The Great Central Sun is a metaphor for the OM, the life-giving
energy of the universe. I imagine the Great Central Sun as an orb with a smiley
face, giving out the warmth of well being, its golden rays of light and love
shining forth. I like to imagine the GCS inside my body, radiating warmth and
well being, bathing the cells of the body. Here is a meditation for this. You
can rearrange the words to suit you.
“Dear ones, the warmth, the light, and the love from the
Great Central Sun penetrates our merkabas, our consciousness, and every cell of
our physical bodies. It's benevolent rays exist within the fabric of space and
time. The wisdom and warmth of the Great Central Sun is with us wherever we go
in the physical universe."
Guided Meditation
First, pick your favorite place in nature. I have an acre of
land, so I imagine myself walking into my backyard. If you live in an apartment
building or downtown in the concrete jungle, pick a spot in your favorite park
or nature area.
Second, get the idea that the Great Central Sun is shining
within you, is a part of you.
You are walking in your favorite nature place. The sun is
shining, the breeze is warm and soft on your face, the birds are chirping. As
you walk you see a shimmering. It looks inviting and comforting, it beckons you.
You feel that you’re about to experience something wonderful.
You enter the shimmering, still standing in your favorite nature
place. You are standing on a small platform that reminds you of an elevator.
The rays of the Great Central Sun are all around you. You feel a slight
pressure on your feet and then you are standing in a cave at the center of the
earth. This cave has a golden river of energy flowing through it. You are
standing in it. This is the energy of Gaia, the source of human consciousness.
You feel the nurturing energy of mother earth throughout your body. The rays of
the Great Central Sun are still radiating through you as you anchor the
supporting energy of the universe into our beloved planet.
Stand there as long as you like. You are aware now of Gaia’s
magnetic field and how it supports your consciousness. You see the benevolent
ecosystems of the earth and how Gaia supports and cocoons human life. You
understand that Gaia is your friend and partner and that human consciousness
interfaces with the consciousness of the earth. You understand how modern society
has lost this connection, and how important it is to maintain it. As you
realize this you feel a love wash from Gaia. You are now connected fully to the
planet. You, Gaia, and all life everywhere are one harmonious whole.
You have the choice to take the elevator back to the
surface. Or, you can leave a part of your consciousness in the Gaia cave and
remain connected to the planet as you move through daily life. Imagine an umbilical cord of Gaia
energy that comes out of your body and remains connected to the planet.
Combining this meditation with the first one, we connect ourselves
to Gaia and the Great Central Sun. We go through life balanced, protected, and
full of well being, anchoring and supporting Gaia and connecting our
consciousness back to the planet.
Our religious and spiritual systems speak of love. That is
wonderful. However, all of our modern religious/spiritual systems don’t take the
planet into account, the friend and partner of humanity. Throughout the millennia
only the indigenous have maintained this connection. It is time for “modern”
society to do so as well. Gaia is the life giver.
A Note about the New Year
2020, if you add the numbers, is 4. 4 is the earth energy,
the energy of Gaia. It is foundational energy. 2020 is a year to celebrate Gaia
and our human connection to this beautiful planet.
A Word about Donald Trump
Let’s look at “Donald Trump” numerologically.
D-o-n-a-l-d is 4+6+5+1+3+4 = 23. 23 is not a master number
so we add the 2 and the 3 to get 5. 5 is the number for CHANGE.
T-r-u-m-p is 2+9+3+4+7 = 25. 25 is not a master number so we
add the 2 and the 5 to get 7. 7 is the number for INTROSPECTION, for looking
inside. Clearly this is the exact opposite of Donald Trump’s personality, but this number
represents the effect Trump is having. People are waking up, they are demanding
answers, they are looking within and wondering WTF is going on.
Combine the 5 and the 7 and you get 12. 12 is not a master
number so we add the 1 and the 2 to get 3. 3 represents the CATALYST. In
chemistry a catalyst is an agent that is added to a solution that sparks an
increased chemical reaction. Or, “One that precipitates a process or event,
especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences.” Well,
Donald Trump is certainly sparking things up and he doesn’t seem to be affected
at all by what he’s doing. People either love him or hate him. He is causing an
enormous reaction both here in the US, and all over the world.
Notice that Donald Trump is the 45th president. 4+5=9.
