The world is moving out of linear thinking
The Bureaucracy
The world is polarized. We are surrounded not by information, but by competing political narratives. Every sector of society is affected, including science. The linear connections that kept the old system in place are dissolving. The world is becoming more multi-dimensional. New approaches to old problems are being tried (defund the police; unarmed, community-based civil security forces instead of standard police, etc.). So far these have been miserable failures, but change is the new normal. Old solutions don’t work anymore, so new ones are being tried. This looks scary sometimes.
In the US, our “checks and balances” system of government, where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches stay in their lanes and provide stability, is morphing into something unrecognizable. Our country is essentially governed now by the Senior Executive Service, which leads hundreds of thousands of established bureaucrats that ignore Supreme Court decisions, Congressional legislation, and presidential directives, and who stay on as political administrations change every four or eight years. In 2016, the Senior Executive Service (SES) had 8,156 members, 7,000 0f whom were appointed by President Obama (not confirmed by the Senate in a true democratic process). Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system, and are often unqualified for their positions. The Senior Executive Service, as described by the Office of Personnel Management, is essentially a protective layer of senior bureaucrats that protect the administrative state and direct the operations of government regardless of the will of Congress and the people. According to,
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.”
In 2022, the Federal bureaucracy runs the government – not elected officials or Senate confirmed agency leaders – and it is essentially election-proof.
The two British comedies, “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” outline the workings of the bureaucracy and its stultifying effect on British democracy. These two programs are hilarious and also very educational.
This problem is not new. In ancient China, emperors were dependent on entrenched administrators and bureaucrats. The Chinese first developed the centralized, administrative state thousands of years ago. Brittanica says,
hsien [is] the basic unit of local government in China. The word hsien may be roughly translated as ‘county,’ or ‘district’… hsien became the model for a new type of administrative system based on districts that were all governed by the central power of the kingdom.”
The Communist Party in China, which rules the country with an iron fist, is a logical outgrowth of thousands of years of bureaucratic control. The Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire also had large bureaucracies that essentially ran the day-to-day activities of the empire. Throughout history, rulers have been dependent on bureaucracies that, through sheer inertia and size, have amassed power to themselves. This is now true in the US.
Today, our own government bureaucracy has developed ingenious systems to bypass the three branches of government. Essentially, NGOs and activist groups submit complaints about policy to various government agencies with a list of demands. The bureaucracy then negotiates with these groups and comes to an agreement, and one or more of the demands become government policy. (NGO stands for non-governmental organization[1], such as Catholic Relief Services. NGOs very often receive monetary support from state and federal agencies.) This system bypasses the democratic process and ensures that no matter which party is in control, the administrative bureaucracies run the show. My friend Diana, who used to work for a local city bureaucracy as an administrator, described the attitude of the government workers toward their elected boss. “He gives the orders, we ignore them and do what we want.” When the Trumpster ordered his generals to get out of Afghanistan, JCS Chairman General Milley and DoD Secretary Esper simply did not comply. So much for being “commander in chief.” The bureaucracy prevails.
That’s the situation we have in 2022: a gigantic government that sucks $4 trillion dollars out of what’s left of the private economy, run by an immense, unresponsive federal bureaucracy in DC, possibly the most corrupt city on earth. Congress itself is merely a rubber stamp for legislation that is written by K Street corporate lobbyists, and is essentially no different than the pathetic People’s Congress in China, which is wholly subservient to the diktats of the Party, the Ministry of State Security, and the PLA, the Chinese military. The present state of Congress is accurately described by Nancy Pelosi’s defense of Obamacare legislation when she said in 2010 (no shit, she actually said this): “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.” Nothing new here. The Patriot Act was passed in 2001 at 3 in the morning, thousands of pages of legislation, without any of our so-called “elected representatives” ever seeing the bill or reading it through. The so-called “Infrastructure bill,” a $1.9 trillion boondoggle, was literally introduced and then voted on at 4 in the morning to celebrations. (In Revenge of the Sith, Padme says, “So this is how democracy dies – with thunderous applause.” Yup.)
