Here is a fragment from a book published in 1895 called Etidorpha. These words, which prophecy the ultimate end of science, ring true today.
What, to the mother, can replace the babe that has been lost?"
"The next world," I answered, "offers a comfort."
"Bah," he said; "does not another searcher in that same science field tell the mother that there is no personal hereafter, that she will never see her babe again? One man of science steals the body, another man of science takes away the soul, the third annihilates heaven; they go like pestilence and famine, hand in hand, subsisting on all that craving humanity considers sacred, and offering no tangible return beyond a materialistic present. This same science that seems to be doing so much for humanity will continue to elevate so-called material civilization until, as the yeast ferment is smothered in its own excretion, so will science-thought create conditions to blot itself from existence, and destroy the civilization it creates. Science is heartless, notwithstanding the personal purity of the majority of her helpless votaries. She is a thief, not of ordinary riches, but of treasures that can not be replaced.
Before science provings, the love of a mother perishes, the hope of immortality is annihilated. Beware of materialism, the end of the science of man."
Etidorpha, Chapter 29
Modern science has been perverted. Much of it has been politicized to serve Narratives and Agendas. Mathematics has been declared to be “white supremacy,” medicine has been perverted and subverted to the purposes of Big Pharma, many flawed peer review articles submitted to journals are approved by review committees with agendas. “Climate science” is a joke, a series of political statements designed to make money for their adherents. At the recent meeting of the World Economic Forum we were told that “Disease X” is coming – another created bioweapon that will somehow spread all over the world and threaten humanity. But this one will be different from what Mike Pompeo, at a news conference in 2020, called the “live exercise” that was the COVID-29 “pandemic.”
Yes sir, “Disease X”, which is already being secretly researched and perfected in the biolabs of the world, will soon be released on the human race. Or at least that is what we are being told by those who adhere to the perverted version of science I call ScienceTM
Remember when Anthony Fauci said “I am the science?” Fauci and his minions assert that science is no longer the search for truth via impartial investigation using scientific experiments. No, the New Science (ScienceTM) is used in support of a planned propaganda campaign that promotes a dystopian techno-fascist medical surveillance state.
This would be funny if it were not so obvious.
Just as capitalism is in its dying throes – finance capitalism, whose goal is not the production of goods and services to support a healthy and prosperous population, but the engineering of fake fiat money and credit to support a class of sociopaths in their desire to steal the world’s resources – so too is science, which has been perverted to serve the ends of the New World Order.
Fortunately, people are waking up to this. As millions of migrants controlled by brutal and murderous drug cartels are forced into Europe and the United States, with the accompanying drugs and human trafficking, the problem is becoming greater and greater. Cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, who in their generosity call themselves “sanctuary cities,” are discovering – just as the rare financiers and brave scientists and medical doctors who still cling to true scientific research and who are pilloried for it, and even the rare politicians who work for the greater good – that an unhinged collection of psychopaths have risen to the top of these professions.
Normally scum, because of its filthy and burdened nature, sinks to the bottom of a pond. But today, the Light is shining so brightly that these operators are being exposed.
This movie is going to have a happy ending, if we allow it; if we do not fall for the diktats of nutjobs and crazy people. If we do not sink into despair, the rising tide of Light will make all clear. There is another plan – different from the evil plan – that is being accepted by an ever greater number of the 8 billion souls on this planet. That plan is one of integrity and reward for merit, hard work, and ability, along with the exposure of grifters, plagiarists, and sociopaths.
It’s coming.
In 1895, people could see the ultimate evolution of science 120 years later. The plan for the resurrection of humanity is in the ethers, it’s in the air we breathe, because we are all creating it.