(continued from Part 1)
My Story, Part 2
Every 9 – 10 years or so, I went through a depressive phase. In 1979 I had a very severe case of the flu, which apparently triggered another depressive cycle. During these cycles I maintained my health, but for several hours a day – at unpredictable intervals – I would feel psychological and neurological symptoms such as paranoia, hopelessness, timidity, inability to make decisions, and a feeling that I was going crazy. Later I discovered that all these symptoms were brought about by the mercury in my dental amalgam that was slowly seeping into and polluting my brain. Doctors wanted to place me on medication, but I refused. I knew I could deal with it, and I did. These cycles would last for approximately 12 – 18 months, and then I would feel better again. It was inexplicable.
During this time I took liquid herbal nutritional formulas, designed by Dr. Watkins to relieve symptoms, and I am sure they helped. At that time (1979) no one knew about, or even suspected, the effect that dental amalgam could have on the body.
In 1988 I experienced another relapse when I too ka large dose of what was called “blue-green algae.” Blue-green algae is some sort of living biological material that is supposed to have beneficial effects, and so I and a number of my friends tried it. Everyone I knew had either positive reactions to it, or no reactions at all. But when I took this stuff, it literally exploded in my brain, and I felt like I was falling off the end of the world. Literally. And I was back in another cycle that lasted for about a year.
My doctors had no idea what was wrong with me, and their solutions ranged from drugs of various kinds to anti-depressive medications. But again, I refused to take these drugs. I still had my health, and continued to run and feel quite physically fit, even though my brain sometimes felt as if it were controlled by aliens from the planet Zorkon. If you have ever felt like you are going nuts, I sympathize with you. I’ve been there, more times than I would care to count! My condition was still a gigantic mystery.
In 1997 I experienced another of these cycles, again brought on by a very severe case of influenza. This cycle lasted about 14 months, and then I felt better again. Between these cycles. I felt like a normal human being. During them, I could still work and function normally, but my nervous system often felt like it was connected to a vibrator.
From 1985 to 2005 I was a home services contractor, and I used a lot of paint and other chemicals, which I’m sure didn’t help my condition. But there is simply no way to explain why (1) I felt in good physical health the entire time, and (2) why, every 9 – 10 years, I would suddenly become neurologically batty. If these chemicals were the cause of my condition, why didn’t I get physically ill? Why didn’t I experience neurological symptoms all the time?
Well, to make a long story short, in 2005 I hit the wall. I woke up one morning so sick I couldn’t even get out of bed, depressed, and chronically fatigued. Dr. Watkins had no answers for me. My doctors wanted to put me on meds. One of them said my thyroid was the problem, but I had no symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Then one day, almost a year later, I was talking to my friend Dave Froseth, who I call “genius Dave.” Dave is a musician, and one of those guys who can do anything he wants. He builds keyboards, teaches, performs, and studies just about everything under the sun. Dave looked in my mouth and said that I had a lot of dental fillings. I said, “so what?” Dave recommended a book by Dr. Hal Huggins called “It’s All in Your Head.”
I’ve skipped a year here, because that year was the worst in my life, a year I would not wish on my worst enemy, if I had one. Not only did I experience the neurological symptoms, but now I was chronically depressed, along with experiencing chronic fatigue. I still had no idea why I was feeling the way I was. Then one night I woke up at 4 in the morning. I felt like I was going nutsoid. I remembered the book Dave had told me about, and how, according to the author – a dentist – mercury in dental amalgam could adversely affect your health. I randomly googled “mercury poisoning” and found the web site of a woman who had been through precisely what I was going through. She listed 25 physical and neurological symptoms of mercury poisoning, and I counted them off. Which ones did I have? I had 22 of them!
Right then I knew the cause of my lifelong, mysterious problems. I remembered the name Hal Huggins and I went on his site. At that time, he had something posted for all those suffering from mercury poisoning. I can’t find it on his site anymore, but basically it said, ‘You aren’t crazy. Those weird thoughts you have, and your poisoned and burning brain, your fogginess, your light headedness, your loss of cognitive function, is caused by mercury from dental amalgam fillings.’ I’ll never forget that, because it was a profound relief.
So I saw a dentist and had all of my fillings removed in Feb 2006. This was a serious operation that lasted 7 hours, and was performed by a Hal Huggins approved dentist in Montreal, Canada, Dr. Carl Benoit. They give you a vitamin C drip, and an anesthesiologist is present. Strict protocols are followed to ensure that absolutely no mercury gets into your body (all of the fillings have to be drilled out). After I had my fillings removed, I was warned that I might actually feel worse. That’s because when the fillings are out, the body tries to get rid of the stuff. And when mercury moves, it doesn’t feel good, especially when it is lodged in your brain. And that’s exactly what happened. So now I felt really rotten, because I did the correct procedure and I still didn’t feel any better!
Well, that brings us to the PhD chemist Andrew Hall Cutler and his protocol for safely removing mercury from the brain and the body, and to an exciting new alternative technology called Rife technology, which I’ll get into in the next blog posting. These two alternative methodologies have resulted in a slow removal of the mercury from my body and my brain. My health is now much better. Even though I sometimes get frustrated at the slowness of the recovery process, I am still thankful that I am getting better. I’ll conclude my story (up until the present day, that is) in the next posting.
I’ll also have another blog post soon on the world financial crisis, and my thoughts about where we are headed.
🙂 Ken