of those old-fashioned long playing records (33s) spinning on a turntable, and that each star is embedded within the fabric of the record. Of course the actual size of our galaxy is about 87,400 light years across, but who’s quibbling? We’ll use the record as an analogy, because the Milky Way is disc-shaped.

Let’s say that the disc revolves at 30 rpm instead of 33 rpm, to make the math easier. Let’s say that the record is a foot in diameter, so the radius – the distance from the center to any point on the edge – would be half that, or 6 inches. Let’s say that Star A (Robert) is 1 inch from the center of the disc, and Star B (Alice) is on the outer edge, 6 inches from the center.  Despite the distance between them, Alice and Robert are connected because they are both part of the connective tissue of the ZPF. Or, in our analogy, because they are both a part of the substance of the spinning record.

How fast do Star A and Star B have to travel to make one rotation around the center? Well, Alice is on the outer edge so she has to travel farther than Robert to make one rotation. Robert is much closer to the center so he travels a shorter path in the same time.[1] This is in agreement with the galaxy rotation curves. There is no need for dark matter and dark energy, which we can say is a manifestation of the ZPF.

It’s hard to get coherence – the arrangement of stars into spiral arms, for example – from the empty void theory, where stars and planets are independent entities with no natural connection to each other. We have to account for the movement of billions of independent bodies all at once. Scientists have difficulty figuring out how to calculate the motions of more than 2 moving bodies! This is called the 3-body problem in physics. But the existence of a ZPF automatically connects matter and energy everywhere in the galaxy because it all comes forth from the medium that created it.[2]  If matter is indeed a phenomenon of the ZPF, the entire galaxy is a coherent field of matter and energy.

The ZPF is laughed off by many of the Big Brains in physics as sheer idiocy. “It doesn’t agree with everything I was taught.”  “You are just a layman, you don’t have a PhD, you know nothing.” However, geniuses like Hal Puthoff have accepted the existence of the ZPF and have written dozens of peer-reviewed papers about Zero Point Energy and how to engineer it.[3]

Consider this experiment by Stan Deyo in 2005:

Here, Deyo uses vibrational sound waves to create spheres in the liquid inside a Coke bottle. This technology was first developed by Hans Jenny, who wrote a book called Cymatics, in which he generates beautiful, symmetric patterns in viscous substances using sound vibrations.

Could the stars and planets actually arise vibrationally out of the ZPF? Of course this is dismissed as absurd – water in a Coke bottle is so far away from forming planets and stars.

Or is it?

Throughout history science has been advanced by curious people who ran with ideas that were untested and considered crazy.


Some modern physicists have accepted the ether hypothesis and have been working on it for over a century. Scientists like Hal Puthoff, Robert Forward, Salvatore Pais, Tom Bearden,  Eric Davis (and many others) have written peer-reviewed papers published in premiere physics journals describing the qualities of the ZPF, and even how to engineer it. Engineers like John Hutchinson (the Hutchinson Effect) and Ken Shoulders have levitated objects and discovered exotic vacuum objects (EVOs) such as plasmas that self-organize from the zero point energy field. Other “laymen” are developing overunity devices that pull energy out of the ZPF, and generate more power than they use in spinning a generator shaft. These devices used to be laughed off as phony “perpetual motion machines.” But no one is laughing now – orthodox science is in full Debunk Mode.

The nuclear physicist Tom Bearden described the fabric of spacetime as a quantum particle flux that has within it so much energy that we could cleanly power every device on earth for the rest of eternity. (It’s not really “free energy” because it comes from the quantum vacuum, so energy is conserved.) Erwin Schrodinger called this particle flux Zitterbewegung, a German word that means a jittering or quivering of tiny subatomic particles/energy that wink in and out of existence, creating a massive, balanced, but invisible energy source at the quantum level. This energy is accessible, and we are learning quickly how to tap into it.

Check this out, from the U.S. Navy’s Naval Intelligence Activity declassified report, outlining the history of UFOs from 1947 (the Roswell, New Mexico incident) to 2024. This document was submitted at the Congressional UAP hearings on Nov 13, 2024 and was placed in the Congressional Record. The UFO disclosure stuff begins on page 37 of the PDF I am looking at in Adobe Reader. From the document, page 128:

In the early 2000s, a NASA spokeswoman in a conversation between George Schmidt and author Nick Cook in Huntsville, AL, stated Huntsville was where big picture interstellar vision came together. But “breakthrough physics” which would lead to the creation of a “device” capable of high speed interstellar travel was managed by NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field.

Naval Intelligence Activity Report

These interstellar “devices” aren’t using rocket fuel to travel the light-year distances between the stars! When a sensitive national security document is declassified it means that the research has been well developed, and the project has gone Black, into the hidden bowels of the special access programs.

Do we already have such craft? The “was managed” indicates that we might have.

That we already understand zero point energy and how to tap into it was confirmed by nuclear physicist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden (Ret) in this document in 2013, on page 178:

Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to have seen experiments where energy extraction from the quantum vacuum “was possible.” But modern electrodynamic theory doesn’t allow for this to happen. Bearden states he and others have built electromechanical devices that demonstrate that technology and says “certain powers” would rather keep ZPE/quantum vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public.

Naval Intelligence Activity Report

The Future

ZPF technology is being suppressed, as we saw at the Congressional UFO hearing on November 13. The panel of “experts” were just there to stonewall Congresspeople, some of whom asked pertinent questions like “Is free energy technology being hidden from the public?” The responses were essentially, “Yes, for your own good. If this technology were weaponized it could destroy the entire planet.” That’s actually a good answer, but this exotic, frontier physics tech has already been weaponized within the Special Access Programs.

