Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidily defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we’re not far from that point. But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller."
George Orwell, 1984
The University of Michigan (my alma mater, sad to say) has created a “Words Matter Task Force.” The WMTF, as it is called, is apparently bent on lowering the consciousness of all who are associated with the university.
The WMTF, set up by the school’s Information and Technology Services (ITS) department, has declared that it finds more than two dozen words and phrases possibly offensive to people, including “picnic,” “brown bag” and “blacklist.” ... The WMTF offers alternative words to use, for instance urging people to say “gathering” instead of “picnic” and “lunch and learn” instead of “brown bag.”
“...Among other banned words include “dummy,” which should be replaced by “sample,” and “crippled,” which should be replaced with “weakened.” And instead of saying “crazy,” staff are encouraged to say “unthinkable.” The task force also said “off the reservation” should be replaced with “outside the norms” or “rogue.”
The WMTF isn’t going full Orwell just yet, as the substitutes are not (yet) limited to only one word. However, as in all fascist and communist organizations, “self-censorship” is critical to getting along. In fact, it might be better – because one does not care to offend anyone – to say nothing at all.
This idea will sit well with our elitist overlords; for a quiet, acquiescent population is easily controlled.
As the “best and brightest” gather at their cocktail parties they speak about the vulgarity of the Great Unwashed and our outdated and outmoded adherence to ideas like honesty, integrity, and transparency. Filled with a sense of titillating superiority, they dismiss pathetic ideas such as the human connection to God. While our elites in Congress give their corporate buddies hundreds of billions of dollars, and themselves $57,000 raises, they beneficently allocate $600 for the masses.
Line up for your vaccines, folks (because another “strain” of COVID is surely on the way), and say nothing about the latest lockdown while you lose your business or your job. However, we can feel comforted by the thought that Jeff Bezos has increased his wealth by another billion or so, as our local hospital suspends “unnecessary” cancer treatments or hip replacement surgeries because of the latest “outbreak” of COVID.
Perhaps the WMTF can come up with a substitute word for “condescending cruelty,” which may offend someone somewhere. I think I’ll suggest that to my former (once great) institution of higher learning, which has, in the language of the WMTF, become doubleplus-ungood.
One cannot walk through the dark without being aware of the dark. One cannot solve a problem unless one first is able to confront it. Ignoring the dark is a cop-out and will never lead to peace on earth, for the path to the light leads through darkness. This idea has been encapsulated in the Hero’s Journey, the basis for many successful novels and movies. It’s a universal concept because every planet must go through a period where the dark is confronted and a permanent path to the light is created.
So let’s first confront the darkness.
The Baseline Reality
The Old Order is collapsing before our eyes. The key actor in this planetary drama is the United States. We are the center for the action. Why? Because our Constitution and Bill of Rights shine light onto the entire planet.
The dark absolutely must eliminate the light, and the US has been chosen for their attacks. Our society has been infiltrated at every level, just as the Nazis infiltrated the UK in World War 2. As I have written in my blog posts, former PLA general Chi Haotien has admitted that COVID-19 is a bioweapon issued against the entire world, and especially against the US. The darkness (represented by communism) must bring the world down to their level in order to survive, because the CCP feels that their iron grip on power is loosening in China. The laobaixing, having suffered under 70 years of darkness represented by the CCP, are growing restive and are ready to throw off the yoke of their oppressors. Therefore the communists are desperate and are striking the US today with all of their weapons, mainly because the economic sanctions Trump instituted against the regime are hurting CCP-owned companies.
That’s the situation of the physical planet today. I have said for years that the consciousness shift of humanity is causing higher vibes to flow into the collective consciousness. This is causing the dark to become exposed. As a result they have had to organize; and have done so under the banner of the CCP and their insidious Belt and Road initiative.
Right now, for example, the CCP is building a nuclear weapons facility in Kingston, Jamaica. Their front groups have infiltrated every level of our society. The goal: to destroy America from within and without. The base in Jamaica is one piece of their strategy to surround the US . PLA troops are training as well in Canada, welcomed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
For the United States it’s just karma, of course, a version of “what goes around comes around.” Since WW 2, the military-industrial-complex / globalist / endless war crowd in the US has been committing political assassinations, regime change, and endless war in an attempt to enslave humanity. So now it’s our turn.
