Thoughts about Life

A consciousness revolution is underway

The human race is going through a period of chaos. All systems are not GO; they are breaking down. In preparation for what?

I don’t think the world is going to fall apart. The climate isn’t going to kill us, and the nutjobs and psychopaths who run the planet aren’t going to win. They are on their last legs now.

The Crazies

It seems that there are two factions of the crazy “elites.” The first faction is the Transhumanists, who want a chipped human society living in “smart” cities hooked up to the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies. The second faction are what I call the Depopulationists. These are the bat-shit crazy people who put up the Georgia Guidestones and who want the human population drastically reduced. These are the people who created the Sars COVID-2 virus, who locked everyone down and masked everyone and kept kids out of school, and who forced experimental mRNA “vaccines” on hundreds of millions of people while denying early treatment options such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (two of the CDC’s safest drugs). This faction’s latest ploy is “Carbon Zero,” using a fake climate emergency to spread fear porn that carbon emissions will destroy life on earth during one of the earth’s natural climate cycles.

Oregon governor Kate Brown signs a bill in 2021. Climate activists wear T-Shirts predicting their own imminent deaths

 The Chinese Communist Party is using Carbon Zero to ruthlessly suppress dissent against their illegitimate regime, earlier this year locking down entire cities like Shanghai while people starved in their apartments. The governments of Canada and the tiny little country of the Netherlands – the world’s second leading exporter of food to the world – are following suit using this hoax, shutting down farmers because they are using nitrogen fertilizers! The result of these actions is not carbon-zero, but a restriction of the food supply. (Coming to the US soon by as many politicians as can be bribed or coerced.) Meanwhile China, the world’s biggest carbon emissions polluter in the world by far, is allowed to continue its reckless burning of coal in unscrubbed power plants with not a word said. Xi Jinping’s duplicitous statement at President Biden’s climate summit in July that China would reach net-zero emissions by 2060 ( with a peak no later than 2030), is a complete joke. According to the New Scientist, Xi’s CCP are continuing to build more carbon-spewing coal-fired power plants. “Some 176 gigawatts of coal capacity was under construction in 2021, and more than half of that was being built in China.” Carbon Zero my ass.

The Transhumanists and the  Depopulationists are a set of people who have little knowledge of Self. Their totalitarian and dictatorial impulses are a remnant of the past, a last demonic ejaculation of karma from the underworld of the collective human psyche.

This is what sane people are facing at this point in time. Fortunately, no one with any self-awareness embraces their dystopian insanity, which is why these policies must be imposed by force.

The Shift

The planet is going through a Shift: a shift away from old self-destructive ideas about human nature and into a more benevolent and harmonious conception that is more aligned with the Creative Source. The Shift is a realignment of how human beings perceive themselves. It is taking place worldwide on an invisible stage: the stage of consciousness.

The Shift is occurring at the level of thought. This idea is, of course, incomprehensible lunacy to the materialists and dystopians who firmly believe in the “human beings are meat” theory of life and consciousness.

Sorry meatians, thought isn’t neurons firing in the brain. It’s no wonder that neuroscientists have never been able to detect a thought. The energy of consciousness evades the investigations of science because it cannot yet be detected by scientific instruments. Science deals with and measures the material world.

Linear vs Non-linear

The Shift is also a move from linear to non-linear thinking.  Many people are taking an emotional approach to life rather than a rational one – a right brain approach rather than a left brain one. These are people who see society and its intractable problems and are reaching for untested and untried solutions, such as using social workers to arbitrate conflicts instead of the standard armed police force. These policies have been a failure so far, but look for more unusual approaches as the old ones, which are used in our traditional institutions and organizations, continue to fail. Just yesterday, in a  New York Times article titled “The Constitution is Broken and Should Not be Reclaimed,” two law professors,  Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard, and Samuel Moyn of Yale, have stated that the Constitution should be “radically altered” to “reclaim America from Constitutionalism” in order to fit certain conceptions of social justice.  Others have suggested defunding the entire Department of Education, and the FBI. These are radical solutions for endemic societal problems that reflect a desire to completely break from the linear past. Mathematics, for example, is being criticized because there is only one right answer to a math problem. Well, there IS only one right answer to a math problem, but people who say things like this are looking for more intuitive solutions to problems in general. They are using math as an example to say: “Linear thinking excludes too many other viable options.”

Many of the new approaches are irrational and nutty, but they are attempts to bypass linear thinking and replace it with more multidimensional or intuitive approaches. Their origin lies in the shift in consciousness. This social phenomenon will continue as the Shift progresses. Right now, they manifest primarily in political narratives that seek to “get over” on political enemies. However, I believe we will see more and more of this. Who knows, someone is bound to come up with a new approach that most people can agree on!

Linear thinking is represented by the statement, “If it was good enough for my granddad it’s good enough for me.” There are some people who want to go back to the “good old days,” when the world was a much more linear, and simple, place. But we aren’t going back to that old world. Attempts to recreate it will fail because the change in consciousness requires a clean break from old thinking.

During the Shift, the forces of darkness have seen their opportunity to remake the world.  Transhumanists and Depopulationists are ascendant now (temporarily) during the chaos as the new consciousness begins to break up corrupt, stale institutions. Outfits like the World Bank, the IMF – and any institution that lacks integrity – won’t make it to the new reality. Neither will degraded organizations like the World Economic Forum and their dystopian fellow travelers. You will eat bugs. You will own nothing and be happy. Yikes! These people are bonkers.

There is a dark side and a light side to the Shift.  

The good news is that all institutions and organizations with a debased view of humanity won’t survive the new consciousness. They will collapse without any help from the outside, because their view of human beings denies the basic goodness of the soul. In other words, the new consciousness doesn’t have to engage in the tactics of linear thinking: fighting against that which is not wanted. We don’t have to march in the streets or “give them a taste of their own medicine.” Sooner than we think these degraded notions will no longer be congruent with how the majority of humanity views itself. These organizations will fade away quietly, not with a bang but with a whimper.

