Phil: What I want to do here is start right in with the Law of
Attraction. Actually, in the news the last day or so, there has been
all kinds of criticisms of “The Secret” which…
Ken: I don’t really watch the news, Phil. So, I don’t really know
what’s going on in the world.
Phil: There are all kinds of people are out there criticizing “The
Secret” as being, “Oh, just another money making scheme and yeah,
there might be a little bit of truth to it and certainly it has some
uplifting kinds of ideas, but it could not be medically based, it
could be dangerous, it could be psychologically dangerous.” After
all, we don’t want people in the world actuality thinking that they
have any control over their own lives and their own realities.
Ken: Precisely…
Phil: There are very dangerous things out there and so I was going
through your essay’s on the Law of Attraction and they were clear
and well-written, for those people out there; if they have their
head in the sand and they haven’t heard of the Law of Attraction,
why don’t you give us a brief rundown, “what the Law of Attraction
all about?”
Ken: Well, the Law of Attraction basically says that your thoughts
and beliefs determine what your actions are, and determine what you
experience. The Law of Attraction says that “like attracts like.”
The Law of Attraction also has a subtle energy component. The atom
is a nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud; in other words, the
electrons are moving about the nucleus very rapidly. The atom is
essentially a vibration, a lot of space, electrons vibrating around
a nucleus. And because everything in the physical universe is
composed of vibration, the universe is vibrational in nature, the
universe is just a sea of vibration. The universe is also composed
of thought and thought travels on this sea of vibration all over the
place. This is what I mean by a subtle energy component to the Law
of Attraction; because thought is not measurable with scientific
So what happens is that if you had a strong intent, a clearly
defined intent, a strong desire, magic can occur, coincidences can
occur that seem random and probably not scientifically explainable,
but actually they’re based upon this subtle communication between
beings that is going on invisibly, sort of like a radio or TV
signal. You really can’t see the radio signal. I mean you really
can’t see the signal that comes into your television set, but you
can certainly see the picture when you tune into that channel. It’s
the same way with the Law of Attraction. If you have a clearly
defined intent and you actually go out and start applying actions
into the real world, doors will open for you, windows of opportunity
will open, and seemingly random things will happen to you that you
couldn’t have predicted. I mean it’s really – it’s almost common
sense, it’s really not too far removed from scientific possibility.
In my book I refer to it as non–local communication –– at the speed
of thought.
People will tell you that if you work hard, you’re
going to get the breaks. Well, with the Law of Attraction, it says
there is also a spiritual component – there is a physical component
to it, the action, but there is also a spiritual component and the
spiritual component can open those doors of opportunity.
Obviously you have to step through them, but when you align your
thoughts to what you want, amazing things can happen. Frankly Phil,
I’ve noticed in my life that all of my successes and all of my
failures are based upon this principle. It’s really just saying that
you, as an individual, are sovereign –– the universe grants you
that. As a human being you are an immortal spirit temporarily
associated with a physical body. You have been granted free will to
make your own choices, and the universe has been designed to back up
your choices; that is to say, the Law of Attraction states that the
universe will match you up with people and situations that directly
reflect the vibrational content of your activated thoughts and
beliefs. Not what you SAY you want, but what you are REALLY focusing
upon. That’s what you get!
Your emotions tell you where you are at, at all times –– they are
the display monitor to your personal vibrational thought – computer.
Lower emotions = self–limiting thought, positive emotions = thought
aligned with your true, inner self and your true goals.
I know this is true, I know that when I fail it’s because I had
some thought or I had some long held belief that’s holding me back
and when I’m successful, It’s the most amazing feeling, I have this
very light hearted feeling, this feeling of joy and the feeling of
well-being and when I can get into that state, things just happen
for me.
What I say in my book, I make it very clear about the vibrational
universe, that this cannot be proved objectively; I don’t really
believe that you can test or prove it broadly, that this is
scientifically based. However, you can perform personal life
experiments. In other words, you can apply this on an individual
basis, just try it out and see if it works for you. You can go to my
website, you can read all the stuff, I have lots of stuff there for
free (, I have articles on the Law of
Attraction from a spiritual and scientific point of view, an entire
section of my website is devoted to geometry; I have a whole section
about problems and you can just read this stuff and just apply it to
your life and see if it works for you. And if it doesn’t work for
you, well fine… at least you tried it, but don’t dismiss something
just because it sounds a little “woo woo.”
I don’t think it’s woo woo at all because I know of scientific
experiments that pretty much show that as you said before, the
observer affects the results of the experiment. Whether you’re
dealing with matter and energy, or in human relationships, the Law
of Attraction applies.
Phil: It’s kind of like the string theory and the way I look at
it is the universe is one huge tapestry and the entire picture is
interconnected by the various strings and you can’t pluck on one
without affecting the entire image. Therefore, as you were saying,
the various thoughts we send out travel throughout the whole
universe along these things that are part of the universal fabric or
the universal tapestry.
Ken: That’s a very good way of expressing it, I have a tendency
in my books not to try to go too far…I mean when I wrote The
Vibrational Universe I was very careful and I tried not to say
anything that I didn’t think I could back up with research, but at
some point you come to understand, if you are a spiritually aware
person, that you have to go beyond the standard scientific model.
You have to trust yourself and you have to trust your feelings
and you have to trust ….you just have to know and feel that you’re a
spiritual being. I don’t know how to express this off the cuff in an
interview, but I know it so profoundly. I know that when my body
dies, I’m going to go on.
In fact, I wrote a book about that because. … in October 2005, my
father died and you know he basically told me two weeks before he
died that he was going to die and don’t be sad when the phone call
comes. Well, my mom calls me up…. my step-mom calls me up and goes,
“Dad died today.” I just fell apart – and then the next day, I’m
going out for my walk and I feel my father there and I’m going,
“wait a minute, you’re supposed to be dead, what are you doing
here?” We started having these conversations and I wrote them up in
my online forum, I think they’re still posted there and I turned it
into a book called, “I Love You Dad.” It was one of the most
profound experiences I’ve ever had.
Every day I would go out for my walk and my Dad would be there,
sometimes it would only be for five or ten seconds, sometimes we’d
have talks for fifteen – twenty minutes, it was absolutely
remarkable. After that experience, I knew.
Phil: And let’s face it Ken, each major advancement that has
occurred throughout human history has been by those people that know
there is something else, there is a different way. I mean when
DaVinci drew pictures of people in flying machines, there was no
question people had to have been saying at that time, you’re
absolutely nuts, people can’t fly.
