WHA #75
The World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly #75, May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, is proposing new amendments to the International Health regulations that will create a one-size-fits-all global health strategy. The new amendments will mandate specific responses by all countries in the world affected by a health emergency. These amendments will simply be added to the existing regulations so that it does not need to be ratified by the world’s governments. The amendments to the existing WHO health regulations will push vaccinations, distributed by GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation organization.
In a sneaky, backdoor manner, the Biden administration signed these amendments for the US in January, but did not release information about it until April 12 when it popped up on the WHO website.
In effect, the new amendments take away a country’s sovereignty in a health emergency, and power devolves to the WHO’s Director General. This is also a power grab by Gates, who will be in charge (and making money) from every vaccine produced during a declared pandemic.
Here is a summary of what the amendments say:
As required, the WHO finally published the US “amendments.” It shows the deletions and as well the new additions. What the Biden Administration changes do is to transform a previously advisory role for the WHO to national governments on not only pandemic responses but also everything tied to national “health,” with an entirely new power to override national health agencies if the WHO Director General, now Tedros Adhanom, determines. The US Biden Administration and WHO have colluded to create an entirely new treaty which will shift all health decisions from a national or local level to Geneva, Switzerland and WHO.
Typical of the Washington amendments to the existing WHO Treaty is Article 9. The US change is to insert WHO “shall” and delete “may”: “If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours, WHO shall may…,. In the same article now deleted is “offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned…” The views or judgment of say, Germany or India, or USA health authorities become irrelevant. WHO will be able to override national experts and dictate as international law its mandates for any and all future pandemics as well as even epidemics or even local health issues.
Moreover in the new proposed Article 12 on “Determination of a public health emergency of international concern, public health emergency of regional concern, or intermediate health alert,” WHO head–now Tedros in his new 5-year term–alone can decide to declare an emergency, even without agreement of the member state.
The WHO head will then consult his relevant WHO “Emergency Committee” on Polio, Ebola, Bird Flu, COVID or whatever they declare to be a problem. In short this is a global dictatorship over citizen health by one of the most corrupt health bodies in the world. The members of a given WHO Emergency Committee are chosen under opaque procedures and typically, as in the current one on polio, many members are tied to the various Gates Foundation fronts like GAVI or CEPI. Yet the selection process is entirely opaque and internal to WHO.
Among other powers the new Pandemic Treaty will give Tedros and WHO the power to mandate vaccine passports and COVID jabs worldwide. They are working on the creation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity program. Under the new “Pandemic Treaty”, when people are harmed by the WHO’s health policies, there’s no accountability. The WHO has diplomatic immunity.
Former WHO senior employee and whistleblower, Astrid Stuckelberger, now a scientist at the Institute of Global Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva, noted,
“if the new Pandemic Treaty is adopted by member states, “this means that the WHO’s Constitution (as per Article 9) will take precedence over each country’s constitution during natural disasters or pandemics. In other words, the WHO will be dictating to other countries, no longer making recommendations.”
A global, authoritarian vaccination regime under the guise of health emergencies is the Dark Army’s Final Solution to the pesky billions who demand ridiculous things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The wretched sociopaths in GAVI and the WHO want to create a worldwide collective hive-mind society, which has already been implemented by the CCP in China. The Chinese government, as of this writing, has locked down over 400 million people during its insane policy of “zero COVID.” Expect similarly irrational policies in other countries if these amendments gain traction among the world’s governments.
Fortunately, self-aware persons will never tolerate such dictatorial policies. This is the last gasp of the dark army, which is advancing its agenda worldwide in an attempt to stop the Great Awakening.
It will never work.
(Update: The amendments were withdrawn at WHA #75 due to pressure from all over the world. This is a big win.)
The goals of the dark army are Transhumanism and the creation of a collectivist, authoritarian, techno-fascist medical lockdown state. Their tactics: fear and intimidation.
The idea that an entire planet of almost 8 billion humans could be forced into such a mind-washed condition could only be envisioned by delusionary, power-mad psychopaths.
All human beings are being forced to choose what kind of planet we want to live on.
It’s in your grille now, ladies and germs. Those with self-awareness will understand instinctively which way to go.
The world is being divided in two: Those with self-awareness, and those without. Those who understand their divine origins, and those who are materialist meat-heads who can be herded by the latest fear porn and propaganda campaign.
Speaking Spiritually to Old Souls
Let me speak from the POV of an old soul who has seen this before. For old souls, the planet earth is not our first rodeo. We have been on other planets in other civilizations that have gone through the “barrier.” The barrier of light and dark. The Test.
The events we are seeing on the planet have never occurred before in the entirety of human history. Worldwide pandemics created in a lab, experimental vaccines pushed on the entire human population, an invasion of the U.S. southern border in which hundreds of thousands of people are crossing illegally every month from 150 countries, the attacks on women and children via gender and trans-gender identity, and the insanity of Transhumanism, which seeks to replace the human being and the human body with an artificial one, or even, as the ultimate goal of Transhumanism, altered or artificial containers for human consciousness.
Those who promote these agendas are, without exception, materialists with no understanding of self or their divine connection to the Creative Source. This is a war on human beings by the forces of darkness.
Every civilization goes through this. Free will determines success or failure. Some planets make it and others don’t.
On earth there is a contingent of old souls who recognize this. These are the people who are waking up.
We’re going to make it.