This is a thought revolution, not a kinetic one. The dark is making it a kinetic fight, but this will fail.

The new consciousness is coming about slowly and invisibly. The new consciousness can’t be stopped by the Old Guard because it is occurring on a level beyond their materialist understanding. That won’t stop the Old Guard from lashing out in any way it can.

In their desperation to save their new world order – which is merely a modern-day version of traditional totalitarianism with new technology – they will act and speak more and more outlandishly and act in the only way they know how: with intimidation, coercion, and disinformation. The Old Guard will use the tried and true techniques of propaganda, which requires constant repetition.  But these organizations will wonder why their messaging is not getting through as it used to.

The reason is because their messages will be on a lower level of consciousness than the bulk of the population. The new kids coming in to the planet are ready for more harmony and cooperation, and will expect it and demand it. They will no longer accept war and conflict as a resolution to problems. Those who are awakening feel the same way, and there are more and more of us every day.

In essence, the Old Guard will eventually and inevitably destroy themselves, because their thinking and their belief structures will become more and more divorced from reality.

This will inevitably (and already has) led to conflict between the old consciousness and the new consciousness. This will not be a standard, traditional generational conflict. Over the next decade or two there will be a “splitting” of society into those with low consciousness and self-awareness, and those with higher self-awareness. The Shift will affect people of all ages and cultures, old and young. This process will happen naturally, because people like to hang out with people who think like them. We’ll see one side of society fighting and competing with each other, and another part of society more interested in cooperation and real diversity of thought. Only this time, unlike the past 6,000 years, the majority will be the good guys. The new awakening in consciousness is affecting the balance between light and dark on the planet. For 6,000 years that balance was always in favor of the dark, which is why civilizations constantly rose and then fell. Now the population has grown so large and so networked that the Shift is possible. The consciousness revolution is quietly underway, out of sight of the dark. Their only solution is to chip and disrupt world society and the world economy, but their plans must inevitably fail.  The vast majority of humanity isn’t falling for it!

We live in an age of universal deceit. That’s because the exposure of deceit is occurring as the collective consciousness of humanity becomes aware of the darkness and the sickness that is an inherent part of human society and human organizations. Nowhere was this more evident than during the confirmation hearings of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. 

This nomination was set to sail through the Senate Judiciary Committee and the full Senate confirmation vote. Then, on the first day of the hearings, Josh Hawley began to ask the nominee questions about her rulings in 7 horrific cases of pedophilia and child sexual abuse. Hawley (of course) was called a racist because he dared to question the judgment of a black woman. Nevertheless, the Republicans on the committee persisted in their questioning. This brought pedophilia and child abuse to the forefront of the confirmation hearings.

An eighth case was added to the discussions on the third day of the hearings. All of these cases involved the distribution and the viewing of – gulp – the rape, torture, and sexual abuse of young children and even babies.

God works in mysterious ways. What was a simple confirmation hearing to the Supreme Court has now turned into a conversation about human trafficking, child sexual abuse and torture, and pedophile networks. (Here is congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee wearing a pedophile ring with a symbol that is in the official FBI database of pedophilia symbols).

Congresswoman Jackson-Lee in 2017

What we have heard about pedophilia and child abuse in these hearings is the tiniest tip of the iceberg. It is no coincidence that the corporate controlled news networks have barely mentioned the subject, and when they do, deflect back to accusations of racism and sexism for even questioning the nominee on this subject.

The abuse of babies and children is the sickest, darkest, evilest, the most terrifying, twisted, vile, and psychotic activity of the human race. Of all the terrible crimes humans commit against humans, the abuse of children is by far the worst. My hope is that these hearings will spark real investigations into the trans-national and national pedophile networks.

Hopefully, names will eventually be named and tribunals held to expose those who engage in these sick and twisted activities. The human race can never move forward into higher consciousness unless this evil is fully confronted and acknowledged. Human trafficking and those who engage in it is the most closely held secret on the planet, so the light will have to shine very brightly indeed to expose it.

As of this writing, the U.S. government is assisting in the trafficking of human beings at the U.S. southern border. US taxpayer money flows through the State Department, through USAID, and that money goes to NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that are literally advertising for and facilitating caravans of people into the US. Every person who comes to our border is trafficked by the Mexican drug cartels. The average price per person is several thousand dollars. Sexual abuse of women and girls is rampant. The federal government participates in these criminal activities by defunding the border patrol and removing COVID restrictions (Title 42) so that our border is just a swinging gate for millions of people from over 100 countries.

And to end this subject, a few words about the “Don’t say gay” bill passed by the Florida legislature and signed by Governor DeSantis. This maligned legislation is a parent’s rights bill. It says, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” (Read it here, it’s 4 short pages.) This is simply common sense. The truth is simple: there is no reason to talk to young children about sex and sexuality unless you’re sexually grooming them. There is no reason to show little children books about the sexual act unless you are grooming them. The sexualization of children is the agenda of the Dark. A child’s innocence should never be willfully destroyed.

In a story by Jack DeMarco on April 5, 2022 from Yahoo News, “Operation ‘April Fools’ ends in arrest of 19 men seeking sex with children, deputies say,” Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods is quoted:

“A child’s innocence is something we should all strive to protect. I will continue to use all of my resources to hunt down these predators so they may never hurt a child.”

Amen, brother.

Tulsi Gabbard expresses the thoughts of informed persons on this bill:

“When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all. Meanwhile, schools are failing: 1 in 4 graduates are functionally illiterate. Parents should raise their kids, not the government.”

In Australia, Victorian MP Bernie Finn read out a letter from a constituent who shared a worksheet given to their 10-year-old daughter at school.

