“Everything is for the best, in this best of all possible worlds.”
— Dr. Pangloss, in Candide
Voltaire wrote this phrase as a sarcastic and damning expression of delusional persons who remain optimistic despite the reality of negative events. But this sentence can also be regarded from a higher perspective.
In these days when everything seems to be going haywire, and wrong, there isn’t a lot of meaning to the idea of the “best of all possible worlds.”
Or is there?
A materialist, an atheist, a secularist will tell you that the world is going to hell because life is a meaningless concatenation of random events. This philosophy, as we talked about in the last post, results in people believing that the earth is headed for a catastrophic climate event that will destroy life on the planet. To a cynic, such a conclusion is obvious and inevitable.
But what if there really is such a thing as natural law? In that case, life is not random, but is operating along benevolent lines that have created a beautiful planet, and complex ecosystems, that nurture and support life.
Now we have to throw in the variable of free will.
It is obvious that free will is a variable in this play we call life, for what we see as reality is so complex and bizarre that it could only result from the unfettered decisions of 8 billion human beings.
It appears that life is random (so materialists can be forgiven for thinking this) because there are so many individuals on the planet making so many free will decisions. Yet life goes on despite the madness. The earth supports life; it cocoons millions of species within a myriad of different environments. It appears that some kind of universal operating system is holding everything together; uniting so many variables to form a complex, but unified, whole.
Despite the madness of human events in certain places, the world keeps working.
In other words, given free will and irrational human decision-making, we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
I’m not sure Francois-Marie Arouet would agree with me, but the earth – despite the changing climate cycles for the past several millions of years – seems to be well regulated. Apparently, the operating system that regulates the earth has no agenda. Humankind is free to destroy itself if it wants to, or evolve peacefully in cooperation with Gaia. Either way, the earth isn’t going anywhere, despite the claims of climate lunatics over the past century.
If natural law exists then it regulates the earth, and all the life upon and within it. So humanity is also subject to natural law, as are human events, with the governing variable of free will added in. Therefore, Dr. Pangloss was right: Everything is for the best, in this best of all possible worlds.
The Shift
What does an evolution in consciousness look like?
My guess is, a lot like current events.
Humanity is undergoing a psychic cleansing; old karma is being worked through. Everyone who has ever had a lifetime on earth (and has accumulated karma) is working it out.
So events seem random, unexplainable, and scary.
Humanity is undergoing a shift in consciousness. This will result in an understanding of the importance of seemingly esoteric variables such as thought, intent, and expectations. These are qualities of consciousness. They are not scientific or quantitative. They are attributes of consciousness that affect the physical reality of our society, for action always follows thought.
This idea has been around since Plato, and probably before.
Thought, intent, and expectations interact with natural law (the universal operating system) to affect physical reality.
As the earth gradually emerges into a galaxy teeming with life, this will become more and more obvious.
The crazier human events get, the more important it is to understand the power of thoughts and beliefs. Our expectations about future events place those expectations and beliefs on the future timeline. Human events are, essentially, a gigantic self-fulfilling prophecy of the human collective consciousness.
The Shift is the process of coming to realize that there is a higher power, a powerful esoteric system that is beyond the adolescent conception of materialism and secularism. These philosophies are taking us to their ultimate evolutionary direction: Transhumanism. Transhumanism is the materialists’ wet dream: a future where biology is altered and merged with technology to interface with artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, this evolutionary path is a dead-end for humanity. It will create a dystopian technocratic future where human beings are reduced to apps in a planetary blockchain run by AI. It will create, as it evolves, a dumbed down human race that will exist as a collectivist hive mind before the technological singularity absorbs us into an artificial super-intelligence where human beings are no longer necessary.
Of course this scenario is sociopathic. It is promoted by people like Ray Kurzweil of Google, who believe in the inevitability of humanity's merger with the technology it created, a concept widely known as “the singularity.” In this vein, Jose Luis Cordiero of Singularity University at Google (who works with Ray Kurzweil) said to the audience at the recent Transhumanist conference in Spain: “You are here by mistake. You are the last non-designed [by AI] generation.” These people actually believe this!
Before we roundly criticize Mr. Kurzweil and Mr. Cordiero, let’s remember the maxim that we live in the best of all possible worlds, with the variable of free will. Concepts like Transhumanism are necessary in order to show humanity the possible outcomes of its evolutionary choices. Do we want to live in a dystopian society? How would we know whether it’s bad or good unless it becomes a viable option?
People learn best through experience. AI is now being embraced by many in the scientific community, who are doing a good job publicizing it to the public. We are seeing what a Transhumanist world might look like, with proposals like Elon Musk’sneural chips implanted into the brain to allow communication with any computer on the web (hackable humans!). With our free will, we must decide collectively whether we manifest that dark path. Therefore, we should all thank Mr. Kurzweil, Mr. Musk, Mr. Cordiero, and other Transhumanists, for bringing these ideas forward and into the human consciousness.
It’s all part of the Shift.
The Great Awakening
This is a general term that describes the shift in human consciousness from a materialist, technocratic conception into one that recognizes a higher power that created the universe, the earth, and all life everywhere. Opposing this idea is the Great Reset, the Dark Army’s conception of a collectivist hive-mind society under the boot heel of a global technocracy controlled by sociopaths.
This isn’t a battle between dark and light so much as a set of possible choices.
I’ve used that phrase a lot until I understood that the dark-light framework is a dichotomy that forces you into a mentality of conflict. Human consciousness is beginning to rise out of that duality and into a more peaceful and pan-determined outlook on the problems that face us as a species.
I found this definition of dichotomy on Wikipedia: “A dichotomy is a partition of a whole into two parts. In other words, this couple of parts must be
• jointly exhaustive: everything must belong to one part or the other, and
• mutually exclusive: nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts.”
The key is the phrase, “nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts.” Here we have a built-in exclusivity that promotes division and conflict. If we look at current events not as a battle or a fight, but as merely a set of choices to be freely accepted or rejected, we can avoid verbal and physical conflict. This, I believe, is what the Great Awakening is all about.
In order to validly accept or reject a concept it must be manifested, and must be experienced. Therefore, the presence of darkness or evil is a necessary component to an advance in consciousness.
Evil will disappear tomorrow if people don’t embrace it.
People who abuse others were themselves abused. Human nature is actually benevolent, not cynical or violent. Human beings incarnate as souls that are directly connected to God, or Spirit, or the One. The earth is simply an experiment where a person comes in untainted, then picks up the karma from their past life. In the past, that’s all we had to roll with. Now, that old karma is being resolved in an accelerated process where 8 billion of us are here all at once. That’s why events are so crazy! The dark memes in human consciousness are on full display now. They must be confronted, worked through, and transcended.
Concluding Thoughts
We are living in the best of all possible worlds. Our free will choices set the bar low, or high. Ideas don’t battle each other; that conception itself guarantees conflict. When we look at the current crazy situation as a series of choices, rather than a fight, we can gain clarity on where we’re going.