Releasing the technology that allows us to tap into the infinite energy of the quantum vacuum is civilization changing. Imagine if every human being had a portable generator that could tap into the ZPF to heat and cool their homes and power their devices. The new technology could eliminate poverty, scarcity, and the pollution from primitive fossil fuels. This technology could end the wars that have plagued mankind for millennia, fighting over scarce resources. And there would be no need for politicians who tap into our fears of scarcity to promote conflict and war. It would also change our science and make it far simpler and more powerful.

The Death Cult consciousness that has run our planet for thousands of years can turn into a celebration of life and, finally, remove the shackles that have prevented humanity from realizing our true potential. This planet could experience a monumental Renaissance. It’s at our fingertips if we release ZPF technology.

The human race has many geniuses. We are a very bright species when we are not hobbled by dumbed down educational systems and brain-dead, centralized, one-size-fits-all materialist systems that suppress our creativity.

Even with all that, we are on the verge of releasing ZPF technology now. It has been suppresed since the first experimenters began to figure out how to tap into the ether back in the latter part of the 19th century. There is a long lineage of researchers starting with Nikola Tesla until today who have done experiments proving the existence of a clean, unlimited energy from the zero point energy source. Enough progress has been made so that engineering the quantum vacuum is possible.

When enough people become aware of this technology and its potential, its release will be inevitable. And humanity will soar.

[1] The record does a complete rotation 30 times in 1 minute, or 30 times in 60 seconds. So it takes 2 seconds for each single rotation. The path each star travels around the galaxy is just the circumference of the circle of their orbits. C = 2πr, and Robert is only 1 inch out from the center, so his radius = 1 and he travels  2π*1 inch = 2π inches in 2 seconds. His speed is 1π inches per second. Alice is 6 inches out so she travels 2π*6 inches = 12π inches in 2 seconds. Alice’s speed is 6π inches per second.

Of course this is just a simple analogy but you get the idea: stars closer to the center of the galaxy move slower than those farther away. If matter is indeed a phenomenon of the ZPF, the entire galaxy is a coherent field of matter and energy.

[2] As an aside, the basis for the non-existence of the ether is the ancient Michelson-Moreley experiment, conducted in...wait for it... 1887. From Brittanica:

The procedure depended on a Michelson interferometer, a sensitive optical device that compares the optical path lengths for light moving in two mutually perpendicular directions. Michelson reasoned that, if the speed of light were constant with respect to the proposed ether through which Earth was moving, that motion could be detected by comparing the speed of light in the direction of Earth’s motion and the speed of light at right angles to Earth’s motion. No difference was found.”

Encyclopedia Britannica, "Michelson Moreley experiment,"

Einstein further disproved the ether (theoretically) when he developed General Relativity in the early 20th century.

However, I found a fascinating experiment done in 1933 by Dayton Miller, almost 50 years later, which updated the 1887 experiment and used better equipment. This experiment did show the existence of an ether, but it was ignored. I also saw a modern experiment actually conducted in the 21st century that rotated modern, much more sensitive  equipment arranged in the same way that was used in the Michelson-Moreley experiment, but rotated 90 degrees. This showed that the ether does affect light waves.

Max Planck famously said that science advances one funeral at a time. Once Einstein established General Relativity and it was agreed upon by the scientific community, the empty void concept became established dogma. The same thing happened with Fleischmann and Pons’ cold fusion experiment in 1989, which was duplicated dozens of times in other labs after it was “debunked.”

[3] For a list of Hal Puthoff’s physics papers, go to

In 2016 the total votes were

Donald J. Trump Republican: 62,984,828

Hillary R. Clinton Democrat: 65,853,514

128,838, 342 votes total

In 2020 the total votes were

Joseph Biden 81,284,666

Donald Trump 74,224,319

155,508, 985 total votes

In 2024 the total votes were

Kamala Harris 66,204,938

Donald Trump 71,139,197

137,344,135 total votes

Let’s go back to 2008:  

    2008: Obama got 69 million votes

    2012: Obama got 65 million votes

    2016: Clinton got 65 million votes

    2020: Biden got 81 million votes

    2024: Harris got 66 million votes

That’s about 15 million allegedly real and unexplainable votes for the Democrats that only appeared one time: in November 2020.

Some Democrats say that the lower vote total for Harris in 2024 compared to 2020 “proves” that Trump cheated in 2024, but that is preposterous. There’s no such thing as a “negative” vote. You either get a vote or you don’t.

Trump got less votes in 2024 than he did in 2020, so how could he have cheated?

What the massive 81 million total for Biden in 2020 proves – if it proves anything – is that the Democrats cheated in 2020. Sure, Democrat election turnout could have been greater in 2020, but 15 million extra votes? If all my Democrat friends are an indication, Democrats nationally were even more motivated to vote in 2024 than they were in 2020 – frantic almost to defeat Trump, who they called a fascist and a Hitler.

Look at the massive difference in number of total votes in 2020 compared to 2024 and 2016. 

2016 was a consistent election and so was 2024. The numbers are relatively the same with a difference of about 9 million votes, which is consistent with population increase and/or greater election turnout.

However,  2020 had almost 30 million more total votes than 2016 but also, 25 million more votes than 2024! The 2024 election was, most Democrats and Republicans agree, the most important election of this century. That was a great motivation to go vote, but the 2024 total was more in line with previous elections. The 2020 election is clearly an outlier.

However you want to explain this is up to you. But 2024 seems to be more in line with past voting patterns.

