News and Politics

The U.S. government funds cooperating NGOs and the United Nations to traffic children into the United States. For money.

The true story of what's happening at our open southern border. 15 minutes of truth, if you can handle it.

The people who own this planet are losing their power and control

International lawyer Todd Callender appeared on the Prather Point show on Feb 16, 20204, shortly after his presentation to the Croatian Parliament on Jan 23, 2024. The two men discussed the worldwide mafia that is attacking humanity, and the G3P, the Global Public-Private Partnership, which is a governance mechanism to foster public–private partnership (PPP) cooperation between international intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations and private companies.

Essentially the G3P is a legal structure that privatizes the world's wealth and resources in the hands of a few psychopaths, using international organizations like the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements, and the World Health Organization. The G3P is, essentially, the codification of many "conspiracy theories" over the past several centuries about a set of psychopaths who are trying to create a "new world order" that bypasses democratically elected governments and that legally reserves the world's wealth and resources to themselves.

The conversation begins with Callender expressing his opinion on the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin.

I suspect that he (Putin) has been collaborating with Trump and Xi to end this dynasty of... the Khazarians or whoever you want to refer to them, the ones who I think are genetically different sociopaths that look like humans – the ones who have owned and ruled this world for millennia. 2024 is the year that humanity retakes our planet.”

[pulls up chart]

This [chart represents] where the world’s laws in every country – literally all of them – were changed in order to accommodate militarized public health. So that’s the diagram that shows who is in charge of this world and how it is they did it and what organs, and we named the organs that are responsible, all the way down to the DoD, which is the execution of the orders to democide our entire planet, 7 billion people or so...

...When one country goes rogue, where a dictator is now ruling things, it used to be that other countries would come to the rescue of the people who were a victim to this dictator, they would force changes by international agreement and they would cut off supplies, and things of that nature, in pursuance of what seemed like humanity’s furtherance, for the protection of humanity. But what we really come to find is that they were all controlled the whole time, they were all facades, exactly how Ukraine is being abused and destroyed on purpose because it is convenient. This is the same apparatus.

So they changed the world’s laws as it related to public health because it is the one and only universal exemption to human rights. Every country that signed on to these multilateral conventions said – in the case of a pandemic, a global health emergency – all bets are off, we will do anything required of us (PHEIC) – we all agree to do everything that is required of us – to confront this. But the nations were not told, our country, the United States of America, wasn’t told that we were creating 470,000 pathogens for the purpose one day of releasing one or more of them to depopulate the planet, to have an execution plan to effectively take away the human rights of 8 billion people  and selectively remove them from the face of this planet. And they all collaborated and they all changed their laws to accommodate the 2005 WHO health regulations which were then utilized, upon the declaration of a pandemic, to take everyone’s rights away and force them into taking gene changing shot the eventually have injured or killed millions if not billions.

We have more than a billion walking dead right now and nobody is going to hold these people accountable [it is legally impossible because of the contracts that were signed between governments and private companies] there is no place to seek redress. My case that sought redress was thrown out of the Supreme Court about a month and a half ago [this is Feb 16, 2023]. They don’t want to hear it. Universally, the owners of these rules have told all of their government organs, “you’re not going to do anything about it. You’re all guilty of [trying to] killing 7 billion people, and none of you are going to do a damn thing about it.” So that’s where we are at right now. This is the use of militarized health to eradicate humanity and I think I’m going to write a book about that.”  

...The Russians were in charge of the U.N. Security Council last year and they put into evidence many of the bioweapons factories they found that elements of the US owned and operated after Ukraine became free of the Soviet Union. One of those biolabs was owned by Metabiota. How do we know that? Wasn’t Hunter Biden one of those shareholders? And John Kerry’s son-in-law? There were notable people who were operating bioweapons factories in Ukraine. Why Ukraine? Because under the law Ukraine is a territory of Russia – no different than Taiwan which is a territory of China – they are not recognized as individual sovereigns by all nations. By some, by mosty perhaps, but not by all. What that means is that they were not a party to the bioweapons treaties. So conveniently they were left out of the bioweapons convention. And lo and behold every major pharmaceutical company in the world has their headquarters in Kiev. Why? Because they are exempt from the restrictions of treaty obligations under the Bioweapons Convention. That is why in both Ukraine and Taiwan there are bioweapons laboratories producing bioweapons because it is not illegal to do so there.

