Daily Archives: July 13, 2023

(Caveat: When I refer to science in this article I don’t mean ScientismTM, the politicized version, which is promoted by very confused people who also promote Transhumanism and other materialist nonsense. I am referring to true scientists, who search for the underlying laws that describe our universe.)

Fragmentation in life comes from fragmented, separate thinking. Our psychoanalysts and psychologists consider the human mind to have “parts:” psychic compartments called the ego, the subconscious, and the conscious mind. The spiritualists do the same and talk about the Higher self and the Lower self and the “inner child.”

A whole person knows himself or herself as whatever they have chosen to BE, without these psychic divisions. Such a person experiences a feeling of integrity and strength. This knowing is self–created. In order to be truly whole, we must make our own decisions about how we want to live our lives.

Integrity, or wholeness, is just a well-defined statement of being, which leads to a feeling of self–confidence. Confident people are certain people. Certainty follows from making firm decisions about what is wanted in life, and how to get there.

The current pantheon of psychological “boxes” is very similar to the (fragmented) classical physics model of the universe. Classical physics is committed to the idea that the world around us is mechanistic; composed entirely of separately existing, indivisible and unchanging particles, which are supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe. This idea is proudly encapsulated in the Standard Model of Particle Physics.

Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics have seriously questioned the mechanical view of the universe, however, and have brought us much closer to a scientific conception of wholeness.

Einstein proposed that the particle model is not primary, and that instead, reality is composed of fields. He proposed a “unified field theory,” which he was never able to get working.

Quantum mechanics went even further in questioning a fragmented, mechanistic theory of the universe, for it proposes that:

1) Movement is discontinuous. An electron, for example, can move from one energy state to another without going through any states in between. In other words, an electron is in one state and then, in no time, is in another. This is a remarkable notion, for it implies that actions can occur instantaneously.

2) Particles can demonstrate dual properties. Light, for example, is at once a wave and a particle, depending upon how it is observed.

3) Non–locality. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of quantum mechanics to the fragmented and mechanistic approach is the correlated or entangled particle, something first proposed by Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky, and known as the EPR Paradox.

Basically, what happens is that if two particles with opposite spins are combined and then the two particles are separated, it is possible to know the spin of one by measuring the spin of the other, no matter how far apart they are! Somehow, information gets “transmitted” from one particle to the other instantaneously, and regardless of the distance between them.

This phenomenon is known as non–locality and has been confirmed by experiment. It was considered a paradox in Einstein's day, because it violates the principle that nothing can travel faster than light.

We now know that no signal can travel faster than light, but that somehow, through an unknown substrate, information can be passed instantaneously from one point to another in space. This makes no sense, unless we consider that the universe, and all particles and all movement within it, is an unbroken, connected whole, and that the phenomena we observe are just those aspects which we can see with our human senses and our instruments.

Quantum physicist David Bohm, in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, says, “if all actions are in the form of discrete quanta [the quantum in quantum mechanics] the interactions between different entities…constitutes a single structure of indivisible links, so that the entire universe has to be thought of as an unbroken whole.”

This concept is not new! Krishnamurthy, referring to the ancient Hindu text called the Vedas, describes the material universe as coming forth from Brahman, the unmanifested potential.

Brahman, according to Wikipedia, “is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe.”

The fact that science is coming around to these views is a closing of the circle, and yet another indication that humanity is nearing the end of a cycle of fragmented planetary consciousness, and is beginning to embrace a new paradigm of thought based on wholeness.

This idea of wholeness is also reflected in the hologram, which, if you cut off a tiny piece, still contains all of the information of the whole. Karl Pribham has shown that memories are not stored in cells or localized areas of the brain, but are enfolded over the whole of the brain.

Scientific thinking first created a mechanistic universe in which everything in it had a separate existence. In the 20th century, science advanced our conception of the universe away from the ideas of fragmentation and separation, to one much more consistent with wholeness.

Science and spirituality are becoming closer and closer, but on a much higher level of awareness and insight!

Science, medicine, and mass media do not acknowledge the higher aspects of human consciousness

The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were, and ask why not.

— John F. Kennedy[1]

That is to say, throughout history people who have vision, and who can look beyond the commonplace, have propelled society forward. Newton, Einstein, Curie, Faraday, Maxwell, etc. have advanced our understanding of the physical world. Humanity’s brilliant artists and musicians have inspired us throughout history.

What is the quality of people who can look beyond, as JFK says, the obvious realities?

Wise, inspiring people see beyond the body and the five human sense: they perceive the soul, the divine part of the human being. The ancient Egyptians called the soul the merkaba. The merkaba is a subtle field of energy, approximately 25 feet in diameter, that contains the body. The merkaba connects the divine part of the human being with the material part.

Secular atheists, who dominate the scientific fields, medicine, and the political arena these days, scoff contemptuously at anything beyond the body reality. Maybe that’s why sex, gender, and skin color are so important these days: those who have no awareness beyond their bodies have no conception of spirituality, or the soul, or God, or the higher aspects of the human being. Transhumanism and trans-genderism cannot see beyond the obvious realities, and into the higher realms of the human spirit. That is not their fault, but the rest of us cannot allow such a myopic view to obscure the divinity that is in all of us.

Artists, creatives, and inspirational persons see into these invisible realms for Knowledge and inspiration. Physicist David Bohm describes this invisible realm as the Implicate Order: a substrate that cannot be perceived by the senses of the body, but yet contains the natural and physical laws that maintain our world, and the universe at large.

Imagine the scientist or the artist reaching into this subtle realm for inspiration or Knowledge! The contemplative, the meditator, also does this. This reaching beyond the body is a deep, inner soul urge of every human being.

To see the higher qualities of the human being, one must look beyond the body reality.

Intuition, for example, is that subtle nudge, a very quiet nudge, that, if one is listening, can impart Knowledge. How does one access intuition? Well, as far as I know it can’t be taught. But if one is listening, it can be heard. Intuition is the soul talking to you.

Faith is simply the understanding that something is so without being able to “prove” it to the crude senses of the body. Faith is a reaching toward the higher aspects of life; to the Implicate Order beyond the body’s senses.  

Many people with self-awareness are having a hard time these days as materialists pound their narratives and their propaganda all over social media and mass media. The goal is to destroy the reaching into the higher realms; to squash and invalidate spirituality and the creativity that can only come from beyond. But that is impossible unless self aware persons go into agreement with it.   

The higher realms are there, but are not obvious to the five human senses. However, they can be reached for, they can be taken. So take them.

[1] Address to the Irish Parliament, June 1963. https://www.jfklibrary.org/visit-museum/exhibits/past-exhibits/a-journey-home-john-f-kennedy-in-ireland