The pace of human events has been accelerating at an increasing rate, culminating with the recent July 13th assassination attempt on Trump. The FBI scrubbed the crime scene, blocked the accused shooter’s social media, and has in general been stonewalling citizen journalists in their investigations.
The attempted assassination of Trump is a big red marker on the timeline of human events. It represents an inflection point, the consequences of which will change the course of future events. When you attempt to murder a presidential candidate, the stakes are very, very high. Three other men were shot at the rally. One was Corey Comperatore, who worked at JSP plastics in Butler for over 30 years. JSP is developing high strength plastics to compete with AGR, who has been making high strength, shatterproof glass for the past several decades that is used in phones, airplane and fighter plane cockpits, Humvee windshields, and other critical infrastructure. Yes, the same AGR building where the Trump sniper was positioned!
(Note: There is confusion about Roger Yearick being Matthew Yearick's father, and whether the CT-15 can be broken down and carried in a backpack.)
Two others were injured, James Copenhaver and David Dutch. It appears that Dutch was not a target and just stood up at the wrong time. Both men are now out of the hospital thank God. Copenhaver is connected to the late Roger Yearick – they both served at the same Warren Air Force base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Roger Yearick is the inventor of the CheyTak-15, a variation of the AR-15 that uses a powerful .408 round and was the sniper’s weapon of choice. The CT-15 can be broken down and carried in a backpack, a very convenient feature for any sniper. (Some say that the sniper was Matthew Yearick, Roger Yearick’s son, an ANTIFA sniper/trainer who recruited Thomas Crooks.) Roger Yearick is connected to Dick Cheney, Bush 41’s Vice President. George Bush Sr. was a former director of the CIA.
There’s a lot more to this story! Follow George Webb’s Twitter on to get the most recent developments.
Faster, Faster
Lenin said, “There are decades in which nothing happens and there are weeks in which decades happen.” When a physical system (or a political system) demonstrates an increasing rate of acceleration (a positive second derivative, for the math people) it means that change is not only rapidly increasing, but the rate of change is itself accelerating. This is commonly referred to as being “out of control.” At no point in human history has the pace of events been faster than it is now, augmented by the networking of the entire planet on the internet.
In the 20th century there were two world wars and many regional conflicts such as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. However, these conflicts were third generation warfare: conflict using planes, tanks, guns, bombs, and missiles. Compared to the pace of human events in the 21st century, even these massive conflicts were slow-paced in that the fighting was confined to certain areas, and it seemed to those affected to be endless. World War I lasted for 5 years (1914–1918 inclusive) and involved excruciatingly slow-paced trench warfare. WW II lasted for parts of 7 years (1939–1945 inclusive). The literature and movies about WW II (the R.F. Delderfield “The Avenue Goes to War” novels in particular, and the brilliant ITV movie series “Foyle’s War,” written by Anthony Horowitz, describe the bitter, destructive, and endless nature of this conflict.
In the 21st century we still have third-generation conflicts in Ukraine, and the insane Israeli-Palestine conflict has degenerated into outright slaughter. But these third-generation conflicts have been superseded by a much faster-paced Information War that affects everyone on the planet.
The greatest PsyOp in world history was performed from 2020–2022, when 5.3 billion people were vaccinated for a weaponized virus that was hyped as the end of humanity, and turned out to be a bad flu. It was an experiment in mass-formation psychosis, as millions of influenza cases were converted to COVID cases using a PCR test with cycle thresholds set to guarantee false positives. A frightened public then embraced untested and experimental medical countermeasures (“vaccines”) that caused more harm than good.
Information and propaganda can do far more damage far more quickly than a traditional war, for people can be convinced against their own better judgment to act in ways they would not normally act. Instead of bombing people back to the Stone Age, you cleverly convince people to voluntarily act against their own interests. It worked very well.
