Monthly Archives: April 2020

Listen to Whitney Webb, a great young investigator, describe how coronavirus is being used by the national security state. Freedom depends on informed citizens.

From Jimmy Dore:

Article at

My Analysis:

Trump is playing the game, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

1) The National Security Council is the president's personal staff that advises him on national security matters. He's compartmentalized Big Tech and the CIA into one organization, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI). He;s got the intelligence guys (from In-Q-Tel, the CIA's venture capital group), and the Big Tech guys like Eric Schmidt, all in one cozy outfit where he can keep an eye on them.

2) The intel community doesn't like Trump. Trump's very first speech, on the second day he took office (Jan 23, 2017), was to the CIA in Langley, the CIA's headquarters. That's how important the intel community is to Trump. He was trying to sweet talk them. In that speech Trump praised the CIA and told them he loved them. Hah! He knew better then and he knows better now.

3) Trump knows who Eric Schmidt is -- the former head of Google/Alphabet, the same folks who helped the Chinese Communist Party build their totalitarian AI/surveillance state and their Sesame Credit system of social spying. Yeah, Trump knows what Big Tech represents.

"Trump isn't capable of such nuance," you say. "He's a bumbler and a dope."

Maybe, but I don't think so. At any rate, we'll find out a lot more by election day in November. The action is going to get hotter and heavier the closer we get to November 3rd.

Some people say that the media is overhyping a severe case of the flu, others are saying that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, that it is being used as a power grab to squash civil liberties, that it is being used as an excuse to destroy small and medium sized businesses to control markets, that it is being used to start a war with China...blah, blah blah. Maybe all of the above.


We have to understand the power of human consciousness to create our future. In a vibrational universe you get what you focus on. Everybody knows that, you can prove it to yourself in life if you care to, but in times of crisis human beings tend to go into fear. Fear is the primary tool of materialists, low consciousness, and dark actors.

The purpose of life is to discover your higher self, your higher purpose, the divine within you, your connection to God/Spirit. Materialists don’t understand this and will tell you that spirituality is bullshit. Materialists create situations based in fear, acting always to squash religion and spirituality across the globe. It’s what they do. Why? Because the dark irrationally fears the light.

There will always be a section of the population who will choose the darkness, and low consciousness. That is what happens on a planet of free choice and free will.

Materialists will tell you that human nature is debased; that people will always act for their own good and ignore the plight of others; that the natural condition of humanity is conflict and struggle; and that problems are always solved ultimately through war.

This is how low consciousness thinks. We don’t have to think like that anymore.

Everyone has noticed how rapidly change is occurring. Covid-19 is an aspect of that change that will lead to higher consciousness. First there is fear; then, after the panic passes, we get the big picture, and understand the who, the what, the where, and the why.

When a global pandemic occurs it affects everyone on the planet. Therefore, once the worst is over, investigations will look into the origins of the virus and the actions of all the major players. Whistleblowers will come forward to expose dark actors. The light of truth will shine on anyone with anti-social agendas.

What can we do as mere citizens?

Stay centered, stay in the light, understand that Covid is temporary. Most important, understand that human consciousness, collectively, has the power to  literally change things in the physical universe. Here is an article from the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, titled, “Follow-up study suggests group meditation reduced murder rates in large US cities”:

Large groups practicing the advanced Transcendental Meditation program were associated with significant reductions in murder rates in US urban areas during the period 2007–2010.

Following up on a 2016 study on group meditation that found a 21.2% reduction in the national homicide rate during the period 2007–2010, a new study focusing on 206 large US urban areas found an even greater decrease of 28.4% in the murder rate. In both studies, the reductions during the period 2007–2010 were in comparison to the baseline period 2002–2006.

In this study, published in the Journal of Health and Environmental Research by Institute research scientists Dr. Kenneth Cavanaugh and Dr. Michael Dillbeck, the authors suggest that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that a sufficiently large group practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique and its advanced program, the TM-Sidhi® program would lead to reduced societal stress, as reflected in reduced rates of murder and violence. This group practice is said to create a positive effect in the environment due to a hypothesized “field effect of consciousness.”

What intrigues me is the suggestion that human consciousness has a field effect. I have written about this in a couple of my novels. Here is what the author of the study on meditation says:

According to Dr. Cavanaugh,

The basis for the hypothesized effect on society is that consciousness in its pure form, pure consciousness, has a field-like character and is a universal field at the basis of everyone’s thought and behavior. When the participants in a group equal to or exceeding the square root of one percent of the entire population are experiencing pure consciousness during group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, the field of pure consciousness is enlivened in the entire population. This will positively influence all others in society, leading to development in the same holistic direction as experienced by individuals practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.”

Let’s dismiss the idea that only TM can do this. All that is necessary is to place the mind/heart in a coherent state. Experienced meditators know how to do this. Even inexperienced ones can have a positive effect, because in a vibrational universe, the intent behind an action sets up a vibrational carrier wave that propels that action.

An intriguing aspect of this study is that only a small fraction of the population needs to participate in order to have wide-ranging effects. According to the article,

During 2007–2010, the size of the TM-Sidhi group located at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, was above or near 1,725 participants, the size predicted to have a positive influence on the US quality of life. This predicted threshold represents the square root of 1% of the US population at that time.” [italics mine]

All quotes from

Let’s calculate how many people it would take to have a positive effect on the entire planet, if this assertion is correct. The human population, in March 2020, is approximately 7.8 billion. One percent of that is 78 million. The square root of 78 million is approximately 8,832!

That’s an astonishingly small number, the size of a small rural town in the US.

If the assumptions in this study are anywhere near accurate, the power of higher consciousness can be harnessed for the good of the entire planet by just a very few. All it takes is a little organization. What would happen if a meditation could be organized every day for world peace or for some other positive manifestation? It wouldn’t be hard to mobilize 8,832 people out of a population of almost 8 billion!

