Soul Sharing

“Soul sharing” is the idea that the soul is a non-physical consciousness that experiences in the physical universe. As human beings we experience human consciousness, which is the physical awareness a human being has when part of his/her soul consciousness is associated with the physical body. Compared to soul consciousness, human consciousness is limited because only a piece of the soul’s awareness, which is part of the Creative Source, can “fit” into the physical body. So, most of the soul awareness exists outside the physical body, at the level of God/Creative Source/Spirit, or whatever you want to call it. In this way, physical entities can “share” soul awareness, for all human beings have souls, and a soul can share more than one physical body. Perhaps soul sharing is the explanation for “soul mates,” the almost complete bonding of two human beings in a love relationship.

I’m interested in this subject because my wife and I are soul mates. There’s such a strong bond between us that even after being together for 45 years, it’s hard to be away from each other. It just feels so right to be in the same space with each other.

I had an interesting experience in soul sharing this morning. I have had pets my entire life. I grew up with a cat and a dog, and have lived with cats for thirty years with my wife. We have seen them grow up and die, and then we get new ones. Recently our two cats both died within three weeks of each other. For some reason these two leaving us was much more devastating to me than the others. After three months we decided to get two kittens from the Humane Society.

After Sergei and Nicky died I told my wife that the next two cats we got would be reincarnations of Sergei and Nicky. Jenny looked at me and said, “I don’t think cats or animals reincarnate.” My favorite spiritual lecturer, Lee Carroll (Kryon) says that animals don’t have souls.

Well, I don’t believe that after what happened this morning. Two days earlier we walked into the Humane Society and immediately were attracted to two little kittens. One of them was black and the other tiger-striped, just like the two we lost. (Of course, just because the bodies look alike is no reason to assume that the consciousness of the animals is the same.) But the energy of these two guys was similar to the energy of our previous two cats when they were little. So, we took them home.

On Sunday morning (as I write this) I was in bed with the two little kittens. (Kittens are angels without wings.) Jenny was out of the room making coffee. Both of them climbed up on the bed The tiger-striped on had the energy of Sergei, and of two other cats we’ve had. The black one had the energy of  Nikky and another cat we lost. So what the hell, I started talking to them on a soul level, calling them by their previous names to see what happened. I immediately felt a sense of love and a presence that I can’t describe, it was a feeling of reunion with long lost loved ones.  The tiger-striped cats sat on my chest and started to purr loudly. He was rubbing his head against mine, the black one did the same. There was an unbelievable feeling of togetherness, a feeling that everything was perfect, that  all the cats I’ve ever had were there in that moment. Tears of joy started rolling down my face. It lasted for about ten minutes of absolute bliss.

A scientist, a skeptic, or a materialist would call this utter nonsense, but who cares about those dead-heads? It was an experience I’ll never forget, a connection to the Creative Source through the vehicle of two little kittens. Who knows but that there were others there as well, perhaps human loved ones who shared part of their souls with me as well.  It was such a profound, deep feeling of perfection and bliss that I sometimes share with Jenny.

I’m convinced that animals do have souls, or the equivalent of a soul. Consciousness isn’t separate like human bodies are. From my previous meditations I’m pretty sure that there is a collective consciousness of animals species like cats and dogs, just as there is with the human family. It’s almost like, if you have had one cat or dog or other pet, you have shared them with the entire collective consciousness of the species. In that broad sense all life everywhere is linked via soul-sharing, or consciousness sharing. After my experience this morning, I have no trouble at all accepting this idea.

An experience like this is intensely personal and subjective. It cannot be adequately explained using language. It can easily be dismissed by skeptics and materialists. However, anyone who has had a spiritual experience doesn’t care. These spiritual insights are far more real than the physical world we live in every day.  They have a powerful feeling of inclusion and connection with an energy far greater than the mundane events of “real” life.  These experiences remind one that there is far, far greater reality beyond the body reality of the five human senses.  But there’s no algorithm or formula or seminar that you can teach to others, so that they may have a similar experience. This is why my work has always revolved around finding your own personal insight.

