All of us have been taught that vaccines strengthen the immune system by injecting an atrophied sample of a disease, to which the immune system then responds by creating antibodies to it. This is supposed to lead to immunity from that disease in the future. I would venture to guess that the majority of people in this country still believe this, even after the Covid fiasco.
It is known that the presence of antibodies can come from natural infection or vaccination. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system, which are designed to fight off invaders like viruses and bacteria. However, the presence of antibodies is not necessarily an indication of immune system health. It could be an indication that the immune system has been compromised, particularly if a person has a severe viral infection. Immune system compromise can also result if a person receives many vaccines at once – or within a short period of time. In this case, the immune system keeps getting stimulated to produce antibodies, and can become stressed and/or weakened.
The idea of over-vaccination never occurred to me, partly because I have only received one vaccination in my life: for polio (the original Salk vaccine) in 1956 when I was 5 years old. I always assumed that environmental toxins and viruses were the cause of immune system compromise, but it turns out that vaccination can also cause it.
The CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccination”
The CDC recently changed the definiton of a vaccine in 2018 from this:
"a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease” to this: "A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
The CDC also changed the definition of “vaccination” in 2018 from this: “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease” to this: “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”
This is a substantial weakening of both “vaccine” and “vaccination” because the word “immunity” has been changed to “protection.” However, it is a much more accurate description of a vaccine, because in both definitions, vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system.
“Stimulating the immune system” just means that it has been triggered by an antigen to produce antibodies, but the mere presence of antibodies does not tell us much. Healthline says,
Antigens, or immunogens, are substances or toxins in your blood that trigger your body to fight them. Antigens are usually bacteria or viruses, but they can be other substances from outside your body that threaten your health. This battle is called an immune response. The presence of antigens rouses your body’s illness-fighting white blood cells, called lymphocytes. This presence of antigens causes white blood cells to make cells called antibodies to fight against the antigens...Antibodies can tell us who has been exposed to a pathogen and potentially what protection they might have against a re-infection.”
Why did the CDC change their definitions? Clearly, one of the reasons is that vaccines do not offer immunity from the diseases they are treating. The question is, How much protection does a vaccine offer, and for how long? During the COVID period we were first told that vaccines provided lasting protection from SARS-CoV-2. Later, we learned that the vaccine did not stop transmission or infection, and only provided protection for a limited period of time, which is why we were all encouraged to get a booster shot. Then we were told that we would need multiple booster shots...
After the CDC changed their definitions and the forced vaccination campaign was underway, I began to wonder whether vaccines have ever offered immunity from anything.
A Very Brief History of Vaccination (from the World Health Organization)
Back in 1776 Dr. Edward Jenner discovered that giving people preparations of cowpox prevented them from getting the more virulent kind of smallpox. Cowpox is relatively benign but smallpox, during some outbreaks, could kill up to 30% of those infected. Dr. Jenner has been recognized for producing the world’s first successful vaccine.
And thus the ‘immunity comes from vaccines’ idea was born. According to the World Health Organization,
From at least the 15th century, people in different parts of the world have attempted to prevent illness by intentionally exposing healthy people to smallpox – a practice known as variolation (after a name for smallpox, ‘la variole’). Some sources suggest these practices were taking place as early as 200 BCE.”
Wow! Next I wanted to know how long the CDC used the earlier definition that a vaccine offered immunity. But after several searches I could find nothing but corporate websites justifying the new definition and “official” websites like the WHO and the CDC outlining the history of vaccination and saying how great vaccines are.
Maybe you will have better luck, or know someone in the medical field who knows the answer.
Asking a search engine a question these days is like talking to a politician: they often ignore the question and give results about something else. The results I am getting are 99% “official” sites like BBC, WHO, CDC, etc., the defenders of the status quo. (Prominent among these sites in the results I got is PolitiFact! Politifact is a website controlled by political activists, so it would make sense that they would be experts in science and medicine, lol.) The other alternative is using Large Language Models like Chat GPT or Grok, but I don’t trust them much.
Some observers suggest that mRNA will push other types of vaccines out of the market completely in the near future. My guess is that the CDC – after their experience with the Covid-19 vaccines –has no confidence that any of the new mRNA vaccines can provide immunity. And so they had to change the definition. Or perhaps the CDC just ‘fessed up about vaccines in general. It’s good that the CDC owned up, but it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the new vaccines, which aren’t even being tested before releasing them to the public. An NBC News article written in August 2022, titled, “FDA expected to authorize new Covid boosters without data from tests in people” has a subheader that reads,
The lack of human data means officials likely won’t know how much better the new shots are — if at all — until the fall booster campaign is well underway.”
This is a clear admission that the Covid boosters weren’t tested using the Biologics Licensing Application framework, which requires animal testing and three rounds of testing on humans, as well as long-term studies, before release.
From the FDA website dated Sept 13, 2023:
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took action approving and authorizing for emergency use updated COVID-19 vaccines formulated to more closely target currently circulating variants and to provide better protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death. Today’s actions relate to updated mRNA vaccines for 2023-2024 manufactured by ModernaTX Inc. and Pfizer Inc.” [emphasis mine]
The sordid fact is that medical products issued under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) protocol cannot be properly tested on humans, because they are experimental. The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines were released under the EUA protocol.
I think it is vital to understand what is in any recommended vaccine before a person gets jabbed.
(For a technical article about the composition of the mRNA Covid vaccine, go to )
Vaccines and Bioweapons
The Sleeper Agent is a book by A. W. Finnegan about the U.S. Bioweapons program that began before WW 2. A sleeper agent is a virus or toxin introduced into the body that can compromise the immune system, yet lie dormant. Later, when another virus comes along, the sleeper agent gets activated, causing the immune system to break down. Sleeper agents can cause chronic illness because, although they may lie dormant in the body, they can be reactivated by other toxins and viruses in the future. So you get sick for a while and then get better. You think you are over it until it gets reactivated again. This produces a cycle of remission then reactivation, over and over.