The power of human consciousness, using the field effect hypothesis, can be used right now to effect positive change.

High consciousness vs. low consciousness

A worldwide pandemic that affects the entire human population can motivate the human population, collectively, to either fear or to a higher state of awareness. I’m betting on the latter. If 8 billion people were to gain a higher state of awareness due to the Covid virus, a quantum leap in consciousness could result that would radically alter human societies for the better.

This, I think, is an unforeseen consequence of Covid!

Let’s say that certain dark forces are trying to place humanity in fear, in order to get us to create a dark future. Well, it’s going to backfire on them! Fear is a lower emotion, love is a much higher and more powerful emotion. Love >>> fear. Fear loses.

As FDR said during one of his “fireside chats” during World War 2, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Low consciousness will attempt to put you in fear. It’s as simple as that. Their weapon is simply to get us to mobilize the field effect of human consciousness to advance a dark agenda.

It won’t work.

In fact we can turn that around and mobilize human consciousness for a positive effect. It only takes a very small number of people.

Materialists will scoff and ridicule this, of course, but who cares what they say? Low consciousness can’t see high consciousness. I made a crude diagram several years ago in an article on my website, which I am reprinting here to illustrate this concept:

1) When vibrations are too far apart, they cannot see each other. In other words, when the dog whistle is blown, the frequency is above the vibrational range of the human ear. Therefore, it does not exist for a human being. When a happy person tries to cheer up the angry one, he gets a punch in the nose. Only when vibrations are similar can there be coherent communication, reality and understanding, as we saw in Lesson One.
wHigh: waveform representing higher consciousness
wLow: Waveform representing low consciousness

2) A higher vibration can "read" a lower one. This means that a waveform of higher frequency can decipher a waveform of lower frequency, but not vice–versa. We can see this by the following crude analogy with the two waveforms above.

The wavecrests between wLow are spaced so that it takes 5 spaces between wavecrests of wHigh to make 1 space of wLow. Imagine an "eye" at every wavecrest on wLow and wHigh. As can be seen, wLow can only "see" wavelengths of its own frequency or lower. wLow can only be aware of its much longer wavelength, because it's perception is too gross to realize that shorter wavelengths can exist. Even though there are 5 wavecrests of wHigh between every one for wLow, wLow cannot see them, even though they surely exist! 

On the other hand, wHigh is easily aware of wLow. wHigh counts out 5 of its wavecrests to easily encompass the broader wavecrests of wLow.

“In this analogy, a lower awareness cannot be conscious of a higher awareness.”

But a higher awareness understands perfectly well where a lower consciousness is at.

We’ve all experienced this: it’s frustrating to realize that no matter what you say, you aint getting across to the other person. Bullies and other anti-social persons interpret your attempts at reconciliation to be weakness because of their lack of understanding. It’s just low consciousness.  

This reminds me of a saying: “Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.” In other words, low consciousness may not be evil, but it certainly is dumb! Young souls with no experience on earth fall into this category – they haven’t been around long enough to accumulate any wisdom.

What about those who deliberately choose the dark side?

There’s another saying that applies here: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

When higher awareness ACTS, it can use the power of consciousness and the field effect to raise the vibration of the entire planet. This rising vibe will transform lower vibrations into higher ones. And it doesn’t take a lot of people to do this.

When you encounter materialists it’s like talking to a brick wall. They simply have no understanding of their own spirituality; your words and ideas can’t penetrate their consciousness. But that’s not our problem, it’s their problem. The good news? The field effect of human consciousness will provide even those who embrace the darkness with a spiritual “boost.” Their boats will rise along with everyone else's.

The truth will come out

We have all probably been infected with a corona virus at some point in our lives. Covid-19 is a new variant with a death rate similar to flu. And we have treatments now: Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin,  Remdesivir, and favipiravir or Avigan (in Japan), have been used on an ad-hoc basis with excellent results.

There has recently been a great debate about these drugs. They are obviously treatments, not cures. Studies have shown that this regimen doesn’t work for persons on ventilators, or those who are already very ill. But many doctors around the world, including Didier Raoult, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2014, have had good results using this regimen as a prophylactic to treat people who test positive but who are not yet seriously ill.

Remember that the pandemic of 1918 killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide. That’s several times the number killed in World War 1, which killed 20 million and is recognized as one of the greatest human tragedies of all time. The fear-mongering mass media is obsessed with this pandemic and normally rational people are terrified of a disease that, for most people, would result in getting sick for a week. Even for those over 80, the death rate is 15%, and many of these people have pre-existing conditions such as pneumonia, diabetes, or obesity.

So let’s relax. OF COURSE when you go out in public maintain social distancing and wear a mask or a bandana over your mouth and nose to protect others.  In Japan this has always been a part of their society: you wear a mask in public if you are sick. We can do it too for a while.

As we go down the case curve during the next month, the investigations will begin. The darkness is going to be exposed. When that happens, the entire planet is going to learn a lot about low consciousness. In the meantime, keep calm, stay centered, and realize that MUCH better times are on the horizon.

You may have seen this compilation vid of various taking heads on all of the mainstream news networks saying the same thing, but it's worth watching again even if you've seen it before. This vid debunks the idea that we have an "independent" media. This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic!

Check out the "reporter" on the right -- gotta do a better job of acting!

Here's another example:

Maybe it's true that we need the WHO now more than ever. But at least try to reword the talking point!

Once you understand that you are living in a world of Orwell's Big Brother, you can laugh a little at the fake news and how transparently obvious is the attempt to manipulate opinions.

The Coronavirus, according to some experts, is going to be with us for years. This means that the way we live our lives will have to change. We may have to maintain social distancing, or at least be cautious about interacting with others, for a long time.

