Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
--Dr. Martin Luther King
The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world and themselves with a minimum of effort. Its a simple, uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change consciousness.
What is the Harmony Project?
The Harmony Project consists of two simple activities:
1) Walk quietly down the street with love in your heart. The more crowded the street, the better! Repeat as many times as you feel like it. Or, sit quietly in a caf or a coffee shop, and feel love. You dont have to DO anything, or make a big speech, or make a spectacle of yourself. Just sit there feeling love and observe what happens. You can do this anywhere people gather. I like to do it at the checkout counter in the supermarket!
You don't sing, or chant, or talk loudly, because that would be distracting to others, and could morph into an ego thing. Just sit or walk quietly and unobtrusively, blending in with the scenery. When you are around people and feel love, you quietly affect everyone around you. That's because love is the most powerful vibration in the universe.
What happens is that the vibration of love goes quietly, but powerfully, outward from you to everyone around you, and subtly affects the biofield of others. When I am truly in tune with love, people will often look up and smile. Sometimes, they'll even stop and want to talk. What you are doing is literally changing the vibration of those you meet, without having to argue with them, or raise their consciousness. You cant know how powerful this can be until you actually do it! And do you know the best part? It makes you feel great! It can be addicting, in a good way.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see a miracle right away. The idea of the Harmony Project isn't to show everyone how awesome you are (even though you ARE awesome!). Its not an ego thing. The idea is first to feel love inside of you, and to share that love quietly with others. What you are doing when you radiate love around others, is vibrationally altering their consciousness. This occurs invisibly, just as radio and micro waves travel invisibly and find their way to your hand held communication device.
2) The second activity is even easier. When you talk or chat with your friends, bring up something positive and exciting, and get people talking about it.
What excites you? It doesn't have to be profound! It could be a good tune you heard, or a podcast, or a movie, or a book you read. Whatever it is, make sure it is positive, not negative. Get people thinking and talking about something inspiring.
Thats it! If you are ready to create some miracles, go to it!
The Harmony Project is based on two simple ideas: (1) the inherent spiritual/divine nature of every human being. (2) Quiet Power.
1) Everyone on earth has a spiritual aspect. In that profound sense, we are all linked on a very fundamental level. In the Harmony Project, we use this idea to raise our own vibration, and others as well.
A human being is a divine, immortal Spirit temporarily associated with a physical body. You either understand that, or you dont. If you do, you are capable of reaching the state of love. Love is the quintessential expression of our inherent spiritual nature.
If you know what love feels like, then you are qualified to participate in the Harmony Project. By love I mean that powerful, awesome feeling of excitement and connection that unites all life everywhere. Its easy to get that feeling back in your heart. All you have to do is remember a time you fell in love. Or got a wonderful present. Or saw someone smile. Or looked into the eyes of your pet. Love is a feeling of warmth that is inherent to all life everywhere. Love keeps the universe working. It is who we are at the core of our being. All else is an illusion.
2) What is Quiet Power?
Quiet Power is the expression of love. Love is serene, calming, quiet, confident, and enormously powerful. Love doesn't jabber, shout, or scream. Love is not ostentatious or ego driven. Love is unconditional. When you love, you give your heart and soul. Love is exciting, but in a peaceful way.
Love is like giving someone a present. You wait silently, with eager anticipation, for the smile that comes when a friend or a loved one opens your gift. That smile is your reward. It is an acknowledgment of your shared divinity, of your shared spirituality. There arent words good enough to express that feeling. Thats why I call love, Quiet Power.
The expression of love finds many forms, in every area of life.
Have you ever noticed that the most influential people are always those who lead by example? It could be a teacher, a coworker, a musician or an artist. Regardless of who it is, the people you admire most walk the walk, and dont just talk the talk. Theyre not in the streets yelling and screaming, but quietly going about their business, demonstrating competence, integrity, and compassion, showing others the true path by their example.
The idea of the Harmony Project is to quietly open yourself up to the world, leading by example.
Don't panic! The Harmony Project isn't hard, its fun. Anyone can do it. Its done quietly, at your own pace, and in your own time. You dont have to sign up for anything, or study anything, or ask permission from anyone. There arent any rules. Everything you need for the Project is already inside of you.
More Info
You can do the two steps of the Harmony Project by yourself, or with friends. You can walk silently down the street as a group radiating love, or sit quietly in a coffee shop, caf, or any other appropriate place. Remember that love is quiet and powerful, but not ostentatious. The idea is not "wow look at us, we're awesome," but "we are here to saturate this place with good vibes." A group of people radiating love together is an enormously powerful force, like the warming rays of the sun that reach out and touch others. And the best thing is that when you radiate love, you feel it inside yourself first. So the first person who benefits is you!