In a previous post I showed two bifurcation graphs for a rapidly evolving system:

The first graph represents a system when it begins to change rapidly. The second graph shows an accelerating system undergoing an “out of control” increase in the accelerated rate of change (at the left). But even this system will eventually settle down, represented by the line. This line is what Lenin called the period of “decades where nothing happens.”
So, no matter how rapid a system changes, it eventually reaches stability. The question is, are we destined to repeat the same mistakes of the past? Are we still in the same-old, same-old historical rut? Or is humanity – which has reached global networking status – finally ready for a Shift or a leap into a permanent, more positive future?
Well hell, who wants to believe in a future where society collapses and descends back into barbarism? Is this the inevitable result of 200,000 years of human evolution?
The Meeting
To answer the above questions, let’s shift gears to a Big Picture view and conduct a “What if” thought experiment. This experiment takes into account not only physical factors, but also spiritual ones. It is based on the idea that a human being is much more than a “useless eater.”
Imagine that every human being is actually an immortal spiritual personality, and that the human body has been designed for a finite life span (birth–death). Now imagine that when a person dies, that personality joins the other billions on the spiritual plane overlooking earth. In this spiritual conference room, a continuous and permanent meeting is underway. People in the room are arriving after “death,” and people are leaving for another return trip to earth. A gigantic holographic display shows the current situation on earth, and the potentials for the future, as well as everyone who is on the planet and what they are doing, who is arriving in as a new baby, and who is departing. New arrivals to the meeting are so excited to re-affirm that there really is life after death, and that their lives – regardless of failure or success in the life mission – have been an important contribution to the evolution of human consciousness. Those preparing to depart are passionate and hyped-up to “do some good” on the planet; for the inherent state of all spiritual personalities is life-affirming and positive. Everyone understands that free will is paramount, and that the evolution of humanity on earth is an ongoing process that may not always turn out the way those in the meeting hope. After all, the earth is a planet of duality, with both good and evil, that has been like a chain around the neck of humanity for 200,000 years. This is called the Veil of Darkness.
Now imagine that sometime before the advent of the 20th century, everyone at the meeting decided that enough was enough. “200,000 years of warring and bigotry!” someone says. “We have to make a push for a permanent and positive future.”
“Yes, the population of the planet has finally stabilized and is now rising rapidly. Over one billion, and more coming. We now have the spiritual ooomph to get over the hump.”
A pessimist pipes up and says, “If we do that the crap is really going to hit the fan. 200,000 years of karma must be resolved. It’s going to get ugly. We could destroy the earth.”
This sobers everyone for a minute, but a very old soul, with thousands of lifetimes on the planet, says, “Humanity is now at the critical evolutionary junction. All planets in the galaxy eventually reach this point of no return. Now it’s our turn to transcend the Veil of Darkness.”
In the display holo everyone can see how other planets fared: Most of them made it, but some didn’t. In this spiritual meeting lots of data is available that isn’t available to humans on earth. The group sees that the earth is a very special planet, one super rich in resources, ecosystems, and species. They see how the population of earth will be larger than any other planet in the galaxy. But they know that just as human beings have limited information, so too do they.
Then the Soul Manager for earth steps forward. The Soul Manager is a very advanced collective consciousness from a planet that made it past the Veil of Darkness, whose job is to guide the souls of earth in their spiritual evolution. The Soul Manager is the handler for all of the arrivals and departures on earth. It’s a big job with a billion coming and going, and many more in the future. “Dear Ones, I am so proud of you. After four failures of civilization, humanity is ready for The Shift.” The Soul Manager sighs. “There will much death and destruction during the next two centuries. Are you all ready?”
A resounding “Yes!” echoes throughout the meeting.
The Soul Manager blesses everyone, and the new direction for humanity and the planet. “And so it is.”
All of us on earth were at that ongoing meeting before we came in, and we will return to it after we “die.” Every one of us has a soul mission, and understands deep down how important each life is, and how sacred life is.
We’re in the darkest period of our evolution, but this was anticipated. If you look deep inside you can feel this. You can feel your own soul mission, and you know what to do.
It’s always darkest just before the dawn.