Thoughts about Life

Dr. Ashley R. Bloomberg, who was the face of New Zealand’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns and security measures, has issued a new paper that perfectly describes what the Pandemic was all about. Like Drs. Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci is the US, Dr. Bloomberg became famous giving COVID briefings to his nation.

We were told during the pandemic that lockdowns, masking, and “6 feet apart” social distancing was vital to prevent the imminent deaths of millions. However, in a paper released on October 18, 2024, Dr. Bloomberg reveals the true motives behind PPPR – Pandemic Preparation Preparedness and Response.

Remember that  during a COVID briefing on March 20, 2020, then Sec. of State Mike Pompeo told us that we were in a “live exercise.” “Live exercise” is a national security state euphemism for a trial run. Live exercises are used by the military to train personnel for an expected national security threat. They can also be used to test the responses of people during national emergencies.

The COVID live exercise was handled by almost every country in the West, except Sweden, in the same manner. That’s because national responses were coordinated at the global level by the World Health Organization, under the guise of “public health.” The US is, at the time of this writing, an enthusiastic member of the WHO, as are all of the other Western countries who participated in the pandemic response to SARS-CoV-2. Here, Dr, Bloomberg takes off the mask that has obscured the real reason for the lockdowns, school closings, the economic shutdowns, and the forced vaccinations, under the rubric of pandemic preparedness:

Our view, which has implications for preparedness, is that pandemics should be considered primarily as a security threat rather than a health threat. Pandemic preparedness and response are not for public health officials alone. Thus, planning and preparation should be “owned” by the country’s security apparatus... to ensure that pandemic responses are able, from the get-go, to address threats to economic and social wellbeing as well as public health.” [emphasis mine]

-- “Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: are we better off now than pre-COVID?” David R Murdoch, Ashley R Bloomfield, PubMed,

Here is a screen shot of an excerpt from the paper, courtesy of Dr. Meryl Nass (This article is behind a paywall. It was also published at PubMed here in the US):

(Dr. Nass highlighted in green certain sentences she thought were important, but for me the most important part is below the highlighting)

Now, finally, the “authorities” have acknowledged that the government response to COVID was essentially a live exercise directed by the national security state, and had little to do with public health. The statements expressed by Dr. Bloomberg perfectly reflect the view here in the US by our public health “authorities,” and probably of most of the Western world.

IMHO the globalists are determined to institute a planet-wide bio-techno surveillance state. “Pandemic Preparedness” is a form of population reduction, as we discussed in the last post. It’s an excuse to issue more fear porn about Monkeypox and avian flu, in order to eventually issue more vaccines and make more money for the global pharmaceutical companies. According to Dr. Nass,

Infectious disease outbreaks are only causing “international concern” because of fearmongers like Ashley. What he fails to admit is that avian influenza has caused a confirmed case ‘pink eye’ in 16 Americans in two and a half years, none of whom needed to go to hospital nor died. It is a nothing-burger. You can’t catch it from eating the chickens or drinking the milk. In the past 6 weeks, WHO admits there was not a single confirmed case that died with a monkeypox infection, worldwide. This too is a mild disease, most like shingles.

— Meryl Nass, “Sexy Lying COVID Hero Doctors Continue Confabulating,” at

PPPR reduces citizens to units of economic production that can be locked down, vaxxed with medical countermeasures, and imprisoned if they get out of line. PPPR is another expression of the bioweapons research/gain-of-function idea that “we have to develop and test bioweapons so that we can protect the public against their release.” This idea is, of course, insane to any rational person.


This is an exciting time to be alive, a time of the Great Awakening; a time when individuals must become informed and exercise discernment.

Why the U.S. government, and global institutions, are implementing a policy of population reduction

“Permissable Assistance”

The Twitter Files have exposed rampant censorship within the U.S. government. FEMA’s actions to physically interdict private citizens from supplying relief to victims of Hurricane Helene is a sign that the totalitarians within our federal government have taken their gloves off and are actively working against the people. I’ll let Tulsi Gabbard describe the current attitude at the top of the U.S. government toward its people in her testimony to Congress.

And now, the issuance of DoD Directive 5240.01, September 24, 2024, which is essentially a workaround of the Posse Comitatus Act (Section 1385 of Title 18, United States Code) that forbids civil authorities from using the military to attack citizens. DoDD 5240.01 authorizes this under a newly created (made up) doctrine called “permissible assistance.” (Thanks to George Webb and his research group for discovering this.) Check this out:

Permissible assistance allows for the Secretary of Defense to employ “(c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

“Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.

“(d) Provision or use of DoD unmanned systems in the United States except as delegated by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to the October 31, 2023 Secretary of Defense Memorandum.” [emphasis mine]

DoD Directive 5240.01

So – local law enforcement can call in the military – and military drones – to attack the civilian population if a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and, say, a protest group regarded as a threat – is “reasonably anticipated.”

DoDD 5240.01 allows the use of lethal U.S. military force against inconvenient citizens who disagree with government policies. At the very least this is a form of population reduction – using the military to project lethal force against civilians.

Where did the idea of “population reduction” begin? How did it ever gain enough legitimacy to justify our government turning against its own people?

Thomas Malthus

In order to answer these questions we have to revisit the life and work of Thomas Malthus, an English political economist. His widely read and acclaimed work, An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society, was published in 1798 during the French revolution (1789–1799), and just after the American revolution (1775–1783).

Malthus was aware of the problems of supplying the growing British population, and he anticipated the rise in the global human population. In his essay, he argued that the population would always increase at a geometric rate, faster than the ability to produce enough food, which only grows at an arithmetic rate. Malthus argued that misery and vice were caused by a fundamental law of nature that is impervious to new social systems and legislation.

It would be necessary, then, to find ways to reduce the growth of the human population, and impose limits on human reproduction.

At the time Malthus wrote this, it seemed an entirely logical and reasonable supposition, for this was well before improvements in agriculture ginned up the food supply, and industrialization created products that made life easier.

However, today many argue that Malthus was right all along, for hundreds of millions live without enough to eat. This, I believe, is largely a distribution problem brought about by trade wars, economic sanctions, and competition among governments for resources. Nevertheless, Malthus’ policy of population reduction found a wide audience in his time, and to this day is the backbone (I believe) for governments and global institutions to justify the implementation of attacks on the population.  

The ideas of Malthus, in my opinion, led to the development and popularity of the eugenics movement, which began to be applied widely in the 20th century.

The Eugenics Movement

Malthus argued that self-interest is the basic impulse of individuals, and, therefore, a society based on universal benevolence is not attainable. Therefore, if human beings are destined to overpopulate the planet, a way of forcibly regulating population growth is necessary.

