News and Politics

The world is moving out of linear thinking

The Bureaucracy

The world is polarized. We are surrounded not by information, but by competing political narratives. Every sector of society is affected, including science.  The linear connections that kept the old system in place are dissolving. The world is becoming more multi-dimensional. New approaches to old problems are being tried (defund the police; unarmed, community-based civil security forces instead of standard police, etc.). So far these have been miserable failures, but change is the new normal. Old solutions don’t work anymore, so new ones are being tried. This looks scary sometimes.

In the US, our “checks  and balances” system of government, where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches stay in their lanes and provide stability, is morphing into something unrecognizable.  Our country is essentially governed now by the Senior Executive Service, which leads hundreds of thousands of established bureaucrats that ignore Supreme Court decisions, Congressional legislation, and presidential directives, and who stay on as political administrations change every four or eight years. In 2016, the Senior Executive Service (SES) had 8,156 members, 7,000 0f whom were appointed by President Obama (not confirmed by the Senate in a true democratic process). Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system, and are often  unqualified for their positions. The Senior Executive Service, as described by the Office of Personnel Management, is essentially a protective layer of senior bureaucrats that protect the administrative state and direct the operations of government regardless of the will of Congress and the people. According to,

Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.”

In 2022, the Federal bureaucracy runs the government – not elected officials or Senate confirmed agency leaders – and it is essentially election-proof.

The two British comedies, “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” outline the workings of the bureaucracy and its stultifying effect on  British democracy. These two programs are hilarious and also very educational.

This problem is not new. In ancient China, emperors were dependent on entrenched administrators and bureaucrats. The Chinese first developed the centralized, administrative state thousands of years ago. Brittanica says,

hsien [is] the basic unit of local government in China. The word hsien may be roughly translated as ‘county,’ or ‘district’… hsien became the model for a new type of administrative system based on districts that were all governed by the central power of the kingdom.”

The Communist Party in China, which rules the country with an iron fist, is a logical outgrowth of thousands of years of bureaucratic control. The Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire also had large bureaucracies that essentially ran the day-to-day activities of the empire. Throughout history, rulers have been dependent on bureaucracies that, through sheer inertia and size, have amassed power to themselves. This is now true in the US.

Today, our own government bureaucracy  has developed ingenious systems to bypass the three branches of government. Essentially, NGOs and activist groups submit complaints about policy to various government agencies with a list of demands. The bureaucracy then negotiates with these groups and comes to an agreement, and one or more of the demands become government policy.  (NGO stands for non-governmental organization[1], such as Catholic Relief Services. NGOs very often receive monetary support from state and federal agencies.) This system bypasses the democratic process and ensures that no matter which party is in control, the administrative bureaucracies run the show. My friend Diana, who used to work for a local city bureaucracy as an administrator, described the attitude of the government workers toward their elected boss. “He gives the orders, we ignore them and do what we want.” When the Trumpster ordered his generals to get out of Afghanistan, JCS Chairman General Milley and DoD Secretary Esper simply did not comply. So much for being “commander in chief.” The bureaucracy prevails.

That’s the situation we have in 2022: a gigantic government that sucks $4 trillion dollars out of what’s left of the private economy, run by an immense, unresponsive federal bureaucracy in DC, possibly the most corrupt city on earth. Congress itself is merely a rubber stamp for legislation that is written by K Street corporate lobbyists, and is essentially no different than the pathetic People’s Congress in China, which is wholly subservient to the diktats of the Party, the Ministry of State Security, and the PLA, the Chinese military. The present state of Congress is accurately described by Nancy Pelosi’s defense of Obamacare legislation when she said  in 2010 (no shit, she actually said this): “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.” Nothing new here. The Patriot Act was passed in 2001 at 3 in the morning, thousands of pages of legislation, without any of our so-called “elected representatives” ever seeing the bill or reading it through. The so-called “Infrastructure bill,” a $1.9 trillion boondoggle, was literally introduced and then voted on at 4 in the morning to celebrations. (In Revenge of the Sith, Padme says, “So this is how democracy dies – with thunderous applause.” Yup.)

The checks and balances system for a true, responsive democracy that was devised back in the 1780s is falling apart. The bureaucracy (administrative state) in the United States is trying to create a police state, backed by the corporate media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma, and is unwillingly financed by the people (who have no say in what policies are implemented), and directed by multinational corporations. The new Orwellian “Inflation Reduction Act” authorizes the hiring of more IRS agents. Do you think these guys are coming after millionaires and billionaires like Bill Gates? No, they will more than likely be investigating the working class and the middle class. Or what’s left of us. To see a list of qualifications for these new “agents,” click on the endnote number after the period.[2]

The Biden presidency perfectly demonstrates a government run by an unelected bureaucracy.  Clearly, this man is cognitively impaired, shaking hands with the air, walking off aimlessly on the stage, mumbling words even when reading off the teleprompter. Do you think this guy is running the executive branch? Seriously? This situation – an absentee president run by his handlers – is precisely what the people really running this government want. Without a competent chief executive, the bureaucracy rules unopposed. “End of quote. Repeat the line.” God help us.

That’s where we are now. Competing, hate-filled narratives dominate the “information” landscape. Fortunately, a grass-roots movement to restore common sense is gaining momentum. This, in esoteric terms, is the light reaching out to illuminate the darkness.

Change and Consciousness

The view from 40,000 feet looks different from the situation on the ground.

Let’s take the POV of consciousness, rather than the body reality. The origin of consciousness is not neurons firing in the brain; consciousness is not meat-based. Human consciousness is directly connected to the soul, an esoteric, non-physical awareness that exists independent of the physical body. The soul is itself an aspect of a universal consciousness that is eternal and cannot die. Death is a physical process whereby the soul awareness of the human being departs from a physical body. Consciousness exists before and after the death of the physical body – this is embodied in the ancient concept of reincarnation.

In the last post we discussed the idea that the collective consciousness of humanity has, in the past, not understood its own power. Throughout history we have accepted that human nature is barbaric, and have always waited for the other shoe to drop (my grandfather always used to say, “You can’t fight City Hall”). Well, fuck that. The theory of consciousness that says human beings are meat, and that when you die you’re dead, is an abject failure. It has led to a history of wars, conflict, poverty, and injustice based on a flawed concept of human nature. So yeah, enough of that.