It’s what the dark does. Their goal: the creation of a planet-wide authoritarian surveillance state.
To see this more clearly, read this ThreadreaderApp, which describes how the CCP has hacked into U.S. networks, both public and military, using the solarwinds software.
One of the salvos in this authoritarian goal is COVID-19, with attendant unscientific lockdowns that are designed to destroy the world’s economy. China was the testing ground for the globalists and their “Great Reset” (Joe Biden calls it “Build Back Better.”) Their plan is planet-wide “vaccinations” that contain sterility drugs in the “vaccines.” It’s an anti-human, evil, global depopulation agenda. Seriously, would you take a concoction that must be stored at 94 degrees below zero?
Don’t believe me? Frankly, I don’t care. Anyone in this country who is standing up for freedom is already on a list. It’s what communism and fascism does. What do you think happened just 80 years ago during WW 2? The Nazis (communists under another name) moved into Poland and other countries in Europe and killed as many people as they had to. They put 6 million Jews in concentration camps and murdered them. In China, the CCP has imprisoned their ethnic minority Uyghur’s, their spiritual groups like Falun Gong and other religious believers, Tibetans, and of course anyone who disagrees with the Party Line, in concentration camps.
The situation is different today because planetary consciousness has risen. Now the battle between dark and light is largely informational and digital. But the dark is getting desperate. The mass vaccination program in the US and Europe, and the vax cards are the dark’s attempt to get people to line up for their own demise.
Hey, I’m not anti-vax, like some of these crazy far-right dudes. But the Pfizer vax isn’t a true vax IMHO, it’s the second bioweapon in the dark’s arsenal.
Here is a heartbreaking vid ofa nurse who got Bell's Palsy from taking the COVID vaccine.
Already in the UK we’re hearing about a “new strain” of COVID (COVID-20?) that will require another vax. And then in 2021 there will be another new strain, and another new vax will be required. Where do you think this is leading?
Well, let’s let the Dark Side – the globalists and their running dogs and politicians, – tell you in their own words what their plan for you is:
Oops! YouTube took the vid down. I wonder why? Here's a shorter version, that might get taken down too.
Guess who is behind this medical terrorism? Big Pharma, of course, who look forward to the “New Normal,” along with communists and other dead heads and useful idiots. Don't believe me? Read the great New York Times article about McKinsey and Perdue pharmaceuticals, the makers of oxycontin and other opiods. McKinsey avised Perdue to sell as much oxy as they could. If people died, just give their distributors a bonus.
It sounds crazy doesn’t it? Yup. Because the dark is crazy. These people (like Bill Gates, who wants to vaccinate everyone on the planet) are nuts. You thought 2020 was wild? Wait until next year. More of the darkness is going to be exposed. This must happen if we want free societies, and peace on earth.
Why Is This Happening?
I’ll quote from one of my blog posts:
We live on a planet of free will where EVERY choice, EVERY action, is sanctioned, even evil ones. To see this, look around you. If you keep up with current events this will become obvious.
I don’t know or understand why humanity is in this battle, because I’m not bright enough. I suspect that it occurs and has occurred on every planet in the galaxy with intelligent life. Most planets don’t make it. Most civilizations are mired in low consciousness and high technology, a la the Star Wars franchise movies.
As above, so below.
My intuition tells me that the number of planets who see biological evolution through to its glorious conclusion of unity with all life in the universe are few and far between. Maybe one in a million. Almost every civilization gets sidetracked by technology, or their own collective demons (‘monsters of the id’), as in that great movie “Forbidden Planet.”
If you are a star seed you understand what I’m saying. Many of us came from planets who made it to help the newest civilization in the galaxy, earth.”
Yeah. Don’t blame this on evil ETs or outside evil forces. The dark has been created, over thousands of years, by humanity’s free will decisions to go to the dark. Very evil memes have been created (by all of us) over the millennia which then have become more powerful via the vibrational universe concept. These memes are kept alive generation after generation. They have become amplified due to the population increase. There are almost 8 billion humans now. Every soul who has ever had an incarnation on earth is alive today, or is coming in, at this time.
