Daily Archives: March 16, 2024

From bioweapons to vaccines

I am reading A. W. Finnegan's The Sleeper Agent, about the development of the biowarfare industry. Bioweapons programs study ways to increase the lethality of common viruses and pathogens, by mixing and matching, “passaging” –infecting animals and feeding their infected tissue to other animals – and then testing on human subjects, sometimes without their consent. It is clear that at least in the US, our entire medical establishment has been weaponized.

Bioweapons research is almost exclusively government funded, paid for by taxpayers. The mRNA gene therapy products, for example, were developed within U.S. military programs under the auspices of DARPA, BARDA, and DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency). Then the knowledge gained is monetized by private citizens. This is a “sword and shield” format that first weaponizes pathogens (sword) and then monetizes a vaccine (shield) against it. When the HHS secretary (or other public official) declares a “public health emergency,” the vaccines can be released to the public and rubber-stamped by the FDA, using the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization model (EUA). All of the mRNA “vaccines” were issued under this model.

George Webb (georgewebb.substack.com) calls this the Virus Vaccine Game.

Interestingly, there is still a “gold standard” release model for medical products called BLA, or the Biologics Licensing Application, which requires animal testing, three rounds of human testing, and years of follow-up  studies to ensure that the medical product is “safe and effective.” It’s just that Pharma companies, and the government itself, want to use the EUA pathway because it’s way faster (Operation Warp Speed) and the FDA’s so-called “independent” approval board is conveniently composed of lackeys from the pharma companies.

Shockingly, our current medical establishment with its EUA release protocol is a direct outgrowth of the U.S. bioweapons program. The new vaccines are being developed not in response to naturally occurring pathogens, but from enhanced viruses and pathogens developed in military-associated bioweapons labs. And the childhood vaccine schedule is now up to 100 vaccines by the time a child is 18. Is it any wonder that half the kids in this country suffer from chronic diseases?

The dirty little secret of the vaccine industry is that vaccines are never tested against a placebo, such as a saline solution. They are always tested against another vaccine. See the book, Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth.

Our federal medical industry is now just an appendage to our bioweapons programs. Think about that the next time you are wondering whether to get vaccinated against anything.

Here is some instructive information:


A. W. Finnegan, The Sleeper Agent. How a guy infected with Lyme Disease spent 6 years uncovering the history of the world’s bioweapons programs.

Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth

Dissolving Illusions, at https://dissolvingillusions.com/

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Global Coup d’État Against Humanity,” at https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-worldwide-corona-crisis-global-coup-detat-against-humanity-michel-chossudovsky/5850209 

https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/pandemic-preparedness-a-government Here a military colonel describes what the P3 program is (Pandemic Preparedness Program). Question: How can you prepare for a pandemic unless you are already developing bioweapons?

Anything written by George Webb, Citizen Journalist. Start at georgewebb.substack.com or go to his Twitter/X feed at RealGeorgeWebb1. George penetrates beyond the fog of the fake mainstream and alt-media to find the truth. This guy has a penetrating intelligence and he is fearless.