How will this affect people in cities?

Many people who live in cities, especially large cities, are extroverts. They like to hang around with other people, party, go to public events like baseball and football games, hang out in bars and clubs, go to concerts and cultural events, and generally be around other people. However, if this activity is restricted, the benefit of living in a city will diminish. Of course many people will still like to live in cities because of public transportation and the close proximity of grocery stores, hardware stores, and other places where the necessities of life can be bought. However, property taxes, city income taxes, and state taxes are higher in states with large cities such as New York and California. High taxes will also depress the benefits of living in a city, especially if the feeling of community brought about by association with others is restricted by social distancing.

Therefore, more and more people may be leaving cities and ruralizing. This will benefit city dwellers in densely populated areas as the population density decreases. Moreover, dystopian futures where millions of people are crowded into high rises and apartment buildings, ruled over by totalitarian regimes, will become less probable. We are seeing this now as the ruthless dictatorship of the CCP in China is beginning to meet with resistance from the Chinese people.

Here in the US, I look for a more decentralized country, with some power moving out of DC and into the hands of states. This is already happening as state governors are deciding when and how to open their states back up for business. Trump has had to concede the issue even though he has broad executive powers during the coronavirus emergency. This will become a political trend of the future.

This development fits in perfectly with our Federal system of government where the 10th Amendment to the Constitution says that all powers not specifically delineated to the federal government are reserved to the states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” States are sovereign entities. The Articles of Confederation, which preceded the Constitution, states that “each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”

We have a flexible system here in the US that can easily adjust to changing circumstances.

Social distancing is easier out in rural areas, where people are spread out more. If some social distancing must be maintained, it’s a lot easier to do it not cooped up in an apartment building, or in close-packed houses in large cities.

I live in a rural area where everyone has an acre of land, and walking is easy. I often meet my neighbors on the street and say hi. It’s a nice way to live.

Look for at least some decentralization during the next several years as the putrid stench of corruption in Washington DC is exposed, and people become more aware of how centralization has led to stagnation, political bribery, and economic power handed to sociopathic elites who have used the system to monetize their own lives at the expense of the people. Look also for populist parties to arise on both left and right, independent of the corrupt establishment parties.

All in all, coronavirus will be looked upon by future generations as the beginning of the end of the old, corrupt, political and economic systems throughout the world.     

Decentralization and Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are facilities that provide office space to professionals who may not even work for the same company. These spaces are for independent professionals who prefer not to work at home. Before COVID, coworking spaces such as WeWork, The Wing, and Soho Work, were  becoming more popular. As the economy opens up the question will be: should professionals work from home, or in a traditional office environment? The folks at have written an intelligent article that describes the pros and cons for these different work environments.

Dr. Fauci is a good guy. He’s probably been working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week on the coronavirus. Dude is, what, 80 years old? He’s a walking representative for good health it seems. But there’s a problem: Some of his statements have been contradictory. This is the lead medical scientist advising the president. He’s been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Since January 2020, he has been one of the lead members of the Trump Administration's White House Coronavirus Task Force addressing the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in the United States.

What does a doofus like Trump know about coronavirus? About as much as me, probably, which is to say, not much. So,  the president depends on the advice of his scientists, led by the good Dr. Fauci.

Recently, the press has been attacking Trump, saying that he should have known about the impact of corona in January. One article from ABC News (picked up by Yahoo) even claimed that he should have known about it in November 2019, even though the article states at the end that the pentagon agency that supposedly produced intelligence to support this assertion denied that they ever produced an intelligence product, and that the reporting on it was incorrect. But that assertion made the rounds and people “know” it’s true. (It should be noted that ABC News still stands by it's story as of April 14. We'll see.)

So what else is new? Mainstream media (whether left or right) long ago abandoned objectivity. The fault lines in today’s media are pro-Trump and anti-Trump, and stories are designed around these fault lines. Agendas are made and facts are marshaled to support the pro- or anti-Trump agenda. That’s the way it is in America today.

So let’s look at the assertion that Trump was negligent, and should have known about corona and its impact in January 2020. We’ll examine the advice he was getting from his head  scientist. We’ll do this with statements from Dr. Fauci himself, in his own words.

Dr. Fauci gave an interview on NewsMax TV on January 21, 2020, in which he said,

We need to take this [coronavirus] seriously, and do the kinds of things the CDC and the DHS are doing. but this [coronavirus] is not a major threat to the people of the United States, and this is not something the citizens of the US should be worried about.”

This statement was entirely truthful at the time.

You’ll recall that the World Health Organization, on January 12th (significantly missing from its “timeline” of the coronavirus spread across the world) published a statement that, ‘after consultation with the Chinese Minister of Public Health of the People’s Republic of China (read, Communist Party of China) that there is no human to human transmission of the coronavirus.’ On January 14th, the WHO tweeted this out, making sure the world knew about it. You’ll recall that 48 hours later, the CCP shut down the Forbidden City in Beijing and began to lockdown the entire country. On January 15, the trade delegation from China came to the US, rubbing elbows with the U.S. trade delegation, and signed the agreement! They said nothing about coronavirus and the outbreak in Wuhan and Hubei Province. Significantly, the CCP trade delegation insisted on a force majeure provision in the trade agreement, which would negate the deal if an “act of God” occurred. This is standard in contracts, but seems suspicious now. Conclusion: Somebody in that trade delegation knew about the outbreak in China, but didn’t tell anyone about it.

Here’s the definition of force majeure:

Force majeure – or vis major – meaning "superior force", also known as cas fortuit or casus fortuitus "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident", is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, epidemic or an event described by the legal term act of God, prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. In practice, most force majeure clauses do not excuse a party's non-performance entirely, but only suspend it for the duration of the force majeure. ”


But back to the good Dr. Fauci. On January 21st he told us that there’s nothing to worry about.