We Are Living the End Times
Why has the world turned upside down in 2020? Because the entire human family decided that the planet was not going in the right direction. So much darkness has been hidden. The old normal was a facade on top of thousands of years of darkness in the collective consciousness. Now the darkness is being exposed. The agenda of evil is being brought forward for all humanity to see. As befits a planet of free choice, we will choose which system we want to live under: an authoritarian, surveillance society controlled by a few at the top, where human beings are treated like apps, or a diversified system of nations and cultures with diverse opinions, where human rights and human dignity are guaranteed.
Before we descend into anger and hatred at the evil ones, let’s remember that the dark is necessary in order for evolution into the light to occur. Without the contrast between dark and light, there is no momentum forward. Evil, while uncomfortable, is necessary. The gift of dark and light is a spiritual momentum builder, a forcing function almost, that propels the collective consciousness to make a decision. Right now it’s impossible to muddle along. You are either in love or hate, compassion and tolerance, or intolerance and anger.
What happens on earth stays on earth. Just like in Las Vegas.
All human beings come to earth pure, and connected to the One. No matter what is done on earth, the soul completely detaches from the accumulated karma of the physical lifetime and returns, completely pure and in the light, to the human family beyond the veil.
That’s how the spiritual system works on earth. When you “die” you will discover this very quickly.
It has to be this way because there is no evil beyond the veil, only love. The darkness can only exist in a physical setting, for after we die we will experience what the light really is.
What Are Souls?
“Souls” are just extensions of the One who have had experience in a physical universe somewhere. A “viewpoint” is part and parcel of a physical expression, for a physical body perceives from only one position in spacetime. A physical body allows a person to have an individual point of view, for everyone experiences life, literally, from a different angle. Each physical expression is totally different. Therefore perspective is generated from physical lifetimes. These perspectives don’t disappear when you translate from the body and go Home. Eventually these different perspectives become souls, or consciousness that can see everything from a unique perspective.
Souls are the treasures of the One consciousness. The entire purpose of any physical universe is to create different experiences, and a diversity of opinion for the One. In this way the One differentiates itself within the whole. Imagine a collective consciousness associated with every planet in the galaxy. Astronomers estimate the number of stellar systems in our galaxy is somewhere between 100 and 400 billion. Conceive of the diversity of the galaxy, even if only a fraction of planets has intelligent life. Soul groups containing millions or billions of souls inhabiting billions of planets; every planet having a planetary soul family. Now imagine trillions of galaxies within the universe, each one with billions of planets. Now imagine an infinite number of universes.
What would be the goal of an infinite consciousness? To create infinite diversity.
The scale of operation of the One is inconceivable, but glorious.
Back to Reality
OK. let’s come back down to earth now. If the goal of the One is to create infinite diversity, which system do you think best reflects this goal? A top-down system like communism or fascism where a few at the top create a society where everyone must think alike? Such a system must operate on hidden agendas. Secrets must be maintained for it to survive. Child trafficking and child abuse, for example, is rampant on this planet, and is practiced by the same “Global Reset”, “Build Back Better” so-called “elites” who don’t want you to question anything. Their activities must be hidden with fanatical secrecy. Assassination and murder is the stock-in-trade of the globalists.
Recognize who in the world are promoting such dark agendas. Identify them. Reject them. Stay in the light.
What did Lenin say? “There are decades in which nothing happens, and there are weeks in which decades happen.” That’s where we are now. The earth right now resembles a chaotic system that is cycling more and more rapidly between various sets of possible outcomes. Every day the news cycle changes, every day monumental events occur. This happens when the collective consciousness of an entire planet is trying to find direction. The choice is ours: dark or light. Individuals make these decisions every day, and the collective decision will determine which way we go.
The players on the human stage can only perform actions that are allowed by the level of consciousness of all of us. Therefore, individuals determine the parameters, or boundaries, of what is permitted. This agrees fully with free choice, where individuals choose the vibrational boundaries of what can and cannot be done. And so individuals can literally propel the planet to a higher consciousness through their intent and their actions.
The old soul, the star seed, is built for times like this because we stay in the light. We’ve been through this before on other planets. We can maintain a sort of soul calmness while others around us are getting triggered by events. The job of the star seed and the old soul isn’t to protest or take up arms. Our job is to project light every single day in our meditations, and practice what we preach when we meet others in society. In this way the light spreads and the dark fades.
