
The change agent, President Trump, is not yet through with his mission: to break up the old, rotting paradigm that organizes and promotes inequality, drugs and arms trafficking, and above all, human trafficking and child abuse. If you don’t believe these networks exist, and that some powerful and influential people in business, politics, and entertainment are part of these networks, you’re about to find out. We all are. Hopefully.

Trump’s job (and I hope he does it) is to release information that has been being slowly collected since 2017. Right now there are over 100,000 sealed proceedings sitting at the DOJ, waiting for the light of day. Only a very few of these have been unsealed as of this writing. Releasing this info will identify a lot of the dark actors, and make possible the dismantling of the dark networks. However, the president may decide that his own re-election, and the attraction of being in the spotlight, may be more important. He may abandon his mission and go down the road of personal power and gain.

What is certain is that, eventually, the majority of the population will become tired not only of endless war, but of endless debate, contention, and confrontation. The wave of support Trump experienced in 2016 may last until 2020, but some time along the road voters will be looking for politicians who can bring everyone together.

 Right now that simply cannot happen because the corruption in our politics is so ingrained, and so ubiquitous, that the system needs to be cleaned out first. Trump is the perfect  guy to do this: someone with a huge ability to confront darkness, who will never back down until the end. This is the same characteristic that will eventually lead to the end of the Trump phenomenon. But that’s down the road a little way.

Unfortunately, so  far at least, the Democrats are clueless. For example, here is what Bernie Sanders said about Trump:

'To bring the American people together around an agenda that works for all of us, not just the wealthy on top,’” Sanders said. ‘We have a president who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a homophobe, a xenophobe, and he is a religious bigot. His strategy of reelection is to divide the American people up. Our job is to allow him not to do that.’”

Source: “Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders had 2 very different answers to Trump’s official 2020 campaign launch,” Vox, Ella Nilsen, Jun 18, 2019,https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/18/18684456/joe-biden-bernie-sanders-trump-2020-campaign

Poor ol’ Bernie. If you don’t have enough self-awareness to understand that using terms like racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, and bigot are themselves very, very divisive, you don’t deserve to be the political leader of our country. And if you’re doing it on purpose, that’s even worse. If you object to the divisiveness of Trump, why are you being so divisive yourself? We all know what Trump is, and what his mission is. Trump has to be confrontational in order to take down the dark networks.

The other Democratic candidates (so far) provide absolutely no alternative to Trump because they use the same tactics as Trump. What’s the difference between a fascist and an “anti-fascist” if they both use the same tactics? The answer is, there is no difference. If the Democrats were smart they would simply ignore the president, and come up with a plan for greater cooperation. Instead, all we hear is Trump bashing, just like Bernie. What’s the difference between “Democratic Socialism” and the “National Socialism” of the German Nazi party? My guess is, not much.

Donald Trump will go down as the most divisive politician in U.S. history. But if he does his job and exposes the corruption, he’ll eventually be regarded as a hero who did a really, really tough job and got not much credit for it.

We’ll see. The Democratic debate starts tonight in Miami! Will it be a circus, or something memorable?

Current events have shown us that human beings are gradually being separated into those with lower consciousness and those with higher consciousness. Apparently, as the light-dark battle progresses, some will turn away from the light and others will embrace it.

Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, is one who embraces the dark side. President Trump, on Meet The Press this Sunday, was interviewed by Chuck Todd. According to RT News,

Donald Trump has confirmed that his top foreign policy adviser wants to embroil the US in multiple international conflicts. But the US president insists he retains final say on whether American missiles are to fly into Iran. In a sit-down Meet the Press interview broadcast Sunday, host Chuck Todd asked Trump if he was ‘being pushed into military action against Iran’ by his advisers – presumably pointing to the aggressive pronouncements from National Security Advisor John Bolton.

‘I have two groups of people. I have doves and I have hawks,’ replied Trump. ‘John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he'd take on the whole world at one time, okay?’

Trump then brushed away concerns about the influence of Bolton, who also served in the White House during the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. ‘That doesn't matter because I want both sides,’ said Trump.”


Apparently Bolton thinks that making the world safe for America means starting wars. That’s low consciousness.

On the other “side” of the fake left-right debate is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Today, June 24, she issued this Tweet:


Not a “sliver of sunlight” to those you don’t like? Then you are in the dark.

Intolerance exists on both “left” and “right” in this fake debate between “good” and “evil.”

I think we are going to see a lot more of this. As the light enters the darkness within human consciousness, people will be forced to choose: the path of light and tolerance, or the path of darkness and intolerance. Negative karma will be exposed and will have to be resolved. Meanwhile, the media will continue to promote left vs right positions in politics. In this fake debate, people marshal facts to support their side, and demonize people on the other “side,” just like Bolton and AOC. Their intolerant attitude is, “my way or the highway.”  

What does the future look like?

Well, the higher vibrations are being separated from the lower vibrations. This is being done with free choice and free will by every individual on the planet. People are choosing their path – there’s no sitting on the fence now.

My guess is that the vast majority of people will eventually choose the higher vibrations, with a strong minority choosing the lower. This split between high and low vibes will cross national, cultural, sexual, economic, and political barriers.

Everyone who has ever incarnated on earth is here now. Karma from previous lifetimes throughout human history is being resolved. This is causing what looks to be chaos, but it’s all part of an incredible, complex divine plan agreed to by every member of the human race.

So far, it is impossible to identify any single person or organization as “leaders” in this consciousness-separating phenomenon. Although Trump is clearly THE worldwide focal point now, he exhibits qualities of both low and high vibrations. Trump, as I have written before, is a change agent on a planetary scale; an old, old, ancient soul who is a catalyst on the path of humanity as we walk through the darkness and into the light. He’s the guy who has to break the old system up. My opinion is that he has been granted a gigantic ego simply to do his job, which is to confront the darkness (and his own karma) on a worldwide scale. Have you even noticed that great leaders have huge egos? Trump is no exception.

 What are we likely to experience as the consciousness of humanity works its way toward the light?

Stage 1

We’re in the first stage now: chaos, as the worldwide human trafficking, drugs, and arms networks are slowly being exposed. These networks buy off politicians and even entire governments.

This information is going to shock a lot of people when it fully hits the mainstream press, who will have no choice but to report it. Many will ignore this stuff because it’s very hard to confront. But enough people will be able to do so, and the info will get out there, enabling those who are running these networks to be taken out of society.

My hope is that The Donald will continue on his bull-headed program of knocking down the old structures. He’s made a good start so far! The Donald’s job is the hardest one on the planet: he has to knock out the bad, even though there’s a lot of good in the old system. The analogy I have used is the old building that needs to be taken down for new construction. There’s still some walls in good shape, some of the floors are still good, there are some valuable paintings and artifacts in there. But the entire structure is rotting and needs to be replaced; the valuable pieces are rotting or have spills on them, or are in some way tainted.

Trump has to be the target of hatred, even from those supposedly on his “side” (like the warmonger John Bolton, who may also be one of the Nutters I talked about in a previous post). Unfortunately, the old paradigm is too integrated with the dark; it’s too connected to the current political and economic system for gentle handling. This is why we have seen nationalist movements spring up worldwide; objecting to Nutters, warmongers, and other corrupt officials within the current political structure. I personally would like to see a united world with transparent national borders, but humanity isn’t ready for that yet (although many people are, and more every day it seems). The dark trafficking and drugs networks exercise great influence in many governments, including our own. These networks have to be cleaned out before transparent borders can succeed, otherwise the dark army will simply pour through them. Whether you favor nationalism or not, the goal of these movements is to restore clean government. These nationalist movements appear to some as the rise of fascism on a planetary scale, but I interpret them as, overall, a necessary historical force that will eventually work to expose the corruption and the darkness.

You may disagree, but there is no point to looking at the future with pessimism. If your worldview is that fascism is going to take over and create a dystopian society, what are you doing here? A pessimistic worldview simply co-creates that in human consciousness. We now understand how powerful consciousness is, especially with 8 billion of us. The law of attraction and the law of vibration simply give us more of what we are focused on. The job of the lightworker is to spread light, not darkness and pessimism.  

Stage 2

The second stage is societal. Those who choose the path of intolerance will not be able to tolerate the higher vibrations. These individuals and groups will feel threatened by a message of compassion and tolerance; these vibrations will actually be painful for those who choose the dark path. Some of them (on the right) will feel that compassion for criminals, illegal aliens, and other perceived bad actors is weakness, and will attack those with messages of compassion. Those on the left will demand that fascists, racists, and others whom they perceive as lowlifes be  terminated. We’re already seeing this with John Bolton and AOC above. This “separation” of consciousness into high and low vibrations will continue until the psyche of humanity is cleaned out.

