The pentagram is a symbol used in black magick and other dark, occult practices. These practices are associated with evil, pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking and molestation. The people who do these things haven’t a clue what the symbol means. Many of the people who discuss the pentagram have no idea of the geometry behind the symbol.
This is a short article because the truth is simple and powerful. Ignorance and perversion occludes the truth and makes things complicated. When the dark twists the light it must hide the truth behind a lot of disinformation and silly ritual.
The pentagram is a geometric symbol. Here is what one writer says about it:
The inverted pentagram, however, is just the interior of a pentagon, like so:
The pentagram has 5 points on the outside of the circle. You just connect the diagonals together as I have done here, to form the orange lines on the inside.
The pentagon, geometrically, represents perfect mathematical harmony. Do you see how the orange lines run into each other and form smaller lines? Each of the orange lines is divided into 3 smaller lines: a small one in the middle, surrounded by 2 bigger ones.
If you measure these lines and compare them to each other you discover an astonishing fact: they are all in Phi Ratio. Phi represents perfect mathematical harmony. This has been known for thousands of years. So the inverted pentagram actually represents God, or divine harmony.
Notice how the intersecting orange lines form a smaller pentagon in the middle. If you draw diagonals in this smaller pentagon you also get Phi ratios of perfect harmony. This pentagon can grow the same way into a bigger pentagon. So the pentagram, inverted or not, also means divine growth and divine contraction.
In fact, all of the lines in the pentagon (including the black ones) have a Phi relationship with each other. Thus the pentagon, and the pentagram, is literally a geometric representation of God – divine, perfect harmony.
Now ask yourself a question: How can people use this symbol in evil rituals?
Answer? They are really, really, really ignorant.
Don’t be fooled or scared by evil, or the dark. As Q says, “These people are stupid.”
This information can be found on my geometry pages at, which are excerpts from my geometry book, available at