In quoting the letter, Finn said, "Part of her homework was to discuss his erections and ejaculation with her father. I find this very disturbing and sickening. I have complained to the school and was told it was just part of the curriculum. […] My daughter still plays with dolls and writes letters to the tooth fairy. There is no way any little girl should be told to ask these questions. Finn then turned on the Chamber and furiously added, "Well, so say all of us. What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to their father about his erections and ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?! "How the hell are we supposed to protect our kids when this sort of perversion is in our schools?"

Yeah. If that isn't grooming children, I don't know what is. If you think this is only happening in Australia, think again.

God Works In Mysterious Ways

God does indeed work in mysterious ways.

For example, the misogynistic Taliban in Afghanistan have outlawed the growing of poppies and the distribution of narcotics in that country. If true, this will put a dent in the worldwide drugs trafficking networks.

Elon Musk has just bought a 9.2% share of twitter, making him the largest shareholder. Musk is also an elitist member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, which wants to establish a worldwide totalitarian techno-state where all human beings have neural chips that can program our brains, and where all money is under the complete control of government. Yet Musk has also complained about Twitter censorship. Why did Musk become the largest Twitter shareholder? What will Musk do with his new toy? Will he try to eliminate the censorship that is rampant on Twitter? Perhaps. God works in mysterious ways.

Check this out:

Elon Musk free speech poll

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was an inevitable result of regime change in 2014 during the EuroMaidan revolution in Ukraine, when Barack Obama sent the CIA to overthrow the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. The CIA felt that Yanukovych was too partial to Russia and Putin. So naturally, regime change was the solution! Now, sanctions against Putin have unexpectedly caused a revolution in the worldwide financial system, as the dollar is being weaponized against countries our corrupt elites don’t like. But that policy is backfiring. Other countries don’t like the way the US is devaluing its currency by printing trillions of dollars to cover its massive overspending. This crazy printing of dollars makes every investor in dollar-denominated securities worth less and less. The dollar is therefore being shunned, and is beginning to lose its reserve currency status. China, Russia, and India are talking about abandoning the dollar and the US-based SWIFT system for inter-bank transactions (this is how goods and services are paid for worldwide) and working out a new funds transfer system. The sanctions policy of the West is hurting the dollar and the euro, and supporting the ruble and the yuan, China’s currency. An example of the law of unintended consequences.

So – A seemingly unrelated regional conflict in Ukraine has been the impetus for the reworking of a corrupt financial system in which central banks simply print money, thus spreading inflation and hardship throughout the world like a pandemic. 

And finally, analysis of Pfizer’s own documents that describe clinical trials of their mRNA vaccines – documents which the drug maker tried to delay release of for 55 years ­– show over 1,200 deaths and thousands more severe adverse reactions. The latest information from the April tranche (Pfizer was ordered by a judge to release a certain number of pages of their internal COVID vaccine trials each month) shows that in February 2021, when the vaccine promotions were ramping up, Pfizer hired over 600 people to handle the documenting of an expected wave of adverse reactions to their vaccine for the following four months of March, April, May, and June 2021. Pfizer knew their vaccines caused adverse reactions and even death.

God works in mysterious ways: Pfizer’s own documentation of their vaccine trials are going to put Pfizer executives in jail, and lead to enormous lawsuits and the shorting of their stock, as investors flee the company.

All of these unintended consequences reminds me of the famous saying by Dr. Pangloss in Candide: “All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.”

Spiritual War

A spiritual war is being fought for the souls and the minds of humanity. On one side is a perverted, dark set of persons who have turned away from their own light. The product of darkness is chaos, destruction, and death. On the other side are self-aware persons who embrace their divinity, and their connection to the Creative Source. The product of Light is peace, love, understanding, and creativity. The difference between the two is literally the difference between night and day.

The dark, like Hitler in WW 2, began their campaign too soon. People are waking up quickly now as more and more people see that the lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and the censorship of ideas are just tools for the destruction of democracy and freedom, and the establishment of a worldwide totalitarian state.

Light >>> Dark.

“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
attribution uncertain (some have attributed this to J. R.R. Tolkien)

The Dark must fail, for it cannot create anything. The Dark can’t create because creation is a quality of the light. A dark person has turned away from the light.

The word quality refers to the characteristics of the divine spirit that inhabits every human being. Those who embrace the Dark are all, without exception, secularists and atheists and materialists. These are people who have turned away from their own light.

Inherent in the qualities of the Creative Source is free will. Free will is an essential part of consciousness because consciousness is non-physical - it cannot be coerced or threatened, unlike the physical body. Human consciousness is associated with the human body, but the Creative Source is by definition not dependent on the physical. It infuses the body. It is the creator of the physical.

Every human being who “dies” will experience this assertion first-hand. It is NOT provable scientifically, so stop trying! You either have the self-awareness to see this or you don’t. This is why the spiritual war we are engaged in is for keeps. It’s why you can’t use the tactics of the Dark to enlighten the dark. It is impossible to “fight for peace,” for example. This is self-contradictory.

If you want peace you have to be peaceful.

It is impossible to “raise consciousness” using the forceful and coercive tactics of the Dark. No matter how many struggle sessions you impose, no matter how much propaganda you produce, the basic free will of the spirit associated with the human being will remain untainted.

This is why dictators and madmen (same thing) throughout history become angry and frustrated. Deep within them in some long abandoned and hidden space, the authoritarian understands that the spirit of the human being can never be touched, much less compromised.   This pisses them off and causes them to hate and rage.

This deep truth triggers people who have agendas they insist you follow. Non-compliance infuriates them, mainly because it makes such persons aware that they are turning away from their own light. Their infuriation is not with you, it is with themselves. Their hatred is directed toward you because they are unable to confront the horrible mistake they have made. In effect they have turned against themselves.

The modus operandi of the dictator and the authoritarian is, “misery loves company.” All mention of the light they have turned away from must be squashed. It is too painful to be reminded that they are now in a very dark space and have abandoned the soul mission they came to earth to perform.

Some have said (including myself) that some beings deliberately come to earth to be evil, so that the rest of humanity can wake up. I no longer believe this. It’s a distortion of the Creative Source’s goal for humanity, a sort of spiritual justification for horrible things.