So-called normal persons will experience this as co-workers, family members, and friends choose the path of fear and intolerance, or compassion and tolerance. As someone who chooses the path of light, you may experience irrational hostility from those who have chosen the opposite path. Understand that these people are in real psychological pain, so go easy. You may not understand why you are the object of censure, but the answer is simple: because of your light. The low vibes find the higher vibes painful, so be aware of this. The lower vibes have less personal awareness than old souls, and a few of them will become unbalanced and frightened.

We are all going through a process of karmic clearing, or as some call it, Ascension. Planets of free choice go through this; it’s a painful process to negate millennia of karma from a test of energy that has been ongoing for at least two precession cycles (52,000 years). Old souls (the ones reading this) go through it first. Many of us are in the middle of cleaning out our personal dark sides. My friend Maurice Turmel has written about this on his blog:

I’ve had lonely times, anxious times, difficulties sleeping, chaotic dreams and a whole host of symptoms related to this Ascension process. And I’ve asked myself often: am I a Lightworker, Starseed or something else I can’t identify just yet, getting different answers on different days. I’ve dealt with personal trauma from childhood forward, cried buckets of tears to relieve myself of that pain, determined to do the healing necessary along the way.  I’ve opened my heart as regularly suggested and kept finding a host of pain relics that I didn’t know existed.  Are we done yet?”

You can find this great post at Maurice’s site https://thespiritualpsychologist.blogspot.com/2019/06/awakening-to-remember-1.html?spref=tw
Chip in to the conversation!

The second stage will see a “separation of the vibes” as people choose the path of light or dark. People in the higher vibrations will begin to live longer and happier than those who have chosen the other path. Questions will be raised, accusations will be made, but it won’t be like on the old timeline when the dark was stronger. Back then, you got lynched, burned at the stake, or ostracized.

The second stage will see a much more benign process as those who hold the light stay in the light and become, essentially, walking, living demonstrations of the light. People will start to ask, “Why is this person happier than me? Why is this person living longer than me?” At that point more and more people will go to the light. That’s down the road a little, I think.

Stage 3

Stage 3 comes when the tipping point is reached; when enough people decide to accept the light flowing into human consciousness. At this point the baseline of “human nature” will have risen to the point where peace on earth will be possible; where war and conflict will be the exception, not the rule. There will be broad agreement that fighting what you don’t want is stupid, and that creating what is wanted is saner. This is when human potential will begin to be released. New inventions will come forth that will enable us to look into the quantum realm and see the unity field (see my new book, The Old Soul). At that point, game over. Then the long path to Ascension, where all humans will become like the Masters: able to control matter and energy with consciousness.

How long will this take?

It’s up to you and me. Do we choose compassion and tolerance, creating a society with higher vibes, or do we fight against that which we do not want, unable to tolerate the evil?

Fighting evil with more evil is pointless, for it just creates more evil. Anti-fascists, for example, use the tactics of fascism to defeat those who are considered fascists. This is justified because “fascists don’t understand anything but violence and low vibrations. They are stupid.” Anti-fascists call these tactics “revolution.” But we all know that revolution leads to an “oppressed” group oppressing the oppressors, starting the cycle all over again.

This has been the history of the world for millennia. Now, after 2012, the human family has begun the process of breaking this cycle. As ugly as it seems, Hillary and The Donald are a sign that it’s happening. The old structures are being brutally taken down, and we’ve just begun.

Did you think we were going to wave a magic wand and all is well? Do you think the benevolent space brothers are going to land on the White House lawn and take care of all those wrongdoers? Or that the Ascended Masters are coming down on a cloud of light to bless humanity and make our problems disappear? These are adolescent ideas, folks.

People are risking their lives in this battle of light and dark – people who are tasked with breaking up the dark networks; whistleblowers who come from Big Tech, or hidden programs, to bravely shed light on these problems. Guys like me, who are just sitting on the sidelines, try to support these brave people. At the very least our responsibility is to be positive and send light everywhere we can. These brave lightworkers make it possible for the rest of us to enjoy a pretty good life here in the US. The path to the light goes through the darkness because, like it or not, this planet has been in the dark for a long time. Now we are starting to wake up to it!

We made this mess, each of us, over many lifetimes incarnating on the planet, and it’s up to us to clean it up. In order to understand this you have to get out of the ignorance of materialism and recognize the Higher Self, the God template, that is within all human biology. That’s the primary life test, folks.

All of us are responsible for the condition of the world, not just those leftists or rightists, or those evil Democrats or those evil Republicans. And above all, it aint Donald Trump’s fault or Hillary Clinton’s fault. These two were placed here to start the ball rolling.  You can read my new novel, The Old Soul, for more info about that.

You can help by exercising as much tolerance and compassion as you can. Send as much light as you can to Washington DC and the people there, on both “sides.”

Who said it would be easy? Are you willing to exercise genuine forgiveness for those you don’t like, or are you a fake lightworker? Are you just mouthing nice slogans, but in your heart you still hate those guys on the other “side”?

Whew! I just gave it to you, so now I have to practice what I preach. It’s a great time to be alive!

We ordained therein for them: "Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (No better than) wrong-doers. — Quran 5:45

In my research I come across a lot of interesting things. This verse from the Quran caught my eye. Of course there are different English translations for this verse, but I was struck by the phrase “But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself.” In some English translations of this verse “atonement” is written as “expiation,” both of which are synonyms.

Atone is from Middle English (originally in the sense ‘make or become united or reconciled’, rare before the 16th century): from “at one” in early use; later by back-formation from atonement. Expiate is from the late 16th century (in the sense ‘end (rage, sorrow, etc.) by suffering it to the full’): from Latin expiat- ‘appeased by sacrifice’, from the verb expiare, from ex- ‘out’ + piare (from pius ‘pious’).

This came up when I researched the Arabic term Qisas. According to Wikipedia,

Qiṣāṣ (Arabic: قصاص‎) is an Islamic term meaning "retaliation in kind", "eye for an eye", or retributive justice. In traditional Islamic law (sharia), the doctrine of qisas provides for a punishment analogous to the crime. Qisas is available to the victim or victim's heirs against a convicted perpetrator of murder or intentional bodily injury. In the case of murder, qisas gives the right to take the life of the killer, if the latter is convicted and the court approves. Those who are entitled to qisas have the option of receiving monetary compensation (diyya) or granting pardon to the perpetrator instead.”

According to this verse, if the victim of a crime remits retaliation, it is regarded as atonement for his or her own sins. I know next to nothing about Islam and the Quran, but this seems like an acknowledgment of karma, and a way to dissolve karma. In an “eye for an eye” society where retribution is common, an individual has himself or herself likely committed harmful acts toward another, so the act of forgiveness of similar acts done to him or her cleans up the victim’s karmic ledger. Even if the victim has led a blameless life, the act of remittance is regarded (so it would seem) as a counting against the ledger of the victim’s sins – if he or she chooses to exercise this option – and says nothing about the perpetrator.  

Of course the victim can choose punishment that fits the crime – in the case of murder, death to the perpetrator. But the option is open for monetary payment or even complete forgiveness. By atoning or expiating the crime, one becomes united or reconciled to the act by suffering it to the full.

This is the meaning of forgiveness. One cannot truly forgive (as opposed to mouthing affirmations of forgiveness) unless one has fully and completely confronted and resolved the emotions generated by the harmful act. If one “suffers it to the full,” it is possible to completely release the negative emotions associated with the incident. One then becomes united, or reconciled, to the harmful act. This is forgiveness on a very deep and spiritual level. It is the type of forgiveness taught by the Christ. It is also what happens in Traumatic Incident Reduction, which has the client go over and over the incident (suffering it to the full) until all negative emotion has been dissolved and the client can forgive.

I was pleased to see this in the Quran. Islam has been twisted by the dark and has been demonized in the West, but so have other religions. Twisting and de-legitimizing religion (and spirituality) is one of the primary goals of the dark, for the light of God is at their foundation. The dark is mired in materialism and cannot see past the biology, or contact the Higher Self. But forgiveness and remittance is common to all religions and spiritual practices.

