The Mental Plane
In order to make better sense of current events we are going to enter the realm of esoterica and analyze events from 40,000 feet, from the vantage point of the mental plane. Mental plane is a term coined by Marshall Vian Summers to describe an esoteric space that contains the thoughts and the wisdom (and the karma) of the human species.
The mental plane is the collective consciousness space of humanity, created by every soul-infused human being on the planet.
(This discussion makes no sense if you think that self awareness comes from neurons firing in the brain, and that when you die you’re dead.)
We define consciousness as the great American philosopher Arthur Young defined it: a self-reflexive awareness that learns from experience, modeled geometrically on the torus.
In this discussion, we say that consciousness is an intelligence that is aware of being aware. This definition eliminates phony, programmed AI algos that magically – the process is unexplained – become sentient. The great cartoonist Sidney Harris illustrates the idea of magic masquerading as science:
Yeah. The magical process of AI suddenly but mysteriously becoming self-aware from a bunch of silicon and electricity aint going to happen.
The consciousness space I’m talking about is on the mental plane. It’s an esoteric energy that is generated by 7.3 billion soul-infused human beings, and might look something like this:
Life Force and Consciousness
The planet provides the living space that is the foundation for the mental plane. The earth itself isn’t a collection of dead things, or an inanimate rock – it contains complex, living ecosystems, and an atmosphere, that are clearly regulated to support humanity and a variety of other species. Therefore, the earth itself is, in a major way, an ally of humanity and all life upon it. It is the platform upon which the mental plane exists.
A purely materialist explanation for consciousness degrades a human being to a pile of meat (Transhumanists call the human body a “meat suit”). Meat doesn’t have self-awareness. Buy some ground beef and try to have a conversation with it! The human body, plus the soul – the animating principle – creates a consciousness space that supports thought. Collectively, then, the human mental plane is a dynamical, ever-changing esoteric system composed of the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and desires of 7.3 billion human beings.
The idea that all living things, including the planet, are infused with an esoteric component, or a “spiritual” (non-physical) aspect that makes consciousness possible, has been a part of the human race’s understanding since cavemen looked up at the sky and wondered about the origins of the lights in the sky.
(There is a big debate about whether consciousness has to have a biological basis. Transhumanists say that the substrate upon which consciousness resides can be silicon based just as easily as being biologically based. They are trying to create consciousness from matter, which is doomed to failure. Materialists say that the claimed existence of the soul is also a magical, fantasy creation of deluded people, and has no validity. The entire field of Transhumanism is based upon the fear of body death, which is why they want to create artificial containers to replace the human body that do not deteriorate. Good luck with that, boys and girls.)
Materialists are fond of saying that no proof exists for a spiritual component, but perhaps that argument is simply a lack of understanding and awareness on their part. It could be said that the denial of a human being’s spiritual aspect is the crazy idea.
One can forgive a skeptic or a materialist for failing to understand, for from ground level it does look as if consciousness is entirely dependent on the physical vessel. Implicit in that assumption, however, is the assertion that consciousness dies when the body dies. This is unacceptable to those of us who know better. As Susan Sarandon says in the movie Bull Durham, “The world is a simple place for those without self awareness.”
Moreover, the charge of “no scientific proof” for a non-physical or spiritual aspect of the human being is always rooted in physical evidence, which by definition automatically excludes the esoteric argument and assumes the correctness of the materialist approach.
“Proof” of the spiritual component is always subjective and individual. It cannot be broadly shown to those without this understanding, or with scientific instruments that can only measure physical properties. Materialists cannot disprove the esoteric-soul argument and spiritualists cannot prove the idea that a non-physical component is the animating principle.
This is the crux of the battle for the souls, minds, and hearts of humanity in this spiritual war. It’s “humans are physically incarnated souls” versus “humans are meat.”
A certain segment of the population (some say the vast majority) simply does not recognize that their physical bodies have been soul-infused. The Chinese call the life force chi. Westerners call this the God force, or just the force, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it prana. The Hindus say that prana permeates reality on all levels, including inanimate objects. This idea is embodied in reincarnation, the non-physical soul inhabiting different physical bodies through time.
The Fundamental Conflict through History
Thus the conflicts throughout history between the self-aware and the less-aware. I would say that this has been the fundamental conflict of humanity for the past 6,000 years. Forget the political and the economic and the sociological explanations. Fundamentally, those with self awareness are motivated to get along with their fellow man. Something deep inside the person understands that affinity and cooperation are the keys to life and living. This understanding is enough to prevent violent actions and the overwhelming greed that allows one to trample over others, and to start conflicts and wars.
Such are the depravities and malignancies of human beings. They occur only when one turns away from one’s personal connection to one’s own inherent, divine nature. This divine nature is powerful and benevolent.
Even though a person may turn away from their higher awareness, it still exists. Therefore, even the most hardened sociopath is contributing a positive energy (if only in a very limited way) to the consciousness space. Every human is a generator of esoteric energy, for each human is infused with the light-energy that comes from life force. Moreover, free will allows anyone who has turned away to turn back toward the light. Therefore, the game of earth is rigged in favor of higher consciousness; modified, of course, by free will decisions.