9 is the energy of COMPLETION, for the number system goes 0
through 9 and then starts over again. Donald Trump represents the completion of
a cycle: an old cycle of old, dark energy that has dominated the planet for 5,000
The 46th president, whoever it is, has the 1 energy, for 4+6
= 10. 10 is not a master number so we add the 1 and the 0 to get 1. 1 is the
energy of NEW BEGINNINGS. That’s a refreshing thought, isn’t it?
Trump’s middle name is John. That’s 1+6+8+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2.
2 in numerology represents the DUALITY. Isn’t that appropriate
for this guy? He is the living incarnation of one side vs. the other side. If
you combine the three numbers of his name you get 5+7+2 = 14. 14 is not a
master number so we add 4 and 1 to get 5. CHANGE. Donald John Trump is the
agent of change on the planet. He’s a catalyst.
Things are not always as they seem. God works in mysterious
ways. IMHO God has sent the unlikeliest agent of change into our midst, to break
apart the bonds of old energy so that the Light can penetrate the darkness.
Before you read this understand that I don't have any "sources." I'm just a civilian sitting at his desk doing some research. The old saying is, "Those who don't know talk, and those who do, can't." But here goes anyway.
Raise your hand if you think that the President of the United States has control over the U.S. military.
The president is supposedly commander-in-chief, but this doesn’t include the military-industrial complex (MIC). President Eisenhower told us that way back in January 1961. A good example is what happened when Trump ordered U.S. troops out of Syria. The soldiers didn’t move out of the country, they were just recycled to guard the Syrian oilfields.
We want to bring our soldiers home. But we did leave soldiers because we’re keeping the oil,” said Trump on Friday, [Nov 1], before adding, “I like oil. We’re keeping the oil.”
Syria isn’t even on the list. So why are U.S. troops in Syria? Ask the MIC. War is good for the balance sheet.
Let me interpret Trump’s statement above: “I have no control over where our troops are going. Syria doesn’t export oil to the US. But if I don’t go along they’ll make lots of trouble for me. So I’ll try to tell you this tongue-in-cheek.” If you substitute “military-industrial complex” for the words “we” and “I” in sentences 2-4 you get the meaning.
On Nov 3, Trump meets with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Oval Office. He says it again.
We’re keeping the oil. We have the oil. The oil is secure. We left troops behind only for the oil.”
Substitute “military-industrial-complex” for “we” and you have the meaning.
ABC News explained that keeping Syria’s oil is illegal:
After President Donald Trump said on Monday the U.S. will be "keeping the oil" in northeastern Syria, his administration is looking into the "specifics," according to a senior State Department official -- but it's prompted renewed cries that doing so is a war crime.
“Trump has a long history of calling for the U.S. to "take the oil" in the Middle East, in Iraq and Syria in particular. But any oil in both countries belongs to their governments, and according to U.S. law and treaties it has ratified, seizing it would be pillaging, a technical term for theft during wartime that is illegal under U.S. and international law.
"We're keeping the oil," Trump said Monday to a conference of police chiefs in Chicago. "I've always said that -- keep the oil. We want to keep the oil, $45 million a month. Keep the oil. We've secured the oil."
There it is again. Trump is pointing out that the actions of
the MIC are illegal, and there’s nothing a President of the United States can
do about it. Did anyone get it? Nope. Appalling? Damn right it is!
Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project told us a long time ago that the President of the United States is 20-something security clearances below “need to know” level regarding the black, hidden, special access programs, which are the heart of the MIC. These programs are way, way beyond Congressional oversight and are funded secretly. They are beyond public scrutiny. The president (and Congress) hasn’t a clue what’s happening in these programs. The president has the authority to appoint the Secretary of Defense and other officials in the DoD. But he doesn’t have authority over the MIC.
Did Barack Obama want troops in Afghanistan? My guess is no.
Remember what happened after President Obama received the Nobel Prize in 2009?
The MIC increased troop strength in Afghanistan a few weeks later, making the
award a complete joke. That was the MIC’s message to Obama: “ You’re just the president.
Make speeches, look presidential. We’ll take care of our business, which is the
business of profiting from war.”
Do you seriously think Obama had any control over that? I
don’t think so. Like Trump, he had to go along. Or else.
Of course, the war criminal George W. Bush happily went
along with the MIC. He was the MIC’s man in the White House. No problems there!