Qisas, Iran, and Recent Events

Media reported (see previous blog posts) that Donald Trump authorized, then pulled back an attack on Iran in retaliation for Iran’s shooting down a U.S. drone in the Gulf of Oman. Who knows who did what to whom; some have speculated that the shooting down of the U.S. drone was a rogue element of our own military. Nevertheless, Trump’s tweet about this was interesting:


Notice he said, “10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportional to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

Here we have a president who apparently understand the doctrine of Qisas – “wounds equal for equal.” The drone is property; the Iranian tankers and the Iranian port and the Iranian ships that were set ablaze in early June were property. Interestingly, the refinery that blew up in Philadelphia shortly after the Iranian port was set on fire is also property (See NBC News, “Massive Fire, Explosions at South Philadelphia Refinery Contained, But Not Yet Extinguished,” https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Massive-Fire-Reports-of-Explosions-at-South-Philadelphia-Refinery-Philadelphia-Energy-Solutions-I-76-Closed-511615281.html.)

In each of these incidents no lives were lost. Are the drone shooting, the refinery blazes, and the tanker attacks a form of Qisas? The Shiite leaders in Iran understand this concept very well, and it seems that President Trump does as well. Calling the attack on Iran off can be regarded, from the Quran definition, either as a "remittance," or as a strict following of the "wound for wound" doctrine. If it's a remittance, then according to Qisas, Trump's calling off the attack would be regarded by the Iranians as an atonement for Trump's own sins. Wow. Human relations are complicated! This battle between dark and light isn't for wimps.

There is way too much disinfo out there for citizens like me (who get info from publicly available sources) to state definitively who is behind this destruction of property in Iran and in the US. I sure as hell don't know whether the two refinery explosions are connected or not. But it looks like these events are following a strict program of retributive justice.

Before 2016 I thought Donald Trump was a moron. Now I think he might be a lot smarter than anyone thought.

A fascinating article has been published by the Pew Foundation on June 17, 2019, based on a report from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population division, “World Population prospects 2019.”

Here are some sample graphics from the article, which can be found at https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/17/worlds-population-is-projected-to-nearly-stop-growing-by-the-end-of-the-century/

World population growth is projected to flatten by 2100.

The global fertility rate is expected to be 1.9 births per woman by 2100, down from 2.5 today. 2.1 is replacement value – the rate of birth at which the population neither rises nor falls.

African population growth to remain strong until 2100.
African population to be the youngest in 2100

Never would have thunk it! India will eventually surpass China as the world’s most populous country, but Africa’s population will be almost as large as Asia’s by 2100. Africa is the heart chakra of the planet. The continent has been abused for centuries and held down. Perhaps, in the 21st century, Africa will cause humanity to become more heart-centered. We certainly could use an infusion of good vibes!

NBC News did an excellent program on the Chinese social credit system, which essentially creates a police state using artificial intelligence, complete with “tattlers” who spy on their neighbors and report suspicious conduct to the authorities. I am posting this program without comment, other than to say that the equivalent in the US is the intelligence-community-monitored Big Tech information gathering companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, etc. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) hasn’t yet perfected the social credit system, which (the program says) will take another 5–15 years. If you have ever seen the program “Person of Interest” you will recognize the sesame credit system as similar to the one in that program.

In a nation of 1.4 billion people, it’s important to have social stability. But at what cost? Here we have an example of East-West cultural differences. Western societies are younger and place more emphasis on individual freedoms. Eastern cultures are more concerned with social harmony. The point is, how do you achieve social harmony?

In both Western Big Tech and the Chinese Sesame Credit system, algorithms and AI are used to regulate human conduct. (See “Algorithms have gotten out of control. It's time to regulate them,” The Week, Navneet Alang, 3 April 2019, https://theweek.com/articles/832948/algorithms-have-gotten-control-time-regulate)

China is the leader of the East, the US is the leader in the West. You can see the similar development of human regulation in both areas. East-West is again part of the light-dark duality, which humanity is resolving now.

It’s something to think about in this monumental battle for the heart and soul of humanity. On the one hand, coming together is a divine impulse and it represents cooperation and harmony. On the other hand, a forced state-sponsored police state is not the answer. OUR choices will make the difference whether freedom or tyranny is the theme for future generations of the human race. The time to decide is now.

Imagine you are a time traveler, able to go back and forth into the past and the future. What would you see?

An experienced time traveler would see that “time” is a phenomenon entirely dependent on perception. You would also see that “time” can be changed from both the past, present, and future. In two dimensions this can be described as a circle; in three dimensions a sphere or a torus where every point is reachable from any other point. In other words, “time” operates as a closed, dynamic, self-referencing system. Neither the past nor the future is frozen: past results are changeable, future possibilities are also changeable.

Does it seem weird to say that the past can be changed? This happens all the time in Traumatic Incident Reduction, a form of therapy. A person has an issue, he or she goes over and over it until all of the negative emotion and thoughts are taken out of it. If a person has an issue with another person and the first person runs out all of the negative charge connected with the issue, very often the second person softens and the issue is resolved for both persons. If you’ve experienced this, it’s like a miracle. So looking at the past from the present can change the past, present, and future for both persons.

I have a volatile Irish temper, which I have softened over the years by meditating. But I can still get hot, especially on the road. Today someone was on my ass going down a narrow, one-lane freeway ramp, and tried to pass me on the ramp. Apparently this person was pissed because the truck ahead of us was going 25mph and blocking the ramp for everyone else. Once we got to the end of the ramp it widened and the person behind me accelerated out and tried to block me from going on the freeway. I was pretty pissed I can tell you that.

Ten seconds later I decided I didn’t want to be “road rage asshole guy” so I re-lived the incident in my mind, re-projecting the past. I saw myself as “serene driver guy” smiling benevolently on the other driver. I’ve been doing this for years; sometimes successfully and sometimes not. This time I literally felt the timeline of my past re-program itself. The original incident never happened: the re-created incident was my reality. All of my anger was gone. Apparently this is my reward for years of meditating and visualizing! I was amazed that the “original” incident of anger was gone, replaced by good vibes.

This leads to an interesting question: Which incident is real?

“Of course the original incident is real you fool,” the scientist says. “What you do in your imagination is your own delusion.”

Is it?

If the original incident is the real one I would still have the negative emotion on my past timeline; but I erased all that. The other driver probably couldn’t have cared less what I did; I don’t know what it was like for that person. But I do know that an incident between two people requires two terminals. In any event that involves more than one person there are terminals and energy flowing between them. Therefore, knocking down one of the terminals means that the negative connection is broken between them. If that negative connection is substituted with positive vibes, the connection that was previously a mess could actually become enhanced. Therefore, consciously “reliving” an incident could actually change things in the physical universe, altering timelines both for you and the other people involved.

Esoterically speaking, it gets even more amazing. What if this sprawling clusterfuck of humanity actually has a purpose for being on earth? What if that purpose is a test of energy between dark and light? What if the earth is participating in this experiment, and is recording every thought, emotion, intention, and action of every human on earth?

In that case, the esoteric recording grids of the earth can also be altered through meditation and visualization. If the recording grids of earth actually record the “real” incidents, then re-living them or re-visualizing them can actually change the direction of lives, because “past” incidents, like computer RAM, can be imprinted with a new pattern. This means that the past isn’t solid and unalterable, but malleable. It means that the past is written, but can be rewritten. It means that future prophecy can be voided. It means that the battle between dark and light is changed by human consciousness and intent. It means that the human race can co-create with the laws of the universe to change “real” conditions on the planet.

This is not such a revolutionary concept, for visionaries throughout history have changed the course of human events with great ideas, new inventions, acts of selflessness and humanitarianism. It’s just that today, a lot of people are stuck on the old timeline that called for inevitable destruction of humanity and the earth. Eschatological nutcases try to engineer world war three, people see Trump as the reincarnation of Nazi fascism, unbalanced people put up “Georgia Guidestones,” calling for the human population to be reduced to 500 million, and it goes on and on.

The Georgia Guidstones
WTF is this?

Source: “Georgia Guidestones – mysterious instructions for the post-apocalypse,” ZME Science, Feb 7, 2019, Mihai Andrei, https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/georgia-guidestones-mysterious-instructions-for-the-post-apocalypse/

These dark energies are remnants from the old timeline that people carry in their consciousness. Eventually, these old fogies will die off and the new children will be born into a planet with a higher and higher light quotient. The new kids will know nothing about the idiocy and the insanity from the old timeline, and the planet will finally experience peace on earth. But that’s going to take a couple of generations. Meanwhile we have to put up with low consciousness (see, “Rebalancing and Akashic Cleaning,” section on “Low Consciousness and High Consciousness,” on this blog).

