
The pentagram is a symbol used in black magick and other dark, occult practices. These practices are associated with evil, pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking and molestation. The people who do these things haven’t a clue what the symbol means. Many of the people who discuss the pentagram have no idea of the geometry behind the symbol.

This is a short article because the truth is simple and powerful. Ignorance and perversion occludes the truth and makes things complicated. When the dark twists the light it must hide the truth behind a lot of disinformation and silly ritual.

The pentagram is a geometric symbol. Here is what one writer says about it:

Morons who think the pentagram is an evil symbol use it in dark rituals.
Image credit: VGN-1 - by The GrakNi - 27 July, 2019, at https://mega.nz/#!2w1SHAJa!9yvMLggK2yBQxN6fF0VgCVL4vk9VW-sXJ5ofiNh9Um0

The inverted pentagram, however, is just the interior of a pentagon, like so:

The pentagram is actually a representation of perfect, divine harmony

The pentagram has 5 points on the outside of the circle. You just connect the diagonals together as I have done here, to form the orange lines on the inside.

The pentagon, geometrically, represents perfect mathematical harmony. Do you see how the orange lines run into each other and form smaller lines? Each of the orange lines is divided into 3 smaller lines: a small one in the middle, surrounded by 2 bigger ones.

If you measure these lines and compare them to each other you discover an astonishing fact: they are all in Phi Ratio. Phi represents perfect mathematical harmony. This has been known for thousands of years. So the inverted pentagram actually represents God, or divine harmony.

Notice how the intersecting orange lines form a smaller pentagon in the middle. If you draw diagonals in this smaller pentagon you also get Phi ratios of perfect harmony. This pentagon can grow the same way into a bigger pentagon. So the pentagram, inverted or not, also means divine growth and divine contraction.

In fact, all of the lines in the pentagon (including the black ones) have a Phi relationship with each other. Thus the pentagon, and the pentagram, is literally a geometric representation of God – divine, perfect harmony.

Now ask yourself a question: How can people use this symbol in evil rituals?

Answer? They are really, really, really ignorant.

Don’t be fooled or scared by evil, or the dark. As Q says, “These people are stupid.”

This information can be found on my geometry pages at https://www.kjmaclean.com/GeometryHome.php, which are excerpts from my geometry book, available at https://www.kjmaclean.com/Products/GeometryProductPage.html

How is it all going to work out? In today’s chaotic political environment everyone is shouting at each other. This is the goal of the dark army, whose aim is to spread chaos.

Most of my friends simply don’t pay attention to any of it, which is probably the sane way to go. However, by not paying attention you make decisions based on a lack of information, and are more easily manipulated by a mainstream and alt-media where journalistic standards have been abandoned in favor of strident political agendas.

On the one hand we have Trump, who claims everything is getting better and better. On the other hand, the opposition Democrats claim Trump is a racist and a fascist, but offer no workable solutions other than Green New Deals and Medicare for All. Each of these programs would cost twice as much as our $22 trillion dollar deficit to implement.

The US is in the middle of a systemic breakdown of the old order, run by elites who are used to rigging the system to benefit themselves.

How is it going to work out? The answer to that question is 100% dependent on We the People. On the surface this seems like an absurd statement, for do not elites hold the power? What can the little guy do?

The Power of Consciousness

Over the years, in my articles, books, movies, and blog posts, I have made the argument that the collective consciousness of humanity assigns the parameters of action for everyone, including so-called elites who have rigged the system. The Game is actually controlled by the 8 billion, not the elites. That’s because of the incredible creative power of consciousness. In the body, for example, disease cannot take hold if your vibration is high enough. Royal Raymond Rife proved, 80 years ago, that the pathogens that attack the body resonate at a much lower level than do the organs and cells of the body. However, a human being can lower his or her vibe and become susceptible to disease.

“But environmental pollution also causes disease.” Yup. And what is the collective vibe of humanity that allows corporations to pollute our air, land, and water? It aint very high folks. Whose fault is that? Evil corporations? Or a collective humanity mired in low consciousness and ignorance of its own power?

Actions follow thought. Action is determined on the mental plane, via the thoughts and intentions of the population. So far, humanity has been fragmented. We have not gotten our collective shit together, because we have been convinced that a human being is powerless and  insignificant. We have been convinced by dead-head materialists (the so-called “elites”) – who have no self-awareness or spiritual understanding of their Higher Selves – that we are powerless. So the human race does not use its power to create reality because we don’t think we can. Or, more accurately, human beings unconsciously create a default reality shown to us by mass media. It’s the same thing.

The only power the “System” has is to convince us that we are powerless. That about sums it up.

Look at the situation this way. Reality consists either of many, many worlds depending on which quantum experiment we conduct (decisions we make), or there is one universe with an infinite number of potentials, and our decisions determine what materializes. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics holds that there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to remove randomness and action at a distance from quantum theory and thus from all physics.

“The fundamental idea of the MWI, going back to Everett 1957, is that there are myriads of worlds in the Universe in addition to the world we are aware of. In particular, every time a quantum experiment with different possible outcomes is performed, all outcomes are obtained, each in a different world, even if we are only aware of the world with the outcome we have seen.”