To her credit, Kamala Harris defused tensions and conceded gracefully. She promised a peaceful transition of power. Let’s see what happens.

The good news for Democrats is that Trump will never run again. I am hoping that in 2028 we can return to some kind of election rationality.

Going all-out to eliminate alternative information sources

I have noticed something odd over the past few weeks. Whenever I search for information that touches on politics or current events, the search results – regardless of browser – return only corporate media controlled sites that report the government line.

Page after page of them.

Normally I would just scroll down a couple pages and find some alternate news source, like a substack or a web site I’ve never heard of before, that might have alternate opinions. But no more.

Well, I am not the only one who has noticed this. The brilliant Jeffrey A. Tucker at has as well, and has written an informative article about what’s happening. The article is titled, “They are scrubbing the internet right now” and you can find it at

Here is the article:

They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

By Jeffrey A Tucker

Instances of censorship are growing to the point of normalization. Despite ongoing litigation and more public attention, mainstream social media has been more ferocious in recent months than ever before. Podcasters know for sure what will be instantly deleted and debate among themselves over content in gray areas. Some like Brownstone have given up on YouTube in favor of Rumble, sacrificing vast audiences if only to see their content survive to see the light of day.

It’s not always about being censored or not. Today’s algorithms include a range of tools that affect searchability and findability. For example, the Joe Rogan interview with Donald Trump racked up an astonishing 34 million views before YouTube and Google tweaked their search engines to make it hard to discover, while even presiding over a technical malfunction that disabled viewing for many people. Faced with this, Rogan went to the platform X to post all three hours.

Navigating this thicket of censorship and quasi-censorship has become part of the business model of alternative media.

Those are just the headline cases. Beneath the headlines, there are technical events taking place that are fundamentally affecting the ability of any historian even to look back and tell what is happening. Incredibly, the service which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.

As of this writing, we have no way to verify content that has been posted for three weeks of October leading to the days of the most contentious and consequential election of our lifetimes. Crucially, this is not about partisanship or ideological discrimination. No websites on the Internet are being archived in ways that are available to users. In effect, the whole memory of our main information system is just a big black hole right now.

The trouble on began on October 8, 2024, when the service was suddenly hit with a massive Denial of Service attack (DDOS) that not only took down the service but introduced a level of failure that nearly took it out completely. Working around the clock, came back as a read-only service where it stands today. However, you can only read content that was posted before the attack. The service has yet to resume any public display of mirroring of any sites on the Internet.

In other words, the only source on the entire World Wide Web that mirrors content in real time has been disabled. For the first time since the invention of the web browser itself, researchers have been robbed of the ability to compare past with future content, an action that is a staple of researchers looking into government and corporate actions.

It was using this service, for example, that enabled Brownstone researchers to discover precisely what the CDC had said about Plexiglas, filtration systems, mail-in ballots, and rental moratoriums. That content was all later scrubbed off the live Internet, so accessing archive copies was the only way we could know and verify what was true. It was the same with the World Health Organization and its disparagement of natural immunity which was later changed. We were able to document the shifting definitions thanks only to this tool which is now disabled.

What this means is the following: Any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow and leave no record of what they posted unless some user somewhere happened to take a screenshot. Even then there is no way to verify its authenticity. The standard approach to know who said what and when is now gone. That is to say that the whole Internet is already being censored in real time so that during these crucial weeks, when vast swaths of the public fully expect foul play, anyone in the information industry can get away with anything and not get caught.

We know what you are thinking. Surely this DDOS attack was not a coincidence. The time was just too perfect. And maybe that is right. We just do not know. Does suspect something along those lines? Here is what they say:

Last week, along with a DDOS attack and exposure of patron email addresses and encrypted passwords, the Internet Archive’s website javascript was defaced, leading us to bring the site down to access and improve our security. The stored data of the Internet Archive is safe and we are working on resuming services safely. This new reality requires heightened attention to cyber security and we are responding. We apologize for the impact of these library services being unavailable. in J. Tucker, "They are scrubbing the internet right now"

Deep state? As with all these things, there is no way to know, but the effort to blast away the ability of the Internet to have a verified history fits neatly into the stakeholder model of information distribution that has clearly been prioritized on a global level. The Declaration of the Future of the Internet makes that very clear: the Internet should be “governed through the multi-stakeholder approach, whereby governments and relevant authorities partner with academics, civil society, the private sector, technical community and others.”  All of these stakeholders benefit from the ability to act online without leaving a trace.

To be sure, a librarian at has written that “While the Wayback Machine has been in read-only mode, web crawling and archiving have continued. Those materials will be available via the Wayback Machine as services are secured.”

When? We do not know. Before the election? In five years? There might be some technical reasons but it might seem that if web crawling is continuing behind the scenes, as the note suggests, that too could be available in read-only mode now. It is not.

Disturbingly, this erasure of Internet memory is happening in more than one place. For many years,  Google offered a cached version of the link you were seeking just below the live version. They have plenty of server space to enable that now, but no: that service is now completely gone. In fact, the Google cache service officially ended just a week or two before the crash, at the end of September 2024.

Thus the two available tools for searching cached pages on the Internet disappeared within weeks of each other and within weeks of the November 5th election.

Other disturbing trends are also turning Internet search results increasingly into AI-controlled lists of establishment-approved narratives. The web standard used to be for search result rankings to be governed by user behavior, links, citations, and so forth. These were more or less organic metrics, based on an aggregation of data indicating how useful a search result was to Internet users. Put very simply, the more people found a search result useful, the higher it would rank. Google now uses very different metrics to rank search results, including what it considers “trusted sources” and other opaque, subjective determinations.