Russsia is the enemy of Blackrock, why? Because when there was a firefight in Astana, Kazakhstan (the capiyal city) , the new home for the BIS, the locals who were deprived of their bank accounts for not having a COVID passport entered into a firefight supported by the Russian Speznatz – special forces guys – and effectively Vladimir Putin took over Kazakhstan. This was 2018, 2019, somewhere in there, along with the BIS banking codes.”

Todd Callender, Prather Point interview

The BIS, which owns and operates all of the central banks in the world via the banking codes, does not own the central bank of Cuba, North Korea, and now Russia.

That’s because Putin kicked out the IMF and the BIS out of Russia and took ownership of their central bank, so it’s no longer privately owned by the Bank for International Settlements. The last guy who did that was Muammar Kaddafi, and look what happened to him! “ So Russia is being persecuted and sanctioned by whom? The owners of the Bank for International Settlements, the same people who own the United States and all of these other countries.”

This whole thing looks to me like a giant doublecross of the owners of this world – the bank for International Settlements being one of their principal organs because it controls the world’s money supply – and half the world is going along with them [BRICS nations]. This one-world government thing, with Klaus Schwab, there’s not a chance it will happen.”

Vladimir Putin took Kazakhstan for himself or maybe for humanity, depending on how you look at it, he took control of the empire that was built by the owners of this world for themselves..


We are now in the Caucescu moment. In the morning he was talking to his enslaved population and in the afternoon he and his wife were being executed. The assets of the owners of the world are being slowly confiscated.

There was a Marburg provision in the PREP Act that gave immunity to the drug manufacturers and everyone else that had anything to do with COVID countermeasures  – so that is the military’s weapon, their response to the Plandemic. So when the six magic words, "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" are uttered by Tedros, the director of  WHO, globally the human rights of everyone are suspended, which includes the rights to informed consent, as found in the International Convention of Human Rights Article 7, the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights, Article 7, and the Nuremberg Codex...and there will be no redress. So the world's governments, per the 2005 International Health regulations and membership in the WHO, said, if those six magic words are uttered by the Director, nobody has any rights and there will be no redress. And we found this is in the Bureau of Justice – the amalgamation of law enforcement, the judiciary, along with Corrections and public heath, they all became amalgamated they all became one upon the utterance of those magic words, so this is how they cut off redress in the courts, it’s how my Supreme Court case, and 12 others like it, were dismissed.... The Bureau of Justice, created in 2006, says that upon the invocation of PHEIC those 4 functions are amalgamated into one.”

When we sued and others like us sued, we got back canned pleadings and they all said the same thing, hey courts you do not have jurisdiction to hear this case so we are not going to answer and you are not going to hear it. Why? because the judiciary and law enforcement – that’s the prosecutor and the guy on the bench – were amalgamated in functions with public health...that’s why they had all 4 functions in the quarantine centers, because that is what is required when a pandemic is declared.”

We are still in a Marburg Pandemic – it was just reinstated this year until 2028! Nobody has Marburg. It’s just a justification for the revocation of our human rights across the planet."

When that invocation happens (PHEIC) 42 CFR Part 70 and 71 are now in force...Guess what? The border is open because of Title 42 it means they have plenary power under public health and nobody can do a thing about it, it’s a public health dictatorship and it’s global.”The Defense Health Agency is now in charge of our public health, and that authority comes from the World Health Organization."


So there you have it. Our betters have worked for decades to codify their plans for us in secret, but now have come out into the open because they feel the need to implement their crazy agenda now. After the 2020 Pandemic failed to usher in their New World Order and their New Normal, The Klaus Schwab's of the world understand they are losing. If we remain vigilant we can shove these people and their crazy agenda into the dustbin of history.

140 member nations of the World Health Organization have signed on to health agreements that suspend human rights


Chemical Weapons:

The first large-scale use of chemical weapons in warfare began in World War 1. The types of chemical weapons used ranged from disabling chemicals, such as tear gas, to lethal agents like phosgene, chlorine, and mustard gas. Adolf Hitler was injured in 1918 by mustard gas.