“The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,” at https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qm-manyworlds/

In this interpretation, what’s done is done. You make a decision, you live with the outcome. The other decision you MIGHT have made now exists in another universe, and another you is living it. Basically, in this interpretation, you missed the boat and are stuck with the decision you made. (Of course you can always make another decision, but that in turns spawns a chaos of more and more worlds, and more and more “yous” living them. A person can get spread mighty thin doing that!)

In the other interpretation, which corresponds quantumly with the Schroedinger equation, there are an infinite number of potentials in one universe, all superimposed on each other. You get to decide which one manifests. In this interpretation of reality, if you don’t like the outcome you can select a different one from the “soup” of potentials.

I like the second one better because it puts you at the center of your personal universe, not spread out all over the place. It makes you the creator of your universe and empowers you. Potential outcomes in the physical universe surround you all the time. You just have to pick the best one.

The problem is, we don’t do that.

“That’s nonsense,” you say. “I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work. How can a couple of thoughts stand up to reality? I want to be a millionaire and that aint happening.”

Sigh. Saying that you want to be a millionaire (or similar ideas) is saying “I want to be prosperous.” If everyone was a millionaire, everyone would have the same amount of purchasing power and NO ONE would be rich. Saying “I want to be a millionaire” is saying, “I want to be the rich guy.” OK, that’s cool, but that is a zero-sum game. If someone is a millionaire then a lot of other people have to be just average, or poor. This kind of goal is self-defeating because it doesn’t operate on the axiom of the best solution for everyone. It’s a service-to-self postulate that can work (because of the law of attraction) but it requires that a few win but many more lose.

Doesn’t that sound like a description of the world we live in? It’s a service-to-self world where a few land on top and the rest are scrambling to survive. These self-serving goals/postulates very often don’t work because they aren’t inclusive enough.

However, the statement “I want to be prosperous” is much more open-ended. It includes being a millionaire, and a lot of other potential outcomes. It doesn’t require a zero-sum game where some win and some lose. You can select from a number of potential outcomes and let the laws of the universe sort it out for you.

“That’s stupid,” you say. “WTF are the laws of the universe? That’s nonsense.”

Well, there are laws of the universe, but I’m not talking about physics. I’m talking about meta-physics. These laws are invisible to scientific instruments but they operate everywhere. They are based, not in materialism, but in the mind of God, who created the universe and everything in it.  Sorry, but materialists who are dissatisfied with this explanation will continue to struggle, whether they are “on top” or “on the bottom.” If you have any self awareness at all, you know there are higher laws that are beyond today’s materialistic science (see The Vibrational Universe).

Let’s get back to the title of this essay, “Interpreting the Chaos.” The chaos is being created by 8 billion human beings who don’t understand the power of consciousness. Most of us have no clue what consciousness IS. Science and neurobiology tell us that a human being is a piece of meat, and that consciousness comes from neurons firing in the brain.

Ladies and germs, if we are ever going to make it out of the chaos we have to stop giving adolescent ideas like this any credence at all. This is an idea promoted by an elitist orthodox “science” that is geared to keeping human beings stupid and brain-dead.

The current political chaos is being created by confused human beings who don’t understand they can choose an outcome that benefits everyone (not just themselves) and that the laws of the universe will work to mesh these decisions together.

You Aren’t Believable

This philosophy has been decried by thinkers for centuries. The best (and funniest) criticism is Voltaire’s character Pangloss in Candide. Pangloss says, cynically, that all is for the best “in this best of all possible worlds.” Yet bad things continue to happen to him. In a brilliant analysis of Candide on Sparknotes (believe it or not) the author says the following:

This optimistic sentiment is the main target of Voltaire’s satire. Pangloss’s philosophy parodies the ideas of the Enlightenment thinker G. W. von Leibniz. Leibniz maintains that an all-good, all-powerful God had created the world and that, therefore, the world must be perfect. When human beings perceive something as wrong or evil, it is merely because they do not understand the ultimate good that the so-called evil is meant to serve....

Voltaire illustrates two major problems inherent in Pangloss’s philosophy. First, his philosophy flies in the face of overwhelming evidence from the real world. Pangloss is ravaged by syphilis, nearly hanged, nearly dissected, and imprisoned, yet he continues to espouse optimism. He maintains his optimistic philosophy even at the end of the novel, when he himself admits that he has trouble believing in it. Voltaire advocates the induction of ideas from concrete evidence; Pangloss, in contrast, willfully ignores any evidence that contradicts his initial opinion....

Second, Pangloss’s philosophy encourages a passive and complacent attitude toward all that is wrong in the world. If this world is the best one possible, than there is no reason to make any effort to change things perceived as evil or wrong.”

“Pangloss,” at https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/candide/character/pangloss/

Here is where the chaos occurs in our thinking: We don’t recognize the power of consciousness. Eight billion human beings continue to vibrationally co-create a world of conflict, struggle, and endless war. Through our expectations and intentions we set the vibrational baseline, or scope of action, for everyone on the planet. This “reality” is, however, a created reality. A very powerful reality created by most of the human race. The evidence for this reality manifests because action follows thought, and is congruent with the level of consciousness.