Eugenics is supposedly a method of creating biologically superior human beings, and it has historically done this by trying to eliminate the “lower orders.”  In the 20th century, eugenics was gruesomely practiced by the Japanese military in their war against China during WW 2, and, of course, by the Nazis.

Here in America, the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an enthusiastic eugenicist. According to TIME magazine, in a 1921 article, she wrote that, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”  However, Sanger was just one of many who believed this. During the 1920s and 1930s, eugenics enjoyed widespread support from mainstream doctors, scientists, and the general public.

IMHO a certain section of the human population still believes this. Unfortunately, this idea has found its way into today’s medical bureaucracies.

Genetic Engineering

In the 21st century, eugenics morphed into its modern form, genetic engineering, which has the same goals but cloaks or disguises itself as “health care.” Modern genetic engineering is encapsulated within the U.S. military’s bioweapons programs (DARPA), and has resulted in the new mRNA “vaccines.” These medical products were researched and created within the U.S. military. They are more accurately described as medical countermeasures to weaponized viruses and pathogens within the Pandemic Preparedness programs. It seems that the goal of bioweapons – along with lockdowns, and the massive overuse of childhood vaccination – is to create a reduced and more docile human population.

Check out the CDC’s vax schedule for children, a document titled “Your child needs vaccines as they grow!” (Really?)

(Click on the image for a more readable version)

The CDC (as of August 14, 2024) recommends as many as 20 vaccines for babies up to 6 months old, and up to 36 vaccinations by the age of 6! (Count them yourself.) Is it any wonder that, according to Children’s Health Defense, 60% of children in the US have a chronic disease? And that Americans are the un-healthiest nation among all democratic countries, even though we spend more on health care than any nation in the world?

Transhumanism and Transgenderism

Genetic engineering and CRISPR technology (gene editing) are a part of the growing Transhumanist program, whose ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for human biology in human reproduction – thereby eradicating the distinction between men and women. Transhumanist Avi Roy, for example, calls the human body wetware. “Next generation transhumanists want us to think about wetware as past. They think about the future as the blending of man and machine, the upgrade of humans from this wet and squishy vulnerable clothing to something far beyond that can expand and move at the speed of light.”

Sure thing, mate!

Transhumanism’s offshoot, transgenderism, asserts that biological sex is a mere construct, an identity that can be changed. This is the reason for crude, Josef Mengele-like “gender alteration” surgeries, which destroy the human body’s ability to procreate. Needless to say, a species that cannot procreate is on an evolutionary path to extinction.

 Genetic engineering is a far subtler and more effective method of population reduction than messy things like eugenics, war, or genocide. It is done by non-threatening people in lab coats in our federal health bureaucracies, which partner with institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the massive UN bureaucracy in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Pandemic Preparedness”

Using medical countermeasures developed by the military that masquerade as helpful vaccines is an insidious global method of population reduction. An article by the Brownstone Institute describes how gain-of-function research has proliferated under the smokescreen of Pandemic Preparedness:  

Pandemic Preparedness, and the gain-of-function research that underlies it, operates under a grand deception, a big lie.

“The Biological Weapons Convention, which every major nation has signed, “prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.” As a result, gain-of-function research – the process of taking viruses and other pathogens found in nature and making them more transmissible and dangerous in humans – must be justified by defining it as something other than what it really is – namely, the creation of biological weapons and countermeasures for those weapons.

“The grand deception – the big lie – used to justify gain-of-function research goes something like this: “We need to alter pathogens in the lab to anticipate the mutations that just might occur in nature, and to promote the production of vaccines to protect humanity from these theoretical superbugs.”

“In truth, there is no legitimate reason to create superbugs in the laboratory. One does not save Tokyo by creating Godzilla. Unfortunately, science can be both complicated and confusing, especially when the “experts” are intentionally untruthful. This grand deception has therefore worked for decades, and a gigantic, profitable, and frankly terrifying pandemic preparedness industry involving governments, non-governmental organizations, Big Pharma, and universities has grown as a result.”

Fear is the mechanism used to scare people about potential pandemics and the militarized medical countermeasures used to “solve” them. Fortunately, We the People have recognized that something is very wrong with the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and in NAIAD. More and more people are thinking for themselves and not blindly trusting “experts” and “authorities.”


The population reduction idea of Malthus has evolved dramatically from his simple essay published in 1798. It has now been encapsulated and formalized scientifically into a military-biological program that, under the guise of “health care,” is being weaponized against the human race by a very small group of psychopaths.

The public has recognized the dangers of the new medical countermeasures. mRNA vaccine uptake has fallen precipitately and the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, and other vax distributors are declining. But the ideas of Thomas Malthus are alive and well within our federal medical bureaucracy, which is now (in my opinion) just a subset of the gain-of-function research within the military’s bioweapons programs. All mRNA vaccines are just shields to the sword of manufactured bioweapons.

Fortunately, a weaponized federal government is leading to an acceleration of the mass awakening of humanity, particularly here in the US. Elizabeth Nickson’s hard-hitting article details this.


It is almost impossible to talk publicly about climate change and global warming these days, because people with agendas like to scream and yell and drown out calmer and more reasonable heads.  So I thought I’d write this short post and present some actual solar data.

Decrease in Solar Activity

Sunspot activity, in general, is a good indicator of how much solar radiation reaches the earth. During warming cycles, as the 11-year solar cycles advance, an increase in the solar maximum means more solar radiation is hitting the earth, and will eventually mean warmer temperatures. Weakening solar cycles over time indicate less solar activity, and will eventually lead to planetary cooling.

However, in a massive object such as the earth, there is always a temperature lag from global warming to cooling, and vice-versa.

There is no doubt that the planet has been experiencing a warming trend, but an examination of the past four solar cycles, from #21  through #24, show a gradual decrease in solar activity. Indications are that the current solar cycle, #25, will be even weaker than #24, which began in 2009.

On the graph below, notice the decrease in solar maximas (the highest points of the graph, where solar activity is strongest), and the increase in solar minima (the lowest points on the graph). There is an increasing lag between the end of one solar cycle and the beginning of the next one. During these lags, solar activity is much weaker, and these periods have been increasing over time.


The sun continues to be very quiet and it has been without sunspots this year 62% of the time as we approach what is likely to be one of the deepest solar minimums in a long, long time. In fact, all indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century.  In addition, there are now forecasts that the next solar cycle, #25, will be the weakest in more than 200 years.  The current solar cycle, #24, has been the weakest with the fewest sunspots since solar cycle 14 peaked in February 1906. Solar cycle 24 continues a recent trend of weakening solar cycles which began with solar cycle 21 that peaked around 1980 and if the latest forecasts are correct, that trend will continue for at least another decade or so.