On January 26th Dr. Fauci was on the John Catsimatidis show on WABC in New York, America’s premiere radio station. In response to a coronavirus question, “Should they [the American people] be scared?" Dr. Fauci replied,

I don’t think so, the American people should not be worried or frightened by this, it’s a very low risk to the US but it’s something, as public health officials, we need to take very seriously.”

This statement was entirely truthful at the time.

So, by January 26th, Dr. Fauci is saying that there’s no problem, really. Just what Trump was saying.

On January 29th, Trump announces a trial balloon that he’s thinking of restricting travel from China. On January 31st, he makes it official. Joe Biden, echoed by almost every mainstream news outlet, calls Trump “racist” and “xenophobic.”

Now let’s fast forward to February 10th, ten days later.  Dr. Fauci gives an interview to the Washington Post. When asked whether there is human to human transmission of the virus in the US, Dr. Fauci responds,

There is very little, but some, transmission from person to person.”

“Should we be doing anything different from what we are doing today?” he is asked.

Dr. Fauci responds: “No.”

“Should we be wearing a mask?"

“Absolutely not.”

Another perfectly true statement at the time.

Now let’s move forward to February 23rd. The tireless Dr. Fauci makes an appearance on the excellent CNBC network and says this:

As the entry of potentially infected people diminishes because of the travel restrictions on both sides, I think you’re going to see a dampening down of cases.”

Again, a perfectly true statement at the time.

On February 29th, the indefatigable Dr. Fauci appears on the Today Show with Peter Alexander and Kristen Welker. He is asked the following question:

Should we be changing our habits, and how?”

“No, as this moment there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day-to-day basis.”

OK, we accept that. Dr. Fauci is the expert, we’re a bunch of morons.

But here’s the kicker. On March 8th, Dr. Fauci says the following:

I was adamant about shutting down the country in January.”

Well, maybe he was. But then he’s telling the public something entirely different than he’s telling Trump. That there, folks, is what is called "Covering You Ass.” Who knows, maybe the good doctor is just getting tired. Hell, the guy is 80 and he’s doing the best he can. But how is Trump to blame for not shutting down the country in January if he’s getting the same advice from his chief medical scientist as he’s telling the public? Well, it’s just another case of Orange Man Bad I guess.

On March 11, The Sun, a UK newspaper, prints the following in bold:

DONALD Trump took the unprecedented step to suspend ALL flights from nearly all of Europe to the US for next 30 days due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In a drastic move, the United States will bar entry from 26 European countries, except the UK and Ireland, for a month - as cases in the US exceed 1,200 with at least 37 deaths.”

So, on March 11, it’s a drastic move to suspend flights from Europe, entirely consistent with the advice he’s getting from his medical advisers that we don’t need to change our behavior.

Finally, let’s fast forward to  April 12, where the unflagging Dr. Fauci is interviewed by the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC.

By the time we got that information and we started getting cases here - it’s not efficiently spread from human to human - but as soon as it became clear that there was community spread – which means, that is isn’t just a travel-related case, that there are cases in the community that are on the radar screen then it became clear that we are in real trouble.”

OK, this is perfectly true.

Sharpton then asks Dr. Fauci, “About when was that?”

“Well, that was probably toward the middle to the end of January.”

OOPS. That’s a lie, and it’s contradicted by the good doctor’s own statements. It does, however, tend to support the articles in the mainstream press that said Trump mismanaged the corona crisis, that he should have known about it in November 2019,  that he should have known about it in January 2020...there’s something fishy going on here. I want to say again, I didn't vote for Trump, and I can see why people don't like him. But even a doofus deserves some fairness. If the good doctor knew about human-human transmission in January, as he said to Rev. Sharpton, why was he telling us not to change our behavior all the way until February 29th? What advice was he giving to Trump?

Orange Man has a lot of personality faults, but failing to shut down the country in January isn’t one of them.

The CCP is the headquarters for the dark army in Asia. Of course, in the West we have our own dark army -- the military-industrial complex and the corporate elites who took U.S. industry to Asia to take advantage of subsistence wages for increased priofits. But at least in the West we pay lip service to freedom and democracy. That's not true with the CCP, as you will find out when you listen to this.

War Room Pandemic is a show that saw the Coronavirus spreading around the world even before the CDC and the WHO, at the beginning of January. This show is about the solidarity between the American people and the Chinese people. Steve Bannon interviews activists (Chinese and Americans) who are trying to expose the activities of the CCP.

Here is how the CCP achieves it's goal of "zero new deaths" in Wuhan city:

The Five Eyes Intelligence Report -- How the CCP lied and covered up the Covid-19 virus.

(updated 4/23/2020)

This is my conspiracy theory page. It will be updated occasionally. Here I put speculative stuff about politics and current events that I can't fact check.

I personally became interested in conspiracy theories on November 22, 1963, the day JFK was publicly executed on the streets of Dallas, Texas. That event, in my opinion, was the coming out party for the dark army in the United States. It altered the consciousness of every person alive in the country that day. It was the opening salvo in a war between dark and light on this planet, which has now morphed into a silent intelligence/information war with Donald Trump as the focal point.

Media in this country are split along Trump / anti-Trump lines. There is almost no investigative journalism left in the mainstream media -- to find that you have to go to alt media. Mainstream media today simply posts opinion pieces masquerading as journalism, and these posts are designed to push a narrative. So it's very difficult to get data and facts. These posts (numbered 1, 2, 3... in date order) are just my ideas about events at the time I wrote them.

This page will stay where it is on the timeline (April 2020) but you can refer back to it if you want to get my opinions about the news.