A consciousness revolution is occurring all over the planet. It’s coming from individuals waking up and stepping into their power, understanding that they are more than hamburger. There is no way to stop it. The Transhumanists and their dystopian control structures, with chipped human beings in smart cities surveilled from above by a few psychopaths, isn’t going to happen. The hsien system of ancient China has been brought forward by the dictators in Beijing, using cutting-edge technology, but the Chinese people are waking up. The CCP in China is on its last legs. That system is now being hurriedly transferred to Western Europe and the US in a desperate attempt to create a dark future, but it will never take hold here.

So, the other shoe is never going to drop. Stop worrying and let’s all get a more positive outlook. The esoteric, soul-based system we are all a part of is benevolent. We can’t see this because we have been trained to think of ourselves in a debased, anti-human way. A more positive future is only constrained by the free will decisions of individuals. There are no all-powerful historic forces waiting “out there” to crush us. Our own conception of ourselves has created the problems our societies have faced throughout history.

So fuck it, let’s change that and see what happens.

[1] What are NGOs?

NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, play a major role in international development, aid, and philanthropy.

NGOs are often non-profit and may run budgets of millions or up to billions of dollars each year.

NGOs rely on a variety of funding sources, from private donations and membership dues to government grants.

Advocacy NGOs work to influence public policy. [emphasis mine]

Some well-known NGOs include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and Amnesty International.

Source: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Definition (

[2] Here is an a advertisement from the IRS’s own website, titled “IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent,” subtitled “WE’RE HIRING SPECIAL AGENTS NOW!” In the list of qualifications under “Major Duties” is the following:

Major Duties

Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity.

Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends.

Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.

Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.

Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situation; must be willing to use of force up to and including the use of deadly force.

Source: IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent | IRS Careers

I have no argument with the first three, but the last one? Since when does a tax agency need armored agents to use deadly force? That only occurs in a police state.

Scott Rosenberg at Axios reports that Facebook is changing its chronological organization of posts, and is going to “shape your online life around the algorithmically-sorted preferences of millions of strangers around the globe.”

Algorithms sorting posts? This is how Transhumanists want to run the world: Create a hive mind where individuality is subsumed by AIs and algos that know better what we should be thinking and reading and watching.

That's how TikTok sorts the videos it shows users, and that's largely how Facebook will now organize its home screen.”

That’s great! Tik Tok is owned by the Chinese Communist Party. All of the data you put up on Tik Tok goes to servers in China. The CCP has already created a totalitarian, technocratic state that ruthlessly suppresses dissent and individual opinion. In other words, the CCP and now Facebook are aligning their view of the world around the Hive Mind. Everybody think, speak, and act alike! Don’t rock the boat! The goal of Transhumanism and their allies in Big Tech and Big Medical, and the nutjobs in Davos, is to create an entire planetary society modeled on the CCP’s state fascism.

The dominant player in social media is transforming itself into a kind of digital mass media, in which the reactions of hordes of anonymous users, processed by machine learning, drive the selection of your content.”

Yup. That’s the “vision” of the sociopaths who have somehow gotten to the top of our governments and world institutions like the WEF, the WHO, and the UN.

Facebook and its rivals call this a ‘discovery engine’...For roughly a decade following the 2008 financial crisis, social networks — led by Facebook, with Twitter playing an important secondary role —dominated the internet's culture and economy. Their rise came with high hopes they might unleash waves of democratic empowerment and liberate self-expression around the world. But their chief impact emerged in the transformation of the media industry and the digital advertising business.”

Yes. And the suppression of free speech as the search algos became more and more authoritarian, suppressing “unwanted” content in the name of “protecting” people from “harmful” opinions.

The TikTok-style ‘discovery engine’ model shares many of the same problems. Posts are even less rooted in a web of social relationship. The larger the crowd, the louder the threshold for speech to be heard.”

But there is good news:

Messaging will continue to grow as the central channel for private, one-to-one and small group communications. Meta owns a big chunk of that market, too, thanks to Facebook Messenger and its ownership of WhatsApp. At the other end of the media spectrum, the ‘discovery engines’ run by TikTok and Meta will duke it out with streaming services to capture billions of eyeballs around the globe and sell that attention to advertisers.

All this leaves a vacuum in the middle — the space of forums, ad-hoc group formation and small communities that first drove excitement around internet adoption in the pre-Facebook era. Facebook's sunsetting of its own social network could open a new space for innovation on this turf, where relative newcomers like Discord are already beginning to thrive.”

Let the myopic giants in Big Tech and Big Medical, aligned with their nutjob Transhumanist buddies, continue to promote a World Hive Mind. They will capture a certain percentage of the population of course. But those of us with self-awareness will reject this dystopian future and create a better one, based on guaranteed human rights that come from God, not the state.

The UN, the World Health Organization, and their allies in the private sector such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, are going all-out to impose a worldwide medical surveillance state

CNBC has announced that Jeff Bezos has just bought One Medical for $3.2 billion. In cash.

Amazon is acquiring One Medical for $18 a share, an all-cash deal that values the primary health-care provider at roughly $3.9 billion, the companies said Thursday.

The deal deepens Amazon’s presence in health care, which Neil Lindsay, senior vice president of Amazon Health Services, said is “high on the list of experiences that need reinvention.”

The e-commerce giant hopes to improve how people book appointments and the experience of being seen by a physician, Lindsay said in a statement.

“We love inventing to make what should be easy easier and we want to be one of the companies that helps dramatically improve the healthcare experience over the next several years,” he said.

And if you believe that last sentence, I have a bridge in the Gobi desert to sell you.