Any of the advances in physics or chemistry or the whole
internet, the whole technology, it all comes from those people who
say reality as we know it number one; is not static and number two,
it can be changed and number three, I have an idea that will change
it and they go out and they do it. Obviously the world that we exist
in today is not the world that existed a hundred years ago and every
one of those changes occurred because of somebody who had a
different idea. It all stems from thought.
Ken: Precisely, have you ever written any books? You are very
well spoken.
Phil: Okay, yeah. I’ve got a spiritual thriller – it’s a
co-authored book, it’s called, “Waking God” and it kind of turns
religion upside down and it’s an interesting novel that has the –
basically it’s an esoteric treaties in the form of an action packed
novel and I have a new book coming out next month. It’s called,
“Jesus Taught It Too, The Early Roots of The Law of Attraction.”
Ken: That sounds good Phil. Well, you know it’s funny because I
actually wrote a novel too. I wrote a novel about the Merkaba, the
vehicle of consciousness, based upon the fact that if consciousness
is non–physical, then perhaps there is a way to travel outside of
the body and go into different dimensions and to different places. I
almost felt like I channeled this book because I have an entire
galaxy of races that come from different star systems and interact
with earth.
My main character, John Frankel, finds a book in the arcane
section of his local bookstore with strange symbols in it, and with
the help of his father translates it and it turns out to be a
powerful meditation with specific protocols for activating the
merkaba. I started writing this book and I couldn’t stop! It turned
out to be like 850 pages, it was a novel about the potentials of
consciousness and it’s called “Beyond the Beginning” and I had so
much fun writing that book, it probably took me a year and a half to
write it all down.
Phil: Is it published?
Ken: I offer it as an e-book, the thing about publishing is that
you have to get a cover, you have to pay somebody to get a
professional cover, but with an e-book, you can write the thing and
you can make a professional looking e-book for a fraction of the
cost as opposed to a regular published book. I do intend to actually
publish all of these books in soft cover and hard cover; I bought a
bunch of ISBN’s. Eventually, I’ll probably publish all of these
books in soft cover but right now they are available as e-books on
my website, actually you can buy “The Vibrational Universe” and my
other book “Dialogue Conversations with my Higher Self” on Amazon
and Barnes and Noble in softcover, or as e–books on my website.
Phil: Okay, so for example people have to understand that, say
you and I were each sitting in our various rooms and in this room I
have a light on and I have a computer screen and I’ve got some
lights flashing at me and I’m picking up various vibrations of
colors and textures, but also at the very same time there’s probably
at least two hundred television signals passing through me and into
the room, who knows how many hundreds of radio station signals pass
through the room. I believe we’re bombarded by something like six
billion neutrinos passing through our bodies each second, none of
these things we’re aware of unless we turn the channel to those
particular vibrations. The whole notion that we do in fact live in
this sea, that we really have such limited knowledge about, is
empirically proven by the fact that in our everyday experience, it
Ken: Yeah.
Phil: It’s a real phenomenon.
Ken: It is.
Phil: Now, the Law of Attraction is where I find a lot of people
get hung up. The Law of Attraction, as you state in one of your
article, is that like attracts like. Well, the immediate response
you get is, “Wait a minute, opposites attract, what are you talking
about?” How do reconcile the notion of like attracts like with the
idea of no, no, no, opposites attract?
Ken: That is a good question. Opposites do attract, but when we
look a little deeper into the matter, we can see that it is the
similarities that make the opposites attract. Take a battery, for
instance. You have a positive pole and a negative pole. At the
positive pole is just a dearth of electrons and at the negative pole
is a surplus of electrons. How the battery works is that the
electrons at the negative end want to party with their friends at
the positive end, so the flow is from minus to plus. But what is
really happening is that the system is trying to find balance. The
common denominator in the system is the electron, and how it flows
from one pole to the other. Like attracts like! Positive and
negative are arbitrary symbolic assignments that help us to
understand how the system works.
Let’s say you’re at a flea market and there’s a seller and a
buyer. Now, those are sort of opposites, but if you look at it
closely, the buyer and the seller come together like a key fitting
into a lock. And what is the common denominator? What the seller is
selling! Both buyer and seller are aligned on the thing the seller
is selling. So like attracts like. An engineer who likes fine wines
and classical music doesn’t hang around with a beer drinking
construction worker who is into Mettalica.
I’ve studied the history of science a little, and I believe that
the whole positive and negative thing was arbitrary convention. I
mean the electrons were assigned negative and protons were assigned
positive. It could have been the other way around and I actually
have an explanation of that in the appendix of my book, “The
Vibrational Universe” and it’s called The Attraction of Opposites.
You can read about that if you are into it.
Phil: Like I said, it’s just a function of that’s what one of the
first thing that people say, “well I learned in science that
opposites attract so if I have good thoughts than obviously I am
going to attract bad things.”
Ken: Well, the thing that people need to understand is they need
to perform personal life experiments. In other words – it’s one
thing to say “Well the Law of Attraction is this and the Law of
Attraction is that” but what you need to do is you actually need to
apply it in your own life, try thinking good thoughts and see what
happens, try thinking bad thoughts and see what happens. Actually I
have a book called, “What Do You Do When All Hell Breaks Loose,”
because what I discovered is that sometimes when I really, really
have a strong desire and strong intent, something the exact opposite
will happen.
Phil: Exactly.
Ken: There’s a reason for that. What happens- what I realized is
that when you want something; you’re coming from a place where you
don’t have it.
Phil: That’s your belief; I don’t have this so I want it.
Ken: Right, because if you already had it, you wouldn’t want it.
The only reason you want it is because you don’t have it. So the
reason why you don’t have it is because you have certain thoughts
and beliefs that have gotten you to that position. Alright, so let’s
say… you really want something that you don’t have and then all of
these old beliefs get reactivated and it hits you…. in other words,
when you begin to deliberately create your new desire, you activate
all the old beliefs that got you into the unwanted place. That
happens because you wouldn’t be where you are unless you have those
thoughts and beliefs to match. That’s because all action follows
Phil: Right, for example if somebody’s having an economic
difficulty, they need money, bottom line- they need some money. So,
they sit there and they say, “I don’t have any money. Number one
they’re affirming that they don’t have it, number two, they begin to
delve in the deep recesses in their mind, and they begin to think
about all the things that they were not able to do because they
didn’t have the money to do it. So, this becomes the predominant
thought pattern and at least at the subconscious level, even though
consciously they are saying, “I want money, I want money,”
subconsciously, the power is really into “I never really did have
any and I don’t have any now and I wish I had some more. The energy
is really like the tip of the iceberg but it is mostly with the part
that’s under the water.
