The Big Picture

Kenneth MacLean, EzineArticles.com Platinum Author

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 The Now Moment


Today I found out how to live.

The words I am about to say will be just that: words. I have read words like this many times and have  said to myself: “that's right.” But I never knew how to apply them. Words can't really teach anything. Only when they are applied in life, and result in actual personal experiences, can any real learning occur.

So here goes: the way to live is to be present in the moment. Not thinking about plans, worries, or anxieties for the future, or regretting the past. When you’re “in the moment” you feel a sense of power and connection, and you just KNOW that you have the best opportunity to create your life in just the way you’d like. Being ‘in the moment’ connects you with the creative energy of the universe and your own life force.

Living in the moment without worrying about the future or past means that you are not resisting life. You are broadcasting a pure signal to the universe. You are aware of your infallible, but often subtle, inner guidance. This is the key to living in the moment.

We all know what life is like on planet earth: every month there are bills to pay. You can't just do what feels joyful, because most often you can't make any money at it. And so the pressure, the inevitable certainty of 'the bills' and financial obligation, squeezes the life out of most of us. It causes us to constantly separate ourselves from the moment. So many times I have thought, and have heard others say, “Oh, that would be fun! But I can't. I have to go to work.” Or, “I can't afford it.”

Since it isn’t possible to predict the future, it isn’t possible to know precisely how that new job, that great relationship, or financial security can manifest. That's why we plan for the future. That's why we worry about the future.

Planning is great, as long as focus is maintained on what we are planning for, and not worrying about how it's going to come!

It's only necessary to plan enough to get a clear vision, and then live in the moment. How do you know when you’ve gotten there? You’ll feel a sense of excitement and eagerness. You’ll feel ready to get into action because every cell of your being is aligned to the task ahead. (Too much planning is a waste of time, because it takes you out of the moment. If you feel the need to keep planning, then you’re not really lined up yet).

I have lived with this pressure for 50 years, and in all that time I haven't been able to find a way around it. It's especially true for younger people, who don't have money saved or invested.

Every time we disconnect from the present moment, we stop the flow of all of things we have ever wanted from coming to us. It's just as simple as that.

Every time we say,  “I can't do that even though I want to because [fill in the blank]”  we are creating the undesired situation. We activate [fill in the blank] every time we think it, speak it, or use it to justify an action, thus ensuring we continue to experience it. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

It took me years to finally get the guts to let go of my fears and anxieties about the future, and live in the moment, trusting in the laws of the universe. I have used the club of “But what if it doesn't work” to create the very situations in life I do not want to experience. “I can't be truly happy unless I have enough money,” was my mantra. And then, even when I had enough, this unwanted vibration was so much a part of me that I continued to create it. That's the law of 'like attracts like' at work again. Whatever you are resonating to is the path of least resistance for you, for the law of 'like attracts like' continues the flow. Going with the flow is the easiest thing in the world, even if it is leading to rotten experiences!


Some people believe that the laws of the universe are cold and uncaring, but it's just the opposite. The laws of the universe always operate to give you what you are paying attention to. All you have to do is find a more positive outlook on your life. If you do, your life will change for the better. Guaranteed. If you don't, nothing will change.

It's easy to feel good, and so very hard to maintain feeling bad. Even though the law of 'like attracts like' continues the flow of bad stuff when you resonate to bad stuff, you can turn it around very quickly. Because the nature of the universe is positive. Because when you stop your resistance to the life force energy that composes every single thing in this universe, you automatically feel better, and you are in alignment with universal forces.

There is no source of negative energy in the universe.

It's natural to feel good, to have perfect health, to feel vital and alive, to be prosperous. If you are not experiencing one or all of these things, you are resisting in some way. You are not in the present moment. I'm speaking from experience.

Being in the moment means really LIVING. It means being consciously aware of everything you do, even routine tasks. It means being who you really are. It means being connected to life force energy. It means, finally, once and for all, letting go of delusional and crazy philosophies which say,

“Life is hard then you die” -- nice. Now you are guaranteed a hard life.

“You can't have it all” -- another good one. Now you ensure that you can't have it all. etc.

There are hundreds of them, probably, all guaranteed to make you sweat and strain.

Your thoughts and beliefs determine your experiences. If you don't believe me, make a list of all of your beliefs and compare it to your life. They will match perfectly. You, a conscious being, are not the effect-point of 'reality.' You create the reality you are experiencing. This philosophy, 'matter and energy are senior to consciousness', is delusional. Those who follow this philosophy are miserable, in the sense that they do not allow themselves to truly feel joy and connection to source. And that is sad.