  1. Why Does Everyone Hate Donald Trump? (4/10/2020)

I wasn’t going to post this article, but what the hell. It’s my conspiracy theory about why Donald J. Trump is hated so much. Read this with a grain of salt.

During the Vietnam War, Richard Nixon was wildly unpopular among the masses, but supported by the establishment. So were both President Bush’s. But the hate Trump gets is from the establishment. Trump gets a different kind of hate.

Of course not everyone hates Donald Trump. Lots of people love him. Despite unrelenting investigations, impeachment, and a global pandemic that has wrecked the world economy, his popularity is still close to 50%.

All of MY friends hate Donald Trump, and 90% of the corporate controlled media hate him too. Reporters at the Coronavirus press conferences ask him one snarky question after another at a time when we should all be coming together. The reasons to hate Trump are obvious: He’s egotistical, boisterous, and contentious. And that hair – it’s a bad look. He’s a New York guy, and known for not suffering fools.

But that’s only a surface explanation. It’s too obvious to explain the kind of intense hatred that would cause it to survive even a global pandemic. No, there’s something really big underneath it. As I’ve said before, I didn’t vote for Trump. But the level of hate has grown so much that it causes me to wonder why. I mean, when the Washington Post publishes a headline on the morning of the first day Trump is in office on January 20, 2017 that says, “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump has begun,” there’s something crazy going on. Why is Donald Trump so dangerous to the establishment?

The people who hate Trump really hate him. Bill Maher, popular talk show host, said that he’d rather see the economy tank than for Trump to do well. Former presidential candidate Tom Steyer said the same thing. To wish misery on the entire country because you hate somebody is irrational. Even during this pandemic, when people should be pulling together, the vast majority of the mainstream media stories about Trump are negative. CNN ludicrously pulls their “DOW Tracker” when the Dow Jones Industrial average is up, and shows it when the Dow is in the red. C’mon, Zucker!

So what gives?

Intense hatred usually comes from knowing you’ve done something heinous for which you can be exposed.

We’ve talked in this blog about the darkness on the planet, represented by the worldwide drugs, arms, and especially, the human/child trafficking networks. The darkest, most evil secrets of the dark involve pedophilia, child abuse, satanism, and blood drinking.

Lest you think this is crazy, look at human history. Child sacrifice, pedophilia, and blood drinking have been a part of human society since the Sumerians, 6,000 years ago. The Babylonians did it too, and the Aztecs and Toltecs, all the way up to modern times. It has been the religion of the dark throughout the ages.

The god Moloch accepting human sacrifice
Aztecs Blood Sacrifice
Aztec blood sacrifice
Wikimedia Commons: Kindlifresserbrunnen, the child-eater of Bern statue.

Support for pedophilia is support for child abuse

Moreover, there’s a belief that drinking the blood of young people can prolong life.

People actually drink human blood. Well, a few very, very RICH people – the “elites” – do it.

“Oh that’s nonsense,” you say. “Fictional! Nobody does that.” Well, if you look for this stuff you can find it everywhere.

In 2018 in Westminster, London, the court of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. During the opening Plenary Session, Chief Counsel Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer, summarized the purpose of Tribunal’s Judicial Commission in graphic terms.

Chief Counsel Robert David Steele, a former CIA Officer, said this:

As a parent and as a patriot I have been outraged for some time by the clear and present danger to society of pedopredation (pedophilia or paedophilia). I recognize now that child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting is an ‘accepted’ practice at the highest levels of government, the NGO and multinational corporate sector, as well as throughout academic institutions and civil society.

This scourge persists because it is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities.

As a former spy and pioneer for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) I have worked with INTERPOL, EUROPOL, Scotland Yard, the FBI, and the national intelligence and law enforcement services or their representatives from over 66 countries. What I have found, without exception, is that they are all staffed by good people trapped in bad systems – systems that are not allowed to properly address this scourge – the multi-generational crime against humanity known as pedophilia.

Pedophilia – a ‘love for children’ – is not an accurate term. There is no love for children manifest in any aspect of child slavery, sexual abuse, torture, murder, or body harvesting.”

“Just another conspiracy nut,” you say.

Well, check out the website of the Cannibal Club in L.A.

Specializing in the preparation of human meat, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of L.A.’s cultural elite.”

Notice how the blurb calls people who eat human meat “cultural elites.” Gives you a different perspective on posh, doesn’t it? The obvious question to ask is, “Where does this human meat come from?”  Fortunately, on the site’s FAQ, this question is answered:

We take considerable care to ensure that all our meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young, healthy bodies.”

Look at the background image on this FAQ page: A person eating human flesh while a young child sits at his feet. Is this "elite culture"?

 “What are you getting at?" you say. "This article is supposed to be about why people hate Donald Trump.”

Well, we’ve already talked about Trump’s Executive Order 13818, “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” in a previous post. This EO authorizes the seizure of assets of those who commit crimes against humanity.

I think child abuse, and drinking the blood of children, qualifies.

Trump has also recently re-instituted the death penalty. This is a troubling development, but it has a deeper purpose I think. From the UK's Sky News Service:

The Trump administration has reinstated the US government's power to order the death penalty for federal crimes – and has started by immediately scheduling five executions. Those condemned to death have been convicted of murders and sex crimes, the Justice Department said, and are due to be executed by lethal injection using a single drug, pentobarbital, which replaces a three-drug cocktail previously used in federal executions. It is the first time central government has been able to authorize capital punishment since 2003.”

Yeah, sex crimes. Do you think Trump did this because he just wants to scare the crap out of drug users and white collar criminals? Trump haters will simply say that the man is a barbarian and a fascist, and it's typical behavior for him. My theory is that this EO is aimed at people who are engaging in child abuse. I think this is a shot across the bow for the sickos. And they know it. And they are screaming about it.