Furthermore, the most widely used service that once ranked websites based on traffic is now gone. That service was called Alexa. The company that created it was independent. Then one day in 1999, it was bought by Amazon. That seemed encouraging because Amazon was well-heeled. The acquisition seemed to codify the tool that everyone was using as a kind of metric of status on the web. It was common back in the day to take note of an article somewhere on the web and then look it up on Alexa to see its reach. If it was important, one would take notice, but if it was not, no one particularly cared.

This is how an entire generation of web technicians functioned. The system worked as well as one could possibly expect.

Then, in 2014, years after acquiring the ranking service Alexa, Amazon did a strange thing. It released its home assistant (and surveillance device) with the same name. Suddenly, everyone had them in their homes and would find out anything by saying “Hey Alexa.” Something seemed strange about Amazon naming its new product after an unrelated business it had acquired years earlier. No doubt there was some confusion caused by the naming overlap.

Here’s what happened next. In 2022, Amazon actively took down the web ranking tool. It didn’t sell it. It didn’t raise the prices. It didn’t do anything with it. It suddenly made it go completely dark.

No one could figure out why. It was the industry standard, and suddenly it was gone. Not sold, just blasted away. No longer could anyone figure out the traffic-based website rankings of anything without paying very high prices for hard-to-use proprietary products.

All of these data points that might seem unrelated when considered individually, are actually part of a long trajectory that has shifted our information landscape into unrecognizable territory. The Covid events of 2020-2023, with massive global censorship and propaganda efforts, greatly accelerated these trends.

One wonders if anyone will remember what it was once like. The hacking and hobbling of underscores the point: there will be no more memory.

As of this writing, fully three weeks of web content have not been archived. What we are missing and what has changed is anyone’s guess. And we have no idea when the service will come back. It is entirely possible that it will not come back, that the only real history to which we can take recourse will be pre-October 8, 2024, the date on which everything changed.

The Internet was founded to be free and democratic. It will require herculean efforts at this point to restore that vision, because something else is quickly replacing it.

The Plane Disappears

Back in 2013 you may have read about the disappearance of MH370, lost with 269 passengers aboard. Two massive searches since then have uncovered no debris from the plane. What happened to flight MH370 has been a mystery until Ashton Forbes appeared on the scene  and blew everyone’s mind.

Before we get started, watch both of these short 2-minute vids. They show how the plane disappeared. The first one is from a military drone, the other from a U.S. spy satellite.

First vid, thermal video taken from a U.S. drone:

Second vid: Stereoscopic satellite vid:

For a full review of these vids by Ashton (2 hours 36 minutes long) go here:

FRame-by-frame analysis of the wormhole

Ashton has done a frame-by-frame analysis of what looks like a wormhole that swallowed the plane. It is clear from these images, which I took from one of Ashton’s streams, that whatever this is, it is not an explosion. An explosion is an exothermic phenomenon that throws out debris all over the place. This is clearly an endothermic reaction, a sucking in of energy. The 3 plasma orbs obviously have something to do with the forming of the wormhole (plasma is the 4th stage of matter and is electromagnetic in nature).

Definition of endothermic process: “In the course of an endothermic process, the system gains heat from the surroundings and so the temperature of the surroundings decreases (gets cold).”

— “Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions,” LibreTexts Chemistry, at

In the thermal vid you can see how the opening in space gets black. In a thermal vid, the darker the color the colder the area is. In an exothermic (explosive) reaction, the outside system (atmosphere) receives heat from the explosion. This is clearly not the case here, for the plane did not explode: it just disappeared.

It explains why nothing has ever been recovered from the plane during two massive searches, which was supposedly lost at sea.

I made screen shots from Ashton’s live stream:

Frame 1, orbs converging on plane

Frame 2, wormhole appears:

Frame 3, wormhole enlarges:

Frame 4, wormhole starts to shrink:

Frame 5, wormhole and plane disappears.

To see Ashton’s live stream where he shows this, go to the 13 minute mark.

Most people who see these vids just dismiss them. What do you think?

Ashton pretty much destroys the debunkers who claim the vids are fake. Which means that the United States has some serious, heavy-duty frontier physics technology that the rest of the world doesn’t. Dr. Steven Greer, who has been investigating the Special Access Programs, UFOs, and zero-point energy for 30 years, says that the technology and physics in the Unacknowledged Special Access Programs is decades ahead of anything that has been released publicly. That would certainly seem to be confirmed by these videos!

For more information you can follow Ashton on X at  or his YouTube channel at Listen to the live streams every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night.


This wormhole phenomenon seems to be related to the Zero Point Energy field, a sea of energy containing positive and negative masses that are in perfect equilibrium, so we don’t perceive it. Physicists have been discussing this great sea of quantum energy for over a hundred years. For a readable, layman’s explanation of ZPE, you can read this excerpt, which was extracted by Ashton from a patent:

The History of Zero-Point Energy

Posted by Ashton Forbes

The existence of zero-point energy (ZPE) was first postulated by Max Planck in 1912. Heisenberg uncertainty principle mandates that there can never be a condition of no energy present. A pendulum operating at the quantum level will never come to a complete stop, and will have a minimum average energy as represented by hf/2, where h is Planck’s constant and f is the oscillation frequency. This energy is referred to as “zero-point” because it is present even at a temperature of absolute zero, where all thermal activity ceases.

The existence of ZPE has been experimentally confirmed by the Lamb Shift and the Casimir Effect. The Casimir force is powerful enough that operators of scanning electron microscopes must take special precautions to prevent metal surfaces in close proximity from joining together. Helium remains a liquid at a temperature of absolute zero, impossible unless it is receiving some form of energy to keep it in a liquid state. Hydrogen atoms don't radiate energy at rest implying they are sitting at an equilibrium state.

