Daily Archives: June 28, 2016

What’s Next?

Subtle Energy

A few years ago I wrote a blog post titled “The Universe Is an Information System.” In it I described how the geometry of atomic structure is an information system coded into the basic elements of nature. Last month we talked about an “etheric substance” that contains the programming for everything in nature. This substance has been called the “aether” by scientists and metaphysicians alike. Modern science has deprecated the aether concept, but it has seen a revival in frontier physics. It will (I hope) eventually be rediscovered when we begin to seriously study consciousness from a non-materialist perspective.

The etheric substance is beyond the electromagnetic spectrum and has been called by some remote viewers and psychics “subtle energy,” implying that it cannot be accessed by current science or scientific instruments. I believe that current science is at a dead-end until and unless it incorporates subtle energy. Subtle energy is an intimate part of our sacred biology. Surrounding all physical bodies is a lightbody, or merkaba. Our lightbodies are a sophisticated vehicle of information, communication, and even travel for our consciousness (see my novel, Beyond the Beginning). When in a physical body, the merkaba is invisible because it is beyond the range of our human senses. However, when we “die” we become aware that our consciousness has a geometry and a physics of its own. According to Lee Carroll, my favorite lecturer, subtle energy will soon be discovered by science and it will be a game-changer.

The “invisible” nature of subtle energy has allowed skeptics and materialists to scoff, and claim that such talk is utter nonsense. And from their viewpoint – a strictly materialist POV – it is! However, in order for humanity to advance along the road to higher consciousness we have to look beyond these narrow belief systems.

I have finally learned not to get angry about persons who cannot understand this. First of all, the majority of the population of this planet has this view. Anger or frustration about the self-awareness of others simply keeps me rooted in a lower emotion, and is probably just my own crap coming up to bite me. I have a feeling that the majority is skeptical because when they finally “get it,” there will be an almost instantaneous quantum leap (tipping point) that will propel the entire planet into a higher level of existence. Perhaps there MUST be a stubborn majority that hangs back. These persons act like a capacitor, storing subtle energy that is released all at once, creating broad agreement on a more cooperative way of living and opening up new avenues of thought.

The road to higher consciousness leads through a thicket of old memes and beliefs. We’ve been working through these as the population has risen dramatically over the past 300 years, and especially since 1930. Behind the scenes, in the mental plane, the human family have been incarnating and working out all of the old karma that has been placed into the species grid for the past 5,000 years. This decision has been made by all of us during our between-lives periods, when we reunite with source and see how much progress we’ve made during the most recent lifetime. Sometimes we incarnate as the business partner who screws his friend, working out the karma from past incidents whose energy is still in the grid, offering our friend the opportunity to transcend the old energy from a previous incident and wipe it out.  Sometimes we incarnate as the child who is “different,” offering our parents the opportunity to go beyond the current meme structure and break new ground. The scenarios are as endless as the lives we lead.

Evolution and Chaos Theory

The question is, what will the future look like? What will happen if we do attain consciousness at the planetary level, and how will this come about?

This question has to do with evolution and chaos theory. Does evolution proceed continuously (as Darwin argued) in response to environmental changes, or does it happen in quantum leaps? Is there an underlying set of rules that propels evolutionary change?

In the early 1970s a new theory, called the “punctuated equilibrium” hypothesis, argued that change happens very quickly, separated by long periods of seeming inactivity or stability. This in contradiction to Darwin’s accepted idea (which is much more intuitive) that change is gradual and continuous, over long periods of time, as a result of natural selection and adaptation. Since then, the new theory seems to have gained more and more acceptance.

I would argue that evolution appears to proceed in quantum leaps.  Behind the scenes, in the mental plane, an etheric template with its thought programming gradually builds up in sophistication, even while the physical organism or system shows almost no change at all. When the programming for a new mutation is ready, it appears suddenly in the physical universe. In other words, thought is not separate from physicality, a la materialism: rather, thought subtly drives physicality. I believe something similar has been occurring within the consciousness of the human race over the past several centuries. We are almost ready for a “breakout.” When it happens it will happen quickly, accompanied at first by a lot of apparent chaos.

The first signs of the breakout are the unbalancing of persons who are holding on too tightly to the old memes. You can almost hear the “snap” as some of these blokes go crazy, as in the Orlando shooting. These incidents are a physical precursor that indicates a much broader “mutation” of human consciousness. Some say that the reason for the increase in vibration is that the planet is going through a high energy area of the galaxy, and new energies are coming in. The Hindu tradition of the yugas (see previous blog post) say that the earth cycles through periods of low consciousness and then back again to periods of high consciousness. Regardless of the origin – which I think has more to do with the spiritual decision-making of the entire human family than some physical phenomenon – we are on the cusp of a new reality.

The bridge to that new reality, I believe, leads into a chaotic system with an accompanying increase in subtle energy and potential states of manifestation. In other words, when a system becomes chaotic, more and more bifurcations occur – more and more possible different realities present themselves. In nature, chaotic systems can fluctuate wildly for a short period before settling down to a new level. This is what is happening right now for humanity, I believe. We’re just at the beginning of the entry into a more chaotic pattern.

To see a primitive example of a chaotic system using magnets, here’s a short YouTube video by Associate Professor Lufti Al-Sharif of the University of Jordan. Here you can see that chaotic systems are extremely sensitive to initial conditions. When the starting point changes only slightly, you get a different manifestation. As in the physical universe, so in thought.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFdZ9t4Y5hQ.