First take a gander at the WHO's "Immunization Agenda." This document expresses the goals of Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), which is to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on planet earth. From the WHO document:

The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) sets an ambitious, overarching global vision and strategy for vaccines and immunization for the decade 2021–2030. It draws on lessons learnt, acknowledges continuing and new challenges posed by infectious diseases and capitalizes on new opportunities to meet those challenges. IA2030 positions immunization as a key contributor to people’s fundamental right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable physical and mental health and also as an investment in the future, creating a healthier, safer, more prosperous world for all. IA2030 aims to ensure that we maintain the hard-won gains and also that we achieve more – leaving no one behind, in any situation or at any stage of life. [emphasis mine]

IA2030 is intended to inspire and align the activities of community, national, regional and global stakeholders – national governments, regional bodies, global agencies, development partners, health care professionals, academic and research institutions, vaccine developers and manufacturers, the private sector and civil society. Its impact will be maximized by more effective and efficient use of resources, innovation to improve performance and measures to attain financial and programmatic sustainability. Success will depend on building and strengthening partnerships within and outside the health sector as part of a coordinated effort to improve access to high-quality, affordable primary health care, achieve universal health coverage and accelerate progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). [emphasis mine]

What does this mean? Health = vaccines. "Leaving no one behind" means vaccinating EVERYONE. A worldwide effort in all sectors of society -- using what the WHO calls "global stakeholders" -- that means Big Pharma, their billionaire buddies, and their captured agents in every sector of society -- to inject you with whatever vaccine they choose. At any time. By calling a "health emergency."

But that's not all. If you want to know more about the game plan of the elites for the Great Unwashed masses of humanity, read this document: The WHO's "Global genomic surveillance strategy for pathogens with pandemic and epidemic potential 2022–2032" at (You can read this doc by downloading it from the above link).

This document outlines a plan to surveil all humans on the planet via a genomic analysis of each human body, as a part of the UN's "Sustainable Development" program.. Then, our betters can devise "vaccines" and other "useful" methods to eliminate pesky pathogens that might interfere with health -- or, maybe, to silence those who think, say, or do anything that goes against a planetary medical bureaucracy run from above by a few psychopaths.

From the document:

Global genomic surveillance strategy for pathogens with pandemic and epidemic potential, 2022–2032

The Strategy provides a high-level unifying framework to leverage existing capacities, address barriers and strengthen the use of genomic surveillance in the detection, monitoring and response to public health threats. Genomic surveillance is part of the broader surveillance and laboratory system, and its implementation should reinforce end-to-end capacities including sample collection, diagnostics, data sharing and analysis. The strategy aims to facilitate the connectivity between different disease control programs and surveillance networks. This interoperability will strengthen the cross-cutting essential public health laboratory functions underpinning genomics holistically. The strategy articulates the overarching goal, objectives and strategic actions needed. These are dependent on commitments from countries, partners and WHO for their implementation. [emphasis mine]


Information on public health threats needs to be rapidly available to allow for country, regional and global risk assessments that can quickly trigger public health interventions. The IHR (2005) obligates State Parties to develop national capacity for the detection, investigation and reporting through WHO of potential public health emergencies of international concern...

The strategy does not focus on one pathogen or a specific public health threat. Rather, it aims to provide a unifying vision for using genomics as a powerful addition to address public health needs for pandemic and epidemic preparedness and response broadly.... Ultimately, genomic surveillance is part of the broader surveillance and laboratory system, and its implementation should reinforce end-to-end capacities including sample collection, diagnostics, data sharing and analysis....

As the genomic surveillance use cases extend beyond pandemic and epidemic preparedness and response, the strategy aims to facilitate the connectivity with other disease control programmes and surveillance networks. This interoperability will strengthen the cross-cutting essential public health laboratory functions underpinning genomics holistically. [emphasis mine]

You get the idea. There's more insanity like this as you read the rest of the document.

The globalist plan for your future and the future of your children is outlined very succinctly in these publications. They're not hiding anything.

Will it work?

Nope. These are the delusional dreams of a few psychopaths who think it's their right to run the planet.

We won't let them.

“Faith gives us the fixed compass points to navigate by, to know who we are. Absent that we are going to believe the most attractive and seductive lie, or whatever generates in us the most fear.”

— Father Robert McTeigue

Spirituality and religion – the connection to God/Spirit – are what totalitarians fear most. People who understand that they are not meat bodies cannot be propagandized because we understand that life itself, and our own personal self awareness, is not dependent on what happens to the body. We understand that consciousness is divine and ultimately non-physical. Our very essence is independent of the physical world, and therefore, out of their reach.

This is a terrifying idea to the forces of darkness. It is why totalitarians react so brutally and violently when anyone brings up the subject of spirituality or religion or faith, for it goes beyond their authority. Deep down inside, in a hidden recess of their souls, totalitarians understand this. It drives them crazy. They burn churches and attack congregations and forbid all mention of the higher nature of the human being.

 In the world today, under the pressure of a mass awakening of humanity, the forces of darkness have been forced to organize and come out into the open. Over the past two years, under the guise of “climate change” and phony pandemics, we have been locked down, forcibly vaccinated with experimental gene therapies, overprescribed with SSRI’s (anti-depressants), our jobs and businesses shut down, our children forcibly masked for hours in schools. You know the rest. Behind all this is Big Pharma, who have essentially bought off the “public servants” in our parliaments, in Congress, and in the medical establishment.

For example, a new study from UCL (University College  London), published in MedicalXPress, shows that there is no link between low serotonin levels and depression. For decades doctors have been prescribing antidepressants because of this link. Moreover, according to Dr. Robert Malone, it is now established medically that there is a link between antidepressants and violent activity (mass shooters, anyone?). From the study:

Lead author Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a Professor of Psychiatry at UCL and a consultant psychiatrist at North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), said: "It is always difficult to prove a negative, but I think we can safely say that after a vast amount of research conducted over several decades, there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by serotonin abnormalities, particularly by lower levels or reduced activity of serotonin.

"The popularity of the 'chemical imbalance' theory of depression has coincided with a huge increase in the use of antidepressants. Prescriptions for antidepressants have risen dramatically since the 1990s, with one in six adults in England and 2% of teenagers now being prescribed an antidepressant in a given year.

"Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this new research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence."

University College London, "No evidence that depression is caused by low serotonin levels, finds comprehensive review,"

Oops. Looks like “the science” is wrong and has been wrong for decades. Once again we find the involvement of Big Pharma in the harms that are being done to people who trust the medical establishment.

But there is good news! The link between Vitamin D, and sunlight, to combat depression is strong.

What’s the lesson here?

Perhaps we shouldn’t immediately take some pharmaceutical cocktail (or vaccine) every time we feel bad. Maybe, traditional remedies can help (Ivermectin, anyone?)

