The War in Ukraine will be the last major war on the planet
The collective consciousness
Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Russia is preparing for an all-out offensive against Ukraine this spring as it masses up to half a million troops and 1,800 tanks on the Ukrainian border. China looks like it is preparing for an assault on Taiwan as it builds up its Navy and Air Force. Hatred and fear seem to be the strongest human emotions in many societies across the globe. So what kind of moron would make a statement like, “The War in Ukraine will be the last war on earth?” All of the evidence is against it.
The reason is simple: there are 8 billion human beings on the planet and we are all sick and tired of war and conflict. “Yeah, so what?” you say. “We have no control of the people in power.”
But we do.
Certainly, the sociopaths and the psychopaths have risen to the top of the world’s governments, militaries, and “intelligence” communities. Fortunately, these people are an insignificant minority of the people on earth.
This is important because we live in a vibrational universe. By that I mean that the power of thought and intent is paramount in directing the affairs of human societies. Even though this has never been recognized, it has always been true. Thought always precedes action. The intent to do something is the energy and the programming behind every program, narrative, and action.
8 billion human beings have created a collective consciousness on the planet – a collective “vibration” of 8 billion individuals – somewhat analogous to a Fourier transform, where a potentially infinite number of unique and individual sine waves can combine to form a single wave, or vibration.
Image credit: Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
This collective consciousness creates an Overton Window of possibilities for action, because action follows thought and intent. An Overton Window describes the range of possible actions for the collective consciousness of humanity.
World war?
For example, some are talking about the war in Ukraine escalating to a third world war because Russia has the world’s largest collection of nuclear weapons and the US has the second-most. The US is, according to some, essentially fighting a proxy war against Russia via the Ukraine. The U.S. arms industry is doing a land office business selling weapons to Ukraine (and anyone else who will buy them, as the war generates fear and hatred). The war is being promoted across the world on all media. The US has given Ukraine $120 BILLION, more money than the entire yearly military budget of Russia!
Yet most people aren’t paying attention. Of course activists on both sides of the conflict are screaming on social media, but the people who get up every day and go to work don’t really give a shit.
The people promoting this war are shocked that there hasn’t been more “uptake” on the war. In the past, a regional conflict like the one in Ukraine spread to the entire world. In WW I and WW II, in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and in Vietnam, a small crisis became a very large one. It seems that the war in Ukraine and the potential one in Taiwan have the potential to do so as well.
But they won’t. I’m making a fact-free statement here, based entirely on my intuition: We are on a new track of history. Looking to the past for examples of what will happen in the future is inaccurate. That’s because the population of earth has had it with war and conflict.
The collective vibration of the human race has risen to the point where the Overton Window has moved higher, past the possibility of world war. It’s never going to happen. The predictions of world war are echoes of the old track of history.
As Ukraine becomes a slaughterhouse, the collective mind of humanity is sickened by the pointless carnage. The old meme structure of problem resolution via conflict and war is being rejected by more and more people. The collective vibe of humanity is forming a new wave, a wave more inclined toward peace, rising above the tired old memes of power and money being the controlling factors.
People are sick of war. The U.S. military has a huge recruitment problem. In Europe, no one wants to fight in pointless wars any more. The European forces are a joke. The entirety of NATO MIGHT be able to muster two or three divisions – 30,000 troops, in comparison to Russia’s 300k to 500k. Everyone in Europe knows this. No one wants to send their sons and daughters to fight in the Bloodlands. NATO (and Europe) is essentially a U.S. Protectorate – a word that means a superior power fighting for the dependent countries it is allied with.
There is no support for the War in Ukraine in Europe by the masses. There is very little support for it here in the US. The rest of the world looks on in astonishment as warmongers feverishly escalate this pointless conflict. Everyone can see that the people promoting the war aren’t the ones fighting it.
The War in Ukraine will be over by the summer. Russia will win this war in a mass slaughter; or, if cooler heads prevail (hopefully), negotiations based on the 2014 Minsk agreement, will finally be implemented. NATO will fall apart.
In the South China Sea, the Chinese military will be exposed for the paper tiger it is. The saber-rattling will go on, of course, but China needs Taiwan’s advanced chip production capabilities just as much as the US and Europe do. The CCP have never been able to successfully build an advanced chip facility despite all of the technology they have stolen. So that war, even if it begins, will soon fizzle out.
Because so many people on the planet don’t want war, there will soon not be any more wars. I’m NOT saying that there won’t be small regional conflicts and that we will have peace on earth. I’m saying that the collective vibe of humanity will move the Overton Window past the possibility of major conflicts.
Every individual is powerful and influential
That’s how it works in a vibrational universe. Thought and intent direct action. The materialists and the warmongers and the people who have no knowledge of Self, no knowledge of their inherent connection to the Creative Source, will never understand this. Fortunately for the rest of us, they are a small minority. Prwesently these people sit at the top of governments, of militaries, and the medical bureaucracies, but their time is up. And they know it.
Inside China, the CCP is on its last legs. Despite their brilliantly executed planetary game of Go, using their Belt and Road program that has now encompassed the world, the communists in China are slowly losing the Mandate of Heaven. The recent massive protests against their insane COVID lockdowns is the beginning of the end for them. The US military-industrial-complex, supported by the permanent political and administrative class in DC, is also on its last legs, because the central banking system is on its last legs. This debt-ridden system that is built on greed and corruption is also failing. It must fail, for organizations that lack integrity will fall into the dustbin of history as the Overton Window moves past them. The sociopaths and the psychopaths will continue on, of course, but more and more people will reject them until their Great Reset finally falls apart.
The collective vibrational imprint of humanity is moving more and more toward the light, toward compassion and the desire to help human beings instead of controlling them. This means that war and conflict will become less prevalent.
Here’s the point of this little essay: Each individual human being is enormously powerful because every human being can consciously change their thought and intent. Each human being can move the Overton Window further and further up the scale, and there is nothing the crazies can do about it. This is why they are pushing AI, Transhumanism, gender surgeries on kids, war, and attacks on religion and spirituality in a last, desperate attempt to save their corrupt system that benefits a small core of elites.
This system can only continue until human beings realize their power to affect world events.