Fortunately, some of us are beginning to wake up and create something different. When enough of us do this, the power of thought and consciousness will be further recognized and the world will shift vibrationally upward, making lower consciousness activities impossible, just as a body with a higher vibration will reject a disease that others might get.

Pangloss Was Right

I argue, despite all evidence to the contrary, that Pangloss is right. The laws of the universe work to bring to humanity precisely that which is being created in the collective consciousness, in the most harmonious way possible. If we are dissatisfied with the current reality, why do we focus on what is not wanted by fighting and resisting it? “Resist” is the goal of the dark army because it spreads hatred and chaos.

Truly, the world we live in is, as Pangloss says, “the best of all possible worlds.”  We’re creating the reality we live in. Now we have to become bright enough to recognize that we’re doing it.

The latest in the battle between dark and light involves Elon Musk, the owner of the Tesla corporation, and SpaceX. Musk wants to go to Mars and the moon and he has all kinds of grandiose ideas. His latest, as I discovered from the NBC News site:

Elon Musk wants to hook your brain directly up to computers — starting next year The Tesla and SpaceX founder announced a goal of implanting chips into human brains as early as next year to create direct human connections to computers.

Elon Musk, the futurist billionaire behind SpaceX and Tesla, outlined his plans to connect humans' brains directly to computers on Tuesday night, describing a campaign to create "symbiosis with artificial intelligence." He said the first prototype could be implanted in a person by the end of next year....

Musk founded Neuralink Corp. in July 2016 to create "ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers." The company said in 2017 that its initial goal was to devise brain interfaces to alleviate the symptoms of chronic medical conditions.

It's widely presumed, however, that Musk is characteristically after something much larger. He has frequently warned that the rapid advance of artificial intelligence, or AI, threatens to leave humanity in the dust, calling it an existential risk.

Musk repeated Tuesday night that one of the goals of Neuralink was to treat brain disorders, saying, "We can solve that with a chip."

But he went on to say that it also sought to help you "preserve and enhance your own brain" and to "create a well-aligned future."

As he has before, Musk warned that as it stands, humanity is at risk of being left behind by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, or AI — "even in a benign AI scenario — hopefully, it is a benign scenario."

Addressing that, Musk said Tuesday, will require finding a way for the brain to "merge" with AI, most likely through tiny wireless chips implanted in the brain through a 2-millimeter incision to create what he called "some sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence," with a goal of no less than securing "humanity's future as a civilization relative to AI."

What do you think of that? My opinion: it’s more transhumanist garbage.

The transhumanists don’t believe in spirituality, or that the human being has a soul. They don’t believe that humans reincarnate. They are materialists firmly rooted to a dense, three-dimensional, dystopian reality. They want you and I to stay there as well.

Where do you think guys like Zuckerberg and Musk get their funding? These are people connected to the intelligence community. They get whatever money they need to set up their companies, hundreds of millions of dollars, if necessary. Then a shore story is invented for the gullible public – such as that cutesy movie about Zuckerberg (“The Social Network”) – to explain their sudden, meteoric success, and ability to attract mega-donors. They didn’t tell us in that movie that Facebook is DARPA’s Project Lifelog, they didn’t tell us where he got the money and, more important, the support and the infrastructure, to make Facebook a planet-wide operation.

Transhumanists are afraid of death. Their only solution is cryogenics or biological “enhancement,” which is the destruction of human biology by implanting it with foreign, dead material (electronics) that is yet programmable by more of these dead-head materialists.

We all have free will.

You wanna implant your biology (which contains the God template within it, in a multi-dimensional format), and destroy that God-given  temple of yours – good luck! You can only discover the road to higher consciousness by meditating, by spiritual understanding, by realizing your divine origin.

Materialists are people with low consciousness. They have no understanding of their own spirituality, or the beauty of human biology and its merkaba, the vehicle of light that is an extension of the soul.

Poor Elon.  He is either a dupe, or is willingly participating in an agenda that will eventually destroy the physical lives of those who attempt it.

The good news: No matter what you do to your body, your merkaba remains intact. You will ascend out of the body at physical “death,” leave all of your energy on earth from the lifetime, and return to Source good as new.

So, I suppose my ranting about transhumanism is pointless.

It’s just that I object to lower consciousness people trying to turn humanity into a planet of controlled zombies.

The question for transhumanism is: Who are the controllers?

You can find the article here:


On this blog we’ve said for a long time that when the light shines on the darkness, the old order will start to crumble. We’ve noted how Donald Trump is the change agent for the entire planet, whether you like him or not. Some people call the chaos we are experiencing as the end of the world, but it’s not. It’s just the beginning of the end of an old-energy paradigm based on darkness and lies.

This idea is beginning to seep even into the mainstream media. A remarkable (I think) NBC news article written by Steve Krakauer expresses this idea. I think this article is very important so I’m quoting the entire piece, which can be found at the NBC news site:


Jeffrey Epstein's downfall and the crumbling of America's elites. Society is tearing down the broken and rotten institutions and pushing bad actors previously shielded by their ivory towers into the spotlight.