Zero-point energy is present at every point in the universe, being embedded in the fabric of space itself.  ZPE is the energy that powers the universe itself, giving subatomic particles their energy. An electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom would quickly radiate away its energy as Larmor radiation and crash into the nucleus unless it was receiving energy from an outside source to stabilize this orbit. That energy is ZPE, and the electron’s interaction with ZPE can be seen with the Lamb Shift, where the ZPE perturbs or “jiggles” the electrons slightly, leading to a shift in frequency in transitions of quantum levels of about 1000 MHz. The Aharonov-Bohm effect shows a phase shift even in the absence of electromagnetic fields.

Zero-point energy has an enormous energy density, once estimated by NASA to be anywhere from 10^24 to 10^58 Joules/m3. Richard Feynman and John Wheeler once said there's enough energy in a tiny area of space to boil all the Earth's oceans. Because of this enormous energy density, its unlimited supply, the ubiquitous and isotropic quality of ZPE and its non-polluting nature, ZPE would represent the ultimate form of useful, green energy for mankind.

In mainstream physics, gravity is modeled as a curvature of space (general relativity) and one of the four fundamental forces in nature. However, there are profound problems with this model. For over 100 years mainstream physics has tried to integrate this model with quantum theory (“quantum gravity”) and has failed. Additionally, attempts to unify the theorized four fundamental forces in nature (“grand unification”) have also failed. Mainstream physics currently maintains that the force of gravity has no proven connection to any of the other three “forces,” although there is powerful evidence in the form of the “Biefeld-Brown effect” that gravity is electromagnetic in nature (i.e. US 2949550, US 3018394, US 3187206). This evidence has either been ignored by the physics establishment or dismissed as nothing more than “ionic wind,” although two US government physicists working for the Army Research Laboratory determined that the Biefeld-Brown effect force is at least three orders of magnitude too large to be accounted for by the ionic wind explanation. The effect also has been observed in a full vacuum at a NASA research facility, thereby negating the “ionic wind” theory.

Mainstream physics currently has no understanding of the origin of gravity, inertia and mass. Even if Higgs theory is correct, it can only account for approximately 2 percent of the mass of the atomic nucleus (quark mass). Furthermore, mainstream physics has no explanation for why the force of gravity cannot be shielded, why it is so weak, and why there is no negative mass. It is possible that these mainstream theories, including general relativity, are simply wrong, a possibility that one current mainstream theoretical physicist stated as being “too scary to contemplate.”

For some time there has been an alternative theory of gravity that models it as an induced effect resulting from the interaction of the zero-point field with subatomic charge and thus not a fundamental force of nature. This theory of gravity solves all of the problems with the general relativity model in that since gravity is being generated at the subatomic level, it is already integrated with quantum theory, and does not need to be unified with the other alleged fundamental forces, because it is not such a force.

The experimental observations used to support the general relativity model have an alternative explanation in this theory of gravity. For example, the bending of light rays near a massive body, rather than due to the curvature of space near this body, would result from a change in the refractive index of the dielectric constant of space itself, as a result of the intense interactions between the collective subatomic charge of the massive body with the electromagnetic fluctuations of the zero-point field that are embedded in the fabric of space. A rough analogy would be the observed “bending” of a stick inserted in water due to the increased density of the medium (water) through which the light is traveling. Additionally, the other observations about gravity such as why it cannot be shielded are answered by this theory. For example, the force of gravity cannot be shielded because it is generated by ZPE, which is embedded in the fabric of space, and space exists at every point and therefore cannot be isolated for shielding.

Some of the physicists involved with this alternative model of gravity also discovered that as with gravity, inertia results from an interaction between the zero-point field and the subatomic charges in the object that is being accelerated. This can be illustrated by remembering the fundamental discovery that allowed for the creation of electric motors: moving charges in the presence of a magnetic field produces a force. Therefore, the moving charges in the object experiencing acceleration interact with the magnetic fluctuations of the zero-point field, resulting in a force applied to the accelerating object. These physicists found that their equations regarding this interaction actually precisely derived Newton’s second law, F=ma.

The principle of equivalence states that inertial mass and gravitational mass are identical in strength. However, mainstream physics does not have an explanation as to why this is so. This alternate theory explains that it is because both inertia and gravity are being created by the interaction of matter with the zero point field.

If gravity and inertia, and by extension, gravitational and inertial mass, are not intrinsic properties of matter, but rather are created by an extrinsic, external interaction with the zero-point field, it could be possible to eliminate the effect of both gravity and inertia in a vehicle by interfering with this interaction, resulting in a craft that could be accelerated to virtually unlimited speeds with little energy.

It is this property of spin-alignment in magnetic fields that allows for the random fluctuations of ZPE (which are mostly electromagnetic in nature) to be cohered for the purpose of extracting useful energy.

Prigogine was awarded a Nobel Prize for defining the conditions under which a system could change from randomness to coherence. These conditions are to drive a system far from equilibrium that is nonlinear in its dynamics and has an energy flux through the system. The Schwinger Limit is the point of highly condensed electromagnetic field such that a region of spacetime becomes non-linear.

A plasma is nonlinear in nature, the pulsed, high-frequency, high-voltage discharges represent the energy flux through the system, and the property of spin alignment in magnetic fields allows these particles to be driven far from their natural state of equilibrium (randomness).