Guess what? The FDA (under Emergency Use Authorization, NOT licensure) has authorized a new COVID vaccine!! Yes sir, line up and get your Novavax shots (two-doses recommended by the company). Dr. Malone says that the vax is being promoted to the vaccine hesitant, claiming that the new vax does NOT contain spike protein. According to virologist Malone, this is false. The new vax DOES contain spike protein and is associated with adverse  myocarditis events (blood clotting).

The Root Cause of Human Misery

What motivates people to do irrational things, or act against their best interests? Or go on public mass-shooting sprees?

The root cause is a disconnect from a person’s own inherent spiritual nature. Our society is completely secular. Even the mention of religion or spirituality is roundly criticized by media and spokespersons for government and public institutions.

The hatred of religion and spirituality is the hallmark of those who either lack self-awareness, or who have succumbed to the unending brainwashing that comes from mass media and social media. What bothers me is that people feel miserable following this anti-human narrative, yet they do not connect their misery with their fervent secularism, which denies their personal connection to Source. This is why many turn to drugs. This is why many cling to a politicized scientific narrative that has nothing to with real science, or real investigation. "Mathematics is racist!”

However, it’s better to believe in something than believe in nothing.

Even belief in a dangerous secularism that denies a person their very soul is better than the emptiness and hollowness of no belief at all in anything.

Propaganda, disinformation campaigns, and secularist nonsense fills in the gaps. People become unglued and unhinged.

The secularist narrative is the materialist narrative. The primary belief of all secularists and materialists is the “human beings are meat” theory of life and consciousness. When you die, you’re dead.

I’ve talked about this in most of my posts.

The idea that a person’s consciousness is snuffed out upon death of the body is at the root of all secularist/materialist belief systems. It is the ultimate falsehood. It is the only thing in this world that is 100% WRONG.

As I said in the last post, there is no way to broadly raise a person’s awareness of their  intimate connection to the One. Recognition of your own divinity is a PURELY personal and subjective experience.

Fortunately, the human race is undergoing a mass awakening, for reasons I described in the last post.

A New Track

We’re on a different track now. We can discard the old history, the old narratives, the old “Now I have tos” and “Now I’m supposed tos.”

These are all part of the old track with its wars and conflicts.

This mass awakening isn’t going to happen all at once. It’s happening one person at a time. The filthy closet of the collective human psyche, with all of its self-destructive beliefs and karma, must be cleaned out. We’re going through that process now as a species.

The good news is that EVERY person on this planet can discover that spiritual connection for themselves. It’s personal and subjective, and it’s all yours. Even a totalitarian society cannot deprive you of that Knowledge, even if your body is thrown into a prison.

When you die, you go Home. Some of you reading this understand what I’m saying.

And then you get to come back again, if that is your choice.

This moment in time /evolution is something all civilizations go through. By that I mean, there are other planets “out there” in the galaxy that have gone through the shit we’re going through. Perhaps this is a like a standardized test – the grand Test of light and dark. On a planet of free will, individuals get to make a choice to go either way.

I’m trying to say that the earth experience isn’t for sissies. As incarnated souls, we chose to come here to this rough and ready planet, to help the human race advance in consciousness. Well, we’re in it now! The process of spiritual advancement has begun, initiated by the soul desire of over 7 billion. That’s why this process is so intense, so powerful, so overwhelming.

The more of us who believe we are going to make it, the more of us will create a benevolent future and unleash the power of human creativity. When that happens there will be a a worldwide Renaissance. I see it, I can feel it. Undoubtedly some readers can feel this as well, for it is an aspect of the Light that is beaming forth into the world and exposing the darkness..

Despite appearances, we are on our way to defeating the secularist/materialist crazies, whose narratives are getting nuttier and nuttier every day. Eventually, even they will see the light.

Background – A world economy in transition

The world’s economy and financial system is a complex system with billions of participants. This system is under enormous stress due to the recent actions of influential state actors. The Western (US) attack on the Russian ruble, and the freezing of Russian assets, has exacerbated a political shift that has turned state actors against the dollar. Countries in Europe and Asia saw how the current U.S. government weaponized the SWIFT interbank system[1] against a country (Russia) it doesn’t like. (SWIFT is a secure communication system between banks that allows them to quickly process international payments.) This political weaponization of routine currency payments between nations pissed off a lot of people. It has further cemented a new alignment of nations that is creating an alternative way of conducting business internationally.

The world economy is emerging out of a predictable dollar-based system into a more unpredictable one. This is causing huge volatility in markets around the world. And a lot of fear and anxiety.

The SWIFT system of international trade has dominated world commerce, and greatly benefits the U.S. dollar. The US controls SWIFT, so the U.S. government basically has (or had) control over global financial payments. From Washington DC, the US can damage the economy of any country by cutting it off from SWIFT. In 2018, the US also cut Iran off from SWIFT, which has caused continued damage to Iran’s economy.

U.S. sponsored economic sanctions are being rejected by powerful economies such as China, and other nations in China’s orbit. Despite its attack on Ukraine, Russia has gained sympathy from many nations because the U.S. sanctions have made it difficult for Russia to sell its products and conduct the business it needs to support its people. Nobody in the US cares about Putin and Russia (or the radical mullahs in Iran), but other nations ask the question, “What if we are next?” People want to be able to do business with each other without politics getting in the way.

As a reaction to the sanctions on its economy, Russia has demanded that all purchases of their liquid natural gas and oil be transacted in rubles, not dollars, bypassing SWIFT. This has further disrupted supply chains that world commerce relies upon, because Russia is a leading exporter of natural gas and oil.

In addition, the current U.S. government has curtailed domestic energy fossil fuel production in their zeal for a carbon-neutral economy. As a result, gasoline is much higher at the pump and truckers are beginning to run out of diesel fuel. Trucks transport 80% of the food and spare parts and appliances and the stuff in our hardware stores. Like it or not, trucks are the lifeblood of our economy. Not to mention that farm tractors, construction machinery, and transport trains also run on diesel engines.

Renewable energy is a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, wind and solar are intermittent energy sources. Wind and solar (with battery backups to release energy during periods when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow) are great for single-family homes connected to the fossil fuel grid, but they do not produce continuous baseline power generation, 24 hours a day.

Moreover, wind and solar will not solve our oil problem. Wind and solar are used to make electricity, but electricity won’t run today’s cars, and it won’t run tractors, or construction equipment, or transport trains, or aircraft. Oil and electricity are used for different things. Even if we generate more electricity, it doesn’t fix our oil problem.

