Some people say that the media is overhyping a severe case of the flu, others are saying that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, that it is being used as a power grab to squash civil liberties, that it is being used as an excuse to destroy small and medium sized businesses to control markets, that it is being used to start a war with China...blah, blah blah. Maybe all of the above.
We have to understand the power of human consciousness to create our future. In a vibrational universe you get what you focus on. Everybody knows that, you can prove it to yourself in life if you care to, but in times of crisis human beings tend to go into fear. Fear is the primary tool of materialists, low consciousness, and dark actors.
The purpose of life is to discover your higher self, your higher purpose, the divine within you, your connection to God/Spirit. Materialists don’t understand this and will tell you that spirituality is bullshit. Materialists create situations based in fear, acting always to squash religion and spirituality across the globe. It’s what they do. Why? Because the dark irrationally fears the light.
There will always be a section of the population who will choose the darkness, and low consciousness. That is what happens on a planet of free choice and free will.
Materialists will tell you that human nature is debased; that people will always act for their own good and ignore the plight of others; that the natural condition of humanity is conflict and struggle; and that problems are always solved ultimately through war.
This is how low consciousness thinks. We don’t have to think like that anymore.
Everyone has noticed how rapidly change is occurring. Covid-19 is an aspect of that change that will lead to higher consciousness. First there is fear; then, after the panic passes, we get the big picture, and understand the who, the what, the where, and the why.
When a global pandemic occurs it affects everyone on the planet. Therefore, once the worst is over, investigations will look into the origins of the virus and the actions of all the major players. Whistleblowers will come forward to expose dark actors. The light of truth will shine on anyone with anti-social agendas.
What can we do as mere citizens?
Stay centered, stay in the light, understand that Covid is temporary. Most important, understand that human consciousness, collectively, has the power to literally change things in the physical universe. Here is an article from the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, titled, “Follow-up study suggests group meditation reduced murder rates in large US cities”:
Large groups practicing the advanced Transcendental Meditation program were associated with significant reductions in murder rates in US urban areas during the period 2007–2010.
Following up on a 2016 study on group meditation that found a 21.2% reduction in the national homicide rate during the period 2007–2010, a new study focusing on 206 large US urban areas found an even greater decrease of 28.4% in the murder rate. In both studies, the reductions during the period 2007–2010 were in comparison to the baseline period 2002–2006.
In this study, published in the Journal of Health and Environmental Research by Institute research scientists Dr. Kenneth Cavanaugh and Dr. Michael Dillbeck, the authors suggest that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that a sufficiently large group practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique and its advanced program, the TM-Sidhi® program would lead to reduced societal stress, as reflected in reduced rates of murder and violence. This group practice is said to create a positive effect in the environment due to a hypothesized “field effect of consciousness.”
What intrigues me is the suggestion that human consciousness has a field effect. I have written about this in a couple of my novels. Here is what the author of the study on meditation says:
According to Dr. Cavanaugh,
The basis for the hypothesized effect on society is that consciousness in its pure form, pure consciousness, has a field-like character and is a universal field at the basis of everyone’s thought and behavior. When the participants in a group equal to or exceeding the square root of one percent of the entire population are experiencing pure consciousness during group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, the field of pure consciousness is enlivened in the entire population. This will positively influence all others in society, leading to development in the same holistic direction as experienced by individuals practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.”
Let’s dismiss the idea that only TM can do this. All that is necessary is to place the mind/heart in a coherent state. Experienced meditators know how to do this. Even inexperienced ones can have a positive effect, because in a vibrational universe, the intent behind an action sets up a vibrational carrier wave that propels that action.
An intriguing aspect of this study is that only a small fraction of the population needs to participate in order to have wide-ranging effects. According to the article,
During 2007–2010, the size of the TM-Sidhi group located at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, was above or near 1,725 participants, the size predicted to have a positive influence on the US quality of life. This predicted threshold represents the square root of 1% of the US population at that time.” [italics mine]
All quotes from
Let’s calculate how many people it would take to have a positive effect on the entire planet, if this assertion is correct. The human population, in March 2020, is approximately 7.8 billion. One percent of that is 78 million. The square root of 78 million is approximately 8,832!
That’s an astonishingly small number, the size of a small rural town in the US.
If the assumptions in this study are anywhere near accurate, the power of higher consciousness can be harnessed for the good of the entire planet by just a very few. All it takes is a little organization. What would happen if a meditation could be organized every day for world peace or for some other positive manifestation? It wouldn’t be hard to mobilize 8,832 people out of a population of almost 8 billion!
The power of human consciousness, using the field effect hypothesis, can be used right now to effect positive change.
