The light is exposing the dark underbelly of human society. The Jeffrey Epstein saga, which gets more bizarre by the day, is the trigger point. An event, a person, acts as a trigger or a catalyst that releases hidden activities. We know that Epstein kept meticulous records of his interactions with the people he associated with. A lot of powerful people (so-called “elites”) are worrying right now.
The idea that Epstein committed suicide is improbable. Only one prisoner has been able to commit suicide within the Manhattan Correctional Facility, and that was back in 1998. The Washington Post reports today (August 15)
An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein suffered multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death. Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.”
The New York Post reported this, also on the 15th:
Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.
The convicted pedophile also told his lawyers that the neck injuries he suffered in an earlier incident at the Metropolitan Correctional Center were inflicted by his hulking, ex-cop cellmate, which led the lawyers to request that he be taken off a suicide watch, according to a source familiar with Epstein’s case.
Epstein’s optimism behind bars — expressed during daily visits with his lawyers that lasted up to 12 hours each — was so great that it struck some of those around him as “delusional,” the source said.
“He thought he was going to win the double-jeopardy motion” that his defense lawyers were planning to file in connection with his 2008 Florida prostitution conviction, the source said.”
Lawyers for Epstein's victims are also dubious:
Jeffrey Epstein is not going quietly into the night. Unlike Jimmy Saville, who abused children for decades while working for the BBC, Epstein is eventually going to blow open the lid on the worldwide pedo networks. It’s going to take some time, but this is a positive development. As I’ve been saying on this blog for quite a while, humanity cannot make progress toward peace on earth until enough people confront the dark side the human race has created over the past several millennia. Epstein and his activities are part of that dark side. Pedophilia and child abuse has existed since before the time of Christ, in Babylon and even in Sumeria thousands of years ago. It has existed in every human society; no one culture or country is exempt. The time to expose it, and those involved, is now.
Why IS the duality Intensifying?
In the midst of the Epstein saga, the hatred between “left” and “right” is intensifying, fanned by politicians and media on both “sides.” #ClintonBodyCount vs #TrumpBodyCount (a recent Twitter trend) is a perfect example of how the duality has polarized, and how phony and superficial the debate has become. Alec Baldwin has even said that “the Russians” killed Epstein! I thought we had finally dismissed that idiocy with the testimony of Robert Mueller before Congress, but I guess people will believe anything.
Why is the duality intensifying?
Because the so-called “elites” are involved: “important” people in politics, business, and entertainment. They are fighting back, mainly against Trump, who was the moving force behind the arrest of Epstein. A lot of people hate Trump because of his divisiveness, but some of the “important” people hate him for fear of exposure. Some people say Trump himself is involved in pedophilia, but I don’t think so. We’ll see.
The driving factor behind the intensifying duality is a metaphysical one: the light is penetrating the darkness and exposing it. This is happening because the human race is experiencing a collective rise in consciousness, driven by the desire of the collective to change conditions for the better. That which has always remained hidden is now coming into the light.
Those who have no understanding of self, or lack spiritual awareness, won’t get this; it will sound like airhead nonsense. But it’s true! These days materialists are totally confused, for there is no “scientific” explanation for the insanity that surrounds us.
As I’ve said before, we cannot reach ascended status unless the darkness within the human psyche, and in human societies, is exposed and dealt with. That’s just common sense. If you are one who refuses to even look at darkness, wanting to stay always in the light, you are going to be faced with the dark sooner or later. Either it will come from within your own Akash or you will see it in current events. The duality will probably intensify even further; it will reach even those who choose to ignore the current situation.
Staying in the light should be the goal of all self-aware persons; but those who resist the dark will attract it, simply because of the law of attraction and the law of vibration. A balanced person will be able to see both dark and light, and not be afraid of either.
I’m not saying that you have to listen to the news, or keep up with current events. But we are living in a co-created reality, and some of us are creating a dark reality. So, unless you are already a Master, you are going to be confronted with the dark side.