War on Terrorism, yay!
Trump is trying to tell us this. The tweet below, to me, is
so absurd it’s proof positive that the president understands his position
vis-a-vis the MIC and is trying to tell us. It’s the ultimate troll.
Ladies and germs, this is called TROLLING the media. Because of course, this dog was a key factor in capturing and killing Baghdadi? How can anyone take this seriously? Most of Trump’s tweets are sarcastic, contemptuous even, of the mass media. He’s trying to send people a message, but it’s not getting through apparently.
So: the president was telling us that he wants troops out of Syria but the MIC doesn’t. Whoever is giving the orders to the troops isn’t listening to the president!
Those reading may be too young to remember JFK. On November 23, 1963, the President of the United States was publicly executed on a street in Dallas, Texas. This was the corporate warmonger state coming out into the open and announcing: “We're in charge now.” This was two short years after Eisenhower’s famous “beware of the MIC” speech in 1961. Coincidence, of course. Just another “conspiracy theory.”
After that we got Vietnam, two wars in the Gulf,
Afghanistan, Panama, Libya, Syria, attempted coups in Venezuela and Bolivia ...
Why are we in Afghanistan? No one knows. We do know that
after spending $1 trillion dollars on that pointless war, U.S. officials
constantly lied about the “progress” they were making.
It's pretty simple: War is good for the balance sheets of corporations like Raytheon, Mitre, Lockheed, Haliburton, Booz-Allen Hamilton, etc. All for profit.
Don’t blame Trump for this. People say, “Trump ran on
getting our troops out and ending foreign wars, but nothing is happening.” Well,
he’s butting heads with the endless war crowd, the people who are making money
from war.
Who are these people?
We’re going to find out eventually, and it’s hopefully going to begin in 2020. Eventually the entire sordid history of these warmongers – sociopaths, every one of them – will come out. But that’s in the future.
Update 1/8/2020: After Trump ordered the killing of Soleimani the Iranians attacked Iraqi bases with missiles. I found this gem today:
So let's see: who has the power to get U.S. troops out of Iraq? The Commander-in-Chief. That's the president. Who has the power to countermand that order? Your guess is as good as mine. Somebody in the Pentagon who doesn't listen to the pres? A group of people who like war because it's good business? Clearly, if no U.S. troops are in countries that are conflict zones (like Iraq) then no harm can come to them.
This image might tell us a little more about the situation with Iran:
U.S. military bases in Muslim countries
Yup. Lots of chances for U.S. troops to come into harm's way. A perfect scenario for the warmongers.
Progressives rightly say that Trump raised the military budget over $100 billion, that he’s a big military supporter, and that this doesn’t serve the cause of peace. All sane persons want peace, not war. But what happens when a president wants troops out, but the people in charge of those troops don't listen? It's a problem.
The Southern Border
I’ve been defending Trump solely because he’s the perfect guy at the perfect time. He’s here to crack open the darkness and expose the massive, global corruption networks that allow elites who control the world’s financial institutions to create an ocean of fiat money that is used to buy off politicians and entire governments, and to enable the free flow of drugs, arms, and most sickening, human beings and children.
That’s what free and open borders are about for the dark army.
Does anyone think that the Border Patrol controls our southern border? Our southern border is controlled by drug cartels and human traffickers who run drugs into our cities and abuse children and make money trafficking immigrants who come here for a better life.
The sad fact no one wants to confront is this: To clean up the evil and the darkness on our southern border, and across the planet, eventually our military will have to be used as a threat, or even a blunt weapon, against the drug cartels, the human traffickers, and the arms dealers. These networks are world wide. It’s not something anyone wants, but the magnitude of the corruption and the evil is massive. In Mexico, drug cartels control large swaths of the country.
I don’t like it but I understand it: We need a strong military for the present. After the dark army networks are exposed and neutralized, we can turn swords into plowshares.
On the political front, Trump is going to keep banging. First came the OIG report about the weaponization of the FBI. Next is the FISA declassification documents, which Trump agreed to in 2018. These may come out in his defense if the House ever delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate. After that comes the report from attorney John Durham next summer, who began his investigation back in 2017.
All of this to break apart the network of sociopaths who run
our planet. Donald Trump isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon. Trump is a huge, massive,
planetary wild card that no one saw coming. He’s doing what he’s supposed to be
doing. He’s a blunt instrument that no person with any sensitivity will like.
