The Vibrational Universe –– Part I
From the book "The Vibrational Universe:"
"Looking at Matter and Energy from a Different Perspective
"Science says that everything in existence is made of atoms. In the atomic model of reality, we have a nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud. The electrons are as far separated from the nucleus in an atom as the planets are separated from the sun in the solar system. So the atom is 99.9% space.
"What is going on inside the atom? Well, the electrons are oscillating madly around the nucleus, and so the atom is vibrating within itself. All things vibrate, because all things are in motion internally, and relative to all other objects in the universe. When something ceases to move, it dies. To understand this, look at a sample of dead tissue under a microscope. Or, go to the morgue and look at a cadaver.
"Lets go from the very small to the very large. The design of the atom can be understood from an examination of the solar system. We know that the sun has (at least) 9 planets, orbiting in an elliptical fashion around the sun and themselves spinning upon their axes.

Figure 1 The solar system
"In the solar system, the earth is 93 million miles away from the sun, and it is considered one of the inner planets! If we consider the entire volume of space mapped out by the orbit of the planets, and compare that to the tiny volume of space occupied by the mass of all of the planets, we can see that the ratio in the solar system of space to mass is zillions to one. So too with the atom – it is almost entirely space. Now consider that the mass of the planets themselves are all made of atoms, which are mostly space.... We can see that matter is very illusory, even though it appears quite real and solid to our senses.
"Imagine that the actions of planets rotating on their axes (giving us day and night) and orbiting around the sun are speeded up, like a reel of film that gets drawn faster and faster through a movie projector. We would see the planets madly spinning and oscillating around the sun. If we speeded up the projector big time, the individual planets would become invisible to our eyes and the solar system, if shrunk to the size of an atom, might look like a tiny nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud.
"Matter and energy is composed of atoms, and atoms are themselves vibrational in nature. And so matter and energy may validly be regarded as vibrational. If that is so, then, since everything in the physical universe is made of atoms, we can say that the universe itself is vibrational in nature.
"But if matter is mostly space, then why do we see anything as solid?
"Well, If something is vibrating very quickly, we cannot hear it; a dog whistle, for example, generates frequencies of sound which are too high for the human ear to detect. Similarly for a very low sound. The human ear can only pick up on vibrations in the range of about 20 Hertz to about 20,000 Hertz (Hertz is a measure of the frequency of a wave, or how fast it vibrates, named for Heinrich Hertz). When the tuner in your radio is set to 103 FM, it picks up only on the signals in that particular bandwidth, the rest are excluded. The concept of "tuning in" is a very important concept in the Universal Operating System, that is why we are spending so much time on it.

Figure 2 The electromagnetic spectrum.
"Visible light is only a tiny portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. If this diagram were drawn to scale, the visible light section would be an invisible vertical line. This image shows that the human senses can detect only a very very small portion of the known range of universal vibration. Of course, with instrumentation, we can go out pretty far on the electromagnetic spectrum, but the data must all be arranged so that it resolves within the tiny bandwidth of human senses. In other words, a gamma ray counter may beep, or display a mark on a graph, but we cannot really see or directly understand gamma rays:

