The Americanization of Emily
The Americanization of Emily is one of the most remarkable and consciousness–raising movies I have ever seen. It is a movie about reaching for the light, and living in the moment, with a superb screenplay and excellent acting. At this juncture in our country’s history, it should be seen by every American.
This movie can be viewed on many levels of consciousness. To the superficial, it is a silly and amusing love story. To the patriotic, it is the glorification of a contemptible coward. But for those who can look deeper, it is the story of a man who knows exactly who he is, who lives in the moment, and who chooses life over death in every moment.
Made in 1964 and starring Julie Andrews (in her first movie role), James Coburn and James Garner, it is the story of a man who reaches for life, and rejects death.
James Garner plays Lt. Commander Charlie Madison, a self–proclaimed lover of life, and coward. Charlie is a “dog robber,” one of a group of men who were attached to important military figures –– a sort of personal aide – and who made life easy for them by throwing elaborate parties and seeing to their comfort. I won’t bore you with the movie details because you can see it for yourself, and I urge you to do so.
In the movie, Charlie Madison defines cowardice as the rejection of death. As a result, he tries to get out of an assignment to land on Omaha Beach during D–Day. Charlie finds the idea of marching into Nazi guns appalling.
War is death. The product of war is death. Those who reject war are, however, popularly seen as despicable. But of course, those who embrace war also embrace death, and those who embrace death are insane.
Our species build monuments to death and war. We glorify those who have chosen death instead of life. This makes perfect sense to those who promote and profit from war. But what is truly remarkable is that the rest of us have bought into the idea! The equation of war, the equation of death, is Orwellian: death = life.
It is known that Hitler, a depraved psychotic, placed certain of his troops in positions that he knew would result in their slaughter. He got off on such things, apparently, as do all those who sadistically embrace death.
Yet ultimately, on a spiritual level, death IS life, for when one dies, one returns to the fullness of onesself as a powerful, non–physical being. You either understand that or you don’t. Those who promote war –– the “you only go around once” crowd –– do not have this understanding, because they have lost themselves. Those who glorify war believe that death is permanent. Therefore, those who favor and promote war also believe in the permanent destruction of the soul. Death for these people is for keeps. That is a level of darkness very difficult for sane men and women to contemplate. Wasn’t it Edmund Burke who said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." What good men and women can do is to live lives of openness, integrity, and love. This is the greatest weapon we have to deal with those in the consciousness of death. For if we move towards them, we become them.
One of my favorite quotes is from the late great cartoonist Walt Kelly, who wrote the Pogo strip: “we have met the enemy, and he is us.” In WW II, the United States was instrumental in defeating the Nazis. Now, they have risen again, in the guise and under the aegis of the “intelligence” community. The National Security Act of 1947 allows the commission of crimes under the false justification of national security. This Act established the legitimization of criminality at the highest levels of our government, and it was a sad day for all freedom–loving Americans, and persons of integrity throughout the world. Christopher Story, the noted independent U.K. intelligence analyst and author of International Currency Review, calls this Act a “crooks charter.”
The Americanization of Emily asks the question, what is cowardice? Is cowardice the refusal to support a popular –– and many would argue, necessary –– war? Or does cowardice mean simply taking the easy way out –– following the patriotic masses and not questioning the legitimacy of taking up guns to kill one’s fellow man in a war begun and promoted by others?
Is cowardice something contemptible? Or is it simply a rejection of death? Coward comes from the Latin cauda, or tail, and literally means, with tail between the legs. Those who avoid war come in two flavors: fearful, slinking ones, and those who mindfully understand that killing and war is pointless, and who understand that life is sacred, and should be nurtured and supported. Unfortunately, society tars both with the same brush.
War is merely an argument that got out of hand. Wars are fought not for exalted principles, but because country A wants the resources of country B. If you don’t understand that yet, you will, if you live long enough.
The legitimacy of war is a vexed question, because, paradoxically, it CAN be life–giving, in the sense that when you are in the midst of battle, every sense is heightened. You are fully present in the moment, and acutely aware of your surroundings. If you have ever been in a life–threatening situation, you know what I’m talking about. Paradoxically, unconditional love means that all actions are sanctioned. True love always loves the kernel of God within, and looks past the mask of hatred. I talked about this on one of my Interview With Spirit broadcasts in July.
In a book called “Cracking the Bible Code,” Dr. Jeffrey Satinover describes the incredible experience of a Holocaust survivor, who said that after he had fully confronted and accepted his circumstances, he found a spiritual awakening. Surrounded by death and evil, this brave soul found life. Within death is always life, because death is an illusion.
Death is transformation from one level of awareness to another. Nassim Haramein, scientist and researcher, uses this example to describe death (I am paraphrasing): ‘Imagine that you were inside the womb of a pregnant woman, and saw the growth of this little being. Suddenly, there is a gigantic explosion, waters are bursting, and this being, with whom you have developed a wonderful relationship, is gone. For you, your friend is dead, but for those on the other side (of the event horizon) a new life is born.’
Society denigrates those who refuse to kill others in war, but like Charlie, that person may simply embrace life, and reject death. That is why people are given the option to become conscientious objectors. Within some sane remnant of the human species consciousness, it was recognized that killing and death are insane, and some may choose not to blacken their souls with acts of murder. The conscientious objector process tries to distinguish between the skulking sneaks, and those who are truly mindful. Nowadays, however, with our government having been corrupted by the parasitical “intelligence” structures, such sentiment is dismissed contemptuously.
I encourage you to rent The Americanization of Emily and tell me what you think. For me, this great move argues for peace. As Mother Theresa once said, “I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.”
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