But he’s necessary.
Because of Trump, whether you're left or right, people aren’t sitting on the fence anymore. People are looking for answers now. Those who still are on the fence won’t be able to stay there for very long.
The Intelligence War
Things are not always as they seem. A massive intelligence war is being fought in this country behind the scenes, between white and black hats in the intelligence community: the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI. The mainstream media is there for covering fire.
Snowden exposed the NSA and its domestic intelligence gathering programs back in 2013. The controversial FISA warrants used data gathered by the NSA. No one needs to be told the sordid history of the CIA, an organization that lies as a matter of course and that has been involved in coup after coup, regime change war after regime change war. The CIA needs the FBI because the CIA can’t spy domestically. Snowden showed us how the FBI gathers data domestically and shares it with the CIA.
Going to the Light Is Difficult
Going to the Light is difficult because it means confronting the darkness. Light exposes darkness. Don’t let your knickers get in a twist when some of this info starts coming out. It’s not worse than ever, but better than ever, for the light is beginning to shine powerfully into dark places where the world’s cockroaches are hiding. The worst cockroaches are those who traffic human beings.
Light >> Dark. It’s happening. Some of the unlikeliest
players are leading the charge.
Here is a meditation/mantra I have found helpful. Hopefully it will benefit you as well.
Dear ones, the warmth, the light, and the love from the Great Central Sun penetrates our merkabas, our consciousness, and every cell of our physical bodies. It's benevolent rays exist within the fabric of space and time. The wisdom and warmth of the Great Central Sun is with us wherever we go in the physical universe."
I was raised in Detroit, in a working class neighborhood. I went to school with whites and blacks. In the summers during high school, I worked downtown at the Wayne County Road Commission, earning money for college, in primarily black neighborhoods. I learned to love the heart-centered nature of African American culture. I grew to love jazz and soul music. I lived in cities until 1991, when I moved out to the country to avoid high property taxes I couldn’t afford to pay.
Now I’m an old fogey who lives in a white neighborhood next
to a big farm. I chose the area primarily because it is beautiful, and quiet. I
live on a dirt road in a little one-story ranch house with an acre of land. I
do a lot of writing so I like the quiet. I love to go for walks in the
neighborhood. I still listen to jazz and soul music (mostly James Brown) but I’ve
been involved in metaphysical pursuits for the past twenty years. I don’t think
about race because I grew up in, and lived a lot of my adult life in,
multicultural areas.
But today I read an article on a website called, a site I came across while doing research. I want to show
you what it says.
Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.
On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.
This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated ‘Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member.’
A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions.”
The birth rate for the African American population is now less than two per 1,000. This is below the replacement rate.
Is it an exaggeration to claim that "the black man is near extinction"? Yeah, but this is a serious situation.
In 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported on this issue in an article titled, “Let’s Talk About the Black Abortion Rate.” The sub-title of the article is, “In New York City, thousands more black babies are aborted each year than born alive.”
Wow. Why haven’t we heard more about this? Why are most abortion
clinics in neighborhoods where people of color live? Your guess is as good as
I’m cognizant that I’m an old white guy and should leave this
subject to those better qualified to speak on it. My wife tells me that it’s a
woman’s issue and I don’t understand it, and I should just shut up. That’s probably
true. But...every time I listen to John Coltrane and Sonny Rollins and Robert
Glasper and Sean Jones and Joshua Redman I wonder how many other great
musicians (and people) we’ve lost.
I saw this tweet last year. It visually expresses the thought I had about this after I read the article I quoted above.
Re my last blog post: Is Stacy Washington just another right-wing
conspiracy theorist? Maybe. But I wonder.
The wonderful presenter Lee Caroll channels Kryon, an entity who claims to be a representative of God. When I first encountered channeling almost 50 years ago with the Edgar Cayce material, my inherent skeptical nature rejected it immediately.
“What a bunch of bullshit!” I used to tell my sister-in-law, who was really into it. At that time I considered her to be a space cadet. Then I discovered the Ra material in the 1980s. Later on, pioneers in this work like Neale Donald Walsh in his “Conversations with God” books made the idea of channeling more publicly acceptable. But I really wasn’t totally convinced until my step-brother Ricky called me one day in 1996 from British Columbia. Ricky rides horses and handles a gun like a frontiersman from the 19th century. He hasn’t yet even entered the 20th century, much less the 21st. He still doesn’t own a computer or a smart phone. I was kind of shocked to hear from him.