Let me leave you with a final quote from our greatest president, John F. Kennedy. I have this as the opening quote in my new novel, The History of the Future:
The same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the State but from the hand of God.”
John F. Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” January 20, 1961, Public Papers of the Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 1961 (Washington, DC, 1961), I.
Stay as calm as you can. Have faith in humanity. The denouement is near, and the light will win.
“Gaia and I are united as conduits of Light from the great central sun, the Source of all benevolence.”
“My body is so full of Light it is impervious to all disease.”
“It can only get better and better.”
“There is no limit to how good it can get.”
Repeat these as often as you like! Or improve them for your personal use.
Old souls and star seeds, now is the time to come to the aid of your planet, and all humanity. Being physical sources for the Light is what we came to earth to do. Now is the time to do it!
Comment: All of the atoms and molecules of our body come from Gaia. Our modern spiritual traditions have lost the link of humanity with Gaia. Only the indigenous practice this. It is time for the rest of us to do so as well. The consciousness of Gaia is incredibly powerful and it feels fantastic to communicate with it. It's fun!
This essay comes under the heading of For What It's Worth. Here goes.
Humanity is in a war with itself. Human beings are fighting a consciousness war between those who follow the forces of darkness and those who wish to step into the light. This is for real; it isn’t metaphysical or new-age bs. As you read this people are dying on both sides.
The dark forces want to kill off those in the light. Sorry, but that’s the way it is. It’s hard to confront, but sadly, there is evil in the world. We live on a planet of free will where EVERY choice, EVERY action, is sanctioned, even evil ones. To see this, look around you. If you keep up with current events this will become obvious once you open your eyes.
I don’t know or understand why humanity is in this battle, because I’m not bright enough. I suspect that it occurs and has occurred on every planet in the galaxy with intelligent life. Most planets don’t make it. Most civilizations are mired in low consciousness and high technology, a la the Star Wars franchise movies.
As above, so below.
My intuition tells me that the number of planets who see biological evolution through to its glorious conclusion of unity with all life in the universe are few and far between. Maybe one in a million. Almost every civilization gets sidetracked by technology, or their own collective demons (‘monsters of the id’), as in that great movie “Forbidden Planet.”
If you are a star seed you understand what I’m saying. Many of us came from planets who made it to help the newest civilization in the galaxy, earth. That’s why I have to say this.
We know now that the COVID-19 virus is a biological weapon developed in the P4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, by the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). See “SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud,” Yan, Li-Meng; Kang, Shu; Guan, Jie; Hu, Shanchang, at
Whether it was released intentionally or accidentally as a gain-of-function experiment is irrelevant. The dark forces took advantage of it to promote their agenda of death.
The Pandemic of 2020 has polarized the United States by causing lockdowns and a destruction of the U.S. economy. The lockdowns have caused economic, emotional, and psychological hardship. Combine this with a rigid, permanent, political and medical bureaucracy that will not adjust to changing conditions, and the result is apathy, despair, and anger among the U.S. population. These are the goals of the darkness. Alabama basketball coach Nate Oats expressed the frustration many Americans are feeling with lockdowns when he said, "I've got three daughters, they need to be in school. Humans aren't made to sit alone in isolation for weeks and weeks on end. We gotta be careful on how we do life, but you still gotta do life."
The coronavirus has been used by our own politicians as a weapon to attack democracy, democratic institutions, and individual liberties here in the US. In California, a small-business restaurant was barred from outdoor dining while a big Hollywood studio set up shop next door to her. Big businesses with lots of people inside big box stores don't spread corona, but dining outdoor does? Small business is being destroyed by arbitrary, unscientific lockdowns. It's madness -- but the dark is mad.
Now comes the COVID-19 vaccine.
This vaccine has been developed in ten short months for SARS-COVID-2, despite the fact that there is no vaccine yet for SARS-COVID-1, which occurred in 2013. That’s because this mRNA “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all. It is an experimental messenger RNA bio-device that alters your body’s protein sequences.
My advice to you is not to take it.
I’m nobody, really. I have no “insiders” who give me hidden information. I get my info from what I read and hear from open sources. So I’m no expert in anything. But a friend of mine says he is going to take it and I’m worried about him.