You’d never know it by examining the history of humanity! For millennia, humans have turned away from the light, etching history with intra-species wars and conflict.
Now, however, we have reached the End Times. The battle for earth is underway in earnest. Who has the upper hand at this point?
A rational observer would say that evil is ascendant, that fascism and communism and authoritarianism are rapidly subsuming the liberal democracies that are left in the world. From lockdowns to mandated experimental gene therapies to mass shootings, to economic uncertainty, the world seems to be spinning out of control.
Looks can be deceiving. Here we come to the essence of my argument, which is an esoteric one.
Jumping the Shark
Rational observers make a huge assumption: that the earth is on the same historical track it has always been on. Because historians and philosophers and scientists don’t account for the mental plane, and its effects on physical systems, discussions about the direction humanity is going in are all based within the same parameters. Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.” But that’s what we do, generation after generation.
My proposal is as follows: What if the earth has jumped the shark, or rather, jumped on to a new track of history? How could that even happen?
The only physical evidence for this leap of logic is (1) for the first time in history, all persons on the planet are connected through a worldwide messaging system, and (2) shit is happening on this planet that has never happened before in human history, and it’s happening all at once. This suggests that, esoterically, the earth has switched tracks. The two are linked, I believe.
We are all sitting inside the consciousness field, and we always have been. The difference is that the internet has made everyone aware of it. Peter Russell’s “global brain” has become a reality. Although Russell’s concept refers to the physical nodes and pathways of the internet, there is also a global brain on the mental plane, with over 7 billion human nodes. Again, we must distinguish between a purely physical concept and a more esoteric one, or doom humanity to a degraded existence wherein semi-conscious “meat suits” try to get over on each other until the end of time.
Just as Russell’s global brain is a collection of physical nodes and networks in the physical plane, so too is the esoteric global brain a collection of soul-infused human beings on the mental plane. The conscious thoughts of human beings on the mental plane create the human consciousness space, as in the image above.
Beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking over and over again. Clearly, the human belief system is oriented around conflict and war, because generation after generation, we have accepted the idea that “human nature” is barbaric and greedy.
Just as with the internet, whose global network contain packets of data, so too does the earth’s mental plane contain packets of data called thoughts. Change the packets, change the orientation of the collective consciousness. Because thought always precedes action, physical conditions can then change.
What if “human nature” is just a dynamical creation of the collective consciousness on the mental plane? A dynamical system is one where the outcome always changes in response to different inputs that come into the system. This suggests that the consciousness space can be changed if the inputs (thoughts) change. Here there are no physical barriers to change. The mental plane responds at the speed of thought. All that is necessary to change “human nature” is a collective re-orientation of thought and belief.
I’m proposing this concept because the human race has made a lot of technical progress, but we are still fighting and killing and screaming at each other the same today as 6,000 years ago, at the dawn of recorded history. Something is missing; some concept we haven’t grasped is preventing us from creating peace on earth and unleashing the creative potential of our species.
The materialist solutions have all been tried and found wanting. That doesn’t stop them from being put forward over and over.
We’re seeing it again. In the spiritual battle for the souls and the minds of humanity, a Transhumanist, technocratic, authoritarian future is being created, complete with AI, neural-chipped humans connected to an Internet of Bodies and wired into the Internet of Things, complete with smart cities, lifelong vaccination, central bank digital currencies, and social credit scores to make sure no one questions the government narrative. It’s the last gasp from the old consciousness that has dominated the mental plane for millennia; one last attempt for a Final Solution for humanity.
The Track of History
Behind this attempt is a flawed conception of human nature.
Imagine that the track of human history is circular. We go around and around the track, century after century, creating more conflict and destruction. The track is so long that, like the horizon line on earth, it looks straight and flat. We think we are moving linearly when in fact we are going in a circle.
History repeats itself in eerie fashion; never precisely the same, but always according to the old saw, “The more things change the more they remain the same.” This saying expresses the idea that the human consciousness space never really evolves; it stays stuck in the same old rut of beliefs about itself. That’s because we keep traversing the same circle of history, over and over again.
Until the “jump the shark” moment.
A jump in consciousness can propel us onto a new track, clear of the old history and the old karma and the old beliefs.
There is no physical evidence to believe this assertion, except that lately, the trajectory of human events has veered so wildly off-course from the track it used to be on. Of course we have had economic booms and busts before, and even world wars. However, the origin of these historical events had explainable causes, which historians have studied and come to general agreement on. But never have we simultaneously experienced planet-wide lockdowns, experimental vaccines given to billions, the crumbling of formerly stable institutions, gender dysphoria on a massive scale, mass shootings in the civilian sector, hatred and polarization all over social media, and a crumbling world economy. In the US, there are over 200,000 migrants from 150 countries presenting themselves at the border every month since March of 2022.
This is some crazy shit.