Ken: Right! And what people do is they give up. I mean that’s how
all New Year’s Resolutions go haywire. “Well, I tried it and it
didn’t work, so forget it.” What I realized is that the positive and
the negative aren’t linear. There’s not a positive end of the stick
and a negative of the stick. Very often when you’re in the blackest
place, you’re only a very short step to a huge breakthrough. That’s
because the two ends are connected. You know, everything in this
physical universe is this way: you have hot/cold; light/dark,
dry/wet, etc. In the driest desert sometimes there can suddenly come
a rainstorm.
It’s circular; you’re traveling down that path postulating your
positive stuff and you are getting negative and negative stuff and
more and more negative stuff. But if you can continue, what happens
is the old vibration of your old thoughts and beliefs gradually die
away and the new vibration that you’re creating gets stronger and
stronger. It’s like playing the piano, the note that you hit right
now is the strongest but the notes that you hit previously are still
in the air. You can still hear them but in the vibrational universal
concept, if you continue to create what you want, if you continue to
create the vibration of what you want – the old stuff gradually dies
out. It may take a while because like I say, you’re sitting in your
old thoughts, you’re sitting in your old beliefs and it may take a
while to deactivate but….
Phil: How does a person get out of that rut? What positive steps
can they take to- like you say you want something so badly, the
opposite begins to happen to you? What has to happen to the mindset?
Give us the four, five, three, or ten steps that might be necessary
for a person to begin to get on that ladder and to climb out of that
hole that they were in.
Ken: Well, I can only speak from my personal experience and I
found that when you want something so bad, you’re actually resisting
the having of it. So what I do is I do a directed meditation for at
least fifteen minutes per day and I try to release my resistance. I
try to imagine my life exactly the way I want it and if any negative
thoughts come up, I just ignore them and I try to get this feeling
of what it would be like to have what I want. The object of the
meditation is to simply get to a place where you feel better.
However you do that- it almost doesn’t matter what you think about:
if you wanted A and you thought about B for a while and it made you
feel good, well that’s better than trying to think about A and
getting stuck in A.
The main idea is that the Law of Attraction can only work if your
thoughts are aligned with your desire and when that happens, you
feel good. You feel positive emotion so the basic idea is to try to
feel as positive as you can. It almost doesn’t matter what you’re
thinking about as long as you can lower your resistance and allow
what you’re wanting in.
Phil: So, if you are in fact worrying about paying your bills and
stuff, you’re getting yourself all depressed. Just find some point
in your life that you were actually having a good time and think
about it.
Ken: Well, sure. What’s the alternative? It’s just continuing to
be stuck in the same rut. You can have a crummy life and feel crummy
or you can have a crummy life and feel good. Now, that might sound
psychotic to some people, but I can assure you from personal
experience that if you have a crummy life and you try to change your
thoughts to the positive, then you will start to feel better and
when you start to feel better, your life will change. That’s the
whole thing about Law of Attraction.
Actually, you will attract people and situations in your life
that reflect your new intentions and your new thoughts. Really,
there is no magic wand, but the universe itself is magic! You just
have to apply it, you just have to use it and once you do, you start
feeling more confident, you feel more empowered. Actually, you start
noticing first off what I noticed; that all of my negative thoughts
manifested negatively and all my positive thoughts manifested
positively. In other words, I got to the point where I couldn’t
convince myself anymore that it was the other guy’s fault, that it
was the economy’s fault, that it was President Bush’s fault, that it
was my mom’s fault, that it was my dad’s fault.
I finally had to face the reality that – okay, there is something
to this Law of Attraction stuff; I mean it really does work. For me,
it was personally empowering, I just gained a sense of confidence
knowing that if I could just change my thoughts, I could change my
Phil: Now let me ask you this and you may have had an experience
with it…. I don’t know. A lot of people, when they hear the Law of
Attraction, the help issue is a thing, “you’re telling me that I
made myself sick, you’re telling me that I’m responsible for the
needs that I have?” How do you respond to that?
Ken: Well, I’ll give you an example from my life, I am recovering
from mercury poisoning from a mouthful of dental fillings for
forty-seven years and my health just started to deteriorate and it
got to the point where I didn’t know if I was going to survive or
not. I’ve had the operation to remove the fillings and it actually
got even worse because of all the mercury that had gotten into my
brain and my body, started coming out.
Oh my goodness, what I suggest for people who have physical
disabilities or a physical illness is going to see your doctor, go
to see your health care practitioner, start handling the physical
conditions with physical remedies and then meditate every day.
Meditate on health, meditate on feeling good, find something to feel
good about and what you’ll find is that well…. what I found is that
I started getting all of these ideas; maybe if I did this, maybe if
I went to see this guy. I went to this one doctor, who was a natural
product promoter and started buying his products and started using
them and that really helped, Then I found out about Rife machines.
Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant American scientist who in the
1930’s cured people of terminal illnesses with an
electronic/vibrational device. On the theory that every cell, organ,
pathogen, microbe, etc. has a unique resonant frequency, and if you
hit that frequency you can get it to oscillate, like the glass in
the old Memorex commercial. When that happens the pathogen just
blows up and dies. It’s pretty cool. I’ve been using this machine
now for 6 months and it is really helping. I also take organic plant
derived minerals, which is also really helping. I also discovered a
book written by a PhD chemist, Andy Cutler, who tells you how to
chemically chelate the mercury out of your body. The point is that
no matter how sick you are, if you really want to get healthy, you
can! That’s what the Law of Attraction is all about.
You know, it’s been two and a half years, I’ve been living with
this. Until the age of 53, I used to be in the most fantastic
physical condition. I used to be able to go out and run five or six
miles and not even notice it after a full work day in my contracting
business, where I was on my feet all day. Then when my health
crashed, I really rebelled, I couldn’t handle it – I made my
condition worse by resisting it.
I thought, “why, this can’t happen to me, I’m Ken MacLean, I’m
supposed to be perfectly healthy.” Finally after a year of being in
misery, I decided to do something about it. All of a sudden, I found
out about mercury poisoning and I found out about dental amalgam. I
found out about the Hal Huggins protocol for safely removing dental
amalgam and I found this naturopathic doctor, I found this medical
doctor…. all these things started to occur to me when I just got a
new intention. It was really amazing.
Yeah, so to answer your question, you know if someone is having a
physical difficulty, you need to try the physical remedies first.