Hey, I told you up front that this is a conspiracy theory!

I believe that when the Coronavirus Story eventually gets told, after all of the inevitable investigations, we’re going to discover some shocking things. The human race will be forced to clean up some dark corners of its consciousness.

The noose is tightening now around the necks of those in the dark networks. They have all been put on notice. I think that Orange Man Bad is trying to destroy these sickos. We'll see.

2. Hollywood Stunt Man Talks about Hollywood, the CIA, and Pedophilia. (4/12/2020)

If you're going to watch this you have to watch it until the end. This one is a doozy. It will challenge every single belief you have, and piss you off. Guaranteed.

3. Dr. Sue Arrigo, former CIA sex slave, describes her experiences. (4/15/2020)

I found this one on a conspiracy site called Call this person a far-right lunatic if you'd like, but this article rings true. Remember, the source of a fact is irrelevant. If Adolf Hitler says that 2 + 2 = 4, is it false because Hitler was a fascist and a mass murderer?

I have no idea whether Dr. Sue Arrigo exists. The story sounds credible though; it is written in the first person and corresponds with other accounts I've read. When you dig beneath the surface of current events you ALWAYS find conspiracy theory websites, or intelligence websites. That's because the corporate controlled news media ALWAYS gives you a narrative, which may or may not be the truth. You have to use your discretion to discover whether the information resonates with you, but you have to do that anyway in life to maintain your sanity.

So here's the article, which is titled, "SECRETS OF THE CIA'S GLOBAL SEX SLAVE INDUSTRY" by Dr. Sue Arrigo, June 15, 2007

4. Red State vs Blue State: The New Rebellion (an unhinged conspiracy theory) (4/17/2020)

Blue states are resisting federal authority and have banded together into a blue alliance. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, and California (so far) are using Covid-19 to defy Trump. Blue states see Trump as a dangerous fascist and dictator, so they are banding together to stop him. As the spring, summer, and fall pass we’ll see a battle between blue and red states and the federal government, which will be the physical manifestation of a change in consciousness for the entire country.

Here’s how it will look. Trump will be portrayed as a dangerous lunatic whose goal is to establish a right-wing dictatorship. There’s truth to this because all 50 states have now agreed to a state of emergency. Somebody who calls herself MAGA Mel Q posted this thread on Twitter:

Last Friday, 4/10/20 (Good Friday), Wyoming became the 50th and last state to issue a State of Emergency declaration due to the Chinese virus. (The first state to do so was Washington State, on Monday March 2.) This is the first time in American history that EVERY U.S. State and Territory has been under a State of Emergency declaration simultaneously. What does this mean? During this unique National Emergency, the authority of the President of the U.S. is unquestionably plenary, meaning that his authority is expanded beyond normal boundaries.” Note: This thread may have already been removed by Twitter.

You can read the rest of it. The state of emergency gives the president extraordinary powers over the economy, media and telecommunications; he can deploy the military anywhere in the US, and even suspend Congress and the government. JFK did something similar to this in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis through various executive orders.

The US has been in a silent war, an intelligence war, since November 22, 1963. This war is going to break out into the open, is breaking out into the open. The corona virus and the lockdowns are the opening acts of this play for the hearts, minds, and soul of the entire planet. This war has been (of course) completely invisible to the masses in the US, who have been kept busy yelling and screaming at each other in a Trump - anti Trump war of words on social media and in the mainstream press. Now we’re going to see who the real players are in this drama, and we’re going to see their agendas. If you thought a propaganda war was already underway, just wait. It’s going to get a lot messier!

Who’s on the dark side? The CCP in China and elements of the military and the intel community here in the US who are cooperating with the CCP. President Eisenhower called this the military-industrial complex. These are the same people who have established a global corporate  state that supports the elites who run drugs, arms, and especially, traffic human beings, and who engage in regime change wars to support the corrupt international order. The CCP in China (not the Chinese people) are the main Eastern players in this worldwide information war. (No, it’s not going to break out into kinetic warfare, at least not on a global scale. Skirmishes here and there will break out and have already broken out, but these will be minor and hyped by a corporate controlled media to instill fear.)

There is no difference between the CCP in China, who build concentration camps and engage in live organ harvesting and who murder their own people for profit, and the global trafficking networks in the West who murder their own people for profit, but who do it more subtly. The goal of the Eastern and Western dark armies is the complete destruction of religion, spirituality in any form, cultural diversity, and the rule of law throughout the world. The dark army is a materialist army, devoid of, and fearful of, their own divine nature, and determined to stomp it out. Liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, have no meaning in this war, other than as tools to keep people angry and fighting each other.

Watch as this unfolds during the coming months. It will become more and more apparent that ultimately this war is a consciousness war: a struggle between low consciousness and higher consciousness. The players will out themselves and will show us which team they are on.

We have NEVER seen anything like this on this planet. EVER.  As I’ve said on this blog over and over, you don’t get to higher consciousness by waving a magic wand. You have to clean up the garbage first. The light has to expose the darkness, uncover the rocks where the cockroaches are hiding, and have been hiding for the past 6,000 years. The human race has to confront the darkness it has created over the millennia.

During the coming months it will be necessary for all those in the light to stay calm and centered, to use discernment, and above all not to fear. The dark army’s only weapon is fear and hatred. These are easily recognized by those of higher consciousness. In our quiet way we must stand firm and hold the light.

One thing is for sure: we’re going to find out who’s on the dark team and who’s on the light team. It’s going to be very revealing!

5. The Invisible Enemy (4/23/2020)

Politico, and other mainstream media, are going bananas over Trump's use of the phrase "The Invisible Enemy." Here's what Jack Shafer, in his article "Behind Trump’s Strange ‘Invisible Enemy’ Rhetoric" says:

By branding coronavirus as a hidden menace, he deftly absolves himself of responsibility for its spread (sub-header).