Steve Krakauer, July 16, 2019

It was December 2010, and Jeffrey Epstein was sitting down for dinner with some of his famous friends — personalities who spanned the TV dial from morning to late night. There was George Stephanopoulos, then the host of Good Morning America, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric, and E! comedian and late-night host Chelsea Handler. It was 18 months after Epstein had been released from “prison” (in reality, he spent six days a week working in an office during his year-plus work-release stay in a Florida jail) for pleading guilty to a lesser charge of solicitation of prostitution with a minor.

Accused of far worse, Epstein pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of solicitation of prostitution with a minor. The dinner also took place less than a year after Epstein settled “at least a dozen civil lawsuits … filed by women who allege they were molested by Epstein when they were underage,” according to the Miami Herald. It was a mere five months after the registered sex offender finished his probation and was allowed to leave the state of Florida.

The downfall of Epstein is great news for his victims who were denied justice the first time around, But it’s also the latest example of a recent, broader phenomenon.

All of this was reported in a 2011 piece in The Daily Beast by Alexandra Wolfe, which has taken on new resonance as Epstein has, finally, mercifully, been arrested again.

The downfall of Epstein is great news for his victims who were denied justice the first time around. But it’s also the latest example of a recent, broader phenomenon — the crumbling of the elites. This crumbling can be traced to a growing distrust with all forms of power. A 2017 poll by The Associated Press found an astoundingly high 82 percent of America say they think “wealthy people” have too much power and influence in Washington. At the same time, Americans’ trust in government is at historic lows, according to a Gallup poll this year. For Democrats and independents, the percentage of respondents who trust government was at 28 percent, the lowest percentage recorded (since 1997), with 59 percent of Republicans also expressing record-low frustration with those walking the halls of power.

But the governmental distrust is only part of the problem, as Epstein shows. During the past few years, we’ve seen the unraveling of the power structure that protected elites across industries. The #MeToo movement in particular gave this unraveling momentum, with the myriad allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein’s criminal treatment of women was more than an open secret for years, yet he was deeply connected. He held a $2 million fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in June 2016 and Bill Clinton called him a “really good friend.”

The #MeToo movement enveloped others who were previously looked upon fondly, from the popular former entertainer and potential 2020 nominee Al Franken, to billionaire casino mogul and former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee Steve Wynn, to celebrity chef Mario Batali.

Then there was the celebrity college cheating scandal, which has lifted the curtain obscuring the inherent unfairness of the college admission process. Another example took place as the 2016 election was playing out, with Elizabeth Holmes’ Theranos being exposed as a fraud to investors, but more importantly, consumers. Holmes had spent years gracing the cover of magazines, speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative and serving as a member of the Obama administration’s Presidential Ambassadors for Global Entrepreneurship. In the recent HBO documentary, “The Inventor,” journalist Roger Parloff described the “honorary horseshit” which Holmes used to shield her deceptions from so many for so long.

The movie also introduced an interesting experiment that relates to Epstein, Weinstein and others. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely explained a dice test he had conducted, which gave participants money based on an honor system. What Ariely found was that when participants were receiving money for themselves, they would lie less, and the lie detector would catch the lie more often. When the participants were giving the money to charity, they would lie more, but the lie detector would rarely catch the lie.

For a long time, our culture was willing to forgive the probable crimes of those who were simultaneously doing “good” in other areas or succeeding in their industries. Epstein gave hundreds of thousands to AIDS research. Weinstein created a media empire that amassed incredible power both with critics and at the box office. (He also gave plenty to charity.) Trump himself, who so far has yet to experience the repercussions of the #MeToo movement, was fond of boasting of the “millions” he’d given away — even when it wasn’t true. (The Epstein story has already had reverberations within Trump's administration, with the resignation of his Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who was responsible for Epstein's lenient plea deal.)

We are living in a time of radical transparency, especially on social media. This exposing the emperor’s lack of clothes is an apolitical groundswell.

But that benefit of the doubt is in shorter and shorter supply.

We are living in a time of radical transparency, especially on social media. There is overreach to be sure. But in significant ways, this exposing the emperor’s lack of clothes is an apolitical groundswell. It is tearing down the broken and rotten institutions and pushing bad actors previously shielded by their ivory towers into the spotlight. What happens when that spotlight dims, of course, is yet to be seen.

This is crucial. But we must acknowledge the uncharted territory we’re entering. We are left with important and uneasy questions about what’s built once the rubble of the elite is cleared — how we build a better, fairer culture, together as a country.”

The last two paragraphs are particularly insightful, I think. We are entering uncharted territory, but the co-creative power of human consciousness, all 8 billion of us, is beginning to send us upward into the light as we walk through the darkness.

Fake News

While we’re on the subject of the old order, here’s an interesting one by the late Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, posted on the Global Research site. Ulfkotte was formerly an assistant editor for the largest German daily newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) for several years until 2003.

The Global Research article states that,

 “Recently, Dr.Udo Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.”

