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Weekly Messages from
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Weekly Messages
(transcripts). Note: Due to the length of these messages, I can no longer provide transcripts for every show. The page is becoming too cumbersome. It's more fun to listen to the show!
Who are The Guys?
The Guys are the inspirational
energy that I receive when I consciously open to receive
information. Over the years this energy has changed and
evolved, but there are three personalities that remain
constant. I call these personalities Dragon, Delver, and
Sweet. Dragon is playful and boisterous, Sweet is serene
and loving, and Delver loves to probe deeply into the
nature of life and existence. These beings have
personalities, just like you and me. The main difference
is that they are completely confident of themselves, and
always resonate with well being, love, and joy.
Today we want to talk about
love, and the love we feel for you, and for all life on
earth, and for all that is. Love is the fundamental,
resonant vibration of consciousness, and of the
All–That–Is. Love is like the gentle ripples that flow
outward from a blue, crystal clear pond, touching
everything. Love is quiet, serene, but enormously
powerful. Love is not loud and ostentatious, nor is it
ego–driven. Stop what you are doing right now, sit still
and relax. Allow love to seep into your bones, your
cells, and into your being. Love is who you are. It
resonates powerfully within everything and every one.
Feel the power of love within you, the confidence and
strength of it. Don't you feel a sense of well–being?
We liken love to the
electricity that flows through the wiring of your house.
It runs your appliances, your computers, your radios and
TV's, your home theater systems. The flow of electric
current is the vibration that powers everything. Its
frequency and strength is adjusted perfectly to
everything you plug into it. Love is the same way. There
is no situation in which love is not appropriate, did
you know that? An angry person will literally dissolve
in the presence of love, for anger is a sub–harmonic of
love. All vibrations in the All–That–Is proceed from
love, it is the OM, the Alpha and the Omega.
You are powerless to the
degree that you cannot feel love.
You are as insecure as you are
unable to feel the vibration of love coursing through
Love is actually not a
vibration, did you know that? Love is the SOURCE of all
vibration in the universe, and causes all things to
resonate to it. Love is outside of time, and space. Love
is the creative potential that manifests itself in the
physical. It is the source of inspiration, of the
creation of the entire universe. How can this be?
Because love wants to share itself, to spread itself far
and wide. Love is the feeling of your cup running over.
This is/was the motivation for that which desires to
manifest itself. And so you see, dear ones, that the
universe must constantly expand, for love constantly
desires to give of itself, which leads to perpetual
Have you ever felt like this?
When you feel so wonderful that you just have to jump up
and tell the world how much you love it? How much you
want to give of yourself to it?
All things proceed from this
impulse. In your physical containers, encapsulated
within space and time, you want to know how it all
began, don't you? Well, the answer is that it didn't!
And it will never end! Something eternal is not limited!
Love, being eternal and infinite, needed to express
itself in an infinite variety of ways. And so, the
All–That–Is was created, and continues to grow.
Love is unconditional, because
it is infinite.
When you truly connect with
another person, you feel love.
To love, everything is
acceptable –– even the most heinous, cruel and barbaric
act. Does this sound crazy?
It is only crazy if you
consider yourself to be limited! Of course, you are not
limited. Your physical body is a temporary vehicle of
perception, and your earth experience, no matter how
poignant, an amusement park ride.The person you hate is
connected to you in the most intimate fashion, because
hatred is an expression of love. When Ken first met his
wife, he was repelled. But that hate turned into a
powerful expression of intimacy that has lasted and
grown for 30 years.
No matter how many deluded
philosophies you invent to convince yourselves of your
inadequacies, you cannot get away from love. That is
because all endings are happy endings! When you die, you
will discover this once more, and laugh about your
fears. You will see clearly into every horrible
experience you have ever had, and understand that the
basis for all action is love. That is something to look
forward to. But our message this week is to put a little
more love in your life right now! It's not hard, really
it's not! To feel love all you have to do is BE who you
So take a few minutes out of
every day for love. The more you consciously orient
yourself to this feeling, the more you will blossom.
You Are Magnificent
Oh goody, we get to do another
weekly message!
We would like to say this week
that not only are you magnificent and divine beings, but
that it is possible to see yourselves that way as well.
Does that sound impossible?
We understand that sometimes
earth living can be a day–to–day grind, and that there
may be so much stress in your life that the idea is
But what if there were a
simple way to step back a little from the person you see
as yourself, and see the magnificent being of light that
you are?
First, we want you to imagine
the most spectacular light show you have ever seen. This
could be a fireworks display, or the aurora borealis, or
a magnificent sunset. Do you have something like that in
your mind?
All right, now we want you to
flesh that out a little bit. Imagine that there are
billions of colors that you have not yet seen with your
human eyes, bright, brilliant colors in a spectrum that
is far broader than the little prisms of light you see
when you take a lens or a crystal and expose it to the
sun. In your prism, you can see the basic colors: red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. On your monitor
displays, you are presented with options to display 32
million or so, but actually there are billions of
recognizable colors outside the range of human
Now take that light display in
your mind and brighten it up. Imagine that light show or
that sunset is a dim representation of a much more
magnificent image, sparkling and glowing and vibrant
with life. Now imagine that each of these colors has a
sound or a musical note associated with it, and that the
entire display expresses a feeling or an emotion. Now
imagine that the display is constantly changing, and
that each time it changes, different patterns of color,
sound, and sensation come forth.
That, dear ones, is what you
look like to us!
Every thought you have changes
the magnificent light display. Every thought also is
brought forth as a little vibration, which adds itself
to the symphony of vibration that is already in
existence. All life everywhere is constantly creating
the universe! Your scientists are correct when they say
that the universe is expanding –– the All That Is is
constantly growing more beautiful, more complex, more
Every time you experience a
physical lifetime, you create more colors add another
pattern to the beautiful tapestry that is you. You are,
indeed, a work of art!
Our message to you this week
is to step back from your daily life for a few minutes
every day. Step back from the news, your problems and
difficulties by simply closing your eyes and imagining
something beautiful. Sit there and imagine what that
image feels like. Try to feel the feelings and
sensations connected with each color, and what each one
sounds like. In this way, you may get a tiny glimpse
into the magnificence that is you. Even if you cannot do
this, imagining or remembering anything pleasant will
do! You see, it is important to take some time every day
for yourself. Re–creating or imagining pleasure moments
feeds your soul. You would not think of going without
food or drink during the day, would you? Well, your
spirit needs sustenance as well, and it is so easy to
Dear ones, we always say that
all endings are happy endings. No matter how your life
is going, or where you think you might end up, you
always return to Source and experience once again the
utter magnificence of who you are –– there are no
exceptions. You see, life is a win–win!
Have you ever felt troubled?
Sad or depressed?
These emotions are incredibly
poignant, we know, and sometimes unbearable. But did you
know that these emotions are self created, and
temporary? Even in the depths of despair, you may still
re–discover the connection to who you really are.
They occur, each and every
one, because of your resistance to life. When you
transition out of your body, you will instantly re–gain
your true perspective and you will stop creating them.
Imagine a fish out of water, being returned to it. The
fish automatically begins extracting oxygen through it’s
gills. When you terminate your association with the
physical container, you immediately interface directly
with the Source of life force energy, without the
intermediary, or “middle man” of the body.
We have said before that one
of the purposes of the physical container is to allow
you to experience negative emotion. Does this sound
We assure you it is not!
A physical lifetime on earth
is exciting! But it is temporary, just like a scary
amusement park ride. At first you are eager and excited
to go on the gigantic roller coaster, and at the end,
you say “Whew! I’m glad that is over!”
When you get home, you tell your friends all about the
frightening bits, and how fantastic it all was, even
though, during the experience, you were scared out of
your mind! And of course, you add little embellishments
here and there. A week later, you are eager to go back
on that ride.
This is exactly how it is when
you come Home. Every one of your negative emotions
vanishes, and you only see the beauty and the excitement
in your earthly experiences, no matter how horrible they
were when you lived through them. And many of you can’t
wait to come back.
We tell you this because it
sometimes seems as if the road of pain and struggle is
endless. Under these conditions, hopelessness, despair
and depression sets in. But it is not. The physical
experience is temporary, and there is ALWAYS a happy
The idea that ‘when you die,
you’re dead’ also contributes to a feeling that struggle
is never ending. Fortunately, these memes are becoming
less and less dominant as the population of earth
re–discovers its spiritual nature.
This process is occurring at
an ever increasing rate, but at the present time, is
“under the radar.” Your societies are undergoing massive
transformation, but it is visible at present only at the
grass roots level. Your major political and economic
institutions are also undergoing massive change, which
is manifesting itself in polarization within them. Those
who do not demonstrate integrity are finding it more and
more difficult to act in the old ways of obfuscation and
duplicity. The light of truth is shining on these
established structures, and the cockroaches, as it were,
are finding it harder to hide as the rocks are being
lifted from them!
We want to tell you that
everything on your planet is proceeding magnificently.
There are those who say that the earth is dying; that
she is being stressed by the pollution and the
environmental damage of mankind. Of course humanity is
having an effect upon the planet, but the earth has been
designed expressly for you, did you know that?
The consciousness of mankind,
no matter how insane it may seem to those who are
physically incarnated, is in harmony with Gaia. The
earth is strong, dynamic, and flexible beyond your
ability to understand. All species on the earth, and
Gaia Itself, are in perfect balance. Your planet has the
ability to adjust to wide swings of the pendulum.
Remember that the surface of
the earth is only a very small portion of the planet’s
consciousness. Beneath the surface are processes of
which you are unaware. The planetary grids, the magnetic
field, the atmosphere, the geological processes and the
interior of the planet are a coordinated whole.
Humankind has not yet learned the full extent of earth’s
systems and capabilities.
Our message this week is one
of hope!
No matter how bad things get,
they will get better.
The physical experience is a
win–win situation, both for individual humans, and the
earth Itself.
We love and adore all of you!
The Purpose of Life
Oh, we feel inspired to give
you a message of love and joy!
What is the purpose of life?
The answer to this question
would come under the heading of Truth with a capital T!
But what if we told you that the answer was “To Have
Would you believe us? Or think
us a bunch silly–billy’s?
Consider the story of the grasshopper and the ant. The
grasshopper sings, plays and has fun all summer, while
the ant works hard. When winter comes, the silly
grasshopper begs for food at the ant’s house. The ant,
according to the story, kicks him to the curb, as Ken
would say, and admonishes him by saying, “If you had
planned ahead and worked hard, as I did, you wouldn’t be
But we say, that grasshopper
would find food elsewhere. He would survive quite nicely
thank you, unless he began to believe in the philosophy
of the ant! The ant, you see, in this fable anyway,
believes that there is only so much to go around. He has
probably convinced his fellow ants, and all other
species, that scarcity is the inherent condition for
existence and that hard work is the only way to survive.
And that is how life evolves, for the power of thought
and belief to shape action and manifestation is
Our grasshopper, if he truly
believed in prosperity, may find a wealthy household
looking for a story teller or an artist to help the
family while away the long winter months.
You see, dear ones, you always
work faster and better and more efficiently when you do
something you love. And there is always, even on earth,
a niche for those who create in areas that are not
considered socially acceptable. The story of advancement
in art, science, engineering and marketing is the story
of those who dared to think outside the box! Nobody
wants the same old–same old! And the vibration of fun
makes it possible to begin the journey outside the box.
You see, it is impossible not
to make something worthwhile when you are having fun. On
earth, fun is associated with frivolity and work is
associated with practicality and the essentials of life.
But what if you could combine fun and work? We assure
you that the most magnificent creators are those who do
that very thing.
Fun, you see, is the essence
of life because it is a connection with who you are. Fun
is the allowance of life force energy through your human
energy field and through every cell of the body. It is
literally true that without fun, there is no life!
Oh, if you could but see the
magnificence of the All–That–Is through our eyes! You
simply would not believe how glorious it is! Anything
you can possibly imagine has and is being created. Did
you know that we get many of our ideas from you? And
that what you call inspiration is a connection to us?
Even though it appears that you are closeted within your
biological containers, you are at all times interfacing
with the universal medium of thought. You and we are
just a thought away!
Now, imagine a playground in
which there are environments to play in that match
anything you could dream of. This is the All–That–Is
–– a magnificent and infinitely vast collection of
places to experience in. Ken simply does not have the
words to describe what it is like. But we will say that
a Native State being has access to any of these
environments that you can vibrationally focus upon. The
earth is, in microcosm, a physical reflection of the
All–That–Is. All physical environments are interpreted
realities –– meaning that the physical container in
which you reside determines the frequencies that you
perceive and the reality that you experience. This is
how a non–physical consciousness can experience in an
infinite number of ways.
There is not one true reality
or one truth! There are many truth’s –– all of them
created by an eternal, divine, creative principle that
feels love and joy in every moment!
The universe is an expression
of this divine and magnificent creator. The Creative
Principle is non–physical, so that means that everything
you observe on earth is also an expression of the divine
creator. In fact, everything you observe IS the creative
principle –– we are all, essentially, an aspect of the
One, and we are all in this together! We are all one big
happy family.
Because consciousness
inherently has free will, it is possible to experience
in any manner you choose. You may experience pain,
illness and suffering, or you may choose to experience
more joyfully.
There is no big mystery to
experiencing joy. That is because pain is an aspect of
joy, not the other way around. Sadness is a harmonic of
happiness, poverty is a harmonic of abundance. All
things negative are an aspect of something positive and
magnificent. When you are in pain you are not
vibrationally so far apart from joy, did you know that?
That is because pain is the antithesis of joy –– but is
very close to it, conceptually.
Imagine a circle in which joy
is at the top of the circle. As you resist life, you
feel more and more pain. Finally, when the pain becomes
almost unbearable, you arrive back at the starting
point: joy!
That is what occurs at death
–– a complete release from suffering and the resumption
of a state of being so exquisite that you will not
believe it when it happens. And the good news is that
the harder you resist death, the more exquisite will be
your release from death! So you see, life is a win–win.
Hardship is always temporary. Pain is always
impermanent. The only constant of life is well being.
That is why we say that the universe is magnificent, and
that you are magnificent.
If you could see yourselves
through our eyes for even a millisecond, you would
abandon all limited conceptions of self–worth. You would
throw away your chains and embrace your fellow bothers
and sisters, and your planet would literally transform
itself into a paradise: a heaven on earth. Of course, if
that happened, the earth would not be quite so
magnificent! You see, to us, magnificence lies in the
variety and diversity of experience. That is why the
earth is so glorious, for in one tiny little planetary
bubble, there are so many environments, ecosystems, and
species that it is truly a work of art. Even within the
magnificence of the All–That–Is, your planet is a
shining blue jewel –– a place known throughout the
universe for its magnificent beauty and terrifying
contrast. The earth is a magnificent playground and when
you transition, even those of you who have experienced
the most excruciatingly painful lifetimes will look upon
your experiences as beautiful.
Because it is not possible to
feel pain in native state. Because your resistance
evaporates when you return Home, and only the beauty
remains. All of you are impossibly gorgeous, glorious
beings of Light, and, in the first femtosecond after
death when you perceive yourselves as you truly are, you
will gaze upon yourselves in awe and wonderment, just as
we do.
We want you to sit in
meditation after this show is over, and consider
yourselves from the perspective of a magnificent, Native
State being of Light.
Perhaps you will gain a
glimpse into the beauty and gloriousness of who you
really are. That is all it will take to forever alter
your conception of self!