“Kenny,” he says, “go on the internet and look up a guy
named Kryon.”
“What?” I say. “Who is Kryon?”
“Just do it. I don’t have a computer so I can’t tell you
anything about it.”
That was it. After
that he hung up.
Considering I hadn’t talked to Ricky in almost ten years,
this was a strange conversation. But there was something in his tone, an
energy, that told me I had to do it. This was back in the 1990s when America
Online was a big thing, and clicking on images actually linked you to another
webpage! Anyway, I went to the Kryon website and read one of the channels. The
first sentence made no sense but it hit me like a ton of bricks: “I am Kryon of
magnetic service.” There was an energy there that went right through the
computer screen and it caused a spiritual awakening for me. If you are a
dead-head or a skeptic (same thing) you won’t get this, you’ll never get it
until you either have an awakening, or you “die.” But I digress.
I gradually began to get into the Kryon messages. I began
meditating and trying to discover my higher self. I eventually wrote a channeled
book myself and did a radio show on Blog Talk Radio for several years called
the Interview with Spirit show. In 2005, the day after my father died, I was walking
along the dirt road by my house when suddenly he was there. Every day for a
month we’d have a conversation and I wrote them up in a book titled I Love You Dad.
In November I described a crazy incident that happened to me
while playing disk golf: I encountered a past life incident and went through it
to a remarkable result. This wasn’t
surprising to me because my sister-in-law is head of the Traumatic Incident
Reduction Association. TIR reduces emotional and psychological trauma with a
powerful and easy to use approach. The point is, doing TIR can lead you to past
life incidents. I had already “run” a few of these so I wasn’t surprised (but
still amazed) when it happened playing disk golf.
Lee Carroll, during one of his channels of Kryon, says that when a loved one dies a part of their soul stays with you for your entire life. Kryon and I have had lots of arguments about concepts like this when I listen to a Lee Carroll channeling, because my skeptical side is always objecting. It says, “Kryon is like the general who sits behind the lines in his air-conditioned office as he sends his fighters (us) to do the dirty work of Spirit.” Kryon says he is a “helper” and we are “lightworkers.” My skeptical side says that this is just a justification for a sort of spiritual class society, where one side gets to have all the fun (and experience none of the misery) while the other guys are worker drones here in the physical. As above, so below.
My spiritual side laughs at this.
Kryon is an entity who has never been human; he’s totally,
100% connected to Source all the time. My intuition loves this and I soak it up
because the energy that comes out of these presentations is so pure and
powerful. It feels awesome. But Kryon says stuff like “the spiritual system on
this planet is totally benevolent.” And, “The universe, and the earth, is total
Statements like that drive my skeptical side crazy, for the
obvious reason that (if you bother to investigate) this planet is dark; it is
run by anti-social personalities who have created what David Korten calls an
Empire consciousness of exploitation where billions live in poverty and a few
control most of the wealth.
(Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it Kryon! My skeptical side
“Stay on the bright side”
My wife has the obvious solution to this dilemma. “Don’t
listen to the news. Stay on the bright side, put love and light into the
forefront of your consciousness.” That’s what she does. And, I know that I volunteered
to come here, as did everyone else. I’m not a victim.
But I am reminded of what our founding fathers told us in
the Federalist Papers: that a free society depends on an informed public. My
wife studiously avoids current events and knows nothing about the world outside
her life. Kryon himself recommends that we avoid the news because it’s so
negative. But that is counter-productive in my mind. You should be able to
confront the dark AND stay in the light. So, because 90% of everything you read
is propaganda or fake news these days, I feel that I have to investigate. I
call it “getting a baseline reality.”
Handling any problem first requires an ability to face it.
That means discovering the elements of the problem. So, I study info from the
left and the right. It’s good to know the parameters and the most important
memes in the current human consciousness. And that changes, literally, every
So, to get back to the purpose of this article. Kryon says
that when a loved one dies, part of their soul is still with you. I know that’s
true because of what happened in 2005 with my father. Last night it happened
The Clan MacLean
Before I tell you about that I have to tell you about the MacLeans,
an old Scottish clan from the Inner Hebrides on the Isle of Mull. These
Scottish clans constantly fought each other for centuries. The founder of the Clan
MacLean, it is said, burned down a church with women and children from a rival
clan in it. The clan apparently descended from “Gilleathan Na Tuaidh,” or
Gillean of the Battleaxe.