World Class Journalist Spills the Beans, Admits Mainstream Media is Completely Fake

Another interesting article in this vein appeared on Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept site. This article was written in 2014 by Ken Silverstein and is titled “The CIA’s Mop-Up Man: L.A. Times Reporter Cleared Stories With Agency Before Publication”

Here are the first two paragraphs:

A prominent national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times routinely submitted drafts and detailed summaries of his stories to CIA press handlers prior to publication, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.

Email exchanges between CIA public affairs officers and Ken Dilanian, now an Associated Press intelligence reporter who previously covered the CIA for the Times, show that Dilanian enjoyed a closely collaborative relationship with the agency, explicitly promising positive news coverage and sometimes sending the press office entire story drafts for review prior to publication. In at least one instance, the CIA’s reaction appears to have led to significant changes in the story that was eventually published in the Times.”

The rest of the article can be found here:


I think we can all agree that both mainstream and alternative news cannot be fully trusted. Discernment and intelligence is necessary in order to sort out the truth from the disinfo. But as Steve Krakauer points out above, the broken and rotten institutions of the old order are being torn down. That’s a good thing, and vitally necessary.

It’s exciting. The human trafficking networks are starting to be taken down. A bipartisan bill introduced in the House, and one to be introduced in the Senate, as well as the arraignment of Jeffrey Epstein, is the first step to hopefully exposing and solving this dark and difficult problem. Here’s some info from an alternative media source, which will probably (hopefully) be appearing in the mainstream press soon.

America is receiving a hell of a Christmas in July present – a bill in Congress is being pushed to end child porn sharing in Pentagon networks, and Jeffrey Epstein was charged for child trafficking. Additionally, an appeal court ordered that all files pertaining to Epstein’s case of wealthy powerful clients will be released to the press and public.  Victims as young as 14 are reported as part of Epstein’s “vast network.”  Epstein now faces 45 years in jail.

Congress is aiming to halt child porn distribution within Pentagon networks according to a bipartisan bill (The End Network Abuse Act) that was introduced by Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.)

The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD’s network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing.

Spanberger described the issues of child sexual exploitation and abuse as “horrific crimes.”

“The notion that the Department of Defense’s network and Pentagon-issued computers may be used to view, create, or circulate such horrifying images is a shameful disgrace, and one we must fight head on,” Spanberger said in statement. (Source: The Hill)

Department of Defense (DoD) computer networks were found to be downloading/distributing child porn as part of ICE’s 2006 “Operation Flicker” – which identified over 5,000 individuals who had used credit cards or PayPal to buy child porn or subscribe to websites that offered illicit material. Of those employees, ICE identified 264 DoD agents or contractors who had purchased child pornography online.

Nine of them had “Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information” security clearances, while 76 of them held clearances of Secret or higher.

Those agents were willfully ignored by the Bush administration — that’s more than 200 suspected pedophiles working for the Defense Department who were never investigated.

Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have introduced similar legislation in the Senate as well. According to The Hill, “A spokesperson for Spanberger told The Hill that while there are no set dates in either the House or Senate for marking up the bill, the sponsors are trying to pass it ‘both as individual bills and as amendments’ to other legislative packages.”

One of those networks that is also involved with Epstein is DynCorp, known infamously for child trafficking.

Following Congress’s bill, approximately 12 years after billionaire Jeffrey Epstein signed a sweet plea deal that let him escape federal charges of sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls at his Palm Beach mansion and running a prostitution ring, the 66-year-old pedophile was arrested by a joint FBI-New York Police Department task force after he landed in a New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport while coming back from a holiday trip from Paris.

Epstein is scheduled to appear in a New York federal court today (Monday) on charges of molesting dozens of underage girls and procuring them for wealthy clients.”


“Pedosadist Elites Panic: Congress Bill Wants To End Child Porn In Pentagon Networks; Epstein Charged, Files To Be Unsealed On Powerful Clients,” Aaron Kessel, July 8, 2019, at  https://www.activistpost.com/2019/07/pedosadist-elites-panic-congress-bill-wants-to-end-child-porn-in-pentagon-networks-epstein-arrested-files-to-be-unsealed-on-powerful-clients.html

Combine this with the seizing of the cargo ship MSC Gayane, which held 39,275 pounds of cocaine, by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, things are looking up. Getting rid of the drugs and human trafficking networks is an necessity for cleaning up this planet. For more on this see "Federal Authorities Seize Cargo Ship Involved In $1 Billion Cocaine Bust At Philadelphia Port," CBS3 Staff, Philadelphia, at https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2019/07/08/msc-gayane-seized-cocaine-bust-philadelphia/

In a fascinating article on The Drive website, authors Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway report on a new mass control vehicle developed by the U.S. Navy, described in the article as a “Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device,” patented by an inventor named Salvatore Cezar Pais.

Apparently Navy pilots have been seeing UFOs for several years, and such devices as described in the article could be responsible.

The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several radical aviation technologies patented by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland. One of these patents describes a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space alike thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.

The patent was first applied for on April 28, 2016, over a decade after the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft and nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft, some of which, like the Tic Tac, seemed to possess exotic performance capabilities.”

Well, well, well. Dr. Steven Greer has been talking about this for decades. Greer says that exotic technology such as gravity control and energy from the vacuum have already been developed in the special access programs. Perhaps this article is some sort of “soft disclosure” that the technology exists.

Certainly, the planet can no longer abide a primitive fossil-fuel energy creation and distribution system that is based on scarcity, and that pollutes our air, water, and land.

The article states that

The hybrid aerospace-underwater craft in Pais’ patent, meanwhile, is described as being capable of incredible feats of speed and maneuverability and can fly equally well in air, water, or space without leaving a heat signature. This is possible, Pais claims in the patent, because the craft is able to ‘engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by exploiting the laws of physics.’”

The article is titled Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances, and subtitled “Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new craft that seem eerily similar to UFOs reported by Navy pilots.”

You can find it here:


It’s well worth reading.

Justin Amash (R, Mich) left the Republican party today. Tellingly, he did not join the Democrats. Amash says he is now an independent, no longer affiliated with either of the parties. In doing so, I think he expressed concerns of many Americans. I haven’t voted Republican or Democrat since 1972. I am, like many Americans, weary of the constant hostility between the two parties, which has resulted in a deadlocked system that seems to maintain a status quo geared toward persons with little integrity.

In his memo he said, “The two-party system has evolved into an existential threat to American principles and institutions.”

It’s hard to disagree with that.

Modern politics is trapped in a partisan death spiral, but there is an escape," he writes. "Most Americans are not rigidly partisan and do not feel well represented by either of the two major parties. In fact, the parties have become more partisan in part because they are catering to fewer people, as Americans are rejecting party affiliation in record numbers."

Source: Reason.com, “Justin Amash Declares Independence From Republican Party,” https://reason.com/2019/07/04/justin-amash-declares-independence-from-republican-party

Yup. Amash claims that the two parties represent fewer and fewer voters, as people tire of the constant hatred within the two-party system. He says,

...independent-minded Americans, however, tend to be less politically engaged than Red Team and Blue Team activists. Many avoid politics to focus on their own lives, while others don't want to get into the muck with the radical partisans. I'm asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system—and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."


The President’s response just plays up what Amash said in his memo. It's a sign of the rigid, inflexible times we live in:


It is clear that our political system has completely broken down. Amash’s breakaway from the Republican Party but his refusal to join the Democrats demonstrates this.

I believe that, eventually, moderation will become a trend in politics. In the future, voters are going to look for more compassionate candidates who are willing to work with each other, not against each other.

Hopefully a new trend toward moderation will develop that can build a bridge between the rigid Red-Blue political divide.

Is it possible to be 100% positive all the time?

It is if you connect with the God within. When I’m connected like that I don’t even think a negative thought. It’s just a feeling that everything is right and perfect. There’s only one problem: it doesn’t last. For a few minutes here and there, sometimes even for several hours, but it goes away. The good feeling goes away because I have an insatiable desire to know things.

Although the desire to know things is a divine impulse, we live in a duality. The desire to know takes me into the light, which then shines upon the darkness we live in, or the darkness in my own Akash or in my life. This is the nature of the duality. Paradoxically it seems, the search for truth, the desire for peace, and embracing the light also exposes the opposite. These divine impulses force a person to confront the darkness within. This is happening on the world stage as well, where the collective consciousness of humanity is confronting the demons it has created over the centuries.

How much darkness should a person confront? The answer to that lies in how much darkness is within you. Old souls will have more to confront, due to the greater number of previous lifetimes. Younger souls are probably in a better position to stay in the light because there isn’t as much darkness within them; yet old souls have a much greater impulse to go to the light. My wife is an old soul but her self-proclaimed soul mission is “to be a beacon of light.” She does a great job of that even though she has to put up with me! My mission is different.

I am like a lot of old souls: I am almost compelled to fulfill my soul mission. Some of us are healers, health care practitioners, counselors. I have infinite respect for these people as they try, one person at a time, to raise health and consciousness. My mission is to investigate, to write about the battle of dark and light, and how the light will win. I feel compelled to write books, articles, and to blog. However, I cannot take “sides.” My mission is to provide a more balanced perspective, and not be raising the flag for this side or that. There is good and bad in everyone, including me. My idea is that it’s better to be informed than to be ignorant.


Some people involved in raising consciousness and going to the light don’t like the idea that each of us has a dark side, or that we should look into dark subjects. Their response to me is, “Why write about that crap? Stay positive.” Well yeah. But we don’t make it into the light until we walk that path through the darkness we have created. If you’re on the planet now, you are responsible for some of it. Confronting the duality sucks, but it is a necessary part of going to the light.

For example, an article came out on July 2, 2019, about Eric Schmidt, of Alphabet/Google fame. I am always cautious about linking to articles like this because some of the information is hard to confront, and some of it may be disinfo. But I’ve been blogging about Big Tech recently and I think this is relevant.

There are positive and negative aspects to AI and social media organizations. We all know how these apps and programs allow us to communicate to each other all over the world, spreading the light. On the other side of the duality is the impulse to control.

Is it better to know nothing about the other side of the duality, or to become aware of things that may affect your life? Vibrationally speaking the answer is obvious: stay away from the dark and only embrace the light. It is also possible, however, to stay in the light while engaging in the necessary process of confronting the dark. This is the best position, in my mind.

