Election Deniers

In 2016 the total votes were

Donald J. Trump Republican: 62,984,828

Hillary R. Clinton Democrat: 65,853,514

128,838, 342 votes total

In 2020 the total votes were

Joseph Biden 81,284,666

Donald Trump 74,224,319

155,508, 985 total votes

In 2024 the total votes were

Kamala Harris 66,204,938

Donald Trump 71,139,197

137,344,135 total votes

Let’s go back to 2008:  

    2008: Obama got 69 million votes

    2012: Obama got 65 million votes

    2016: Clinton got 65 million votes

    2020: Biden got 81 million votes

    2024: Harris got 66 million votes

That’s about 15 million allegedly real and unexplainable votes for the Democrats that only appeared one time: in November 2020.

Some Democrats say that the lower vote total for Harris in 2024 compared to 2020 “proves” that Trump cheated in 2024, but that is preposterous. There’s no such thing as a “negative” vote. You either get a vote or you don’t.

Trump got less votes in 2024 than he did in 2020, so how could he have cheated?

What the massive 81 million total for Biden in 2020 proves – if it proves anything – is that the Democrats cheated in 2020. Sure, Democrat election turnout could have been greater in 2020, but 15 million extra votes? If all my Democrat friends are an indication, Democrats nationally were even more motivated to vote in 2024 than they were in 2020 – frantic almost to defeat Trump, who they called a fascist and a Hitler.

Look at the massive difference in number of total votes in 2020 compared to 2024 and 2016. 

2016 was a consistent election and so was 2024. The numbers are relatively the same with a difference of about 9 million votes, which is consistent with population increase and/or greater election turnout.

However,  2020 had almost 30 million more total votes than 2016 but also, 25 million more votes than 2024! The 2024 election was, most Democrats and Republicans agree, the most important election of this century. That was a great motivation to go vote, but the 2024 total was more in line with previous elections. The 2020 election is clearly an outlier.

However you want to explain this is up to you. But 2024 seems to be more in line with past voting patterns.

To her credit, Kamala Harris defused tensions and conceded gracefully. She promised a peaceful transition of power. Let’s see what happens.

The good news for Democrats is that Trump will never run again. I am hoping that in 2028 we can return to some kind of election rationality.