Sometimes I think my life sucks. Right now I am dealing with a bulging disk in my back and it's really painful. Then I see things like this and understand that my life is a piece of cake compared to those brave souls who risk everything to expose the truth. Communism and fascism are totalitarian systems based on the same scientific materialism that is sweeping over the West today. Our connection to Spirit, to God, is something we must never lose. Or we lose our very souls and become slaves.
In the northeastern city of Changchun, China, a group of six ordinary people — a truck driver, a food vendor, a housewife, etc. — gathered in secret to plan an extraordinary task: to break into the television broadcasting system of the most tyrannical regime on earth – that of the Chinese Communist Party. Their goal was to expose one of the gravest, state sponsored, lies in Chinese history. A single lie used to justify the persecution of millions of people.
It was an event that sparked an information revolution that challenged oppressive regimes around the world, from Beijing to Tehran, and continues to reverberate today.
This is their remarkable story…