The Spirit of Christmas
The spirit of Christmas is
the spirit of who you are. By that we mean that you
allow yourselves to celebrate. Did you know that
celebration is the closest feeling you can have,
spiritually, to that which we experience in native
Celebration is love, combined
with eagerness, exhilaration, and a feeling of joyous
gratitude for who you are and the magnificence of the
All–That–Is, which all of us have created.
Our message to you this week,
so close to Christmas time, is to find something to
Let us look at the word
celebrate. Celebration means to mark a joyous occasion
or event with festivity or ceremony. Oh, if you could
only understand that every moment of your lives is cause
to celebrate! Here you are, incarnated upon one of the
most challenging and remarkable places in the entire
universe! Did you know that we celebrate your lives, in
every moment? Even when you feel sad, or depressed, or
hopeless, or in despair. Every one of you has a
spiritual “crew,” did you know that? These are loved
ones in native state who have known you forever, and who
celebrate the current expression of your greater self
that is now experiencing on earth. We see you as you
would an intrepid explorer upon a great adventure,
striking out in the wilderness and blazing new trails.
Each and every one of you, on
earth, is taking experience and understanding where it
has never been before. On earth, all of your experiences
are magnified by the intensity of your emotions and the
intense focusing of consciousness required to experience
through the senses of the human body. Because your
spiritual sensors are necessarily atrophied while in the
body, you naturally forget sometimes how truly
magnificent you are.
That which you call the Higher
Self is you, did you know that? All of you is available
in every moment. By that we mean, it is possible to feel
the greatest joy, love, and appreciation for yourself,
by simply opening up to your greater self. You can do
this through celebration.
This week, we want you to
celebrate yourself! We want you to envision yourself as
a vast, magnificent, gorgeous being of sound and light.
Imagine the most beautiful music, and the most
exquisite, colorful light, configured into the most
beautiful shapes and tapestries. Imagine feeling a sense
of complete confidence, power, and so much love that you
just want to shout it to the rooftops! You will then
have a slight glimpse into who you really are.
Meditation: (Sit in a
quiet place where you can be undisturbed for 15 minutes
or so).
You are walking along
in your favorite vacation spot. This could be a forest,
a beach, a city street, anywhere that you feel the most
light–hearted and carefree. Up ahead you see brilliant
colors and hear beautiful music that seems to draw you
toward it. As you get closer, you feel the most perfect
sense of harmony. The cells of your body, and every one
of your thoughts and emotions seem to resonate with
sublime perfection to a feeling that everything is
just right.
As you approach, you see a
magnificent figure standing 30 feet away. This is a
being so beautiful that it takes your breath away. It is
surrounded by rays of gorgeous light that sparkle and
glint, and every time they do, you hear music that
resonates within your soul. You walk toward this being
with the most wonderful feeling of excitement and
anticipation. You just know some thing fantastic is
about to happen! You stand before this being, awed, and
when you look into that beautiful face, you realize that
it is your own face!
This is your Higher Self, and
this magnificent being has a message for you. Close your
eyes, release all resistance, and listen…what do you
feel? This message will not come as words in your head,
but as a feeling. Within that feeling may be images and
concepts, but they will be in a form that you will
understand intuitively. Just sit quietly, and bask in
the feeling. You will feel the most wonderful sense of
inspiration and admiration for who you are. You may feel
so good that you want to jump up out of your chair and
tell someone about it, or call someone and tell them you
love them. If you are like Ken, you will feel the urge
to write something inspirational! Whatever it is, go
with it. This is the Christmas gift from You, to You!
Merry Christmas, and remember
that you are loved more than words can possibly express.
Love, Ken and the guys
Who or What is God?
We have had requests for
weekly message topics from listeners to the Interview
with Spirit show. One of the topics that comes up a lot
is: Who or what is God? For some, the word God
generates fear.
When you perceive from our
perspective, the glory of God is evident everywhere. We
cannot imagine anything more magnificent than the
creations of God. (Here I received images of dozens of
environments to play in; from nature scenes to nebulae
out in deep space, to dolphins jumping in and out of the
water, and many more that I cannot translate. These
images were accompanied by the most wonderful feeling of
excitement and playfulness.) When you truly connect to
God, the idea that God could be dangerous, or that God
should be feared, is simply incomprehensible!
Who or what is God?
The short answer is that God
is you. God is consciousness; a wonderful, non–physical
awareness that fills the universe, and at all times
feels joyful. A human being is an aspect or extension of
this non–physical consciousness (in the Special Subjects
(#42) we have explained how a non–physical consciousness
can become individually self–aware). Even when we feel
bad, it is simply not comparable to the depths of
negative emotion that you experience within your
physical bodies. Why? Because in order to feel bad there
must be self–denial. In Native State, we are all
interfacing directly with God, or what you have called
call chi, or prana, or life force energy, and this feels
wonderful. It is simply not possible for us to doubt
ourselves! Ken has experienced this through our
messages. He remarks that we always seem 100% confident,
without even the tiniest sideband of doubt. The only
doubt Ken ever experiences when dealing with us, comes
from within himself!
As we have said many times,
the physical body was designed to allow you to
experience positive and negative emotion. Does that
sound strange? We assure you it is not! Think about this
for a minute! Why would an immortal spirit design an
environment that allows it to experience pain and
misery? The answer is, because it is so different from
the way a spirit naturally experiences! You see, we have
gone to great lengths to ‘stretch the envelope’, you
might say. We have had to be very clever indeed to
design an environment that is literally 180 degrees the
opposite of how we inherently feel and experience! And
do you know what? We are inordinately proud of
ourselves! The physical universe is an interpreted
environment that has been deliberately designed for
“shock value.” All of you are adventurers! You so much
wanted to get on this roller–coaster ride called earth.
And now you are on it. You are strapped in! Your job is
to enjoy the ride!
“God” is simply a term that
describes anthropomorphized consciousness. After the end
of the last earth cycle, in which human civilization was
destroyed, the consciousness of mankind had within it
some very destructive and powerfully activated memes, or
patterns of thought. As humanity began to reappear on
the earth, the consciousness of mankind was of course
affected by these destructive memes. Although
cooperation is the most natural instinct for life, on
earth, the memes of conflict, competition and scarcity
became most dominantly activated. As a result, so much
knowledge was lost within the species consciousness.
Primitive people did not
understand the powerful forces that brought about
climactic, geological, and astronomical changes. These
forces seemed cold and indifferent, and they naturally
sought to humanize them, to make them friendlier. In
this way, the idea of gods who were separate from
individual human beings was born. It was only a matter
of time before the gods became united into one,
all–powerful God. And, of course, certain people saw
advantages to claiming “divine rights” to lord it over
everyone else!
The fear of God stems
directly from the artificial separation of
consciousness, in the guise of an anthropomorphized God,
from individual human beings. This amazing (to us) state
of affairs is, essentially, a denial of self and the
denial of your fundamental nature. The next time you
feel good, notice how much you feel in harmony with
everything around you. This feeling is the fundamental
connection of your consciousness with the consciousness
of all life, of all things. It is what we in Native
State experience in every moment, and what some of you
call the “now.” The universe is composed of and filled
with the awareness of Spirit. The true definition of God
is the experience of well-being and joy.
Dear ones, God is a
celebration! Every cell, every atom is experiencing
well–being. Even the feeling of negative emotion is
divinely inspired, for it is an expression of
consciousness. Your physical reality is, we assure you,
an interpreted reality. We tell you that discomfort is
always temporary. Fear, anxiety, depression and hatred
are phantoms and evaporate in the presence of
well–being. Well–being is the quintessential property of
Spirit. It is, inherently, who you are. Well–being is
your birthright!
What causes the fear of God
to be amplified is the concept of God’s judgment. God is
all–powerful, and human beings are required to
faithfully obey God’s instructions. Centuries of
tradition make them inviolable. Violation of these
strictures causes a person to feel that he or she has
committed an indiscretion. In this way, a human being is
made to feel less–than. These inflexible codes of
conduct proscribe thought and action, and cause one to
feel guilt and shame. In this way, you are persuaded to
deny self. All aberration, all negative emotion, stems
from self–denial, did you know that? Only through
self-denial can you occlude or obfuscate the connection
to, and knowledge of, your divine heritage, and cause
the life force energy that flows into every cell of your
body and being to become blocked or distorted.
All beings have free will, so
of course, a belief in a wrathful God is merely a
choice; a choice that can be altered at any time. We
tell you that more and more humans are waking up to
their spiritual nature, and discovering for themselves
the meaning of God. The world is undergoing,
energetically, a massive change in consciousness. This
is occurring on an individual level, and underneath the
“radar” of the mass media. Like an expanding gas, the
pressure is building for a shift in consciousness as the
old order hangs on to an outdated and self–defeating
paradigm of thought.
Oh, it must be exciting to be
human at this time! We look with astonishment at how
fast the vibrational landscape is changing! We see the
year 2008 as a year when many things that are now
hidden, will leak out into the public awareness. Those
of you engaged in spiritual work will find your
endeavors a little easier, as the species consciousness
of humanity shifts and the need for spiritual knowledge
increases. There is also a great potential for the
cracks in the existing political and economic structure
to widen, causing upheavals in a system that has lost
integrity and needs a new direction. In this new year of
2008, therefore, do you stay balanced and focused and
create your life in a positive direction. In this way,
you sublimate the vibrations of the fear–mongers who
operate in the lower vibrations. Their activities must
stick out like a sore thumb, and become more and more
obvious as destructive and irrational! It may seem as
though chaos reigns, when in fact order and integrity is
being restored. Therefore do not panic, for there is no
need. Humanity is approaching the end of a planetary
vibrational cycle, and is, as you read this, at the
threshold of a new one.
Which way will it go? The
potential for a positive denouement for humanity, and
all of the species with which you interact and affect,
is now stronger than ever! As more and more of humanity
resonates to well being, the greater is the possibility
for your planet to become the paradise it was designed
to be.
The listeners on the IWS show
have requested healing messages on a variety of topics.
This week’s healing message is on relationships.
Oh, relationships are the
foundation of joy!
You see, the universe itself
was created from the idea of a relationship. “Oh,
wouldn’t it be grand to share how I feel?” When this
thought occurred, a particle was created different from
the thinker. And thus was communication. Communication
is the essence of all relationships, and the quality of
communication determines the quality of any
The etheric substance that
connects all things and composes all things is thought,
and thought resonates to the fundamental vibration of
the universe, what you refer to as the OM. When you
reach for someone, that connection is love, did you
realize that? The essence of communication, therefore,
is love! Love is what creates and sustains all
relationships. Relationships are about the quality of
communication. When you allow your affinity for another
to become attenuated in any way, you interfere with the
essence of a relationship.
All communication begins on a
very high vibrational level, because the genesis of
communication is within the spirit, and the essence of
spirit is love. Thought generates electro–chemical
responses within the body, which determine where a
person is on the scale of vibration/emotion. So a
relationship begins within you! The most important
relationship you have is the one with yourself.
A relationship begins with
vibrational attraction. Because attraction operates on
the principle of ‘like attracts like,’ you become
attracted to someone who resonates to the things you do.
Take Ken and his wife Jenny. They have been happily
married for 30 years, but have divergent tastes in many
areas. In fact, Ken and Jenny usually never do anything
together outside the house. Even so, there is between
them a very deep vibrational attraction. There exists a
clear communication line between them that each works on
keeping clean and unsullied. We tell you that when
communication is unblocked (clear), love emerges. This
applies to any relationship you will ever have.
Here is how it works: when
communication is clean and clear, understanding is
present. And when understanding exists, affinity is the
natural result, for understanding embraces the spiritual
connection within you and between you. And the
quintessential aspect of spirit is affinity!
Think of a communication as a
wire connecting two people. When the wire is straight
and unbroken, electricity can flow smoothly.
Surrounding that wire is a field of energy. That energy
field is the love of spirit. Ken has one of his little
cats on his lap right now. As he looks into the eyes of
his pet, he feels a wash of love inside him, and an
answering response from Sergei. Love literally fills the
space between them! That is what happens in a
relationship when communication is pure, and nothing is
Now imagine, dear ones, if all
of your relationships with your fellow human beings
could be the same as that between you and your beloved
pets! We want to tell you unequivocally that the
foundation, or the baseline, of all relationships
between beings is love and understanding!
“Yes,” you say, “but my pet
loves me even if I’m crabby! “
Well, we tell you that the
human responses of anger, irritation, hostility,
contempt or any other lower emotion are learned
responses. You all enter the body as pure spirit,
looking forward to a wonderful adventure on earth.
Within you is a deep and unshakable feeling of love that
never goes away, no matter how miserable your life
experience is. This feeling comes forth from the essence
of who you are, which is a divine, powerful and immortal
non–physical personality.
In fact, we say again that
you could not experience the depths of negative emotion
if love was not the primary vibration. You see, hatred
comes from love, and so does depression, anxiety,
irritation, sadness and fear. Why is that? Because love
represents total freedom, complete understanding and
unconditional affinity. Love ALLOWS you to experience
anything, no matter how horrible, because love knows
that all things originate from it and come back to it.
When Jesus the Christ said, “I am the Alpha and the
Omega,” He meant that love created the universe and that
a human life is temporary. Like the moisture that rises
from the sea into the clouds and condenses back to the
sea again as precipitation, a spirit enters the body and
then releases its connection, returning always back to
love. “I am the Alpha and the Omega” may seem like an
arrogant and egotistical statement, but we assure you it
is not! The love of God is an all–powerful, all–loving
feeling of bliss and happiness, an expansive feeling
that encompasses the entire universe! Oh, if you could
only feel what we feel right now! You would never doubt
yourself again. The world would open to you and life
would be pure joy! (Ken sighs)
Now, a relationship is
essentially a way to explore the nuances of
communication between two beings. Relationships are a
dipole: when there are two stable points occupying a
position in space, there is a relationship. That
relationship establishes a line of communication. The
quality of that communication is determined by the free
will choices of the participants. But the basis for that
relationship is always love. We see that human beings
often explore relationships on the negative end of the
emotional scale, but this is not necessary. A great
relationship is always based on clear communication,
which leads to understanding and affinity. You have the
choice to put anything on your lines of communication
with other people.
This week, we ask you to be
mindful of what you think and say to others, not because
we want you to be “nice,” but because in so doing you
will learn a lot about who you are. Remember that your
relationships with others are a direct reflection of
what is inside of you. The law of ‘like attracts like’
firmly establishes that!
Exercise: Choose a day and
consciously become aware of your emotional state and
your attitude toward every person you speak to or
interact with. You don’t have to spend a lot of time at
this, because if you are honest with yourself you will
know very well what you are feeling. Try to feel the
quality of the communication between you and the person
you interact with. Try to “feel” the space between you.
When you do this, you may become aware, much more
clearly, what the OTHER person is feeling! When both
people on a communication line are aware of what the
other is feeling, something wonderful can happen:
complete understanding! This is how we do it in Native
State, and you can do it too.
If you have an unsatisfying
relationship with another, you do not have to continue
in the currently activated vibration. By simply becoming
aware of the communication line you have with another,
you can repair the line at your end, somewhat like the
service man who fixes the electrical connection between
the power company and your house. When the juice begins
to flow, the lights shine brightly!