And then there is the post-2008 era of massive Quantitative Easing and near-zero interest rates, which has led to a massive expansion of  U.S. government debt. The U.S. government has engaged in a trillions-of-dollars printing and spending spree over the past two years. This has resulted in massive inflation on vital goods and services. Like piling debt onto a credit card, you can only print so much money before the system maxes out! With a $30 trillion debt and over $9 trillion on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve, the consequences of more money printing by the government is even higher inflation. More and more money chases a limited amount of goods and services, the production of which has been reduced over the past two years by COVID, vaccine mandates, and lockdowns.

F. William Engdahl sums this up succinctly:

Since January 2020 the Fed, Bank of England, European Central Bank, and Bank of Japan have injected a combined $9 trillion in near zero rate credit into the world banking system. Since a Fed policy change in September 2019, it enabled Washington to increase public debt by a staggering $10 trillion in less than 3 years. Then the Fed again covertly bailed out Wall Street by buying $120 billion per month of US Treasury bonds and Mortgage-Backed Securities, creating a huge bond bubble.”

According to Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of HUD for Housing, the above is a planned operation. Where did that all the new money go? Not into the economy to procude more goods and services! I went to big banks and wealthy insiders like Larry Fink and Blackrock, who are picking up assets on the cheap as law and order breaks down in our cities. Fitts calls it “a significant financial coup d’etat. It’s not a turndown (recession), it’s a takedown.”

While the US has tried to wreck the Russian currency, and has inflated the dollar, China has cozied up to Russia. Russia has vast natural resources that China is in desperate need of to support its economy and its 1.3 billion people. China has offered to support Russia financially if it gets into trouble because of sanctions.[2]

Last year, the Chinese government  signed a 25-year agreement with Iran to support the regime in Tehran.

Combine the US attack on the ruble with China’s worldwide Belt and Road initiative, and you have a world economy in massive flux.

With Belt and Road, China is playing a worldwide game of Go while the US is playing chess with Russia. Go is a strategic board game in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent, whereas chess is a game that tries to capture the opponent’s king, killing as many pieces as necessary, strewing the board with dead bodies.

Image: China is playing a game of GO with its Belt and Road Initiative, as they acquire resources from countries all over the world. (This map does not show the effect of Belt and Road in South America and Latin America, but it gives an idea of the planetary game of Go China is playing.) Source: at

Well, there are a lot of economic casualties these days, especially when you consider the massive swell of migrants that are pouring over our southern border (financed by the Mexican drug cartels, who control large swaths of Mexican territory), along with Chinese made fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. The U.S. government is facilitating this migration (and the resultant drug smuggling) which makes our government the world’s leading human trafficking organization. In March, April, May, and June of 2022 over 200,000 migrants came to our border from over 100 countries, including those in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Latin America, and that number is increasing each month.

Migrants will put intense wage pressure on our working class as they compete for jobs, and will eventually drive down wages for everyone. That benefits multinational corporations who want labor costs reduced, as well as federally funded NGOs (non-governmental organizations) such as Catholic Relief Services who recruit and help migrants to the US.[3] But it doesn’t benefit the working class who are under intense pressure from inflation to make ends meet. (Forget the official government inflation figures. If you count the three most necessary items in anyone’s life – food, energy, and utilities – it is around 25%, not 8.6%)

We are a nation of immigrants, but a nation needs borders.

According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Even President Obama, who has always favored amnesty for immigrants, removed or returned over 5 million during his 8 years in office. In September, 2021, he said, in an interview with “Good Morning America,”

Immigration is tough. It always has been because, on the one hand, I think we are naturally a people that wants to help others. And we see tragedy and hardship and families that are desperately trying to get here so that their kids are safe, and they're in some cases fleeing violence or catastrophe. ... At the same time, we're a nation state. We have borders. The idea that we can just have open borders is something that ... as a practical matter, is unsustainable.”

We are living through a created crisis

Whew! That’s the situation we’re living in, as I see it. Seems hopeless, doesn’t it? As inflation rises and prices for essentials climb, as shortages occur and markets fall, many people see gloom and doom, and a complete collapse of the world economy. Call me delusional, but I don’t believe that will happen.

The world’s economic and financial system is certainly entering a more chaotic state in which formerly reliable supply chains are breaking down and the old reliable dollar-based financial system is under stress. But it isn’t collapsing, as the doomsayers loudly shout. The problems in the US economy are created, not systemic.

Food processing plants and grocery stores, truckers and farmers, and energy supplies, are under attack. Massive government overspending is largely responsible for increased inflation. These are political problems and human problems, not systemic ones. We are experiencing a  crisis that human intervention has created and human intervention can solve.

The average schmoe has never been able to influence the system, we just depend on it to work. Now, however, the system is breaking down because of human intervention. What can we do?

Above all we can ignore the screeching chaos merchants in the media and get informed. We can vote power-hungry political clowns from both parties out of office. We can also go out in the streets and protest and make a lot of noise to spur action by our benighted and incompetent national government in DC, which is run by stupid nincompoops in both parties. That will help, because the problem with the economy is largely poor economic and financial policy based on political narratives.

The Mental Plane

While we’re doing that, we also have to create something different on the mental plane. “Mental plane” is a term coined by Marshal Vian Summers. It refers to the world’s collective consciousness space, composed of 7.3 billion conscious human creators.

Thought precedes action. All action first originates in thought. For 6,000 years human history has essentially been interludes of peace between wars and conflict. History tells us that our thoughts are all messed up, because humans continue to create poverty, injustice, and misery over and over again. So, we have to collectively change our thinking.

The human race is ready for this. For the first time in world history, the world is connected. 7.3 billion thinking human beings are available in the collective consciousness space.

We have to intelligently apply hope and faith as a strategy. Faith and hope aren’t vague concepts; they involve the practical application of thought to a specific goal or purpose. We do this all the time when making life plans or achieving business goals. Now we can do it on the mental plane to affect the complex human systems on the planet, and make a better world.