But we have a weapon, a very powerful weapon: co-creation with the light. Visualizing a new life for ourselves and for the planet. As the light increases, this is becoming more and more possible. In the old timeline it was mostly a joke because the dark was stronger. Not anymore! The gloom-and-doomers are still stuck on the old timeline, and who can blame them? An old fogie like me, who has already lived 67 years, has lived through a lot of shit on this planet. A lot of it was bad and negative shit. Fortunately I think like a young person and am eternally optimistic about the future. Fortunately, that optimism can now be rewarded as the light begins to become more and more powerful.

In popular conception, the Third World War would be fought with nuclear weapons and  result in the destruction of humanity. This is an old energy concept. Humanity has made it past the extinction event foretold by prophecy. We are on a new timeline now. However, humanity IS fighting a world war of sorts. It’s the war between light and dark. It’s a war of ideas. It is largely a silent war because the majority of the earth’s population has no idea what is happening behind the scenes. In order to illustrate this concept, we’ll turn to the absurd comedy known as Russiagate.

Here’s Russiagate in a nutshell: Candidate Hillary Clinton took classified information she got from her position as Sec State, placed this info on her private (unsecured) server, and sold the info to the highest bidders. Somebody stole emails about this that were on the server of the DNC and gave them to Julian Assange, who published them. The Russiagate narrative was concocted in an elaborate attempt to cover this up. That’s the story in a nutshell. I have no dog in this fight because I didn’t vote for either candidate.  But that’s what going to come out in the end after this absurd drama is finally resolved.

Even more absurd is the worldwide corporate state we live in. The modern corporation was essentially created in 1600 by a  charter granted to the East India Company of London by Queen Elizabeth I. Corporations control 99% of the planet’s population and resources. What is the object of the corporation? To make money. What is money? It’s monetized debt issued out of thin air by a central bank, which controls the money supply of almost every nation. These central banks are  themselves controlled  by an organization called the Bank For International Settlements (BIS).[1] Almost everyone in this country works for a corporation. Those that do not often incorporate their small businesses, or even themselves. The constant demand to “make money” (and  a growing world population) means an ever-expanding demand to dig up more of the earth’s resources. There are almost no recycling systems on the planet, which means that waste from this mindless economic expansion goes into landfills, into our air and water, and into the ocean, which has a sea of plastic the size of Texas.

Does this sound to you like a rational system for organizing human affairs? It’s insane, which might explain the current chaotic state of humanity.

Ladies and germs, this entire corporate control system, which runs the world, is breaking down. It’s breaking down because it’s inefficient and irrational. The light is shining on this outdated system more and more, informing people and waking them up. Like the old Soviet Union, it cannot last much longer. A new system  using new, cleaner technologies is gradually developing away from the current one based on  primitive fossil fuels.

The political system is also breaking down. The old system is based on candidates and parties fighting and disrespecting each other. Corporations buy off politicians, using them as swords and shields in an economic war that just leads to more conflict. The world’s political systems are also nutty because conflict, rather than cooperation, is the norm in politics. Moreover, corporate news organizations, influenced by the intelligence communities of various nations, try to steer public narratives to “acceptable” topics (ones that support the old, rotting system).

However, a new political system is going to be developed, based on candidates who don’t slam each other, but who are actually interested in the common good. At first these politicians will appear, and lose badly. Then it will catch on. Unfortunately, we aren’t there yet. For example, Pete Buttigieg, who sounded like a great candidate to me, turns out to be a retired naval intelligence officer. He’s part of the push by the “deep state” portion of the U.S. intel community to put intelligence agents in office (in my opinion).  (There are several former CIA people already serving in Congress, look them up. Once a member of that agency, you don’t really retire.) Oh well. I’m looking for an alternative to Trump, you see, because he has the most massive ego I’ve ever seen, and he’s too confrontational  for me. But IMHO, people like Buttigieg aren’t the answer.  We don’t need more intelligence “assets” in Congress or in the executive. Amazingly, among all the Democratic candidates, I don’t see an alternative to Trump. Bernie? A man of conviction, but still adhering to the failed policies of economic socialism a la the old Soviet Union, which collapsed under the weight of its economic inefficiencies and a dictatorial, all-encompassing central government. Beto? A lightweight. Warren? Lying about her Native American heritage to get cushy jobs. Biden? Old energy, washed up (as Trump says).  Harris, Booker, the rest of them, are all political insiders and part of the old, corrupt system. The other fringe Democratic candidates are wannabees. For all his faults, Trump is truly a D.C. outsider – which is why news organizations have been railing at him since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Watch for it – Trump is going to expose massive corruption in DC before his first term expires in early 2021. It’s going to start this summer or this fall. He’s a massive, brute force that the old system won’t be able to handle.

The light is shining brighter and brighter, which is going to allow us to see the corruption and expose it. Before it was all hidden; covered up. The light is exposing, behind the scenes, the silent war that is being fought all over the planet. Trump is the hammer that is causing the dark army to come out from under their rocks and expose themselves.

Let me give you an example of this silent war. In the Gulf of Oman on June 13, 2019, two Iranian oil tankers were torpedoed. Most of the corporate U.S. media immediately cried that it was Iran’s fault. But wait a minute.  Central Command Chief of Staff US Army Major General Michael Kurilla ordered a press release. US Central Command spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Earl Brown said in a CENTCOM statement:

The U.S. and our regional partners are assisting in the response to attacks in the Gulf of Oman. The U.S. and the international community stand ready to defend our interests, including freedom of navigation... We have no interest in engaging in a new conflict in the Middle East... We will defend our interests, but a war with Iran is not in our strategic interest, nor in the best interest of the international community.”

Source:  https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-13/us-claims-smoking-gun-video-evidence-irans-navy-handling-mine-tanker-hull).

But the US Navy released a low quality video claiming that the Iranians removed a mine from one of the damaged oil tankers, implying that the Iranians attacked the tanker. The Iranians vehemently denied that they attacked the tankers and that their ship was simply rescuing sailors onboard the damaged tanker. The Japanese company that owns one of the targeted oil tankers (the ‘Kokuka Courageous) said its crew spotted “flying objects” before the attack in the Gulf of Oman, contradicting US claims that the vessel was damaged by a naval mine. However, the US Navy also admitted that one of its Poseidon P-8 airborne torpedo launchers was over-flying the area the entire day of the attack (the source of the flying objects?) To further complicate matters, Shinzo Abe, whom President Trump met with in Japan a week before, was in Iran at the time of the attack on the tankers. And the tanker itself is Japanese owned.

Can you make any sense of this? It’s an example of how complicated the silent war is – because the media releases conflicting information, and also hides information. The mainstream U.S. press claims that the tankers were attacked by Iran, but the US Army and the US Navy contradict themselves in their statements.  Amazingly, Bloomberg News actually called the attack a “false flag” operation designed to stir up hatred. Was this actually a deep state attack on Japan,  and Shinzo Abe, who recently aligned Japan firmly with the US during Trump’s recent visit there? Did the Iranians really attack the tankers? Or did the US Navy? If so, was Trump behind the attacks or was it a rogue faction of the US military (deep state) trying to give Trump a black eye? Your guess is as good as mine.

Incidents like this happen every day on a planet of 8 billion people that is engaged in a battle between dark and light. I mention this only because of the confusion the silent war generates. How do you respond to people who watch the news and become fearful? You can assure them that it’s just part of the light-dark conflict and that the light is winning. If you yourself are balanced and unafraid, your light shines on those you meet and calms them.  People can be forgiven for going into fear, but it’s unnecessary.

Personally, it calms me to know a little bit about the actors behind incidents like these. You may be different, but we have to understand that the light is winning now and that is provoking the dark to create conflict and confusion, for that is what the dark does. They will fail of course!

[1] According to Wikipedia, The Bank for International Settlements is an international financial institution owned by central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks".

As the light penetrates the darkness the old order is literally crumbling around us. The world we thought we knew turns out to be run by a dark army (this will become more evident as 2019 turns into 2020 and beyond). This process is going to expose a lot of dark stuff, and it will eventually affect everyone on the planet. The dark side/shadow side of everyone’s Akash is getting cleaned out. The convenient excuse of blaming all the world’s problems on Trump (as adolescents do) isn’t going to wash for very much longer, because it will become more and more obvious as time passes that Donald Trump isn’t the source of the world’s problems. You will likely experience (if you haven’t already) a few of your co-workers, friends, and family members exhibiting unbalanced behavior.

What do you do when that happens?

I recently had a friend ask for money because the person needed several thousand dollars to go on a trip for “whiteness de-centering and anti-oppression training.”

What do you say to something like that?

It sounds like something you’d learn in one of Mao’s “cultural re-education” camps during the Cultural Revolution in China, or in one of  Stalin’s gulags in the old Soviet Union.

It’s a phenomenon that is going to get more prevalent here in the US. Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and freedoms here are seen by the dark army as things that need to be destroyed. Russia fought a similar battle from 1917 to 1991 and beyond against the Bolsheviks, a dark army group of murderers who killed, according to historian Solzhenitsyn, over 30 million Russians. I hope it doesn’t take Americans 75 years to understand that our way of life is under attack, and to understand that it’s OK to stand in your light and speak truth to darkness.

 If you consider yourself a lightworker, you are going to face this in the near future, if you haven’t already. People are going to see your light and you may come under attack for no apparent reason; or, people will begin to act strangely around you. Get ready for it! The good news is that if you stand in your light the darkness will run away.

This phenomenon will occur because we are in the End Times now, between two 26,000-year precession cycles. Those who have turned toward the dark side will attack those in the light because they see the light as dangerous and threatening. If “dark side” and “light side” sound a lot like the Star Wars movies, it’s because those movies were trying to tell us that a battle for the soul of humanity is underway. We are right in the middle of it now. The battle is between love, compassion, and tolerance, and hatred, violence, and intolerance.

Unlike the Star Wars movies, there is no overlord evil emperor directing all of the troops. The dark side is organizing around the darkness in the collective Akash of humanity, which is gradually being released. During the End Times battle, karma is being worked out. However, some of the dark army (a few) are incorrigible and will never give up even as the rest of humanity moves toward the light. Why is this?

Low Consciousness and High Consciousness

Lower consciousness cannot see higher consciousness, but higher consciousness can see lower consciousness. In an article I wrote on my website, I diagrammed this as follows:

“If we use the vibrational analogy that awareness, or consciousness, exists on a scale of lowest to highest -- highest being the broadest awareness, including many more data points -- then a higher consciousness can understand a lower one, but not vice-versa. Why? Well, since thought is vibrational in nature, a higher vibration can "read" a lower one.”

High frequency waveform: wHigh:

High vibrational wave

Low frequency waveform wLow:

Low vibrational wave

The wavecrests between wLow are spaced so that it takes 5 spaces between wavecrests of wHigh to make 1 space of wLow. Imagine an "eye" at every wavecrest on wLow and wHigh. wHigh is easily aware of wLow. wHigh counts out 5 of its wavecrests to easily encompass the broader wavecrests of wLow, but wLow is incapable of this subtlety. In this analogy, a lower awareness cannot be conscious of a higher awareness. wLow can only be aware of its much longer wavelength, because it's perception is too gross to realize that shorter wavelengths can exist. Even though there are 5 wavecrests of wHigh between every one for wLow, wLow cannot see them, even though they surely exist! The subtlety of wHigh eludes the crudity of wLow, which isn’t capable of seeing it.

In other words, a lower awareness simply cannot see a higher awareness, and no amount of “education” will change that. Those in the lower vibrations always bludgeon their way to their distorted goals, because it is possible to inflict enough pain to force agreement, at least for a while. Societies based upon the use of coercion and force, however, are inverted, and always collapse. This is what happened to the old Soviet Union; it’s what will happen to Xi’s materialist and anti-spiritual, anti-religious China. It’s what will happen to the US if we choose the dark side. This has been the history of planet earth for millennia.

Religion and spirituality are the mortal enemies of the dark, for it is through these vehicles that light is spread and corruption is uncovered.

The US Is Under Attack

The United States is now undergoing a massive attack by the dark army, led by the tech giants, who are censoring information and free speech on their platforms using AI and algorithms. They are collecting information for the intelligence community, which funded them. This is precisely what President Xi and the Chinese Communist Party are doing in China, but Xi has expanded this to include a nationwide social credit system that monitors the actions of 1.4 billion people. Silicon Valley high-tech behemoths like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are the West’s version of Xi’s “Sesame credit” system. They have gradually siphoned resources from real news organizations who used to employ real investigative reporters. In 2018 alone there were 15,474 layoffs in these legacy news organizations. (See “2018 was the worst year of media layoffs since 2009,” Daniel Roberts, Yahoo Finance, February 14, 2019, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/2018-was-the-worst-year-of-media-layoffs-since-2009-153106605.html).

Our country is being assaulted by forced immigration, unbalanced people with guns shooting up public places, rampant drugs and human trafficking along the southern border, and distortion of the basic difference between men and women with the Orwelian Newspeak of identity politics.

The goal of the dark army is to destroy intelligence, ability, discernment, and spirituality. Above all, the dark army believes in materialism, which says that a person IS their body, and that their body defines who they are. Spirituality and religion are the enemies of the dark, for these activities shine light and acknowledge that a human being is greater than the biology. Intelligence is the enemy of the darkness, for in order to achieve its goals its activities must remain hidden. (What, after all, is intelligence? Discernment. The ability to tell the difference between things. Identity destroys nuance and mashes everything together in a crude lump. If you can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman, or a horse and a house, you are insane.)

The lower vibrations are crude; loud, demanding, and sometimes violent and ugly. They get noticed precisely because they are so brutish. It seems that they have more power, but they do not! The only power a lower vibration has is to convince you to change your orientation from higher to lower. That's because a lower vibration has no power to affect you in any way; in fact, if the lower vibration comes too close, it will elevate. This is seen, in the vibrational universe concept, by combining the two waveforms above. When wLow is combined with wHigh, the result is this:


Notice that the combined waveform now has the same number of crests as the higher wave, although the waveform has a slightly different shape. The higher consciousness raises the consciousness of the lower.

The darkness is attracted to the Light and at the same time fears it; thinking that it will somehow "lose itself" or lose its identity. Of course this does not happen: an increase in self awareness always leads to a greater feeling of self confidence and personal power. But the lower vibration, because it is stuck in lower awareness, hasn't figured that out yet! That is why dark actors are forced to use propaganda and coercive techniques such as censorship and violence.

Propaganda is simply the repetition of an idea, over and over. Josef Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Information, once said that he could convince anyone that a square was really a circle, merely by the repetition of the idea. It is known that even an insane idea (like war, for instance, which is, on a group level, similar to self mutilation on an individual level) can become accepted through constant repetition of memes and slogans. The overuse of terms like “racist” “sexist” “-----phobic” are simply used to perpetuate an agenda without having to back up the assertion with facts.

Today, we are seeing this as the mass media goes insane in an all-out assault on Trump. As unemployment lowers for all classes and ethnicities, and the stock market rises, the cries of “Orange Man Bad” get more strident, and cries for impeachment escalate. 

We are also seeing an attack on spirituality and religion as nutcases shoot up synagogues and mosques, and cathedrals burn. This is precisely what the Bolsheviks did in Russia, and what the CCP does in China, and what the Deep State does here in the US.

On the bright side, corruption in politics is being exposed. Human trafficking networks are being identified and shut down:

Nearly 1,700 Suspected Child Sex Predators Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

‘Over the span of just two months, our ICAC task forces investigated more than 18,000 complaints of internet-related abuse and helped arrest 1,700 alleged abusers,’” Attorney General William Barr said in a statement.  The task forces targeted alleged predators who produced, distributed, received, or possessed child pornography, engaged in child sex trafficking or online enticement of children for sexual purposes, or traveled across state lines or abroad to sexually abuse children.”

Source: Justice Department, https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/nearly-1700-suspected-child-sex-predators-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart

Human Trafficking Investigation Leads to Raids on Four Businesses

Four Virginia Beach businesses were raided in connection with possible human trafficking Thursday, according to authorities.

‘This [human trafficking] is not only a dominant issue, it’s an epidemic issue,’ said Cindy McCain, chair of the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council, according to Fortune. ‘It’s also something that is hiding in plain sight. It’s everywhere—it’s absolutely everywhere.’”

Source: https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/14/human-trafficking-virginia-beach-raids/

Male and Female Energies Rebalancing

Gender issues are being fueled by the rebalancing of male and female energies, for millennia distorted in favor of the male energy. More and more people will be affected by this rebalancing, which in the short term will cause more people to question their sexuality. The dark army exploits this by attacking the very concept of male and female, trying to blur the differences between the sexes.

It works like this: George, who is a biological male, identifies as a female. George demands to be called Georgina. Because George/Georgina identifies as a woman, “she” demands access to female locker rooms and bathrooms, and insists on competing with biological women in sporting activities. It gets nuttier. George/Georgina likes women, so Georgina insists that “she” is a lesbian. This naturally infuriates real lesbians like the great Martina Navratilova, the tennis star (and others) who claim that gender identity is just another way for men to dominate women...Does this sound Orwellian? When the language gets degraded to the point where it is impossible to distinguish between a biological man and a woman, your society is ready to collapse. You are in Newspeak land.

(See “Trans Men Erase Women,” Charlotte Allen, March 2019, https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2019/03/trans-men-erase-women)

Eventually this will all rebalance, but it might take a generation or two. Until that happens, the issue exists because of the increasing light quotient on the planet. Despite the gender chaos, the overall theme is the rebalancing of sexual energies. Uncovering human and child trafficking networks is also part of the process.

As the light increases, the dark side of every Akash on the planet will be exposed, causing greater imbalance in a few, and greater enlightenment in many. Most of the 5 billion newbies (new souls with only a couple of lifetimes on earth) won’t understand anything, and will just be confused. As old souls it will be up to us to set a good example of balance and tolerance. The battle isn’t between left and right, Democrat and Republican, conservative and liberal, although it is framed that way by almost everyone. It’s a test of energy between love, compassion, and tolerance, and hatred, violence, and intolerance.

Time Fractals

The primary esoteric marker on this planet is the 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes. This is the time it takes the earth to complete one “wobble.”  Our planet spins like a top that is losing momentum: wobbling about on it axis, which is tilted between 22.1 degrees and 24.5 degrees in another 41,000-year cycle. Every 13,000 years, the northern and southern hemispheres reverse their inclination toward the sun. Presently, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. (See “Milankovich Cycles” at Wikipedia or your favorite encyclopedia.)

At the end of every precession cycle is an esoteric “window” of approximately 36 years. Amazingly, we are at the very end (beginning) of a new precession cycle. The year 2012 was the halfway point between the end of the old 26,000-year cycle and the beginning of the new. Therefore the period of time we are in has enormous esoteric significance. It is why human consciousness has been going crazy, as the light penetrates into the darkness and humanity begins to walk the path of light out of the darkness.

History Repeats Itself

History constantly repeats itself. This dynamic repetition is more significant now because of the new precession cycle we are entering. For example, let’s talk about Russia because it has constantly been in the news for the past three years. Russia, the former USSR, was until 1991 a communist country, and the US a Christian country (at least nominally). In 1991, Boris Yeltsin, the Russian President, signed what amounts to an executive order banning communism from Russia. The Russians gradually restored the churches that were destroyed and abandoned during the 74 years of communism between 1917 and 1991. (See “Yesltsin Upheld on Communist Leadership Ban,” Los Angeles Times, Elizabeth Shogren, December 1, 1992, https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-12-01-mn-1541-story.html)

Russia’s religion is Russian Orthodox Christian, a branch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

The United States, formerly a Christian country, is embracing socialism. (See, “4 in 10 Americans Embrace Some Form of Socialism,” Gallup News, by Mohammed Younis, May 21, 2019, https://news.gallup.com/poll/257639/four-americans-embrace-form-socialism.aspx)

Millennials and Gen-Z’s are embracing socialism (See “Young Americans Are Embracing Socialism,” Stef W. Kight, March 10, 2019, https://www.axios.com/exclusive-poll-young-americans-embracing-socialism-b051907a-87a8-4f61-9e6e-0db75f7edc4a.html)

This is a role reversal for sure.

Whether we embrace socialism or capitalism is irrelevant. The important thing is, do we embrace tolerance and love, or hatred and intolerance?

The US is experiencing an almost repeat of events that happened over 150 years ago, with different themes.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln, back on January 1, 1863, issued what is called the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. This was an executive order by the executive branch of the government, because the legislature was controlled by slave-holding Democrats (who, by the way, opposed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments that freed the slaves and made them citizens. When I found this out I was surprised, because I was radicalized in an era that told us Republicans were fascists and Democrats were liberators). Lincoln’s executive order also usurped the powers of the judicial branch of government. Dred Scott v. Sandford, in 1857, “was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court held that the U.S. Constitution was not meant to include American citizenship for black people, regardless of whether they were enslaved or free, and therefore the rights and privileges it confers upon American citizens could never apply to them.” (Wikipedia). Lincoln, with his emancipation proclamation, negated both the legislature and the judicial branch of our government, and started a war, again by an executive decision.

The Southern Democrats wanted to hold on to their slaves because their economy was dependent on this cheap labor (sound familiar? Today, the US receives cars and electronics from Mexico, and other countries in Asia where labor is cheap). Abolitionists were mostly Northerners and Republicans, and were represented in politics by people like Abraham Lincoln (see “Abolitionist Movement" at History.com https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/abolitionist-movement).

Up to and during the Civil War, the British, our old enemies in the War for Independence in 1776 and the War of 1812 (where the British burned down the White House), supported the South. The North was stifling the economies of the South by blockading ports, trying to prevent the Southern states from importing and exporting their goods. The British supported the South, interdicting Northern ships. France supported the North, mainly because of their opposition to Britain, their longtime enemy.  

Today, history is repeating itself on a less violent level as a titanic struggle between the judicial, the legislative, and the executive is being waged. Another Republican president, Donald Trump, is trying to outlaw abortion and nullify Roe v. Wade (let’s face it, that’s what he’s trying to do). As of this writing, eight states have either outlawed abortion or have severely restricted it. 150 years after the Civil War, another civil war is being fought! Like the old Civil War, it’s essentially a Democrat vs. Republican conflict.

As a man I personally don’t say anything about abortion. In my opinion, women should write the laws concerning abortion and men should stay out of it. Unfortunately, like the Civil War and slavery, the abortion debate is on the fake “good vs evil” or “right vs wrong” spectrum, which is guaranteed to generate conflict. If you want to see how polarizing this debate is, go to this Buzzfeed article, which shows images of people participating in the debate:


Wow. In America, we fight over essential spiritual and basic human rights like slavery and abortion. In 1863, Lincoln issued an executive order freeing the slaves. After the attack on Fort Sumter by the South Carolina militia, Lincoln also used the executive branch’s power to declare war on the south. In 2019, President Trump is using the executive branch’s power to build a wall at the southern border, and to fuel the anti-abortion cause. Behind this (as we have discussed in previous posts) is the identification and dismantling of the drugs, arms, and especially the human trafficking networks.

The Civil war lasted from 1861 to 1865, 5 years. The Trump thing has already been 2.5 years. I have a feeling we have a way to go yet, because people get tired of war and eventually stop fighting. But abortion is a debate about life and when it begins, and about gender, the most basic factor in human relationships. The resolution of this debate can be quick or long; it all depends on whether tolerance or intolerance is the primary factor. So far, intolerance has ruled the day.

A Different Timeline

Fortunately, the human race is on a different timeline now. However, the old time fractals, the old memes, are still in human consciousness! Those who were born in the new energy after 2012 are only 7 years old. Everyone else has remnants of the old energy within their consciousness and their merkabas. Nevertheless, the abortion debate will not be solved by finally legislating, judiciating, or executive ordering an outcome, as Lincoln did. It will be solved by a broad agreement based in love and tolerance, not in hatred and intolerance.

In the new energy it is possible to transform old memes and old belief systems. It is possible to avoid old outcomes that seem inevitable, because the light is now stronger than the dark. Of course it is still possible for us to reach into the old, tired, failed bag of memes, to reach into our old energy boxes and continue fighting “because it’s just human nature.” It’s possible to fight another civil war on Trump and abortion. But I think we are beyond that now. I hope we are.

Individuals can decide not to participate in the fake right vs. wrong, good vs evil debate. On anything. If you find yourself arguing with someone and getting hot, just take a step back. Reasonable discussion is great, airing opinions is great. But when argument devolves into hatred, we just serve the darkness.

When I went to college in 1969-1973 and after, the fake, corporate controlled news (it’s always been fake; this isn’t a recent phenomenon) told my generation that the commies were evil and that the capitalists were good. During the Vietnam War, many of us who didn’t get drafted went to the streets and protested against the war. Many in my generation were radicalized against the prevailing order (in those days we called it “The Establishment”). Even though Gil Scott Heron warned us that “the revolution will not be televised,” we were waiting for it to sweep over America and wrest control from the corporations and warmongers who were behind our government.

During this period we were told that the capitalists and the arms manufacturers were warmongers and that they were the “bad” guys. The socialists and the commies were supposedly the “good” guys opposing the evil establishment. Richard Nixon was called “Tricky Dicky” and guys like George McGovern (whom I voted for, futilely, in 1972) were considered heroes. But guys like McGovern lost in landslides to establishment candidates. The “good” guys were always being beaten by the “bad” guys. But even though the “good” guys won, nothing much changed. Through Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Reagan, the Bushes, and Obama, our deficit swelled, we got involved in more foreign wars, our manufacturing base disappeared, corruption increased, and the population became cynical. Especially me.

Half a century later, our politics is still mired in the good guys versus the bad guys paradigm. We still talk about “left” and “right,” as if this has any meaning.

It doesn’t. As I talked about in the last blog post, terms like good and bad, left and right, are fake identifiers that get people angry and keep people arguing and hating each other.

To see this, let’s look at the major left and right groups in politics. On the left we have socialists and communists (true liberalism has disappeared and has morphed into hatred). On the right we have Nazis, neocons, and capitalists.

First let’s examine the website of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA). On their website it says,

Socialism is a common-sense path to a fairer, more prosperous and more democratic USA. The fight for socialism is a dynamic process to fulfill the vision of a future of peace, justice and fairness for our nation and our world.

Source: cpusa.org

Okay. So the socialists are really the commies. They’re the same. Socialism is established by communists and is the goal of communists. We’ve seen what the commies do by examining what happened in the old USSR, and in communist-run China. Guys like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao established dictatorships and killed a lot of people who disagreed with them. President-for-life Xi is establishing a dystopian police/surveillance state disguised as a “social credit” system run by AI.

Now let’s look at the Nazi party. According to Wikipedia,

The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945, that created and supported the ideology of National Socialism.

Whoa, wait a minute! Here, in this one paragraph, is the perfect description of the fake good vs. evil debate. It is an example of the kind of propaganda that passes for “news” these days. The article refers to the National Socialists as “a far-right political party in Germany.”

But how can socialism be far-right? Socialists are supposed to be on the left, established by the commies, opposing (so it is said) the fascism of Naziism and other fake, far-right philosophies.

Even in the definitions of the most important world political movements, there is a contradiction.

Here is a quote from Adolf Hitler:

We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


Historians will tell you that Hitler had his own brand of socialism, based on race, and that Hitler's socialism isn't the same as the Marxist version. But that is a distinction without a difference. Socialism = communism = naziism = fascism = tyranny.

If you are confused, welcome to the club!

The dark army thrives on disinfo and contradictions. It’s Orwellian. In the last post we talked about Newspeak and doublethink – Orwellian concepts that were designed to dumb people down so that populations could be more easily influenced by those “in charge.”

From the Oxford Dictionary website, here’s the rules of Newspeak:

The primary aim of Newspeak is to reduce the meaning of language as well as the number of words possible. To this end, Newspeak removes all synonyms and antonyms. Bad instead becomes ungood, warm becomes uncold, and so on. Notably, ungood or uncold are used and yet unbad or unhot are not; the fictional “Party” controls which antonym of a word is used (e.g. warm and hot are both antonyms of cold). By choosing which words the populace can use, The Party can choose to shift thought in a more positive or negative direction to suit their needs; ungood, for example, makes the populace feel less negative than bad would, and conversely, most associate more negative emotions with the word cold (and therefore, uncold, which actually means hot) than with the word warm. Synonyms do not exist; words like satisfying, great, or excellent, for example, would all revert merely to some form of the word good.

Source: The Oxford Dictionary Blog, “A Look at Orwell’s Newspeak,” https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2014/09/30/george-orwell-newspeak/

Does this sound familiar? In today’s political debate, entire races of people are referred to as oppressor classes. Entire genders and other races (women, Hispanics, African Americans) are referred to as victim classes. Oppressor classes are said to be inherently racist, victim classes are said to be inherently pure. This idiotic assignment of millions of people into arbitrary classes is purely Orwellian. Because intelligence is the ability to see distinctions, Newspeak dumbs everyone down by lumping everyone together.

From the Wikipedia definition above we know that Socialism = Naziism because it’s right in the definition of the Nazi party. From the CPUSA’s website we see that Socialism = Communism. Therefore, Socialism = Communism = Naziism! Again, a contradiction; but only if you are operating on the fake left-right continuum.

Naziism, communism, socialism, fascism, and what the hell, throw capitalism in there as well, are all tyrannical systems. All of these are simple names for tyranny and oppression. Alexander Solzhenistyn, the Russian historian, claims that the Communists killed between 30 and 40 million Russians. We all know what the Nazis did. The capitalists here in the US (the military-industrial complex, as Eisenhower called it (some people call it the Deep State)) have been overthrowing governments (like the popularly elected Mossadegh in Iran back in 1953) for over 70 years, starting wars, and assassinating people they don’t like in their own countries (such as John F. Kennedy). Right-wing dictators funded by capitalist countries killed millions of people in dozens of countries around the world.

What is the distinction here? In the fake good vs evil paradigm, there can be no distinction, only confusion, argumentation, and hatred. Those on the “left” call the capitalists fascists and murderers. Those on the right call the socialists and the commies fascists and murderers. The fake good vs evil debate leads only to hatred and intolerance.

Sound familiar?

But the light vs dark paradigm, or the tyranny vs freedom and liberty dichotomy, is more accurate, as I said in the last blog post. Tyranny = intolerance, hatred, and war. Freedom = equal opportunity, tolerance, generosity – these are all the hallmarks of classic liberalism, which has totally disappeared in our current Orwellian fake debates over who is right and who is wrong.

I made a chart to show the fake paradigm and the real paradigm:

Fake paradigm

Good vs evil
  Far-Left   Far-Right  
Good Evil   Good Evil
Socialism Capitalism   Capitalism Socialism
Communism Naziism   Naziism Communism

Real Paradigm

Dark vs Light
(Tyranny vs Freedom)
Tyranny Freedom
Socialism Equality of opportunity; classic liberalism
Communism   Liberty
Corporate capitalism; cut-throat competition   Cooperative business and commerce for the benefit of all

In the fake good vs evil paradigm, both Communism, Naziism, Capitalism, and Socialism can all be considered “good” or “bad,” depending on which “side” you are on.  In the fake paradigm, everything = everything else. This is a definition of stupidity and ignorance. It’s Orwellian.

Here are some recent headlines:

Trump vows to uncover Russia probe roots with declassification call: ‘We’re exposing everything’  (saracarter.com)

Adam Schiff: Trump is ‘Stonewalling the Truth’ By Declassifying Information (Fox news)

WTF??? In Orwell’s Newspeak, two things can mean the same thing. Apparently, today, declassifying information is both good and bad at the same time. In the last post, we pointed out that Orwellian “doublethink” means that a person can hold two conflicting and diametrically opposing beliefs in his or her head at the same time, without recognizing or understanding that the two concepts are contradictory.

If you’re looking for the Orwellian state, ladies and germs, we’re getting there.

Yikes, no wonder I’m so confused. Forgive yourself if you are too.

Postscript – The Donald and Me

Now let’s move to the election of 2016. A dangerous man by the name of Donald Trump declares his candidacy in 2015. This guy was not a politician; by that is meant that he has no political experience whatsoever. He doesn’t drink, do drugs, smoke cigarettes. He’s seen as an egomaniac by many, and a woman-hater by others (my wife is one). But most of all, in 2015 he’s known to be a complete and total outsider to the political establishment in Washington DC. He decides to run as a Republican. The Democrats either have total contempt for the guy or hate him, and half of the Republicans don’t like him as well because party leadership sees Trump as a guy who will threaten the system, and those who are comfortable in their positions of power.  

But this guy has a message that resonates to middle class and working class people who are completely disaffected from the corrupt, business-as-usual system. He gives a speech that is broadcast widely, on November 6, 2016, just two days before the election. This speech is seen by many, after the election, as the speech that propelled him over the top. You can see it here, it’s only a little over 5 minutes long:

I personally never saw this speech because I was so disaffected by politics-as-usual that I always voted third party. I didn’t vote for Clinton or Trump; I didn’t give a crap about either of them. I saw them both as political establishment hacks. I am embarrassed to say that I voted for Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, who, after the election, lobbied to have the votes re-examined in Michigan  and Wisconsin, states that Trump won by a hair. Dr. Stein was clearly working with Hillary. I thought, naively, that third party candidates were supposed to be independent, but I was wrong I guess (silly me).

Anyway, after the election, the Trump hate began. One of my Clinton-supporting friends (almost everyone I know voted for Hillary) told me, “Now, after Hillary wins the election, you guys have to support the president. That’s the way it works in a democracy.” I was well-known for my iconoclastic views.

So I couldn’t understand why, after the election, so many of these same people were Trump haters. Before the election I never knew much about the dude except that he had a really stupid TV show; that he, like JFK and Bill Clinton, was a big womanizer, and that he claimed to be a patriot (whatever that meant).

I began to get really curious. Why do so many people have such a virulent hatred of Donald Trump? At this point I was still totally cynical of the entire political process in the US. But I noticed that every newspaper and news outlet in the country was anti-Trump, before and after the election. Even the newspaper I (used to) read the most, the Guardian, a UK newspaper and known for its liberal views. The stories on the front page of the Guardian, during the run-up to the 2016 election, began to completely lose their objectivity, especially after Trump won the Republican nomination. Literally every story in that paper was anti-Trump. I wondered, what is it about this guy that inspires so much hate by the corporate controlled press? I suspected that this guy might be another JFK on the Republican side, as crazy as that might seem. JFK, our greatest president, paid the ultimate price for his opposition to “The Establishment.”

Then I began to get re-involved in political research. I went to a bunch of alternative websites like 4 chan, and some intelligence websites (which are almost all propaganda outlets, but valuable if you know this and have the discernment to read between the lines). I read the New York Times and the Washington Post, and a host of other news sites on the left and right like Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept. I then found the “Q” website. So I was getting info from the left and the right, and from crazy conspiracy websites that 95% of the population would regard as inauthentic, but from which I was able to get a lot of data points. However, I refused to accept any data that wasn’t sourced from open-source websites. But there’s a lot of stuff out there; some brilliant people write about politics and with the internet you can find these open-source sites and make up your own mind.

I watched Donald Trump to see if he was just another swamp creature, like the Democrats and the Republicans that preceded him in office since the assassination of JFK. I’m not going to get into what I discovered, because 95% of the people reading this wouldn’t believe most of it anyway. Suffice it to say, I became convinced when, in 2018, Trump went to Singapore to sign a peace agreement with Kim Jong Un to create peace on the Korean peninsula. I watched the Asian trip that preceded this in 2017, in which Trump visited Prime Minister Abe of Japan, President Xi of China, the South Koreans, and the Vietnamese. I could see this guy was working for peace. Because peace on the Korean peninsula is a BIG deal folks. We all know how dangerous NoKo has been over the decades. I saw Kim and Trump smiling, even Xi smiling. Then I watched the reaction of the corporate controlled press, which uniformly pooh-poohed all this great work and told us that Trump was a dupe and that peace wasn’t really possible.

I watched when he went to Davos in 2018 and confronted the business-as-usual elites who think they can impose their policies on the rest of us plebians. I saw how he read the riot act to Angela Merkel, Macron, and May. I said to myself, “this guy isn’t a puppet! He’s standing up for the USA.” I saw how he got us out of NAFTA, the TPP, the Iran agreement (which basically gave European companies preferred access to Iranian oil and natural gas without monitoring Iran’s nuclear program). I saw how he confronted the European Union and Canada and Mexico, and especially China, with whom we have huge trade deficits every year. I saw how he wanted to make friends with Putin  and Russia and went to Helsinki, and thought that was a good thing, despite the crazed corporate media’s insistence that Russia was our main enemy (trying to re-create the Cold War, apparently). (For those who say that Trump is Putin’s stooge, examine the sanctions Trump has imposed on Russian companies.) At this point I didn’t trust any of the news media, who roundly criticized everything Trump did, good or bad. It became obvious that the entire Washington DC establishment was against this guy. I asked myself, is this a good or a bad thing? Is Trump really a fake and a fascist? I concluded, from my studies, that he was on the right track. When the Establishment is against you almost 100%, you must be a change agent like JFK.

Having studied “conspiracy theories” since November 1963, when I was 11 years old and heard about the assassination of JFK in the 8th grade, I could see that there were forces on the planet that didn’t want peace (DOOH!) Who are these forces? Well, the arms dealers, the drug dealers, the human traffickers, the people in power who felt threatened. Then I read about the missile that was fired from a rogue sub off the coast of Puget Sound at AF1, when Trump was on his way to meet Kim in Singapore. That missile was shot down by F-16s, by the way. (I told you that you wouldn’t believe it. Doesn’t matter if you do or you don’t.)

A president who gets assassinated (like JFK) or who gets shot at, is probably working against the deep state; you know, those endless war guys. After that, there were two more attempts on his life. One when he went to Las Vegas and had a meeting with Prince bin Salman on the top floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. We all know what happened after that.  (bin Salman is the guy who imprisoned over 70 corrupt Saudi princes only a couple of days after Trump visited Saudi Arabia in the fall of 2017. Saudi Arabia is known to have “influenced” certain US politicians). Another attempt at one of his rallies. I figured that whoever Trump is, he has powerful connections because he didn't get hit; and at the very least isn’t a dupe. I began to read his Twitter account, which began in 2009. I started to find out more about the guy. After all, like it or not, he is the president! The president everyone hates.

So I began listening to this guy speak, and became impressed. Yeah, he trolls the media unmercifully, but their hatred toward him began before he even got elected (remember the goofy polls that said Hillary had a 90% chance to win the election?). I began to see that he’s at least trying to work for the people of the US, and not against us. I began to listen to his speeches and liked what I heard. I went so far as to begin saying the pledge of allegiance at my Toastmasters meetings, where I used to be well-known for not participating in such nonsense. As I said, I was very cynical.

All this as a preview to the idea that Trump is a change agent who is trying to bust up the system on a planet-wide scope. The Orwellian ideas that are part of the current political debate are a further push by the dark army to counteract the infusion of light. I’ve realized that I had to get beyond the fake left-right, conservative-liberal, good-bad paradigm to get a handle on what’s going on.

(Much of the current debate is powered by a logical fallacy that says, “Trump is a Russian dupe, so anything he says is nonsense.” Well, if Adolf Hitler said that 2 + 2 = 4, would that make it wrong? The source of a fact is irrelevant. Thinking this way is lazy, because you never have to fact-check.)

The light is penetrating the darkness. Trump is a big part of that, whether you hate him or like him. He’s a change agent; not permanent but vitally necessary at this time, as we are going to find out within the next several months. And for a planet that has been mired in darkness and low consciousness for millennia, change is a good thing. System busting is a good thing.

That which has been hidden is beginning to be exposed. And a lot of powerful players in the old system don’t like that.

Trump’s Trip to Japan

Here I want to republish (and re-interpret slightly) the work of a brilliant analyst who calls himself SerialBrain2. Here he presents a wonderful example of the light infusing the darkness in our relationship with Japan.

After WW II, U.S. leaders often traveled to Japan. They stopped at Hiroshima exhibits and Pearl Harbor exhibits, as shown here in these pictures of former president Obama:

Cropped image from SerialBrain2 on Reddit

Here Obama is reminding the Japanese that the U.S. holds all the power in the relationship: we have troops in Japan, Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor are reminders that the U.S. military holds sway over the country.

Now, here are pics from Trump’s trip at the end of May, 2019:


Picture of Shinzo Abe, Japan’s PM, and the president:


Cynics often point to Trump goofing off and playing golf when he should be getting down to being presidential. But I find these images heartwarming, mainly because I have Japanese friends.

The same thing happened when he met Kim Jong Un in Singapore in 2018 – lots of smiles. Cynics said then that Trump was a fool and that he made a deal with a dictator who tortures and kills his people. But isn’t communication a good thing, even with people you don’t like?

SerialBrain2 says something very insightful about Trump and Abe:

“Japan is America’s Ally. Do you know the main difference between an ally and a friend? The ally is a piece on the chessboard and the friend is the guy you play chess with... As you can see, under Trump, Japan is more than an ally: Japan is a friend.”

In international relations, genuine smiles are a good thing.