Because what happens is, mentally you’re in such a horrible state;
you can’t even think a positive thought. Through the worst of it, I
was suicidally depressed; I mean I was just…. I could barely get
through the day.
Phil: It‘s hard to think your way through toothache.
Ken: Yeah, heck yeah.
Phil: It’s not going to happen.
Ken: Right, you can’t wave a magic wand and be magically better
especially when you’re talking about mercury. Mercury is one of the
most insidious things you can get into your body, it’s very
difficult to get out but with this Rife machine and these organic
plant and minerals, I’m actually starting to make some progress now
so, I ‘m really excited about that.
Phil: And I think too, people have to come to an understanding.
On the one hand they say, “Well, gees this stuff sounds good, but
you don’t just flash a magic wand and suddenly and all these things
appear in your life.” They’re absolutely correct, but it is that
possible. In my opinion, I think it is.
Ken: Well, I think it is but your thought has to be evolved. For
instance, let’s say you lived in a world of magic and you wanted a
Porsche 911 Turbo and let’s say you can create with your thoughts a
Porsche 911 Turbo, so let’s say the guy goes, “okay, I know exactly
what a Porsche 911 Turbo looks like.’ So. …boooooom he thinks his
thoughts and a Porsche 911 appears magically before him.
And he opens the door and he gets in and he turns the key and
nothing happens.
Nothing happens because he doesn’t understand about
transmissions, he doesn’t understand about engine design, he doesn’t
understand about fluid mechanics, he doesn’t understand electronics,
he doesn’t understand anything, you know what I mean? So yes, it’s
true, if your thought was evolved enough, you could manifest
something instantaneously. And that includes health! The thing is
though, you have to evolve your thought, you have to find the desire
and then you have to work at it. I mean you have to work in thought
at your craft.
Phil: And obviously we are the product, to an extent, of our
environment, we have a lot of conditioning that has to be undone
from early childhood through the school system and so forth. All of
these negative things, you turn on the news, the television,
wherever you go, it’s just – the story is always something on the
negative side, years of negative conditioning in our minds. To think
you’re just going to turn that around in one afternoon is kind of
asking a little too much.
Ken: Well, yeah it is but the thing I’ve discovered in my life
really is that the joy is in the journey. I had so much fun writing
my books and writing all the stuff I wrote on my website. Every day
I wake up and I go, “Wow, this is another day where I have the
opportunity to do the things that I love’. And then I live my life
and I try to apply what I’ve written …I mean I try not to write
something that I believe in but haven’t really tested out
It’s really fun, people can…. when Thomas Edison invented the
light bulb, he had to test thousands and thousands of filaments
before he finally got it and if he had the idea that “Well the first
time I test or the tenth time I test it, I’m just a a big failure.”
Well…you know we never would have had a light bulb. This dude tested
thousands of filaments because he knew that he was going to have
success, he had this vision, he had this dream and obviously the
dude was practical, right? He was a practical guy, he was a
scientist, he was an inventor, but he kept going. He kept going
because he had tremendous interest, he had this tremendous
enthusiasm and really that’s how the Law of Attraction works.
You find something that you’re enthusiastic about and everyday
you get up and say, “Okay, what more can I do to further my goal?”
Maybe it’s a phone call, maybe it’s writing an e-mail, maybe it’s
talking to somebody, whatever you do, do something you like.
Phil: Right, if people get caught in that rut of doing things
that they dislike and it just builds upon itself.
Ken: Yup.
Phil: It’s this huge snowball that’s going down this hill, down
into this deep rut and can’t get out, if they keep thinking
Ken: Well yeah, because what people are taught, especially people
who are on a spiritual path, they’re taught, “Look, you can’t make
any money doing this, just forget it, you have to pay the bills, you
have to pay your taxes, you know you’ve got kids, you need to take
responsibility for that.” What I always say to people is “look, find
something that you like, even if it’s something that you thought you
could never do and then, just think about it. Five minutes a day,
even if you don’t do anything you know, find some time at the end of
your hectic day, go to you room or go down to the basement and just
meditate and think about something you’d like.
You only have to do it five minutes a day and pretty soon you’ll
find after a couple of weeks you’ll go, well now I’m doing it ten
minutes a day and then pretty soon it’ll be fifteen minutes a day.
The pretty soon you graduate from just thinking, to DOING. That’s
because your thought evolves in power and sophistication and
clarity. When your thoughts align with your desire, you begin to get
inspiring ideas. That’s how it works. It’s ‘like attracts like.’
What happened to me is I had a contracting business, which I
still do, and I find myself writing more and more and more and
contracting less and less and less because I really love to write, I
really love what I do and I’m finding more time for it and I’m
actually making some money too, which is really cool.
Phil: Okay, you talk about five basic universal laws and I’m
going to add a sixth maybe at the end.
Ken: Okay.
Phil: The first principal states that consciousness creates the
Ken: Yes. In the vibrational universe concept, thought is
vibrational and thought comes from consciousness, that’s what I say
and what thousands of spiritual people have been saying for years.
If you look at the Law of Conservation of Energy, it states that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, right? Well if that’s
true then all of the matter and energy in the universe must have
been created instantaneously out of nothing, which is a
contradiction of the law of the conservation of energy itself!
The law of conservation of energy actually contradicts itself and
the only way that makes sense is if you have a Creative Principle. A
creative principle that can create through thought and perceive what
it has created.
I have a movie out called, “The Unity of Spirit and Matter” which
goes into that concept very, very deeply and shows how consciousness
or an awareness, a non-physical consciousness, can actually create a
thought and then observe it. Then he creates another thought and and
then he observes another thought and another thought and soon you’ve
got all of these thoughts around. And then he goes, “Uhm, how can I
put these things together” and he puts these things together and
that’s how geometry came to be. One of the reasons I’m interested in
geometry is because it’s the very first discipline that was ever
invented in the universe.
Phil: Well, you know the basic mystical law, God geometized or
geometrized, I’m not sure if the ‘r’ is left in there or not but
basically the whole, the entire physical universe is based on
geometric principles.
Ken: Yeah, exactly, there’s no difference between the energy in a
copper atom and a helium atom, other than the atomic structure of
the element. The energy that composes the electron, the proton, the
neutron and the quark is the same. I mean there’s no such thing as
copper energy or helium energy, it’s the same fundamental energy.