The Dark Plan is to introduce the vaccine in two stages. Your first dose may cause a headache or maybe a mild case of the flu. These would be natural reactions to any vaccine, so no one will worry too much. The second dose will cause more problems, but still there won’t be many, if any, deaths. Then, in 2021 a new strain of COVID (COVID-21?) will hit the population with a slightly different pattern of spike proteins (biological receptors). These new spike proteins will be different, but similar enough to the COVID-19 strains already in your body from the mRNA vaccine, so that your body will react against it in what is called a cytokine storm, or a hyper-inflammatory reaction. The body’s auto-immune reaction will turn your biology against itself. There is a possibility of many deaths. The media will promote the idea that a new wave of corona virus is loose and is causing the fatalities, and not the vaccine itself. That will be a reason for more people to take the vaccine. But the actual reason is that the new mRNA vaccine has set the body up to react to the new strain of COVID.
And maybe that is all bullshit. But I’m not willing to take that chance and I advise you not to.
Here’s an article that might help to understand what a mRNA vaccine is. It’s not a traditional vaccine like for the flu or for polio.
It is sponsored by Pfizer and BioNTech, the people who are making the vaccine. It says so on the first page of the report. The dark always has to tell the truth, and it does. You just have to look for it.
There are a lot of articles on the new vaccine, most of them boring. Use your search engine to look them up. The gist of them is, Nothing to see here, move on. Almost all news outlets express very little concern and say that almost everyone experiences minor side-effects, no big deal.
For now.
Why am I being so unhinged about this? Because I suspect that a new COVID is on the way. We may already be seeing this because of increased hospitalizations across the country. Of course, it’s cold and flu season now, and hospitals and IC units usually fill up at this time of the year.
Is the increase in hospitalizations due to COVID, or seasonal flu and pneumonia cases? Do the total number of deaths in the US in 2020 average out about the same as during the last five years? That’s what the (now pulled down) study at Johns Hopkins said.
You can see the study, by a Johns Hopkins economist who analyzed CDC data, on the Wayback Machine.
Check this out: "“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, said in a CNN report."
My response is, “Do you think that pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t kill people for money? Think again.”
Here’s some great journalism from the New York Times concerning the opioid crisis, in their article, “McKinsey Proposed Paying Pharmacy Companies Rebates for OxyContin Overdoses,”
McKinsey laid out several options to shore up sales. One was to give Purdue’s distributors a rebate for every OxyContin overdose attributable to pills they sold.
The presentation estimated how many customers of companies including CVS and Anthem might overdose. It projected that in 2019, for example, 2,484 CVS customers would either have an overdose or develop an opioid use disorder. A rebate of $14,810 per “event” meant that Purdue would pay CVS $36.8 million that year.”
Yeah. Unfortunately there are antisocial people on this planet, and some of them reside at Big Pharma corporations. Apparently death doesn’t mean much to people like this. Money is more important.
Behind the pandemic is the Chinese Communist Party. No, not the Chinese people, who are the biggest victims of the CCP. COVID-19 came out of a PLA bioweapons lab, not a wet market. But even if the virus did come out of a wet market and was released accidentally, it doesn’t change the situation that our country is under attack by the CCP.
Professor Di Dongsheng, a communist party official and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing (a Party school) explains in plain language how the communist party has bought off American “elites” in both parties over the past several decades. Turn off the volume and read the translation (which is a bit spotty, but you can understand it).
Thank you professor, for telling the truth. This dude is talking to his compatriots and laughing at how dumb our "elites" are. He's right.
The Real Reason I Wrote This
Here is a statement from Chi Haotian (sometimes spelled Chi Hao-tien), a retired general of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). He served as Minister of National Defense in China from 1993 to 2003.
This statement is the reason I wrote this essay, because it is frankly unbelievable. I hope this is a fake news story. If not, it’s a glimpse into the mind of those who serve the darkness. Here is the general’s statement:
We must prepare for two possible eventualities. If our biochemical weapons succeed in this assault [COVID-19], the Chinese people will be able to minimize their losses in the battle with the United States. However, if the attack fails and triggers US nuclear retaliation, China may suffer a disaster and more than half of the population will die. Therefore, we need to prepare air defense systems [for] metropolis[es] and medium-size cities.”