In his biography of the Nazi leader, the historian Ian Kershaw described how Hitler himself fell victim to a mustard gas attack near Ypres on the night of October 13-14, 1918: “He and several comrades, retreating from their dug-out during a gas attack, were partially blinded by the gas and found their way to safety only by clinging to on to each other and following a comrade who was slightly less badly afflicted.”

“The Nazis developed sarin gas in WW II but Hitler was afraid to use it,” at

When the public discovered that chemical weapons were being used against troops in the trenches, the public was horrified. This led to much less use of these weapons during World War II.

Nevertheless, during World War 2 the Germans developed tabun, soman, and sarin gas, all extremely toxic nerve agents, and used Zyklon B, a cyanide based pesticide, in their extermination camps, although neither the Allies nor Germany used them in combat.


 Chemical weapons were the precursor to biological weapons. The US has had a clandestine/unacknowledged bioweapons program for most of the period after WW II, despite signing the Biological Weapons Convention in April of 1972. Our bioweapons program really got going when the old Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, but under Operation Paperclip (1945-1959) the US imported Nazi doctors who had experimented on prisoners in their concentration camps. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US placed Soviet bioweapons scientists into our national research labs and other research institutions. Since 2014 or so, gain-of-function research has been ongoing, which weaponizes harmful pathogens and viruses, in a cooperative effort by DARPA, the U.S. military, and the government. Click this link to see a timeline of how Lyme Disease and other bioweapons were developed.

The creation of bioweapons was necessary to the Pandemic of 2020. Here, Todd Callender, international lawyer, presents the timeline of the SARS COV-2 Pandemic. It is clear from this information that planning for such a pandemic has been ongoing for decades. And the next phase of this plan, according to the WHO and the WEF, is Disease X. Disease X is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic.

Todd Callener, Esq., speaks online to the Croatian Parliament, 1/23/24, and outlines the ultimate evolution of biological warfare: the militarization of public health. Mr. Callender's presentation begins at 9:35.

Timeline graphic by Todd Callender, Esq.

The timeline actually begins with National Security Memorandum 200, promulgated by the National Security Council on Dec. 10, 1974.

It laid out a detailed strategy by which the United States would aggressively promote population control in developing nations. Elements could include the legalization of abortion; financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; indoctrination of children; and mandatory population control.” 

“Kissinger’s Population control still in effect, group charges,” at

Henry Kissinger was adamant that the earth’s population was too large and needed to be controlled.

Next, the 1994 Cairo Population Accords

dealt with the issues of access to safe abortion, voluntary choice in family planning, the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS, and sexual and reproductive health services for [sexually] active adolescents.”   

Curt Tarnoff, “Population and Development: the 1994 Cairo Conference,” at

In the United States, Mr. Callender shows that the legal groundwork for the 2020 Pandemic began 17 years before the pandemic in 2003 with the passage in the US of the Turning Point Model Act, which essentially gave away our sovereignty to the WHO during a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). See the timeline below and in the PDF.

In 2004 Congress passed the Bioshield Act, which was a ten-year program to develop medical countermeasures to biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear agents for civilian use. The Bioshield Act sanctioned the stockpiling and distribution of “vaccines” which were not tested for safety or efficacy in humans. A medical countermeasure is a military term that means the medical product has not undergone the testing necessary for FDA approval. These drugs, such as the Moderna and Pfizer jabs,  are experimental.

According to Mr. Callender, this is where Johns Hopkins University was paid $20 million to draft  “model” legislation that could be adopted by all states in accordance with the “health” regulations of the WHO. 

According to Callender, the consequence of this legislation is that, upon the mere declaration of a Public Health Emergency if International Concern, all signatories to the WHO health regulations agreement (140 nations, including the US) would suspend constitutional rights and human rights, and the Article 3 courts (the judiciary in Article 3 of the U.S. constitution) would not be available to citizens. Under this legislation, state authorities could restrict travel and quarantine all individuals indefinitely under mere suspicion alone, and individuals could be forcibly treated with a medical device. This violates informed consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg protocols. Public Health authorities could throw you in jail and forcibly and legally inject you. So this legislation essentially began the process of the militarization of public health.