The only difference is how many of these things are there and how
they are geometrically arranged. To me that’s fascinating, because
you look at the Periodic Table of Elements and you look at a gas and
you look at a piece of iron and you go, “Man, these things are
totally different, how can they be composed of the same stuff;
protons, neutrons and electrons?” Then you go back to the
vibrational universe concept and you go, “all these things are
composed of atoms and they’re all vibrating, so maybe they’re just
vibrating in a different way and we perceive them in a different
It helps me make sense of this physical world, because when you
think about it, the human senses, the receptors, are composed of
atoms, and physical matter and energy is composed of atoms, so
perception itself is an interfacing and interpreting of vibration.
That’s the power of the vibrational universe concept.
Phil: Okay, law two – law of free will- because consciousness is
not dependant on physical structures, it has at all times the power
of choice. The law of free will states that free will is an inherent
attribute of consciousness and can never be taken away.
Ken: I couldn’t have said it any better. If consciousness is
non-physical, then it has the power of thought and nothing and
nobody can take that away. When you postulate a non-physical
consciousness that creates thought and a physical universe, what
inevitably follows is that consciousness has free will and that this
is a free will universe. In other words, no one can force you to
change your thoughts! Even if someone uses physical force, you can
say one thing but really think another. And of course, in the
vibrational universe concept, you couldn’t even be in a situation
where someone is coercing you, unless your thoughts and your
personal vibrational orientation was aligned to it in the first
place! That’s another consequence of the Law of Attraction.
Phil: The law of vibration states that all things can be fitted
to their vibratory nature; matter and energy are vibrational in
nature and all things are made of atoms and I suppose you could go
down even further, the atoms are composed of energy.
Ken: Well, yeah the atoms are composed of protons, electrons and
neutrons, and the protons and neutrons are composed of quarks and
the quarks are composed of who knows what! Who knows how far down
you can go, I mean basically we haven’t been able to get past the
quark…..we haven’t been able to actually see an electron. No one has
actually seen an electron or a proton. This guy Raymond Rife though,
he actually was the first guy to see a live virus. He invented an
optical microscope that could observe a virus without killing it,
unlike the microscopes we have today, which kill anything living put
under it.
Phil: What’s his name again?
Ken: His name is Royal Raymond Rife; you can look him up on the
internet. He’s one of my personal hero’s because he invented the
technology of this device that I have sitting in my bedroom that I
use three times a week to get rid of all my complications from
mercury poisoning, so…..
Phil: A quick reminder- to go to Ken’s website see
Phil: Okay the fourth law you have is Law of Attraction…. Like
attracts like; I think we pretty much have covered that base. I was
wondering if there is anything else you want to add to that.
Oh we have a corollary right here – conscious creation, one of
the corollaries of the Law of Attraction is the principle of
conscious creation. In order to get what you want, you must
deliberately create it through the conscious exercise of your free
will choices, if you do not, your life will be created for you by
default. I think a lot of people totally miss that point.
Ken: Yeah….what happens is people get stuck in a rut, they’ve
don’t have a job and they see no way out and they say, “Well, the
economy is really horrible and there really isn’t anything I can do
about my situation.” Forgetting however that they have the ability
to consciously create their life, and that’s one of the really
amazing things that I love about the Law of Attraction, because it’s
spiritually based, it’s first and foremost spiritually based and it
says essentially that you can take control of your life because you
are essentially a non- physical consciousness that interfaces with
the physical world, and you have the ability to change what you
experience in your life. You can draw new people, new situations
into your life simply by consciously creating it. And if you don’t
believe that, you gotta try it!
Phil: Right and what people need to understand also is that if
they do not consciously control their own life, kind of two things
happen; one – your subconscious thoughts ….things that are buried
deep inside your mind, they control your reality and number two-
you’re letting the conscious thoughts or even the unconscious
thoughts of others dictate the way in which your life is.
Ken: Exactly, now people will listen to the news and read the
newspaper and they’ll listen to president Bush or their co-workers
or their boss, and really I think there are too many people who
simply live their lives by what other people say.
One of the purposes of The Big Picture website is to try to
convince people to see their greater potential, which they have only
scratched the surface of what they can be, do and have. That’s how I
originally wrote the website, I put all this stuff out there for
free, and then I decided to write my books and sell them, but that’s
my main motivation and it’s all stems from my certainty that
consciousness is non–physical and that this non physical
consciousness is extremely powerful, and that we can create and
orchestrate our lives through the power of thought. Remember that
action always follows thought, so if your thoughts are aligned to
your goal, then so are your actions.
Phil: The fifth law and this is interesting, the “law of allowing
or the path of least resistance.”
Ken: Right.
Phil: The application of the previous four laws depend upon the
fifth, it is vital to maintain a pure, creative vibration to align
precisely to your desire. Resistance is indicated by negative
emotion, and places counter–thought and counter–intention into your
creative vision.
Ken: Yup, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve experienced so
much of that, which is why I really put a lot of emphasis on this
law of allowing, or non–resistance. You can begin to consciously
create your life, but it’s not going to happen all at once. So if
you give up, if you allow certain setbacks and failures –– because
look, no one is going to be able, as we have already discussed,
nobody’s going to be able to wave their magic wand and instantly
create what they want because of what we’ve already talked about
You have to evolve your thought, you have to keep pushing along,
but if it’s something that you really, really like and you really,
really want to do, it should be easy or it should be easier to
maintain your interest and excitement about what you are doing.
That’s what happens when thought is aligned to the goal. And so when
something happens that isn’t optimum or isn’t what you thought you
created, then realize that the manifestation you got is the result
of an incorrect template of thought, or some belief that you have
that tells you that you can’t do it.
Now there are two ways you can go. You can go into therapy to try
and get rid of that belief, but in the vibrational universe concept,
what happens is that vibration gets activated more and more, because
you are paying more and more attention to it! You keep hitting that
wrong note and activating that same vibration that you don’t want.
What I recommend is meditation, and lowering resistance by simply
relaxing, deliberately creating your desires, deliberately creating
the feeling you want and then writing out your action plan based on
any inspiring ideas that you get from your meditations. Believe me
you will, and if you just sit down for a few minutes, just sort of
relax and figure out what you want and imagine what your life can
be; all sorts of amazing ideas will occur to you. Then you can think
about how to put those ideas into action! But first you have to have
a clear intention around which to formulate your action, otherwise
you are like the hamster on a treadmill, he’s working real hard but
he’s going nowhere.
Phil: I totally agree.