Deep solar minimum

The sun is blank again today and this is the 31st spotless day in a row which is just two behind the total (33) set earlier this year making the current Solar Cycle (SC24) hitting over 30 day totals for consecutive spotless days on four occasions, last seen in the 1910’s. We are now entering into the next solar minimum phase and there are indications that it will be as deep and long as any in more than a century.”

Arcfield Weather is the weather service provided by meteorologist Paul Dorian, who provides 6-day weather forecasts for the Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and New York City metro regions in the Mid-Atlantic region as well as Huntsville, Alabama in the Southeast US and Denver, Colorado in the Rocky Mountain States.

I trust private forecasters who get paid to be accurate, rather than government agencies like NOAA, NASA, and the hysterically politicized International Panel on Climate Change at the United Nations.


No one knows for sure what will happen with the weather, but this data shows a long-term gradual decrease in solar activity, which indicates a coming cooling trend.

The rest of the article is worth reading.

The Anti-social Element

The American people are under assault from a rogue element of their own government in DC. This rogue element has taken what it has learned in researching and developing bioweapons, fighting foreign wars, instituting Color Revolutions abroad, and toppling other governments around the world. It is now applying those tactics in the United States.

Throughout history, a certain fraction of human societies have always been anti-social. The anti-social element within human consciousness has always wanted control, power, and domination. This element has risen to the top of our government institutions and our military, intelligence, and even federal medical establishments.

It’s easy to understand how this happened: psychopaths are maniacally focused on their own needs and how to obtain them, and the laws of the universe reward those with a fixed and unwavering focus. Unfortunately, these people do appalling things because their awareness is truncated on all of the dynamics of life. Psychopaths don’t even understand themselves, so their actions seem evil and insane to the rest of us. It all stems from low consciousness and/or low self-awareness.

Unfortunately, low self-awareness does not stop the antisocial element from achieving its goals. Fortunately, however, low self-awareness leads essentially to the same game plan over and over because, throughout history, the desire for domination and control moves in well-worn grooves that everyone is familiar with.

The Phoenix Program

For example, let’s consider the Vietnam era Phoenix Program, sometimes called the “strategic hamlet” program. This was an effort to eliminate “communists” and “subversives” from key areas of South Vietnam. Bombing, the use of chemical weapons such as Agent Orange, and assassinations were used to eliminate undesirables and make the country “safe for democracy.” A U.S. major put it this way during the VietCong attack on Ben Tre on February 7, 1968: “We had to eliminate the town in order to save it.”[1]

According to the CIA, the Phoenix Program was “a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the [Viet Cong].” Unlike many other special teams, its members targeted combatants and civilians aiding the guerrilla fighters. By undermining their support system, the hope was they would impact the Viet Cong.[2]

Sponsored by the C.I.A., Phoenix used paramilitary teams to target undercover Communist operatives in villages throughout South Vietnam. Witnesses claimed that members of the program’s teams and their American advisers routinely carried out torture, murders and assassinations, accusations that American officials denied.[3]

Phoenix Program badge worn by operatives:

Photo Credit: Tuxxmeister / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

The brutal irony is that Ho Chi Minh was a Western-educated nationalist, and the people in Vietnam had no idea what a communist even was. The U.S. obsession with communism was largely a creation of the Dulles brothers, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA director Allen Dulles.[4] This is made very clear in Stephen Kinzer’s history, The Brothers.

Fusion Centers

Almost 60 years later, the “Strategic Hamlet” program has been transferred to U.S. soil and now exists as the National Fusion Center Association (NFCA). Fusion Centers purport to be “entities that share intelligence and information to prevent crime and terrorism,” but are essentially military/intelligence operations that are working to militarize police departments and gather intelligence on American citizens in order to neutralize “domestic terrorists.”

The game plan of our psychopathic overlords moves through time with current events, but it always follows the same playbook: centralization, top-down control, and intimidation.

On the National Network of Fusion Centers map at I counted at least 64 of these centers.

The Weaponization of Medicine and Public Health

At the same time, our national public health bureaucracies (CDC, NIH, FDA, NAIAD) have largely merged with the vast U.S. bioweapons industry. Our “vaccines” are now being developed by the U.S. military’s DARPA, BARDA, and DTRA. Same game plan, different area.

Here is what Fort Belvoir’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department says about their DOMANE vaccine development program (for “Technologies” substitute “Weapons” and you have the gist):

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Chemical and Biological Technologies Department, in its role as the Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO), is developing a system-of-systems called DOMANE — Discovery of MCMs (medical countermeasures) Against Novel Entities — an interdisciplinary effort with team members whose expertise include computer science, physics, and medicine. DTRA CB posits that one drug may be insufficient towards countering a threat, so it is developing DOMANE to rapidly identify a combination of drugs to impact the novel biological threat from multiple targets, which may prove effective in promoting a disease-modifying effect to counter the biological threat.

Systems within DOMANE include machine learning, high-throughput screening, in silico predictive tools, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), organ-on-a-chip, and other emergent technologies. Machine-learning algorithms greatly reduce the time needed to search vast amounts of data on drugs and diseases. DOMANE is possible, in part, because of research studies that have occurred over the past several decades on biological threat agents and MCMs. The studies resulted in the global availability of a large repository of laboratory and clinical data (“big data”) on how biological threats affect the human body.[5]

Notice that this description does not contain the word “vaccine.” Instead it uses the correct term, “Medical Countermeasure,” or MCM. A medical countermeasure is a term used to describe an antidote to a developed bioweapon. How are these MCM’s developed? Using “machine learning, high-throughput screening, in silico predictive tools, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), organ-on-a-chip, and other emergent technologies.”

That’s really encouraging! The human touch in medicine is just what is needed.

We have all heard about the gain-of-function experiments performed during the laboratory development of SARS-COV-2. The mRNA vaccine was a medical countermeasure developed to counter the effects of a “biological threat agent” developed in labs. The dirty little secret is that our bioweapons industry weaponizes pathogens and viruses and then designs countermeasures for them in a “sword (bioweapon) and shield (countermeasure)” approach. These countermeasures will then be released as vaccines and rubber-stamped by the FDA under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) protocol, which protects the distributors from legal harm.

How did we get to this point?

EUA released medical products are not approved by the FDA, but are approved under the authority of the Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary in response to a declared “public health emergency.” The HHS secretary has carte blanche to declare anything a public health emergency merely by officially publishing it. In other words, a “public health emergency” could be 5 cases of avian flu as long as the HHS Secretary says it is.