Old souls have been on planets that didn’t make it. There is a “feeling” associated with the collective consciousness on every planet that has gone through the Test. Old souls recognize the feeling of failure and success.
There’s a feeling of doom and inevitable failure associated with civilizations that don’t make it. There is also a feeling of success for those that do.
Enough old souls are awakening to ensure success.
The Great Awakening
Peace of earth is not going to happen in our lifetimes. On this planet of free choice there will always be those who choose the dark. But over the generations the shift, or the balance, between low and high consciousness is gradually going to shift to the light.
The most effective strategy of the Dark is to present itself as an overwhelming force that cannot be stopped. The WHO amendments are a good example. Already influencers are chirping about how evil it is, how humanity is going to be under the thumb of tyrants, and there’s nothing we can do about it.
This is an overreaction. The WHO can pass all the amendments it wants. Illegitimate governments all over the world can sign on to them. But a reservoir of self-aware persons around the globe (growing more numerous every day) won’t buy into it. Fortunately, the percentage of anti-social persons is at most 10% of the population.
The Great Awakening has forced the Dark Army to advance their plan too quickly. Another generation, perhaps, and it might have succeeded.
Not now.
So let’s take a step back and get centered. The Dark has been forced by the Light to organize for its survival. The Dark cannot succeed except in stealth and secrecy. The light is shining so brightly now that the Dark operatives have been forced to come out from under their rocks. Their activities are being exposed, indicated by the publication of the new WHO amendments.
Is it too late to prevent the amendments from being adopted at WHA 75?
Probably. So what?
(Update: the amendments were rejected, but observers say they have just been postponed).
These pathetic psychopaths pass their diktats assuming that the world’s population will mindlessly obey, like sheep. Not going to happen.
Let’s listen to Yuval Hariri, the Transhumanist guru. He’s a very sincere psychopath, and one of the spokespersons for the globalist/WHO agenda.
This is what he says:
COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic — we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening underneath their skin.”
How about that folks? Is that the kind of world you want to live in?
Well, get set because sincere little sociopaths like Hariri and Klaus Schwab are all in. Fortunately, their low self-awareness blinds them to the absurdity of their own ideas and beliefs. Moreover, no sane person will give up his/her sovereignty for this psychotic plan, no matter how much intimidation is applied.
Here is Hariri’s (and the WEF, and the U.S. government’s) plan for humanity. Listen to this nutjob outline what he thinks is best for you and me:
Maybe in a couple of decades, when people look back, the thing they will remember from the COVID crisis, is: this is the moment when everything went digital. This was the moment when everything became monitored — that we agreed to be surveilled all the time. Not just in authoritarian regimes but even in democracies. This was the moment when surveillance went under the skin.”
See Emerald Robinson, “Yuval Hariri Tells You What The Vaccines Really Do,” at https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/yuval-hariri-tells-you-what-the-vaccines?s=r )
Even though our globalist elites are dead serious, it’s (almost) funny to think that a person could have turned away from his or her own divinity so far as to embrace this nonsense. However, there is a certain feeling of inevitability in Professor Hariri’s statements, is there not?
Well, it’s not inevitable. It’s simply the belief system of a very low-consciousness individual.
Psychopaths sound convincing because of their tunnel-vision, and their self-centered focus on their personal agendas. It’s why so many sociopaths have risen to the top of organizations: they concentrate on nothing but themselves and their personal goals. The Law of Attraction rewards those with fixed attention on any subject.
Fortunately for the rest of us, Hariri and Schwab and Grimes, Elon Musk’s partner, are the best the Dark has got. Behind the scenes are people like Ray Kurzweil and Nick Bostrom, who envision a technical singularity where AI becomes self-aware and quickly surpasses human intelligence, turning humanity into its pets. (I wrote a novel about this concept, titled The Old Soul.) Bostrom and Kurzweil et. al are intellectually brilliant folks who are also materialists. They are fixated on the idea that when you die you’re dead. Transhumanism, and the Collectivist hive-mind society they envision, is a desperate attempt to prolong their lives and their consciousness. Transhumanism is what happens when you begin with an absurd, false premise that consciousness disappears when the body dies.
The Denouement, Act I
The denouement for human society is approaching here in Act I. The talk now is of nuclear war. Of course this is insanity. The consciousness of humanity has moved the Overton Window far beyond that, but many are still mired in the past.
The Overton Window, developed by American policy analyst Joseph Overton, frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme, given the climate of public opinion at that time. There is also a spiritual Overton Window that frames the allowable thoughts and actions based on the collective consciousness of humanity. This spiritual Overton Window has made nuclear war impossible.
Nothing like this has ever happened in human history
Do events right now resemble ANYTHING that has happened in history? Nope. What we are experiencing is completely new. What we are seeing is full-blown insanity as thousands of years of human karma is being brought to the surface and worked out. Brought to you by Pfizer, but mostly by the Light and the rising level of human consciousness.
Yes folks, this is what progress and advancement in consciousness looks like: nutjobs and mentally and emotionally unbalanced people dramatizing their inner darkness for all to see. The Light uncovers the darkness in all of us, and exposes it.
You can see how nutty the Dark is. Just read the headlines on any given day!
The light is exposing nutjobs all over the world. These people stick out now like sore thumbs because the light, like a match struck in a dark room, is beginning to illuminate the darkness.
We can all do our part to move the Overton Window upward by not buying into the craziness of unbalanced people.