God does not want us to be horrible people, or experience horrible things. God did not put us here to suffer. Only a psychopath or a twisted person enjoys suffering.

The word “perverse” means, going against your better nature. Here are three definitions I found on the web:

1) Contrary to what is right or good; wicked or depraved.

2) Characterized by or resulting from willful opposition or resistance to what is right, expected, or reasonable.

3) Willfully opposing or resisting what is right, expected, or reasonable.

The word willfully appears in two of these definitions, implying that a person must make a conscious choice to go to the dark. These definitions also imply that the normal condition for a human being is sanity, goodness, and reasonableness. These are the characteristics of the Creative Source associated with all human beings.

Some people say that evil is the opposite of good, but this is, I believe, a false dichotomy.

Evil has nothing to do with good. It is a perversion of good, but does not resemble it in any way. Therefore, trying to reason with evil is pointless. Trying to be nice to evil will not work. And using the tactics of evil (such as “fighting for peace”) is silly. Beating an evil person over the head to “knock some sense into him” is also pointless. Killing them is only a temporary solution. This solution just creates more karma for the souls on both sides. The souls of the killers accumulate more karma, the souls of the murdered are traumatized. Both sides pick up their earth karma when they reincarnate. Like Las Vegas, everything that happens on earth stays on earth. You may get peace for a while as the victors take over – until the murdered souls return to earth, pick up their karma from the last life, and go on a revenge tour. Thus the history of humanity.

Reincarnation is like a serial. The movie has multiple parts, separated by a new episode each week. The life of a soul on earth also has multiple parts, separated by the death of the body. The only difference between the movie and the Wheel of Karma is that you get a different body in each episode.

(The motivating forces behind human history are therefore obscured by the view that when you die you’re dead. The origin for the rise and fall of societies lies within the invisible spiritual system on earth, which is not visible to the materialist conception of life.)

So how should sane persons in the light deal with evil? In the past, when the dark-light balance was in favor of the dark, many old souls just went into monasteries, or left for greener pastures.

Fortunately, the light-dark balance is now in favor of the light. So stay centered and understand that although human beings have free will to commit atrocities, surrounding yourself with your light will ward off life events that may seem threatening. Some call this the Law of Attraction, which can be summarized by the statement, “Light attracts Light.”

Let’s read the beginning quote again: “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”

    Free will allows anyone to connect to evil – or fear it (same thing) – but your own inner light is much more powerful.

Here is a Christmas message from Germany:

It’s healthy not to worry about what medical procedures others might or might not have had. It’s healthy not to worry if somebody has the sniffles, and it’s healthy to be unvaccinated. It’s healthy to show your face in public, it’s healthy to work out with other people at the gym. It’s healthy to shake hands with colleagues, it’s healthy to stand near people you’re talking to, it’s healthy to hug close friends, it’s healthy to go outside, it’s healthy to travel. It’s healthy for old people to see their grandchildren. It’s not healthy to fear the air you breathe, it’s not healthy to fear children, and it’s not healthy to hide indoors."


Yes friends, it is healthy to be HUMAN. Merry Christmas!

Our society has been divided ever since Donald Trump appeared on the political scene in 2015, after he announced his candidacy. Trump was and is an outsider to the world’s permanent political class, and the puppet politicians in DC, who have standardized corruption. Even today, at the end of 2021 when Trump has been off the scene for ten months, mass media is all about Orange Man Bad.

Trump came along at the exact right time to expose the dark underbelly of U.S. society: the endemic corruption of our government in DC, the child and human trafficking at the southern border, the drug trafficking (opiates and fentanyl), and the criminalization and weaponization of our justice system. It’s all out in the open now. Even though Trump is no longer in office, he is still the fulcrum around which the division is being exposed. Watch the mainstream news if you don’t believe me.

Donald Trump himself is not the preeminent divider. From a Big Picture viewpoint, he’s not that important as an individual. It’s what he represents that’s important. He is a change agent, a human placeholder for a set of historical forces, or a “fourth turning,” that is reshaping society. Trump is the key energetic force around which the division in our society has taken shape. You either love Trump or hate him; very few people are indifferent toward him.

Good vs. Evil

He is the embodiment of the good vs evil meme.

The division in our society is based around the concept of good and evil.

There has always been a division in the human psyche around good and evil. This is a primitive concept suitable for a small planet and a human race that is still adolescent in its belief systems. Good and evil is a made up concept; it doesn’t exist in the realm of higher consciousness.

In order to achieve peace on earth, the good and evil meme (which is at the heart of karma) must be worked through until it is seen that people are simply making choices using their free will.

One person’s good is another person’s evil. Like all false dichotomies, both sides “flip” depending on which “side” you are on. That’s because there is no truth in the concept, which is used to create division and hatred. Good vs. evil is a karma generator.

Free will >> Karma.

“But killing is evil. There are certain prohibitions given by natural law, and God.”


Killing and even murder are divinely sanctioned. That is clear from even a cursory examination of human history and current events. It is a denial of reality to think that killing is prohibited by God.

“You are nuts,” you say. “World peace is a world without killing and violence.”

Sure, but how do you get there?

“Well, we have to get rid of the violent people. Then we can have peace.”

But how do you eliminate the violent ones?

That’s the 64 trillion dollar question. As Einstein once said, “It is impossible to solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.” World peace can never exist in a  consciousness that supports the confrontational good vs. evil meme.

The denial of free will and the good vs. evil meme lead to absurdities. Consider the Ohio State-Michigan football game, or any national sports rivalry. People on the Michigan side are praying to God to make their team win, because the OSU team is evil. People on the OSU side are praying to God to allow their team victory over the evil Michigan side. OSU has won 14 of the last 15 games, so the OSU folks say that God is on their side! Please, let’s abandon these adolescent concepts, which appear in every facet of society. God doesn’t care which “side” wins. The Creator is hoping that humanity will finally wake up to the ideas of free will and tolerance.