Creating sleeper agents was the life work of Erich Traub, the founder of Nazi Germany’s bioweapons program. Traub was sent to the US in 1939 and was instrumental in establishing our own bioweapons program. His cover was as an employee of the Agriculture Department. Traub weaponized many viruses and used ticks (Lyme disease) and birds (avian flu) to spread them. Traub was the founder of gain-of-function research in our government biolabs.
Finnegan tells us that the genius of sleeper agents is that they produce antibodies, so an antibody test will come back positive, indicating that the immune system is fighting the toxin. But the person remains sick.
Of course there is a difference between weaponizing a virus to cause harm, and introducing a weakened form of the virus via vaccination. However, both methods introduce poisons into the body. My question is, Do vaccines create protection from a disease, or do they sensitize the immune system to it, just as a sleeper agent would? This is a valid question if you ask me, a question anyone might want to ask themselves before being vaccinated.
Continued vaccination can build up toxins in the body, and exhaust the immune system by forcing it to continuously develop antibodies to various diseases. (Antibodies only develop for one pathogen at a time.)
Study the CDC’s recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule and make up your own mind. It’s mind boggling how many vaccines the CDC wants babies and children to take.
Immune System Compromise, Charles Richet, and Anaphylaxis
Immune system compromise has been known for a long time. The French researcher Charles Richet discovered what he called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is the immune system’s strong reaction to a toxin.
Charles Richet was a French physiologist (1850–1935) who studied at the University of Paris and later became a professor at the Collège de France. Richet’s groundbreaking work on anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine in 1913.
It is because of his Nobel Prize that we know vaccines can cause anaphylaxis. According to the Nobel Prize website,
Our immune system protects us from attacks by microorganisms and poisonous substances. After experiencing an attack, the immune system learns to defend itself against new attacks – we become immune. One of the ways this is used is with vaccinations, when a low dosage of an infectious substance provides immunity. Through studies involving dogs, Charles Richet demonstrated an opposite effect in 1902. After an initial low dose of a substance, a new dose some weeks later could produce a severe reaction. He called the phenomenon anaphylaxis.”
This is how a sleeper agent works.
Richet’s biography on the Nobel Prize website confirms this:
In 1913, [Richet] was awarded the Nobel Prize for his researches on anaphylaxis. He invented this word to designate the sensitivity developed by an organism after it had been given a parenteral injection of a colloid or protein substance or a toxin (1902).
Parenteral injection refers to the administration of a substance, such as a vaccine, directly into the body through a needle or syringe, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes. This includes injections into muscles (intramuscular), under the skin (subcutaneous) or into the dermal layer (intradermal).”
Richet’s work vaccinating animals poses a question: Is the mechanism of vaccine-caused anaphylaxis any different from Erich Traub’s weaponization of sleeper agents?
It’s something to think about.
Questioning vaccines is likely to cause a person to be called a kook, a “conspiracy theorist,” a “disinformation agent,” or any number of pejorative terms. But perhaps dumping toxins into the body – or injecting undisclosed mRNA sequences – might not be such a great idea, particularly if you do not know how much of the vaccine you are being given. If you inquire of your doctor about the mRNA sequences, you won’t be given the information, and you couldn’t understand it anyway. (The vaccine manufacturers won’t release it, calling it their intellectual property.)
The CDC’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule says “Your child needs vaccines as they grow!” And “Older children and teens need vaccines too!” Both of these statements are absurd. Natural immunity exists, and it is even recognized by doctors. Natural immunity allows the immune system to create protection against diseases without poisoning (or reprogramming) the body. Natural immunity can be strengthened by living a healthy lifestyle.
In summary, immune system compromise can occur not only with viruses and toxins in the environment, but also by anaphylaxis from over-vaccination. Both stimulate the immune system to create antibodies, but the immune system can get worn out if it is stimulated too much. Chronic disease can then result.
NOTE: Extension of the Public Health Emergency Declaration:
The outgoing HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, has extended the PREP Act for Medical Countermeasures (vaccines) for COVID-19 liability protections until December 31, 2029! This means that vaccines issued to the public until December 31, 2029, no matter how much harm they cause, give vaccine makers complete liability protection from lawsuits against their products. (The compensation program mentioned in the document is a joke.)
Here is the relevant portion of the document, which will be published in the Federal Register on December 11, 2024:
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) to issue a Declaration to provide liability immunity to certain individuals and entities (Covered Persons) against any claim of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacture, distribution, administration, or use of medical countermeasures (Covered Countermeasures), except for claims involving ‘‘willful misconduct’’ as defined in the PREP Act. Under the PREP Act, a Declaration may be amended as circumstances warrant....
The PHE declared under section 319 of the PHS Act ended on May 11, 2023. Nonetheless, as stated in section I of this amended PREP Act Declaration, I have determined there is a credible risk that COVID-19 may in the future constitute such an emergency and am thus amending this Declaration to prepare for and mitigate that risk.” [emphasis mine]
The document goes on at length to list those persons or entities who are given liability immunity associated with the manufacture, distribution, and delivery of vaccines that may cause harm. A Covered Countermeasure is a vaccine or medical product that has been developed to counter the effect of a weaponized virus or pathogen.
Why carry this PHE forward for FIVE more years, after the Public Health Emergency was declared to be over on May 11, 2023? Pandemic Preparedness. Read the document yourself, it’s very enlightening as to the state of our federal public health institutions, and it tells us what Pandemic Preparedness is all about.
My hope is that RFK Jr. will be able to help to destroy all of the Pandemic Preparedness programs next year during the new administration.