Only an insane person would even think this. If this guy actually said this, however, it indicates the thinking of those who follow the darkness. It would be proof that the CCP used a bioweapon to attack the entire world.
If COVID-19 is a bioweapon, as General Chi Haotian says, then perhaps the experimental mRNA is as well. It’s something to consider anyway. Personally, I’m erring on the side of caution. The vaccine is claimed to be 95% effective, but the death rate for all age groups for COVID-19 is 0.3%. That means you have a 99.7% chance of surviving COVID even if you don’t take a vaccine, which could have side-effects. Most of those who have died are over 80, and the life expectancy for the average person in the US is 79. The people who need the new vaccine most are the elderly, who would benefit the least from it.
We are living in the End Times now. The light is shining so brightly it is scaring the dark into unreasonable actions.
Be safe. Take care of yourself and consult your intuition.
Di Dongsheng, a communist party official and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing (a Party school) explains in plain language how the communist party bought off American “elites” in both parties over the past several decades. Turn off volume and read translation (which is a bit spotty, but you can understand it).
Chinese elites not only understand America better than American elites understand China,
Chinese elites understand America better than most American elites understand America.
Why doesn’t the CCP like Trump? Because, despite his flaws, he is the only American president for the past twenty years to stand up to the CCP and its corrupting influence.
That is beginning to change, however, as both parties are beginning to understand that the CCP has been waging an economic, information, and cyber war against our country for many years. This has been emphasized in 2020 with the spread of the coronavirus from the P4 lab in Wuhan city.[1] Our elites have abandoned the people. It is time for a political reckoning. Citizens must vote out of office – in both parties – politicians who act for the benefit of Wall Street instead of Main Street; who are on the payroll of foreign governments whose goal it is to overthrow our democracy and our democratic institutions.
US – China Relations
The Pandemic of 2020 has polarized the United States. The lockdowns have caused economic, emotional, and psychological hardship, and have caused a cultural sea-change. Rioting in the streets of American cities has resulted in a new cultural revolution. Younger people have been disenfranchised by an economy that has been shut down, and a financial system where interest rates are so low that saving is almost illogical. Combine this with a rigid, permanent, political and medical bureaucracy that will not adjust to changing conditions, and the result is a combination of apathy, despair, and anger among the U.S. population.
Through all this, relations between the Chinese government (totally controlled by the Chinese Communist Party) and the U.S. government have soured as the CCP has still not allowed the WHO to inspect the P4 lab in Wuhan city. While the CCP was locking down Wuhan city and Hubei province earlier in the year, hundreds of flights out of Wuhan International Airport were allowed to depart to destinations all over the world, thus spreading the virus. This has caused enormous tension between the governments of the two countries. The digital firewall around China – largely developed by American IT companies! – restricts the Chinese people from access to the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, the U.S. position on China is becoming a more bipartisan one. In a political environment where the two parties are diametrically opposed on every issue, the stance toward China is a united one. Some political commentators promote the idea that Trump is solely responsible for deteriorating US-China relations. This is a myth.
1) The U.S. House of Representatives passed a law to kick Chinese companies off U.S. stock exchanges if they do not fully comply with the country's auditing rules, giving President Donald Trump one more tool to threaten Beijing with before leaving office. The measure passed the House by unanimous voice vote, after passing the Senate unanimously in May, sending it to Trump, who the White House said is expected to sign it into law.”
Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen, who co-authored the bill with Republican Senator John Kennedy, said in a statement that American investors "have been cheated out of their money after investing in seemingly-legitimate Chinese companies that are not held to the same standards as other publicly listed companies." Kennedy said China was using U.S. exchanges to "exploit" Americans. "The House joined the Senate in rejecting a toxic status quo," he said in a statement.
2) The Taiwan Travel Act was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress in 2018, over loud opposition by CCP officials.
In January 2018, the bill was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives. Shortly afterwards, it was also passed unanimously by the Senate on February 28. President Donald Trump signed the Act into law on March 16, 2018.
3) On March 5, 2020, “[the] US House unanimously passed the TAIPEI Act. Bill to to protect Taiwan against Chinese pressure campaign passes 415 to 0 in US House of Representatives.”