Stand or sit comfortably where
there are people present. This could be in a coffee
shop, a mall, or outside in a park. Close your eyes. Let
your spiritual sensors roam outward and imagine a
communication line to everyone who passes by. Make that
connection glow. Do this until you experience a feeling
of love. Now open your eyes and radiate love around you,
and watch what happens. Like Sergei the cat, you will
find yourself with a sweet smile on your face of joy and
contentment. You may find that others may stop and want
to talk. You don’t have to look anyone in the eye. Just
sit there, radiate love, and see how you feel, and how
others react. This is step one of the Harmony Project
and we assure you that if you can allow the feeling of
love (which is who you are, after all!) it will feel
really, really good!
The "End Times"
In these times, which some
have called the End Times, the vibrational momentum on
your planet is increasing. Your have already entered a
period of chaos, where the energy of thought, driven by
the choices you are making, has detached itself from the
current dominant “attractor” and is headed off in a new
direction. The exciting news is; no one (least of all
us) have any idea where you are headed!
From our vantage point, we see
an incredibly intricate, dynamic, and beautiful tapestry
of light that human beings are creating with their
thoughts and preferences. These patterns are creating
billions of swirling vortices of energy; they combine
for a while and release in millions of different
geometries, all of it exquisitely beautiful to us. There
will come a time, in the near future, when these
patterns will coalesce broadly and a new, more stable
era in human consciousness will be born. The dynamic and
volatile nature of this consciousness shift is directly
related to the growth of human population, just as a
crowded parking lot will generate more movement and a
greater chance of accidents. An expanding population
means more ideas and more options.
The time frame for this can be
anywhere within a couple of years, to several decades.
It all depends where and when the patterns reach what
has been called a tipping point. The tipping point, we
would say, is the new dominant vibrational pattern, or
attractor, which the choices of humanity will create.
The new attractor will invite thought, belief, and
therefore action, to it.
You have no idea of the power
of your thoughts and your choices. Each of you is a
powerful vortex of energy. Each of you is surrounded by
a field of subtle energy that influences each other, the
species consciousness, and the geological and climactic
processes which proceed forth from the energy field of
Gaia herself. Each of you contribute your powerful note
to the “everybody knows.”
We use this term to describe
the accepted mode or pattern of belief. For thousands of
years, for example, one of the maxims of humanity’s
dominant belief system was that the woman is subordinate
to the man. This idea went unquestioned in most human
societies until a century ago. Now that idea is
increasingly seen as outdated.
How does an idea that has been
accepted for so long become transcended?
When a new alignment of
thought occurs. This happens only in periods of change.
Change occurs when the rapidly moving vortices of
energy, in their bumping up against each other, become
perturbed. In other words, change is inevitable when
the population grows large enough. A new alignment of
thought brings about new physical structures based upon
the actions taken from that new alignment. We tell you
that your planet, right now, is in the midst of a
hurricane of movement: the perturbations resulting from
internet and mobile technology (which generate new ideas
and rapidly spread them throughout the globe) are
affecting even the most isolated cultures and peoples.
Like a hurricane that picks up momentum as it slides
along the waters, the consciousness of humanity is
whirling about. What appears to be conflicting forces ––
the forces of darkness and the forces of light, as some
call them –– are energies attempting to come into
balance. Both “sides” are resisting the attractor of the
other. On the one hand, the “old” attractor contains the
vibrations of hierarchy, domination, scarcity,
competition and conflict, while the “new” attractor
contains the ideas of peace, cooperation, mutual respect
and abundance for all. Of course, this description is
simplistic in the extreme, for there are actually
billions of attractors; it is just that the majority of
energy has been coalescing around these.
The “dark” forces are
resisting the new attractor, but those who desire
harmony are also resisting the attractor of the old
paradigm. In this way, each attractor comes closer to
the other, seeking necessary balance.
We tell you that, in the words
of one of your science fiction characters, “resistance
is futile.” In your personal lives and in your
organizations, fighting what is not wanted will stick
you like glue to the unwanted thing. That is because in
this transitional period of volatility and heightened
energy, your choices have more oomph! Creating positive
outcomes requires a focus on the positive outcome, NOT
the overcoming of the perceived obstacle.
Here is a mental thought
experiment: You are traveling along the road and you
find a big tree branch has fallen over the surface,
blocking movement. What do you do? What’s the first
thing that occurs to you?
If your first thought was
“turn back,” you have given up on your dream.
If your first thought was ”get
out of the car and move the obstacle,” you are probably
someone who likes a good fight!
If your first thought was,
“fly over it,” you are probably someone who likes to
create new realities.
We never said you were
traveling in an automobile!
For those who wish more
balanced human societies, the solution is always to
visualize and create a NEW, more positive reality,
rather than attempting to eliminate perceived obstacles
to the goal. The latter is the solution of the “old”
order and will stick you right back in it.
1) Make
a list of the unwanted situations in your life.
2) Write
down what you are doing about them (if anything)
3) Determine
whether your solution is about removing obstacles, or
creating a more positive reality. Example of the former:
“If my stupid bother–in–law would stop asking me for
money, I might be in better financial shape.”
Where are you on the scale of emotion / vibration
regarding this situation?
If the former, try thinking
out of the box. Figure out a way to create a positive
result from a higher vibration. This is the only way to
ensure an outcome that is not at the same vibration as
the problem!
1 / 22/ 08
Time and The NOW moment
What would we like to say this
Ken has just read a profound
spiritual experience written by a person who found their
connection to the NOW, and to Spirit. Ken wants to know
why so many people are DISconnected, and why don’t more
people have spiritual awakenings?
We tell you that when
resistance is lowered you allow the creative energy of
the universe to permeate your consciousness and your
physical body with ease. When this happens, a profound
sense of spiritual contentment and realization of your
magnificence and the oneness of all things is possible.
The NOW is just another way of saying “connection to
The NOW is a feeling.
It is a feeling of
Why timelessness?
Because time is associated
with resistance!
Have you ever noticed that
when you feel really, really good, the feeling of the
passage of time disappears? That is because all
resistance disappears as well! The more you notice the
passage of time, the greater is your vibrational
distance from the now.
The key to releasing from the
flow of time is, almost paradoxically, focus. A state of
bliss may be achieved through meditation when there is
complete release of focus; and, during physical activity
(like Tai Chi, martial arts, or any sport) when there is
intense focus. Intense focus places your mind
exclusively upon the goal. When complete alignment of
thought with the goal is achieved, a release point is
reached. For example,
when an athlete gets “in the
zone” he or she simply experiences complete, profound
focus and a detachment from all resistance to the
physical activity. This allows him or her to play
effortlessly at the maximum skill level. That is what
happens when you focus on a desired outcome without
worry or anxiety.
The NOW is a timeless state
in which you are open to the universe. Inspiring ideas
flood into your consciousness and you feel eager and
excited. Anything and everything seems possible! You
transcend the senses of the physical container and
connect directly through your personal vortex to the
subtle substrate of consciousness that composes the
universe and everything in it. You achieve a quantum
leap in awareness.
Consider a circle, with a
point at the top (A). That point is both total focus and
complete release!
Here is how it works: When you
enter the body, that aspect of you focuses very
powerfully around and within the physical container, yet
you retain full awareness of the Higher Self and Spirit.
Contradictorily, you are both completely focused and
completely released: that is the power of the
non–physical, non–dualistic Spirit to BE two things
simultaneously –– something impossible within the
polarizing constraints of the physical. (The dualistic
nature of the physical creates time, and a separation of
self from the NOW. One of the joys of the physical
experience is the re–discovery of that timeless state!
When it happens, you feel a sense of awe and a rush of
source energy that knocks your socks off and can
completely change your life. This profound experience
that is born from extreme contrast is something we
cannot experience, for we know ourselves in every
As you travel round the
circle, there is more and more focus (often on unwanted
things!) within the physical framework. When the
immersion within the physical is at it’s highest and the
life is over, you complete the circle at point A again,
and experience the complete release known as death.
That is why some people will
reach “rock bottom’ and have an epiphany. Their focus is
so strong on one thing (even if it is undesirable) for
so long that they travel completely round the circle and
hit the total release point again. You see, dear ones,
you always have a choice. As we have said before, even
when you reach a state of hopelessness, you are very
close to a profound and powerful spiritual awakening,
for total release and complete focus are contained at
the same point.
Dear ones, there is nothing
mysterious about the now, or connection to source. We
tell you that an acceptance of who you are will lead
directly to greater connection, and your own personal
spiritual awakening. Does this sound simplistic? We
assure you it is not.
Let us repeat: COMPLETE
feeling of happiness and bliss. If you were simply to
accept every event in your life as the perfect
experience in that moment, you would achieve this
connection. That is because, as we tell you again and
again –– because it is the most profound truth in the
universe –– you are magnificent beings of light and know
yourselves as love and well being. That is true even
now, within your physical containers. Do you realize
that you look the same to us within your bodies as you
do without? All of you are huge, magnificent clusters of
Light (here Ken inserts a picture of the Pinwheel
and when you are in a room
with other humans, your energy fields are constantly
interacting. You are constantly communicating with each
other on a profound spiritual level! All of your
thoughts, dreams, hopes and prayers also attach to the
species grid, which is a planetary grid of thought of
the human race (all species have one). And so you are
always communicating subtly with every other human on
the planet.
The question that humans will
ask is, “well, how do we do this? How do we reach the
now? How do we fully accept ourselves?”
Dear Ones, there is no how.
When you ask “how” or “why”, this takes you immediately
out of the now! These spiritual experiences occur spontaneously, when
you are not thinking of your life. There is always a
strong or even desperate desire for change, for when
there is strong asking there is also a strong answering
response from the universe.
Spiritual awakenings can occur
at any time, because you are NEVER alone. You are
surrounded at all times by the powerful force of love
and Source; you exist at all times in your physical
incarnation at the tip of a vortex that connects at the
top to your Higher Self, and the All–That–Is, and at the
bottom to your physical body. You are always just a
thought away from complete release and bliss!
Scan over your life and
remember one of the rough spots. This could be a bad
relationship, a failed business, an embarrassment,
anything. More than likely you have a host of negative
thoughts around that experience, but we want you to look
at it NOW, with new eyes.
Examine the incident from many
angles, as if you were a movie director moving the
cameras. Look at the event and the players (including
yourself) from above, then from the front, back, and
both sides. See the event as a series of moving
energies, not as a collection of thoughts or beliefs or
attitudes ABOUT the event. Understand that whatever
happened, it was the perfect experience FOR YOU at the
time. Don’t analyze it or justify it. Accept it.
If you can do this, your
consideration of the experience will change and the
negative thoughts around it will blow off. We assure
you that if you could do this for any “negative”
experience, you would lower your resistance to life and
begin to feel a greater sense of who you are!
Weekly Message 1/ 29/ 08
We notice that Ken is
resonating to earth changes and the changes in vibration
within humanity, and how that affects people in their
personal lives. So we will continue on that theme
because we can’t get anything else through!
The impetus for the changes on
your planet are occurring almost exclusively within the
consciousness of humanity. As we have said before,
humanity’s species consciousness is the most powerful.
Your choices create vibrations that affect other
species, and the earth herself. Therefore the earth
changes are, at this point in time, powered by the
choices of humanity. The present planetary situation is
the result of the current vibrational state of your
The earth is strong; a
powerful, magnificent being of light. All is well. The
plants produce their seeds, the larvae produces the
insect, the embryo turns into the animal, the children
are born, just as it has always been and always will be.
The earth is in balance. The crisis –– there is not
really a crisis, but we call it that, for many resonate
to this vibration –– is entirely within the
consciousness of mankind. Surrounding you is an infinity
of well–being!
Is it any wonder that almost
all channelers have the same message? It is the message
of love, the message of joy and well–being, for this is
the fundamental vibration of the universe and everything
in it.
You have no idea how powerful are your thoughts (that is
by design), and how they affect other species, and that
portion of the earth –– the surface –– which you
inhabit. What occurs on the surface of the earth is but
a tiny fraction of the whole.
Our message this week is that
you have choices.
You always have choices, to
look toward the Light, or away from it. When you look
toward the positive, you resonate to the overwhelming
flow of well being that surrounds and permeates every
cell, every atom, of the earth, and of your physical
bodies. The so–called darkness is truly pitiful. From
our vantage point, we see a clearly designed mask within
the species grid that deflects attention away from the
fundamental truth of spirit, and towards an agenda that
takes your power away. This agenda is easily recognized:
it always evokes emotions that are below the positive
line on the scale of emotion / vibration. It is really
very easy to tell whether something is good or bad: what
emotion does it evoke within you? We tell you that this
system of judgment and assessment is infallible. True
discernment is not the weighing of facts, but the
pinpointing of emotion and feeling, for feeling is a
direct evaluation of vibration. Where you vibrate
determines the kinds of thoughts and beliefs you create,
and thus your manifestations!
We tell you again that all is
well. Humankind right now is feeling its way away from
the old attractor and toward the light. As this process
occurs, old thought forms rise to the surface and are
released. They seem to be crowding about sometimes, do
they not? The question is, how much time should you
spend regarding your discarded beliefs? Our advice is to
acknowledge them, and pay no more attention to them. We
would celebrate them, just as you would celebrate the
cleansing of pus from an infected wound –– even though
it may hurt a little!
What do you, personally,
choose? Would you rather feel good, or pay attention to
the truth of those things that are no longer serving
We tell you that the
vibrational changes within the consciousness of humanity
affects everyone; no one is immune. Many are feeling
uncomfortable emotionally as the shifting energy
patterns interact with your personal energy field, just
as a wind shift affects the sailing ships that float
upon it. The solution is not to focus on those
uncomfortable emotions, for they are being driven out by
the Light of the higher vibrations. Focus upon the
Light, and the darkness will release from within you.
Always focus on the Light!
Now is the time, dear ones, to
look within and find your inner desire, your soul
purpose. The shifting of energy is leading directly and
inevitably to the discovery of self within all of you.
There is always a choice to take the helping hand of
love or to turn away. Those who turn away are finding it
more and more uncomfortable to be human at all.
Those who ”go with the flow”
will find it easier and easier to break through the
barrier of self–imposed and limiting thought. We tell
you that the quickest way to discover these barriers of
belief and dissolve them is to consciously align your
thoughts and consciously create your life in a positive
direction. Vibrationally speaking, conscious intent
drives the process, just as the electricity moving
through the heating coil in your stovetop provides the
energy to boil the water. Self limiting beliefs and
thoughts come to the surface naturally when you direct
your energy toward the light. However, when you
consciously search for these thought forms, you activate
them. This is law, for in a vibrational universe, that
which you place your attention on becomes activated, and
you therefore begin to resonate to it. The solution is
always to look toward the light, for that not only
connects you to the OM, the energy of Source, but also
bubbles those unwanted thoughts to the surface so that
they may be released, just as the molecules of water
steam up and are released into the atmosphere.
How does this happen?
The darkness naturally seeks
the light, for even in its confusion, it recognizes its
genesis, its origin. Darkness repels, light attracts,
and so light seeks light, and darkness also seeks light.
That is why criminals are forever fighting amongst
themselves! So you see, the situation is a win–win!
On earth at the present time,
the dominant resonance is more and more toward the
Light, which is why you see so much of the dark residue
coming to the fore. Again we tell you that these old
thought forms (and the activities based upon them) are
being released, just as Ken releases impurities in his
body during one of his electronic foot baths!