Here is an article that outlines some of the appalling HHS regulations describing the declaration of a public health emergency in the United States, and the release process for medical countermeasures. It is well worth reading, and not long:[6]

It’s hardly believable, yet these regs have already been issued and are in force.

And then there’s the OPPR, the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response.[7] This new Executive agency was created in 2023. Guess who is the head of OPPR? Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs. Yup, “pandemic preparedness” is yet another military program. How did the military get to take over law enforcement, public health, and medicine?

 More to the point, how can you “prepare” for a pandemic, which by definition involves an unknown bioagent? Well, you can’t. But if you know beforehand what Disease X is going to be, why, it’s a piece of cake because you have already developed a countermeasure to it!

“Pandemic Preparedness” is a self-fulfilling prophecy that uses a bioweapons program to develop harmful pathogens and viruses with the aim of releasing medical countermeasures that may cause more harm than good to the public. If you can stoke enough fear among the population, you can also make money by releasing a new medical countermeasure and selling it to the government! This is insane, but it’s how psychopaths think.

All of this craziness is part of the consciousness war. The anti-social element feels threatened by what might be called a silent but rising awareness among the population. Their goal is to dominate and control the “new” consciousness of cooperation and harmony. To do that they follow the same tired old game plan of the past 6,000 years. We can see this in the HHS regs, the OPPR, the health regulations issued by the World Health Authority and the WHO, the GREEN+ initiative,[8] and, unfortunately, the anti-social vaccination program against children. Against children?

From Dr. Toby Rogers:

If you follow the CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule to the letter your child will have a chronic illness. Guaranteed. Autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorder, eczema, learning disability, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, and/or life threatening allergy.

The CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is a political document and it reflects the interests of the psychopaths in charge of Big Medicine.

The CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is a machine for turning healthy children into sick children who need frequent visits with specialists and endless prescription medications. This is not some prediction about the future. It is already happening.

Almost no rich families follow the CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule. They all opt out. The CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is inflicted on poor and middle class children. The CDC's Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is a class war that we are losing.[9]

Moreover, pediatricians receive financial incentives for administering vaccines, “including  kickbacks of up to $240 per visit.”[10]  

Again, the same old game plan by the anti-social element. Their game plan is always centralization and top down control, which usually manifests by making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

However, there is good news, very aptly expressed by James Howard Kunstler in his online blog called Clusterfuck Nation:

This is the most significant reality of the world picture now: the wishes of the manager class are going in one direction while the actual dynamics of economy and politics go in the opposite direction. The managers wish for their management of systems to become as centralized and top-down as possible; but the very systems they manage are breaking down and seeking to reorganize at smaller scale, distributed locally. The tension entailed is explosive.

...Everything organized at the gigantic scale is steaming toward failure: big governments, giant companies, the huge capital investment firms, global shipping, energy production, chain retailing, mass motoring, big electricity, big medicine, big education, big anything. They are all fixing to fail while our politicians and economists make plans based on consolidating them into one super-gigantic mega-system that will run flawlessly on computer tech magic.

Yup. The massive, centralized systems will fail, but how long will that take?

How Long Will the Consciousness War Continue?

Until the consciousness revolution spreads so much light that enough of the dark underbelly of human society is exposed. We are in the middle of that process now.

The consciousness revolution is a silent revolution because the real action occurs on the mental/spiritual plane and is invisible.[11] But this silent activity slowly but surely moves the Overton Window of permitted actions more and more toward the light and away from the dark.

The people on the streets, the people making the most noise, are just operatives.

These folks are mobilized by the anti-social forces, who well understand that in order to sow societal conflict, groups supporting both sides of an issue must be created, funded, and activated. They sponsor pro-Ukraine War groups and anti-war Ukraine groups. They sponsor pro-Israel and anti-Israel (Palestine) groups. The antisocial agenda must have conflict and hatred in order to stay in power. The cause of any and every conflict throughout history is, as Matthias Desmet says, “at every point where a person loses their humanity.”[12]

The anti-social program has worked for 6,000 years, but people are getting really tired of it.

Viva la Consciousness Revolution!

[1] AP reporter Peter Arnett, quoting a U.S. major. See “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,” Robert Deis, Feb 7, 2015, at

[2] From War History Online, “The Controversial Phoenix Program Was Created to Obliterate the Viet Cong,” May 17, 2023, Rosemary Giles.

[3] “Behind the Phoenix Program,” Edward Miller, Dec. 29, 2017, The New York Times, at

[4] See historian Stephen Kinzer’s book The Brothers, Henry Holt & Company, New York, 2013.

[5] “A New DOMANE for the Pandemic Era,” at

[6] Sasha Latypova, “When pandemics are declared – what does this mean in practice?”

[7] See, “Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy” at

[8] See “The Neo-Enclosure of the Whole World,” Elizabeth Nickson, at

[9] Dr. Toby Rogers, Substack Note, 6/12/24.

[10] Interview with Dr. Paul Thomas at Children’s Health Defense. See  “‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme” at

(This may be behind a paywall).

[11] See the movie “The Evolution of Consciousness,” available free on YouTube at

[12] Mathias Desmet, “Nietsche in Israel,” at

You may not want to ask this of others, but it’s a good question to ask yourself


Before we begin, I want to distinguish between the “soul” and you. I was raised Catholic. I was told that when I die, my soul would be saved. “Yeah that’s great!” I thought. “But what about me? What happens to me after I die?” The soul, I always thought, was something separate from me, so who cares what happens to it?

To avoid confusion I am going to use the word consciousness to describe the self-aware personality that wakes up every day, goes to work or play; the one who directly experiences life. No, not the body. The body is part of human consciousness, of course, because the body’s receptor cells automatically filter the electromagnetic spectrum and create what we experience as everyday reality. Our definition of consciousness goes beyond scientific materialism, which is the notion that only the physical universe exists.   

The Question

Here’s the question: “What happens after you take your last breath?”

Why ask this question at all? Because the light of spirituality is dimming in our secular, atheist, and rage-a-holic society; a society that glorifies technology and science and deprecates the human connection to the beauty and love of the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm is the seat of consciousness.

Science and technology are taking humanity down the road to a stultifying scientific materialism that regards human beings as easily controlled and directed stimulus-response digital machines.

Transhumanism is at the forefront of this movement. The goal of Transhumanism is essentially to cheat death and achieve immortality. I suppose that is an admirable goal, but what if the consciousness of every human being is already immortal?

