Stars, Galaxies, and Zero-Point Energy


Before I begin, I want to say that I am a university educated layman with no particular qualifications to write on any subject. But I do so anyway because I am interested in everything. One of my interests is how star systems and galaxies form. I’m OK talking about this because, from our tiny, limited perspective here on earth in a galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars, even the most reputable scientist is just making educated guesses. So here goes.

How do hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy stay oriented with each other? Why don’t the stars just wander around randomly? How do the stars in the Milky Way move to form spiral arms as each one of them travels around the center of the galaxy? 

The Milky Way galaxy. Photo from NASA. Public domain.

In the solar system, the planets orbit around the sun more slowly as their distance from the sun increases. Because of the sun’s gravitational field, the inner planets have to move faster in their orbits than the outer ones, or their orbits will decay. The outer planets are affected much less by the sun’s gravitational field, so they move slower. This makes sense because the sun is a thousand times more massive even than Jupiter, the most massive planet, and the sun’s gravitational field decreases as the square of the distance from the sun (1/r2)

The solar system. The orbits of the outer planets are much larger than the orbits of the inner planets. The inner planets move much more quickly around the sun. Image Credit: NASA/JPL at Public domain.

Galaxy Rotation Curve

If this pattern was the same for a galaxy, the stars should orbit the center of the galaxy faster the closer they are to the center. But just the opposite happens!

Galaxy Rotation Curve. Here the velocity of visible stars in their movement around a galaxy increases from the center until it levels off outside the “bulge” of visible stars. Image credit: Rotation curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray line). Mario De Leo, Own work. At

In the graph above, called a galaxy rotation curve, the visible stars move faster as they get farther away from the center, and the rotational speeds of less visible stars and gas outside the visible stars (the galactic bulge) hardly increase at all. And that isn’t all. The mass of all the visible stars in the galaxy isn’t enough to equal the observed mass of the galaxy!

When mass profiles of galaxies are calculated from the distribution of stars in spirals and mass-to-light ratios in the stellar disks, they do not match with the masses derived from the observed rotation curves and the law of gravity. A solution to this conundrum is to hypothesize the existence of dark matter and to assume its distribution from the galaxy's center out to its halo. Thus the discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.”

Wechsler, Risa H.; Tinker, Jeremy L. (2018-09-14). "The Connection Between Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 56 (1): 435–487. arXiv:1804.03097. doi:10.1146/annurev-astro-081817-051756. ISSN 0066-4146, in “Galaxy rotation curve,” at

In other words, theory doesn’t correspond with what astronomers actually observe. This was startling to me because I always thought dark matter and dark energy were observable quantities. But in fact they are just made up to explain astronomical theories that don’t agree with observation.

Possible Explanations for Galactic Spirals

In order to explain why the spiral arms stay together, astronomers postulate gravity waves that go through the spiral arms and hold up the orbits of stars a little bit. A gravity wave is like an unexpected slowdown on the freeway that will bunch up cars for a while until everything gets untangled. Another possible explanation is called Differential Rotation, where the stars at the center complete their orbits more quickly than those farther away. This process naturally form spirals. But again, this theory is the opposite of what has been observed.

Operating on the saying that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” I have come up with a simpler explanation. In fact, here I surpass the scientists who made up the dark matter hypothesis with an even crazier hypothesis of my own. But, as Peter Sellers said on The Muppets Show, “Forward, tuned chickens, into the breach!”

Is Space an Empty Void?

Astronomers (and most physicists) operate on the assumption that space is an empty void – a void with nothing in it except the almost undetectable cosmic background radiation left over from the Big Bang. Therefore stars, planets, electromagnetic waves, and atoms – all matter in fact – are entities that travel independently through a vast emptiness. But this theory of the empty void, even though Einstein validated it (theoretically) in General Relativity, has no agreed upon explanation for the coherent movement of stellar objects in a galaxy.

The empty void postulate makes coherence difficult and promotes randomness, because matter and energy move without reference to each other. These are the hallmarks of a materialist worldview: that the universe is merely the result of a collection of probabilities, and that life evolved almost randomly from chance.

One theory, however – an ancient theory that has been around for centuries – promotes coherence. It’s called the aether theory, and it has been thoroughly “debunked” by mainstream science. (If you don’t believe me, look up the word “aether” on any search engine.)

But what if the vastness of space is not empty? What if it is filled with an ether? What if matter itself – atoms, molecules, and stars and galaxies – manifest from the ether, just as the stars in our record analogy are part of the fabric of the disc? What if dark matter and energy (energy is convertible into mass and vice-versa, E=mc2) are just properties of the ether?

Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed SkunkWorks, confirmed the idea in 1988 that “all points in space and time are connected.” What if this isn’t just silly New Age nonsense? James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), the father of electromagnetics, assumed the presence of an ether when he wrote his famous equations that describe the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. Maxwell’s equations (modified by Oliver Heaviside) are the basis for all of electrical engineering today. Maxwell’s work shows that electricity, magnetism, and light are just different manifestations of the same, underlying phenomenon. But how can that occur in a random universe?