Paradoxically, it appears
that, as Ken says, “everything is going to hell in a
hand basket,” when just the opposite is true. For
without the positive focus provided by those who
resonate joyously to the Light, the darkness itself
could not be healed. Yes, the darkness is crying for
help! Those who have turned away from the Light act more
and more desperately in their seeking, for they are
lost. Such persons behave in more and more bizarre and
irrational ways, like a drowning man thrashing about in
the water, frantically seeking the surface, and life
giving air.
Do not despair at current
events! If necessary, turn off your television
receivers, and take a walk in nature. Meditate. Find
quiet time for yourself, relax and find peace, love, and
joy. THAT is the true reality, and the lower emotions
are a turning away from who you are.
Now, when the vibration of humanity is raising, it is
more important than ever to keep your focus positive.
Find a desire! Find the time
to express it! Think about your desire, expand upon it,
tell it to your friends, create your life in the
direction that you want it to go, and in so doing, raise
your personal vibration and spread light throughout the
Weekly message 2 / 05 / 08
“Grinding it out”
Ken asks us to give him
something for those who are asking for ways to navigate
more comfortably through the daily grind of life on
The first thing we would like
to say is that your life feels more like a “grind”
because of the vibrational increase of energy and the
consequent compression of time. This is a natural
result of the choices you are making, which we will
explain in more detail.
Events are moving so quickly
that you feel more and more pressure to complete your
daily tasks. What is time after all but a feeling? Even
though your clocks run at a constant rate all over the
planet, for some time goes by quickly and for others it
drags. Time exists as a property of motion, dear ones.
Something is here, then it is there, which leads to the
concept of before and after. Time is an inherent
attribute of any universe. In your physical bodies you
are naturally immersed in time.
Imagine sitting in a still
room. There is no motion, no action. Time will seem to
pass very, very slowly! Now imagine yourself on a
football field. People are running about madly, and you
are right in the middle! Now you feel anxious, because
there is simply too much motion.
In the past, life was slower
and people felt more relaxed. Today, energy is flowing
faster and faster, as when water enters a vortex formed
by a drain. This energy is invisible to your human
senses, yet is has a profound background effect on your
consciousness. It is the energy of thought, brought
about by your own asking, and the consequent awakening
of consciousness within the whole of humanity.
Is there a way to slow life
down to a more comfortable level? Yes, there is! Like
the ship on the water, when the wind blows too quickly,
you must let down the sails to avoid being capsized. In
this way, you may step out of the madly rushing flow of
life. How do you let your sails down?
First we want to say that
because time is moving faster and faster, when you set a
direction you become pushed along that path more
quickly. In other words, it is like stepping into a very
fast moving current. When the current is slow, you walk
quietly and comfortably, but when the current is fast,
you feel a stronger pull. On earth at the present time,
there are so many rockets of desire for improvement and
abundance that collectively, humanity is pushing the
blender setting to high! Manifestation of your thoughts
is coming sooner and quicker than ever before. That is
why events in your societies appear to be polarizing:
both good and bad decisions are supported, and are each
being carried more strongly toward manifestation.
Vibrationally speaking, your thoughts are being
This means that when you
choose a path, you find yourself further along in a
shorter period of time than you may have wanted. If you
have chosen a path that does not serve you, you will
know it very quickly! Before, you were able to amble
along for quite a while until you encountered a
deadfall, or a storm. But now, the “buffer” of time is
decreasing, which means that your margin for error is
getting shorter and shorter. Because of the rapidly
moving flow of energy, you are now required to make
choices more quickly than ever before, which, of course,
further increases the flow of energy as more and more
thoughts stir up the mix (when you are surrounded by
charging football players, you had better move fast)! It
is no longer possible to sit calmly on the fence and
watch events go by. All are being forced to choose the
direction of their lives You have, en mass, asked for
abundance and improvement in conditions. The universe is
responding! Your choices, both good and bad, are
manifesting more quickly. This is what you have asked
for, and it is being given!
What we have said above can be
summarized by saying that contrast is increasing, which
is causing you to more clearly and precisely define that
which is wanted. When confronted with unwanted things,
you very quickly make up your mind to choose again, do
you not? If you do not –– as you have undoubtedly
noticed –– your life becomes more uncomfortable. This is
how it should be! We have said before that humanity is
leaving the old attractor of follow–the–leader,
conflict, competition, domination and victimization and
is finding a new vibrational plateau. It is glorious!
You are in a transition period, searching for higher
ground, and life sometimes feels chaotic. But we assure
you that this feeling of chaos exists only when you have
not made up your mind to discover and follow your soul
purpose. We tell you there is nothing wrong with you.
Each one of you is feeling more powerfully, is more
sensitive to the changes in thought brought about by the
yearning of billions of people for positive change. Each
of you is becoming more intuitive! You are able to feel
more strongly the thoughts and intent of others. The key
to understanding events on earth at the present time is
this: That which has been hidden is being brought
This is a positive
development, dear ones. The energy fields of each human
being are being cleansed. Vibrationally speaking, that
which is no longer resonating to the beauty and light of
Spirit is coming up for inspection, to be acknowledged
and released! The dark spots within your sphere of
consciousness, those pockets of resistance that
encapsulate old beliefs are, like painful sores, being
exposed and healed by the increasing light. The light of
spirit is now penetrating that old attic of your
beliefs, with all of its dusty boxes and cobwebs.
So how do you let down your
The first thing you must do is
step out of the current of your life. The second thing
you must do is choose again. Sit on the shore, relax,
and take a look at what you have chosen, for it is your
choices that have created the life path you are on. If
you are traveling a path that feels uncomfortable,
realize that your thoughts are to some extent not
aligned to your desires. We assure you that no matter
how fast the energy flows, when you are in the middle of
the stream you are carried along quickly, but easily, to
the goal. The balloonist, in a strong wind, notices only
calm, because his balloon travels at the very same speed
as the rapidly moving air. When you choose a path
that is true to yourself, you feel better and have
Find a desire. We tell you
that over and over again, because it is so fundamental
to your happiness. What is a desire? It is something
that lights you up. It is something to feel eager and
excited about! It is something aligned with your
personal soul purpose. It is an expression of YOU.
The most important questions
you should be asking yourself are: What makes me feel
good? Am I thinking about, talking about, and acting
upon that which makes me feel good? We are not talking
about artificial stimulants for the body, like alcohol
and drugs. These are pitiful substitutes for the light
of spirit and the creative energy of the universe. We
are talking about thoughts and activities that align YOU
with YOU. You to You is an energy flow, did you realize
that? It is the flow of energy from self to self. It is
the most important flow, for it is self–reflexive ––
meaning that whatever you think affects the condition of
your human energy field, and your emotions. (for more
information, see “The
Vibrational Universe”). What you do on the reflexive
flow determines your vibrational signal to the universe,
and what the universe matches you up with!
Dear Ones, you are immersed in
a magnificent tapestry of light, a tapestry of your own
creation! That light is changing rapidly now. All of you
are magnificent beings of light, perceiving through the
limiting filters of your human bodies, which hides your
glory from you. But you have been given an infallible
guide: your emotions. The scale of emotion / vibration
will tell you whether you are resisting, or accepting,
whether you are going with the flow, or against it,
whether you have chosen the right path, or not. To
determine your position at any time, simply ask yourself
this question: does it feel right to me? If the answer
is no, then choose again! If the answer is yes, then go
for it!!!
Well Dear Ones, Ken is very excited about developments
going on “behind the scenes,” but we do not wish to talk
about these events right now. All we will say is that a
denouement of sorts is occurring within human societies,
which has manifested as turmoil within global finance
(Ken calls it a crisis) that is the inevitable result of
an increase in awareness and a rooting out of hidden
What is occurring right now is a coming together of
humanity on a planetary scale! This is exciting news and
there may be an unsettling period before the blockages
and resistance are aligned to a new era of openness,
integrity, and mutual respect among nations and peoples.
This is already occurring rapidly at the grassroots
level as people from all nations get on–line and use the
new communications devices that are becoming more and
more available. The earth at this time is finding a new
balance at a higher vibration! Is not that exciting!
Many of you signed up to be on the planet precisely for
these unfolding events. You knew that as the population
increased, the potential for a quantum leap in
consciousness was possible. And it is occurring as we
speak, brought about by individuals reaching for a
greater sense of self, and re–discovering their
spiritual nature.
As we always say, you have no idea of the power of your
thought. From our perspective, we see the energy
shifting just as a frozen river might thaw out as the
rays of the sun begin to warm the water. That which was
frozen in place, or hidden beneath the ice, is now being
loosened. The waters are beginning to flow in their
natural direction, and in the process, obstructions
within the water, and rocks stuck to the bottom, are
becoming exposed. Oh dear ones, this is so exciting! To
think that you, the human Masters, have changed the
script and written in a new direction! That is what is
happening right now, and we hope you are as excited to
be living through and creating the new path as we are to
watch it unfold!
But now we will change the subject, for there is
something we wish to share with you this week. Ken is
eager to find out as well, as he has no idea! This week,
we want to tell you a story. This is a story of a little
boy named Michael. Michael is 8 years old, and he has
been born into a time of increasing and unsettled
energy. Within his being, he feels a strong soul purpose
however; which is to see through to completion, the path
which those of earlier generations have begun. Michael
understands, somehow, that he is like a lighthouse,
broadcasting his love and his energy into the ethers for
others to pick up on, and increasing the planetary
You might never know this from Michael’s behavior,
however! Michael is often angry and rebellious, or, at
other times, sullen. His parents deplore his inability
to concentrate on his schoolwork, and get along with
family members, or others in his class. But Michael
knows that he is right, and will not be dissuaded! (This
is why his parents despair at his “bad attitude”).
Michael knows that despite his acting out, he is truly
part of the solution, not part of the problem!
How can Michael be a lighthouse, you ask, a force for
positive change, while manifesting emotional states that
are in the negative range?
The answer is that these emotions are the tip of the
iceberg. Michael, like many of you (and Ken) sometimes,
and more often than you would like, find yourselves
wondering why you cannot control your emotions and your
feelings. You wonder why your lives are not going in the
intended direction.
Well, we want to tell you that they are!
Those of you who call yourselves healers, light–workers,
or spiritual workers, are, through your focused intent
for greater love, harmony, and prosperity, creating the
conditions which cause you to feel emotional, and give
your lives a seemingly unintended direction!
You see, dear ones, 95% of what is occurring
energetically is below the surface.
We have told you over and over that the power of thought
and intent is greater than you can possibly imagine.
Most of the effects of your thoughts and intent are nor
visible to you –– you only see a roiling and bubbling on
the surface of the water, but not the cleansing that
goes on beneath!
The emotional and vibrational level of humanity is
increasing, did you know that? From victimization and an
almost apathetic acceptance of events –– which has,
throughout history, led to the follow–the–leader
mentality –– human beings have made conscious choices
for improvement. More and more individuals have decided
to be their own counselor, and discover the powerful
energy of source that results in a connection to inner
self. Here is the source, the engine, which is driving
the current earth changes!
This can feel scary sometimes, for who is there to give
you direction? Who is there to lead, and blaze the trail
for you? Is it not more comfortable to let others show
the way forward? Well, we tell you that in the higher
vibrations, individuals act from a sense of sovereignty
and self–empowerment that will lead to strong,
prosperous and open societies where the talent and
abilities of everyone are respected and encouraged! Is
this not something to look forward to? Of course it is,
and YOU, dear reader, are the ones on the leading edge!
The increase in vibration is leading to an overall
rising on the scale of emotion to anger, which is where
humanity is at the present time. And of course, we all
know what anger is like! Lot’s of things being smashed,
lots of undirected energy, and a sense that things are
spinning out of control! We want to tell you, however,
that things are actually spinning INTO control!
Our little friend Michael understands this on a soul
level. Even when he is angry, he knows a feeling of
satisfaction within him; the same satisfaction that a
master craftsman has when he builds a new set of
cabinets. The expected delivery of wood may not show up;
he may discover that he has not the right tool to work
the wood, or he might be feeling very tired that day.
But he KNOWS that he has the skill to overcome these
seeming obstacles and create a beautiful, finished
product. Even though his thoughts might vary from the
beautiful cabinets he is creating, and he may “act out,”
fundamentally his focus and intent is on the goal. His
dramatizations are the inspection and releasing of old
energy patterns. In the past, these dramatizations were
frustrated appeals for change that were blocked, for
there was not enough oomph behind them to make a
difference. But that has all changed now!
Michael knows, as you know, that even though he feels
uncomfortable, he is situated at just the right time and
place. Oh dear ones, now is the time to grab hold of
your dreams and make them a reality! There is so much
asking around the world for a return to spiritual
principles of harmony, abundance, peace and cooperation
within the species consciousness of humanity!
For millennia, these impulses have been blocked by
events that occurred during the last planetary cycle.
But now, at the denouement of this latest cycle, you are
transcending these old, powerful, established thought
forms and are dissolving them in the Light of the higher
vibrations! These impulses grow stronger every day and
may cause you to feel that you have lost your anchor,
and do not know where to go. We tell you to point your
ship in the direction of joy, happiness, and love.
More and more of you are asking “Why am I here?” “What
is my soul purpose?” “What should I be doing with my
life?” “How can I make my life better?”
These questions bubble to the surface of your
consciousness as old beliefs are inspected, and cause
turmoil within your energy field. As the energy of
humanity becomes higher in frequency, your individual
energy also is affected because, of course, you
interface with the thoughts of your fellow men and
women, other species, and the earth herself. You are all
in this together! This is a symbiotic process as your
asking creates the higher frequencies which then disturb
and bring to the surface, the hidden resistances and
beliefs and agendas within the species consciousness.
Do not condemn those who are acting in ways that appear
to be heinous and criminal! These dear ones have
volunteered to be the bad ones, the “evil forces” to
which the darkness attaches, the ones who stick out like
sore thumbs and act as examples of what is wrong and
what needs to be changed!
Have patience with your children as well, dear ones, as
they hold the energy for the change to a higher
We tell you again to find your desire. Find that which
inspires and motivates you to action that causes you the
most joy! Those who dare to take that risk –– and it is
no risk at all, dear ones, as you well know –– will find
themselves aligning with the new energy of prosperity
and cooperation, the all–powerful creative energy of the
Find your desire and express yourself –– that inner self
that is connected intimately to God, to the divine, to
spirit, to the all-powerful vibration that is love! Love
is who you are, and all thought, all action is an
expression of love, as we told you on the latest
Interview With Spirit radio show.
The polarization of
thought and action is a natural result of the
transcendence of the old paradigm. Soon these two
opposites will come together in a new synthesis at a
higher level of vibration. You, the earth Masters, are
creating the conditions for heaven on earth!
Weekly message 2 / 26 / 08
Living in The Heart
The subject for the show this
week is living in the Heart. What does that mean?
We see the heart center of the
body as one of the primary focal points for the
reception of life force energy. The body is not a solid,
separate entity from your consciousness and your energy
field, although you live in that illusion. We say
illusion not because we mean that you are deluded –– for
the entire purpose of the body is to focus, intensify
and solidify experience and perception –– but because,
vibrationally speaking, there is no separation
whatsoever from the energy that composes the body and
what you call your energy field, or your “aura.” The
body is a focused collection of this energy. Just as an
herbal concoction, or an aroma oil, is a concentrated
distillation, so too is the body a focusing of life
force energy.
