If you are reading this you are an old soul, someone who has come to the planet to see humanity through the Great Awakening.
The Great Awakening is reaching for the higher awareness of human consciousness, and connecting with the divine.
In this process, that which is incompatible with peace, tolerance, and harmony is being exposed. Old souls are here to hold the light during this cleansing process. All memes of darkness are coming to the surface of our awareness. They are being manifested in human societies. This is necessary. Old souls are here, not to fight the darkness, but to envision humanity and the earth as it is in a higher reality: the reality that manifests human potential to its fullest.
This higher reality is not an illusion: the darkness is an illusion. Anything that does not reflect the magnificence of every human soul is an illusion.
On a planet of free will, however, one is free to embrace anything, even dark things. The collective, all 8 billion of us, create everything that is within human societies.
The universe is vibrational. ALL things, including human consciousness, have a vibration. What we see manifested in our societies is the interface between the vibration of human consciousness and the perfected reality that is our soul. We are walking around in these physical bodies, seemingly separate, but each human being is essentially walking IN our soul, or that part of it that the physical body can accept.
Your personal vibration determines how your life is, for the interface – what manifests in your life – will reflect to the most minute detail the picture of life you are painting for yourself. We are all artists then. The question is, what kind of an artist? What picture are we painting?
As the human drama unfolds during the awakening of humanity, I find myself fighting against the darkness, observing the evil and telling myself how ugly it is. But this is futile, for it creates the vibration of evil.
Old souls have a big advantage, for we have had many lifetimes on earth and we know that we don’t need to go to the dark side, no matter how tempting it is. Some of us are star seeds: souls who have lived through the uncomfortable process of waking up on other planets in this galaxy. We know how ugly it is, but we also know the glorious outcome.
I have to say that on earth at the present time, humanity is being rapidly accelerated through this process. My intuition tells me that the process of uncovering and transmuting the darkness should be going more slowly. But it’s not. We are being asked to confront decades of human evolution every day. Lenin said, “There are decades in which nothing happens. And there are weeks in which decades happen.” It’s true. It seems that time is rapidly accelerating; things are changing so fat it’s unbelievable.
I am feeling a massive tension in human consciousness, as if something huge is going to break. There are those who are becoming triggered and unbalanced. The darkness is literally panicking. They are rushing their plan ahead, way too soon, because they can see the writing on the wall.
Old souls can see what is behind this massive wall of change: world peace, diversity of opinion, and tolerance. This is why we are experiencing so much censorship and intolerance these days, especially on social media. Those who want human societies to embrace group think and a hive mind mentality are going all out now to suppress diversity of opinion.
That’s the problem for the dark: to be successful they must stay hidden. Exposure will ruin everything. Therefore, tyranny and the stifling of opinion is vital.
This phenomenon is all part of the Great Awakening, for we don’t get to wave a magic wand and undo in a second what it took humanity a hundred thousand years to create. Over the millennia the human race, using free will, has explored the darkness. All of us, through many lifetimes, have done evil – the same evil that is manifesting now.
But the evil is manifesting because the light is exposing it.
The situation is ugly because all of us must confront it, and choose something better. Choosing better is a decision of the entire human family beyond the veil. For some reason the year 2020 was chosen as the beginning of an accelerated path of evolution for this planet. We all chose it. Everyone who has ever had a lifetime of earth is alive today, or is coming in. It’s a massive effort by all 8 billion of us to choose a brighter future.
Materialism is dead. The materialism of science (which has been perverted to serve political ends), and the deliberate ignoring of the divine nature of every human being, is in its final act. The final act is, admittedly, hard to confront. But it’s like diving into a pool of cold water. It’s all or nothing. You brace yourself, you know it’s going to be a shock, but you decide to throw yourself in. At first it’s painful, then you get used to it, then the water warms up and you have a nice, refreshing swim.
We’re in the shock phase. We just jumped in.
Human consciousness determines what is allowed and what is not. Therefore, the more people who choose the light raise the bar of allowable actions. Imagine a slider going up and down. In low consciousness the slider bar is very low, and just about every evil act is permitted. When the bar is raised higher, we leave behind the very worst of human activity. As the bar gets raised higher and higher (as human consciousness becomes more aware of its connection to the divine) more and more of the dark memes and activities are left behind.
In this way we change the definition of human nature.
The Great Awakening is raising the bar of permitted action. Evil is being closed off at the bottom and more beauty and integrity is visible at the top end. In the closing-off process at the bottom of the bar we are seeing the ugliness we have created over the millennia.
Old souls see this ugliness and realize that it’s part of the process of choosing higher consciousness.
Human nature is changing as everyone sees evil exposed. Those who are on the dark side are showing themselves. It’s their last shot to centralize control and to enslave humanity. Their only hope is that people become afraid and submit to tyranny.
People see this and choose a more positive path.
Without dark there cannot be light. This is an old saying from famous TV oil painters Bill Alexander and Bob Ross (Bill’s student). The Great Awakening is exposing, inevitably, the dark side of human consciousness. It is necessary.
During this process painful things happen. I just lost my two beloved pets in the space of three weeks. It’s excruciating. I’m tempted to give up, to say that life sucks and not worth it. But something inside me says that my two guys are having a great time and that something better is coming. I know they were both at the end of their lives and they wanted to go out together, just as they came in, together in the same pod at the Humane Society. That doesn’t make it any easier, but this has forced me to look past the barrier of the illusion of death into a more multidimensional reality. Nothing ever dies. Life, consciousness, throughout the universe, is alive in a timeless reality. Our own human lives, the lives of our pets, are all real beyond the barrier of illusion. I have been forced to confront this like never before.
Beyond the barrier of illusion, beyond the darkness, is the light of the soul. Every human being on the planet (and even our pets) are reaching for that now. The controllers are doing their bit to show humanity what a dark future looks like. Hating them serves their purpose of enslaving humanity in hatred and darkness.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
He is creating an illusion of evil. A convincing version, of course, but the Great Awakening would not be possible unless it was. Stay strong in the light, despite reasons not to. Vibrate to the divine nature of your soul, to the essence of who you are, and what materializes in your life will be always be for the best.