By the way, the ether is not a woo-woo idea. Nikola Tesla called energy from the ether “radiant energy.” Hard-nosed physicists have been writing about the Zero Point energy Field (ZPF) since the 1980s. Experimental evidence shows that the Casimir Effect and the Aharanov-Bohm effect are demonstrations of the effects of the ether on electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields.

From now on I will refer to the “ether” as the ZPF, a more modern term for it.

The brilliant physicist David Bohm describes the ZPF this way:

What we call empty space contains an immense background of energy, and  matter as we know it is a small, quantized excitation on top of this background, rather like a tiny ripple on a vast may be said that space, which has so much energy, is full rather than empty.”

David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, p. 242

Bohm postulates an underlying, coherent order to the seeming randomness of the observable universe. He calls this the Implicate Order. The Implicate Order essentially manifests itself in what some call natural law.

Expanding on My Wonderful Idea

To see how the stars can move at different speeds yet remain coherent and connected, imagine the galaxy as one of those old-fashioned long playing records (33s) spinning on a turntable, and that each star is embedded within the fabric of the record. Of course the actual size of our galaxy is about 87,400 light years across, but who’s quibbling? We’ll use the record as an analogy, because the Milky Way is disc-shaped.

Let’s say that the disc revolves at 30 rpm instead of 33 rpm, to make the math easier. Let’s say that the record is a foot in diameter, so the radius – the distance from the center to any point on the edge – would be half that, or 6 inches. Let’s say that Star A (Robert) is 1 inch from the center of the disc, and Star B (Alice) is on the outer edge, 6 inches from the center.  Despite the distance between them, Alice and Robert are connected because they are both part of the connective tissue of the ZPF. Or, in our analogy, because they are both a part of the substance of the spinning record.

How fast do Star A and Star B have to travel to make one rotation around the center? Well, Alice is on the outer edge so she has to travel farther than Robert to make one rotation. Robert is much closer to the center so he travels a shorter path in the same time.[1] This is in agreement with the galaxy rotation curves. There is no need for dark matter and dark energy, which we can say is a manifestation of the ZPF.

It’s hard to get coherence – the arrangement of stars into spiral arms, for example – from the empty void theory, where stars and planets are independent entities with no natural connection to each other. We have to account for the movement of billions of independent bodies all at once. Scientists have difficulty figuring out how to calculate the motions of more than 2 moving bodies! This is called the 3-body problem in physics. But the existence of a ZPF automatically connects matter and energy everywhere in the galaxy because it all comes forth from the medium that created it.[2]  If matter is indeed a phenomenon of the ZPF, the entire galaxy is a coherent field of matter and energy.

The ZPF is laughed off by many of the Big Brains in physics as sheer idiocy. “It doesn’t agree with everything I was taught.”  “You are just a layman, you don’t have a PhD, you know nothing.” However, geniuses like Hal Puthoff have accepted the existence of the ZPF and have written dozens of peer-reviewed papers about Zero Point Energy and how to engineer it.[3]

Consider this experiment by Stan Deyo in 2005:

Here, Deyo uses vibrational sound waves to create spheres in the liquid inside a Coke bottle. This technology was first developed by Hans Jenny, who wrote a book called Cymatics, in which he generates beautiful, symmetric patterns in viscous substances using sound vibrations.

Could the stars and planets actually arise vibrationally out of the ZPF? Of course this is dismissed as absurd – water in a Coke bottle is so far away from forming planets and stars.

Or is it?

Throughout history science has been advanced by curious people who ran with ideas that were untested and considered crazy.


Some modern physicists have accepted the ether hypothesis and have been working on it for over a century. Scientists like Hal Puthoff, Robert Forward, Salvatore Pais, Tom Bearden,  Eric Davis (and many others) have written peer-reviewed papers published in premiere physics journals describing the qualities of the ZPF, and even how to engineer it. Engineers like John Hutchinson (the Hutchinson Effect) and Ken Shoulders have levitated objects and discovered exotic vacuum objects (EVOs) such as plasmas that self-organize from the zero point energy field. Other “laymen” are developing overunity devices that pull energy out of the ZPF, and generate more power than they use in spinning a generator shaft. These devices used to be laughed off as phony “perpetual motion machines.” But no one is laughing now – orthodox science is in full Debunk Mode.

The nuclear physicist Tom Bearden described the fabric of spacetime as a quantum particle flux that has within it so much energy that we could cleanly power every device on earth for the rest of eternity. (It’s not really “free energy” because it comes from the quantum vacuum, so energy is conserved.) Erwin Schrodinger called this particle flux Zitterbewegung, a German word that means a jittering or quivering of tiny subatomic particles/energy that wink in and out of existence, creating a massive, balanced, but invisible energy source at the quantum level. This energy is accessible, and we are learning quickly how to tap into it.