Intolerance and Free Will

Good and evil result from intolerance. Intolerance is essentially a denial of free will. Intolerance creates good and evil because people resist the actions or statements of others. They take sides. They take sides because they are unwilling to recognize the choices others make, and are unwilling to accept the idea that free will is divinely granted to EVERYONE.

The Great Experiment on earth is a test of free will and tolerance. It’s not a test of free will tempered by natural law, God, Spirit, or whatever system of ethics you follow. It’s a test of unlimited free will, granted to us by the Creator.

It has nothing really to do with love. “Love everyone” is an absurd concept. Do you love the neighbor who lets his yapping dog outside at 5 a.m. to wake you up every morning? Do you love the driver who cuts you off in traffic? Do you love the guy with a gun who is breaking into your house and attacking your family? Of course not.

On the other hand, if you were a loving person would you attract a person who breaks into your house?


Love is wonderful and it would be fantastic if everyone could love all people. But in this age of division it’s simply impossible unless you are a Divine Master (in which case you’re not on this planet – you have already graduated).

Peace on Earth

The key to peace on earth is twofold:

1) Accept the clearly demonstrable existence of unlimited and unconstrained free will.

2) Tolerate the beliefs, opinions, and actions of others even when they disagree with yours. This comes under the heading of, “tolerate fools,” or “I can’t create in the experience of others, but I can create in my own life.”

It’s a lot easier to tolerate than it is to love.

To tolerate, all you need to do is remove your agendas from the lives of others.

“But...but...the world is a messed up place and I need to change it.”

No. Change yourself and tolerate the agendas of others. Frankly, nobody cares about your agenda, unless you have produced a visionary program rooted in tolerance and cooperation. In that case, people will voluntarily flock to your cause and you don’t have to impose your agenda on anyone.

Persons who impose their agendas on others have little understanding of self or life.

People care about their own agendas. That’s what free will allows everyone to do. So let them get on with it, and you get on with yours in a spirit of tolerance. Then people find intersecting areas of interest and combine forces. Eventually the whole planet agrees on one thing: today we are not going to be violent in order to get our way.

Tolerance and Love

Peace on earth doesn’t require loving everyone. It does, however, require tolerance of others. Peace on earth doesn’t mean the darkness is eliminated. That comes a hundred thousand years into the future, when we are all Masters.

Even when peace on earth comes, there will still be division and darkness. BUT, a tipping point will have been reached in human consciousness. The vast majority of people will understand that fighting the darkness will just recreate the duality, thus reasserting the old “good versus evil” paradigm.

Good and evil isn’t a natural law. It’s a human-made meme. It comes from being unable to understand what free will is. Free will means you can think and do anything. Fascists, communists, dictators, and sociopaths throughout history object to this because it interferes with their agendas. They think there’s one right way. Their way. That road is paved with 100% failure, killing, misery, and death.

It’s a lot to ask just to be tolerant. But it’s a lot easier than trying to love everyone, particularly when others do nasty things to others, and to the planet, that seem outrageous to you.


The first step to peace on earth is understanding free will and its unlimited sanction to create your own life. The second is recognizing that other people have free will just like you. This can be summed up by a simple statement: Tolerating the actions of others is essential to happiness because – just like at the football game – the higher power is not going to intervene on your behalf against someone else. If you don’t get this then you have to make others comply with your agenda, and that’s an impossible task that just creates more human misery.

Humanity’s evolutionary path out of the darkness involves massive amounts of data and misinformation. For example, I saw a vid from an Ann Arbor physician about the Pfizer vaccine who claims that there have been 12,000+ deaths from the Pfizer jab. The doctor testified about level three and four side effects and thousands of deaths at a Michigan House hearing on Covid Vaccine Mandates:

So OK, the guy is testifying before a Michigan State House committee. All is on the up-and-up. However, I never take anything at face value so I looked up Dr. James Neuenschwander and found this:

James and Patricia Neuenschwander are anti-vaxxers. Dr. Neuenschwander was featured at an anti-vaccine symposium, on the notorious Vaxxed bus, and on a Del Bigtree anti-vaccine propaganda video. James and Patricia Neuenschwander have also traveled to speak at the CDC to fear-monger about vaccines. James Neuenschwander claims to be board certified in “integrative medicine”. Integrative medicine is a marketing term frequently used by quacks. James Neuenschwander boasts membership in a number of pseudoscience organizations, including A4M, ACAM, DAN, MAPS and ILADS.”

The organization who wrote this is called What is Notice the use of the words “pseudoscience” and “quacks.” I know from personal experience that these two terms are used frequently by Big Pharma paid trolls to “debunk” alternative treatments.

A website called Morgellon’s Survey asks this question: "Who owns the Fake Twitter Account, @LymeScience?:

Who is @LymeScience? If we had to speculate our assumption would be a PR agency hired to produce astroturf . The IDSA is losing power over the Lyme issue and this @LymeScience may be a desperate attempt at influencing public opinion. Appearing as a nonaffiliated concerned grassroots organization is, of course, the definition of astroturf itself. Astroturf is effective for people who really don’t know any different,  and in this case – those who might also be Breaking Bad fanatics.”

According to Andrew Rankin, in a story titled “Nova Scotia's top doctor takes heat over retweet dismissing chronic Lyme disease,” “is not affiliated to any particular person or group.

Others on the board r/Lyme on Reddit say, “I’m assuming that you’re referring to, which is a fake news site that defames lyme disease.”

That’s just a snippet of the rabbit hole you can go down when trying to research anything! Who are we supposed to believe? The physician or those who criticize him? I don’t know this guy, but I don’t know firsthand any of his critics either.

It’s all part of the information war for the hearts, minds, and souls of humanity. It’s part of an evolutionary test to see whether the human race can embrace the light and reject the darkness.

Discernment is the only way to negotiate this info war, because there are always arguments on both sides. That’s a good thing because it forces people to look within and find that divine kernel of wisdom that is the birthright of every human being. The takeaway: Truth lies within you.