The checks and balances system for a true, responsive democracy that was devised back in the 1780s is falling apart. The bureaucracy (administrative state) in the United States is trying to create a police state, backed by the corporate media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma, and is unwillingly financed by the people (who have no say in what policies are implemented), and directed by multinational corporations. The new Orwellian “Inflation Reduction Act” authorizes the hiring of more IRS agents. Do you think these guys are coming after millionaires and billionaires like Bill Gates? No, they will more than likely be investigating the working class and the middle class. Or what’s left of us. To see a list of qualifications for these new “agents,” click on the endnote number after the period.[2]
The Biden presidency perfectly demonstrates a government run by an unelected bureaucracy. Clearly, this man is cognitively impaired, shaking hands with the air, walking off aimlessly on the stage, mumbling words even when reading off the teleprompter. Do you think this guy is running the executive branch? Seriously? This situation – an absentee president run by his handlers – is precisely what the people really running this government want. Without a competent chief executive, the bureaucracy rules unopposed. “End of quote. Repeat the line.” God help us.
That’s where we are now. Competing, hate-filled narratives dominate the “information” landscape. Fortunately, a grass-roots movement to restore common sense is gaining momentum. This, in esoteric terms, is the light reaching out to illuminate the darkness.
Change and Consciousness
The view from 40,000 feet looks different from the situation on the ground.
Let’s take the POV of consciousness, rather than the body reality. The origin of consciousness is not neurons firing in the brain; consciousness is not meat-based. Human consciousness is directly connected to the soul, an esoteric, non-physical awareness that exists independent of the physical body. The soul is itself an aspect of a universal consciousness that is eternal and cannot die. Death is a physical process whereby the soul awareness of the human being departs from a physical body. Consciousness exists before and after the death of the physical body – this is embodied in the ancient concept of reincarnation.
In the last post we discussed the idea that the collective consciousness of humanity has, in the past, not understood its own power. Throughout history we have accepted that human nature is barbaric, and have always waited for the other shoe to drop (my grandfather always used to say, “You can’t fight City Hall”). Well, fuck that. The theory of consciousness that says human beings are meat, and that when you die you’re dead, is an abject failure. It has led to a history of wars, conflict, poverty, and injustice based on a flawed concept of human nature. So yeah, enough of that.
A consciousness revolution is occurring all over the planet. It’s coming from individuals waking up and stepping into their power, understanding that they are more than hamburger. There is no way to stop it. The Transhumanists and their dystopian control structures, with chipped human beings in smart cities surveilled from above by a few psychopaths, isn’t going to happen. The hsien system of ancient China has been brought forward by the dictators in Beijing, using cutting-edge technology, but the Chinese people are waking up. The CCP in China is on its last legs. That system is now being hurriedly transferred to Western Europe and the US in a desperate attempt to create a dark future, but it will never take hold here.
So, the other shoe is never going to drop. Stop worrying and let’s all get a more positive outlook. The esoteric, soul-based system we are all a part of is benevolent. We can’t see this because we have been trained to think of ourselves in a debased, anti-human way. A more positive future is only constrained by the free will decisions of individuals. There are no all-powerful historic forces waiting “out there” to crush us. Our own conception of ourselves has created the problems our societies have faced throughout history.
So fuck it, let’s change that and see what happens.
[1] What are NGOs?
NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, play a major role in international development, aid, and philanthropy.
NGOs are often non-profit and may run budgets of millions or up to billions of dollars each year.
NGOs rely on a variety of funding sources, from private donations and membership dues to government grants.
Advocacy NGOs work to influence public policy. [emphasis mine]
Some well-known NGOs include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and Amnesty International.
Source: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Definition (
[2] Here is an a advertisement from the IRS’s own website, titled “IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent,” subtitled “WE’RE HIRING SPECIAL AGENTS NOW!” In the list of qualifications under “Major Duties” is the following:
Major Duties
Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity.
Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.
Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.
Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.
Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situation; must be willing to use of force up to and including the use of deadly force.
Source: IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent | IRS Careers
I have no argument with the first three, but the last one? Since when does a tax agency need armored agents to use deadly force? That only occurs in a police state.