A much more detailed (and fascinating!) video that explains chaos theory is by Professor P. C. Deshmukh, “Chaotic Dynamical Systems,” at

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkWGcy258wI&index=35&list=PLB368471AD70B8A6B  This is a series of 5 fascinating lectures.

Chaos in physical systems like the weather, or in population increase or species mutation, refers to an apparent lack of order in a system that nevertheless obeys particular laws or rules, even if we cannot understand the rules that guide the evolving system. We all know how hard it is to predict the weather! It often changes too fast for reliable forecasts. This is because of the chaotic nature of weather systems. However, chaos theory postulates that underlying all unpredictable systems is some underlying rule or pattern, even if we haven’t figured it out yet!

The two main components of chaos theory are the idea that systems like the weather – no matter how complex they may be – rely upon an underlying order, and that very simple or small systems and events can cause very complex behaviors or events. In other words, something that appears to be entirely chaotic or unpredictable (like current events on planet earth) is actually operating under a set of rules. Chaos theory tries to determine the underlying order within the apparently chaotic situation.

Chaos theory was popularized by a meteorologist by the name of Edward Lorenz. Back in the 1960s he was running computerized equations to theoretically model and predict weather conditions. When he entered a number, .506127 to be exact, he ran the computer sequence and got a result. But when he punched in .506 and ran the same simulation, the weather pattern he got was totally different! According to all of the scientific expectations at that time, the resulting sequence should have differed only very slightly from the original trial. In other words, if you start with two things that are very, very close to each other, they should evolve along the same lines, shouldn’t they? That’s what Darwin thought. That’s what seems intuitive. Really, what’s the difference if you start with .506 or .506127? The two figures are almost identical, so the resulting weather pattern should have been very similar. But it wasn’t at all! Lorenz tried this with many numbers that were only slightly different, and got different results each time. Lorenz called this “sensitive dependence on initial conditions.”

It became popularly known as the “Butterfly Effect”: If a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and moves a few air molecules, a month later there might be a storm in Texas, because of the very, very slight, but cumulative cascading of events brought about by the movement of the butterfly wing.

So Lorenz concluded that a very, very tiny change in the initial conditions (the starting point) – beyond even the ability of human beings to measure them – can cause totally different results. You can see this in the generation of fractals as well. You change the starting point of the original fractal by a tiny, tiny amount and you get an entirely different looking image. It’s fascinating!

The point is, if this is true in physical systems, then perhaps it is also true in the etheric, or subtle, realm. Perhaps physical systems just mirror an invisible but subtle pattern of laws that we haven’t yet worked out. This concept began with Plato and has been recognized ever since: the idea that there is a higher, but invisible underlying reality that describes the physical universe. The more you study math the more you realize that, with increased knowledge, we might be able to set down all of the rules necessary to create a universe, and even life itself! If this idea has validity, then our thoughts and attitudes become much more important. Perhaps our thoughts, in the etheric realm, act like little butterflies that have a large effect on human consciousness and human evolution.

The Future

What will happen to the human race and the planet when enough people make different, but coherent, choices? The planet itself is a set of dynamic, non-linear systems that must be, collectively, sensitive to initial conditions. Like Lorenz’s experiments with weather, even a slight change in thought may make huge changes in our evolutionary path. This means that a relatively determined few out of the 7 billion can have a huge effect on the future evolution of mankind.

If we are entering a chaotic period, how long will the chaotic pattern last? How intense will it be? These are unanswerable, but probably are dependent on the choices individuals make. In other words, reaching for higher vibrational thoughts, leading to higher vibrational actions, will smooth the way in the mental plane for a smoother transition to the next level. That is why every individual on the planet counts right now. The real action is in the mental plane, in your attitudes toward life and your fellow human beings. For example, I was sanding down a wooden arbor for my sister-in-law today. As my sander was going over the wood I saw a bunch of bugs come out. I carefully avoided going into the mass and allowed them to find safety. This is an attitude that just comes naturally now. The sacredness of life is something I can actually feel as a strong vibration. It’s part of the new consciousness, and feels entirely natural.

The idea is to make the transition (“ascend”) as smoothly as possible. Of course there are likely to be bumps and a few bruises, but if individuals get the idea that their contribution is important – it is! – we’ll have a more comfortable ride. Lightworkers, healers, and self-aware persons are most important now! The system is designed, apparently, for a few on the leading edge to do the work of creating the new templates of love and cooperation, grooving them in and making them strong enough for the great bulk of humanity to latch on to. When that happens – viola! – we reach the new level.

I put these ideas in my movie, “Evolution of Consciousness,” which can be viewed for free at sunrise-production.org. I am revising and updating these movies with new codexes so that they will play on modern browsers and mobile devices. Right now they are still in Adobe Flash, but hopefully you can still view them.

So what’s next? The realization in science and in human consciousness that very small changes can have very big effects. This means that we don’t have to go on like we have for the last 5 millennia. A small but determined group of people can create a butterfly effect which will have a huge effect on the whole. So let’s get to it!



Bennett, K. (2010, 13 October). The chaos theory of evolution. New Scientist. Accessed at  https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827821-000-the-chaos-theory-of-evolution/

Deshmuhk, P. C. (2010). Chaotic dynamical systems. Five lectures. Special topics in classical dynamics. NPTEL. Accessed at https://www.youtube.com/user/nptelhrd

Function Space. What are some examples of a chaotic system? Accessed at  http://functionspace.com/topic/233/What-are-some-examples-of-a-chaotic-system-

WhatIs.com. Chaos theory. Accessed at http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/chaos-theory