— From “Method and apparatus that uses pulsed, counter-rotating plasmas to extract useful energy from the zero-point field and/or to modify or nullify the forces of gravity and inertia, or the properties of mass” at

Dr. Ashley R. Bloomberg, who was the face of New Zealand’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns and security measures, has issued a new paper that perfectly describes what the Pandemic was all about. Like Drs. Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci is the US, Dr. Bloomberg became famous giving COVID briefings to his nation.

We were told during the pandemic that lockdowns, masking, and “6 feet apart” social distancing was vital to prevent the imminent deaths of millions. However, in a paper released on October 18, 2024, Dr. Bloomberg reveals the true motives behind PPPR – Pandemic Preparation Preparedness and Response.

Remember that  during a COVID briefing on March 20, 2020, then Sec. of State Mike Pompeo told us that we were in a “live exercise.” “Live exercise” is a national security state euphemism for a trial run. Live exercises are used by the military to train personnel for an expected national security threat. They can also be used to test the responses of people during national emergencies.

The COVID live exercise was handled by almost every country in the West, except Sweden, in the same manner. That’s because national responses were coordinated at the global level by the World Health Organization, under the guise of “public health.” The US is, at the time of this writing, an enthusiastic member of the WHO, as are all of the other Western countries who participated in the pandemic response to SARS-CoV-2. Here, Dr, Bloomberg takes off the mask that has obscured the real reason for the lockdowns, school closings, the economic shutdowns, and the forced vaccinations, under the rubric of pandemic preparedness:

Our view, which has implications for preparedness, is that pandemics should be considered primarily as a security threat rather than a health threat. Pandemic preparedness and response are not for public health officials alone. Thus, planning and preparation should be “owned” by the country’s security apparatus... to ensure that pandemic responses are able, from the get-go, to address threats to economic and social wellbeing as well as public health.” [emphasis mine]

-- “Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: are we better off now than pre-COVID?” David R Murdoch, Ashley R Bloomfield, PubMed,

Here is a screen shot of an excerpt from the paper, courtesy of Dr. Meryl Nass (This article is behind a paywall. It was also published at PubMed here in the US):

(Dr. Nass highlighted in green certain sentences she thought were important, but for me the most important part is below the highlighting)

Now, finally, the “authorities” have acknowledged that the government response to COVID was essentially a live exercise directed by the national security state, and had little to do with public health. The statements expressed by Dr. Bloomberg perfectly reflect the view here in the US by our public health “authorities,” and probably of most of the Western world.

IMHO the globalists are determined to institute a planet-wide bio-techno surveillance state. “Pandemic Preparedness” is a form of population reduction, as we discussed in the last post. It’s an excuse to issue more fear porn about Monkeypox and avian flu, in order to eventually issue more vaccines and make more money for the global pharmaceutical companies. According to Dr. Nass,

Infectious disease outbreaks are only causing “international concern” because of fearmongers like Ashley. What he fails to admit is that avian influenza has caused a confirmed case ‘pink eye’ in 16 Americans in two and a half years, none of whom needed to go to hospital nor died. It is a nothing-burger. You can’t catch it from eating the chickens or drinking the milk. In the past 6 weeks, WHO admits there was not a single confirmed case that died with a monkeypox infection, worldwide. This too is a mild disease, most like shingles.

— Meryl Nass, “Sexy Lying COVID Hero Doctors Continue Confabulating,” at

PPPR reduces citizens to units of economic production that can be locked down, vaxxed with medical countermeasures, and imprisoned if they get out of line. PPPR is another expression of the bioweapons research/gain-of-function idea that “we have to develop and test bioweapons so that we can protect the public against their release.” This idea is, of course, insane to any rational person.


This is an exciting time to be alive, a time of the Great Awakening; a time when individuals must become informed and exercise discernment.

A book review

In my zeal to get to the bottom of everything I often uncover stuff that blows my mind. This is what happened this morning when I read this book review. This info doesn't apply to my female readers because it's about prostate cancer, but you may find it interesting and informative, particularly if you have an older male partner.

I have heard my friends Mark and Victor and Craig talking about their PSA levels (prostate-specific antigen) and thought nothing of it. My doctor doesn’t test for this so I thought it was unimportant. However, last spring my friend Mark actually got invasive surgery to remove his prostate, and I now wonder whether it was even necessary.

The PSA test has remarkable similarities to the PCR test, which was used to diagnose COVID even though Dr. Kerry Mullins, its inventor, said specifically that his test could not be used to diagnose anything. (The PCR test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead fragments, so the PCR test for COVID is useless. The CDC stopped recommending its use at the end of 2021.) Anyway, here it is, a book review about prostate cancer.

This book review excerpt is from the excellent Unbekoming substack, in an article titled “The Great Prostate Hoax.”

You can subscribe to Unbekoming at


Imagine you're the owner of a large orchard filled with thousands of apple trees. You know that some of these trees might have a disease that could potentially kill them, but it's rare - only about 3% of your trees will actually die from this disease. The rest will live out their natural lives, disease or not.

Now, a salesman comes to you with a new "revolutionary" test that he claims can detect this disease early. He suggests testing all your trees regularly. It sounds great at first, but there's a catch:

The test often can't tell the difference between healthy trees, trees with harmless spots, and trees with the actual deadly disease. In fact, it's wrong about 80% of the time. When the test says there's a problem, you're forced to cut off large branches from the tree to check if the disease is really there.

For every 1,000 trees you test, you might save one tree from dying of the disease. But in the process, you'll unnecessarily damage hundreds of healthy trees. Many of these trees will never produce apples again, some will be permanently stunted, and a few might even die from the damage caused by your well-intentioned but overzealous pruning.