Both Democrats and Republicans are aware of the activities of the CCP, whose Belt and Road initiative is being used to influence (in a negative way) countries around the world. The CCP is trying to establish worldwide what they have done in China: a totalitarian surveillance state that tracks every activity of every citizen.
An Important Caveat
The people of China must never be connected with the Chinese Communist Party. These are entirely separate entities. We must never write or say, “China did this,” or “China did that.” Rather we must tell the truth: the CCP did this, or the CCP did that. President Trump, who is leading the charge against the CCP, makes this mistake all the time. It is unfortunate. The indisputable fact is that the CCP completely controls the means of production in China (all factories, schools, land, and property). The CCP controls all politics in China. Every important decision by the government is made by the CCP. The 1.4 billion hard-working people of China must never be associated with the Chinese Communist Party, whose biggest victims are the Laobaixing (old hundred names, the common people of China). Neither should expatriate Chinese be tarnished with the stain of CCP actions. Rather we should look to the rich cultural and spiritual tradition in China, which has a 5,000-year history.
The hard-working people of the US and China are united in desiring freedom, the rule of law, and a government by and for the people. Communism – with its gulags and concentration camps, its internal police forces that eliminate all dissent, and its ubiquitous cyber/AI surveillance – is a cancer on the body of humanity, wherever it exists. When communism is finally eliminated from the world, a strong and healthy relationship will develop between the free people of the US and China.
[1] “SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud,” Yan, Li-Meng; Kang, Shu; Guan, Jie; Hu, Shanchang, at (Preprint)
The Great Reset is here. “Great Reset” is a codeword for globalists who want to establish a worldwide authoritarian, technocratic state run by a global bureaucracy that reduces human beings to apps that can be directed into jobs and areas that most efficiently serve the elitists.
If I had written this even a couple of years ago it would have been a conspiracy theory. It’s now in your face.
The Global Reset began with the admission of China to the WTO in 2001. China is ruled very efficiently by a communist dictatorship. Technocrats, globalists, and Big Tech saw a grand opportunity to make a lot of money from the sweat and labor of the Chinese people, and pad their corporate balance sheets. And they did. Our Big Tech outfits like Apple, Google, and Microsoft (and others) moved production to China to take advantage of artificially low wages that could be enforced by the CCP’s state capitalism. State capitalism is essentially the control of the means of production by CCP controlled companies. All of China’s big corporations are controlled by the CCP. ALL of them. They are called State Owned Enterprises, or SEOs. State capitalism is oligarchic capitalism, or communism with another name. It is fascism.
Our Big Tech companies helped to build the CCP’s massive contact tracing system called Sesame Credit, which keeps track of all transactions and movements of people in China. Our Big Tech companies built the digital firewall around the Chinese people. Our Big Tech companies designed the AI and the algorithms that are the core of the CCP’s massive surveillance state.
China was a test case of the Global Reset.
It worked spectacularly.
Now, the CCP is returning the favor. Our Big Tech companies are establishing the same censorship (on left and right) and digital firewalls around the American people as the CCP did to the Chinese people. The CCP, skilled at controlling huge populations, has freely given their advice to our elites in an attempt to establish here what was done in China.
The US is the key country, the linchpin, of all democracies worldwide. If the US can be turned into a technocratic surveillance state, the rest of the world won’t have the wherewithal to resist. Our planet will become an Orwellian communist/fascist state.
COVID-19 is the major weapon used to subjugate our freedoms here in the US. COVID-19 was released as a bioweapon from the P4 lab in Wuhan by the PLA. It’s the perfect vehicle to scare the crap out of a global population, for who knows when the virus might strike?
Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist, explains how this works.
So much misinformation and exaggeration about the lethality of the ... novel coronavirus has been broadcast by government officials and the media that many Americans are suffering from a “delusional psychosis,” according to Los Angeles child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald.
“What began as fear of a then-unknown disease called COVID-19 has since evolved into what McDonald described to The Epoch Times on Dec. 1 as a national condition in which “there is a delusional psychosis that has taken over where people are impervious to rational thinking.