(Inspired by Marshall Vian Summers)

If your affection for God is restrained by your condemnation of the world, your affection towards other people will be restrained by your condemnation of their behavior. This is why you must consider your relationship with God before you consider any other relationship.”

Marshall Vian Summers

There are words of wisdom that affect everyone in the world today. The world is in trouble because so many of us have lost our divine connection. Indeed, the scientific materialism that is being pushed on the world encourages us every day to ignore our deeper connection. It says, “You are a meat body. You are your race and your gender. That is all you are.”

This “philosophy” treats human beings like apps, and generates separation, intolerance, and hatred.

The primary relationship of any person is their relationship to the Creator, for the Creator, with your agreement, put you in the world to accomplish your own particular mission. That mission may be very small, or great.

The scope of your mission in the world is irrelevant.

Many people think they are failures because they have not done something great. Consider the idea that God may not want you to do great things.  Your job may be simply to live quietly and let others see your unique imprint in the world (in order to do that you have to express yourself). In this way others might question their own role in the world, and how to accomplish it. In this way you influence others to look within and find a personal relationship with God.

Without this relationship a person will be confused, angry, intolerant, and/or dissatisfied.

 Only a very, very few people can do great things. That is because greatness is a very small subset in comparison with everything else. If everyone were “great,” then greatness is common.

Greatness isn’t defined by what you accomplish in life. That is an agenda. God doesn’t have an agenda, other than to transform the physical world into something resembling our Ancient Home, the place where all souls come from and will return.

Therefore, no matter what you do, look for the divine connection within yourself. This connection establishes a feeling of personal power and contentment, no matter how much you have or don’t have.

God Is Not Esoteric

God isn’t esoteric. Your relationship with God isn’t esoteric. It’s something vital and necessary for success in the world, for without it you constantly look outside to others for guidance, instead of finding the real satisfaction that comes from your soul mission.

Yet God is not an object or a physical body, and that’s a good thing. Objects and bodies are judged; even the most beautiful object or body is never perfect. Therefore it is not possible to have a perfect relationship with anything in the world. However, it is possible to have a perfect relationship with God, for our judgments of God, our limiting ideas about God, can’t stick. God is a Presence. Even though God may not be visible as a physical object, that Presence is all around you and in you all the time.

Therefore, it is much easier to have a relationship with the Creator than with anything in the world. Once even a tiny sliver of this relationship is established, life’s difficulties can resolve.

 A relationship with the Creator gives us purpose, for we then know our soul mission. Those who deny the Creator (and thus themselves, for the body is the physical representation of the soul) must create substitutes in order to have purpose in life. This is how we get agendas and strife, and conflict, for the essence of the Creator is harmony and cooperation.

Without the connection to the Presence, you substitute ideas about life. These ideas, of course, are not shared by everyone else. Therefore there is conflict, for there is the impulse to make others conform to your ideas. This results in creating a sort of prison around others, for you cannot be happy unless they conform to your ideas about how the world should be. This causes   personal anger, for others seem stupid in comparison to your personal box of beliefs. They just don’t “get it.” If carried far enough, this may result in rioting in the streets and discord on social media!

Acting without at least a minimal connection to the Creator creates a prison around others, and around yourself.

Everyone Has a Different Life Purpose

How can you know your soul mission (or anything about yourself) without a connection to the Creator? The life mission may be very, very different for each person.

There are many large-souled persons on this planet with great wisdom, and who act in accordance with God. Some of these people may seem brusque or even confrontational, but in a world of low consciousness, sometimes this is needed. I try not to confuse antagonism necessarily with bad behavior. When one confronts evil, for example, one may need to exercise physical force.  Those who can do this successfully are almost always even-tempered and are acting from a very strong connection to God. These people are blessed indeed, and their strong purpose is easily seen. Their centered-ness is obvious, they exude great power. These are people who have found a strong soul connection to the Creator. These are the spiritual warriors.

One of the characters in my new book, a former Special Forces member and mercenary, is arguing with a young woman after he killed Lucas Cernovitz, a man who was running a child trafficking network.

“Killing blackens your soul,” the woman insists.

Ralph shakes his head. “A warrior knows that life is temporary, and is unafraid to die. Me and Cernovitz understood that; we played a game and he lost. We are all warriors, it’s just that almost no one understands this.”

The Ralph character is saying that the physical experience is just a game. We all go back Home when we die. Even mass murderers. “What happens on earth stays on earth.” Everyone goes back to the Creator because the Game is rigged so that all endings are happy endings. All souls return to God. All of them, without exception. When the chess piece gets killed in the game it is removed from the board. When a new game starts it is placed back on the board for a fresh start.

In chess, is the opposing king evil? Are the most powerful pieces on the other side of the board more evil in proportion to their power to act? Or, perhaps, are they there to facilitate the game being played?

Conflict is just a misunderstanding: We need opponents to grow in experience and wisdom. Your opponent isn’t your enemy, he or she is simply another player in the Game of Life who may, temporarily, have a different agenda than you do (I tell myself this all the time because it isn’t easy for me to do this), and who is there to teach you something. Conflict arises when we assign the other pieces on the board an evil aspect. There is enough true evil in the world without making more!

It doesn’t work out well in the physical universe when angry people try to solve the world’s problems. These people simply create confusion. Pointless killing and chaos is the result when people who have no connection to God try to solve problems.

We Are All Spiritual Warriors

The true spiritual warrior may be required to confront evil, but does so with a purpose and keeps his or her head. They always create a result that is accepted by almost everyone, even if violence is necessary. In other words, the situation is calmed when they are done. There are very few of these people in the world because this is an almost impossible task. They are the great ones, the spiritual warriors. They are instantly recognizable by their connection to God. Inside, they are peaceful.

