The Big Picture

Kenneth MacLean, EzineArticles.com Platinum Author

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The Buffer 



The Law of Vibration, along with the Law of Attraction, creates what I call a buffer.

When we send out a signal through the universal medium, we match up with signals like our own. We can dispose of our previous long-winded explanations and just say that it's just common sense, for it is impossible to perceive something to which one is not attuned. By definition, what is perceivable is what one can be aware of. And one cannot be aware of that which one is not aware of. Pretty simple, but the simplest things are often the most overlooked things!

Therefore, our particular pattern of vibration sets us up to interpret the universal soup of vibration in a distinct way. We are only aware of vibrations to which we are internally resonating. All other vibrations are unavailable. This is a very good thing, otherwise we would be inundated by all vibrations everywhere in the universe and we would burn out like a light bulb subjected to an electrical overload.

How is it that we perceive outside our heads only that which is inside it? What is the mechanism which provides the universe with this property? In order to understand this concept, please read the essay entitled "The Vibrational Universe, Part II."

Of course, this is only a partial explanation. To understand it more fully, realize that when a very high vibration meets up with a very low vibration, both are invisible to the other! The high vibration sees nothing because the wave crests of the lower vibration are too far apart. There is no perceived relative movement. The low vibration can't see the higher one because it's wave crests are too close together. Again, no perceived relative movement. Without compatible vibrational movement between two points of perception, each is invisible to the other. (For a more detailed explanation, see "The Objects in our Universe Also Have Their Own Vibrational Signature" in the book "The Universal Operating System.")

You might say, "Nonsense. That glass on my desk isn't moving and I perceive it just fine." Yes, but the glass itself is possessed of an overall vibrational pattern. That is why it exists and can be perceived. The consciousness that is you (and your body) are vibrating within the same relative bandwidth, so it is visible and solid.

What human beings perceive as a glass will be perceived entirely differently by consciousness which is vibrating along a different bandwidth.

The fact that our vibrational signal exposes us only to a very restricted portion of the universal bandwidth means that unless we totally and radically alter our vibrational stance, we will be exposed to roughly the same signals. And because we only perceive in response to our internal pattern of vibration (our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings), it is a virtual impossibility that we would be able to radically change our perception of life! When you keep seeing the same things over and over, it's not likely that you'll be able to break out of that envelope of perception.

However, I want to make it clear that if somehow we were able to drastically alter our pattern of thought, we would immediately perceive in a drastically different manner. This is how some people "go crazy." You see, as conscious beings we have a perfect right to change our thoughts in any way we choose. But the Law of Vibration almost guarantees that the process of change will be gradual. (The subject of my new novel is based around the idea of radically changing one's conscious orientation).

So when we decide to change our signal, there is a sort of automatic or built in buffer to protect us from too rapid change. It also means that when we have oriented ourselves to a certain way of thinking or feeling, continuing along that same path is going to be our path of least resistance, even if it is a rotten feeling or way of living. That's just the way the universe is set up, and it's a good thing, for it lets us gently and smoothly change our life without getting knocked about too much.

So don't despair when your new car doesn't magically appear in your driveway, or that new job or new relationship doesn't immediately come into your life. In almost all cases, the universal buffer is protecting you from a rough ride. Remember, if you are completely aligned to what it is you want, the desired thing will either already be in your experience, or on its way. You will have already seen at least a glimmering of it in your manifestations; you are ready for it and when it manifests it will seem like the most natural thing in the world. And if you aren't aligned yet, don't worry. The universal buffer is making sure you'll have a smooth ride to your destination! The only way you cannot receive a desired thing is your own thoughts and beliefs that you can't, for these thoughts change your pattern of vibration to one in which the desired thing is unavailable.

Change your thoughts and feelings about something and enjoy the path to manifestation. Eventually you'll find that the manifestation isn't the end result. You'll discover that the delicious alignment of your energy was the reward all along, and the manifested thing is simply another mile marker on your journey of joy.


(1) From "The Vibrational Universe":

'We can define a virtual function f, which maps a thought т into the physical universe. We can write f(т) ––> q. Since both f and т are virtual and unobservable, we cannot define precisely how this is done. We say simply that the virtual function f operates on a virtual thought т, translating it into a recognizable physical quantum, q. Q must, by definition, have both the properties of a particle and a wave, for the following reasons: q is alive, therefore it is internally in motion. All things in existence are in motion, this is a simple conclusion from the fact that all things are com-posed of subatomic particles and all subatomic particles are in motion within themselves. Therefore q has the property of a vibration, or a wave. Q, by definition, must be discrete. Q is discrete because it exists. Q occupies a unique point in space and it was created at a unique moment in time. Therefore it has identity and is distinguishable from other quanta. Discrete-ness is a simple fact of the definition of existence. If q were not discrete, it would be something else, and therefore not q. So q is also a particle.

(2) Quoted from "Sidelights on Relativity" by Albert Einstein, page 23.


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