This was followed in the same year (2005) by George W. Bush’s EO #13295, which revised the list of quarantine-able communicable diseases in accordance with the 2005 revision of WHO’s world health regulations. A Public Health Emergency of International Concern triggers all the nations who signed the WHO agreement to act in the same way, which is what happened during COVID around the world. These communicable diseases included SARS and Marburg. Did you know that we in the US have been under a declared national Marburg emergency since 2020?  

On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a  national emergency. Right after that  Tedros at the WHO made a proclamation of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Just a coincidence of course!

Callender says,

After that the OECD appointed competent authorities to be in charge of every country who had signed the WHO agreement, and when the invocation of the treaty came into effect when Tedros announced the PHEIC, the one world government seized control of all nations who had signed the agreement, who gave their power, by and through their various competent authorities, in agreements done with the OECD, they gave their power to Tedros, an Ethiopian warlord, who gets to declare the public health emergency! Tedros then calls on his experts, which in the case of COVID was the FDA, the CDC, and Dr. Fauci amongst others, the very people who were involved in the creation of SARS COV-1 who genetically modified that disease through gain-of-function research and development. In 2005 the DHS was already setting up quarantine camps, which some were calling FEMA camps, across the United States, in preparation for a global health ‘emergency.’ Various governors were put in charge of those regions. (see map below). The way the law is written in the US, any place can be used as a quarantine center. Including your house or apartment. If you are accused of being sick you are a danger to public health and you’re stuck there. There is no recourse.”

Todd Callender's presentation to the Croatian Parliament
Graphic by Todd Callender

We saw people being forcibly placed in quarantine camps in Australia and New Zealand during COVID. In the US, lockdowns and school closings were implemented, as well as forced vaccinations. Now we know that the “vaccines” do not prevent infection, they do not stop transmission, and they do not prevent hospitalization. They are accurately described as “experimental medical countermeasures authorized for distribution under an Emergency Use Authorization.” So all of these control measures, under the name of public health, were unnecessary.

In 2013 the Defense Health Agency was created, and over 70 COVID patents were issued, based on the original SARS COV-1 patents in 2007. The DHA exists within the DoD, so it is controlled by the military and reports to POTUS, the head of the executive branch.

In 2016 the model health regulations outlined in the Turning Point Model Act were officially adopted at the federal level in Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 70 and 71, coincidentally not long before the release of the SARS COV-2 pathogen in 2019. The quarantine provisions go in place, you can be tested without your consent and they can also require vaccine passports. It was all planned out years before the “pandemic” occurred.

Callender continues. “After the regulations were issued there had to be a way to enforce them. In 2018 an enforcement network was created, called the Bureau of Justice, which amalgamated law enforcement, Corrections (jails), public health, and the Judiciary.”

The BoJ implements a sort of one-stop trial and detention dictatorship which could be implemented at any of the quarantine camps, or any designated quarantine site (like your home). So you can jail people indefinitely and suspend the constitutional and human rights of any individual. We saw this happen in Australia and in New Zealand where unvaccinated persons were thrown into quarantine camps (prison camps) with no recourse or due process.

In 2020 a clueless Donald Trump issued a declaration of national emergency and in 2019 he wrote EO #13887,

which moved elements of the public health apparatus under the DHA, a Department of Defense agency, effectively militarizing public health and the medical bureaucracy. This made the president and the executive branch subservient to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, who was then in charge of all government responses. It was the U.S. military who actually moved the “vaccines” around, [and it was the DoD (DARPA) who created them.] The DoD hired Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson to make the shots and the Medical Countermeasures were moved around the globe with military equipment. The Pandemic was nothing short of medical martial law.”


Callender says that also in 2019, EO #13887 was placed  into the National Defense Authorization Act (which funds the Pentagon), and the public health apparatus was placed under the Defense Health Agency, making the military in charge of all public health responses by statute. The DHA works on vaccine development as well.

