As the Democratic debates descend into attack mode, with candidates even bashing the policies of former Democratic President Barack Obama, I’m wondering where this is all leading. After the first set of debates I concluded that in this era of Democratic identity politics, Kamala Harris surely would have the best chance, being a woman of color. But after the second debate, in which my favorite Dem Tulsi Gabbard (who served in the military and went to Afghanistan) eviscerated her record as a prosecutor, and got a lot of applause for it, it occurred to me that the Democratic debates were being scripted. The front runner, Joe Biden, is being attacked by the other major players (Elizabeth Warren, Harris, and Bernie Sanders) even though he still leads in the polls. Biden is being taken down, slowly but surely, like a pack of dogs harassing a weakened elk.
I was talking to a 28-year-old (a kid to me) and he says everyone his age and younger is all for Bernie Sanders. They like his anger at the “system” and his fresh new ideas! (Oh dear, the naiveté of youth). I can’t criticize because in my younger days I voted for George McGovern, who could be considered, back in 1972, as that era’s Bernie Sanders. But does Bernie, with his way-out socialist/communist program, really have a shot to beat the Trumpster? I don’t think so. There are still too many old fogies like me out there who remember the Cold War, and how the commies destroyed Russia, China, Cambodia (Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge), and Eastern Europe, establishing gulags and killing 100 million people in the process.
So what is my theory? That Michelle Obama is being groomed to step in as the Dem nominee. It’s kinda like friendly fire destroying the troops before they can get set to fight their enemy, Donald Trump. I was going to do some research for this and write it up. Then I saw that Robert Bridge, writing for the Strategic Culture Foundation, already did a bang-up job on this conspiracy theory. So here’s the link to the article. What do you think?