Daily Archives: February 2, 2023

artificial intelligence is another Information Influence operation


Machines can be stopped. Technology and AI can be hacked. These are all outer technologies. Inner technology (spirituality) can never be stopped. Epigenetics is superior to DNA altering gene technology.

The creations of the Creator are always superior to the creations of the creations of the Creator, such as AI (thank you Jeffrey Prather).

Low tech warfare can beat high tech warfare, for example. The US lost the Vietnam War with superior technology facing primitive North Vietnamese guerilla forces. The US eventually lost in Afghanistan and in Iraq to low tech forces even though we bombed Iraq back into the Stone Age with our high tech weaponry. The primitive Taliban outlasted the US with guys on horseback.

The same thing will happen with artificial intelligence.

AI is vastly overrated, in my opinion. The promotion of AI is essentially a sophisticated Information Influence Op to scare the crap out of people, and to lower resistance to the Internet Of Things (“smart cities”) and the Internet of Bodies (neural implanted humans). The real goal of the AI program is to destroy religion and spirituality, and to create a zombie population of fearful victims that no longer understand their divine origins and who will willingly become a part of the machine. (We've all heard about the AI scam Nate, which was just using humans to do the work AI was supposed to do.

See https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/6/23156318/artificial-intelligence-nate-app-ecommerce-go-read-this)

Outer technology vs Inner technology

Inner technology beats outer technology because outer technology comes from the creations of the Creator. Outer technology appears to be sophisticated because it is so complex. But complexity is weakness, for it has many parts or aspects that can be attacked. Inner technology is simple and invisible, for it is a direct link to the Creator of the universe.

That is why it sometimes looks like we are not winning, for outer technology with its sophisticated Information Ops can pelt away at the inner being, like water dropping onto the surface of a rock. Understanding of Self – linking to the inner being – counters that. Knowledge trumps propaganda every time.

Outer technology dominates the Western world. It has resulted in a top-down form of predatory capitalism that is almost as bad as the communist regimes that ruled Russia and now has turned the laobaixing of China (the common people) into slaves. The police state known as China depends heavily on outer technology such as AI, smart devices, and the ubiquitous cameras and 5G transmitters that dominate every large city. The CCP ruthlessly squelches religion and spiritual belief, suppressing millions of Catholics, Muslims, and Christians, and the Falun Gong, a spiritual practice developed in China.

Tibetans and Buddhism is also ruthlessly suppressed using outer technology.

Tibet was overrun by the CCP in 1951 during the Korean War. It is true that the Dalai Llama signed the annexation accord on October 24, 1951, but he later repudiated that “agreement” on the grounds that he signed it under duress. This is how outer technology works: through suppression, intimidation, coercion, violence, and, modernly, information and psychological operations.

These are the only tools in the toolkit of the dark forces. They are becoming less and less effective as the light shines brighter and brighter. To see this, look at the terrible war in Ukraine. The psychopaths and profiteers and warmongers have escalated this intra-Slavic contest to the point of starting a war with the world’s largest nuclear power, Russia. The crazies who are promoting this war are stunned that it has remained a regional conflict, despite all of the propaganda, jingoism, and beating the drums of war in every mass media outlet.

The fact is that people aren’t buying it because people don’t want war. Inner technology is beating outer technology.

Artificial Intelligence is a PsyOp

AI itself is a lie. It is fake. It is another outer technology Op. A sophisticated one, granted, but we need to look behind the curtain of AI and investigate the claims of its effectiveness. Chat GPT is, on the surface, very effective. Also the latest text-to-imaging software is incredible. See the Imagen site. Imagen, developed by the Brain Team at Google Research, is “a text-to-image diffusion model with an unprecedented degree of photorealism and a deep level of language understanding.” Check out the images. Also look at MidjourneyDALL·E 2, and Stable Diffusion, and read Joe Allen’s great article in Singularity Weekly titled “AI Conjures A Cronenberg Film. It’s Like Gazing Into the Gates of Hell.”

All of this outer technology is impressive in a very glitzy, unimportant way. For those with Knowledge and understanding of Self, however, it is just a tawdry, glitzy carnival billboard. It will be embraced by those who have lost their way in the dark jungle of materialism. The inner being, suffused by the Creator, will reject it.

AI technology in its current form is a tool of the dark. That’s not to say that technology itself is bad, that would be ridiculous. The over-reliance on technology – turning ScienceTM into a religion, and its spokespersons into mini-Gods whose words must be accepted without question – is ridiculous.

It’s important, however, to read good reporting about AI developments, to keep abreast of the scam. To do that you can follow Joe Allen, who writes for Singularity Weekly.


Undoubtedly AI advances are being made, but I don't believe the wild claims made for it ("AI is going to take over the world!"). Call me a Luddite, but I still have faith in the God-given intelligence of the human race.

Biological humans are far superior to the sterile so-called intelligence of AI, which is all developed by humans anyway. Once you discover your personal inner technology that is a part of every biological human being, you can never be fooled again. Those with Knowledge can see through the planet-wide materialist Op being unfolded on the human race, and will keep true to Self and their divine origins. And in the process, unleash the human spirit and human creativity that will create a new Renaissance on planet earth.