Not all of us can be Ghandi’s. Even Christ physically threw the money changers out of the temple. “This house is a house of prayer, you have turned it into a den of thieves.” Yeah, Christ said, get the fuck out. Success depends on how centered and peaceful you are inside.  I imagine that when Christ threw out the money-grubbers, he did so in a centered manner, not in an out-of-control way.

Sananda was not a chanting weakling. He was a healer, but also a man prepared to confront anything in the physical universe. (I’m not personally capable of doing that, but I don’t criticize others who do, as long as I see that connection to God. In order to see that connection, you have to be connected yourself.)

Today’s metaphysics focuses exclusively on passive peace and love. There’s definitely a place for that, but there’s also a place for the spiritual warrior.

The point is that everyone has a different soul mission. This can only be understood by people who themselves have a connection to God. And by connection to God I don’t mean, “There is only one way to redemption/enlightenment and that is (place dogma here).”

The World Is a Place to Work

There is a difference between the soul’s home in the One consciousness and the physical world. The Home of the soul is a place of being. The world is a place of doing and action. Yet  one of the purposes of a physical incarnation is to bring the Presence of God into the world. This can only be done through a state of Being. Only a person who has this connection can do that. Fortunately, it’s easy to recognize the connection to God. God is pure affinity and a sense of belonging and inclusiveness that feels RIGHT. When you feel like that you are contacting the Presence of God, which is embedded directly into your DNA.

So – it seems counter-intuitive, but the most important relationship for an individual is the relationship to God, for every individual on earth – even people we don’t like – is a piece of God. The Presence of God is the common denominator of all human beings.

You Are Here on Purpose

You are in the world exactly where you are supposed to be. Your birth was not an accident: God didn’t randomly shove you into your body.  You are not a victim of your birth.

A materialist will never understand this, of course, because a materialist is subtly oriented toward victimization. His or her birth is random, a shaking of the cosmic dice; it is a thing to be carped at and criticized if one is born the wrong gender, or in poverty, or in a place where injustice prevails.

Back Home, before you came here, you chose your parents, you chose your place of birth, you came in with a soul mission to help the world.

The world is not a place that is set up to satisfy your every desire and idea about how things should work. The world is a place that allows 8 billion people to have free will. The world needs your help, but it isn’t waiting for you to change it. It’s waiting for you to be the change you desire for the world. 

And finally, consider the idea that what you have to share isn’t for everyone. If your creative project is going nowhere, perhaps you have not yet found the correct audience for it. It is never a good idea to present ideas to a group that is hostile to them, for you will merely engage in conflict, stir up emotions, and not convince anyone. And in the process, your personal creativity will be squelched. When you have found the correct audience – those people God has sent you here to teach – what you have to offer will be examined without screaming and yelling! Oh, there may be plenty of disagreement, but this should be welcomed, for those who need your ideas may be off on the wrong path and looking for your guidance.

When you have found the right audience you will not be met with hostility, but with curiosity and the expectation that what you have to offer will fill a need for them. 

The primary conflict in the world today – and for the past 6,000 years – isn’t political, economic, or social. It revolves around one simple dichotomy: Admiration vs. Envy.

If someone tells you about a success they had, do you want to applaud them, and try to emulate them? Or do you feel diminished and envious of their success? Do you find reasons why the successful person is “privileged” and “racist”, or do you feel inspired (even if you DON’T want to emulate them)?

This is really the fundamental issue humanity has faced over the millennia, for it exemplifies the contrast between good and evil, of tolerance vs hatred. The diminished person feels hatred toward the successful person and wants to tear him or her down. Sadly, this hatred is self-imposed. It is self-hatred.

This is precisely what is happening in the US right now. Self-Diminished persons riot, tear down, loot, and steal. Some of this is simply honest frustration and should be tolerated. Social justice is an admirable cause. But when violence and hatred are involved it’s self-defeating and results in chaos and anarchy.

Here’s a little video I found. It’s called the Israel Test. Israel is pilloried by folks in the media who use success to foment hatred. This is what nazis, fascists, and communists do. It’s no accident that tyrannical states hate Israel. On far-right and far-left message boards, hatred of Israel and Jews is commonplace.

Passing the test

See if you can pass the Israel Test. Passing is simply getting through the 4:37 vid without turning it off before the end. Notice I didn’t say that failing the test is getting pissed off, screaming that the narrator is full of shit, or calling the Israeli embassy and giving them a piece of your mind. You don’t have to believe a word of it if you don’t want to. To pass, all you have to do is get through the vid until the end. As you’re doing so, examine your thoughts and feelings regarding success and failure: your own, and others. This exercise will tell you more about yourself. It might also tell you about the social and political programming we all live within.

Take the test, I dare you.

Why did you come to earth?

This question will make no sense to materialists, who do not believe in the basic divinity of the human being and that a human being has a soul that incarnates in the physical world. Materialists do not believe (or have rejected) the idea that there is a Higher Power that guides everything in the universe. The Spiritual Family of humanity exists as a consciousness separate from the human body. The human Spiritual Family exists outside the physical universe, and is a  piece of God. Materialists simply don’t (or have rejected) this understanding.

But acceptance of this basic, core truth is essential to move beyond the childish immaturity of the materialist theory of existence.  For materialism leads to dictatorship, to suppression of freedom and liberty, and above all, to the ruthless suppression of every human being’s inherent connection to the Creator. This is why materialist States always use gulags, concentration camps, secret police, surveillance, and set family members against family members, and racial groups and cultures against each other. The tools of the materialist are violence and intimidation.

Call it communism or fascism, it is all the same. Materialist States are totalitarian and tyrannical, unable to accept diversity of opinion; insisting that all obey the “party line.” Materialist States always try to create a hive mind where everyone must think and act the same way. Those who won’t go along are ruthlessly criticized and oppressed.

Materialists  are fighting a losing battle against the fundamental truth of the universe: All human beings are divine souls that have incarnated on the earth to fulfill a specific soul mission. The purpose of your life is to discover that mission.  You are part of an ancient Spiritual Family that has come to earth to participate in an experiment in free will that, if successful, will help to raise the consciousness of the entire galaxy.