The Prize

My wife and I are watching the Highlander series again. The Highlander was made in the 1990s, and depicts characters who are physically immortal – unless you take their head. The series is fascinating because the writers and producers made the most of a simple concept: A very small percentage of humanity has always been physically immortal. A Gathering of immortals will eventually take place until there is only one left. The prize? The winner becomes mortal and can die.

Why would the prize, after thousands of years of living, be the death of the body? Perhaps, as is made clear in the series, living forever in the same body builds up a lot of trauma. People become so jaded that they want to start over. The main actor, Adrian Paul, is superb at portraying a 400-year-old man and the challenges a person might face living so long.

Even if Transhumanists can create a body that never dies, would that solve the problem of living forever in the same body?

I doubt it. Living forever doesn’t guarantee happiness. Transhumanism doesn’t guarantee happiness. No, Transhumanism is an “out” for those who are petrified of taking their last breath.

Because, you know, what happens after that? Well, blackness I guess. You are snuffed out.

I don’t blame people who are afraid of this outcome, for it is terrifying.


What if there was a spiritual system on the planet that made this question moot? We discussed such a system in a previous post. This system gives you a break every 80 years or so. Then you come back in the process of reincarnation. It’s you, just in a different body. Variety is the spice of life.

If consciousness doesn’t originate in the body, then it is independent of the physical universe. And that means that after you take your last breath, you continue.

Physical immortality a la the Highlander, or Transhumanism, is the process of unbroken, continuous consciousness. Reincarnation is the process of unbroken, continuous consciousness combined with a release of all the trauma of the last lifetime, and a re-start. Sounds pretty good to me.

Everyone has two choices: (1) belief in the continuance of consciousness, or (2) belief in the complete snuffing out of existence after the body takes its last breath.

The irony is that both options result in the same thing, but you won’t know for sure until the body breathes its last.

Most of us simply go through life without asking what we are doing here, and that’s fine. But eventually we must all face the Ultimate Question.

What I don’t understand are people who believe so thoroughly in their own demise. Hardcore materialists have consciously chosen (2), and have created an entire field of science/technology that is receiving massive funding. Apparently there are many on the planet who think this way.

The good news is that no matter who you are, at the end of life, all endings are happy endings: a return to the spiritual realm. It’s something to look forward to.

The view from 40,000 light years

If you walk around downtown San Francisco right near the X aka Twitter headquarters it’s a zombie apocalypse...It’s have to see it to believe it...
You have to say, ‘What philosophy led to that outcome?’ And that philosophy was being piped to Earth. So, uh, you know, a philosophy that would ordinarily be quite niche and geographically constrained – so that the sort of fall out area would be limited – was effectively given an information weapon: An information technology weapon to propagate what is essentially a mind virus to the rest of Earth. And the outcome of that mind virus is very clear if you walk around the streets of downtown San Francisco. It is the end of civilization.”

Elon Musk, interview with Joe Rogan, Oct 31, 2023

Note: This essay assumes that intelligent life exists beyond the boundaries of our solar system. This is not an unwarranted assumption considering that the Milky Way galaxy has at least a hundred billion stars, and probably more planets than that. To create all of that and only endow life on one tiny planet seems silly.


Exobiologists and others who speculate on what life is like “out there” often assume that all planets in the galaxy that are similarly situated to their suns are rich in natural and biological resources, just like the earth. The earth has an astonishing number of species and so much biomass, an abundance of natural resources and many different ecosystems. But is this a common feature of planets in other solar systems? What if most planets in the galaxy are far more resource poor than earth? Either because of low biomass and a paucity of natural resources, or because, in their development, they have used them up? (This is where the earth is heading.) In that case these civilizations must certainly have command and control economies and top-down dictatorial governments that that strictly ration natural and biological resources.

These planets would need to band together into trading networks to supply the lack on individual planets. In this way corporate Collectives would form, mirroring the multinational grouping of corporations that run our planet, taking resources from one country and supplying it to another country that lacks those resources.

As above, so below.

What’s It like Out There?

Is the galaxy filled with benevolent space brothers and sisters, ready to welcome the earth into a prosperous galactic society of spiritually advanced beings as soon as we get over our primitive, war-like tendencies? Perhaps. After all, the galaxy is billions of years old, and if there is intelligent life out there most of those societies have probably evolved far longer than we have.  

Hmmmm... not so fast. In our unacknowledged special access programs we have reverse-engineered ET craft that have been shot down using powerful scalar, longitudinal EMP weaponry. According to Dr. Steven Greer, we have technology that is so advanced it is beyond the imagination, such as CAT – consciousness assisted technology. Supposedly, in these hidden programs (which have been under development since the 1950s at least) we have learned to teleport within our own third dimension, and to other dimensions as well. Anti-gravity (electro-gravitics) craft is just one of the many advances in technology that have already been perfected within these hidden programs. Perhaps Star Trek the original series was a Disclosure operation!

The argument used by those who favor the idealized view of the galaxy is that only those with advanced consciousness are able to discover and use planet- and dimension-hopping technology. If Dr. Greer is right then primitive, low-consciousness, warlike creatures like humanity on earth – hardly advanced spiritually beyond the primitive hominids that walked the planet 200,000 years ago, before the Uplift – can understand and use this unimaginably advanced galactic tech. If this is true then it does not require advanced consciousness to develop super-advanced technology.

It appears, then, that advanced consciousness is not a requirement for the development of advanced technology.

In fact, I would say that there is an inverse correlation between technology with consciousness. Take a cursory look at what we are doing with satellite implemented Directed Energy Weapons at Schriever AFB, the V2K (voice to skull) remote neural-influencing technology, neural implants, Smart cities, nanodust, the internet of things and the currently-under-construction internet of bodies... the list is far more comprehensive than this. These are dystopian control technologies used in the collectivization of a civilization into a dumbed-down hive mind.

As above, so below. I would argue that the corporate structure on earth mirrors that of societies in the galaxy as a whole. Just as a small percentage of human beings have attained advanced consciousness, so too for the civilizations in the rest of the galaxy. The spiritually advanced space brothers and sisters are out there – but perhaps are not so numerous as we think.

Humanity’s Spiritual and Religious Practices

Evolution does not necessarily guarantee an advance in consciousness, particularly if the biology – which contains the gateway to higher energies and awareness – is polluted with electronics and chemical/medical adjuvants. Civilizations that follow the route of technology may dead-end, or fall into a sort of no-growth stasis, even if they are much older than ours. (This idea has been a part of many of my science fiction books and essays.)

All of this is an argument for humanity’s religious and spiritual development.

Our spiritual and religious traditions are our most important assets. If we follow these spiritual impulses to their conclusion, we can avoid a dystopian future and the devolution and destruction of our species. I believe we can eventually advance to the point of the Advanced Network beings in my latest SF book, The Intervention.