Regardless of your stance on this issue, the truth is that we are all confronting the duality whether we like it or not! Resisting the dark only brings it more powerfully to us.

The first step in handling anything is gaining the ability to face it. Confronting the duality is a necessary, but sometimes painful, business. It’s why many of us are here at the most important time in the history of the human race.

Google and Eric Schmidt

In that light, I am posting the article. You can make up your own mind about the information. Some people will probably find it ridiculous, or “just another baseless conspiracy theory.” Because social media and digital communication is an intimate part of our lives, however, it behooves us to find out the motivations and intent behind the movers and shakers in Big Tech. Eric Schmidt (and Google) is of those guys.

Former Lover Exposes Eric Schmidt https://aim4truth.org/2019/07/02/former-lover-exposes-eric-schmidt/

Related to this is a two-day boycott of social media by the co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger.


Trump takes 20 steps into North Korea, making history as first sitting US leader to enter hermit nation.

This is a headline from CNN.com, showing Kim Jong-Un and President Trump shaking hands at the DMZ, the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.

Source: CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/29/politics/kim-jong-un-donald-trump-dmz-north-korea/index.html

Not everyone thinks that normalizing relations, and even peace, are desirable. For example, President Trump recently said about his national security adviser, John Bolton, “John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he'd take on the whole world at one time.” Does it make sense that in a battle between dark and light, certain people will go to the dark? These are people who feel comfortable in the old energy, before 2012. Some of them are Nutters, as I describe in a previous blog post.

The Washington Post, mouthpiece for Jeff Bezos and the CIA, waxed cynical on this important peace gesture, saying, “One small step for the 45th president; one giant boost for his television ratings.”

(Source, “Beyond ‘Freedom’s Frontier,’ Trump scores his biggest live show yet in North Korea,” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/beyond-freedoms-frontier-trump-scores-his-biggest-live-show-yet/2019/06/30/269f33ec-9b07-11e9-830a-21b9b36b64ad_story.html?utm_term=.5a015ad764a0&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1)

The people who don’t want peace criticize peaceful gestures. Internationalists always find good reasons to promote conflict and war. In a fascinating article by Caitlin Johnstone, a self-styled socialist, on Medium, titled “The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is “Isolationism,”” the author analyzes the exchange between Senator Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and Tim Ryan, Congressman from Ohio, during the second Democratic debate. If you saw that debate, Congressman Ryan insisted that the Taliban had attacked the US during 9/11. Gabbard corrected Ryan more than once, stating correctly that the Taliban is an Afghan-only force, and that Al-Qaeda had attacked the US during 9/11. Part of Gabbard’s platform is getting U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

In a statement issued later, Ryan then accused Gabbard of being an “isolationist.”

“...Further, we continue to reject Gabbard’s isolationism and her misguided beliefs on foreign policy. We refuse to be lectured by someone who thinks it’s ok to dine with murderous dictators like Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad who used chemical weapons on his own people.”

Source: https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/the-forever-war-is-so-normalized-that-opposing-it-is-isolationism-8b4062aed18b

You can read the entire article, which is well-written and makes the point that isolationism and non-intervention are two entirely different things. Isolationism is simply having no political or trade relationships with another country, whereas non-intervention simply means, choosing not to fight in endless, pointless wars, as in Afghanistan and Iraq. Here is what Johnstone says. It’s brilliant, I think, and mirrors what we’ve been talking about in this blog.  

“More importantly, Ryan’s campaign using the word “isolationism” to describe the simple common sense impulse to withdraw from a costly, deadly military occupation which isn’t accomplishing anything highlights an increasingly common tactic of tarring anything other than endless military expansionism as strange and aberrant instead of normal and good. Under our current Orwellian doublespeak paradigm where forever war is the new normal, the opposite of war is no longer peace, but isolationism. This removal of a desirable opposite of war from the establishment-authorised lexicon causes war to always be the desirable option. This is entirely by design. This bit of word magic has been employed for a long time to tar any idea which deviates from the neoconservative agenda of total global unipolarity via violent imperialism as something freakish and dangerous.” [emphasis mine]


In Orwell’s world of Big Brother, the idea is to dumb-down the language to the point that distinctions – the sign of intelligence – can no longer be made. Alternatives to endless war – such as peace – are simply labeled negatively, thus making them undesirable. Peace, the goal and desire of all sane, rational persons, is presented as something to be avoided. The Orwellian conception goes even further: completely eliminating the idea or concept of peace from the consciousness of the population.

The goal of internationalists – read interventionists – is to promote endless war. Who would want that? People invested in the old system, the arms manufacturers and traders, which Eisenhower called the military-industrial–complex. Johnstone says,

It all comes down to sovereignty. An anti-interventionist believes that a country has the right to defend itself, but it doesn’t have the right to conquer, capture, infiltrate or overthrow other nations whether covertly or overtly.”


I think all sane, rational persons would agree with this.

Johnstone further distinguishes between “anti-war” and “never war under any circumstances.” It’s a good read.