The timeline ends with the military, following WHO-induced mandates, enforcing “public health” provisions locally, in states and federally, in relation to mandatory shots, quarantines, and lockdowns etc. in a “global health engagement” with a whole-of-government approach in the United States.

It’s all been militarized. In 2020 a Public Health Emergency was declared as a Marburg emergency until 2025, so the U.S. government is under medical martial law until August 2025. (Expanded by Joe Biden in January 2024 to extend to 2028!). Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever virus and is considered very dangerous, but no one has it, certainly not enough people to declare a national emergency.

Another bizarre consequence of the pseudo-mRNA jabs is the Pharma companies’ legal assertion that because the jabs are gene therapy using CRISPR CAS-9 technology, anyone who took the shots is now owned by the patent holders of the vaxxes, because they are no longer original humans. According to Callender,  there is a 2013 Supreme Court decision that supports this idea. (Even the assertion that a person who in good faith took a medical product recommended by medical authorities is owned by a corporation is total insanity.)

Looking back along the timeline, it took the US over 50 years to get here. We now live in a country where the public health organs, and medicine, have been militarized. The Defense Health Agency is now in charge of our public health, and that authority comes from the WHO. But the US can get out of the WHO. Although Trump promoted Operation Warp Speed he also defunded the WHO and withdrew from it (of course Biden re-funded the WHO and got the US back in).

Where this will go no one knows. In my opinion, people will never put up with this again, particularly in the United States. Hardly any American citizens know this legal structure, so thank you Mr. Callender for this information.

Todd Callender is also optimistic. He states: “2024 is the year humanity retakes our planet.” It's going to be a wild ride, so hang on!

The Stanford Internet Observatory, and the Election Integrity Project are private sector partners with the government’s censorship operations in a whole-of-government approach to censoring content the government doesn’t agree with.

This is a deep dive into the partnerships between government cutouts like EIP in the private sector who “partner” with government operatives to suppress information, organizations, and citizens exposing government corruption.

Check to see if your university is a member of the Censorship Industrial Complex (mine is).

Scroll down to the tweet, "My response to the Washington Post"

Based researcher follows the info trail.

COVID vax isn't a vaccine, it is a medical countermeasure distributed as the result of a "public health emergency of international concern." This is the WHO's wording.

Also check out the substack of George Webb, Citizen Journalist, at for deep dives.

In this incredible and informative video, Dr. David Martin explains how and when coronaviruses were discovered, how they were weaponized using gain-of-function research, how the mRNA medical countermeasures (vaccines) were developed, and the origins of the 2020 pandemic and its lockdowns.

This is the truth with the bark off, with all the bullshit and the Narratives stripped away. With graphics that represent all of his major points. Well worth the 20 minutes.

Here is a fragment from a book published in 1895 called Etidorpha. These words, which prophecy the ultimate end of science, ring true today.

What, to the mother, can replace the babe that has been lost?"

"The next world," I answered, "offers a comfort."

"Bah," he said; "does not another searcher in that same science field tell the mother that there is no personal hereafter, that she will never see her babe again? One man of science steals the body, another man of science takes away the soul, the third annihilates heaven; they go like pestilence and famine, hand in hand, subsisting on all that craving humanity considers sacred, and offering no tangible return beyond a materialistic present. This same science that seems to be doing so much for humanity will continue to elevate so-called material civilization until, as the yeast ferment is smothered in its own excretion, so will science-thought create conditions to blot itself from existence, and destroy the civilization it creates. Science is heartless, notwithstanding the personal purity of the majority of her helpless votaries. She is a thief, not of ordinary riches, but of treasures that can not be replaced.

Before science provings, the love of a mother perishes, the hope of immortality is annihilated. Beware of materialism, the end of the science of man."

Etidorpha, Chapter 29

Modern science has been perverted. Much of it has been politicized to serve Narratives and Agendas. Mathematics has been declared to be “white supremacy,” medicine has been perverted and subverted to the purposes of Big Pharma, many flawed peer review articles submitted to journals are approved by review committees with agendas. “Climate science” is a joke, a series of political statements designed to make money for their adherents. At the recent meeting of the World Economic Forum we were told that “Disease X” is coming – another created bioweapon that will somehow spread all over the world and threaten humanity. But this one will be different from what Mike Pompeo, at a news conference in 2020, called the “live exercise” that was the COVID-29 “pandemic.”  