Ken: Yeah, almost all of the people I know that I’m working with
came completely out of the blue Phil, I mean one day I’m checking my
e-mail and this guy said, “I read your book and I really like it and
I would like to work with you” and I’m like “Okay, great let’s start
working together.” Then this guy from the UK calls me up and said,
“Man I read your book Dialogues –– Conversations with my Higher Self
and I thought it was great! Let’s create a website called, “An
interview with spirit” and let’s answer people’s questions and blah,
blah.” So I said OK, that sounds great. Then this other person
helped me make flash movies and now this guy says, “Well, I’ll
publish your book for you.” Okay, cool….and a woman in California, a
graphic designer says, “I want to make your next Flash movie,” and I
say, you go girl. It’s awesome.
Phil: I just happened to be looking for guests…I wanted to do a
“spiritual summer” in terms of radio shows and I happen to look on because we both happen to members of
Ken: Oh, it’s just coincidence! (laughs)
Phil: I happen to see your name there and what the heck, I think
I’ll send him an e-mail and yeah, it’s all coincidence. There is
this line you have in there that is definitely worth repeating, “You
can work, and work, and work and still not succeed because the
effectiveness of all action cycles is dependant upon your state of
being. This is precisely opposite of what many of us have been
taught, however,” and this goes right to the secret, the movie and
the book. The universe has been designed to support your decisions
and your vibrational orientation. Action is a subset of thought and
thought precedes action and I tell people over and over again there
is nothing that exists today, and you can go as far back, and we can
get metaphysical, religious if you want to, but nothing exists today
that wasn’t preceded by thought. There isn’t a single thing in
modern day society that somebody didn’t think of first.
Ken: Exactly.
Phil: Everything we see is a thought made manifest. Granted we
often take the long route around, we envision the house and we say,
“Okay, I’ve got to go get the nails, I’ve got to buy the lumber,
I’ve got to pour the foundation, I’ve got to do the plumbing and
electric and all the rest of it” but when that house is finally done
and built, it’s only there because somebody thought it should be
Ken: That’s right, you know the house has to be built from a
blueprint and what is a blueprint but a template of thought.
Phil: Exactly. I’m going to throw this out to you; I think this
is the sixth law and I have included this in my book “Jesus Taught
It, Too…,” I call it the Law of Responsibility. It’s probably a
subset or a corollary of the other things…. the other five listed
above, but basically what I’m trying to put forward there, and I
think what is actually in biblical teaching and I tend to agree with
it, is that not only do we create our own reality, but we are
responsible for that creation. We can’t just sit here and say, “Oh
poor me, I’m in this condition because of this person, that, this
thing that’s going on in my life, so and so made me do it.” What we
are trying to do is to pass the responsibility of our lives on to
somebody else and that there is an inherent law that says “No, sorry
friends, you are in the situation that you’re in and you’re in the
life that you’re in and you have to take responsibility for it, and
if you don’t like it, then you are responsible for making that
change, nobody is going to come along and do it for you.”
Ken: Exactly, and that just goes back to all of the other laws,
the law of free- will. You have free will to do whatever you want,
and you can’t really blame it on somebody else because if you follow
the first three laws, you know that the Law of Attraction is
bringing to you the content of your thoughts and beliefs. So, if you
don’t take responsibility as you say, what happens is you stay stuck
in the same old rut, you can never get out of it.
Phil: Exactly.
Ken: Well, it’s funny because I wrote this article, a brief
summary of the basic universal laws and the whole book on the
vibrational universe is about these laws, it’s based around these
five laws, but I figured why not give people a summary of it and
then if they wanted to, they could get into the book. I just think
it’s a nice summary of the five universal laws that people can
actually use in life to make their lives better.
Phil: There’s a wonderful section here on Ken’s website called,
Life Solutions and we’re going to have to do another show, because
we aren’t going to be able to cover it all…there is just so much
material. I’m going to tell people some of the articles listed here
and again I direct them to the website to read these articles
because they’re great:
Giving and receiving:
Cause and Effect
Right and wrong
Resistance and freedom
To help or not to help
What is faith
Happiness vs. Joy
The true meaning of selfishness
Make up your own mind
Ethics and consequences.
Ken: Yeah, and you know the funny thing is about me Phil, is that
I’m a much better writer than I am a speaker. What happens is that I
come up with these really brilliant ideas and I‘ll write them all
down and then after I’m done, I forget about them. I have so much
stuff, I can hardly remember all the stuff I have written and lived
and researched.
I have to relate to you this funny story of what happened at a
lecture one time. This woman who had read my book Dialogues –
Conversations with my Higher Self says, “Well, we’ve got Ken Maclean
in the audience, I’d like to bring him up and have him talk about
the book,” and I got up there and I thumbed through this book that I
had written only two years ago, and I couldn’t remember a bloody
thing that was in it!
The only thing I remembered was that I just had the most
incredible blissful time writing the book. When I wrote that book, I
would come home from work and I would just sit there at my keyboard
and I would ask these questions and literally I would channel these
answers and I was in the state of bliss for four months. It was the
greatest four months of my entire life and then when the book was
over, it was over. I’ve written so much stuff, I don’t even remember
one tenth of a percent of it.
Phil: Well, let’s see if you can remember this one. The secrets
to the millennia are to know the truth, but what is true? Is there a
universal all encompassing truth? If so, then why is there so much
disagreement and conflict on earth? Wars have been fought over
religious truths but no one seems to have found one fundamental
truth that everyone can agree upon. The answer has been hidden from
us but only because our understanding has not been disconcerting
enough, what is the truth Ken?
Ken: Well, what I say…. what truth is, is consciousness itself,
is self-awareness, and self-awareness is eternal. The sun, moon and
stars are true because they exist and can be observed, but Truth
with a capital T is the creator of that truth, and that is you and
We are eternal and immortal and a physical lifetime on earth is a
spirit in temporary association with a physical body. This has been
understood since the Vedas, it has been understood by every culture
on the planet earth. It’s only been in the last seventy, eighty,
ninety, one-hundred years that in mankind’s zeal to explore the
physical universe and explain it, that we have lost touch with our
spirituality. And that’s why I’m in love with the spirit, mind,
body, paradigm because it puts spirit first then mind, and then body
– puts things in the correct order. Spirit is the creative principle
that created the universe, spirit created bodies to experience in,
and then when we’re done experiencing, we go back to what I call
native state.
Phil: The way I define truth and I suppose there has to be
corollaries to it – my definition is “truth is that which is” and to
me the universe is by definition happiness and love so if it’s not
happiness and love you’re experiencing, it isn’t therefore, true.