Follow the Leader is an outdated concept

“Follow the leader” or “follow the hero” simply doesn’t work to create a personal connection to the Creative Source, although it can be inspiring. The best seminar I ever attended was by a guy who called himself Drunvalo Melchizedek. Seriously folks, I have no patience with pretension or hype, but this guy was the real deal. He basically told stories and we got together in “pods” of eight for surprisingly effective group meditation sessions. Drunvalo was my inspiration  for writing my geometry book on polyhedra. The point is, this guy didn’t hold himself up to be a guru or a spiritual master. He did his thing and sent us home. He taught us about the merkaba, and how to create a surrogate merkaba, which led to the greatest spiritual experience of my life. He said, “if you can do this you become more than human.” This is exactly and precisely what happened to me a month later.

Spiritual experiences are  personal and subjective – the surrogate merkaba

I’ll describe this briefly. Creating a surrogate merkaba is done by asking permission from the earth and then going through a few simple steps. A month after taking this seminar Jenny and I went up to northern Michigan for our annual fall vacation, to a house on Lake Michigan. The next morning a fog blanketed the entire lake. You went outside and saw white. It was a magical day, completely still. Not a sound could be heard except for the gentle lapping of waves on the Lake Michigan beach. Visibility was about six inches. I thought: “OK, let’s test to see if this surrogate merkaba stuff is for real, or is it bullshit.”

I’m a skeptic at heart. I don’t believe anything unless I can feel it or see it for myself.

So I followed the steps to create a surrogate merkaba above the lakefront house. This involves the creation of a spinning vortex of energy. And just like a computer program, you give the surrogate merkaba instructions. You create it, program it, and then let it do its thing. My instructions were: “clear away the fog in a way that shows purpose.” I imagined that the fog would clear off gradually in a way that would prove it wasn’t just random movement of water vapor.

I did this at 8 in the morning.

We went out for a short hike (interesting because visibility was about one foot) and came back. We had something to eat and I was doing some writing. About three hours later I remembered about the surrogate merkaba I created. I went outside and looked around.

Nothing. There was no change. I shrugged and chalked it up as a failed life experiment, and then I forgot about it. We had lunch and I went back to writing. About an hour later I went outside looked out at the lake. The fog was still thick. There was no breeze, no movement outside. I casually looked up at the sky, and saw that the fog had begun to clear in a perfect circle directly above the house where I had put the surrogate merkaba.

It was remarkable. Fog everywhere, a small, perfect circle of blue sky directly above. I marked it down as a purely coincidental but interesting physical phenomenon, and went back in  the house to continue writing my book.

An hour later I stepped outside and looked at the sky again. The circle was bigger, the “hole” in the fog larger, but the surrounding fog was as thick as ever.

OK, by now I am totally intrigued. An hour later I step out again, the blue hole in the sky is larger now, but still almost a perfect circle. To make a long story short, over a time period of about 8 hours, the fog cleared away from the lake in an almost perfect circle. The circle of blue sky got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then, about five in the afternoon, a breeze picked up and scattered the fog.

I knew what the seminar leader meant when he said, “If you can do this you become more than human.” This was a demonstration to me that consciousness can have a direct affect on the physical universe.

After that experience I didn’t feel the need to do more experiments. I never made another surrogate merkaba. I didn’t have to. I will never forget that magic day in the year 2000 as long as I live. 

It’s funny because Jenny was tired that day and, after our morning hike, never stepped foot outside the house. There was no one else in that area that day in the twenty houses on that beach. Jenny and I were alone; so in a sense this experience is completely subjective because no one else saw it. Or maybe they did, and remarked about the curious phenomenon of the circle in the sky. A scientist would explain it as a random movement of water vapor molecules, but nothing remarkable.

But for me it was life changing. It led me to write ten books. I have still never felt the need to make another surrogate merkaba; once was enough.

I tell  this story to illustrate that inspiration from others is important, but  any spiritual experience is always personal. Neale Donald Walsh and Eckhart Tolle are inspirations, and their books are great, but no one can explain to you how to connect with the Creative Source. Drunvalo was wise enough not to tell us what might happen if we created a surrogate merkaba. He just gave us the info and encouraged us to have at it. That’s the sign of a great teacher.

So – look to others for inspiration but consult your own inner wisdom. The world right now doesn’t need leaders and followers, it needs people who will look inward to find the God inside. Or, perhaps, it needs more little kittens and puppies to lighten people up.