I visualize the consciousness space of humanity like this:

Billions of humans are walking around on the planet, connected to an esoteric force generated by their own consciousness. We’re sitting in the middle of a powerful creative force that we don’t think to use, because we’re so distracted by the craziness of life. Many of us just accept doom and gloom from the media. We talk about how bad things are as if it is inevitable and will continue. It will continue only because we’re creating it.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that using the mental plane can be effective. A U.S. Department of Justice publication concluded in 1981 that using Transcendental Meditation reduced crime in experimental cities where large groups of meditators gathered. A similar project was undertaken in 1993 and again between 2007–2010. According to the Institute for Science and Public Policy,

In September 2003, the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation devoted all four issues of its annual publication to a special volume entitled “Transcendental Meditation in Criminal Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention” (J Offender Rehab 36 (1-4), 2003). This special volume presents a wide range of research showing that the practice of Transcendental Meditation can significantly reduce crime, criminal aggression, violence, recidivism, terrorism, and even international conflict, while simultaneously developing higher levels of psychological functioning—higher states of consciousness—in TM practitioners (see article titles and abstracts below).”

Of course it is difficult to measure these effects or establish causation. What would happen if, instead of a couple of thousand meditators using the mental plane, millions participated? At the very least, such activity comes under the heading of “Do No Harm.”

Human consciousness is the driver behind the rapid changes to our economy and our lives, because people are fed up with the old, corrupt organizations that only benefit a privileged few. People are asking and praying for improvements. That human desire from billions of people is creating a powerful force for change in the human consciousness space.

We have to go up to 40,000 feet and take another look at the way human beings have organized themselves. This takes us beyond the physical body, beyond politics and public policy and education, and into the essential nature of human consciousness. We have to finally acknowledge that there is a higher power, it is benevolent, and it exists within each of us. And then we have to use it to move the Overton Window upward toward more positive outcomes. And it doesn’t take a majority of us to have an effect.

Image: Overton window of human consciousness


Purely materialist solutions will no longer work without positive action on the mental plane, utilizing the human being’s spiritual component on a completely interconnected planet. That is why, for example, the Transhumanist movement will fail. Transhumanists are the people behind the dark aspects of societal change.

Transhumanism completely and deliberately rejects humanity’s spirituality, and believes that consciousness goes away upon death of the body. The Transhumanist worldview is a doomed attempt to escape from the jaws of physical death, not understanding that consciousness continues after the body dies.

We are seeing certain people trying to implement a Transhumanist economic order (The New Normal, The Great Reset, etc.). This Build Back Better technocratic/materialist wet dream requires an all-powerful central authority for it to work. In this crazy plan for humanity, destroying the private economy must occur, for the private economy has independent thinkers and actors. Lockdowns, for example, wrecked the private economy of small businesses. Corporate Big Box stores were immune. Lockdowns – even if necessary – made the central authority much more powerful.

 The goal of the Transhumanists is a world where humans are chipped and neural implanted, living in smart cities where all human bodies are connected and monitored by programmed AIs that are controlled from above by a few, and where the government controls all of your money via central bank digital currencies.[4] This dystopian vision for humanity’s future is an evolutionary dead end, as is the entire Transhumanist worldview. If embraced, it will result in the collapse and eventual destruction of the human race.

Fortunately, we don’t have to go there. Transhumanism, like all myopic philosophies, is acting as a catalyst to show people where we don’t want to go. It’s a motivation to connect with the higher power and create a much better future.

In order to save humanity from its own destruction, we must reject the doomsayers, the war mongers, the fear merchants in the media, the Transhumanists, and the forces of darkness that have chosen to ignore their personal connection to the divine intelligence – a universal intelligence that is waiting for us to recognize who we are, and change the future. Human and political problems can be influenced by positive action on the mental plane, and then in the physical world. We must recognize the power of consciousness.

Let us not just hope for a good future, but actively create it.

In the powerful words of a Navajo elder:

There is no greater gift than having a soul, a spirit, and moving, in rhythm, with God’s wisdom, with God’s love, with God’s power, with God’s vision of who we are as a species....The [new] wave that is coming has a fresh new heart and a strong, strong, spirit.”



Systems and organizations that lack integrity will implode. Whatever components of business and finance that lack integrity will collapse. That is causing some pain, but what is the alternative? 6,000 more years of fighting, injustice, poverty, and war?

The human family has made a collective decision on the mental plane to propel humanity to higher levels of cooperation and integrity. As a result, anything lacking coherence will fall apart. That’s a good thing, even though massive change may occur in our lives.

Let’s celebrate the change because it is being driven by the light of higher consciousness penetrating the darkness and exposing the dark underbelly of human society.

The collective human psyche must be cleansed of its dark memes, and the accumulated karma of humanity’s 200,000-year history on this planet. That is happening right now, and it’s happening quickly and decisively.

The only power the dark has is to convince you that failure and misery and anarchy is inevitable, and that it is all-powerful. That is a perversion of the truth. The light of God and higher consciousness is all-powerful, even though a small minority of humanity has freely chosen to turn away from the light and is attempting to create a dystopian world.

So what? Let them try! It can never happen if enough of us recognize our connection to the Creative Source. There are millions of us who have already done so, and that’s enough to create a tipping point for humanity.

The fresh new wave is creating more awakened humans every day, which is why the Dark is fighting so desperately to hang on to its power.

Don’t get convinced by the forces of darkness into creating a miserable future. The dark only has the power we give it. Exercise your spiritual power on the mental plane and create a bright future for the planet and for the human race.

Hope can be a strategy if it is applied with the conscious application of our inherent co-creative power!

[1] SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. SWIFT enables financial institutions around the world to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized environment. Because the dollar serves as the world reserve currency, SWIFT facilitates the international dollar system. SWIFT and dollar dominance in the world economy give the U.S. a great deal of leverage over other countries. Source:

[2] “Reuters is reporting that “Russia’s Gazprom increased gas supplies to China by 67% in the first five months of this year, the company’s CEO Alexei Miller said on Thursday.” It was also on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held their second phone call since the Ukraine war began. Xi told Putin that China is “willing to continue to offer mutual support (to Russia) on issues concerning core interests and major concerns such as sovereignty and security,” as quoted in state broadcaster CCTV.” Source:

[3] “Illegal migrants are assisted all along their journey to the United States and especially after arrival by networks of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide shelter, meals, information on transportation, and other services. The federal government pays some organizations to provide the services, and they operate more like government contractors than charities.” Source: Center For Immigration Studies, at

[4] While central bank digital currencies (CDBCs) are naively defined as a digital form of a nation’s currency, allowing all citizens and businesses to have a direct account at the central bank, that is also part of the problem. CDBCs make it easy for the issuing authority to simply cancel or control anyone’s account. CDBCs work hand-in-hand with social credit scores, and make it easy to track every financial transaction a person makes from the moment of birth until death. The totalitarian regime in China is rapidly implementing CDBCs and social credit scores as a way to squash dissent and free speech.

