It is literally true that you cannot be aware of something that is out of the range of your beliefs. For example, I have an older friend who has pancreatic cancer. I offered to treat her with my Rife machine. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant American scientist who, in the 1930’s, invented a device that cured cancer in medically documented tests. This machine is being used by my own doctor (who shall remain nameless) to actually cure people of cancer. However, my friend believes in allopathic medicine, and might not even consider alternative treatments. That’s what happens when your beliefs restrict your thinking.
Would using my Rife machine (treatment is completely painless and uses the principle of vibrational resonance) cure her cancer? Who knows? One thing is certain though: if my friend tries the treatment but does not believe it will work, it won’t!
How can you tell when your beliefs (or someone else’s) are a mismatch to something? Well, in the case of my friend, does she show up for a treatment? If you show up (even if you SAY you are convinced it is useless) then there must be some belief that the treatment will work! Her physical presence indicates that there is a vibrational foot in the door, so to speak.
Awareness of anything is dependent upon vibrational resonance to it. Vibrational resonance also leads to physical proximity. If you don’t like baseball, for example, you will never go to a baseball stadium, even if you live across the street from one. If you don’t believe in peace, you will never sit down to negotiate. If you don’t believe that men and women can get along without fighting, then you will experience a lot of turbulence in your relationships. Your state of being regarding anything determines the parameters of your experience. This is just a consequence of the Law of Vibration.
That reminds me of the time I was searching for a lost TV remote. I describe this incident in my book, “The Vibrational Universe.” The remote was sitting on my desk, literally 2 feet in front of my face. I looked directly at it several times, but I did not see it. After looking for almost half an hour in all of the rooms of my house, including a couple of trips back to my office, I finally noticed the thing.
Now, if consciousness / awareness is merely the firing of neurons, then I should have discovered the remote when the photons that bounced off the object reached my eyes, and were translated electro–chemically to my brain. But I didn’t! The thought uppermost in my head was “I can’t find my remote.” And so I couldn’t find it, even though my eyes were staring right at it!
The Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction tell us that it is not possible to get rid of anything you don’t like, because when you pay attention to something, you feed energy to it, and you make it bigger. Those of us who have heard Esther Hicks speak about this understand it very well conceptually. But it is another matter entirely to actually apply universal principles in daily life! That’s because you can’t be aware of something you aren’t aware of.
So how do you improve? How does my friend who has cancer find an effective treatment that will not cost her $300,000, her hair, and months of pain?
First there must be a desire to improve, or get well, or have a better relationship, or have peace.
Amazing as it sounds, just having a desire is the first and most important step in the manifestation process! Without a desire, the universe, through the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction, has nothing to respond to. If you want to get a job, you have to fill out an application. A desire is your application to the universe.
Actually, I know my friend with cancer has a desire for alternative treatment because I wrote my email to her without feeling squeamish. Have you ever had an idea about helping another, but felt such a strong negative reaction that you didn’t bother? Well, part of that is obviously coming from within yourself, but a part of it is also coming from the other person! Yes, my friends, we are all connected. The statement above isn’t some airy–fairy new–age bullshit. We ARE all connected, through the medium of thought. Thought travels instantaneously within a universal sea of consciousness. Every human being (even skeptics and other dead–heads) is an immortal spirit temporarily associated with a physical body. And so our thoughts, intentions and desires, once launched into the ethers, travel round and are picked up by others who are vibrationally attuned to them.
Can I prove this? Nope! It’s something you either understand, or don’t. It’s something you experiment with in life, and that requires living mindfully. It’s something you either have experienced, or haven’t. And of course, if you believe that you are a piece of meat, you will always have experiences that directly match your vibrational resonance. And that vibrational resonance is determined by what you believe. Life is a self–fulfilling prophecy.
So what’s the point?
The point is, if you want a better world and a better personal life, you have to ignore what you don’t like!
This is the single most difficult thing to do in life, have you noticed? When Esther Hicks says it in a lecture, you say, “Of course! Easy!” But how the hell do you apply this principle practically in life?
It seems to be instinctive in the human psyche to want to rail and fight and talk about the stuff that doesn’t make any sense. Why this is, is easy to understand. We talk about stuff we don’t like precisely BECAUSE it doesn’t make any sense! Because it is the opposite of who we are.
Fear, war, hatred, poverty, illness, etc. are aberrations. They are unusual in that they don’t resonate to who we really are. Like a poison pill that must be spit out, we focus our attention on those things we don’t want. The amazing thing is that if you never admitted the possibility of illness in your life, you’d never swallow anything harmful. Of course, we don’t believe this because we believe that you have to take the bad with the good. We believe that conflict is inevitable. We believe in all sorts of things that, of course, eventually manifest precisely because we believe them. Then we look at them and say, “Did you see that? Isn’t that ridiculous (or horrible, or evil, etc.)” which then turns them into 800 pound gorillas. Then it’s pretty difficult NOT to notice them. Then we say, “it is what it is and there’s nothing we can do about it.” Humanity has built itself a prison of thought and belief and, like the dog with an invisible fence, refuses to go outside the box.
If you want your life to change, you have to work with your beliefs and your desires. It isn’t possible to have a desire unless you actually believe in it, did you know that? That’s why desires are so important! A true desire will light you up, make you feel great. That happens because your thoughts are aligned with it, or, at least, there are no counter–thoughts of resistance. Resistance to anything not only focuses your attention on the unwanted thing, but also blocks the flow of life force energy and brings you down the emotional / vibrational scale.
Without desires, you are dead.
With desires, you feel animated and passionate.
And do you know what? A true desire is always positive! That is because our essential nature is divine. To connect with that divinity, all you have to do is find a desire and begin to focus on it. You’ll discover that all of those negative emotions you had, that you thought were so important, will vanish instantly.
It is literally true that you create your own reality.
What kind of reality will you make for yourself today?
Exercise: 1) Before you go to bed tonight, find something, anything, no matter how trivial tha
t you would like to be, do, or have. This must be something that really makes you feel good. For example, you could say “I want lots of money,” but if you don’t feel really bright and animated, that’s no good. (Rule: if something makes you feel good it is not trivial! It is a precious jewel).
2) When you get out of bed tomorrow morning, decide what kind of day you would like to have.
You don’t have to spend a lot of time at this.
Every night before you go to bed, think of something that makes you feel good. And in the morning when you get out of bed, decide how you want to feel during the day. Try this simple exercise every day for a couple of weeks and see how much better you feel.