High consciousness vs. low consciousness
A worldwide pandemic that affects the entire human population can motivate the human population, collectively, to either fear or to a higher state of awareness. I’m betting on the latter. If 8 billion people were to gain a higher state of awareness due to the Covid virus, a quantum leap in consciousness could result that would radically alter human societies for the better.
This, I think, is an unforeseen consequence of Covid!
Let’s say that certain dark forces are trying to place humanity in fear, in order to get us to create a dark future. Well, it’s going to backfire on them! Fear is a lower emotion, love is a much higher and more powerful emotion. Love >>> fear. Fear loses.
As FDR said during one of his “fireside chats” during World War 2, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Low consciousness will attempt to put you in fear. It’s as simple as that. Their weapon is simply to get us to mobilize the field effect of human consciousness to advance a dark agenda.
It won’t work.
In fact we can turn that around and mobilize human consciousness for a positive effect. It only takes a very small number of people.
Materialists will scoff and ridicule this, of course, but who cares what they say? Low consciousness can’t see high consciousness. I made a crude diagram several years ago in an article on my website, which I am reprinting here to illustrate this concept:
1) When vibrations are too far apart, they cannot see each other. In other words, when the dog whistle is blown, the frequency is above the vibrational range of the human ear. Therefore, it does not exist for a human being. When a happy person tries to cheer up the angry one, he gets a punch in the nose. Only when vibrations are similar can there be coherent communication, reality and understanding, as we saw in Lesson One.
2) A higher vibration can "read" a lower one. This means that a waveform of higher frequency can decipher a waveform of lower frequency, but not vice–versa. We can see this by the following crude analogy with the two waveforms above.
The wavecrests between wLow are spaced so that it takes 5 spaces between wavecrests of wHigh to make 1 space of wLow. Imagine an "eye" at every wavecrest on wLow and wHigh. As can be seen, wLow can only "see" wavelengths of its own frequency or lower. wLow can only be aware of its much longer wavelength, because it's perception is too gross to realize that shorter wavelengths can exist. Even though there are 5 wavecrests of wHigh between every one for wLow, wLow cannot see them, even though they surely exist!
On the other hand, wHigh is easily aware of wLow. wHigh counts out 5 of its wavecrests to easily encompass the broader wavecrests of wLow.
“In this analogy, a lower awareness cannot be conscious of a higher awareness.”
But a higher awareness understands perfectly well where a lower consciousness is at.
We’ve all experienced this: it’s frustrating to realize that no matter what you say, you aint getting across to the other person. Bullies and other anti-social persons interpret your attempts at reconciliation to be weakness because of their lack of understanding. It’s just low consciousness.
This reminds me of a saying: “Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.” In other words, low consciousness may not be evil, but it certainly is dumb! Young souls with no experience on earth fall into this category – they haven’t been around long enough to accumulate any wisdom.
What about those who deliberately choose the dark side?
There’s another saying that applies here: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
When higher awareness ACTS, it can use the power of consciousness and the field effect to raise the vibration of the entire planet. This rising vibe will transform lower vibrations into higher ones. And it doesn’t take a lot of people to do this.
When you encounter materialists it’s like talking to a brick wall. They simply have no understanding of their own spirituality; your words and ideas can’t penetrate their consciousness. But that’s not our problem, it’s their problem. The good news? The field effect of human consciousness will provide even those who embrace the darkness with a spiritual “boost.” Their boats will rise along with everyone else's.
The truth will come out
We have all probably been infected with a corona virus at some point in our lives. Covid-19 is a new variant with a death rate similar to flu. And we have treatments now: Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Remdesivir, and favipiravir or Avigan (in Japan), have been used on an ad-hoc basis with excellent results.
There has recently been a great debate about these drugs. They are obviously treatments, not cures. Studies have shown that this regimen doesn’t work for persons on ventilators, or those who are already very ill. But many doctors around the world, including Didier Raoult, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2014, have had good results using this regimen as a prophylactic to treat people who test positive but who are not yet seriously ill.
Remember that the pandemic of 1918 killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide. That’s several times the number killed in World War 1, which killed 20 million and is recognized as one of the greatest human tragedies of all time. The fear-mongering mass media is obsessed with this pandemic and normally rational people are terrified of a disease that, for most people, would result in getting sick for a week. Even for those over 80, the death rate is 15%, and many of these people have pre-existing conditions such as pneumonia, diabetes, or obesity.
So let’s relax. OF COURSE when you go out in public maintain social distancing and wear a mask or a bandana over your mouth and nose to protect others. In Japan this has always been a part of their society: you wear a mask in public if you are sick. We can do it too for a while.
As we go down the case curve during the next month, the investigations will begin. The darkness is going to be exposed. When that happens, the entire planet is going to learn a lot about low consciousness. In the meantime, keep calm, stay centered, and realize that MUCH better times are on the horizon.