Daily Archives: January 20, 2021

Biden got 80 million votes! Where is everyone?

In my last post (Something Big Is Coming) I naturally assumed that because of such an alarming military buildup -- with at least 30,000 National Guard troops, a no-fly zone over the city, barricades everywhere, Patriot missile batteries deployed, closing of all waterways by the Coast Guard -- surely the Capitol was expecting a massive attack by some very well-armed and violent extremist group.

But the answer is much simpler than that: Paranoia! The globalist/endless war elites are terrified of the people they are supposed to govern. That's why they barricaded DC. This is why they talk about a "new normal."

The new normal -- backed up by the power of the State -- makes sure that the plebes think the right way (Big Tech suppression of free speech), say the right things, and act the right way. What we saw in DC today is the forced barricading of an unpopular junta from the people. It's what the "elites" are planning for the rest of America. The only question in my mind is, what is the next manufactured crisis? Where in the world is the next regime change war? How many American soldiers will have to die to satisfy the greed of the military-industrial-complex?

Update Jan 21: Don't laugh. Look at this:

"Growing terror threats in the region." Yup. It's only been ONE DAY since BIDEN took office! Welcome to the "new normal." Or should I say, the old normal?

Update Jan 22: National Guard Troops continue to arrive in DC! WTF?

The Goal of the "New Normal"

Here, in a video by Don Winslow (I will not give the link to it), is a summary of the "new normal" our "elites" want to build in America:

They are hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs.

They are your children’s teachers. They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor’s offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.

In this new war, the battlefield has changed. Computers can be more valuable than guns.

And this is what we need now more than ever: an army of citizen detectives.

I’m proposing we form a citizen army.

Our weapons will be computers and cellphones. We, who are monitoring extremists on the internet and reporting our findings to authorities.

Remember, before the Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden, he had to be found. He was found by a CIA analyst working on a computer thousands of miles away.

It’s up to you.

Simply replace the Orwellian word "detective" with "State informant" (its true meaning) and you have the correct interpretation. This program pits family member against family member, and neighbor against neighbor, just as in the fascist/communist states of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Communist China. The goal: break up the family, the fundamental unit of a healthy society. This is a call to turn America into an Orwellian nightmare.

Mr. Winslow is right: it's up to you to embrace tyranny or freedom, liberty or communism.

The political goal of the New Normal is to create a true one-party state with rigged elections and eliminate all opposition. Just as all totalitarian dictatorships do. (So much for "protecting democracy.") And no, this isn't about Republicans and Democrats. Both parties long ago merged into an Establishment party some are calling the Uniparty.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.