Check this out, from the U.S. Navy’s Naval Intelligence Activity declassified report, outlining the history of UFOs from 1947 (the Roswell, New Mexico incident) to 2024. This document was submitted at the Congressional UAP hearings on Nov 13, 2024 and was placed in the Congressional Record. The UFO disclosure stuff begins on page 37 of the PDF I am looking at in Adobe Reader. From the document, page 128:

In the early 2000s, a NASA spokeswoman in a conversation between George Schmidt and author Nick Cook in Huntsville, AL, stated Huntsville was where big picture interstellar vision came together. But “breakthrough physics” which would lead to the creation of a “device” capable of high speed interstellar travel was managed by NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field.

Naval Intelligence Activity Report

These interstellar “devices” aren’t using rocket fuel to travel the light-year distances between the stars! When a sensitive national security document is declassified it means that the research has been well developed, and the project has gone Black, into the hidden bowels of the special access programs.

Do we already have such craft? The “was managed” indicates that we might have.

That we already understand zero point energy and how to tap into it was confirmed by nuclear physicist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden (Ret) in this document in 2013, on page 178:

Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to have seen experiments where energy extraction from the quantum vacuum “was possible.” But modern electrodynamic theory doesn’t allow for this to happen. Bearden states he and others have built electromechanical devices that demonstrate that technology and says “certain powers” would rather keep ZPE/quantum vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public.

Naval Intelligence Activity Report

The Future

ZPF technology is being suppressed, as we saw at the Congressional UFO hearing on November 13. The panel of “experts” were just there to stonewall Congresspeople, some of whom asked pertinent questions like “Is free energy technology being hidden from the public?” The responses were essentially, “Yes, for your own good. If this technology were weaponized it could destroy the entire planet.” That’s actually a good answer, but this exotic, frontier physics tech has already been weaponized within the Special Access Programs.

Releasing the technology that allows us to tap into the infinite energy of the quantum vacuum is civilization changing. Imagine if every human being had a portable generator that could tap into the ZPF to heat and cool their homes and power their devices. The new technology could eliminate poverty, scarcity, and the pollution from primitive fossil fuels. This technology could end the wars that have plagued mankind for millennia, fighting over scarce resources. And there would be no need for politicians who tap into our fears of scarcity to promote conflict and war. It would also change our science and make it far simpler and more powerful.

The Death Cult consciousness that has run our planet for thousands of years can turn into a celebration of life and, finally, remove the shackles that have prevented humanity from realizing our true potential. This planet could experience a monumental Renaissance. It’s at our fingertips if we release ZPF technology.

The human race has many geniuses. We are a very bright species when we are not hobbled by dumbed down educational systems and brain-dead, centralized, one-size-fits-all materialist systems that suppress our creativity.

Even with all that, we are on the verge of releasing ZPF technology now. It has been suppresed since the first experimenters began to figure out how to tap into the ether back in the latter part of the 19th century. There is a long lineage of researchers starting with Nikola Tesla until today who have done experiments proving the existence of a clean, unlimited energy from the zero point energy source. Enough progress has been made so that engineering the quantum vacuum is possible.

When enough people become aware of this technology and its potential, its release will be inevitable. And humanity will soar.

[1] The record does a complete rotation 30 times in 1 minute, or 30 times in 60 seconds. So it takes 2 seconds for each single rotation. The path each star travels around the galaxy is just the circumference of the circle of their orbits. C = 2πr, and Robert is only 1 inch out from the center, so his radius = 1 and he travels  2π*1 inch = 2π inches in 2 seconds. His speed is 1π inches per second. Alice is 6 inches out so she travels 2π*6 inches = 12π inches in 2 seconds. Alice’s speed is 6π inches per second.

Of course this is just a simple analogy but you get the idea: stars closer to the center of the galaxy move slower than those farther away. If matter is indeed a phenomenon of the ZPF, the entire galaxy is a coherent field of matter and energy.

[2] As an aside, the basis for the non-existence of the ether is the ancient Michelson-Moreley experiment, conducted in...wait for it... 1887. From Brittanica:

The procedure depended on a Michelson interferometer, a sensitive optical device that compares the optical path lengths for light moving in two mutually perpendicular directions. Michelson reasoned that, if the speed of light were constant with respect to the proposed ether through which Earth was moving, that motion could be detected by comparing the speed of light in the direction of Earth’s motion and the speed of light at right angles to Earth’s motion. No difference was found.”

Encyclopedia Britannica, "Michelson Moreley experiment,"

Einstein further disproved the ether (theoretically) when he developed General Relativity in the early 20th century.

However, I found a fascinating experiment done in 1933 by Dayton Miller, almost 50 years later, which updated the 1887 experiment and used better equipment. This experiment did show the existence of an ether, but it was ignored. I also saw a modern experiment actually conducted in the 21st century that rotated modern, much more sensitive  equipment arranged in the same way that was used in the Michelson-Moreley experiment, but rotated 90 degrees. This showed that the ether does affect light waves.

Max Planck famously said that science advances one funeral at a time. Once Einstein established General Relativity and it was agreed upon by the scientific community, the empty void concept became established dogma. The same thing happened with Fleischmann and Pons’ cold fusion experiment in 1989, which was duplicated dozens of times in other labs after it was “debunked.”

[3] For a list of Hal Puthoff’s physics papers, go to