What does the dark do? Those who embrace darkness take the natural, divine, God-given duality and enhance the lower consciousness aspect. On a planet of free choice, this is a conscious choice.
In God’s design, the duality is a good thing. Contrast, or opposites, provide an impetus for change and advancement. It’s why people tell you to get out of your comfort zone. However, there is one aspect of the duality that is almost a universal law: low consciousness cannot see high consciousness, but high consciousness can see lower consciousness. This means that the bully, the predator, the anti-social personality, the child molester, are so limited they cannot see the higher vibrations of harmony, peace, and understanding. People like this say that pedophilia – having sex with children and even babies – is a natural human impulse.
Therefore, when confronted by low consciousness, the higher consciousness person has a harder time. You cannot reason with a person like this; they firmly believe they are justified in their twisted, dark activities. In the past, the only argument a low consciousness person understood was force. And so war and conflict prevailed on the planet for thousands of years. “Re-educating” someone in the old energy was hopeless. Dark army actors like Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, and Pol Pot used “re-education” to justify the murder of millions.
How Does High-Consciousness Deal With Low Consciousness?
The vibration of the planet, although slowly rising, is such that a higher consciousness person may not be able to muster enough tolerance and love to transmute the lower consciousness person, who uses the tactics of fear, intimidation, and intolerance. We all know how it feels. In everyday life it’s called “having a bad day.”
What to do?
A lot of us take seminars and courses, go to inspirational lectures, or take a vacation. But that usually only works for a short time. Then you’re back to the grind.
What works for me is to understand that the darkness is part of the duality. When it comes into your life, recognize that it’s a natural phenomenon on a planet that is throwing off the dark and going to the light. The duality must intensify if the darkness is to be confronted and then transformed. That’s because most people simply ignore events. How did Jimmy Saville, the UK pedophile, get away with abusing kids right on the properties of the BBC, for decades?
Pedophilia is reported in the news almost every day, but people ignore it.
Therefore, the darkness is going to intensify until it is in the faces of everyone; until it is impossible to ignore.
This is true for individuals, groups, and nations. When the light hits it harder and harder, the dark gets exposed. The dark army will be forced to come out from under the rocks and openly organize for its very survival. When the planet was more low-consciousness, the darkness could remain hidden. Now, it cannot. So now it’s more visible. It’s being recognized and reported, so it seems that the planetary vibe is worse, not better.
Nope. It’s way better now, despite the insanity. Chaos is the natural result when light penetrates darkness. The dark guys go nuts.
It isn’t pleasant. Makes me wonder why I volunteered to come to this place!
Unfortunately you don’t get to wave a magic wand and make everything go away. In an advancing civilization that is coming out of the dark, the path to the light MUST lead through the darkness.
The Path Out of Darkness
That path, for each of us, is slightly different. However, there are some common elements that all who go to the light must master: tolerance and compassionate action. I didn’t say unconditional love, because that’s impossible except for the Masters.
Tolerance can often be, simply, biting your tongue. You want to lash out at the low consciousness person, but you know it will escalate emotions and make you (and them) feel worse. So you zip it and walk away. It works because when you get into a fight you almost always regret it afterward. Even if you think the other person is a bozo, by not manifesting anger you keep the social vibe from going to low-consciousness. That’s a win for everyone.
Humans in this society have been taught that backing down is a sign of cowardice, but not engaging is actually a sign of great strength. Anyone can get angry and let off their feelings. Adolescents do that all the time. But grown-ups are bigger than that. Simply by NOT getting angry you are raising the vibe of the entire planet.
In other words, you don’t have to express love to an angry person because for most of us this is impossible. Just not expressing your anger in the moment to another living being is an enormous accomplishment. Then you go home and smash something on your workbench, or go for a walk. Tolerance isn’t love, but it’s a great beginning to a personal state of higher consciousness.
Compassionate action is recognizing when someone is in trouble and helping them.
Tolerance and compassionate action is what is needed now amidst the chaos and the intensifying duality.