“They don’t want to give up the mask, they don’t want to give up the social distancing … I think that’s what people are doing, they are impervious to reason, to logic, to education at this point, they are psychotically managed by their fear.”
McDonald says the condition is most prevalent in Los Angeles, where he practices, and New York, places that he described as “ground zero for this.”
The government-imposed controls that were initially temporary in March have been repeatedly extended for months and have now “become social controls exercised by us,” he said.”
“Oh this is just another right-wing nutcase spouting nonsense,” you say.
Believe that if you want. I don’t. What can compel an entire population to give up their freedom and liberty? Fear. That’s what’s happening here in the US.
Here are a few facts about COVID-19:
94% of COVID deaths had an average of three co-morbidities (CDC)
More than half of those who died were 80 years old or older, while the average life expectancy, based on all causes of death in the United States, is currently 79 years. (CDC)
A Johns Hopkins economist, Prof. Genevieve Briand, analyzing CDC data, has stated that the total death numbers in the US for 2020 (so far) are not above normal death numbers.
Elon Musk went to a hospital to get tested for COVID. Just for shits and grins, he took four PCR tests. All four were taken with the same nurse, on the same machine. Two were positive and two were negative. (Elon Musk tweet)
Do you think that COVID-19 is the last virus we’ll see if the globalists get their way? There will be a new scare every year. Fear is the only way sociopaths can maintain control.
What might life on a Global Reset planet look like?
A locked-down society where people are afraid of each other, with a crushed economy where people are dependent on the State, where all of your money is in government-monitored digital wallets that can see every transaction you make, where State doctors will jab you with a needle that contains an experimental RNA-messenger vaccine that can rewrite your cells’ protein synthesis processes, while tracking you with quantum dots (designer molecules) and nano-biotechnology that is talking to your local 5G tower, where a compliant media spouts the propaganda of the Party line, and where complete control of your freedom of speech and assembly is exercised by the surveillance state.
The justification for this? I’ve already heard it from Joe Biden: “This is the best way to control the pandemic.”
No. This is a wet dream of the globalist/corporate/endless war sociopaths. The same sociopaths who lock you down and have parties without masks and social distancing, who close restaurants and dine indoors with their elite buddies without masks on, who close schools and send their children to open out-of-state schools.
There’s one rule for the elites and another for us plebes. Haven’t you had enough of this shit?
“Oh that couldn’t happen here,” you say.
Look around you. It’s already happening. Pay attention and it will hit you in the face.
We are in the middle of a huge struggle between dark and light. The dark can’t possibly win unless the people succumb to fear and hatred, the tools of the dark side.
I wear a mask indoors in public because I want to promote social harmony and I don’t want to piss people off. But I don’t do it because I’m afraid of a virus that has long ago spent itself. We hear a lot about new cases, but the deaths from COVID continue to fall, indicating that the virus has spent itself. My sister-in-law told me that a friend of hers won’t go out in public because “I have COVID.” Her symptoms? Loss of the sense of smell and taste, and feeling weak and nauseous. Those are flu symptoms. I don’t get the flu anymore but when I did I ALWAYS lost my sense of smell and taste, and felt weak and nauseous. “Why doesn’t she just get tested?” I asked. “Because she’s afraid of confirming a positive result.”
This is exactly the kind of irrationality Dr. McDonald was talking about above. Otherwise reasonable and intelligent persons lose their cognitive processing ability when constantly bombarded by mass media scare tactics, and oppressive lockdowns that punish healthy people.
Last spring, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio shut down New York City and closed restaurants, bars, and schools. He said, “If these policies that I am enacting save one life, it will be worth it.”
Uh, no. That is insanity. Public health policy does not punish millions of healthy people to save one life. Sociopaths do this. Communists and fascists do this. It’s a method of population control, not a measure that promotes public health. During a pandemic it might be permissible for a short time, but not after.
Stay inside and be afraid if that is your choice. But that is not the American way. Americans are intrepid, we overcome obstacles, we don’t mindlessly obey the orders of tyrants. We are happy to follow rational public policies, but not the diktats of commissars.
Amazon employee shows us "the next level of surveillance for you guys." Is this really about a virus?
Vaccination and "immunity" cards have already been printed for all Americans. Is this really about a virus? Or is it about population control and surveillance?