Ever since President Donald Trump made his bootleg turn on coronavirus in mid-March, finally conceding the magnitude of the pandemic, he has attempted to brand the contagion as an “invisible enemy.”
Trump first used the phrase in a March 16 coronavirus task force press conference, saying, “No matter where you look, this is something—it’s an invisible enemy.” Obviously a conscious coinage designed to add Trumpian seasoning to headlines, the president made sure to return to the phrase about a minute later, saying, “I just say this: We have an invisible enemy.”
Ever since, Trump has used the expression in letters, remarks, interviews, tweets, video blogs, but especially in the campaign-style pressers about the virus he’s been staging almost daily since his turnaround. According to the Factbase database, Trump has exploited the expression at least 44 times in what looks like his effort to anthropomorphize the virus into a sentient thing with evil intentions on mankind.
“We have to fight that invisible enemy,” Trump first said at a March 17 presser. “It’s called the invisible enemy, and that’s what it is: it’s an invisible enemy,” he said in a March 18 video blog. In his March 18 presser, he called it the “invisible enemy” three times, just in case listeners weren’t paying attention, and used the phrase every day for the next 18 days, missing only March 25. But he didn’t fail to hammer his theme with a pitchman’s verve: “Nobody could ever have seen something like this coming,” he said.

Here's the most important sentence:

We are learning much about the Invisible Enemy,” Trump tweeted on the April 5. “It is tough and smart, but we are tougher and smarter.”

My conspiracy theory is that when Trump talks, he is sometimes saying things that have double meanings.

"No way," you say. "Trump is too stupid for nuance. He's a dolt TV show host with a low IQ." Maybe. And maybe not. Let's look at the origin of the phrase "The Invisible Enemy."

This phrase is actually from a science fiction story written by Jerry Sohl, 'The Invisible Enemy', which was first published in Imaginative Tales magazine in September 1955. It was the basis for the original "Outer Limits" episode of the same name, and first aired on October 31, 1964, during the series' second season.

The episode was about a spaceship that lands on a planet inhabited by sand monsters, who eat the crew. These monsters are invisible, and come up out of the sand to attack the crew. That's a stretch to call sand monsters an invisible enemy. A truer meaning can be found, I think, from the famous British TV show, "Dr. Who."

According to Wikipedia,

The Invisible Enemy is the second serial of the 15th season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts on BBC1 from 1 to 22 October 1977.

In the serial, an intelligent virus intends to spread across the universe after finding a suitable spawning location on the moon Titan.

In the episode, human space travelers (and the ship's computer) are possessed by a strange virus. Reaching their destination, Titan Base, they proceed to take it over as a breeding ground. The station manager is able to send out a distress call. The TARDIS and crew also get infected. After a long battle against the virus, which involves sending tiny clones into the bodies of those infected, it is defeated.

OK, so what's the conspiracy theory? That Trump isn't talking about the corona virus when he says "the invisible enemy." He's talking about the people or entities behind the release of the virus, which at this point is unknown. As usual the mainstream media, with their virulent hatred of Trump, focuses on the obvious.

"What else is there to focus on," you ask. "Trump is an idiot -- he's not capable of subtlety."

Well, no. I mentioned in another post that the planet and all of humanity is engaged in a spiritual battle, a battle of high consciousness vs. low consciousness, light vs. dark. Trump's presidency, in which he was attacked from the very first day he was nominated in 2016, has been one long intelligence war. Trump speaks in code sometimes to his supporters and his enemies. "Invisible enemy" is some kind of code.

Hey, I told you it's a conspiracy theory.

Who is the invisible enemy? The virus? Nah. That genome sequence is going to be discovered and treatment will be provided. Here's an interesting article about a plant-based derivative called oleandrin that looks promising. It was developed by the biolab guys at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the same guys who helped out Chinese scientists in Wuhan until the program was shut down due to concerns about the dangerous research going on at the WIV. This is a great article.

We're going to find out more about who the invisible enemy is before the November election. If you think the hate is bad now, just wait. Nancy Pelosi has appointed Jim Clyburn (D SC) to head the House's COVID-19 oversight committee. Clyburn, if you recall, was the guy who mobilized his political machine in South Carolina to save Joe Biden when it looked like his campaign was dead. Clyburn got out the vote for Joe and that was the beginning of the end for poor Bernie Sanders. Clyburn is a tough fire breather and a dedicated Trump hater. Expect another partisan battle as the House oversight committee ramps up!

Clyburn is now the de facto head of the Democratic party, after the stunt Nancy Pelosi performed in that ridiculous "ice cream" interview, where she stood in front of two $12,000 refrigerators filled with expensive ice cream. Trump even made a political ad about it. Now the party has had it with Pelosi. She's still Speaker, but Clyburn, as the chairman of the new House COVID-19 oversight committee, is the real power. At least for now

I guarantee you that the result of this oversight committee will be that Trump should have known about corona in January (or even before) and that he's negligent. The result? Another impeachment investigation! Yes folks, you heard it here first. This narrative has already begun.

Unlike the phony Ukraine phone call impeachment, this one is going to have a lot of teeth because so many have died. The battle will be between those on the left who want to push the narrative that Trump was told about the virus in early January -- the Wall Street Journal and Reuters have already come out with stories pushing this narrative against HHS chief Alex Azar -- and those on the right who will claim that Dr. Fauci, the WHO, the CDC and NIH was telling Trump as late as Feb 29th that the virus was not a lot to worry about. If you look at Fauci's statements since January you'll see that he's covered all the bases. He called it "serious" in January while saying publicly that there was no need to worry (see my post "Orange Man and the Good Dr. Fauci"). Trump has covered his own ass and so has Dr. Fauci.