"The unaided eye perceives very little; but even with instrumentation, data from the broader EM spectrum must be transposed so that it can be understood. Our science does a good job of guessing, but science still cannot see clearly beyond the range of the human senses.
"To demonstrate how something vibrational could be interpreted as solid, consider a ball with a rod attached, mounted upon a shaft (left). When the shaft is rotated slowly, we can see the ball creep along its orbital path. But if we take that ball and rotate it fast enough, the ball turns into a solid torus, or donut (right). The ball is moving so quickly that to our senses, it occupies every point along its orbital path at the same time.
Figure 3. A ball mounted on a shaft. Ball rotated around shaft
"The rotation pictured here is only going at about 20 revolutions per second, but the ball has turned into a solid looking ring (a torus). If it were rotated much much faster, the torus would feel completely solid, because the ball would seem to occupy every position along the ring at the same time! If we were to touch this torus/rotating ball it would, to our senses, be indistinguishable from a solid, motionless object. So we can say that the solidity, or reality, of anything is a function of how fast or slow it is vibrating, relative to our senses.
"And since the senses of the human body are themselves composed of vibrating atoms, the perception of anything can be considered a matching or a tuning of vibration. In other words, once two vibrations become too distant from one another, it is impossible for one to see the other.
"A being whose eyes could distinguish vibrations at very high frequencies would merely see a ball creeping along its orbital path, just as we do when the ball is slowed down to a crawl. We could say that what distinguishes one object from another is the vibrational signal it emits (I am not trying to contradict the atomic model of matter, just giving it a different 'spin'!) So not only does reality depend upon the character of the vibration, but also how that vibration is interpreted.
"Science tells us that the light that bounces off the objects in our world and reaches our eyes has the characteristics of particles, and of waves. Waves are vibrations, so I think we are on solid ground in looking at the world vibrationally.
"Imagine that the actions of planets rotating on their axes (giving us day and night) and orbiting around the sun are speeded up, like a reel of film that gets drawn faster and faster through a movie projector. We would see the planets madly spinning and oscillating around the sun. If we speeded up the projector big time, the individual planets would become invisible to our eyes and the solar system, if shrunk to the size of an atom, might look like a tiny nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud.
"Matter and energy is composed of atoms, and atoms are themselves vibrational in nature. And so matter and energy may validly be regarded as vibrational. If that is so, then, since everything in the physical universe is made of atoms, we can say that the universe itself is vibrational in nature.
"Looking at the physical world from this perspective, we can see that the solid material objects of our world are, internally, vibrational in nature…”