Including the Federal Reserve's "fight" against inflation

From Mike Whitney:

The media would like to believe the Fed is doing everything in its power to fight inflation, but it’s not true.Yes, the Fed raised rates by 50 basis points in May and, yes, the Fed is trying to sound as “hawkish” as possible. But these things are designed to dupe the public not to reduce inflation.

Let me explain.

The current rate of inflation in the US is 8.6%, a 40-year high.At its May meeting, the Fed raised its target Fed Funds Rate to 1%.Got that? So the Fed’s rate is still a measly 1%. That’s what the media is trying to hide from you, and that’s why you might have to read 9 or 10 articles before you find a journalist who provides you with the actual rate.

Why are they hiding the rate?

Because the rate is 7.6% below the rate of inflation, so it doesn’t do a damn thing. It’s another public relations travesty dolled-up to look like serious monetary policy. But it’s a joke, and you can see it’s a joke.Think of it like this: If I loaned you $100 at 1% interest– but inflation was running at 8%– I would lose 7 bucks per year, right?

Right. And that’s what the Fed is doing. When interest rates are set below the rate of inflation, then the Fed loses money on every loan. In other words, the Fed is providing a subsidy to the banks for borrowing money. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?

How would you like a deal like that? How would you like it if the Fed paid you interest on your credit card debt? You’d probably like that, right? But—if you were honest with yourself—you’d admit that it was a “gift”, because that’s what it is, a gift. The big banks are getting another handout from Uncle Sugar. That’s the whole deal in a nutshell.

Meanwhile, you and I and the other 300 million serfs, continue to pay a hefty 18% to the banks that are being subsidized by the Federal Reserve. Sound fair?

So, how much would the Fed have to hike rates if it really wanted to do its job? Check out this clip from an article at the Chicago Booth Review:

“The usual wisdom says that to reduce inflation, the Fed must raise the nominal interest rate by more than the inflation rate. In that way, the real interest rate rises, cooling the economy.

At a minimum, then, according to the usual wisdom, the interest rate should be above 8.5 percent. Now. The Taylor rule says the interest rate should be 2 percent (the Fed’s inflation target), plus 1.5 times how much inflation exceeds 2 percent, plus the long-term real rate. That means an interest rate of around 12 percent. Yet the Fed sits, and contemplates at most a percent or two by the end of the year.” Source: “Why Hasn’t the Fed Done More to Fight Inflation” Chicago Booth Review

So if the Fed was serious about fighting inflation, they would have raised rates to roughly 12%. Instead, they have decided to use their allies in the media to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. That’s what’s going on.

It’s another big snow-job.

Mike Whitney, "The Fed isn't Fighting Inflation, It's Fueling It" at

Mike Whitney explains the real purpose of the evil Putin in Ukraine.

Let's bypass the hysterical, war-mongering western corporate controlled media for a moment.

Yes, Donald Trump gets it right once in a while.

Trump Said We Should Get Along With Russia. He's Right.

by Mike Whitney. June 6, 2022

Look at this map of Ukraine.

Can you see what’s going on? The Russians are creating a buffer zone along their western perimeter.

Why are they doing that? What benefit do they derive from a buffer zone?

Well, a buffer zone creates a distance between Russia and Ukraine which Putin thinks is necessary since Ukraine is threatening to join NATO. So, he’s creating his own DMZ on his western flank.

But what does that prove?

It proves that we’ve been lied to from the very beginning. Putin was not planning to reconstruct the Soviet Empire like the media told us. He did not want to seize the Capitol, Kiev, and he did not want to conquer the entire Ukrainian landmass. That was all baloney.

What he wanted to do, is what he has done.

Don’t take my word for it, look at the map. You don’t need CNN or Rachel Maddow to tell you what you can see with your own two eyes. This is the reality ‘on the ground’.

This is a buffer zone. It creates a distance between Russia and Ukraine, it protects the ethnic Russians in the Donbass region, and it establishes a landbridge to Crimea where Russia’s vital deep-water port of Sevastopol is located. In other words, it achieves what Putin wanted to achieve from the very beginning, that is, enhanced security along his western border.

What we are seeing is the basic parameters of Russia’s “Special Military Operation”. Yes, many people will prefer to call it a “war”, but the term is not nearly as precise as “Special Military Operation”.


Because “Special Military Operation” indicates that the main objective is to save the lives of the ethnic Russians who had been under constant bombardment for the last 8 years and, also, to create a security zone that prevents a hostile NATO army and its missile system from being deployed to Russia’s border. These are the goals of the “Special Military Operation”; to “demiliterize” and “denazify” the area under Russia’s control. Get it?

Will the “Special Military Operation” go beyond the Donbass to Kiev and cities in the west?

Probably, not. Going beyond the Donbass would likely involve a complete mobilization of men and resources which has not yet taken place in Russia. By not mobilizing, Putin is signaling to the west that he will limit his operation to the area on the map. (With some slight expansion) Putin is indicating that his main concern is security, and since his concerns were casually brushed aside by Biden and Zelensky, he took matters into his own hands. In other words, he imposed his own settlement.

Okay, but if these are the parameters of the Special Military Operation, then what are the chances of a wider war?

That depends on Biden. If Washington continues on the path of escalation –by sending weapons systems that can strike targets in Russia– then Putin will respond. We should know that by now. Putin is not going to back down no matter what. If Washington wants to up-the-ante, then they should prepare for an equal response. That’s the way it’s going to work. For now, the “Special Military Operation” is just a “Special Military Operation”. But when it becomes a war, then all bets are off. Then we will see a full mobilisation, a complete rupture in US-Russo relations, and a halt to all hydrocarbon flows from east to west.

Do you think Europe and the United States are prepared for that? Do you think the EU can replace the 25% of the oil and 40% of all the natural gas it presently imports from Russia? Do you have a wind-powered car that will get you to work on time or a factory that will run on solar power? Do you have a plan for heating your house with hydrogen or perhaps a battery from an old Prius?