What's worse, the salesman and the pruning company are making a fortune from all this testing and pruning, which costs you millions every year. They're so invested in this process that they resist any suggestion to change it, even when other orchard experts start to question its value.

This is essentially what's happened with PSA screening for prostate cancer. The test, like our hypothetical orchard test, is often inaccurate. It has led to millions of men undergoing unnecessary biopsies and treatments, which frequently result in life-altering side effects. All of this for a disease that, in most cases, would never have caused them harm. Meanwhile, the medical industry has profited enormously from this process, creating a powerful incentive to maintain the status quo despite mounting evidence of its flaws.

The book's main message is a call to recognize this situation for what it is – a public health disaster driven more by profit than by sound medical science – and to advocate for a more measured, evidence-based approach to prostate cancer detection and treatment.

“The Great Prostate Hoax”

Unbekoming’s 12-point book summary

Here's a 12-point summary of the book, including key data and statistics

PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is not cancer-specific. It's present in normal, benign, and cancerous prostate tissue. There is no specific PSA level that definitively indicates cancer.

Routine PSA screening leads to significant overdiagnosis and overtreatment. For every 1,000 men screened, only 1 man may avoid death from prostate cancer, while many others suffer unnecessary biopsies and treatments.

Prostate cancer is age-related. About 40% of men aged 40-49, 70% of men 60-69, and 80% of men over 70 have prostate cancer. Most of these cancers are slow-growing and unlikely to cause death.

The lifetime risk of dying from prostate cancer is only 3%, meaning 97% of men will die from other causes, even if they have prostate cancer.

Radical prostatectomy, a common treatment resulting from PSA screening, often leads to significant side effects. Up to 60-80% of men experience erectile dysfunction and 10-20% have long-term urinary incontinence.

PSA screening has not significantly reduced prostate cancer mortality. Studies show similar death rates between screened and unscreened populations.

The PSA test has a high false-positive rate of up to 80%, leading to many unnecessary biopsies and treatments.

Active surveillance is increasingly recognized as an appropriate option for many men with low-risk prostate cancer, potentially avoiding unnecessary treatments and their side effects.

The U.S. healthcare system spends an estimated $3 billion annually on PSA tests alone, with billions more on subsequent procedures and treatments.

New technologies like robotic surgery and proton beam therapy, while heavily marketed, have not shown superior outcomes to traditional treatments but are significantly more expensive.

Conflicts of interest are prevalent in prostate cancer care. Many researchers and physicians promoting PSA screening have financial ties to companies that profit from increased screening and treatment.

The FDA approved the PSA test for screening in 1994 despite significant reservations from its own advisory panel. This decision, along with aggressive marketing by medical companies, led to widespread adoption of PSA screening before its benefits and harms were fully understood.

“The Great Prostate Hoax”

I hope you found this informative, I sure did. I’m sure that 99% of doctors who prescribe prostate surgery using the PSA test are sincere folks.

There’s an old saying: “Never assign to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.” Nevertheless, I’m beginning to wonder if some of this stupidity is deliberate. It’s not coming from the grassroots, it’s coming from the top of the pyramid.

Why the U.S. government, and global institutions, are implementing a policy of population reduction

“Permissable Assistance”

The Twitter Files have exposed rampant censorship within the U.S. government. FEMA’s actions to physically interdict private citizens from supplying relief to victims of Hurricane Helene is a sign that the totalitarians within our federal government have taken their gloves off and are actively working against the people. I’ll let Tulsi Gabbard describe the current attitude at the top of the U.S. government toward its people in her testimony to Congress.

And now, the issuance of DoD Directive 5240.01, September 24, 2024, which is essentially a workaround of the Posse Comitatus Act (Section 1385 of Title 18, United States Code) that forbids civil authorities from using the military to attack citizens. DoDD 5240.01 authorizes this under a newly created (made up) doctrine called “permissible assistance.” (Thanks to George Webb and his research group for discovering this.) Check this out:

Permissible assistance allows for the Secretary of Defense to employ “(c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

“Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.

“(d) Provision or use of DoD unmanned systems in the United States except as delegated by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to the October 31, 2023 Secretary of Defense Memorandum.” [emphasis mine]

DoD Directive 5240.01

So – local law enforcement can call in the military – and military drones – to attack the civilian population if a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and, say, a protest group regarded as a threat – is “reasonably anticipated.”

DoDD 5240.01 allows the use of lethal U.S. military force against inconvenient citizens who disagree with government policies. At the very least this is a form of population reduction – using the military to project lethal force against civilians.

Where did the idea of “population reduction” begin? How did it ever gain enough legitimacy to justify our government turning against its own people?

Thomas Malthus

In order to answer these questions we have to revisit the life and work of Thomas Malthus, an English political economist. His widely read and acclaimed work, An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society, was published in 1798 during the French revolution (1789–1799), and just after the American revolution (1775–1783).

Malthus was aware of the problems of supplying the growing British population, and he anticipated the rise in the global human population. In his essay, he argued that the population would always increase at a geometric rate, faster than the ability to produce enough food, which only grows at an arithmetic rate. Malthus argued that misery and vice were caused by a fundamental law of nature that is impervious to new social systems and legislation.

It would be necessary, then, to find ways to reduce the growth of the human population, and impose limits on human reproduction.

At the time Malthus wrote this, it seemed an entirely logical and reasonable supposition, for this was well before improvements in agriculture ginned up the food supply, and industrialization created products that made life easier.