In the above diagram we have a basic pattern: a circle into which 2 smaller circles whose radius is exactly 1/2 of the larger This pattern is repeated as many times as my geometry program would allow. As the pattern is iterated, the circles cluster around the line AC and become vanishingly small.
If you start from A on the left and go up on the first inner circle, clockwise, 180 degrees and come to the middle, then go down on the second inner circle and come to C, then from C go around the second inner circle counter–clockwise 180 back to the middle, then down the bottom half of the first inner circle back to A, you will have made a complete circuit of both circles. The path traveled is exactly equal to the circumference of the big circle. We can continue this pattern of traversing the circumference of the smaller circles indefinitely, and the total distance will always equal the circumference around the larger circle.
Even though this is unremarkable mathematically, it IS remarkable geometrically, because as the circles grow smaller and smaller, the path along the circumference of the circles flattens out and appears to our eyes, after only 10 iterations, to be a straight line. So the total distance around the circumference of the large circle appears to be from A to C in a straight line, and back from C to A again in a straight line. To our eyes at 'real world' magnification, it then appears that distance around the large circle is equal to twice the diameter of the large circle!
The point is that by reducing the scale, we have introduced inaccuracies into our observation of reality. [1]
Of course, we have microscopes and telescopes to help us resolve these questions of scale. However, although we can observe individual atoms and even manipulate them with non–optical scanning tunneling microscopes, we still have never directly observed an electron, or a proton, or a quark. Our observation of galaxies, and the universe at large presents the same problem in reverse. This diagram serves to illustrate that the only things we can really be sure of in the physical universe are things we can perceive directly. And the only things we can perceive directly are those things that are vibrationally attuned to our senses. Although Nobelist Richard Feyman said that it is not true that we cannot do science based solely upon observation, our assumptions about the nature of reality are just that: assumptions made from a very limited observational certainty.The rest is just guesswork!
Thoughts and emotions are Vibrational
Now we make an assumption: that thought itself is also vibrational in nature (see "The Properties of Thought" in the book The Vibrational Universe , and The Creation oif a Universe. In our vibrational model of the universe, thought is a creation of consciousness and is observable to consciousness. Thought is alive in the sense that it proceeds forth from consciousness, the static, creative and animating principle of the universe. Thought is the ultimate, basic quanta of all matter and energy. Therefore, all matter and energy is internally alive and conscious on some level. Because a thought is alive and conscious, it is in motion. We now know that all things at all s cale levels vibrate, from galaxies to cells to atoms (see A Scale Unification –– A Universal Scaling Law for Organized Matter, Haramein, Hyson and Rausher, p.5. ) [2] This tells us that everything in the universe is alive. Astonishingly, when radius vs frequency is plotted on a graph, there is a linear relationship, with living biology (cells) in the very middle of the graph! This is a very important, for it links biology to matter and energy and shows the underlying unity and wholeness of the universe.
Emotions are physically perceivable electrochemical reactions in our biology. Since atoms are vibrational in nature, and cells are composed of atoms, emotions are also vibrational. Therefore, our vibrational concept is all inclusive; uniting spirit, thought, matter and energy.
In the vibrational universe concept, every conscious personality has a unique vibrational signature or footprint, which makes it distinct and unique from all others. Why? Because all beings are unique, and have different desires, thoughts, and intentions. Each of us is surrounded by a living field of subtle energy, which changes with every thought and decision we make. Each of us interfaces with the universe at large and communicates with each other on the subtle level of thought. Arthur Young, in his seminal book "The Reflexive Universe," modeled consciousness on the torus, a self–reflexive topology that curves back on itself. Young speculated that in this way, consciousness changes itself and interacts with the material world.
In effect, every conscious personality is broadcasting a vibrational signal to the rest of the universe, and is responding in kind. The medium for these transmissions is a (postulated) universe–wide field of subtle energy composed of thought and created by every conscious personality that has ever existed in the universe since the beginning of time.
Because consciousness is self–aware and can think, choose, decide, and prefer, every person can change his or her vibrational signature at any time. The content of a persons thought determines his or her feelings and position on the scale of emotion (vibration). This means that, merely by a change in thought a person can change the way he or she feels. Because the inherent nature of consciousness is positive, one can, by stopping thought altogether and quieting the mind, establish a pure connection with Source and experience a feeling of joy and well–being. This is the idea behind meditation.
In a vibrational universe, consciousness is a non–physical ,virtual, creative principle, always at cause–point. In such a universe, physical experience is temporary. The association with physical containers (bodies) may be terminated at any time, and a return to Source reestablished, in which a conscious being rediscovers its true nature and experiences a pure reconnection with well–being. This philosophy is a uniformly positive one, where all endings are joyful. Geometrically, we say that a physical experience is a circle, where death (exit point from the physical) is at exactly the same place as birth (entry point to the physical) and the life path is the journey round the circle.

In this conception, a life path is never too short or too long. The little baby who dies in his or her crib as well as the grizzled old man both return to knowledge of self and re–experience the joy of consciousness in its Native State, regardless of the pleasantness or unpleasantness of the physical life.
A few reader comments:
"I believe you have one of the greatest books ever ("The Vibrational Universe"). I am so delighted to be able to count you among my friends and am really looking forward to our working together in the future."
--Kate Nowak creator of "May You Be Blessed" - The Movie
"Thank you. Your life and your work has changed my life. I am truly grateful."
-- Stephen Green
"After years of reading books, attending workshops, studying spirituality...I have rediscovered and reconnected to my TRUE SELF and finally understood what I had already been reading about for such a long time. Somehow, your books gave me that true understanding, comprehension and realisation that I was looking for."
-- Patricia Dubois
"I stopped by your page after punching in "perfect universe" and law of cause and effect into Google's search engine, and got to your page eventually, and WOW. Just saying hello and thanks for the info. Your web site has explained principles I have often wanted to incorporate into my life, but never felt a full understanding of.."
-- Alexander Brown, UK