So, why have you come? To discover and fulfill your soul mission.

Oh, there are enjoyments and pleasures along the way. But persons who lose themselves in these pleasures without looking deeper will eventually feel discontented, regardless of how much material wealth or admiration from others they experience. You don’t get to take those banners and certificates on your wall back Home. After your life is completed there will be one primary question you will be asked when you return to the Spiritual Family: “Did you complete your mission?”

It’s not possible to lie about this, for when you return Home your thoughts merge with the others, and all is known.

If your answer is “No,” then you come back to try again. The purpose of the human Spiritual Family is to lift humanity, in cooperation with Gaia, to an Ascended state. Without Gaia’s cooperation, humanity will fail. Without humanity’s ascension, Gaia’s mission is not yet complete.

So ask yourself, “Why did I come?”

The answer to that, if you are listening, may surprise and startle you. But it will also bring excitement, passion, and great joy.

Another Wildcard is Coming

A wildcard event is coming before November 3rd. A wildcard is something no one expected that affects a great number of people. Two wildcard events have occurred since 2016: The election of TRUMP, and coronavirus.

What we’re seeing in the US today is an all-out attack on the institutions of the Old Order. It is part of the great battle between dark and light that pits a modern-day Axis of Evil against the democracies of Europe and North America, and the world’s greatest democracy, India, which is being attacked by CCP troops on its northern border.  The Axis of Evil consists of the CCP in China, the mullahs in Iran, and Pakistan, combined with our own military-industrial-Big Tech-complex here in the US. It is an all-out information war for the hearts and minds of the entire earth’s population.

War is big business, and so is war’s modern equivalent, surveillance. Surveillance uses AI and modern computer networking to create digital firewalls (like the one around China, brought to you by Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Amazon et. al), and massive campaigns of disinformation such as the CCP’s Wu Mao (50 cent) army of posters paid to spread CCP propaganda and narratives in accordance with President Xi Jinping’s 2016 decree that said, “Wherever the readers are, wherever the viewers are, that is where propaganda reports must extend their tentacles.”

Here in the US, a Maoist style Cultural Revolution is underway, as acceptable narratives are being framed by a corporate-controlled mass-media in bed with Big Tech.  The objective: Stop TRUMP by any means necessary.


Two reasons: (1) TRUMP wants to take down the human/child trafficking networks that are embedded in our corporate, entertainment, and political sectors. These networks are pure evil.

(2) TRUMP wants to withdraw our troops from places like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. These are senseless wars that pad the balance sheets of corporations involved in war, and bankrupt the nation.

This was made evident on Tuesday in a piece written by Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, in the Washington Post, which criticized TRUMP for withdrawing troops from Syria in another regime-change war. The usual excuse of the warmongers was used: ‘We abandoned our allies the Kurds and let Erdogan in Turkey take over!’  

After TRUMP announced he wanted to withdraw more troops from the insane Afghan war, and also from Germany, "anonymous intelligence officials leaked a series of claims to the New York Times regarding “bounties” allegedly being paid by Russia to Taliban fighters to kill U.S. troops."

According to the Intercept story above,

Opposition to troop withdrawal in both Afghanistan and Germany was not unanimous. There were elements of the progressive left and the pro-Trump right who supported these withdrawals. Yesterday on Twitter, Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna, the former co-chair of the Sanders campaign, and GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, traded mutual support and vows to work together to defeat the Crow/Cheney amendment:

But this left-right anti-war coalition is no match for the war machine composed of the establishment wings of both parties and the military and intelligence community that continue to use selective, illegal leaks to sabotage any plans to reduce the U.S. military presence around the world."


Wait a minute. I thought we were supposed to want peace, not war.

The strategy of the Maoist Cultural revolution in the US is to erase culture and history by tearing down statues, rewriting history (The NYT’s 1619 Project), and Balkanizing the country by setting up independent/autonomous zones that declare themselves to be separate countries. This has been tried in Seattle, Portland, and in DC.  

These events have been perceived on the right as a communist takeover, and there is some truth to that. The motivation for these groups is revolution and destruction..

But here’s the thing: If we want peace on earth we need massive change. These assaults on our culture from the left are slicing through long-held beliefs and “business as usual.” Even if the intent is to harm, ultimately this chaos will force people to decide what kind of country we want to have.

TRUMP, COVID, riots, and culture change all seem chaotic and anarchistic, but they are occurring because the light is shining brighter and brighter. By that I mean a change in human consciousness is occurring on the planet. People are waking up.

Drugs, arms, and human trafficking, and the networks and groups who participate in them, are preventing the human race from realizing its potential. The darkness must be exposed, and it is being exposed. Along with that comes social upheaval.

These are all signs of huge and rapid change as the light penetrates the darkness and exposes the ugliness that has always existed on this planet for millennnia. It’s going to be exposed, there is no stopping the forward march of human consciousness.

Is it ugly? Yeah. But that’s because the ugliness must be exposed to the light of day. And it is being exposed..  

The Coming Wildcard

Another wildcard is coming that will change the direction of the current chaos. I don’t know what this wildcard is. I don’t have any “insiders” with secret info. By definition a wildcard is something that no one expects. But it’s coming, and it’s going to be positive.

The human race is on a path to higher consciousness and eventually, peace on earth. In order to get there we have to clean out the old meme structure that has been based in struggle, contention, and problem resolution through conflict and war for the past 6,000 years.  

We’re doing that now. The New Cultural Revolution looks like the murderous one began by Mao in 1967 in China. The people behind the New Cultural Revolution have the same idea as Mao did when he said, “All power comes out of the barrel of a gun.”

But this one is going to have a twist, a positive twist, and the coming wildcard is that twist.

It’s been a wild ride in 2020 and it’s going to get even wilder, but stay the course. Chaos is necessary for a while. It’s always darkest just before the dawn.