Living in the moment is joyful. Being joyful cannot possibly fail to bring you good things, even if you can't know in advance how it will all work out.

When people first read these  essays they often think “Yeah right. Change my life by getting new thoughts? Now that's delusional!” That's because the power of thought is not understood on our planet. We live in a world of magic, but we fail to understand that we do.

Consciousness is non–physical in nature, the creative and animating principle of the universe. When you change your focus from that which is unwanted to that which is wanted, you begin to vibrationally align with people and resources that can help you.

When you think “Oh, I hope I don't screw up that presentation tomorrow” you have just taken yourself out of the now moment, and have activated an unwanted vibration within you. But when you think “That presentation is going to be a blast. I'm going to have fun” you have activated a powerful signal that will line you up with a positive experience!

That's how it works for me, at least. I've observed it over and over with others, so I'm pretty sure it's has broad application.

We live in a world of polarity, with remarkable and sometimes striking contrast. In every moment a person has two choices: focusing on the good stuff, or on the rotten stuff. What would your reaction be upon entering a spotlessly clean and beautiful hotel room that has a piece of paper on the floor? Would you say “Look at that! I’m paying good money for this room and I expect to be treated as I deserve!” and call the manager? You might say “Well that is a natural reaction, because the paper on the floor should obviously not be there.” But is it? Think about it. Our attention goes to the paper only because we've been trained to notice the bad stuff. We've had it drummed into our heads that our life can't be perfect. We've been taught over and over to weigh the pros and cons of a situation, to be objective. But this is usually a self defeating proposition, for it automatically orients attention to life’s unwanted things.

A person who has trained himself or herself to only notice the beautiful things in life would not even see the paper. Or if she did, she would exclaim, “Oh look! A scrap of paper!” and throw it in the wastebasket. Time spent feeling rotten? 0 seconds. Time spent dealing with it? 5 seconds.

A person trained to notice the bad stuff might complain about the rotten service. “We're paying a lot of money for this room. It's really unacceptable to have such incompetent service.” A person really into noticing the bad stuff might even call the front desk and complain. And all the time feeling so much worse than necessary!

Replacing habitual thought that generates negative emotion may be difficult at first. It was for me, but only because I was so invested in the negative that I couldn't see anything else.

But in fact, one does not have to 'replace' negative thought with positive thought. One need only choose, in every moment, to go with what feels the best!

Sometimes unwanted thoughts pop up when we begin to focus on wanted things, but that's OK! The universe is designed to support opposites. One may choose to direct one's attention to the new car, or bemoan the old one. Personally, I don't spend any time on the old car, even if I'm driving it. I'm thinking about how much fun it will be to drive the new car. “Yeah,” you say, “but you're still driving the old one. Now who's delusional?” Yes, but I'm having a good time driving my old car. And the negative person is having a rotten time. Who would you rather be?

“Well, you're just saying, live a crummy life and learn to love it.” What I'm saying is, “change your signal to the universe and manifestation will follow.” You get results with this philosophy, it's not just a bunch of theory!

You don't have to shout your intent from the rooftops. You don't have to tell all your family and friends in order to make it work for you. All you have to do is purify your vibration. When you do that you’ll begin to feel better. You’ll get inspired. You’ll be excited to get into action!

Every time you try to get rid of something you just place more of your attention on it, and it gets bigger in your experience. You're banging on that tuning fork, and hearing that old familiar note. In the vibrational universe concept, the only way to de–activate something is to ignore it, and place your attention on something wanted. ’Turn the other cheek.’  In every moment we have choices. In every moment, we're thinking about something. We're activating some vibration within us. Why not make it something that feels good?

If you’ve got the bill collectors at your door, of course, then you’re forced to take drastic action. But you got into that situation in the first place by your conscious vibrational orientation to it. Don’t be a dork and continue to think and act along the same lines. Utilize the power of the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction and get some new thoughts!


What is the now moment?  A moment when you take the time to notice your surroundings, and your relationship to them. A moment where you feel a rush of joy. A moment that feels good.  A moment when you feel connected to you, and to the universal field of consciousness that surrounds us all.

In the now moment there is never worry, fear, or doubt. In order to get there, you have to practice appreciating your life. There are no magic mantras or crystals that will make everything better. However, you DO have the power, in every moment, to shift your focus and begin a new positive, life–giving journey. I hope that my words have been able to start you along that wonderful path. 


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