Yes sir, “Disease X”, which is already being secretly researched and perfected in the biolabs of the world, will soon be released on the human race. Or at least that is what we are being told by those who adhere to the perverted version of science I call ScienceTM

Remember when Anthony Fauci said “I am the science?” Fauci and his minions assert that science is no longer the search for truth via impartial investigation using scientific experiments. No, the New Science (ScienceTM) is used in support of a planned propaganda campaign that promotes a dystopian techno-fascist medical surveillance state.

This would be funny if it were not so obvious.

Just as capitalism is in its dying throes – finance capitalism, whose goal is not the production of goods and services to support a healthy and prosperous population, but the engineering of fake fiat money and credit to support a class of sociopaths in their desire to steal the world’s resources –  so too is science, which has been perverted to serve the ends of the New World Order.

Fortunately, people are waking up to this. As millions of migrants controlled by brutal and murderous drug cartels are forced into Europe and the United States, with the accompanying drugs and human trafficking, the problem is becoming greater and greater. Cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, who in their generosity call themselves “sanctuary cities,” are discovering – just as the rare financiers and brave scientists and medical doctors who still cling to true scientific research and who are pilloried for it, and even the rare politicians who work for the greater good – that an unhinged collection of psychopaths have risen to the top of these professions.

Normally scum, because of its filthy and burdened nature, sinks to the bottom of a pond. But today, the Light is shining so brightly that these operators are being exposed.

This movie is going to have a happy ending, if we allow it; if we do not fall for the diktats of nutjobs and crazy people. If we do not sink into despair, the rising tide of Light will make all clear. There is another plan – different from the evil plan – that is being accepted by an ever greater number of the 8 billion souls on this planet. That plan is one of integrity and reward for merit, hard work, and ability, along with the exposure of grifters, plagiarists, and sociopaths.  

It’s coming.

In 1895, people could see the ultimate evolution of science 120 years later. The plan for the resurrection of humanity is in the ethers, it’s in the air we breathe, because we are all creating it.

If you walk around downtown San Francisco right near the X aka Twitter headquarters it’s a zombie apocalypse...It’s have to see it to believe it...
 You have to say, ‘What philosophy led to that outcome?’ And that philosophy was being piped to Earth. So, uh, you know, a philosophy that would ordinarily be quite niche and geographically constrained – so that the sort of fall out area would be limited – was effectively given an information weapon: An information technology weapon to propagate what is essentially a mind virus to the rest of Earth. And the outcome of that mind virus is very clear if you walk around the streets of downtown San Francisco. It is the end of civilization.”

Elon Musk, interview with Joe Rogan, Oct 31, 2023

Throughout history, a certain segment of the human population has always been psychotic. These are the people who abuse and traffic children, who murder and destroy just for fun. But where does this destructive impulse come from?

Musk, in the above quote, seems to think the cause is a mind virus that has been “piped to earth” and that it is a mindset that results in “the end of civilization.” This begs the question, What is evil? It also raises the question, What is a mind virus and where does it come from?


In 1976 Richard Dawkins wrote a book titled The Selfish Gene in which he proposed the idea of a meme. Dawkins originally defined the meme as a way to explain how ideas – including irrational ones – spread. He said that a meme “conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation.” Interestingly, Dawkins himself described the meme (perhaps jokingly) as a mind virus.[1] The meme concept inspired an entirely new area of research called memetics, which tries to explain the transfer of cultural information. The basis for Dawkins’ meme idea is that ideas spread in a mimicry of Darwin’s natural selection process: some ideas are taken up by others and spread, but others die out.

Just as physicist Richard Feynman told us that physicists don’t know what energy is, we do not know how ideas spread, or, really, what an idea is. A materialist might say that an idea is just a specific series of electrochemical responses in the brain, but this is not helpful. A spiritualist might say that an idea is a thought form that originates within the consciousness of an individual. But then we go down the rabbit hole of cognitive science and philosophy, trying to define what consciousness is.