The Game of Life is Bigger than We Think

If the Game we are playing goes far beyond the atmosphere of this beautiful but tiny little rock, then the earth is surrounded by other stars and planets with civilizations that have been around a lot longer than humanity – which may, by necessity, have long ago developed interstellar relations in business and commerce. It is quite likely that our planet has been visited over and over again over the millennia.

If we fall for the lure of advanced technology from the “visitors” to our planet we are doomed, just like the Native Americans who sold Manhattan to the Europeans for some trinkets. We will have given away our civilization for a few baubles of technology and allowed our planet to be absorbed into the great corporate trading Collectives.

At the present time the Transhumanists and the materialists rule our planet, and are taking humanity down the road to species extinction. Their dark economy, at the time of this writing, controls the world: human trafficking in women and children, massive drugs trafficking that have destroyed large sectors of American cities, and the trafficking in weapons that have turned them into killing fields. AI is now being deployed to run our governments, or at least provide an excuse for criminals and politicians to declaim responsibility for their deployment of anti-human activities and technologies. “It’s not our fault! AI did it!”

A Caveat

Be aware of programs and PsyOps like Project Bluebeam, which is an attempt to frighten the population into accepting a globalist fascist control State using projected and fantastically life-like holograms of invading motherships and “reptilian” beings that are here to destroy the earth. Saying that the rest of the galaxy isn’t completely lovey-dovey is NOT an argument for allowing a group of psychopaths to demonize ETs in order to create their dystopian world. Movies like Independence Day are an attempt to prime the public mind into accepting this nonsense.

The Collectivist Program

The techno-collectivist program is far more dangerous than communism or fascism, which are dystopian, but earth-bound philosophies. Collectivism is a species-destroying death cult that is, in my opinion, the “mind virus” Elon Musk talks about above.

The collectivists’ fear of death is based on their ignorance of the divine nature of the human being. And so they pollute the planet and the human body with electronics and other substances that destroy life and the human biological platform; a platform that, if developed and evolved, can do far more than the dark, dead-end, and anti-human technologies of Transhumanism and transgenderism.

These fools engage in farcical nonsense like “climate change” to impose a top-down system of command and control on the human race. They engage in gain-of-function research and release bioweapons on the human race, and then offer experimental gene therapy products as a “solution” – products that harm biological systems and disrupt our sacred biological evolution.

We must reject these dark elements in human society and create a sane, creative, and prosperous civilization. That can only happen when materialist and collectivist philosophies are rejected, for a thriving civilization has creative energy moving through it that can only come from an understanding and expression of the divine nature of the human being. We must embrace our religions and our spiritual connections to the Creator, not destroy them. Our spiritual development is far more important than our technological development.

The gameboard is changing so fast it's hard to keep up

Understanding current events is problematic. Events are occurring so rapidly, and the gameboard is altering so much, that even a view from 40,000 feet is a confusing patchwork of forces going at each other in every sector of human society.

However, a few broad patterns are emerging.

1) Investigation into the worldwide Psyop – the mRNA injections – is heating up, despite the frantic efforts of Pfizer and Moderna, and their captured regulatory agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and NIAID, to squash them. Dr. Robert Malone – who was instrumental in developing the mRNA technology and is best qualified to comment – writes frequently on the effectiveness of the vaccines and describes in detail how they operate. Other substacks include those of Dr. Robert Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, eugyppius (who comments from Germany), and Igor Chudov, all of whom have studied the vaccines from the beginning. The consensus from scientists is that the vaccines do not stop transmission or infection. In January 2022, the director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that “the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus.” The claim is that the vaccines protect from serious injury and death, but there is little evidence to support this. Indeed, some studies show that after several months, negative effectiveness is observed, meaning that the shots actually increase the chance of getting Covid.

Despite the growing consensus among scientists that the vaccines are largely ineffective and cause severe adverse reactions, vaccine mandates are still required in some workplaces even though the courts have blocked the president’s vaccine mandates for federal employees. It is clear now that the vaccines were not introduced to stop the spread of COVID-19 (because they do not stop transmission or infection, and we still do not know what is in them). Rather, COVID-19 was introduced to support an Information and Influence Operation to get the world vaccinated. This Op has been wildly successful: According to the New York Times, 71.2% of the entire population of earth has gotten at least one dose of the mRNA shots – 5.47 billion people out of a total of 8 billion!

2) The United States Government is not only cooperating in the trafficking of human beings, but dangerous drugs as well. The New York Times, in October of 2021, said that “Migrants were encountered 1.7 million times in the last 12 months, the highest number of illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960.” That number has increased in 2022.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) is the federal law that defines human trafficking. It is based on the language in the US Code, 22 U.S. Code § 7102. Section 11 defines severe forms of trafficking in person:

The term “severe forms of trafficking in persons” means—


(B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.”

22 U.S. Code § 7102, Section 11

The U.S. government works with NGOs like Catholic Relief Services to actively recruit and move people illegally across the U.S. southern border, without vetting them in any way. These NGOs, supported by DHS, are working with the Mexican drug cartels, violent criminal organizations who forcibly charge trafficked persons to cross the border. The cartels are working with the Chinese Communist Party, who make 90% of the fentanyl and its derivatives trafficked by the cartels through our southern border. Fentanyl is a highly dangerous and addicting drug that kills tens of thousands of Americans every year.

The U.S. government, at the time of this writing, is demonstrably supporting human trafficking and drug trafficking.

3) Last, but most important, are the attacks on the family and on religion and spirituality.

The family is the bedrock and foundation of all human societies, and has been so since we came out of the caves. The United States is awash in drugs, both legal and illegal. Most of the TV programs in this country are sponsored by drug companies. During the pandemic, lockdowns and forced vaccinations caused massive psychological and economic damage to the family, and particularly to children. Churches were closed, preventing the gathering of like-minded folks to pray and be with each other in the light. All totalitarian societies suppress religion and spirituality, because the dark is afraid of the light.

The forces of darkness have mobilized a massive Transhumanist assault on humanity, which focuses on women and children, and relegates men to die on soccer fields, or in Qatar, or lifting weights, or jogging. The Transhumanist goal is the elimination of biological reproduction altogether. The dream of Transhumanism is printed bodies (like what you do with a 3D printer), and merging human consciousness with AI, all of which can be remotely directed. This concept was illustrated brilliantly in the SF series “Eureka” a few years ago.