Again, I am left wondering at the virulent hatred of this former TV talk show host. It began in the summer of 2016 and has only intensified since then. We laugh at incompetent idiots and make fun of them, but we don't hate them with the intensity Trump is hated. What does Trump represent to the establishment, the corporate controlled press, Hollywood, and his critics across the political spectrum? It's gotta be something HUGE.

My guess is that Trump knows something, and it's BIG. In the coming months we're going to see even more hate, and it's not going to let up until November. The good news is that we, the public, are going to learn a lot. We'll see once and for all if Trump is the moronic buffoon so many think he is; and we'll also see whether Trump is holding on to a big secret. If he has one, you can bet that he's going to let it drop before the election.

Strap in and pay attention, ladies and germs, for some revelations!

The CDC  issued a new code for reporting Covid-19 deaths on March 24th.

Among other things, this directive states:

What is the new code?

The new ICD code for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is U07.1, and below is how it will appear in formal tabular list format.

U07.1 COVID-19

Excludes: Coronavirus infection, unspecified site (B34.2)

 Severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS], unspecified (U04.9)

The WHO has provided a second code, U07.2, for clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where a laboratory confirmation is inconclusive or not available. Because laboratory test results are not typically reported on death certificates in the U.S., NCHS is not planning to implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.

OK, so the CDC is NOT going to use the WHO code U07.2 in cases where a death is not confirmed as being from Covid-19. This is confirmed in the statement below:

Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

The bold text is the CDC’s own text, not mine.

This directive will likely increase the Covid-19 death toll, because a death will be assigned to Covid-19 even if there are other co-morbidity conditions, and even if there is not a confirmed lab test identifying cause of death as Covid-19. This is understandable during a pandemic when doctors have to treat patients and don’t have time to do paperwork.

But there’s something from a Minnesota doctor, who says that he received a form from the Minnesota department of public health to record deaths as Covid-19 whether the person died of Covid-19 or not. Start at 2:00 of the vid to save time. Or listen to all 7 minutes if you have the time.

There’s something fishy going on here. In the words of David Crosby: “There’s something going on here, that surely won’t stand the light of day.”

With Federal budget deficits now completely out of control – the last time I checked it was about $22 TRILLION – there is simply no hope of paying it back.  Investors around the world understand this, but they have continued to purchase dollar-denominated securities. Why? Because the U.S. economy and its currency are still seen as safe havens, despite the budget deficit. The US, despite its recent insanity since Trump’s election, is still perceived as a stable culture rooted in freedom. Our Constitution and its system of “checks and balances” between the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial, is regarded as a rational and reasonable way (so far) to organize human activity.

In effect, the U.S. deficit is accepted globally as an aid in organizing the world economy. The US is allowed to carry huge deficits because our consumer market is still large enough to accept exports from everywhere in the world. Our balance-of-trade deficit has been necessary so that other countries can export here. We have been permitted to print fiat money to fund our debt so long as our economic activity remains strong, and financial markets are stable.

The world economy has become globalist, with much of the world’s supply chains originating in China.

All that has changed now with the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses and nations are realizing that to place manufacturing in one country can have devastating effects when that country is shut down. Rosemary Gibson, in her book China Rx, has stated that 85% of our pharmaceutical supplies come from China. We don’t make the active pharmaceutical ingredients that go into our antibiotics and other pharma products. Our industries have largely been handed over to the regime in Beijing. The US is now a service economy, with most of our workforce living paycheck to paycheck. That aint Trump’s fault though. If you want to blame someone, blame the Bushes and Obama – it has all happened during the past 15–20 years.

The U.S. Economy

Consider what was happening in the U.S. economy before the pandemic hit. We had pretty much full employment (3.5%) which traditionally should have produced a huge inflationary pressure as almost everyone was making money and spending it. Yet inflation was very low and interest rates were below 2%. The stock market was at an all-time high as people were investing; and this included foreign investment as well.

It is clear now that Trump and Powell, the Fed chairman, are applying Modern Monetary Theory to the economy. A $4T bomb by the Fed to support the capital markets, and another $2.3T relief bill. If the country is locked down for 60 days instead of 30, due to the pandemic, another relief bill will be needed.

MMT is an economic theory that says a government can use fiscal policy (spending and taxing) to achieve full employment, while at the same time creating new (fiat) money to fund government purchases. This is just what Powell, the Fed chairman, and Trump have done. In MMT, the public sector is the Treasury combined with the central bank. Essentially during this relief package and central bank assistance, the Fed has merged with the U.S. Treasury.

More important for progressives is the assertion that achieving full employment can be administered via a federally funded job guarantee. The idea is that when private sector jobs are plentiful, government spending on guaranteed jobs is lower, and vice versa. Moreover, MMT asserts that when the economy is below full employment, there is a "free lunch" to create (fiat) money to fund government expenditure to achieve full employment. In MMT unemployment is a burden; full employment is not. Creating money alone does not cause inflation; only spending it when the economy is at or above full employment can. So the goal of MMT is full employment. That’s why Trump was crowing about low unemployment rates before corona hit. This administration, along with the Fed, is applying the MMT concept.  

MMT is a more worker-friendly economic philosophy. I never expected this during a Republican administration, frankly. Even a few hedge fund managers have proposed a ZERO tax rate for everyone making $200,000 or less! (At least until the end of 2020). Not even Bernie was willing to do that.

MMT is an economic philosophy whose time has come, mainly because a $22 trillion government deficit can never be repaid. My prediction is that the coronavirus will result in a complete reorganization of the world’s financial system and economy, to better suit a population that is rising in consciousness. After this is over, look for more cooperation and less irrational hating and competing in world markets.

You can read about MMT here:

Dr. Pavlina Tcherneva’s original paper describing MMT can be found here: