The Plane Disappears

Back in 2013 you may have read about the disappearance of MH370, lost with 269 passengers aboard. Two massive searches since then have uncovered no debris from the plane. What happened to flight MH370 has been a mystery until Ashton Forbes appeared on the scene  and blew everyone’s mind.

Before we get started, watch both of these short 2-minute vids. They show how the plane disappeared. The first one is from a military drone, the other from a U.S. spy satellite.

First vid, thermal video taken from a U.S. drone:

Second vid: Stereoscopic satellite vid:

For a full review of these vids by Ashton (2 hours 36 minutes long) go here:

FRame-by-frame analysis of the wormhole

Ashton has done a frame-by-frame analysis of what looks like a wormhole that swallowed the plane. It is clear from these images, which I took from one of Ashton’s streams, that whatever this is, it is not an explosion. An explosion is an exothermic phenomenon that throws out debris all over the place. This is clearly an endothermic reaction, a sucking in of energy. The 3 plasma orbs obviously have something to do with the forming of the wormhole (plasma is the 4th stage of matter and is electromagnetic in nature).

Definition of endothermic process: “In the course of an endothermic process, the system gains heat from the surroundings and so the temperature of the surroundings decreases (gets cold).”

— “Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions,” LibreTexts Chemistry, at

In the thermal vid you can see how the opening in space gets black. In a thermal vid, the darker the color the colder the area is. In an exothermic (explosive) reaction, the outside system (atmosphere) receives heat from the explosion. This is clearly not the case here, for the plane did not explode: it just disappeared.

It explains why nothing has ever been recovered from the plane during two massive searches, which was supposedly lost at sea.

I made screen shots from Ashton’s live stream:

Frame 1, orbs converging on plane

Frame 2, wormhole appears:

Frame 3, wormhole enlarges:

Frame 4, wormhole starts to shrink:

Frame 5, wormhole and plane disappears.

To see Ashton’s live stream where he shows this, go to the 13 minute mark.

Most people who see these vids just dismiss them. What do you think?

Ashton pretty much destroys the debunkers who claim the vids are fake. Which means that the United States has some serious, heavy-duty frontier physics technology that the rest of the world doesn’t. Dr. Steven Greer, who has been investigating the Special Access Programs, UFOs, and zero-point energy for 30 years, says that the technology and physics in the Unacknowledged Special Access Programs is decades ahead of anything that has been released publicly. That would certainly seem to be confirmed by these videos!

For more information you can follow Ashton on X at  or his YouTube channel at Listen to the live streams every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night.


This wormhole phenomenon seems to be related to the Zero Point Energy field, a sea of energy containing positive and negative masses that are in perfect equilibrium, so we don’t perceive it. Physicists have been discussing this great sea of quantum energy for over a hundred years. For a readable, layman’s explanation of ZPE, you can read this excerpt, which was extracted by Ashton from a patent:

The History of Zero-Point Energy

Posted by Ashton Forbes

The existence of zero-point energy (ZPE) was first postulated by Max Planck in 1912. Heisenberg uncertainty principle mandates that there can never be a condition of no energy present. A pendulum operating at the quantum level will never come to a complete stop, and will have a minimum average energy as represented by hf/2, where h is Planck’s constant and f is the oscillation frequency. This energy is referred to as “zero-point” because it is present even at a temperature of absolute zero, where all thermal activity ceases.

The existence of ZPE has been experimentally confirmed by the Lamb Shift and the Casimir Effect. The Casimir force is powerful enough that operators of scanning electron microscopes must take special precautions to prevent metal surfaces in close proximity from joining together. Helium remains a liquid at a temperature of absolute zero, impossible unless it is receiving some form of energy to keep it in a liquid state. Hydrogen atoms don't radiate energy at rest implying they are sitting at an equilibrium state.

Zero-point energy is present at every point in the universe, being embedded in the fabric of space itself.  ZPE is the energy that powers the universe itself, giving subatomic particles their energy. An electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom would quickly radiate away its energy as Larmor radiation and crash into the nucleus unless it was receiving energy from an outside source to stabilize this orbit. That energy is ZPE, and the electron’s interaction with ZPE can be seen with the Lamb Shift, where the ZPE perturbs or “jiggles” the electrons slightly, leading to a shift in frequency in transitions of quantum levels of about 1000 MHz. The Aharonov-Bohm effect shows a phase shift even in the absence of electromagnetic fields.

Zero-point energy has an enormous energy density, once estimated by NASA to be anywhere from 10^24 to 10^58 Joules/m3. Richard Feynman and John Wheeler once said there's enough energy in a tiny area of space to boil all the Earth's oceans. Because of this enormous energy density, its unlimited supply, the ubiquitous and isotropic quality of ZPE and its non-polluting nature, ZPE would represent the ultimate form of useful, green energy for mankind.

In mainstream physics, gravity is modeled as a curvature of space (general relativity) and one of the four fundamental forces in nature. However, there are profound problems with this model. For over 100 years mainstream physics has tried to integrate this model with quantum theory (“quantum gravity”) and has failed. Additionally, attempts to unify the theorized four fundamental forces in nature (“grand unification”) have also failed. Mainstream physics currently maintains that the force of gravity has no proven connection to any of the other three “forces,” although there is powerful evidence in the form of the “Biefeld-Brown effect” that gravity is electromagnetic in nature (i.e. US 2949550, US 3018394, US 3187206). This evidence has either been ignored by the physics establishment or dismissed as nothing more than “ionic wind,” although two US government physicists working for the Army Research Laboratory determined that the Biefeld-Brown effect force is at least three orders of magnitude too large to be accounted for by the ionic wind explanation. The effect also has been observed in a full vacuum at a NASA research facility, thereby negating the “ionic wind” theory.

Mainstream physics currently has no understanding of the origin of gravity, inertia and mass. Even if Higgs theory is correct, it can only account for approximately 2 percent of the mass of the atomic nucleus (quark mass). Furthermore, mainstream physics has no explanation for why the force of gravity cannot be shielded, why it is so weak, and why there is no negative mass. It is possible that these mainstream theories, including general relativity, are simply wrong, a possibility that one current mainstream theoretical physicist stated as being “too scary to contemplate.”

For some time there has been an alternative theory of gravity that models it as an induced effect resulting from the interaction of the zero-point field with subatomic charge and thus not a fundamental force of nature. This theory of gravity solves all of the problems with the general relativity model in that since gravity is being generated at the subatomic level, it is already integrated with quantum theory, and does not need to be unified with the other alleged fundamental forces, because it is not such a force.

The experimental observations used to support the general relativity model have an alternative explanation in this theory of gravity. For example, the bending of light rays near a massive body, rather than due to the curvature of space near this body, would result from a change in the refractive index of the dielectric constant of space itself, as a result of the intense interactions between the collective subatomic charge of the massive body with the electromagnetic fluctuations of the zero-point field that are embedded in the fabric of space. A rough analogy would be the observed “bending” of a stick inserted in water due to the increased density of the medium (water) through which the light is traveling. Additionally, the other observations about gravity such as why it cannot be shielded are answered by this theory. For example, the force of gravity cannot be shielded because it is generated by ZPE, which is embedded in the fabric of space, and space exists at every point and therefore cannot be isolated for shielding.

Some of the physicists involved with this alternative model of gravity also discovered that as with gravity, inertia results from an interaction between the zero-point field and the subatomic charges in the object that is being accelerated. This can be illustrated by remembering the fundamental discovery that allowed for the creation of electric motors: moving charges in the presence of a magnetic field produces a force. Therefore, the moving charges in the object experiencing acceleration interact with the magnetic fluctuations of the zero-point field, resulting in a force applied to the accelerating object. These physicists found that their equations regarding this interaction actually precisely derived Newton’s second law, F=ma.

The principle of equivalence states that inertial mass and gravitational mass are identical in strength. However, mainstream physics does not have an explanation as to why this is so. This alternate theory explains that it is because both inertia and gravity are being created by the interaction of matter with the zero point field.

If gravity and inertia, and by extension, gravitational and inertial mass, are not intrinsic properties of matter, but rather are created by an extrinsic, external interaction with the zero-point field, it could be possible to eliminate the effect of both gravity and inertia in a vehicle by interfering with this interaction, resulting in a craft that could be accelerated to virtually unlimited speeds with little energy.

It is this property of spin-alignment in magnetic fields that allows for the random fluctuations of ZPE (which are mostly electromagnetic in nature) to be cohered for the purpose of extracting useful energy.

Prigogine was awarded a Nobel Prize for defining the conditions under which a system could change from randomness to coherence. These conditions are to drive a system far from equilibrium that is nonlinear in its dynamics and has an energy flux through the system. The Schwinger Limit is the point of highly condensed electromagnetic field such that a region of spacetime becomes non-linear.

A plasma is nonlinear in nature, the pulsed, high-frequency, high-voltage discharges represent the energy flux through the system, and the property of spin alignment in magnetic fields allows these particles to be driven far from their natural state of equilibrium (randomness).

— From “Method and apparatus that uses pulsed, counter-rotating plasmas to extract useful energy from the zero-point field and/or to modify or nullify the forces of gravity and inertia, or the properties of mass” at

Dr. Ashley R. Bloomberg, who was the face of New Zealand’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns and security measures, has issued a new paper that perfectly describes what the Pandemic was all about. Like Drs. Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci is the US, Dr. Bloomberg became famous giving COVID briefings to his nation.

We were told during the pandemic that lockdowns, masking, and “6 feet apart” social distancing was vital to prevent the imminent deaths of millions. However, in a paper released on October 18, 2024, Dr. Bloomberg reveals the true motives behind PPPR – Pandemic Preparation Preparedness and Response.

Remember that  during a COVID briefing on March 20, 2020, then Sec. of State Mike Pompeo told us that we were in a “live exercise.” “Live exercise” is a national security state euphemism for a trial run. Live exercises are used by the military to train personnel for an expected national security threat. They can also be used to test the responses of people during national emergencies.

The COVID live exercise was handled by almost every country in the West, except Sweden, in the same manner. That’s because national responses were coordinated at the global level by the World Health Organization, under the guise of “public health.” The US is, at the time of this writing, an enthusiastic member of the WHO, as are all of the other Western countries who participated in the pandemic response to SARS-CoV-2. Here, Dr, Bloomberg takes off the mask that has obscured the real reason for the lockdowns, school closings, the economic shutdowns, and the forced vaccinations, under the rubric of pandemic preparedness:

Our view, which has implications for preparedness, is that pandemics should be considered primarily as a security threat rather than a health threat. Pandemic preparedness and response are not for public health officials alone. Thus, planning and preparation should be “owned” by the country’s security apparatus... to ensure that pandemic responses are able, from the get-go, to address threats to economic and social wellbeing as well as public health.” [emphasis mine]

-- “Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: are we better off now than pre-COVID?” David R Murdoch, Ashley R Bloomfield, PubMed,

Here is a screen shot of an excerpt from the paper, courtesy of Dr. Meryl Nass (This article is behind a paywall. It was also published at PubMed here in the US):

(Dr. Nass highlighted in green certain sentences she thought were important, but for me the most important part is below the highlighting)

Now, finally, the “authorities” have acknowledged that the government response to COVID was essentially a live exercise directed by the national security state, and had little to do with public health. The statements expressed by Dr. Bloomberg perfectly reflect the view here in the US by our public health “authorities,” and probably of most of the Western world.

IMHO the globalists are determined to institute a planet-wide bio-techno surveillance state. “Pandemic Preparedness” is a form of population reduction, as we discussed in the last post. It’s an excuse to issue more fear porn about Monkeypox and avian flu, in order to eventually issue more vaccines and make more money for the global pharmaceutical companies. According to Dr. Nass,

Infectious disease outbreaks are only causing “international concern” because of fearmongers like Ashley. What he fails to admit is that avian influenza has caused a confirmed case ‘pink eye’ in 16 Americans in two and a half years, none of whom needed to go to hospital nor died. It is a nothing-burger. You can’t catch it from eating the chickens or drinking the milk. In the past 6 weeks, WHO admits there was not a single confirmed case that died with a monkeypox infection, worldwide. This too is a mild disease, most like shingles.

— Meryl Nass, “Sexy Lying COVID Hero Doctors Continue Confabulating,” at

PPPR reduces citizens to units of economic production that can be locked down, vaxxed with medical countermeasures, and imprisoned if they get out of line. PPPR is another expression of the bioweapons research/gain-of-function idea that “we have to develop and test bioweapons so that we can protect the public against their release.” This idea is, of course, insane to any rational person.


This is an exciting time to be alive, a time of the Great Awakening; a time when individuals must become informed and exercise discernment.

A book review

In my zeal to get to the bottom of everything I often uncover stuff that blows my mind. This is what happened this morning when I read this book review. This info doesn't apply to my female readers because it's about prostate cancer, but you may find it interesting and informative, particularly if you have an older male partner.

I have heard my friends Mark and Victor and Craig talking about their PSA levels (prostate-specific antigen) and thought nothing of it. My doctor doesn’t test for this so I thought it was unimportant. However, last spring my friend Mark actually got invasive surgery to remove his prostate, and I now wonder whether it was even necessary.

The PSA test has remarkable similarities to the PCR test, which was used to diagnose COVID even though Dr. Kerry Mullins, its inventor, said specifically that his test could not be used to diagnose anything. (The PCR test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead fragments, so the PCR test for COVID is useless. The CDC stopped recommending its use at the end of 2021.) Anyway, here it is, a book review about prostate cancer.

This book review excerpt is from the excellent Unbekoming substack, in an article titled “The Great Prostate Hoax.”

You can subscribe to Unbekoming at


Imagine you're the owner of a large orchard filled with thousands of apple trees. You know that some of these trees might have a disease that could potentially kill them, but it's rare - only about 3% of your trees will actually die from this disease. The rest will live out their natural lives, disease or not.

Now, a salesman comes to you with a new "revolutionary" test that he claims can detect this disease early. He suggests testing all your trees regularly. It sounds great at first, but there's a catch:

The test often can't tell the difference between healthy trees, trees with harmless spots, and trees with the actual deadly disease. In fact, it's wrong about 80% of the time. When the test says there's a problem, you're forced to cut off large branches from the tree to check if the disease is really there.

For every 1,000 trees you test, you might save one tree from dying of the disease. But in the process, you'll unnecessarily damage hundreds of healthy trees. Many of these trees will never produce apples again, some will be permanently stunted, and a few might even die from the damage caused by your well-intentioned but overzealous pruning.

What's worse, the salesman and the pruning company are making a fortune from all this testing and pruning, which costs you millions every year. They're so invested in this process that they resist any suggestion to change it, even when other orchard experts start to question its value.

This is essentially what's happened with PSA screening for prostate cancer. The test, like our hypothetical orchard test, is often inaccurate. It has led to millions of men undergoing unnecessary biopsies and treatments, which frequently result in life-altering side effects. All of this for a disease that, in most cases, would never have caused them harm. Meanwhile, the medical industry has profited enormously from this process, creating a powerful incentive to maintain the status quo despite mounting evidence of its flaws.

The book's main message is a call to recognize this situation for what it is – a public health disaster driven more by profit than by sound medical science – and to advocate for a more measured, evidence-based approach to prostate cancer detection and treatment.

“The Great Prostate Hoax”

Unbekoming’s 12-point book summary

Here's a 12-point summary of the book, including key data and statistics

PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is not cancer-specific. It's present in normal, benign, and cancerous prostate tissue. There is no specific PSA level that definitively indicates cancer.

Routine PSA screening leads to significant overdiagnosis and overtreatment. For every 1,000 men screened, only 1 man may avoid death from prostate cancer, while many others suffer unnecessary biopsies and treatments.

Prostate cancer is age-related. About 40% of men aged 40-49, 70% of men 60-69, and 80% of men over 70 have prostate cancer. Most of these cancers are slow-growing and unlikely to cause death.

The lifetime risk of dying from prostate cancer is only 3%, meaning 97% of men will die from other causes, even if they have prostate cancer.

Radical prostatectomy, a common treatment resulting from PSA screening, often leads to significant side effects. Up to 60-80% of men experience erectile dysfunction and 10-20% have long-term urinary incontinence.

PSA screening has not significantly reduced prostate cancer mortality. Studies show similar death rates between screened and unscreened populations.

The PSA test has a high false-positive rate of up to 80%, leading to many unnecessary biopsies and treatments.

Active surveillance is increasingly recognized as an appropriate option for many men with low-risk prostate cancer, potentially avoiding unnecessary treatments and their side effects.

The U.S. healthcare system spends an estimated $3 billion annually on PSA tests alone, with billions more on subsequent procedures and treatments.

New technologies like robotic surgery and proton beam therapy, while heavily marketed, have not shown superior outcomes to traditional treatments but are significantly more expensive.

Conflicts of interest are prevalent in prostate cancer care. Many researchers and physicians promoting PSA screening have financial ties to companies that profit from increased screening and treatment.

The FDA approved the PSA test for screening in 1994 despite significant reservations from its own advisory panel. This decision, along with aggressive marketing by medical companies, led to widespread adoption of PSA screening before its benefits and harms were fully understood.

“The Great Prostate Hoax”

I hope you found this informative, I sure did. I’m sure that 99% of doctors who prescribe prostate surgery using the PSA test are sincere folks.

There’s an old saying: “Never assign to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.” Nevertheless, I’m beginning to wonder if some of this stupidity is deliberate. It’s not coming from the grassroots, it’s coming from the top of the pyramid.

Why the U.S. government, and global institutions, are implementing a policy of population reduction

“Permissable Assistance”

The Twitter Files have exposed rampant censorship within the U.S. government. FEMA’s actions to physically interdict private citizens from supplying relief to victims of Hurricane Helene is a sign that the totalitarians within our federal government have taken their gloves off and are actively working against the people. I’ll let Tulsi Gabbard describe the current attitude at the top of the U.S. government toward its people in her testimony to Congress.

And now, the issuance of DoD Directive 5240.01, September 24, 2024, which is essentially a workaround of the Posse Comitatus Act (Section 1385 of Title 18, United States Code) that forbids civil authorities from using the military to attack citizens. DoDD 5240.01 authorizes this under a newly created (made up) doctrine called “permissible assistance.” (Thanks to George Webb and his research group for discovering this.) Check this out:

Permissible assistance allows for the Secretary of Defense to employ “(c) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

“Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.

“(d) Provision or use of DoD unmanned systems in the United States except as delegated by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to the October 31, 2023 Secretary of Defense Memorandum.” [emphasis mine]

DoD Directive 5240.01

So – local law enforcement can call in the military – and military drones – to attack the civilian population if a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and, say, a protest group regarded as a threat – is “reasonably anticipated.”

DoDD 5240.01 allows the use of lethal U.S. military force against inconvenient citizens who disagree with government policies. At the very least this is a form of population reduction – using the military to project lethal force against civilians.

Where did the idea of “population reduction” begin? How did it ever gain enough legitimacy to justify our government turning against its own people?

Thomas Malthus

In order to answer these questions we have to revisit the life and work of Thomas Malthus, an English political economist. His widely read and acclaimed work, An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society, was published in 1798 during the French revolution (1789–1799), and just after the American revolution (1775–1783).

Malthus was aware of the problems of supplying the growing British population, and he anticipated the rise in the global human population. In his essay, he argued that the population would always increase at a geometric rate, faster than the ability to produce enough food, which only grows at an arithmetic rate. Malthus argued that misery and vice were caused by a fundamental law of nature that is impervious to new social systems and legislation.

It would be necessary, then, to find ways to reduce the growth of the human population, and impose limits on human reproduction.

At the time Malthus wrote this, it seemed an entirely logical and reasonable supposition, for this was well before improvements in agriculture ginned up the food supply, and industrialization created products that made life easier.

However, today many argue that Malthus was right all along, for hundreds of millions live without enough to eat. This, I believe, is largely a distribution problem brought about by trade wars, economic sanctions, and competition among governments for resources. Nevertheless, Malthus’ policy of population reduction found a wide audience in his time, and to this day is the backbone (I believe) for governments and global institutions to justify the implementation of attacks on the population.  

The ideas of Malthus, in my opinion, led to the development and popularity of the eugenics movement, which began to be applied widely in the 20th century.

The Eugenics Movement

Malthus argued that self-interest is the basic impulse of individuals, and, therefore, a society based on universal benevolence is not attainable. Therefore, if human beings are destined to overpopulate the planet, a way of forcibly regulating population growth is necessary.

Eugenics is supposedly a method of creating biologically superior human beings, and it has historically done this by trying to eliminate the “lower orders.”  In the 20th century, eugenics was gruesomely practiced by the Japanese military in their war against China during WW 2, and, of course, by the Nazis.

Here in America, the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an enthusiastic eugenicist. According to TIME magazine, in a 1921 article, she wrote that, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”  However, Sanger was just one of many who believed this. During the 1920s and 1930s, eugenics enjoyed widespread support from mainstream doctors, scientists, and the general public.

IMHO a certain section of the human population still believes this. Unfortunately, this idea has found its way into today’s medical bureaucracies.

Genetic Engineering

In the 21st century, eugenics morphed into its modern form, genetic engineering, which has the same goals but cloaks or disguises itself as “health care.” Modern genetic engineering is encapsulated within the U.S. military’s bioweapons programs (DARPA), and has resulted in the new mRNA “vaccines.” These medical products were researched and created within the U.S. military. They are more accurately described as medical countermeasures to weaponized viruses and pathogens within the Pandemic Preparedness programs. It seems that the goal of bioweapons – along with lockdowns, and the massive overuse of childhood vaccination – is to create a reduced and more docile human population.

Check out the CDC’s vax schedule for children, a document titled “Your child needs vaccines as they grow!” (Really?)

(Click on the image for a more readable version)

The CDC (as of August 14, 2024) recommends as many as 20 vaccines for babies up to 6 months old, and up to 36 vaccinations by the age of 6! (Count them yourself.) Is it any wonder that, according to Children’s Health Defense, 60% of children in the US have a chronic disease? And that Americans are the un-healthiest nation among all democratic countries, even though we spend more on health care than any nation in the world?

Transhumanism and Transgenderism

Genetic engineering and CRISPR technology (gene editing) are a part of the growing Transhumanist program, whose ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for human biology in human reproduction – thereby eradicating the distinction between men and women. Transhumanist Avi Roy, for example, calls the human body wetware. “Next generation transhumanists want us to think about wetware as past. They think about the future as the blending of man and machine, the upgrade of humans from this wet and squishy vulnerable clothing to something far beyond that can expand and move at the speed of light.”

Sure thing, mate!

Transhumanism’s offshoot, transgenderism, asserts that biological sex is a mere construct, an identity that can be changed. This is the reason for crude, Josef Mengele-like “gender alteration” surgeries, which destroy the human body’s ability to procreate. Needless to say, a species that cannot procreate is on an evolutionary path to extinction.

 Genetic engineering is a far subtler and more effective method of population reduction than messy things like eugenics, war, or genocide. It is done by non-threatening people in lab coats in our federal health bureaucracies, which partner with institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the massive UN bureaucracy in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Pandemic Preparedness”

Using medical countermeasures developed by the military that masquerade as helpful vaccines is an insidious global method of population reduction. An article by the Brownstone Institute describes how gain-of-function research has proliferated under the smokescreen of Pandemic Preparedness:  

Pandemic Preparedness, and the gain-of-function research that underlies it, operates under a grand deception, a big lie.

“The Biological Weapons Convention, which every major nation has signed, “prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.” As a result, gain-of-function research – the process of taking viruses and other pathogens found in nature and making them more transmissible and dangerous in humans – must be justified by defining it as something other than what it really is – namely, the creation of biological weapons and countermeasures for those weapons.

“The grand deception – the big lie – used to justify gain-of-function research goes something like this: “We need to alter pathogens in the lab to anticipate the mutations that just might occur in nature, and to promote the production of vaccines to protect humanity from these theoretical superbugs.”

“In truth, there is no legitimate reason to create superbugs in the laboratory. One does not save Tokyo by creating Godzilla. Unfortunately, science can be both complicated and confusing, especially when the “experts” are intentionally untruthful. This grand deception has therefore worked for decades, and a gigantic, profitable, and frankly terrifying pandemic preparedness industry involving governments, non-governmental organizations, Big Pharma, and universities has grown as a result.”

Fear is the mechanism used to scare people about potential pandemics and the militarized medical countermeasures used to “solve” them. Fortunately, We the People have recognized that something is very wrong with the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and in NAIAD. More and more people are thinking for themselves and not blindly trusting “experts” and “authorities.”


The population reduction idea of Malthus has evolved dramatically from his simple essay published in 1798. It has now been encapsulated and formalized scientifically into a military-biological program that, under the guise of “health care,” is being weaponized against the human race by a very small group of psychopaths.

The public has recognized the dangers of the new medical countermeasures. mRNA vaccine uptake has fallen precipitately and the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, and other vax distributors are declining. But the ideas of Thomas Malthus are alive and well within our federal medical bureaucracy, which is now (in my opinion) just a subset of the gain-of-function research within the military’s bioweapons programs. All mRNA vaccines are just shields to the sword of manufactured bioweapons.

Fortunately, a weaponized federal government is leading to an acceleration of the mass awakening of humanity, particularly here in the US. Elizabeth Nickson’s hard-hitting article details this.

Eugyppius reports from Germany: Free speech and free thinkers are dangerous lunatics and must be suppressed. This is serious, folks.




OCT 14, 2024

I write this post through tears to report on the ongoing political emergency that is afflicting the Federal Republic of Germany. Naughty, fascistic and racist people will not stop singing “Ausländer raus” (“foreigners out”) and “Deutschland den Deutschen” (“Germany for the Germans”) to the tune of Gigi D’Agostino’s “L’amour toujours.” They have been told thousands of times to cut it out BUT THEY JUST KEEP DOING IT AND EVERY TIME YOU THINK THEY HAVE STOPPED THEY START UP AGAIN.

As of July the police had responded to at least 368 separate “Foreigners out” incidents, and this five-word racist plague shows no signs of abating. If you didn’t know better, you’d think the completely necessary and boundlessly justified moral hysteria inspired by every “Foreigners out” incident merely encourages more people to sing “Foreigners out,” which is precisely what we don’t want them to sing. It is like National Socialism all over again, except National Socialism only lasted twelve years and at the rate things are going people will still be chanting this execrable hymn to the racism demons a century from now:

That video is from the latest Gigi D’Agostino-inspired crime against humanity. It was filmed last Friday night by a heroic audio technician known to us only as Patrick R., who was hired to assist with a city festival in Burgholzhausen, just north of Frankfurt. Patrick R. first notified the world of this atrocity via a brief and deeply urgent thread on X. Even though it was a day later, the good Patrick R. was still quite shaken, as anybody would be after such a close and harrowing encounter with the forces of evil:

Yesterday I was in Burgholzhausen … working as a technician at a party. After thinking about whether I should publish the video, I’ve now decided to publish it because of my deepest dislike for this behaviour. I can’t understand why neither the DJ nor the organisers took any action here. Instead, the party just continued and the behaviour was accepted in public as normal. Nobody said anything.

Patrick R. went on to say deeply original things about dehumanisation, racism and xenophobia, the likes of which nobody has ever heard before:

Right-wing agitation, xenophobia and pure racism have now been so alarmingly normalised that apparently everyone finds it okay when half of the festival tent sings along to slogans that have recently made so many headlines. I don’t want to live in a society where this is normal. Dehumanising strangers is inhumane. It makes me angry and I believe there is NO excuse for behaviour like this.

Patrick R.’s shocking thread with its incontrovertible video proof of hate went immediately viral, and the Frankfurt police responded right away. They assured Patrick R. that they had “secured the videos and forwarded them accordingly.”

Soon a regional news team summoned our heroic defender of human rights and democracy to discuss the gruesome scene he had witnessed. You could tell that the brave Patrick R. was still traumatised, but he tried to hold it together for the cameras:

“I stood there at first, just stunned, watching the scene,” Patrick R. told Hessenschau.

It started with a few people chanting these slogans. Then more and more people in the tent apparently decided to join in. And I just shook my head and took out my phone. At that moment I just felt powerless.

The reporter informs us that “the song was played several times,” and also that, since posting his recording to X, Patrick R. has been the victim of threats. The poor man has had to deactivate his email account because of “threatening messages,” that is how dangerous and racist all of this is. Despite all of the arrant racism, Patrick R. has not deactivated his X account for some reason. There he is still thanking people for their attention and begging larger accounts for retweets crusading against racism and xenophobia as I type this.

In a second media interview of what will doubtless soon be dozens, Patrick R. explains that he has been “in a state of absolute shock since Friday evening.”

Patrick R. still trembling from the trauma of ambient xenophobia.

“Nobody stopped the shouting, nobody reacted,” he tells his interviewer, adding that at that point he “didn’t understand the world anymore.” To uncharitable critics who have accused him of silently filming this blatant racism for social media credit while doing nothing about it in the moment, Patrick R. explains in words totally bereft of self-satisfaction that “today I’m of the opinion that I did the right thing,” because otherwise “I’m not sure I would still have all my teeth.” And he adds: “Apart from that, the reach that this is generating and the explosive nature that the topic is developing is just right.” What a gift it is to share a country with a good, upstanding man like Patrick R. I could listen to him complain about racism for hours.

Soon the press were picking up the story. Jörg Lau, who writes for Die Zeit – that beacon of all that is good and virtuous – was among the first to denounce this most recent and regrettable resurgence of fascism. “I want dancing to hate-inciting slogans to be punished with severe repression,” Lau tweeted from the depths of his democratic convictions. “Why aren’t the police taking down these people’s identities? This is just as threatening to our state as those pro-Caliphate demonstrations.”

The association that organised the festival threw up a semi-literate Instagram post screeching that singing “Foreigners out” “is absolutely irrevocably against the mentality of our organisation” and clarifying that they “stand for openness and do not tolerate any hate [speech].”

Our stalwart racism denouncer, Patrick R., is however unwilling to absolve the festival organisers. “When I realised they had posted a story on Instagram and Facebook, I reached out to them and wrote that I was the one who had posted the video. ‘If you need to talk, feel free to get in touch with me.’ There was no response.” As we all know, not responding to racism denouncers is itself a clear and blatant form of racism.

Lars Keitel, the mayor of Burgholzhausen, published a slavering statement deploring his city’s disco racism incident this morning. Perhaps worried what Patrick R. might say to the press about his delayed apology, Keitel first explains that he has been travelling, before assuring us that he has “been in contact with the police since yesterday,” and that authorities are “already investigating and looking for further witnesses.” There follows his heartfelt and sensitive endorsement of “respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation” – indeed, of “humanity” itself – and his rejection of “xenophobia,” “hatred,” “exclusion” and “intolerance”:

It is irrelevant to me whether just a few or many people shouted “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out.” There is no place for such words in our city. We are an open and diverse community built on respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation. I personally stand for these values and I am glad that there are many people and institutions in our city who have contacted me in the last 24 hours or are publicly expressing themselves and representing exactly these values …

I would like to make it clear once again: xenophobia and hatred of other people because of their origin contradict the values that we live and defend here. Those who shout such things are acting against the cohesion and peaceful coexistence that makes our city strong …

I want our city to be a place where there is no room for hatred and exclusion, but where we treat each other with respect and humanity. We all have to do our part to make that happen. Let us stand together against intolerance and racism and show that we stand together as a community – regardless of origin.

While Keitel was rushing back from Austria to pen these eloquent and introspective words, municipal officials were doing their part to exorcise local racisms by posting this helpful antiracist graphic to the Burgholzhausen website, which does not at all look like it was thrown together in the last minute by some nine year-old girl for a school equity-and-inclusion project:

At the top it reads “Heart not hate, brains not hate in Burgholzhausen,” and continues with perfect coherence: “Birthplace: Earth; Race: Human; Politics: Freedom; Religion: Love.” In accompanying text our city administrators note defensively that “you can’t check everyone at a city festival,” and with some vague hope for absolution they also muse that “not every partygoer is from Burgholzhausen.” News to Burgholzhausen: This is not how you do a racism apology. Racism is everywhere, Burgholzhausen is especially and thoroughly racist, and until you can unreservedly own your racism and loathe yourself for it before the entire world you are just the same as all the other racists singing “Foreigners out.”

Meanwhile, the press stories just keep rolling in. Welt have an articleas do Focus and Pro Sieben. The Frankfurter Rundschau have a particularly extensive write-up, as this racism is happening in their territory and they are basically responsible for it. There we read that this is the the thirteenth incident that state police have investigated in Hessen, where “L’amour toujours”-inspired racisms are such a problem that they have apparently become a separately-tabulated category of criminal offence:

Before November 2023, the state criminal office is not aware of any right-wing incidents in connection with “L’amour toujours”, a spokeswoman told our editorial team. It is therefore quite reasonable to speak of an “increase” of alleged incidents in the recent past. The city festival in Burgholzhausen now fits into this inglorious series.

BILD ask potential witnesses to contact investigators in Bad Homburg to assist them in laying bare this crime of the century. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung promise us that police will issue a statement on their progress sometime todayDer Spiegel put in a little more effort to lament the “almost inevitable automatism” via which Germans are driven to “chant racist slogans” anytime somebody plays “L’amour toujours.” They rightly fret that the 368 officially registered cases are but a small fraction of the true number of Italodance-inspired racisms happening out there, because “the police are not always called and recordings are not always made.” Particularly worrying in Patrick R.’s video, they note, is the fact that “so many partygoers were singing … that they could be heard clearly despite the loud music.”

The crack reporters at Sternfamed for their investigative reporting, do not have much to add to this cornucopia of coverage, and so they simply repost an old video that the journalist Michel Abdollahi made during the last “Foreigners out” uproar. In this memorable statement, Abdollahi claims that “it really hurts when people shout ‘foreigners out’ in your face for 38 years” and that “the problem” of racism “is getting bigger and bigger,” such that only “profound change” like “the constant, constant, constant questioning of racist thought patterns” and “the defence of democracy” can save us.

Racism explainer Michel Abdollahi explaining why everybody is racist.

Alas, not all voices are joining this righteous chorus. Henry Albrecht at Apollo News, who is probably a racist himself, has the insensitive temerity to ask why the police are investigating in the first place – and even to question how merely singing “Foreigners out” constitutes a crime:

At a folk festival in Friedrichsdorf-Burgholzhausen in the Hochtaunus district of Hesse, several people are said to have sung the slogan ‘Germany for Germans, foreigners out” … Now the police are investigating, but it’s questionable whether this makes any sense …

For example, the Augsburg public prosecutor’s office dropped its investigation after several members of the Hohenfurch rural youth sang the lines in question at a carnival parade in Landsberg in February. The facts of the case do not constitute the offence of incitement …. and is therefore not punishable.

A similar case also occupied the public prosecutor’s office in Neubrandenburg, which in October 2023 opened an investigation against four people who had sung these lines in a nightclub. As a spokeswoman told Spiegel at the end of June, the investigation was closed because the authorities could not find any criminal offence. According to current case law, the statements are covered by freedom of expression and thus do not constitute incitement …

At the end of August, the public prosecutor’s office in Hanover also closed the investigation into an incident at the marksmen’s festival in Kleinburgwedel in mid-May. The songs were also sung there – but according to the public prosecutor's office, they did not constitute the criminal offence of incitement of the people.

Yes, you read that right: Somehow it is the year 2024 and racism is still not illegal in the Federal Republic of Germany. Somebody needs to get our antiracist audio technician’s thoughts about that.

Was the Covid-19 pandemic response designed as a coup against major Western democracies?

We’ve all heard of Event 201, but Pacific Eclipse was an even more elaborate and secretive table top exercise in December of 2019 that anticipated the authoritarian  responses of governments all over the world. We saw, in March 2020, a transnational “lockstep” coordinated response across public and private sectors – and at other stages of the ‘pandemic’ – including the push for a “whole-of-society" approach.

As the human race awakens, the plans of the Dark Army on earth are slowly being exposed to the light of truth. This process is accelerating rapidly.

Guest article by Democracy Manifest

The Covert ‘Event 201’: Pacific Eclipse

In December 2019, the DoD and 5 Eyes game-planned a ‘pandemic’ that factored in the 2020 US presidential election

Article at


SEP 13, 2024


Please read and share this report on Pacific Eclipse, a pandemic tabletop exercise held in December 2019 — effectively a final warm-up exercise for Operation COVID-19, which took place behind closed doors.

(Don’t miss the 12 point summary halfway down… with pictures!)

An academic article on the simulation event was featured in a special edition of the medical journal Vaccine in April 2022… hiding in plain sight.

Pacific Eclipse’ - in Vaccine

From the editorial, “Pacific Eclipse: Before the corona dawn”…

Pacific Eclipse predicted a range of changes that COVID-19 would bring to the globe.

The prescience and timeliness of this meeting, held on December 9th and 10th 2019, was extraordinary. Within a month, those attending the meeting, would be facing the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, hopefully implementing many of the lessons learnt.

YES… truly extraordinary!

(Is this a confession??)

Read on for details!

Event 201 - widely recognized as the “COVID rehearsal” held on 18 October 2019 in NYC - is familiar to many.

The pandemic tabletop exercise was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations and the World Economic Forum.

Event 201: October 2019

Pacific Eclipse was a high-level (but low-profile) pandemic simulation held on 9-10 December 2019, conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense in collaboration with key academic institutions in Anglosphere countries.

The scenario was specifically adapted for the US 2020 presidential election year (!!!)

To set the scene in-real-life, in the words of Professor Raina MacIntyre (the first author of the paper)…

On December 9–10 2019 […] while SARS-COV-2 began spreading in China, we ran Pacific Eclipse, a pandemic tabletop exercise, in three cities simultaneously in the United States.

  • Professor Raina MacIntyre, Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Australia

What an amazing coincidence!

The professor continues…

…Pacific Eclipse brought together international stakeholders from health, defence, law enforcement, emergency management and a range of other sectors.

The exercise was designed to identify potential gaps in preparedness and modifiable factors which could prevent a pandemic or mitigate the impact of a pandemic.

(Hmm… Sounds like a practice for a pre-planned fake pandemic.)

Stakeholders from state and federal government and non-government organisations from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, as well as industry and non-government organisations attended.

Wow! Who were these people?!

(Also: Given the hypothetical ‘outbreak’ starts in Fiji, it’s an interesting mix of countries.)

But wait - there’s more!

Many issues that subsequently arose during the COVID-19 pandemic were anticipated – testing, tracing, isolation, quarantine, vaccination response, stockpiling, social distancing, masks, border control, protecting critical infrastructure, business continuity and protecting first responders. Pacific Eclipse took a broad, societal view of pandemics, including cascading failures in critical infrastructure due to mass illness and absenteeism, all of which were seen during the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic.

The ability of these experts to ‘anticipate’ [a phony-baloney crisis in which they’re heavily invested] is truly extraordinary!

They even ‘predicted’ the COVID scenes with cruise ships…

The scenarios depicted within the Pacific Eclipse predicted: the porosity of borders and that cruise liners would pose very significant logistical issues and moral dilemmas caused by the risk of disease amplification on board…

Wonders never cease!!

And then: Enter - the miraculous ‘vaccines’ (versus ‘vaccine hesitancy’)…

We showed that vaccination provides an effective exit strategy to a pandemic, and that this requires high and rapid coverage, as well as vaccine to be supplied to the areas of greatest need. Countries that cannot achieve high coverage due to lack of access or hesitancy, will determine the duration of the pandemic and the level of global disruption, which may extend to many years in some hot spots.

(No mention of real-life global vaccine failure, needless to say!)

Here’s the bombshell.

We did exercise the impact of the 2020 federal election in the US and Brexit in the UK on the smallpox pandemic, but did not anticipate the complete failure in organised public health response in these countries at critical junctures.

So… without having to read between the lines, this sounds a lot like a pre-determined scheme to take down the two key populist political movements in the West at that time: ‘MAGA' and Brexit!! Doesn’t it?

The degree of preparation planning plotting on display is jaw-dropping!

The article actually outlines how, during the exercise, real-time feedback for decisions about ‘measures’ was provided by ‘modelling’ - including “worst case scenario”…

The results were then presented in real time to the participants on the large screen and on their smart phones, and an interactive discussion followed. At the end of the exercise, people were shown mathematical modelling outputs of the epidemic resulting from different actions or decisions. […]

In the worst case scenario, the end of the pandemic is greater than 8 years and results in 522 million cases, despite the vaccine being highly effective…

Of course! In order to pull off a ‘pandemic’, the ‘modelling’ is crucial!

Interestingly (but not surprisingly, like Neil Ferguson et al’s notorious Imperial College Report 9)…

We did not include formal economic analyses in the exercise, but this is also an important consideration for competing pandemic control options.

Now they tell us (… after crashing the global economy).

NOTE: on the issue of ‘origins’ and ‘biothreats’: According to the experts who designed the exercise, the different characteristics compared to COVID of both the culprit infection and the ‘origin of the outbreak’ - in the case of Pacific Eclipse, a bioterrorism attack involving smallpox - were considered irrelevant in terms of the continuity between the simulation and real life:

Although the pandemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 was not deliberate, many of the issues addressed in the meeting were and remain highly relevant to effectively managing and limiting the spread of a highly contagious infectious disease.

In fact, the journal article highlights the many parallels between the Pacific Eclipse test-run and the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’.

… the long incubation period, similar R0 and predominant respiratory transmission make the two infections comparable in pandemic potential. This provided a validation of the hypothetical pandemic we had exercised and showed that many issues highlighted by Pacific Eclipse did come to pass during the COVID-19 pandemic.

So there you have it: Just before COVID kicked off in a super-charged US presidential year and an anticipated second term for Trump (and overwhelming momentum in the UK to “Get Brexit Done”) the Five Eyes nations held a clandestine meeting of multi-level pandemic “stakeholders” across government, academia and industry - led by the US DoD and assorted university experts - and ran a “tabletop exercise” that more or less accurately predicted the desired ‘COVID response’ (of those present).

Is it possible that Event 201 was a modified limited hangout, and the real tabletop exercise - Pacific Eclipse - took place later, in private, just before Operation COVID-19 was officially launched, whereby a manufactured emergency then had the ‘anticipated’ effect of political destablization, particularly in the US and the UK?

This all looks very much like a smoking gun… nearly five years later.

Read on for “Pacific Eclipse - 12 points” - with visual cues of the crime scene!

PACIFIC ECLIPSE tabletop exercise: 12 Point Summary

Pacific Eclipse: 9-10 December 2019

(1) Pacific Eclipse was an interactive tabletop exercise held simultaneously in three US cities - Washington DC, Phoenix and Honolulu - on 9-10 December, 2019.

The exercise took into account the different time zones

(2) There were over 200 invited participants from the Five Eyes nations

“Participants: Stakeholders from state and federal government and non-government organisations from The United States, The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, as well as industry and non-government organisations attended.”

(3) The exercise was jointly conducted by:

- the DoD United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)

- the PLuS Alliance of three universities in the US (ASU) the UK (KCL) and Australia (UNSW)

(4) The scenario was developed by Professor Raina MacIntyre - a physician and researcher in emerging infectious diseases and biosecurity at the Kirby Institute at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

It was based on a smallpox outbreak resulting from a bioterror attack in Fiji that evolves into a global pandemic.
Raina MacIntyre is well-known to Australians based on her prominent media presence during COVID, including as a member of the Oz-SAGE advisory group: She strongly advocated for Australia to achieve COVID-19 “elimination” in which “there is no sustained community transmission and outbreaks are rare”.

(5) The meeting was officially opened by Rear Admiral Louis Tripoli, Command Surgeon of US Indo-Pacific Command, and Professor Anthony Kelleher, Director of the Kirby Institute, University of NSW, Australia

Rear Admiral Louis Tripoli, USINDOPACOM
Professor Anthony Kelleher, Kirby Institute, UNSW

(6) Digital communications for the event - considered “highly sensitive” - were sponsored and provided by Secured Communications, LLC

—“It was absolutely essential that the mobile communication between our three locations be protected and encrypted because of the very sensitive nature of the exercise.” said Dr. Raina MacIntyre, Professor of Global Biosecurity and NHMRC Principal Research Fellow at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, and organizer of Pacific Eclipse.—

(7) “Pacific Eclipse received funding for venue hire, participant travel and accommodation from [vaccine companies] Emergent Biosolutions and Bavarian Nordic…”

… and Siga and Meridien Medical Technologies.

(8) On 21 January 2020, the tabletop exercise was reported in the news section of the Kirby Institute/ UNSW website.

NOTE: This university news report mentioned that invited participants included representatives from “the WHO, US CDC, US military, FBI, London Metropolitan Police, Defence Science Technology Laboratories UK, and several state and international agencies.”
Source: Kirby Institute, UNSW

The event was also reported at “Cision PRWeb” on 4 March 2020 as news provided by Secured Communications, which noted “simulation findings predictive of key aspects of the current coronavirus epidemic”.

Source: CISION PRWeb

(9) In December 2021 (two years after the event) Professor Raina MacIntyre tweeted about the online publication of her article on Pacific Eclipse

Source: Twitter

(10) The script was modified specifically for the US context with the assistance of ASU: “The scenario began in Fiji and was adapted for the US context.”

The narrative focused on America - and included the 2020 US presidential election.

As the pandemic takes hold, critical infrastructure and supply chains are compromised, and there are shortages of medical equipment, masks, respirators, antivirals and vaccines in the US. International aid is greatly reduced because the US needs their resources and personnel for their own epidemic control. Crisis communication is an issue, and not done well.

Conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination groups are also active on social media.

Civil unrest and riots occur in many cities, requiring law enforcement and military response, but shortages of personal protective equipment have police striking. The upcoming federal election in 2020 also becomes a factor, with politicisation of the pandemic response and nationalism. … Banning of mass gatherings such as concerts and sporting events becomes contentious, as does border control… Large outbreaks begin in California and Arizona and the disease spreads more widely. Absenteeism in the workforce is affecting the economy severely. Dead bodies outside hospitals are piling up and disposal of medical waste is in crisis, as funeral homes are full or refusing service and transport companies refuse medical waste.

…The population is confused, further reducing trust in authority and government.

(11) The article outlines how the exercise included mitigation measures such as contract tracing, social distancing, border closures, and speed of vaccination response. Factors modifying epidemic severity included “cultural biases” and “political leadership”.

“Pacific Eclipse was underpinned by mathematical modelling research, to provide realistic epidemic outcomes under different scenarios and resulting from different decisions and resource allocation.”
Source: Vaccine - Pacific Eclipse (2022)

(12) The “Discussion” section of the article explicitly raises the issue of COVID measures including lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates, and attributes resistance to these to (“modifiable”) “cultural factors” and “political leadership”.

The editorial highlights the importance of “buy-in” as central to any pandemic response.

From the editorial

Pacific Eclipse also highlighted the requirement for a responsive, responsible and facilitatory political environment in order for these plans and agencies to be effective. […] However, all the preparedness on the part of health, defence and police forces, first responders and others will not remedy a lack of political will to deploy and support these responses and to communicate clearly with the public at large. Without public buy-in, even the best laid plans will not succeed and are likely to be undermined. The need to take the political classes with us on these journeys is a hurdle that needs to be cleared. 2020 has taught us that this hurdle can extremely be high. Jurisdictions where there is vacillating, ineffective or obstructive political support for evidence based responses have failed dismally and will fail to control future threats of highly infectious pathogens, whether they are released on purpose as part of a bioterrorism threat or are naturally occurring pathogens.

  • Professor Anthony Kelleher

The COVID-19 Coup

This event in part explains the transnational “lockstep” coordinated response that was seen in mid-March 2020 - across public and private sectors - and at other stages of the ‘pandemic’, including the push for a “whole-of-society approach”. Behind the scenes, everyone was literally on the same page (and maybe the same WhatsApp group?) — and on a war footing.

Was the coup against major Western democracies game-planned at Pacific Eclipse?

The secretive and prescient military-led tabletop exercise and its subsequent (delayed) reporting in a journal - more than two years into the ‘pandemic’ - raises many, many questions about the foreknowledge and foreplanning of Operation COVID-19, and the wider geopolitical agenda at play.

To be continued…

PS. Please consider sharing this article to help disseminate the information to as many people as possible ASAP. And/or feel free to use any images or quotes for posts and tweets etc.


Many thanks to fellow Australian 

Elizabeth Hart


Vaccination is political

 for her support and advice with this blog in 2024 - and her invaluable input for this post.

Thanks also to 

Sasha Latypova


Due Diligence and Art

 for promoting the work of this substack, and for raising awareness about the central role of the US Department of Defense in the ‘COVID response’ - despite all the pushback!

Part 2 - Coming Soon!

as of 9/12/24

Jeffrey Prather interviews ballistics expert John Cullen: Start at 21:41 for the interview.

Also follow George Webb on at RealGeorgeWebb1, and at

This is NOT going away, because the FBI is withholding information. Citizen journalists and citizen researchers like John Cullen and George Webb are slowly putting together what happened, but there is still a long way to go.

doomed to failure

If there is one elitist who foresaw (or perhaps predicted?) the dystopian technological surveillance state, it is the late great Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s National Security advisor. In his 1970 book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era, he wrote:

The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities....

“The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era

Here, Brezinski brutally and concisely outlines the two fundamental pillars of the dystopian technostate: a) Complete and total surveillance of every person, and b) The dissolving of national and cultural identities, and the creation of a one-size-fits-all hive mind of robotic slaves to international institutions.

We are seeing this here in the US with the introduction of millions of illegal migrants, who have been given priority over citizens in some of our sanctuary cities. Over the past 4 years, native-born American have lost over 1.34 million jobs, while illegals have gained in employment. This precisely fits the Billionaires Project, to turn North America into a single economic zone, abolish the nation-state, and lower wages. By turning the economic model of North America into that which was pioneered in China, with cheap labor overseen by an oppressive authoritarian State, multinationals increase their bottom line at the expense of the living conditions for workers, who are nothing more than units of production.

The problem for the Brezinskis of the world is that this program must be implemented on the ground. The Billionaires Project is being introduced as surreptitiously as possible, but it is already causing huge backlash all over the world.

Mostly this backlash is not even mentioned or covered by mainstream media, such as the  protests in Brazil led by Jair Bolsonaro against the ban on Twitter (where most Brazilians get their news). Brazilians in their millions also took to the streets to protest the elections in that country in October of 2022. (The problem is finding unbiased coverage of the protests by the world’s corporate media, particularly after the fact.)

The farmer’s revolt against the European techno-fascists is still continuing, as an out-of-touch and very small group of elitists attempt to use “climate change” to disrupt food production.

The introduction of mRNA vaccines was originally taken up en masse during 2021 and 2022, but now, “vaccine uptake” has bottomed out, and Pfizer and Moderna’s profits have shrunk. Why is that? When I looked up “mRNA vaccine” online I was told by almost every search result that Moderna and Pfizer developed the technology for them, but this is not true. The technology of these new bio-products came out of the bowels of DARPA, the research arm of the U.S. military, and was (and is) released under the Emergency Use Authorization protocol that protects distributors from legal consequences for harms caused by their products. Wait a minute, what does the military have to do with public health?

As the Billionaires Project moves toward broad implementation it is already being rejected by the world population, because people can see what it looks like in their daily lives. Slowly, the resistance is building amongst the grassroots in every country as the various aspects of the Project take away human rights and liberties, and do actual harm to more and more people. Fortunately the internet (originally developed by DARPA) can now be used to connect and message worldwide.

Howard Bloom’s Global Brain is being created spontaneously by people all over the world to defeat Brezinski’s Surveillance State before it can be broadly implemented. The quintessential, divine nature of every human being is responding to a program that is fundamentally opposed to human nature, human health, and life itself.

It may take longer than we wish, but the defeat of the Billionaires Project is inevitable.

On the annual anniversary of 9/11, I always stop by Dr. Judy Wood’s website. I remember seeing her videos back in the day, before I knew about directed energy weapons, and wondered how 1.25 million tons of debris could literally be turned into dust and dissipate. Frankly, I’ve almost given up hoping that the truth will come out, but in memory of those who died, I want to present one of Dr. Judy’s videos, which gives a good explanation of what really happened on 9/1/2001. Naturally, this brave soul is, and has been, regularly pilloried by the corporate controlled media whenever 9/11 is brought up.

Check out her website at if you haven’t already.

Here is the video link, it’s only 14 minutes.