Yeah. So there’s a bit of karma on the MacLean timeline and
in the MacLean Akash.
There’s a darkness there. My father had it, felt it, and
worked with it the best he could during his life. I’ve got it too. Sometimes I
just get very angry and/or dark and I have to meditate for an hour or so and send
as much light into the blackness as I can. It’s why I have listened to a Kryon
channeling (or something inspirational) pretty much every day since 2002.
Last night I was feeling that old MacLean darkness just
before I woke up. I remembered what Kryon said about the souls of loved ones
staying with you. So I decided to have a conversation with my father and ask
for his help. Hell, why not? Even if I’m making it up, maybe it would help. So I
tried to contact Dad. The first picture I got was Dad sitting on the porch of
his house with his head in his hands. He was in bad shape. When this happened
Dad was about the same age as I am now, about 68. My step-brother Ricky was
there with his arm around the old man.
“Hey, why didn’t you talk to me?” I asked him.
“Because you have that MacLean darkness too. Ricky was clean
of it.” Ricky already told me that he had driven from B.C. in Canada to help my
old man back then, and his mom, who was married to my father at the time.
Then my father showed me how he had dealt with the MacLean
karma for most of his life. It was a fascinating energetic run-through of his
previous life’s timeline. For some reason, after that, I felt my own depressing
darkness go away.
Am I free of the MacLean karma? Probably not, but who knows.
I do know that if it comes up again I can ask my father for help.
One of the fascinating metaphysical things I’ve discovered is the difference between the Akash of your present life genetic line, and your personal Akash, which includes all the past lives you’ve ever led. In this lifetime I’m mostly Scottish, but I have affinities for everything NOT Scotch. I love Afro-Cuban music, jazz, and have a great affinity for the cultures of India, Latin America, and Africa. This isn’t unusual at all, for there are a lot of old souls with lifetimes in other areas and cultures they live in now. It just shows that metaphysically, life here on earth is a complicated business.
Current Events -- ThoughtCrime
In a time of polarization, disagreeing with someone may get
you yelled at, or worse. Is it a crime to go against the prevailing narrative?
George Orwell wrote about that in 1984.
Disagreeing with Big Brother, even in thought, was a serious offense called
Thoughtcrime. Today, those who think outside the box are often called “conspiracy
theorists.” This accusation is a form of Thoughtcrime, for conspiracy theorists
are considered to be mentally imbalanced, or even insane.
Have I committed a Thoughtcrime by saying that I can talk to my dead father? Materialists would say that I’m crazy, but that makes a lot of “spiritual” people crazy as well.
Interestingly, the New York Times has already suggested that that a person who believes in a conspiracy theory may be insane:
“Now, Mr. Comello’s paranoia is being litigated in a Staten Island court, where he is charged with the murder of [mob boss] Mr. Cali, known as Franky Boy. His lawyer has taken the first steps in a legal battle that hinges on a question made for the internet age: At what point does belief in a far-right conspiracy theory make you legally insane?”
Comello says that QAnon made him shoot the mob boss. QAnon
is the “far right” conspiracy theory hated by the mainstream press. Comello’s
lawyer is using the insanity defense.
I wonder if believing in a far-left conspiracy theory also makes you insane? Are there any far-left conspiracy theories, or are they all far-right? The Times doesn’t weigh in on that.
The if-you-believe-in-a-conspiracy-theory-you’re-crazy theme
was picked up by much of the mainstream media, thus popularizing a thought crime
Big Brother might throw you in jail for. The far-right conspiracy theory the
NYT mentioned is QAnon. We do live now in Orwell’s time of “universal deceit,” I
think most everyone will agree with that! So of course, like any good
investigator, I decided to read every Q drop there is. Because as soon as the
MSM says something is horrible, any sane person immediately finds out about it.
I also check out the NYT, the Washington
Post, and other independent news services, and pay attention to the
impeachment hearings. I listen to the Jimmy Dore show, a comedian and a
socialist who supports Bernie Sanders. It’s all part of understanding the
baseline reality.