Ken: Wow, that’s really interesting. We really think alike,
Anything that is, is truth; this telephone that I’m talking through
is reality because I can pick it up and I can talk through it. You
know my mouse, my keyboard, my chair, my computer – that is true but
I think to me the ultimate truth is - the creative principle that
created it all.
Phil: And maybe Ken, we have to – you know I hate to keep jumping
in here but maybe we have to distinguish between reality and
actually and my definition is. …Reality is what we see and feel and
taste and hear with our senses – the desk that I’m at…. I touch it
with my hand and it’s really real, if I you hit me over the head
with it, it’s really going to hurt.
Ken: Oh Yeah.
Phil: But the truth of the matter is if you go down to the
subatomic level, as we well know, the distances between the
particles and the atoms that comprise this table, you can throw
galaxies through.
Ken: Exactly.
Phil: So, we live in a world of reality that to me is kind of the
illusion, actually is where the truth lies and people have to become
more cognitive of the actual make up of the universe, the actual way
it works, the true fabric of the universe rather than the clothing
that we put on with five senses.
Ken: That’s a good way to describe it ––reality and actuality. I
describe them as material and consciousness, but I think that is a
more practical way of looking at it, reality and actuality. That’s
very good.
Phil: Great, we compliment each other.
Ken: People don’t understand that because we’re so physical here
on earth, I mean it’s hard to see spirits, because they’re bloody
invisible. The creative principle cannot be measured by science, so
science dismisses it and perhaps rightly so, because science deals
with the tangible.
But anyone that is spiritually aware knows without being able to
prove it, that they are divine, they’re immortal, that they continue
on in awareness beyond the life of their body. That’s just something
I understand and I’m sure that you understand it and I’m sure many
of our listeners do too and it’s just…I don’t think you can get
enough of it. I don’t think that you can write enough books that
tell people that they are spiritual because right now, we are at the
crossroads on planet earth.
We have this potential, we have this new millennium, we have the
opportunity to drive our human societies in a different direction,
to create a new paradigm of thought, not based on scarcity, conflict
and competition, but on cooperation and harmony and prosperity and
Phil: And the interesting thing I find Ken, is that the latter of
what you just said, is what people have yearned for and yearned for
forever and yet we have been stuck in the mire of the conflict,
we’ve been stuck in the mire of the hatred, we’ve been stuck in the
mire of division of “us versus them.” I’m wrong and you’re right,
you’re wrong and I’m right. My religion is right, your religion is
wrong. I don’t know – all of the killing and fighting about it and
in my opinion I think that religion is one of the most divisive
forces…I’m talking about organized religion.
Ken: I would have to agree.
Phil: It is one of the most divisive forces in the history of
humanity in terms of how it has kept people apart and how the basic
avatar that came with these messages of brotherly love. You know,
we’re all one, we’re all part of the same universe, it’s a lot of
love, there’s no God that is going to create you…. knowing that
you’re going to screw up and condemn you eternally to the fires of
hell ….I’m still wondering if there is any logic or any sense to
that whatsoever, and yet these thoughts have been so ingrained in so
many cultures and I think we’re beginning to see that paradigm end.
It’s beginning to fall apart.
Ken: It is.
Phil: All of the religious institutions are beginning to face one
problem after another and my hope is that societies, communities as
a whole are raising their consciousness level and it’ll reach a
point where people will look around and see those institutions and
say, “You know guys, you had it all wrong, get with the program or
go away, because we’re going to evolve to a higher state of
Ken: I totally agree and you know I think it’s happening under
the radar though. You won’t hear it on Fox news, but you will hear
it on the Oprah show. I hardly ever watch television other than
sports, but I remember watching the Oprah show because my sister
called me and said, “Ken, you’ve got this website about the Law of
Attraction and Oprah’s talking about it on TV.” I was amazed, they
had a couple of guys from “The Secret” and they were talking about
the Law of Attraction and I thought it was fantastic.
You know what, I think the reason why we’ve had this planetary
situation for so many thousands of years, is because we have been
playing this game of follow the leader and I think what people need
to do is become their own counselor. As you say, the Law of
Responsibility, to start taking responsibility for their own lives.
In one sense, it can sound risky and scary, but it’s really
empowering because once you start thinking along those lines, then
you start having inspiring ideas, you start taking control of your
life and you actually start applying the Law of Attraction and it
starts working for you. It’s just really a wonderful thing.
Phil: Right and I want to touch on this one thing. You say, “How
should I deal with my problem- it is a question I have asked myself
over and over again. There isn’t any worse feeling to me than having
something in my life I don’t like, I always have the urge to get rid
of it now, I want to get into action right away to fix it but when I
do, I always find myself lying in crap. The situation gets worse,
every time I put out one brush fire, another one pops up. The more
you try to solve the problem or attention you give to it, the more
attention you give to it, the more energy flows at it and the more
power you give to it and now you find yourself in an energy string
which is the energy of the problem grown even bigger and know you’ve
made it worse” and your solution to this, I absolutely love it is…do
you remember?
Ken: The solution is to ignore the problem and you create a new
reality. Albert Einstein once said something like ‘if you want to
solve a problem, you have to go about it with a different approach
that caused the problem.’ If the bill collector is at your door, you
can’t wish him away, but what you need to do is to cope with the
situation as you find it and then you really, really, really have to
get some new thoughts. I mean you really have to take fifteen
minutes out of every day to find a quiet time and start to re–create
your life.
Phil: Yeah, absolutely.
Ken: You have to do that, because if you don’t, as we talked
about before, your life will continue to go the way that you don’t
like and you know it goes back to the Law of Responsibility again,
you take responsibility for yourself, but the great thing is that
the universe is set up to give you what you want. The Law of
Attraction is impartial, it’s fair. If you think ninety – eight
negative thoughts and only two positive thoughts, then your life is
probably going to be ninety-eight negative and two percent positive.
But if you can turn your thoughts around, eventually to ninety-eight
positive and two percent negative, your life is going to go
ninety-eight percent positive and two percent negative. It goes
right back to the power of positive thinking but, on my website, I
try to give a more scientific basis to it; I try to give a more
common sense and practical basis to it.
Phil: Two things, one is...the law of vibration states that one
can never deactivate a problem, trying to get rid of something just
activates it. You deactivate something unwanted by focusing on
something wanted. In the book that I have coming out, and we’ve
heard this over and over again but unfortunately, it’s been so
misinterpreted. The simple phrase in scripture is “judge not” and
people tend to think of judgment as some kind of condemnation,
you’re guilty-you’re innocent, and yet the root of the word judgment
is to really make a final decision about something.
Ken: Is it really?