No, you don’t, and neither does Europe. Europe runs on fossil fuels. America runs on fossil fuels And the more fossil fuel that is consumed, the more the economy grows. The less fossil fuel is consumed, the more the economy shrinks. Are you prepared for life in a shrinking economy with high unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, unending recession, and deepening social malaise brought on by your government’s misguided desire to “stick it to Putin”?

That’s a bad choice, isn’t it? Especially when a face-saving deal can be made at anytime. In fact, Biden could stop the fighting tomorrow if he extended the hand of friendship to Putin and declared that, yes, Ukraine will accept neutrality til the end of time and NATO expansion will stop ASAP.

That’s all it would take. Just extend the olive branch and Putin will ‘call off the dogs’. Guaranteed.

That’s what this guy would have done. Remember him? Remember how bad things were when Trump was in office and gas was 2 bucks a gallon, and everyone had a job, and there was no inflation, and violent crime was under control?

Listen to what Trump had to say about Russia:

“Well, I hope we do have good relations with Russia. I say it loud and clear and I’ve been saying it for years. I think it’s a good thing if we have a great relations with Russia. That’s very important. And, I believe, some day that will happen. It’s a big country, it’s a nuclear country, it’s a country we should get along with, and I think we will eventually get along with Russia.”

He’s right, isn’t he? We need to get along with Russia and put an end to the fighting before these morons drag us into World War 3.


Something fishy is happening on planet earth. It has little to do with clueless politicians or the Right-Left conflict, or crazies with guns, or abortion, or monkeypox, or any of the fear porn we see in media. These are just the tools of the trade.

This is an attack on humanity.

The events we are seeing on the planet have never occurred before, all at once, in the entirety of human history. Worldwide pandemics created in a lab, experimental vaccines pushed on the entire human population, an invasion of the U.S. southern border in which thousands of people are crossing illegally every day from 150 countries, the attacks on women and children via baby milk supplies, threatening to withhold funds for the school lunch program, and gender and trans-gender identity where predatory men are gaining access to women’s bathrooms and prisons and other women’s spaces, and the insanity of Transhumanism, which seeks to replace the human being and the human body with a gene-altered one, or even, as the ultimate goal of Transhumanism, altered or artificial containers for human consciousness. Transhumanism is essentially an attack on human reproduction, and particularly, women and children.

The attacks on food producing plants all over the US. The shutdown of carbon-zero energy plants in the service of an insane zero-carbon energy policy. (See “Another Nuclear Plant Closes: Get Ready For Electricity Shortages” and “Massive Fire Breaks Out at Major Poultry Plant that Supplies Eggs to Major Supermarkets,” and “FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires”).

The mass shootings at schools, especially the attack in Uvalde where, 8 days after the incident, the statements from authorities make no sense. Armed police officers stood around for over an hour while a nutjob was killing kids. Somebody propped open a door at the school a minute before the shooter entered. The 18-year-old shooter spent thousands of dollars buying his weapons and enough ammo to start a war. Where did this kid from a poor neighborhood get that kind of green?

These are not a series of tragic “coincidences.” This is an all-out attack on humanity by the forces of evil.

We are living the Test now, as I talked about in a previous blog post. The Test is something our civilization has never experienced before. It’s a planet-wide clearing of human karma. It is an inevitable spiritual war between the forces of evil and the forces of light.

Where is it all going? To an exposure of the vast, unexplored underbelly of the human psyche.  

All of it.

To the darkness of human trafficking and child trafficking, the vilest evil on the planet.

The Mexican drug cartels are trafficking hundreds of thousands of people over our southern border, and fentanyl and other drugs. All for money. Large areas of southern Texas are now controlled by these criminal cartels, who laugh at the corrupt and criminal government in DC (composed of Democrats and Republicans).

We aint seen nothing yet folks. It’s going to continue until the light of truth and divine grace exposes all of it.

All of it.

How much evil is there in the world? We’re about to find out. My feeling is that the shooting in Uvalde was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The impetus for this exposure is a mass awakening of humanity. It’s not darkness ascendant, it’s darkness on the run. Aint nowhere to hide now. This little planet is connected by a worldwide messaging system. It’s going to be in all of our grilles, even those who don’t want to see it.

The light of truth is shining brighter every day.

There was a monkeypox preparedness exercise held in March 2021.

Apparently, it “simulated” a start date of a pandemic, to be May 15, 2022.

The article is worth reading. More details below at the link. (WordPress will embed only "acceptable" sites.)

Yesterday, New York City reported its first case of monkeypox, just in time for the World Health Organization's meeting that will cede the authority of national governments to the WHO's Director General on all cases of public health.

Sound familiar?

From Zero Hedge:

I'm sure that ultimately this will be the largest outbreak of monkeypox that we've had outside of the endemic areas in Africa," Daniel Bausch, infectious disease expert and president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene told Axios.

That said, Bausch doesn't think there's cause for concern just yet.

"I don't think there's a reason for panic. I don't think we're going to have tens of thousands of cases."

Prof Anne Rimoin, professor of epidemiology at the UCLA and a world renowned monkeypox expert, told the Telegraph that vaccinating close contacts of confirmed cases, also known as ring vaccination, is a good option for health officials.

She added that the public should not, at this stage, be too concerned.

"For your average person I would not be overly alarmed. If you have a rash, contact your health provider, a rash that is unusual or looks like monkeypox," she said.

"If you think you've been exposed to somebody who has monkeypox that has this kind of a rash I would I would identify yourself and talk to your healthcare provider."

What is this? Fear Porn. Bausch's statement above is eerily similar to that statement of Anthony Fauci regarding COVID back in early 2020: COVID is "not a major threat to the people of the US."

According to Dr. Robert Malone, of mRNA fame:

In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past."

According to Michael Senger,

The global Monkeypox outbreak—occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior—bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19."

Better line up for those Moneypox, er, Monkeypox, vaccinations! (The U.S. government has just spent $114 million buying 13 million smallpox vaccines)

To make sense of the actions of WHO, the CDC, the FDA, NIH, and NIAID, please read Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s great book, The Real Anthony Fauci. It has over 17,000 reviews with 89% 5 star.