Daily Archives: March 12, 2024

AI, as it is being applied today, will result in a techno-fascist nightmare. Don't fall for the AI fear porn.

“AI is not actual intelligence, rather it is a front for surveillance and social-credit algorithm implementation.”

— Dennis Rancourt

You either believe the shite about artificial intelligence or you don’t. I don’t. The idea that self-aware consciousness can evolve from a bunch of algos in a computer system or network is, IMHO, a wet dream of sociopaths.

AI is an idea based completely in materialism; it is divorced from the divine connection inherent in every human being. In fact, AI – or indefinite life extension – is based on a morbid fear of death. This fear comes from not understanding that the spirit/consciousness that occupies the body is already immortal. It’s based on the idea that when the body dies, the consciousness of a person is snuffed out. That indeed is a scary notion, but fortunately it is the Big Lie on planet earth. For some, this discovery will not be made until they take their last breath. But that doesn’t mean that such persons must dictate the direction of our entire society.

There is no reason to be afraid of AI because human innovation will always be able to out-maneuver AI systems. Divine inspiration/intuition is far greater than AI, which is always based on human created data. Jeffrey Prather says this succinctly: “The creations of the Creator are far greater than the creations of the creations of the Creator.”

The great American philosopher Arthur Young models human consciousness on the geometric figure called the torus. In a torus, energy flows up, through, and around the center; it reaches out to the material world and then goes within to digest what it has learned, and then forges outward again to apply what it has learned.

Author's concept of toroidal human consciousness

The torus is a self-contained energy source. In my novel The Old Soul, I discussed the potential for consciousness modeled on the torus, and I do believe it is possible. But the current state of AI technology, with its neural implants and chips, is designed to create a techno-fascist surveillance state. As far as I know, serious work on actually creating a self-aware consciousness has not even begun.

Consciousness has the quality of having the awareness of being aware. It is one thing to model consciousness on a geometric figure such as the torus, it is another to design consciousness, materially, to have the awareness of being aware. Although technology has come a long way it isn’t even close to creating true artificial intelligence. Because the Cabal of psychopaths who run this planet understand that the human race is awakening, people like Sam Altman and Elon Musk have had to hurry forward their plans for a Smart AI world. And so they have been forced to develop PsyOps to scare people into accepting their future dystopian world.

AI today is just a fear-porn PsyOp. It is only possible to create the Great Reset if you have fearful human beings who have swallowed the idea of their own worthlessness. But this is precisely what materialism teaches: that the human being is merely a hunk of meat with certain body sensors that react to the world and transmit data to the brain. Materialists think of the human being as a stimulus-response automaton.

If you believe that when you die you are dead, you can be convinced that life extension by polluting the body with electronics or programmable nanoparticles is just great. Transhumanists go so far as to idealize consciousness in some artificial container (a printed body, or an electromagnetic/computerized vessel) is a good idea, because such a person has no idea of his/her divine nature. Make no mistake, Transhumanism and AI go hand in hand and both are dead ends.

Materialism is by definition pessimism; it is a denial of our true spiritual nature. A materialist has no faith or intuition, which are inherent qualities of consciousness. Manly P. Hall says that “pessimism is an inevitable result of a hard sharp look at circumstances without inner light to sustain us.” Yup.

This inner light has been traditionally called Faith. I don’t like this term because it implies a mindless belief in something that doesn’t exist. But it does. Faith can also be defined as the knowledge and understanding that a human being is an immortal divine consciousness temporarily associated with a body in the physical universe (the concept of incarnation).

All of the great discoveries of our world have come from human beings who acknowledge their inner light. Materialists do not possess the intuition necessary for great insight. Communism, for example, is totally materialist. Communist states like the old Soviet Union and the PRC cannot innovate; materialist states must steal ideas and technology from societies who recognize the creative impulse that comes from the inner light of true consciousness/self-awareness. Materialist societies will collapse and die because they don’t acknowledge the life-giving energy that comes from the Creator.

I am reminded of another quote from Manly P. Hall, who says,

...we find that large bodies of knowledge, particularly scientific knowledge, exist to destroy faith. They want to take away from us, the belief in those very invisible principles upon which we depend to give us peace of soul, peace of mind, and peace of heart. So in this confusion, many persons have lost their spiritual orientation. They have lost their ability to accept the fact that here is a universal good, a universal reality that life is purposed, that there are reasons for things. And as gradually the sciences have limited perspective and forced the individual into a constant acceptance of material things as the only realities, As this goes on faith dims and hope fades away, and the individual is reduced to a state from which he escaped ages ago, by rising above the level of materialistic, primitive existence.”

Transcribed from a Manly P. Hall lecture

Artificial Intelligence, as it is currently being applied to society, is dystopian. Don’t fall for the hype and the AI PsyOp. At some point true artificial intelligence may be developed, but this research will have to be conducted by persons with self-awareness, and who acknowledge their inner light. Such discoveries will always benefit humanity because they will be oriented toward harmony and the betterment of all.