How can you tell whether something you bring up in part 2) is positive or negative? The answer is, observe how people react. Are they happy, or sad? Angry or joyful? Apathetic or excited? It's pretty simple.
Experiment with this and soon you will be much better at recognizing emotions, and become much more sensitive to people and how to make them happier. Your relationships will improve, because you will be more observant. You will also feel more powerful, because sensitizing yourself to others also makes you more sensitive to what you like and dislike. So you achieve a state of higher discernment ands knowledge of self, as well as knowledge of others.
You can test to see how you are doing. In the first step, one person acts as an observer. That person determines the emotional level of the area before you begin, and then assesses the emotions of the area afterwards. In the second step, you (or an independent observer) can monitor the emotional tone of the group before and after the introduction of a topic. In all cases, the idea is to raise the emotional / vibrational level of the group. Of course, these observations are subjective, but so is a feeling of love, or a feeling of happiness, or any positive emotion.
Send in your ideas, experiences, and successes. The Harmony Project is as much about raising your vibration as it is about transforming others!
Feeling Love
People will respond to you in proportion to how much love you are feeling. Most of us are creatures of habit. The Harmony Project is an opportunity for you to practice love. The better you feel, the more amazing result you are likely to get.
How do you feel love?
Well, you just sit quietly and remember a time when you felt loving towards someone, or someone felt loving toward you. Then you pick up on that feeling and let it saturate your consciousness, and the cells of your body. You know what love feels like, or you wouldnt be interested in the Harmony Project. Did you know that of all the emotions, love is the easiest feeling to let in? Thats because love is the OM, the fundamental vibration of the universe. Love is in every cell of your body. Its who you ARE. Love feels warm and fuzzy and powerful and generous and when you really feel love, you feel invincible and wonderful and you want to share yourself with the whole world!
You can get that feeling back any time, you just have to practice! Its the most rewarding practice you can do for yourself, because it sets you up to have a perfect day. People naturally respond positively to those who feel love. Thats the idea behind the Harmony Project.
The Quiet Revolution
You dont have to be famous to have a positive effect. In the past, trying to change the world through person-to-person contact was time consuming and inefficient, but not anymore. Today, person-to-person contact is the best way to make positive changes, because all of us belong to social networks. When someone gets exited about something, he or she tells everyone in his or her network and it spreads rapidly. A positive idea can literally spread itself all over the planet in almost no time at all. This is how we can create a new paradigm of thought in the consciousness of humanity.
The idea behind the Harmony Project is to raise the background vibration of society, and make it possible for positive solutions to occur. The human population is growing, and more and more people are rejecting the old values of deceit, dishonesty, greed, domination, and war. You wouldn't think so by observing our current politics, but the people behind the hatred and the contention are a very, very, very small number. The rest of us are just going along with a bad program. The idea of the Harmony Project is to start a Quiet Revolution.
How Can This Happen?
Imagine society not as a bunch of powerless individuals, but as a collection of dynamically interacting social networks. Governments and corporations are social networks as well! They exist, like ships, floating upon the ocean of national consciousness. That consciousness is established by we the people, through our social networks. We are the soil upon which our nation's institutions grow. If these institutions are now corrupt to the core, it is because we have allowed our planetary and national soil to become fertile for them. We unconsciously repeat, through our social networks, the same old stale ideas that have allowed the present situation to occur.
The idea is to spread love and inspiring ideas all over the world. We all know how impossible it is to get large groups of people to agree on what is best just look at politics! The Harmony Project bypasses ideology and belief, and focuses on love. Love is so powerful that it immediately knocks out these lower vibrations. If you dont believe this, then you have to actually try Step One. If you do it right, you wont believe the positive results you will get!
Humanity needs a spiritual, not a political, economic, or scientific solution to war, hatred, and injustice. The Harmony Project is itself an evolutionary leap, for although we are in the streets and in the shops, and everywhere people congregate, we are invisible to the gross forces of authority, and outside their purview. Even with the new AI systems of Big Tech, which exist to create a dystopian surveillance state, those who participate in the Harmony Project are harmless even to dictators and other psychopaths. Simply walking down the street or sitting quietly in a caf cannot be censored. We simply participate in a Quiet Revolution that exists beyond the reach of "authority." We are Revolutionaries of Love!
Harmony Project Theme Song
Choose your own song!