Am I guilty of Thoughtcrime by reading Q Anon, Trump tweets,
and following Fox News? On the left they might say yes.
Am I guilty of Thoughtcrime by listening to Jimmy Dore, looking
at The Guardian and the Washington Post, and reading the Daily
Beast? Those on the right might say yes.
Am I guilty of Thoughtcrime by reading blatant propaganda websites like (This is a crazy site that, if you can read through the bullshit, sometimes connects the dots.) Those on both the left and right might give a resounding yes.
Apparently Trump is also guilty of Thoughtcrime. On page 6 of the report (the House Judiciary Report on Impeachment) it says:
The question is not whether the President’s conduct could have resulted from permissible motives. It is whether the President’s real reasons, the ones in his mind at the time, were legitimate.
Apparently if you think about something bad (even if you don't do it) you're guilty! I don't care whether Trump is impeached. But if he is impeached I want it to be about real, tangible things, not Thoughtcrime.
People who went against the norm were burned at the stake in the middle ages. They were the first ones Pol Pot put up against the wall and shot. In Soviet Russia dissenters were shoved into the Gulag; in Xi’s China, in one of his concentration camps where he puts minorities and dissidents, harvests their organs, and sells them on the international market. In the US, dissenters are sent to jails run by private investors who make money housing prisoners. More than likely, these people were also guilty of Thoughtcrime. George Orwell said it best: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
Is a conspiracy theory always just a crazy, false assertion? Maybe it is. Maybe it's a label assigned to those who think differently than the party line promoted by mass media. To find out you have to investigate and think for yourself. This process -- rational thought and research -- may automatically lead you into committing a Thoughtcrime. It's something to think about.
Trump Is the First Wild Card
“It’s no wonder you have emotional problems,” you say. “If
you look at the dark stuff you’re going to feel rotten.”
Well, for ten years prior to 2016 I concentrated on
spiritual stuff and avoided the news like the plague. But the dark stuff was already
there well before I got back into current events, as a result of the rise in
consciousness on this planet. Our Akash’s are being cleaned out, whether you
follow the news or not. The way out of the mess of low consciousness is to
confront it and deal with it. It’s happening to everyone, and collectively. (I
choose to do this consciously by following current events.)
That’s why we have Donald Trump. The first Wild Card.
When Trump won the election despite all odds, I knew that the hand of spirit was involved. Because Trump was an egotistical TV star on a really bad TV show. He was a complete outsider, and we know what happens to outsider candidates like Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, and Jill Stein. They lose, and they lose big. Hillary had all the funding and support of literally 95% of the news media, which characterized Trump as a buffoon. A day before the election Hillary’s odds of victory (depending on the news source) was between 80% and 99%. She should have won easily!
Why then did Trump win? The Hand of Spirit intervened.
Folks, Donald Trump isn’t responsible for your or my personal problems, he’s not responsible for the nation’s problems, or the world’s problems. He’s just the messenger, and it’s pointless to shoot the messenger because there’s always another messenger! As Michael Corleone said in The Godfather movie, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Love him or hate him, we know who Donald Trump is because he’s so transparent and blunt and obvious. He’s not fooling anyone. He’s forcing people to determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong. This gets people looking inward, which is a good thing in this amoral, materialist society.
The darkness on this planet has to be confronted or the
planet won’t make it. Simple as that. What better person to stir up the
darkness than Donald Trump? He is a perfect instrument for Spirit. An unlikely
one, I’ll admit.
Trump is the battering ram knocking the old system apart.
The Global Corporate State
You didn’t think the old system needed cleaning? Look around
you at the global corporate state run by one-percenter elites who own the news
media, buy off governments and government leaders, suppress new medical and
other technology that could free humanity, and create global institutions like
the IMF and the World Bank that exploit the resources of weaker countries for
the benefit of the elites who run them.
People hate Trump because he’s an egomaniac, he loves to
troll people he doesn’t like, he’s contentious and rude, and he doesn’t care
about convention. That’s because he’s here to break convention and expose the dark
underbelly of society. And folks, he‘s just getting started.
Trump is going to be impeached and then we’ll have a trial
in the Senate.
Then we’re going to find out some things.
It’s going to be an amazing, heartbreaking, uplifting, impossible
2020. Get set and stay centered in your truth!