You are a receiver for life
force; your entire body has been designed to focus and
circulate this energy throughout the body! Just as we
interface directly with life force energy, so do you. It
is just that, encased in your biological containers, the
flow of energy is obscured. You cannot SEE it, but you
can FEEL it. This energy is love, joy, excitement,
serenity –– there are many names for it. We prefer to
call it life force, for it is the energy that composes
your body and everything physical.
So you see, you cannot but
live from the heart! We tell you that the angry one, the
violent one, the fearful one, is receiving this blessed
energy just as the joyful one! How you feel depends upon
what you do with this energy! You have free will to
resist or distort your energy field as you wish. You do
this through your free will choices.
We are ALL living in the
heart! All life, all universes, all consciousness,
exists within an ocean of life force, you see. Now this
answer is far too simple for you, we understand that.
You want to know how you can release anger, do you not?
You want to know how to “connect” with this powerful
energy and feel wonderful all the time, do you not?
Well, we have the answer for
The answer is FUN!
No wait, that is too simple,
and we have given it before. it is not profound enough!
All right, we will try again!
The answer is ‘find a desire.”
Well, that is a little more complicated, but still not
good enough, is it? And it is not profound either, for
we have said it over and over again. If it were as
simple as that, you say, everyone would be happy and
joyful! So that cannot be the answer.
All right, we will try again.
The answer is, read the sacred
texts and discover how others found release into joy.
Read books and take courses from those who have
discovered their own personal path to heart–centered
Well, that’s no good either,
is it? Because you have already done that, but it didn’t
All right, we will try one
last time.
The answer is, FUN!
You all desire happiness, but
you don’t engage in activities, or think thoughts that
are fun. We assure you that if your main motivation in
life were to have fun, your life would change
completely. You would connect so powerfully with life
force, with the creative energy of the universe, that
inspiration would be your constant companion.
“But how do I have fun?” you
ask. “How do I go to my crummy job and have fun?” “How
am I supposed to have fun when the money runs out at the
end of the month, and the bills are due?”
Dear Ones, this is a question
you must ask yourself. It is the most important question
you will ever ask, and the answer is the most important
answer you will ever receive.
Right now, as you listen to
us, ask yourself these questions:
“What is fun for me?”
“How can I make everything I
do more fun?”
If your answer is, “I cannot,”
or “that’s stupid,” then you are stuck, dear ones, for
this universe is vibrational in nature. The computer
programmers say, ‘garbage in, garbage out,” but the
universe operates just the opposite: “garbage out,
garbage in.” If you want an explanation of the Law of
Attraction and the Law of Vibration, look no further
than that. All you have to do is change the word
“garbage” to “fun” or anything you desire (or do not
desire), and you have the simple but powerful mechanism
of the universe. What goes out from you, comes back to
Now humans love to complicate
their explanations. You talk about morphogenic fields,
and dynamic, non–linear processes, and all the rest. But
the simple and powerful fact is that you are surrounded
by love and joy. If you could see the universe from our
perspective, you would see, as we said last week, that
you are all sitting thirsty in boats, in the middle of
fresh water, and wondering where and how you can find a
The truth is that there is no
ONE answer, no one–size–fits–all process, no formula,
that everyone can follow for success and happiness. That
is because you designed the universe that way! You knew
how boring it would be to snap your fingers and get the
manifestation. The truth is, dear ones, that you came to
earth to discover your own path to joy. If you learn one
thing from us, learn this: you are, yourself, the answer
to every question. You are the alpha and the omega. You
are already a perfected being, seeking greater
experience. You came to earth for the fun and the
challenge of it.
You see, before you entered
the body, you understood that fun and challenge are
intimate. You cannot have one without the other, for
challenge without fun is not challenge at all, but
misery, hopelessness, and despair. When you allow the
FUN to go out of anything, you have lost your way, and
have lost yourself in the process. You have lost the
purpose for being!
Challenge is excitement!
Challenge is embracing fun to the accomplishment of a
goal. Challenge is eagerly looking over that next hill
for a new adventure! In a nutshell, dear ones, the
purpose of the earth experience is to have fun!!
Can you be serious about
something and have fun? Of course! Dear ones,
seriousness, from our perspective, is simply the
focusing of attention to a task. Somehow, humans have
gotten this twisted around to mean that the focusing of
attention –– concentration –– must preclude fun. Just
the opposite is true! When you are eagerly engaged in an
activity, you are the most tightly focused. Your
concentration is at the utmost and is most effective
when you are having fun. When you are not having fun,
your mind begins to notice that which is not congruent
with the goal, and disharmony seeps in. You become
distracted. You begin to notice the phones ringing, the
shouting voices, the uncompleted proposals. The steps
that you have planned out for the accomplishment of the
goal now seem like barriers, instead of fun challenges.
So the message this week is
that living in the heart means FUN!
The English language has the
perfect word for this, for the vibrational harmonics
associated with the word FUN are a very close match to
life force energy itself, and to who you are. Living in
the heart means having fun. Being playful.
We assure you, dear ones, that
every one of you is capable of re–connecting with this
simple but powerful energy. We encourage you to fine
ways to make even the dullest parts of your life more
fun. The reason your life is dull is precisely because
you have allowed the fun to go out of it! So what is The
Answer? Discover WHY you are doing what you are doing.
Underneath “the bills” and “the job” and “the grind” and
“more money” is a desire –– your desire. As we say
almost every week, your job is to discover that desire
–– the desire that leads to your passion.
Go forth and have FUN!!!
Weekly Message 3 / 4/ 08
The Bridge to Spirit
Dear Ones, the bridge to
Spirit can be summed up in one word: well–being.
What is well being? It is that
feeling that ‘everything is RIGHT with the world.’ This
feeling of rightness is the closest vibration to the
background vibration we all feel in Native State. It is
the vibration that penetrates and composes all things.
The universe is vibrational in nature. All things are
unique, which means that they are distinct and may be
perceived as individual entities. This occurs because of
the vibrational interface between the perceiver and that
which is perceived. We do not wish to get involved in a
technical discussion, so we will just say that when a
being changes his or her attitude about anything, that
thing is experienced differently! That is why a
depressed person can look at the things in his house, at
his place of work, at her relationships, and see misery,
while another person may experience those very same
things with joy.
Innately, the material world
IS well–being. Underlying the existence of all things is
a fundamental vibration of livingness. Living–ness,
itself, is a feeling of harmony, of excitement, of
well–being. That feeling of rightness exists because
that which exists is happy to exist! Dear Ones, what is
the alternative? Do you think that the universe was
created in misery? Oh, we get a big laugh out of that
idea! But it is prevalent in some of your belief
That feeling of rightness
comes about because anything that exists says to itself,
“Here I am!” And that is the most wonderful feeling. It
is a celebration! To know that you exist and are part of
an infinitely beautiful universe, that is a magnificent
thing indeed! This feeling is the OM, the fundamental
vibration of the universe and everything in it.
Now how would it be, dear
ones, if your existence was based upon the idea of
wrong–ness? Why, that feeling could not lead to the
creation of anything! What happens when you feel
depressed? You feel like dissolving, like giving up,
like not associating with anything. You feel like
snuffing out your very existence! But of course, a
universe is based upon aggregation and conglomeration.
It is based upon reaching–out. This feeling of reaching
out creates movement.
Your scientists tell you that
the nucleus of your atoms are composed of quarks, and
the atoms themselves of protons neutrons and electrons,
and your molecules of atoms, and your chemical compounds
of molecules, on and on up the chain to more and more
complexity. All of this requires cooperation and
harmony! So you see dear ones that the universe itself
must be based upon well–being. Existence itself is
fundamentally positive, not negative! What you describe
as negative is merely a harmonic of the positive. An
uncomfortable feeling is a distorting or a blocking of
the energy of life.
How do you bridge to spirit?
By finding that in your life
which gives you the greatest feeling of well–being.
Right now we want you to make
a list. Write down or mentally jot down the things in
your life: your relationships, your work, your family,
your home, your hobbies and interests. Which of these
gives you the greatest feeling of well–being?
Now make another list. On this
list place the time that you spend on each aspect of
your life.
Now compare the lists. How
much time do you spend on that which gives you the
greatest feeling of well–being?
In this way you can gauge the
quality and the quantity of your personal bridge to
Spirit, and the quality of your life. You may also gauge
the logic in your life! For its it not logical, dear
ones ,to concentrate upon those things that give you
pleasure, and avoid that which makes you uncomfortable?
Oh Dear Ones, if you would
only listen to your feelings! Your feelings are a direct
guide to what you should be doing in life, to the
direction of your life path. Because you cannot see your
templates of thought and how they interact with others,
you are in a sense ‘blind’ to your creative process, and
what is best for you. For us, it is obvious because we
perceive with all of our native spiritual sensors. For
you, immersed in your biological containers, the five
senses of the human body are not necessarily congruent
with well–being! That is to say, sight, smell, audio,
touch and taste enable you to perceive your physical
world, and their purpose is to enable you to experience
and perceive in an entirely different way! It is part of
the challenge of earth, dear ones, that all of you
eagerly signed up for. It is part of the great game you
are playing: hiding your magnificence from yourselves,
and seeing how well you can do. However, you knew before
you came in to the physical that you had an infallible
blueprint for success: your feelings. The way you feel
about anything is that which aligns, or takes you away
from, well–being, and your Source.
Your scientific and material
culture teaches you to be “objective,” to carefully
weigh both sides of an argument before making your
decision, but we tell you that this methodology is
self–defeating. Only by consulting your feelings can you
correctly determine the proper course of action for you.
Here we are speaking of spiritual logic, not earthly
logic! Objective decision making strengthens the ego,
and takes you away from your connection to Spirit. By
this we do not say that the scientific method is
inappropriate. Because you cannot perceive to the
quintessential core of matter, you regard matter and
energy as cold and lifeless, as a sort of dead building
block of the physical. You could not be more misguided!
nN researching your physical laws and the behavior of
matter and energy, you have confused logic with
objectivity! Logic and well–being go hand–in–hand, dear
ones. You have limited yourself to the discovery of
those physical laws that are congruent with your
vibrational interpretation of the world, which is to
say, which are congruent with your beliefs. If and when
your scientists ever open up to the full spectrum of
thought and vibration possible from the physical
viewport, you will discover nature’s secrets. Yes dear
ones, your world will change so rapidly. You will
discover the cooperative and harmonious interactions of
matter and energy as opposed to their polarity, and this
will lead to the discovery of elegant ways to manipulate
matter, and the discovery of energy within the very
fabric of space and time. But we digress.
Finding your personal bridge
to Spirit, then, lies simply in the two lists you made
earlier. What percentage of your time do you spend doing
the things that lead to your well–being? If it is a high
percentage, then your life is joyful, and if it is not,
then your life is much sadder than it needs to be. The
feeling of well being is simply a connection to the
quintessential feeling of who you are. As we say all the
time, you have free reign to choose those thoughts and
activities that take you away from your personal bridge
to spirit. You may explore the muddy dead–end trails,
the waterless deserts, the rocky, cold mountain–tops.
And indeed this is part of the physical experience! It
is the reason you wanted to play this glorious game! But
remember that no matter how lost you get, look upward
toward the horizon and see that shining bridge of light.
That bridge, dear ones, never entirely disappears, no
matter how rotten you feel. That is because it is a
magic bridge! No matter how far you stray from your true
path, it is always visible. It is always there,
beckoning you towards it. For some it may only be a
bright star in the distance. But you always recognize
that star, for it has your energy upon it and within it.
That brilliant light transcends space and time, and is
always there for you.
Follow it! No matter how lost
you feel, you have a built–in GPS system that will guide
you to your greatest potential. That is what we do, dear
ones, we simply guide you to the recognition of your
personal bridge. We try to get you to place your feet on
that bridge, for that is something only you can do. We
try to reflect just a little of your own magnificence
back to you, by holding up a mirror to yourself.
For those of you who wish the
ability to channel, it is only necessary to increase the
amount of well– being in your life. The better you feel,
the closer you come vibrationally to us!
So the bridge to spirit is not
a methodology, it is not a physical object, it is not a
dogma or a sacred text. Your personal bridge to spirit
is your personal feeling of well being.
Our message to you this week is
about upset, and forgiveness. We take this message
directly from Ken’s life.
This week, Ken was upset with
Neil, because he has decided to leave the Interview with
Spirit program.
Ken felt betrayal and loss,
before he found his balance once again.
The question is, How do you
regain your balance and overcome emotional pain? How
does forgiveness help you to do that, if at all?
Forgiveness begins the process
of re–connecting with love. It requires a decision to
release the emotional pain you are in, and that can be a
very big decision, for a strong vibration entrains
similar thoughts to it. When you are upset you feel
surrounded by emotional pain, do you not? That is
literally true! When two people have a relationship, an
energetic connection is established. Imagine filaments
of subtle energy reaching out from the chakras, or
energy centers, of each person and into the other. When
one person severs that connection, the other feels
something missing. This is the origin of the feeling of
loss or abandonment.
Now we want you to understand
that that connection is never broken!
Although the other withdraws
their energy from you, you are still connected to them!
Neil may put up blockages or barriers to Ken that he can
feel, but Neil can never alloy Ken’s affinity for Neil,
for it is up to Ken to break his connection to Neil, do
you see? The actions of the other are an invitation to
break a spiritual connection, but only you can decide to
do that from your end!
The power of love, the
fundamental and most powerful vibration in the universe,
includes and embraces all other vibrations. Deciding to
remain in affinity is the definition of strength.
Refusing to permit a diminution of your affinity for
anyone or anything is the definition of power, and
personal integrity. And forgiveness is the first step on
the path to regaining your equilibrium. Forgiveness is
that first but very important step to regaining your
personal power.
We say first step, because in
forgiveness there is still upset with another, but when
you forgive, you are 90% of the way toward love.
Forgiveness overcomes the inertia of your vibrational
upset, and makes it so that you can move forward. The
decision to forgive is the hardest one! It is literally
the most painful decision, because you are immersed in
emotional pain! But like a crack in the door,
forgiveness lets in that first ray of light to penetrate
the darkness.
We tell Ken that his upset had
nothing to do with Neil, and everything to do with his
own decisions, beliefs, and the consequent personal
vibration that he resonates to.
Ken did not want to hear this at
first. “That is absurd,” Ken said. “If your boss insults
you, or your partner hurts your feelings, or someone
acts in a way that betrays trust, that is on them, not
on you.”
That is precisely the point. All
of you have free will! You cannot determine the actions
of another, but you CAN determine how you react to
another. It all depends upon whether you decide to
withdraw your own feeling of affinity. We tell you that
you cannot have a relationship, even a casual one,
without the presence of affinity. And affinity means
that both of you resonate to similar things.
You always make a conscious
decision to withdraw your affinity from another. You may
not recognize it, because a thought occurs in no–time.
Thought is spiritual energy, and the decision to
withdraw your affinity from another can happen so fast
that you dismiss it.. We tell you that your subconscious
mind does not dictate your actions. When you become
mindful enough, you begin to understand that you are
truly sovereign. You begin to reach that place of
stillness that is your powerful, creative source.
Dear ones, all interaction, all
relationships, are a dance of vibration! Your thoughts,
beliefs and feelings determine the pattern of energy
that surrounds you, and how others perceive you, and
react to you. When you become upset with another, you
strengthen the unwanted vibration that caused the upset
in the first place!
