This universe has the fundamental property that
'like attracts like'. This is sometimes called
the Law Of Attraction. We see this principle
often in our own lives, when we experience
things we like and a lot of what we don't!
conscious being is sort of like an attracting
magnet, and what is focused upon in thought is
invited into our experience. This isn’t
something that is understood on our planet just
yet, but it is something you can easily prove to
yourself. The reason we emphasize thought in
these essays and not action, is because action
follows thought. Thought aligned to the goal
will result in action aligned to the goal.
law of 'like attracts like' doesn't say 'you
will always get what you want', it says 'you
will always get what you are placing your
attention on.' So it's somewhat
just know I'm not going to get that new job.”
“I’m never going to be able to afford that new
“Learning to play the piano is impossible.”
Thoughts and beliefs like these are why we don't
get the things we want! It is a fundamental
truth of this universe that if you don’t believe
you can have something, it will never manifest
for you.
Wherever you place your attention is what you
will experience.
you observe your own life and the lives of
others, you will see this important law working
all the time.
Consciousness of Scarcity
Taking a glance at life on planet
earth today, we see economies based on scarcity.
This is because the consciousness of humanity is
mired in scarcity, and so we have naturally
created energy based on scarce fossil fuels.
The by-product of this is, of course, pollution,
and in order for economies to grow, more scarce
resources must be used, thus increasing the lack
of them. When solutions are proposed, they are
most often based on lack --- conservation, for
example. Conservation pre-supposes a lack of
resources and results from the consciousness of
scarcity. The operation of the Law of Attraction
then leads to an experience of more lack of
What is the solution to this situation? Humanity
most often chooses either solutions based on
more lack, as above, or solutions designed to
fight against that which it does not want. And
so, we get the fight against pollution, the “war
on drugs”, etc., the struggle of the ordinary
citizen to better himself by working ever
harder, and these generate more and more
frustration, making the situation worse.
does humanity not investigate cleaner, more
abundant sources of energy? The Department of
Energy in the United States, for example, spends
only a minuscule portion of its budget on
alternative fuels. The answer is that the
consciousness of humanity will not allow it. The
Law of Attraction will not allow clean and abundant
energy sources into a consciousness of
scarcity. The vibrational difference is just too
great! It's not the government's fault. The
vibrational fact is simply that clean energy
technologies cannot be brought forth into an
environment of scarcity. That vibrational
environment is created by each one of us! We
are all responsible for the energy situation
upon our planet
so my friends, if we want a better world then we
must invite it by focusing upon it. We must
focus on the inherent abundance of this
universe, and thus allow the vibration of clean
energy technologies to take hold in our
our vibrational model, this idea is not
airy-fairy or delusional at all. In fact, it is
the prerequisite for positive change.
Changing Reality By Changing Thought and Belief
“That is all fine and good”, you say, “but how
do we change such a gigantic reality? Are we to
just think it into existence?” That is,
essentially, precisely what I am saying.
Human beings are action-oriented. Humans figure
that if they could just work hard enough, they
could change their world. Unfortunately, the
laws of the universe are not set up that way.
The system is set up to work more effectively
through thought, not action.
Because the energy of a thought is so small,
people resist this concept, and point to the
seeming immobility of current reality. But, this
current reality is actually a by-product of the
collective thought (consciousness) of every
human upon the earth. It is dynamic and
Action follows thought, not the other way
around! Would you first begin running across the
street before you thought to look for cars?
Would you begin cooking before giving any
thought to what you want to make? Would you
build a house with no plans or ideas for how you
want it to look? Of course not, you say, but
that is precisely how the vast majority of
humans operate. It is thought that if only we
could work hard enough, then things would change
for the better, but things can only change for
the better if we align our thoughts toward what
is better! Mostly when people want to change
something, they focus on getting rid of what is
not wanted, and so all of their hard work just
gets spent on making what is not wanted even
you want to change your reality, spend 95% of
the time thinking and clarifying your vision,
and pre-paving your future path with the
thoughts and feelings of what you are wanting.
Then, and only then, take action. This action
will then be along the path of least resistance,
because you know EXACTLY where you are going,
and you have pre-paved the future time-line with
a matching vibration, which will then attract a
matching reality. It is all a simple, but very
powerful, application of the Law of Attraction,
a vibrational lining-up of energies. The reason
why so many work so hard and fail, is they have
failed to line up their energies with the goal
before taking action!
order to solve the problems of scarcity and
pollution, concentrate on abundance. This
universe is a bountiful place, as a species we
have just chosen the lack of abundance. We have
chosen a lower vibration. That is why we have
the apparently immobile system we have. That is
why we have disease and poverty as well, because
as a society we focus on not getting sick,
rather than on wellness, and on fighting
poverty, rather than creating prosperity.
Admittedly, when one is in poverty it is very
difficult to think of being rich, but you can’t
have money by bemoaning the fact you do not have
it. You can only have money by concentrating on
the having of it, not on the lack of it.
Everything in existence starts with thought, and
so we must begin to think positively about
what it is we want. The balance of our thought
must be in the positive, in order to start the
attracting of what we want. This means we must
utilize that powerful creative energy within us
and deliberately create the future we desire!
Your Creative Potential
Human beings are immensely powerful creators,
but we have forgotten how powerful we truly are.
We listen to TV, radio and newspapers that tell
us we must work hard and struggle for everything
we have. We are fed a litany of negative
information about the current planetary reality.
This is necessary in order to get us to continue
to create the present reality of scarcity. The
negativity we see in the news is, for the most
part, the creations and experiences of others.
For almost all of us reading this article, when
we look out at the world and see injustice, war,
disease and poverty, those are the creations of
others. If they were our creations, we would be
living them, because we would have attracted
them into our experience!
simply accept such things because they are
“real.” But they are real only because we have
created them through our thought, and acted upon
those thoughts! We have allowed ourselves to be
lulled into thinking that the environment we see
around us is fixed and cannot be changed without
great effort. That is true in the absence of
creative will, but it is a complete falsehood in
the presence of deliberate creation. We have
often heard "that is unrealistic" in response to
a great idea of ours (like clean and abundant
energy for all). This statement is supposed to
cause us to give up on our creation, as if the
presence of current reality (which is itself a
reality created by us) obviated the creation of
something different. Creation by definition is
making something different from the current
reality! Current reality is defined as "being
realistic." But by "being realistic" we are
tied irrevocably to what is. It is a circular
pattern which leads always back to the same
place, like a dog chasing it’s tail. We laugh
and say: ‘silly dog, just stop!’ The absurdity
of the dog’s situation is obvious, for he is
just a thought away from ending his
predicament. But like the dog, humanity gets
going in a certain direction and never stops to
change its thinking. What action is taken is
usually a protest against the current reality,
rather than the creation of a better one. The
current earth reality is actually a dynamic and
very malleable one. It is simply the by-product
of our thought. By changing our thought, we
change our reality.
Knowing the Future
can we know what our future is going to be? This
is a question of interest to all seekers. Again,
since individuals are sovereign in their own
experience, it is not possible to discover our
future by listening to the predictions of
others, no matter how respected that person
might be. The only way to know your future is by
deliberately creating it. This is called
“stepping into your power.”
utilizing your powerful creative abilities, it
is possible through thought, positive emotion
and action along the path of least resistance,
each one of us, to create heaven on earth.
guidance that comes from within is infallible,
if we will only listen to it. Our greater selves
have lived thousands of life experiences and
have the benefit of superior knowledge and
viewpoint, uniquely tailored for us. In our
scientific culture, however, such sentiments are
pilloried. "When you die, you're dead," is the
cry from the scientific and medical
establishment. "There is no scientific evidence
of a so-called Higher Self." Well, I
respectfully disagree. be still for several
minutes, calm your racing mind, and get in touch
with your inner self. When you do you will
discover a serenity and a creative power that
cannot be proven objectively, but which is
undeniable subjectively. That is because an
incarnated human being is a focused aspect of a
much broader and powerful awareness. The
greater part of you exists outside of the small
volume of space called the human body, and you
can draw on that guidance and wisdom at any
point of this essay is that we create our own
universe through what we resonate to within our
own consciousness. As we have said over and over
in these essays, consciousness created the
universe, and is senior to the matter and energy
within it. Since all things are ultimately
composed of thought, it is not surprising that
our thoughts and feelings have an effect on the
world around us.
Law of Attraction applies not only in the
physical, but also the non-physical worlds, it
is inviolate and is operating in every instant.
We can create the reality we want by simply
focusing upon it, and listening to our inner
guidance system. Action follows thought, is a
by-product of thought, not the other way around.
We do not have to believe the doom-sayers who
choose to focus on negative future realities for
humanity. Even if some catastrophe is planned
for Earth, by using deliberate creation and by
understanding the Law of Attraction, we can be
always in the eye of the hurricane. Each one of
us is a powerful creator. By focusing upon and
deliberately creating a joyful future reality,
we attract a positive and wonderful future.
Dear Ones, look within to find that beautiful
and magnificent being that is you! Do not
depend on others for your discernment! Exercise
your powerful creative abilities! Step fully
into your own power and follow your infallible
inner guidance system to create the perfect
reality for you. Hold to your highest vision of
yourselves! And by doing so, you will not only
create a powerful and wonderful reality for
yourself, but also inspire those around you to
do the same.
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