Phil: Yeah, and when you look at it in that context, what the
Master was saying is that don’t make any final decisions about
anything because if you do, whatever you make a final decision about
it what you’re reality is going to be; judged not lest you be judged
– so don’t make any final decisions about anything because if you
do, that final decision is going to be what your life is all about.
And how many times have we gone through life and run into a
situation where we go, “Oh this is miserable, well this is horrible,
how did I ever get myself into this, what a terrible experience” and
then maybe six months, a year, two years, sometimes ten years later,
we stop and we go, “Oh thank God I didn’t take that job, thank God I
didn’t make that move, oh I am so glad I didn’t buy that house, or I
didn’t marry that person” or you know- the whole array of things and
when we can keep our minds open to the positive flow of energy and
sit down even if we appear, and it’s usually appearances – we appear
to be in a negative situation, don’t make judgments. You don’t sit
there and say, “Hey this is a terrible, horrible situation,” because
that’s exactly as you say, that’s exactly what it is going to be and
that’s what you’re putting your power into that kind of thought so
it keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger.
Instead say, “Okay, I have this situation, all right – what is
the upside here?” As you begin to think in that more positive way,
suddenly the negative aspect of that particular situation tends to
dwindle a little bit and the positive aspect tends to increase a
little bit. The next thing you know, you are mentally getting
yourself out of that rut.
Ken: Exactly, and you know you actually have to work at it, like
we were talking about it before, you can’t wave a magic wand, you
have to do your spiritual work. Since we were talking about this
problem thing, I had this quote, I found the article and it says,
“If you try to solve the problem with the same energy that created
the problem, you’re going to exacerbate the problem,” that’s common
sense but when you’re stuck in a vibration, it’s hard to get out.
But what you have to do is – you have to note your position on the
scale of emotion/vibration and understand that if you’re sitting in
grief and you come up to anger, that’s a step up. People
don’t understand that.
What they did is make an improvement in their lives, they made a
vibrational leap from grief to anger but they don’t know that. They
figure “Well, I just made the problem worse because anger is worse
than grief” but actually it’s not, so that’s one of the big things I
have on the web site, I think it’s an article called “Emotions” and
I have the scale of emotion/vibration (based on the work of Dr.
Sarge Gerbode), and it goes from death all the way up to
exhilaration and bliss and serenity. It’s a very powerful thing to
study because sometimes you don’t know you’re making progress and
you really are.
Phil: Yeah absolutely, no question about it. I think the bottom
line here is that there is a movement that is occurring around the
world, an awakening. Imagine if we’re teaching our school children
some of this, maybe if we told them, I mean truly…have them believe
that there are really no barriers, that anything can be
accomplished, that mind and not the physical brain, the mind,
consciousness is the most powerful and creative force of the
universe and a gift for all of us to us. The gift given freely, man
what a world we’d have!
Ken: Oh we would have such an incredible world. People say,
“Well, if everybody did what they wanted, we’d have lots of artists
and we’d never have any cars built.” That’s actually not true, if
people did what they truly wanted, we’d have the most productive,
happy, prosperous, healthy society. If we could do that for one
generation Phil, we could turn earth literally into a paradise.
Phil: Absolutely, and everybody does not want to be an artist;
every man doesn’t want to marry the same woman.
Ken: Precisely.
Phil: Women don’t want to marry the same man, I mean it is
obvious we are all different, we have our likes and our dislikes and
our tendencies. Yeah, it would just be absolutely phenomenal.
Ken: It would and I’m actually very optimistic, I think what’s
happening is the structures – the political and economic forces that
are into hiding and secrecy are really being exposed right now and
people see that and they say, “Oh the world is in horrible shape.” I
actually think that this sort of grass roots consciousness raising
that’s going on all over the world is forcing the cockroaches out of
their rocks. We’re turning over the rocks and we’re seeing things
that are shocking us and we’re going, “Oh no, my goodness, what’s
going on?” Things look bad but in actual fact, things are getting
Phil: Yeah, I think so regardless of appearance, most of the news
that you read and hear about every day, is the basic questions are
beginning to be asked and there is no question that the old paradigm
is trying to fight back, it doesn’t want to go away and it may not
even be doing it consciously but I think there’s an inherent feeling
that there is a problem out there, and they are trying to dig in
like cornered rats, it’s going to come out fighting. In the long
run, let’s keep our fingers crossed – in the long run they’ll not
only stay in the corner but they’ll kind of dissolve in the
nothingness that they really are.
Ken: I think that’s exactly what’s happening. In fact there’s
……well I don’t know if we should talk about this but there is this
fascinating web site that I’ve been reading, about the economic
crisis that’s going on behind the scenes and no-one is reporting on
it and this guy is reporting on this stuff. People are being exposed
and the dirty little secrets are coming out and it’s just really
exciting to me because I think this is happening at the highest
levels in politics and economics, in banking and finance and you
know these people are being exposed, and I just think it’s
Phil, I would like to make one more point; this progress is
coming from every one of us, it’s coming from all those people who
turned their thoughts toward the positive and created a personal
vibration that’s more positive. And you can’t imagine how powerful
that is, even one person. If you walked down the street with a smile
on your face, I mean a real beaming smile and a feeling of love in
your heart, you will not believe the people that will just stop you
and smile at you and they’ll touch you and sometimes people will
even stop you and talk to you. It’s a really cool experiment to try
if you’re feeling really good one day, walk downtown with a smile on
your face and love in your heart and see what happens. Absolutely
Phil: It is, I’ve actually have gone through that myself. You can
just totally change who knows how many lives you touch through the
course of the day. You go through with that positive attitude into a
room where people are grumpy and all mad and stuff and you go in
there and you’re singing a song and they start to say something
negative. You say, “Nope, I’m not going to listen to that today.”
You tell them all the great experiences you’re having and before you
know it, everybody is in a good mood. It just perpetuates down the
Ken: Yeah, you know the guy who’s walking down the street with a
smile on his face and love in his heart, this guy doesn’t even have
to say anything. There was a guy that was having trouble in his life
and he just happened to look up at that instant and he sees this guy
who’s totally genuine, it’s not fake, he’s got love in heart and his
smile just brightens his day because it reminds him of who he really
is. Which is an immortal, divine consciousness that is full of joy
and well being and the guy didn’t say anything, the guy didn’t do
anything but the person who was grumpy is walking along and he just
opens up and he realizes, “You know, I can be like that, I used to
be like that, I think I’m going to change my life.” That actually
happened to me one time.
Phil: Okay, Ken thank you very, very much.
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