To forgive is to pardon another
for inappropriate actions toward ones self; but as we
have said before in previous messages, there are no
inappropriate actions! This is something human beings
find very difficult to accept, for it is easy to point
to pain and suffering. This pointing, however,
strengthens the vibration of suffering. It is a circular
vibrational reinforcement, and is precisely what
occurred for Ken, and what has been occurring on your
planet for thousands of years.
There are ALWAYS good reasons to
become upset; we do not deny that. If Joe gets out of
bed feeling surly one morning, he may come to work with
a chip on his shoulder and insult his employees. If you
are one of Joe’s employees, there are two ways to
approach him: the most obvious one is to accept his
invitation and match his apparent vibration. “Well get
out of my face, Joe! Who do you think you are? Just
because you are my boss doesn’t mean you can
gratuitously insult me!”
The other is to recognize that
Joe has gotten off on the wrong foot, and smile. “Hello,
Joe, I can see you’re a little grumpy this morning.
Anything happen last night?” Soon the boss is telling
you about the upset he had with his wife, he blows off
some steam, and leaves. Here is what we call the
matching of TRUE vibration. What is true vibration? It
is the underlying, foundational feeling of love and
recognition of a fellow spirit playing the Game of
Earth. When you identify this fundamental vibration, it
subsumes the lower, apparent vibration, and the lower
emotion dissolves. Love is the healing vibration. It is
so powerful because it is who you are, and reminds the
other of their intimate connection with you.
All of you are spiritual
comrades. The warriors in battle, or those who play
sports, or compete in business, soon bond together
strongly and form a team, a “band of brothers” (or
sisters). This feeling is called camaraderie.
Camaraderie comes from shared experience, and is a
recognition, on the deepest possible level, of your
shared divine spiritual origins.
All of you on earth are spiritual
warriors, playing a challenging and magnificent game.
Oh, if you could only see yourselves as we see you!
Imagine a spiritual mirror in front of you, with your
own person angel guide holding it. Isn’t it beautiful?
We hope you can see or feel a little bit of your own
magnificence and power. This is your true, spiritual
vibration, and it resonates within every cell, every
atom of everything in the universe.
How often do you resonate to
the apparent vibration, and not the true one, in your
relationships? (pause)
Last week we talked about your
pets, and how easy it is to feel love for them. Remember
that the angry one, the upset one, has temporarily
turned away from love and from himself or herself. He or
she is presenting you with an image or a mask that
covers the true self, and is asking you to resonate to
that image, just as our friend Joe did. He or she is
saying, ”will you play this game of upset with me?
Perhaps we can find adventure in this drama together.”
There is nothing wrong with
playing this game, of course, and many do. But you know
better than we, that love and joy feels better than
anger and upset. Anger and upset only feel appropriate
when you have already been resonating to them for a long
enough time.
Forgiveness begins the process
of releasing your own upset. In other words, forgiveness
is much more about you than it is about the other. In
order to forgive, you must first recognize your own
fundamental vibration of love, which is your true self,
and let it in. That feeling is then recognized by the
one on the other end of the communication line.
Forgiveness, in other words, begins to dissolve the
upset with the other.
Forgiveness is a powerful
subject, because it begins the process of a return to
love, and your own personal integrity. When you decide
to forgive, you have already decided to step back into
your zone of power. This zone of power is peaceful, but
strong, whereas the lower emotions are turbulent.
Dear ones, if there is anyone in
your life with whom you are upset, begin now to forgive.
Remember that forgiveness is most beneficial to you! So
do it for yourself, and feel better!
Our message to you this week is
about joy, and positive emotion. Joy is a feeling of
lightness and expansiveness, as are all positive
emotions. But these feelings come in many flavors, and
this is what we want to talk to you about this week.
Joy is when your loved one opens
the door and announces, “I’m Home!”
Joy is when you laugh at a funny
Joy is when you look at the
setting sun and it fills you with a feeling of beauty
and awe for the world.
Joy is your first bite of
birthday cake.
Joy is a brilliant passage in
your favorite piece of music
Dear Ones, all of these things
remind you, of YOU. Joy is a celebration of YOU and who
you are! Ultimately, when you feel good, you feel
yourself in your true and divine state of being.
What is joy for you, dear ones?
Joy is only one of the many
millions –– or shall we say trillions –– or maybe
infinity –– of positive feelings.
Ken says –– “well, when I feel
good I feel good–– there aren’t a lot of different
feelings that go along with that.” We tell Ken that he
is wrong –– ha ha!
We tell you that the bandwidth at
the top of the scale is miles wide compared to that at
the bottom of the scale!
Does it surprise you that there
are practically an infinite number of positive emotions?
Well, there are! You don’t feel or recognize them
because you classify them under one broad category
called “feeling good,” or “well–being.” But we assure
you that if you were to take the time to identify each
positive emotion you experience, you would find yourself
discerning between them more and more. Then, like the
landscape that appears flat from a distance, your
perception will open up into far greater detail and your
emotional range will expand upward.
Your Eskimo’s, for example, have
dozens of different names for snow, because they
experience a world of cold and ice. And natively, we
tell you that you have spiritual sensors that can pick
up on the incredibly broad spectrum of vibration at the
top of the scale, even while you experience in the
The universe is one of
well–being, as we tell you over and over. This is the
true message of spirit. Like the Eskimo’s with snow, it
is possible to identify a practically infinite number of
positive feelings. Think about it! If you felt good all
the time, in only one way, it might get boring! But if
you can imagine that each thought has it’s own
signature, it’s own feeling, then you can imagine what
it is like to experience natively. You might say that we
exist in a beautiful light and sound show, although this
description severely limits the actual experience. But
remember that your world is also one of light and sound!
You have the ability to experience the positive and the
negative in your physical incarnations, but in our
message this week, we want you to practice discerning
the emotions at the top of the scale of vibration.
The scale of vibration/emotion
that Ken has in his book, The Vibrational Universe, has
apathy and depression at the bottom, then grief, fear,
callousness, anger and hatred, then antagonism, boredom,
conservatism, interest, enthusiasm, exhilaration ad
In your books and in your
literature, human beings have described in great detail
the nuances of suffering, struggle, illness and
challenge. But no one spends much time cataloging the
positive emotions!
If you do, you will begin to
understand how many of them there are.
Let’s list a few:
1) the feeling you have when you
are on a perfect vacation.
2) The feeling after making love
3) The feeling of having a great
4) The feeling after listening to
an inspirational speaker
5) The feeling after giving a
successful presentation in front of a large group.
6) The feeling of giving a gift
to someone who appreciates what you have given.
7) The feeling of receiving a
gift that you really, really like.
8) The feeling you have when you
look into the eyes of your pet.
9) The feeling of your first kiss
10) The feeling when seeing
something you’d really like to have.
11) The feeling when on a hike in
new country, of wanting to look over that next rise
12) The feeling of the sun as it
gently warms your skin and the feeling of a war, spring
breeze on your face..
13) The feeling you get when you
spade the garden and smell the fresh earth.
14) The feeling of waking up in
the morning knowing you have an exciting day planned.
15) The feeling when you have
solved a difficult problem, and you see the elegant
solution in front of you, and you know you did it!
There are infinitely many more,
and each of them is a discrete, positive vibration,
which translates to a distinct feeling.
Now we ask you, how often during
your day do you discriminate between the variety of
positive emotions? How many of you are even aware that
you are feeling positively? How many of you dismiss that
positive feeling by saying, “it can’t last.” That’s how
Ken does it. There is the idea that a positive feeling
is like a balloon: it gets blown up, and expands, and
then explodes and dissolves into nothingness. We want
you to get the idea that the positive feeling is the
norm, and what feels most natural to you, and that the
negative feeling is the exception!
“How can that be,” you ask, “when
I feel blah most of the time and only occasionally feel
That is the million dollar
question, dear ones.
A negative feeling occurs when
you block the well–being that is natural. If there is
one message from Spirit that is consistent, it is this
one, for it is the fundamental truth of consciousness,
and of existence.
For your homework this week, dear
ones, we want you to make a list of 30 distinct positive
feelings that you have personally experienced.
We want you to learn to recognize
these feelings in the moment when they happen, and dwell
upon them. We want you to learn to discern the
difference between positive emotions, just as you do
negative ones. In this way you will focus more and more
of your attention on the positive, and less on the
negative. And the more time you spend on these good
feelings, the more the universe will bring you the good
things in life! If you do this consciously, you will
find your thoughts turning, almost magically, toward
what you want.
My friend Dr. Maurice Turmel
wanted to know what the guys have to say on the subject
of conscious evolution. So here it is!
What is conscious evolution?
Conscious evolution is mindful
living. It is living in the moment.
When you live in the moment, your
senses are heightened; you perceive more accurately, and
you are more aware of yourself and your relationship to
the world around you.
Living mindfully, or consciously,
means that you are integrating your energy centers; and
there is then a balance between heart and mind. These
two facets of your physical existence are the earthly
correspondents to your Native State condition of perfect
energy balance.
Oh dear ones if you could only
see yourselves as we see you! All of you are beautiful
beings of Light, magnificent beyond description. You are
eternal and immortal. When you turn away from
yourselves, from your Source, you feel bad. This is your
indication that you are facing in the wrong direction!
The beauty of the earth experience is that you may feel
as much misery, depression, anxiety and pain as you
would like, but you never really harm yourselves. The
lower emotions are just another way to experience.
Now we ask, what is “your
Source?” Source is the life force energy that composes
every cell of your being, and all matter and energy, in
the universe. Did you know that natively, you are not
this energy? As a spirit, you have no mass, no energy,
no moving parts. You are a Creative Potential, a static,
which is the SOURCE of all things observable. You are
surrounded by a beautiful and intricate sphere of Light,
but you are not this Light. The Light is the creation of
your thoughts, your decisions, and how you have decided
to BE. So when we say “your Source,” we mean that which
is YOU, but which is beyond anything physical. You see,
it is impossible to describe that which does not exist!
Jesus the Christ said it this way: “I am the alpha and
the omega,” meaning, “I recognize myself as the powerful
and immortal Creative Principle.” This is almost
impossible for you to understand while you are
experiencing on earth. It is what your Masters have been
telling you for millennia –– you ARE the Source, you are
God, you are magnificent, but you are not the things you
create, even though you identify with them, and can
experience within them!
The physical universe itself is a
result of the desire to experience.
What is the purpose for your
physical incarnation? Are you here to save the planet?
To overcome the forces of evil?
Well, some of you are! But the
fundamental reason you are here is for EXPERIENCE.
All Experience is evolution, for
experience is the assumption of BEING, and the
exploration of that beingness. The musician, the
politician, the criminal, the victim, the successful
business person, the homeless hobo are all ways of BEING
and EXPERIENCING. All experience flows from being;
therefore all evolution proceeds from being, which is
just a choice or a preference, and a consequence of the
Law of Free Will. The universe allows you to experience
anything you choose! You have complete freedom to BE
anything you would like. And we say that without any
limitation, for you are not your physical body. You, as
a non–physical Native State personality, get to choose
precisely where and when you incarnate.
All experience is a glorious
expression of self, and of the Whole. This means that no
matter what you do, you are growing. Even those who kill
or destroy are evolving. They experience the opposing
side of your world of duality. So be easy, dear ones.
The universe is so vast and so awesome that you simply
cannot conceive of it. All is well.
Polarity or duality is a
necessary component of the physical universe. In order
for energy to flow, there must be a potential, a gap.
There must be imbalance! The positive pole of the
battery has a dearth of electrons and the negative pole
has a surplus. The electrons at the negative pole seek
balance with their friends at the positive pole, and
energy flows. When the system finds equilibrium, the
battery is perfectly balanced, but it will no longer
generate electricity. So you see, polarity is vital to
the operation of the universe. Communication itself is
an energy flow between two or more separated terminals!
Therefore, separation is a quintessential property of
evolution! Ponder that for a while!
So many of you want to instantly
manifest your desires, but think about what life would
be like if everyone agreed with you? What would life be
like if you could snap your fingers and have anything
you wanted?
We assure you that within a few
months you would be bored out of your mind. Not only
that, but you would manifest many unwanted things, for
how many of you really can control your thoughts?
Our message to you is to enjoy
your experience, and our advice is to not disparage the
experiences of others, otherwise, you begin to resonate
to them. The “dark actors playing games” provide the
contrasting polarity that makes your earthly lives
challenging, and interesting.
“Well, that is crazy!” you say.
“Is torture, murder, death and war exciting?”
We will have much more to say on
that subject in future messages, but for now, let us
tell you a story. A school was having trouble with
playground fights, and bickering amongst the students.
So the teachers organized a game. In this game, there
was no violence or competition allowed. The object of
the game was to allow all participants to win, and to
promote harmony and cooperation. All of the students
stood in a circle, and a large beach ball was tossed
gently from one to the other. At first everyone had a
good time, but soon one of the more aggressive students
hit another student in the head, and pandemonium
Harmony and cooperation are
natural. But excitement and competition are also, for
the primary motivation of Spirit is for GROWTH and
GREATER EXPERIENCE, which often leads to GREATER
You are all here voluntarily. You
were all excited and eager to come. This is another of
the common denominators of all true messages from
Spirit. No one shoved you into your body and forced you
to experience here. You are not working up some mythical
karmic ladder. No, you are here because you fervently
desired it. You are all adventurers, and you wanted a
challenge! Not for you the wimpy game of ball throwing!
Not for you the slow, gentle ride on the train. You
wanted the Bonecrusher roller coaster, and you got it!
Your experiences allow you to
grow and expand. All experiences are worthwhile. There
is so much to say that we do not have time for, but the
wisest among you are always the ones with the most
So understand, dear ones, that
you are growing and evolving no matter how your life
looks. Conscious evolution is just the mindful
assumption of BEING. First being, then doing –– for
thoughts direct action –– and then manifestation.
Laughter is the personal
recognition of your soul.
When you laugh, you step into
your non–physical persona, with the understanding that
you are an immortal playing a mortal game. You don’t
really know that you are doing this. That which makes
you laugh –– a joke, a person, a situation –– is outside
of you. You say, ”I’m laughing because that guy is so
funny,” or, “I’m laughing because you looked so
confused.” When something is incongruous, it is often
funny –– the contrast between the accepted norm, and the
thing you laugh at, is what makes it seem funny. This
disparity reminds you that you are experiencing the
ultimate contrast –– you, as an immortal, non–physical
being, pretending in your physical body that you are
temporary and can be harmed, or affected in any way by
another, or by circumstances. That is the greatest joke
of all! So you see, all jokes piggyback on what we call
this ultimate cosmic joke.
Now you know why laughter is so
therapeutic: it reminds you, even if only for a brief
instant, of who you are. The more you laugh, the more
you by–pass resistance. In fact, laughter is often a
releasing of resistance –– and afterwards you feel as
fresh and clean as the breeze after the thunderstorm.
Dear ones, you are magnificent
beings of light. if you could perceive yourselves as we
see you, you would see a magnificent, ever changing
sphere of light and sound. Imagine the most beautiful
sunset, the most gorgeous work of art. Now multiply that
by a trillion, and that is you! But ––and here is the
important thing –– you are surrounded by Light, but you
are not that light. The Light is the creation of your
thoughts, your decisions, and how you have decided to
BE. You are a static, a Creative Potential. You have no
mass, no energy, no moving parts. You do not exist as
you think of existence, yet you are the creator of
existence! And we assure you that this knowledge, this
truth, feels as comfortable as warm blankets on a cold
Jesus the Christ said, “I am the
alpha and the Omega.” Meaning that the Creative
Principle has the ability to create, and experience that
which it has created. It is upon this principle that the
universe itself was born.
Laughter is not mean, cruel, or
antagonistic. The so–called laughter one experiences in
the lower emotions is an inversion, a lower harmonic, of
true laughter. The sneer, the covertly hostile taunt,
the cynical barb and the laughter which accompanies such
is actually the recognition of a loss of self. Such
laughter is ostensibly directed at another, but is
actually the acknowledgment within oneself of an
unwanted state of being.
You see, dear ones, you are
perfect. You consider that your creations are imperfect
if they do not measure up to some standard. But you are
not what you create. You identify with your creations,
naturally, because you made them, but it is a mistake to
criticize yourself in relation to them. The most
successful people are those who do not see errors. Happy
people create something and then learn from the
perceived insufficiencies. Happy people do not spend a
lot of time beating themselves up during their personal
creative process. Thought evolves, and you do not become
an expert overnight! It takes experience!
Here is where laughter can be
very helpful.
The first attempt at a drawing
may look like a child’s scribble. If you can look at the
contrast between what you have and that perfected
picture in your mind, you can laugh. Remember that the
contrast you experience in physical life always reminds
you of the quintessential cosmic contrast we talked
about before. Your experiences are like holding up a
mirror to see your own brilliance. The greater the
contrast, the stronger is the memory of true self. That
is why so many reach rock bottom and then have a
spiritual awakening.
When you awaken, you laugh. You
feel light and carefree, because a spirit is not
physical! A spirit is unburdened, and we assure you that
this feels wonderful.
A spirit IS NOT. In other words,
the creative potential does not exist in the sense that
an object exists –– it is a quality, not a quantity.
Here we have the distinction between that which is
non–physical and that which is physical. A quality is a
characteristic, or a property, of spirit –– like “She is
kind,” or “he is lively.” One cannot write an equation
to describe these things, because a quality is massless
and unquantifiable–– it IS NOT. A quantity is something
that exists –– it has mass and definition. It IS. “There
are 4 apples.”
Laughter is a quality, and a
quality is a state of being, and a state of being is
something assumed by a spiritual entity.
Quality creates quantity.
When you get into difficulty, you
reverse this, and allow circumstances to control how you
feel about yourself. But this, of course, is silly! How
can something that is non–physical and immortal be
harmed? It cannot!
So our message this week is to
find things to laugh about! Laughter is very, very
powerful, for in laughter you discover who you really
Make a list of the kinds of
things that amuse you, even if these things are
considered inappropriate by society, and even if you
don’t feel that you should laugh about them. For
in the contrast there is a precious jewel –– the jewel
of true self, or Higher Self.
You see, contrast is set up to
jump–start your awareness of self. That is why the
physical experience is always a win–win –– because no
matter how far down you get, you ultimately come back
to the fundamental quality of self as immortal and
Laughter is the recognition of
your divinity. A joyful laugh is the recognition of love
and connection with self and others. Dear Ones, it is
irrelevant WHAT you laugh about! You do not need a
reason to laugh, for laughter is spontaneous, in the
moment. When you laugh, for a split instant, you find
yourself outside of time, assuming the pure quality of
spirit. So laugh loud and often, and re–discover the joy
of being yourself and your personal connection to the
The theme for this weeks show is
We are very excited about this
topic, for you experience music as the closest physical
equivalent to the vibrational universe in which we live.
If every note and harmonic within the music had a
feeling and a color, you would begin to experience what
we experience.
Music can transport you to
heights of feeling that reach to the level of your
native spiritual sensors. In other words, music
communicates on a profoundly spiritual level, and can
help to connect you with your Higher Self. That is
because the sound waves that compose music have subtle
harmonics that reach far up the scale of vibration.
Music creates a carrier wave that carries the intention
for beauty and inspiration of the composer and the
musicians. It is a sort of launching pad for subtle,
spiritual harmonics that connect with your soul in the
most glorious and intimate way. Music itself IS a desire
to uplift and inspire, to connect with yourself on a
profoundly spiritual level. Music by–passes your ego,
your mental circuitry, and the mind itself, and provides
a direct link to the higher harmonics of your human
energy field.
Have you ever heard a piece of
music and simply lost yourself in its beauty? Have you
ever felt an awesome sense of love and expansion, a
feeling of one–ness with all life everywhere? This is
what music can do. This is the vibrational power of
Now combine that with the ability
to PLAY music, and you can see the power of a musician
to not only transport himself or herself, but others as
Music, when it is good, is
wonderful, and when it is bad, it is horrible! Imagine
two complex wavefronts meeting each other. When there is
harmonious interaction, there is pleasure, and when
there is interference, there is pain. That is why music
very often generates an intense response, and such
strongly held opinions.
What is your favorite piece of
We have no opinions on the
matter, for we can see that “good” music is just that
which is harmonious with your own vibration. Therefore,
we do not, for example, see heavy metal as inferior to
classical music. What we see is how well the two
vibrations interact with the listener! Beauty is the
harmonious interaction of vibration.
The interaction of vibration
generates feeling. What is important is not the musical
genre, but whether you feel good. Heavy metal music is
powerful and explosive, while Mozart’s Jupiter symphony
is much more subtle and complex. Nevertheless, one is
not “better” than the other, EXCEPT in a personal
context. Dear Ones, the secret to tolerance and love is
the understanding that ALL experience, ALL perception,
is subjective and personal. There is no purely objective
observer, especially within the physical context, for
all of you perceive from a unique position in space and
When human beings finally
understand that the quality or characteristics of
anything is relative to something else, things will go
along much more smoothly on planet earth. You need
diversity! You need the contrasting vibration in order
to perceive and interact with the thing you like! As the
painter once said, “you need dark in order to show
light.” A bright canvas only looks bright when there are
dark colors surrounding it. If all vibrations were
equal, you would see a perfectly white canvas with
nothing upon it! And that, we assure you, would be
profoundly boring.
Your physical perception is just
an interfacing of vibration, as we have pointed out
before. The vibrating atoms in your physical sensors
interpret the vibrations from the physical structures
which reach your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. So
all physical perception is relative, and is intimately
Einstein pointed out that
observation is always relative to a frame of reference,
and he was perfectly correct. All of you are surrounded
by a vibrational field of energy. You might imagine
yourselves as a conductor of your own personal symphony.
Every thought, every choice, every emotion contributes a
note. If you could see yourselves as we see you, this
analogy would make perfect sense, for you vibrate in
awesome and magnificent colors and sounds!
If you have ever seen the mp3
players and the visual effects they generate from sound,
you have a small idea of how this works. Your thoughts
and intentions generate vibrations, to which the
universe responds and matches. This causes an energetic
interaction on a subtle and a physical level, affecting
your vibrational sphere, and also the electrochemical
responses of your body. You control how you feel in
every moment, dear ones, because you have the ability to
change the way you think and feel. You also have the
ability to heal yourself when you become ill. Illness
and disease is a vibrational imbalance between your
spiritual self and your physical self, brought about by
your reactions to your physical world. The use of sound
in healing is well established, but when your scientists
fully understand the vibrational nature of the human
body and its various organs, the field of vibrational
healing will produce literally miraculous results.
If you are feeling down, a great
way to get back “up” is to play music! We feel that a
musician has no very good excuse at all to feel bad!
(laughing) We are very pleased with ourselves, for we
have made a little joke, you see.
Is it not interesting that when
your mood changes, the music you resonate to changes
also? This is a practical demonstration of the
vibrational nature of emotions. If you ask yourself,
“why do I even want to listen to music?” you will
discover that you are feeling a certain way, or want to
feel a certain way, and you desire to amplify that
feeling. Music, in other words, is the perfect
vibrational matcher. Music has the ability to quickly
raise or lower emotional tone, because it by–passes
thought itself and reaches into the soul.
Music is immensely powerful, but
it is subtle. It is powerful BECAUSE it is subtle! That
is because Spirit itself is non–physical, and therefore
of the ultimate subtlety. Physical coercion is not only
primitive, but an inefficient and ineffective way to
change behavior, and will always backfire. Propaganda is
a much more effective way to change another’s opinion,
because it is much more subtle, but propaganda fails
because the hidden intent is eventually discovered and
rejected. But there are no hidden agendas in music!
Music is vibrationally open and transparent –– you can
hear and feel its intent.
Those who truly wish to change
another’s opinions would be well advised to go easy. The
establishment of anything lasting begins with the
vibrations of inclusion, love, and tolerance. The
success of every political and economic empire is
dependent upon how well the political or economic unit
can match vibrations with the populace. Coercion
attempts to push the vibration of the masses down the
scale towards fear and apathy, to match that of the
power seekers. This methodology is of course self
defeating, for a fearful population is an unproductive
one. Eventually the economic structure collapses, as in
communism, or the political unit dissolves in a
resistive action motivated by the higher vibrations of
Music is dangerous to power
seekers. In Nazi Germany, jazz music was banned, for its
syncopated beat resonated with the rhythms of the human
body, and moved people up the emotional scale.
Oh how silly that is, dear ones!
As if one could outlaw a frequency!!
Well, we have been blabbing on
long enough, and Ken wants us to keep these messages
short and sweet (metaphorically sticking their tongues
out). So we will conclude by saying that music is the
ultimate physical platform for the expression of higher
emotions. Musicians and artists: you have the ability to
change the world if you learn how to combine beautiful
music appropriately with light. You can create the most
astonishing and profound effects, far beyond what is
presently possible on earth to communicate ideas, and
inspire others. We look forward to the day when
communication in this way is commonplace. When that day
comes, war, conflict, and illness will largely vanish on
your planet. You are not that far away!
For the rest of you, get out your
mp3’s and your CD’s and listen to some wonderful music!
Ken has always had an interest in
earth history, and what has REALLY gone on, as opposed
to what is written in history books. Ken watched a
fascinating video by Nassim Haramein, a scientist, who
pointed out once more that the story of pyramid building
that you have been taught is a myth. Tens of thousands
of slaves could not have moved 2,300,000 stones that
weighed tons, across the desert, and then piled them 481
feet high with a measured error at the tip of around one
quarter of an inch! You do not presently have the
technology to do this feat of engineering. Those who
came before understood something profound about
resonance and the geometry of space. They used this
knowledge to cut and move the stones. This knowledge ––
which is not technology as you understand it –– came
from a different orientation of consciousness. It comes
from an alignment to the fundamental vibration of space
and time itself –– which is a vibration of love,
harmony, and cooperation. Unless and until you align
with these higher vibrations, you cannot tap into the
“free” energy of the vacuum. It is why, presently, some
of your alternative energy devices work in certain
places, and in other places they do not. There are
“pockets” of energy that have been raised by the new
consciousness, which allow these devices to function.
You might say, “that is nonsense.
The laws of physics operate everywhere the same.” But
they do not! The laws of physics are changeable in the
sense that if you do not vibrationally match up with
them, they cannot function. Because your consciousness
is one of conflict, your technology is explosive. When
you entered the Great Pyramid at Giza, for example, you
used dynamite to blow up a path within. Then you
discovered a gigantic stone that blocked the entrance
that was fitted so perfectly that you did not realize it
was there!
When the consciousness of mankind
is raised from its present vibration, you will naturally
discover new laws of physics that have been there all
the time, but which you were unaware of. This is
perfectly consonant with a vibrational universe wherein
perception and awareness is dependent upon the matching
of vibrations, you see. When we say “consciousness is
raised” we just mean that your thoughts are more in
alignment with the fundamental vibration of love, which
is also the fundamental vibration of the universe. When
this happens, entirely new realms and dimensions of
perception and awareness open up to you, –– and this is
true even encased in your physical containers.
More and more of you are
beginning to understand the power of love, and the
pitiful weakness and insecurity of conflict and hatred
in problem resolution. As we have said before, you are
gradually moving away from the old attractor and into a
new one. You are doing this with your INTENT, which
interfaces directly with the geometry of space and time,
and which is creating a new species thought template
that will change the physical structure and organization
of your societies, and your personal lives. This energy
change resulting from your change in thinking, is
directly responsible for the earth changes you are
experiencing. It was an inevitable result of the
consciousness of mankind reaching a critical “mass,” or
“tipping point,” as we have been describing in some of
our previous messages.
But we are not so fascinated with
earth history, for it focuses you in the past. It brings
your attention back to moments in space–time that will
never be re–lived again. While it is true that you can
alter the energetic structure of the past along the
time–line of your lives, your time would be much better
spent creating, NOW, a new reality. Right NOW, you have
the ability to completely change your lives, and the
direction of humanity’s future.
What is the NOW? Well, for us,
this moment is a short as a millisecond and can be as
long as we wish, for the Native State environment is not
so nearly polarized as your physical universe. In other
words, when you are really present in the moment, you
feel a wonderful sense of lightness and power; a feeling
that anything is possible. Now imagine feeling this way
for as long as you would like!
The NOW occurs for you when you
remove your viewpoint from one or the other side of the
polarity. For example, say that you do not have enough
money at the end of the month to pay your bills. At one
end of the stick is “I must pay my bills.” At the other
end is “I don’t have enough money.” You now exist in a
self–created 2 dimensional world, oscillating back and
forth from pole to pole, and resonating to the problem.
The solution is to understand that you live in a three
dimensional world and rise above it! When your hands are
on the table and you want to move them past each other,
you have to raise them off the table. When you do that,
you detach from polarity and enter that zone of
lightness where a solution is possible. Now you might
say, “Well if it so easy to rise above the problem, no
one would ever have problems.” We acknowledge this, but
we tell you that the resolution to every problem that
has ever existed occurs when you detach yourself from
it, for only then is a solution possible. You need a
higher dimension, in other words, or a higher vibration,
to solve a lower one. And every one of you is capable of
doing just that!
Let us look at the NOW from a
physical viewpoint. Understand that the path your planet
travels in space is not a circle: it is a 3D spiral.
Yes, your planet travels in an ellipse around the sun,
but the solar system itself is moving around the
galactic center, and your galaxy is moving also around
the center of your cluster of galaxies, and so on. All
movement in space is a spiral, in other words, and if
you visualize this as a funnel, or a vortex, in which
you observe along the opening, you can see this better.
Now, your planet is also spinning on its axis, and so
energy is moving out from that vortex along the sides,
and it forms a donut. The spinning of your planet takes
energy in from the ethers and moves it through this
vortex, and it goes back in and comes back out again,
essentially exchanging information with the universal
field, or, as the physicists say, the vacuum. Your
planet, and all life upon it, is constantly breathing in
and out. Everything in the universe is spinning, and is
in motion, so in every moment, all things travel along a
different path than before. This is the physical
component to the spiritual concept of NOW, of the moment
of no–time. Because nothing EVER returns to the same
space–time coordinates, there is ALWAYS the possibility
for a new beginning. This is the true meaning of now,
dear ones. If it were not, your lives would never
change, for you would continually travel back along the
same path, encountering the same information and you
would be vibrationally and informationally stuck in a
“loop.” But you are not! You are writing your future
right now.
Presently, the earth is
undergoing great changes, driven by the changing
consciousness of humanity. You have the ability to
affect your weather patterns, because you can directly
interface with the geometric structure of the vacuum
with your INTENT, which is to say, your amplified
thought forms. Collectively, you have the ability to not
only channel love, but also information directly from
the ethers. In the ethers are templates of thought ––
which have also been accessed by prior civilizations
when they became vibrationally resonant to them –– with
an entirely new and more correct understanding of
physics and vibration that is more aligned to universal
forces. Imagine that you are creating an informational
path through space–time with your desires, thoughts and
intent. The more you align with love and harmony, the
more you will align with prosperity, joy, and more
powerful and useful laws of nature.