However, today many argue that Malthus was right all along, for hundreds of millions live without enough to eat. This, I believe, is largely a distribution problem brought about by trade wars, economic sanctions, and competition among governments for resources. Nevertheless, Malthus’ policy of population reduction found a wide audience in his time, and to this day is the backbone (I believe) for governments and global institutions to justify the implementation of attacks on the population.  

The ideas of Malthus, in my opinion, led to the development and popularity of the eugenics movement, which began to be applied widely in the 20th century.

The Eugenics Movement

Malthus argued that self-interest is the basic impulse of individuals, and, therefore, a society based on universal benevolence is not attainable. Therefore, if human beings are destined to overpopulate the planet, a way of forcibly regulating population growth is necessary.

Eugenics is supposedly a method of creating biologically superior human beings, and it has historically done this by trying to eliminate the “lower orders.”  In the 20th century, eugenics was gruesomely practiced by the Japanese military in their war against China during WW 2, and, of course, by the Nazis.

Here in America, the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an enthusiastic eugenicist. According to TIME magazine, in a 1921 article, she wrote that, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”  However, Sanger was just one of many who believed this. During the 1920s and 1930s, eugenics enjoyed widespread support from mainstream doctors, scientists, and the general public.

IMHO a certain section of the human population still believes this. Unfortunately, this idea has found its way into today’s medical bureaucracies.

Genetic Engineering

In the 21st century, eugenics morphed into its modern form, genetic engineering, which has the same goals but cloaks or disguises itself as “health care.” Modern genetic engineering is encapsulated within the U.S. military’s bioweapons programs (DARPA), and has resulted in the new mRNA “vaccines.” These medical products were researched and created within the U.S. military. They are more accurately described as medical countermeasures to weaponized viruses and pathogens within the Pandemic Preparedness programs. It seems that the goal of bioweapons – along with lockdowns, and the massive overuse of childhood vaccination – is to create a reduced and more docile human population.

Check out the CDC’s vax schedule for children, a document titled “Your child needs vaccines as they grow!” (Really?)

(Click on the image for a more readable version)

The CDC (as of August 14, 2024) recommends as many as 20 vaccines for babies up to 6 months old, and up to 36 vaccinations by the age of 6! (Count them yourself.) Is it any wonder that, according to Children’s Health Defense, 60% of children in the US have a chronic disease? And that Americans are the un-healthiest nation among all democratic countries, even though we spend more on health care than any nation in the world?

Transhumanism and Transgenderism

Genetic engineering and CRISPR technology (gene editing) are a part of the growing Transhumanist program, whose ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for human biology in human reproduction – thereby eradicating the distinction between men and women. Transhumanist Avi Roy, for example, calls the human body wetware. “Next generation transhumanists want us to think about wetware as past. They think about the future as the blending of man and machine, the upgrade of humans from this wet and squishy vulnerable clothing to something far beyond that can expand and move at the speed of light.”

Sure thing, mate!

Transhumanism’s offshoot, transgenderism, asserts that biological sex is a mere construct, an identity that can be changed. This is the reason for crude, Josef Mengele-like “gender alteration” surgeries, which destroy the human body’s ability to procreate. Needless to say, a species that cannot procreate is on an evolutionary path to extinction.

 Genetic engineering is a far subtler and more effective method of population reduction than messy things like eugenics, war, or genocide. It is done by non-threatening people in lab coats in our federal health bureaucracies, which partner with institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the massive UN bureaucracy in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Pandemic Preparedness”

Using medical countermeasures developed by the military that masquerade as helpful vaccines is an insidious global method of population reduction. An article by the Brownstone Institute describes how gain-of-function research has proliferated under the smokescreen of Pandemic Preparedness:  

Pandemic Preparedness, and the gain-of-function research that underlies it, operates under a grand deception, a big lie.

“The Biological Weapons Convention, which every major nation has signed, “prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.” As a result, gain-of-function research – the process of taking viruses and other pathogens found in nature and making them more transmissible and dangerous in humans – must be justified by defining it as something other than what it really is – namely, the creation of biological weapons and countermeasures for those weapons.

“The grand deception – the big lie – used to justify gain-of-function research goes something like this: “We need to alter pathogens in the lab to anticipate the mutations that just might occur in nature, and to promote the production of vaccines to protect humanity from these theoretical superbugs.”

“In truth, there is no legitimate reason to create superbugs in the laboratory. One does not save Tokyo by creating Godzilla. Unfortunately, science can be both complicated and confusing, especially when the “experts” are intentionally untruthful. This grand deception has therefore worked for decades, and a gigantic, profitable, and frankly terrifying pandemic preparedness industry involving governments, non-governmental organizations, Big Pharma, and universities has grown as a result.”

Fear is the mechanism used to scare people about potential pandemics and the militarized medical countermeasures used to “solve” them. Fortunately, We the People have recognized that something is very wrong with the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and in NAIAD. More and more people are thinking for themselves and not blindly trusting “experts” and “authorities.”


The population reduction idea of Malthus has evolved dramatically from his simple essay published in 1798. It has now been encapsulated and formalized scientifically into a military-biological program that, under the guise of “health care,” is being weaponized against the human race by a very small group of psychopaths.

The public has recognized the dangers of the new medical countermeasures. mRNA vaccine uptake has fallen precipitately and the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, and other vax distributors are declining. But the ideas of Thomas Malthus are alive and well within our federal medical bureaucracy, which is now (in my opinion) just a subset of the gain-of-function research within the military’s bioweapons programs. All mRNA vaccines are just shields to the sword of manufactured bioweapons.

Fortunately, a weaponized federal government is leading to an acceleration of the mass awakening of humanity, particularly here in the US. Elizabeth Nickson’s hard-hitting article details this.