Ephemeral ideas like memes, consciousness, and ideas are not satisfactorily definable in scientific terms because science utterly denies the existence of consciousness separate from the brain (if you doubt this, ask Dawkins!) Let’s just say that ideas, whether irrational or not, spread within the collective consciousness of humanity.

The mind virus

Sociologists tell us that a certain percentage of the human population is anti-social. A cursory look at current events shows that wildly irrational ideas are being propagated throughout human society. For one small example, look at the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new hiring policy. The FAA is the government agency that manages the airline industry.

From the New York Post:

The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which claims “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.”

“FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities,” by Emma Colton, Fox News, Published Jan. 14, 2024 at

These ideas are irrational and potentially destructive to the flying public. It is preposterous that such insane ideas could be accepted by an entire government agency. But apparently they have. It appears that no idea is too batshit crazy to be accepted by a group of human beings.

Dawkins’ explanation for the meme may provide the clue to an answer for how such stupidities can be accepted: Ideas are not “good” or “bad”, they are not “insane” or “beneficial”, they are simply accepted or rejected in a process that mirrors natural selection. However, natural selection operates on the idea that the most beneficial mutations eventually survive. So how could an insane idea like that of the FAA become accepted within the agency?

My guess is that it won’t be broadly accepted by society. Seriously, who wants doors to blow out in the middle of a flight, or planes to catch on fire, due to incompetence of “diversity” hires? However, it is a testament to free will and mass formation psychosis that it could gain acceptance in a large and critical government agency.

This could occur if there was, in fact, a mind virus in operation.  

So where does the mind virus originate? If Elon is correct and it is being “piped to earth,” then its origins are beyond the boundaries of our atmosphere. That is a wild, but not preposterous suggestion, considering that there may be other civilizations “out there” with exotic technology and who have an interest in the earth. My latest novel, The Intervention, explores this idea.

Or, alternatively, perhaps “mind viruses” originate within the collective consciousness of humanity. Let’s say that human thought persists, and that every thought is a little quantum, or packet, that finds its way into the human ThoughtSpace that surrounds the earth, and that others can pick up on these thoughts. Jung postulated an idea that vaguely resembles this conception when he described the collective unconscious, a collection of archetypes (thought or symbolic imagery) that are present in the individual unconscious. Here, though, we expand the idea to a collective consciousness, a dynamical thought-based system that evolves and changes in every moment. In this conception, memes/ideas that find favor are consciously accepted and spread. If they become widespread enough they may survive from generation to generation and become archetypes, and part of the human system of belief.


Evil is intentional, malicious harm. Intentional harm comes from conscious decision-making. Therefore, anyone who commits evil does so “with malice and forethought.” I don’t mean crimes of passion, where an impulse is acted upon.

The Mexican Drug cartels, for example, are evil. They knowingly traffic in and abuse human beings and children for money. They murder others who get in their way. Those who do this act intentionally and can be treated accordingly.

The impulsive killer may be, as defense lawyers say, only temporarily insane; blinded in the moment by emotion, as opposed to the murderer, who is acting knowingly and intentionally. However, a person who commits a violent, impulsive act must have been thinking along those lines prior to commission of the act, entraining his or her thoughts in that direction. When sane people get angry they don’t act upon those violent impulses, unless they have been quietly in that “mindset” for quite some time.


Individuals have free choice to accept or reject memes. Mind viruses are just collections or patterns of thought, and everyone has the ability to control their own thinking.

Mind viruses or no, ultimately every human being is responsible for their actions. To deny that truth leads to the sort of victim/violent/irrational society we live in today, and an FAA that knowingly hires people with severe intellectual, psychiatric, or emotional problems.

A society whose institutions do not practice responsibility and integrity is a dead society. Individuals who do not practice this will go down the tubes.

What can be done? Consciously practice responsibility, personal integrity, and hang out with others who do the same. It is not anyone’s duty to waste their time reforming persons who engage in victimhood and prey on the good nature of others. As the Great Awakening proceeds it is creating a rising tide that will lift all boats and expose the grifters and the criminals.

[1] See, “What’s in a Meme?”, Feb 4, 2014, from the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science at

The pace of human events is moving faster than it ever has in the 6,000 year history of the human race. With 8 billion on the planet contributing to the collective consciousness in the human thought space, human thought/intent has the power to push the Overton Window of allowed action further and further toward positive outcomes.