As the 2020 election approaches we’re going to see more debates. It is helpful to understand the importance of language, and how it can be used to influence the consciousness of listeners. Don’t accept anything as true unless you look at it carefully. In this age of disinformation, it’s important to be aware and use discernment.   


I'm not sure what this moment was about, but I saw this pic taken at the recently concluded G20 summit meeting in Japan. Smiles between leaders at international events are a good thing:

President Trump, Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and PM Narenda Modi of India share a moment at the G20 meeting in Japan. Attribution unknown.

We all know about the presence of social media software in our lives. The Big Tech giants Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Apple are data collection applications. All telecommunications companies in the U.S. liaise with the intelligence community; Snowden showed us that.  We all know this, even the most naive of us who use our mobiles every day. For an overview, see “Global Surveillance,” at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_surveillance

I’ll provide a quote from my latest novel, The Old Soul, so you can get an idea of the kinds of data collected by Big Tech.

From XKeyscore, global internet data: emails, video, voice. From PRISM, data from various U.S. internet companies; from ECHELON, satellite data; from DISHFIRE, a global surveillance collection system and database with hundreds of millions of text messages; from MYSTIC, metadata and the content of phone calls from different countries; from Tempora, fiber-optic data from the backbone of the Internet; from Fairview, the AT&T program that collects phone, internet, and e-mail data from major cable landing stations and switching stations inside the United States; from Boundless Informant, a metadata summary of worldwide data collection activities; from BULLRUN, encrypted online communications and data; from Pinwale, internet email... From STONEGHOST data, an information sharing and exchange program between the Five Eyes countries. And also data from the FBI’s email and electronic communication monitoring program and the FBI’s wiretap surveillance system on telecommunications devices in the United States.”

Recent revelations that the Facebook app is listening even when your phone is off, and that Alexa and Nest devices record a lot more than you think they do, is further proof that the dark army is, in its last gasp, trying to establish a global surveillance/police state. In the West, this is being provided by Big Tech. In the East, helped along by Alphabet, the parent company of Google, President Xi has developed the Sesame Credit system, which monitors and catalogs the activities of all 1.4 billion Chinese. That is also the goal of certain factions in the US. Even the Japanese (a country still fairly sane, unlike the US and China, the supposed “world leaders”) are getting into the act. Line, the Japanese social media giant, recently introduced a social credit system (See “Line Just Went Orwellian With Its Social Credit Scoring System,” at https://www.fastcompany.com/90370203/line-just-went-orwellian-on-japanese-users-with-its-social-credit-scoring-system).  

In the US, readers are bombarded every day with lunacy from the mainstream news media. Idiotic articles like the one published in the Wall Street Journal today (June 27) proclaim, “Doomsday Math Says Humanity May Have Just 760 Years Left.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/doomsday-math-says-humanity-may-have-just-760-years-left-11561655839

C’mon, man. This contrived stupidity isn’t going to wash.  Articles like these are published for only one reason: to engage the co-creative power of human consciousness. To get people thinking this way so that we will all co-create a dystopian future. It won’t work because the Nutters and the Doomsdayers are 40 years too late. The same Big Tech that is being used in an attempt to enslave humanity is also the reason such a program must fail. There is simply too much information out there, even if a lot of it gets censored. Too many people have woken up, especially the millennials and those born after 2000. These kids are smart. Some of them will fall for the dark side bullshit, but most of them won’t. These “new” kids are being born into a new energy, and they think differently.

Lots of old fogies like me who helped to get us past the extinction event at the end of the last millennium are still mired in old energy garbage. Anyone born before 1990 is part of the past, with all of its old energy and old thinking. The new kids are looking at the system and can see how stupid and broken it is. Fortunately, a lot of us from my generation can see it too, as the light shines brighter and brighter on this planet, and provides for an advance in human consciousness.

That’s why the dark army is going to lose.

The only question is, how much of the bullshit and the doomsday proclamations will the public believe? How much of the dark army nonsense will the population co-create?

We live in a vibrational universe: You get what you put your attention on. The universe doesn’t want anything from you, it doesn’t demand anything from you. Vibrationally speaking, it is a trusty servant. The universe simply gives you more of what you are thinking and talking about. The dark army knows this. It has been their main weapon for centuries now: Get over on people, scare them, make them angry, divide them by race, culture, and creed. Keep them fighting, feed them disinformation.

We know this now.   

It’s up to us to stop believing the dark army line, which is always mired in distrust, intolerance, divisiveness, and conflict. It’s time to stop believing in the fake left-right, liberal-conservative, Democrat-Republican agenda.

The new paradigm is tolerance, cooperation, harmony, freedom, and compassion. The new kids know this, and more and more of us who were born before 1990 know it as well. The old paradigm, dark army operatives are mired in their “my way or the highway” belief systems. These belief systems exist on the “left” and on the “right.”

They are doomed to failure because humanity has made a collective decision to go to the light. How long it takes to get there is ENTIRELY up to us. The power of human consciousness is simply not understood, but we’re getting there. 8 billion human beings co-creating literally has the power to create a Golden Age on this planet, and the power to do it quickly.

Let’s get to it!