Check out this vid from Ectolife. This is the Matrix, for real:

It is clear now that the Transhumanist program began with the introduction of the mRNA vaccines. It will continue with the introduction of programmable bio-nanobots into the blood, brain-computer interfaces (a la Mr. Fetterman), and programmable neural links (Elon Musk). The recent G20 declaration, which is posted at, begins this process in the United States by developing a sophisticated “digital infrastructure” whose purpose is to build an Internet of Bodies (hackable/programmable bodies). It also calls for the elimination of nation state sovereignty and thus eliminates pesky Constitutions that guarantee basic human rights. Under the guise of “public health,” it would give complete worldwide control over the health of the human population to the World Health Organization, an outfit funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party.

Transhumanism is an attack on humanity itself, and biological reproduction. It is primarily an attack on women and children.

A woman contains the seed of creation in her womb. She is the source, the creative force, in ALL human societies. She reflects the divinity of God, the Creative Source, that is the source of all life everywhere. Anything that harms women is a danger to society.

Dr. Naomi Wolf says about the Pfizer documents that were the basis for the Emergency Use Authorization approval of the mRNA vaccines,

the 55,000 Pfizer documents, released via a lawsuit by Aaron Siri and his firm, have been reviewed by our volunteer group of 3500 medical and scientific experts; they have written, under the leadership of DailyClout COO Amy Kelly, 48 reports. These experts have proven that 77% of the adverse events in the Pfizer documents are sustained by women, and that of those, 16% are, in Pfizer’s own words, “reproductive disorders.” [italics mine].

These vaccines target women.


The human race is experiencing a Great Awakening, spurred by a massive spiritual contest between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. This contest is becoming more and more visible. The darkness is being exposed so completely that it is being forced to organize openly and try to normalize practices that have been ongoing for thousands of years. These practices – human trafficking, drug running, pedophilia, and the sexual abuse of children and women – have always been present in human societies, but ruthlessly hidden and covered up. They are being forced into the open.

The dark forces know that their time is up. They are proceeding in haste. If enough of us wake up in time, they will surely fail.

A view of life from 40,000 feet


This essay assumes the existence of the soul, or the animating principle – a non-physical consciousness independent of the physical body. The soul is a concept that has been a part of every culture in human history.


We perceive time in a straight line and it only goes one way, from past to present to future. Everything in our world has a beginning point and an end point. Life is born and it lives for a while and then it dies. From a purely physical point of view, time is linear.

Let’s take that line and close the left side of the line with the right side of the line:

We have gone from one dimension (line) to two dimensions (a circle in a plane).

What happens to our timeline?

Well, there really isn’t a beginning or an end anymore. We could arbitrarily choose a point anywhere on the circle and call it the beginning. But past, present, and future doesn’t make much sense now. The flow of time can go either “backward” or “forward.”

There’s a lesson here. It has to do with the next higher dimension (dimension three).

Imagine a spirit (soul) incarnating into a body. The point of birth is at A on the circle, where the spirit enters the physical universe. From the point of view of the circle, the entry of the animating principle is invisible. It comes from outside the circle, and the circle can’t see it come in because it can’t see outside the two-dimensional plane of its awareness. The entry of the soul appears to be magic from the viewpoint of the circle. It says, “Well, something is here that wasn’t here before but we don’t know how it happened.” The same thing happens at death. Whatever that “something” is, leaves, and the physical body is dead. The soul is no longer in the flow of time, from the circle’s perspective.

A life can be graphed by showing the soul entering the circle at point A, traveling along the flow of time (living) until it gets to point A again, which we call death, and then leaving. Birth and death are the same point.

The same thing happens in three dimensions, if you imagine the circle being drawn on the surface of a sphere:


Three lives: the black circle (a) on the sphere represents a life, and so does the green circle (b) with a different life path. A shorter life is represented by the red circle (c).

Now imagine the circle getting smaller and smaller, and shrinking to a tiny dot (dimension zero. Imagine the dot is infinitely small).

What happens to time?

If the circle of time shrinks infinitely small, then past, present, and future merge. Time essentially disappears. The dimensionless point represents something timeless: the non-physical soul or animating principle. It appears invisibly at birth and returns to its non-physical home at the time of body death.

A timeless entity is a strange concept because in the physical universe all events are separated by time. A world where past, present, and future happen all at once would result in incomprehensible chaos. To a physical entity, timelessness makes no sense, but this is the soul’s perception as it exits the physical universe and enters a timeless state.

Dimension zero is a singularity.

In math, according to Wolfram MathWorld, “zero is the integer that, when used as a counting number, means that no objects are present. It is the only integer (and, in fact, the only real number) that is neither negative nor positive.” This definition suggests that zero has no physical qualities at all.

In cosmology, the dimensionless point can represent an infinite amount of matter and energy within an infinitely small area. The Big Bang theory of the universe says that everything in our universe originated within a cosmic singularity.

If the soul is itself a dimensionless entity it would be invisible in our three dimensional physical world. Indeed, science (correctly) rejects the idea of an animating principle or a soul, or any non-physical awareness, because it cannot be observed or measured. Science does not deal with the intangible, and the soul by definition is intangible and dimensionless.

The concept of the soul – an awareness beyond the physical body – has persisted for millennia throughout every culture in human history.


The point of this little essay is that it is impossible to understand the soul from our physical perspective. The closest we can come is an intuitive approach. Intuition, by definition, is that which exists beyond the five human senses. Intuition could be defined as the non-physical soul communicating with the physically incarnated human being.

Mostly we dismiss or ignore or don’t recognize our intuitive impulses. However, in my experience, intuitive flashes occur when I am meditating, or when I am completely calm. They seem to occur “out of time,” which suggests a non-physical source. It is comforting for me to think that, as a human being, there is more to “me” than just a physical body and the limitations of the five human senses. Perhaps, if we paid more attention to our intuitive/inner voice, we might learn something more about a greater or higher aspect of ourselves.

Human society has reached a massive inflection point

Definition of Denouement:

1. The final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot.

2. The events following the climax of a drama or novel in which such a resolution or clarification takes place.

3. The outcome of a sequence of events; the end result.

—— Wordnik

Spiritual Principles

“All Endings are Happy Endings.”

This was the theme of my former radio show called Interview with Spirit. On the show, which went from 2008 to 2014, I looked at current events from a spiritual perspective.

The meaning of the phrase, “All Endings are Happy Endings,” is simple. All life, all consciousness, comes from the Creative Source (God, if you prefer), the benevolent, non-physical source of all consciousness in the universe. No matter how bad your life is in the physical universe, no matter how evil you have been in your physical incarnation, or how good, the divine essence that makes you, you, returns to the Source of All.

All endings, therefore, are happy endings.

Another saying I had on the show was, “What happens on earth stays on earth.”