Healers and lightworkers,
You cannot see with your physical
eyes, the results of your work. But in the ethers, you
are changing the informational and geometric structure
of thought to align with these new, cleaner and more
harmonious ways of living, both in the sciences and in
human relationships. We encourage scientists who are
reading this to follow their intuition. Scientists, you
belong to a family of brilliant intellectuals that have
been incarnating and reincarnating upon the earth for
millennia. When you combine your intellectual brilliance
with your spiritual understanding, you will open up new
avenues of research that might seem uncomfortable. This
new technology you will discover is not a technology as
you understand it –– it relates to geometry and the
understanding that you are not separate from the
universe. It is a know-how that relies less on machines
and devices, and more upon the comprehension of your
relationship to the structure of the geometry of space
Oh, this is an exciting time to
be alive! Those of you reading this are the true
changers, the real movers and shakers. Let those who
consider themselves powerful engage in their
shenanigans! As the insecure ones, the fearful ones,
continue along their path, those who look down into the
valley from the mountain top can see clearly what they
are up to. But those on the ground never raise their
heads, for they only see what is in their two
dimensional world. Those who have raised their vibration
see more clearly, just as the person in a higher emotion
can see and understand someone in a lower emotion, but
not vice–versa. Those who follow you up the mountain are
beginning to turn their heads and look downward,
regaining their perspective, and rejecting the old ways.
The world is undergoing what can be called a vibrational
renormalization of thought. A renormalization in physics
is a new frame of reference in which to view and
Remember that the universe is a
vast, magnificent and powerful ocean of well–being.
Innately, every human being on the earth has the power
to directly interface with this well being, and to
structure their own lives in greater alignment with it.
As the vibrational resonance of humanity to the
universal field increases, it is becoming more and more
possible to quickly change the physical structure of
your personal lives, and to rewrite the future of the
human race.
(For more information on the
basic geometry of space, please go to
http://www.resonanceproject.org, the website of
scientist Nassim Haramein. His 4 CD set called “Beyond
the Event Horizon” is a scientific explanation, in
layman’s terms, of the fundamental geometry of space.
Highly recommended! )
Oh dear ones, Ken wishes us top
say a few words about personal growth. Ken wants to know
how to get through the day –– which is often
increasingly stressful –– without succumbing to negative
thoughts and attitudes.
We see things from a broader
perspective, dear ones. We see the planet balancing
energetically and economically. In other words, the
lifestyles of some in the United States are
deteriorating, and those in Asia are improving. This is
only natural since at one point the United States had
only a small percentage of the world’s population, and
half of the economic wealth.
But the real question is, why is
there a zero–sum balance? In other words, why is it that
in order for balance to occur, some must gain and others
must lose?
The answer is because the
consciousness of humanity has required it. When a
consciousness of scarcity exists, there is only so much
to go around. More are asking for prosperity on the
other side of the world, and their asking is being
answered. All of this is occurring within the old
attractor of scarcity and conflict, which we have talked
about before.
The consciousness of humanity is approaching a tipping
point, and in fact, you have already entered what might
be called a “zone of chaos.” This zone is what occurs
when the energy of your desires and your thoughts
creates a new potential. This zone occurs just before a
quantum, or evolutionary, leap. As the energy moves
faster and faster within the species consciousness of
humanity, there is a push away from the old paradigm of
thought and into the “unknown.” Eventually, the system
will settle into a new pattern. But until it does, there
will be unsettled times. T
There are millions of you now who
have chosen a higher vibrational path, a path more
oriented towards prosperity, cooperation and a new way
of looking at the world. This new way of thinking has
the potential to open up avenues of thought and will
change the way you do science, and organize your
societies. You see, we can see past the barrier of the
linearity of your physical time. We see what is
possible, and it is so exciting! You will discover laws
of nature that you did not know existed, which will
allow you to more cooperatively work with nature instead
of resisting her. And that will change the face of your
We say these things in preface to
the subject of personal growth. How do you sustain a
positive attitude when the world is moving more and more
towards chaos? When we speak of chaos, we do not mean an
unordered and negative situation, we mean a situation
that is evolving toward a higher state. You see, the
energy is moving much faster around you now. We have
talked about this before, but what is not understood is
that YOU are creating these conditions, not some
“outside force.” Some assign it to a planetary awakening
of Gaia, or the completion of the Mayan calendar, or the
movement of your planet into an area of space that has
heightened sensitivity, or to astrological phenomena, or
to an increase in solar activity. All of these
explanations are only part of the picture, dear ones. It
is literally true that the asking of humanity for change
is producing that change. Your asking has the power to
override even the so–called “natural” planetary cycles.
These cycles have been
established by prior civilizations. Each civilization
adds it’s own vibrational component to the mix, and so
throughout history, you have built up a resonance to a
certain pattern or cycle of volatile and sometimes
violent change. Now you come to another crossroads, and
the energy is swirling about you like a traveler
buffeted by strong winds just before a storm.
The storm is inevitable, dear
ones, as you move out of the old paradigm and into the
new one. It often feels like you are surrounded by
forces that you cannot control, does it not?
But realize that you are creating
these forces. The increasing energy within the species
consciousness is a result of your strong desire for
change. The chaos that has resulted exists because many
of you are not sure HOW you want to change. Many of you
have not precisely identified WHAT you wish to change
into. THAT is the cause of the chaos, dear ones!
Does that not make you feel a bit
There are no evil forces out
there manipulating you. There are no planetary or
interdimensional slave masters guiding you to a
particular result. Yes, you do have visitors, and they
have been involved with your evolution since the
beginning of the present cycle. But these visitors can
vibrationally only act within the parameters you set for
So how do you get through the day when the winds are
buffeting you about and the world seems to be spinning
out of control?
By finding your personal Still
Point. Understand that you may enter the eye of the
hurricane at any time. All of you have the power to step
out of the energetic storm, and to create your own
personal space of calm –– despite the actions of others
–– did you know that? Imagine that you are driving your
car down the road, out on the middle of the plain. You
see massive thunderclouds building ahead, and the winds
begin to blow and shake your vehicle. There is no
shelter for you, and you are afraid. Now imagine that,
just off the side of the road ahead, you see a little
hollow. As you drive into that hollow, the wind
magically stops blowing. All is calm and still, and you
relax and smile. Soon you are clapping each other on the
back and laughing, for you know that you have found a
place of ease and comfort. You see the storm raging
above you, but in your hollow you are safe.
Our message this week is not to
fear the forces that you have created and unleashed.
Yes, events are moving rapidly. Yes, sometimes these
events seem entirely out of your control. But understand
that you are the center of your universe, and that the
entire universe revolves around you. You are a creative
vortex that responds to the world around you, AND
creates a local space or vortex of potential. You are
safe within your own vortex, UNLESS you allow the
actions of others to disturb you. Then, of course, you
may feel the fears and the anxieties of those around you
and move off the Still Point.
The still point is the eye of the
hurricane, dear ones. It is YOU! And it is the space you
can create with your thoughts and your choices. This
space is a local space; for others have free will and
are also creating their own vortices of potential. It
surrounds you and attracts into your experience, events
and situations vibrationally consonant with it. But, and
this is a very important but –– it connects to the
entire universe, to the planet, and to the memes within
the species consciousness. The universe and everything
in it is interconnected in a way that empowers you!
Here is a little exercise that
may help you to find that Still Point: the next time you
find yourself with those negative thoughts in your head,
take a step back and ask yourself: who is saying this?
When Ken did this the other day, he discovered something
that astonished him. Usually when Ken is negative, he
blames it on his deceased father. Ken Sr. had a very
forceful personality, and the words that Ken remembers
most from his father are: “I’m disappointed in you,
son.” You see, Ken Sr. wanted a football player and a
guy’s guy, and what he got was a sensitive kid just like
his deceased wife. Well, Ken was out doing yard work and
felt that his life was not what it should be. “Why
haven’t you sold more of your books?” “Why don’t you
have more money?” “When are you going to allow yourself
to be the person you should be?” etc. etc. etc. Well,
Ken stepped back and said, “shutup, Dad.” But that
didn’t do anything. So he moved his viewpoint away from
himself and onto the other side, expecting to find his
father there. Ken was about to give the old man a good
tongue–lashing –– he could never do that in life, you
see. But he found that the person speaking those words
was himself!
Well, when that happened it was
like a bubble bursting. The two poles, which kept that
negative energy flowing, collapsed. Ken felt calm and
Dear ones, you have complete
control of your own local vortex. Take the time to step
back from your life. Understand that within your own
space, you create the two–pole energy systems that
result in problems, and which then manifests into your
experience. Your negative feelings result from your
thoughts and attitudes about yourself, and about life.
Notice that we did not say, “the thoughts and attitudes
of others.” Remember that you have complete sovereignty
over how you feel, and thus, the kind of life you
Good afternoon, dear ones!
It is always afternoon where we
are, for we are surrounded by Light. However, it is not
bothersome, for the light we perceive is comforting; it
contains what you might call a “full spectrum” of
So what we see and perceive is a
very fulfilling experience, and very enjoyable!
This brings us to our message
this week, which is, “living a full life.”
Does your life feel empty in any
area? Well, that emptiness is just a lack of Light, of
creativity. Creativity is who you are dear ones, and it
is what you do. You were born to make things, to have
new ideas and new experiences, to grow and expand. That
is the essence of every life form on the planet; it is
the motivation behind every decision and preference, did
you know that? Despite appearances to the contrary,
every decision, no matter how irrational it may appear
to an outside observer, is made from a belief, an
expectation, or a hope that it will bring about a
greater sense of well being. For example, those who act
suicidally, or against their best interests, do so
because they understand that at the end of that road is
total freedom, and a return to Native State. This is an
understanding that is present within each and every life
form. As we say, “all endings are happy endings.”
You are all, in essence,
creators. It is what you DO, for a conscious being is
not the physical body, or the things you observe. The
physical body and the universe about you is a result of
the decisions we/you have made to expand and grow, and
the desire to discover more about who we are. This idea
may seem absurd from a physical viewpoint, but we assure
you that the universe was created by you, for your
Have you ever felt wonderful? In
those moments, didn’t you feel like you were in harmony
with the entire universe? Didn’t you feel like anything
was possible, and that you had the power and the ability
to make it happen? Well, this feeling is within every
one of you. It contains the impulse to make something,
to express yourself. This is the feeling that created
the universe and everything in it. It is the feeling,
and the impulse, behind all creativity on your planet.
The Creative Principle –
consciousness -- is what you might call a creative
factory. Every thought, every decision, every preference
creates a new “quanta” of energy, and expands the
universe. When you stop creating, you stop the flow of
life force energy, and you feel an emptiness.
We want you to imagine that you
are at the center of a vortex of energy that can expand
and contract. Imagine a great, multicolored sphere of
light and vibration above and below you, and on every
side. Now imagine that this sphere of light may expand
or contract, like the breath in your lungs, depending
upon what decisions you make. The energy within this
sphere is alive; it rotates, it comes out the top and
the bottom and interacts with the universal medium, or
the ethers, if you will, and then comes back into you.
In effect, you are exchanging information with the
universe, in every moment. Whatever you think and
believe and feel goes outward, and matching energy comes
back to you, via the laws of vibration and attraction.
When you contract your sphere for
whatever reason, whether it be through resistance to the
activities of others, or because of life events, you
receive and exchange less life force energy, and this
brings you down the scale of emotion / vibration. It is
the fundamental reason for a lowering of emotional tone.
This energy feels joyful, dear
ones, it is the essence of life. It feels like the
fresh, scented wind in your face on a sunny day, and
many, many other beautiful things besides. It fills you
up, and makes you feel light, powerful, and expansive.
This is what we mean by “living a
full life.”
Living a full life does not
necessarily mean going out into the world and becoming
famous, although this is certainly one way to do it!
There are many who live lives of quiet excitement,
engaging in activities that may not blow the world away,
but which nevertheless are supremely fulfilling. In
order to live a full life you do not have to fill the
world, only yourself! And when you do that, you feel
like it is possible to change the world!
You can live a fulfilling life in
an infinite variety of ways. There is nothing profound
about any activity which renders it better or worse than
any other. That is because life itself is profound. In
other words, the energy of life feels profound,
magnificent, and joyful because it resonates to you in
the most fundamental way. All you must do is let it in.
How do you let it in? Again,
there is nothing profound about the answer. There is no
Secret, no magical formula, no Big Mystery that must be
solved in order to feel good.
The key to feeling good is to
find a desire.
The way to find that desire is to
approach it backwards.
In other words, people will say,
“OK, I need to find a desire, so what do I want to
have?” Or, they will say, “What do I want to be?”
But these questions are too intellectual, dear ones. In
order to find a desire, ask yourself, “How do I want to
feel?” Ah, now we are getting someplace!
Behind every joyful experience is
a good feeling, which is just a vibrational resonance to
life force. That feeling will automatically bring up
scenes and possibilities in your mind, which you can
then flesh out with your thoughts and your
“My cup runneth over” is a good
way to express this feeling of fulfillment. What this is
describing is the inflowing and outflowing of life force
within your personal sphere of consciousness. The water
runs into the cup, and it flows out again, constantly
refreshing itself, just like the fountain. And just like
the fountain, the flow is circular, or self referencing.
The good news is that the supply of life force is
infinite, and it never gets dirty!
The flow of life force through
your sphere of consciousness is your personal breath of
life. You breathe in air through your physical lungs,
but you are also, on an invisible, “spiritual” level,
breathing in and releasing life force. As above, so
below. The key is allowing it to come in, but also being
able to let it go. Allowing and releasing, dear ones,
these are the keys to feeling good.
When you have something and try
to hold on to it, you usually lose it, do you not? That
is because you are not allowing the energy to flow, and
it gets stuck. Then you get stuck!
How long can you hold your
breath? A minute or two, perhaps, and then what happens?
You must release the air from your lungs and breathe in
once more.
The universe is in dynamic
balance, dear ones. It is alive, just as you are.
Everything in the universe is also in motion, it is
constantly changing. To lead a fulfilling life, you must
be able to allow and release.
Without this constant process of allow and release, your
energy becomes stagnant, your perception becomes
muddied, and you no longer see yourself or the world
1) Is there an area of life where
you feel stuck? If so, examine the flow of energy in
this situation. If you are having trouble with your
mother–in–law, or a co–worker, what is happening? Well,
more than likely both of you are holding on to thoughts
and attitudes that prevent you from seeing clearly. Your
energy is not flowing; it is stuck. It is this
stickiness that is the cause of resistance. Like a cyst,
it blocks off life force energy and creates a pocket of
staleness in your life, which may, if continued,
eventually become malignant. The same process that works
in the cells of your body also works for your sphere of
consciousness, and your emotions.
2) Let go of your pent–up energy
around this situation. What will happen, if you do this
correctly, is that you will feel a release as the stale
energy is released and fresh energy enters; and then an
expansion, and a rush of positive emotion. Even though
you cannot see the subtle energy of your human energy
field, you can feel it. That positive feeling is your
indication that you are breathing freely again.
To live a fulfilling life, it is
only necessary to find a desire and begin living it. Why
not begin right now? Remember, you can’t change the
world unless you first change yourself.