As I see it there are two ways to look at the deteriorating world situation:

1) The Dark is ascendant. In 6,000 years of human evolution we really haven’t raised human consciousness at all. The development of the modern economy and modern political systems have reached their ultimate evolutionary (dead) end, because human nature never changes: anarchy and the collapse of civilization are upon us.

Those who hold this point of view can be excused, for much of the evidence “on the ground” points to this.

2) The Dark is ascendant because the human family has decided to move beyond the old order and the old consciousness. This is creating a surge of light in the collective consciousness that is exposing the Dark and their actors. The Light is now so powerful that the Dark has to come out into the open and organize to save themselves and the dark economy they have created. So, that which was always present but hidden is being exposed. The human race is on a new track of evolution.

The fate of humanity rests upon the forces generated by these two belief systems.

The second option is not available in the awareness of materialists and Transhumanists. This is what the Great Awakening is all about. Unfortunately, human beings don’t change unless conditions “on the ground” and in their personal lives become bad enough. The contrast between the current collapsing situation in politics, economics, finance, and in social institutions that lack integrity, and the desire of people to lead creative, prosperous, and comfortable lives, is a forcing people to consider more positive alternatives. This is leading toward a trend upward in human thinking overall.

In other words, the exposure of the Dark is a forcing function causing greater individual awareness and a greater push toward the Light.

One thing is certain: the pace of human events has reached a chaotic state, and will eventually cause the planet to settle into a particular outcome. In quantum mechanics a system may have a very large number of potential outcomes because the system can be in many different potential states at the same time. However, when the system resolves it will result in only one of the many potential outcomes. One doesn’t know how a quantum mechanical system “decides” on what outcome is chosen. However, some physicists have suggested that the consciousness of the observer is a factor in how these physical systems resolve. Fortunately, human consciousness is not mechanical! The self-awareness of human consciousness means that collectively, we can decide which of the many potential outcomes of the human system on earth is most desired.

The goal of the materialists and the Transhumanists is to convince individuals that their dystopian agenda is inevitable. They are looking to create a mechanical response to events, not a creative one. Because every human being has free will, individuals can choose not to submit to this mechanical/dehumanizing view of themselves. More and more people are rejecting the Dark view of humanity and the world.

What’s in Store for 2024?

My prediction for 2024 is that both beliefs systems will track within the Overton Window of current events.

1) With millions of migrants flooding into the US, social chaos can only markedly increase, because these migrants have no clue about norms and culture in the US (other than what they have seen in Hollywood movies, or in TV programs). This increases the opportunity for what Catherine Herridge of CBS News calls a “black swan” event, or perhaps many of them. With government spending creating over $2 trillion deficits every year, operatives from many other countries in the US from the migrant invasion, and government surveillance of the population at absurd levels, the potential for greater conflict and social unrest is inevitable.

2)  However, 1) causes more and more people to wake up. It’s inevitable! That is because the seed of Light always exists within the Dark, otherwise it would be dead. So we are going to see more acts of destruction and insanity, coupled with a massive push for positive change, side-by-side, until the system resolves. How long that will take is anyone’s guess, but 2024 is going to be the most exciting year in human history!

The Great Awakening

I can’t even come close to how James Howard Kunstler describes the way current events are unfolding:

We are waking to the stupefying criminality of public life, to the immersive obvious bullshit of people in charge who don’t deserve your respect or compliance. How they got into these positions is only another feature of that totalistic criminality. What was hidden in plain sight will be revealed to those suffering mere hysterical blindness.”

James Howard Kusntler, "The Great Clarification," Jan 1. 2024

In other words, there is no reason to submit to the dystopian nightmare that is the agenda of the materialists/Transhumanists. Their philosophy is an evolutionary dead-end and will be rejected by all sane persons.

Even in today’s crazy world, the nutjobs are vastly outnumbered by more and more people who are looking within and seeking a better life for themselves and all humanity.

Ultimately, the Great Awakening is all about individuals in a deteriorating society discovering their personal connection to God, and creating a better world.