This just means that the evil, or good, you do on earth is stored in your personal “soul space” associated with the planet, lifetime after lifetime. When your body dies you leave all that shit in your personal karmic space and ascend, unencumbered, back to the Creative Source. When you are ready for another lifetime, you pick up all of the crap that happened to you and begin again.

Every time you come in, you come in completely clean. Every time you leave, you leave completely clean. It’s like playing a board game. You take your piece out of the box and play with it, then you take it off the board and put it back after the game is over. In this analogy, the player is the soul and the board piece is the body.

Just as each board game is unique, each physical lifetime is unique, and will never occur again in the history of the universe. But consciousness (self-awareness) continues.

Reincarnation is the process of soul evolution in the physical universe.

Looking at life from the lens of these two spiritual concepts simplifies living. No matter how bad life is, there is relief at the end. No matter how evil you are you can start over afresh.

Confusion about life comes about when people muck around with human belief systems. “When you die you’re dead,” for example (“You only live once”), creates a franticness about life. You have to be very, very careful. If something happens to that body of yours, your consciousness is snuffed out forever. You gotta look out for number one and not let others get over on you, “because life is too short.”

But what if life is a continuation of consciousness interrupted by birth and death? Then, death is just an interruption in physical consciousness, and birth is an interruption in soul consciousness. But you are still you.

Living life without spiritual understanding stifles cooperation (“Why should I help the other guy? Screw him”), leads to a consciousness of scarcity (“There’s only so much to go around”), and creates degraded ideas about human nature (“We’re only slightly above the animals,” “It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there,” etc.). These attitudes about humanity lead to societal imbalance, poverty and injustice, and constant conflict and war. 

The source of human misery, at its core, is a lack of spiritual understanding.

Life is set up to be benevolent

There are two important corollaries to the two principles above.

1) Consciousness is eternal and does not depend on physical systems. A more limited consciousness results when the soul associates with a physical body, which limits perception and awareness to the five human senses.

2) Consciousness is inherently benign and benevolent, because all self-awareness is associated with the Creative Source.

Human history on this planet has been, essentially, the record of violations of these principles, due to limited understanding.

In the last post we saw how the human body itself is based on musical and mathematical harmonies. The design of our world, including animals, plants, and insects, is based on harmony, not conflict. The diverse ecosystems on this planet cocoon and nurture life. Their design is benevolent and life-supporting.

And so – all life on earth is set up for harmony and cooperation.

Now: throw in a wild card called Free Will.

Free Will means just that: the ability to turn away from the harmonious setup life gives us and do whatever we want. Free will creates tension that spurs new ideas and provides the engine for growth and evolution to higher (or lower) states. Because of this tension, nothing ever stays the same: systems are either contracting or growing, evolving or falling apart.

Life is a delicate balance between a harmonious baseline and the ability to choose differently.


I don’t want to get too complicated here, but we can model the tension between a benevolent setup and free will by borrowing some concepts from the genius of Buckminster Fuller. Bucky modeled the tension of life using what he called tensegrity structures. Tensegrity is a combination of the words “tension” and “integrity.”

(If you are interested in this concept in greater detail, go to the article The Geometry of Harmony on my website, which explains how tension creates energy and gives living systems a dynamic quality.)

Very briefly, a static system (once which can’t evolve) might look like this:

Figure 1

All of the blue struts are rigidly connected to the little white balls. This structure is very fragile because if you knock it even a little, the struts come out, or break, and the whole thing collapses. You could glue or snap in the struts rigidly to the balls to make the connections stronger, but if you play around with it you’ll see that it will fall apart under stress. This kind of structure can be beautiful, but it cannot adapt. It is fixed in position, and cannot change. It cannot change because the individual pieces of which it is composed have no freedom to operate. They are constrained to come together in only one way. There is no dynamic tension here.

Let’s compare this to one of Bucky’s tensegrity structures:  

Figure 2

Here, each strut has a notch in it at the end of it and is covered with a red tip. Each of the struts is connected to the others with a red tension wire that fits into the notch and is slightly shorter than the strut, separating each strut and creating tension within the structure. What happens when you hit this thing? The tension wires flex and the struts find balance because they aren’t rigidly connected. You can throw it across the room, or at a wall, and it will remain intact. None of the struts ever touch each other. They are independently islanded so that if forces act upon any part of the structure, the whole thing immediately finds balance. When a structure is built in this way, it can withstand tremendous forces upon it. If you push on it or strike it there will be an immediate, uniform, and symmetrical response around the entire structure. It is dynamic and can flex inwardly and outwardly, always finding equilibrium within itself. In other words, it can easily adapt to change.

So, tension isn’t a bad thing if it is accompanied by integrity! Tension gives life a built-in energy source that comes from within. To see this, build or buy one of these tensegrity models. If you work with tensegrity you can see that the structure internally generates all of the forces upon it and within it. Tensegrity generates its own energy and dynamically balances it. It does not require energy from the outside. It is self-contained, independently energy generating, and self-balancing.

Just like life itself.

Current Events

So – Life has tension, integrity, and flexibility built-in to it. If it didn’t, it would quickly collapse. The same goes for political systems and societies.

Tyrannical, dictatorial political systems constrain thought, speech, and action. A “one size fits all” society crushes diversity of opinion and new ideas under the guise of “hate speech,” or “misinformation,” or whatever the dictator doesn’t like. Such a system is like the first structure above. The more rigid and dictatorial the system is, the more certain that it will eventually collapse.

 Rigid, inflexible systems contain the seeds of their own destruction because they cannot adapt.

The Denouement

  If all endings are happy endings, why is there so much misery in the world? Perhaps it’s because humanity has adopted distorted and unworkable ideas about itself. We study the human body and fail to realize that its basic structure is designed around harmony. We design drugs to fight disease instead of promoting health and supporting the body’s underlying cooperative and harmonious nature. We design political systems based on mindless, ruthless competition. We denigrate the divine, creative impulses that generate new ideas and insist on a hive mind approach that crushes merit and ability. We do not let the human spirit soar!

Folks, the human race is rapidly approaching a denouement. We have struggled with a false conception of the human being for over 6,000 years, but we are now coming to a massive inflection point in human affairs. Either we recognize basic spiritual (and design) principles, and adopt a true understanding of who we are, or human society will go over a cliff.

It’s not about designing new political and economic systems. We are far beyond that now, for 6,000 years of human history has conclusively demonstrated that it is impossible to solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem. Therefore, we must abandon our failed conceptions and distorted ideas about human nature, and embrace the fundamental, core design principles that describe our divine, inherent, harmonious nature.