These events, concurrently, defy explanation in any terms we are familiar with. To explain them we have to take a jump out of the box of old assumptions and into a more “fuzzy logic” approach. Mathworld says about fuzzy logic,
In effect, much of Fuzzy Logic may be viewed as a methodology for computing with words rather than numbers. Although words are inherently less precise than numbers, their use is closer to human intuition.”
Take that one step further and compute with thought instead of words. Now we have a far more intuitive, fuzzy, and multidimensional computing system. This definition could, perhaps, describe the operation of the mental plane.
If the human race has launched itself onto a different historical track, what might the new track look like?
Well, if such a profound consciousness event did occur, its origins would not be explainable by past events, because we left the old track of history behind. This origins of this event would only be accessible through the mental plane. Materialists, Transhumanists, and sociopaths would have no idea, and would operate as if everything was the same. Unfortunately, access to the mental plane can only be personal and subjective. Fortunately, we are all connected within it, even those who are not aware of it.
Futurists always look to the past to predict future events. We look to the “lessons of history” to guide us. But if humanity is on a new track, then the history of the old track is gone. When we look out through the train of history’s window on the new track, we no longer see conflict and war and poverty and injustice down through the millennia of history. We see green spaces and clean air and we can all take a fresh, deep breath.
There’s only one problem: We can always re-create the same history, the same greedy and conflicted “human nature” on the new track just as we did on the old track.
Why would we want to do that?
The simplest explanation is habit: “We’ve always done it that way.” We’re used to it. Human beings don’t like change.
The other answer is that the memories of the old track of history are still strong in our minds. Although the new track is historically clear, we see shadows from the old track through our mental and emotional filters. Perception is reality! This encourages us to look to the old past for predictions about the new future.
It is not obvious at all that we are on a different track. In fact it seems that we are quickly accelerating toward a hell on earth. Our memories kick in and we say, “You see, fascism is coming back.” “That politician is another Adolf Hitler.” “We are all doomed.” These premonitions come from our memories of the old track, because these events actually happened on the old track and many of us lived through them.
Things are going to hell because the light of higher consciousness is shining so brightly now that any system, organization, or individual that lacks integrity is collapsing. The dark underbelly of human society, with its human trafficking, drug running, and arms trafficking, is being exposed to the global brain. The crazies in the World Economic Forum, in Big Pharma, and in Big Tech and their nutty plans for humanity are being revealed. Individuals are feeling a sort of “psychic pressure” from the mental plane as the energy ramps up and events change rapidly.
Perhaps the hell we are experiencing today is just the resolution of millennia of old karma in the human consciousness space. Although the new track of history is clean, the collective karma still exists on the mental plane. However, people are sick and tired of the old belief systems and the old ways. The desire for positive change is so strong it is creating a powerful new wave in the mental plane. Peace on earth and the unburdening of the human spirit requires that humanity’s old karma, and old ideas, be worked through. You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.
It would be nice to clean out a filthy closet by waving a magic wand. Unfortunately, you gotta put on your grubby clothes, wade in, and get dirty. You gotta be willing to work long enough and hard enough to clean out the old crap, wipe down the filthy and moldy walls and floor, clean out the cobwebs and breathe in clouds of dust. I believe that is what is happening now. Current events are a madhouse of insanity as millennia of karma is being worked out in the collective human psyche.
Read the headlines every day for a new dose of insanity. The unbalanced ones are losing their minds.
Some guy dresses up as a girl and begins firing at a crowd of people celebrating in a parade. A man and his eight-year-old daughter are walking down the street in Chicago and she gets killed by a stray bullet from a gang fight. A guy in a SUV deliberately runs over people in a Christmas parade. A woman is standing by the subway tracks in New York, waiting for a train when some psycho shoves her onto the tracks just before the train comes. People are being mugged on the streets in random acts of violence. Some nutjob with no money spends thousands of dollars on guns and then executes 18 kids while 19 cops stand by for over an hour with riot shields and guns and do nothing (‘the door was locked, we couldn’t get into the classroom’). These are just a few of the acts of insanity that we have never seen before on such a massive scale. They are occurring just about every day now.
These are karmic acts between people that go back to the old track of history. They are unexplainable until we recognize our higher potential, and get more expert on the mental plane. We have to do this because we aren’t going back. We’ve jumped the shark and crossed the Rubicon to another dimension of consciousness and history.
An awakening of consciousness is occurring on earth, fueled by the desire of 7.3 billion people for change.
We’ve all had enough of corruption, injustice, poverty, war, and conflict. We’re scared because, deep down in our awareness, we realize that we’ve passed on to a new dimension of human existence. People are afraid and angry because they don’t know what will happen, and the historical reference points we use no longer apply. That creates a lot of anxiety.
Chins up! The human race is shedding old, unworkable beliefs about itself. We are about to step into our power – the power of self awareness and the connection to a higher power that will direct events in a much more benign way.
But first we have to clean out the closet. And it’s really, really filthy and cluttered in there.
I’ll leave you with a quote some have attributed to Winston Churchill, the man who saw Britain through the brutal Nazi bombings in World War 2:
The positive thinker sees the invisible, sees the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”