Business Opportunities

Live the American Dream

·  Read the Compensation Plan and see videos on how to start your Youngevity business

Welcome to Youngevity's® Essential Life Sciences!

The success of your independent Youngevity network marketing distributorship is directly related to relationships—relationships with customers, other Youngevity Associates and the company.

Success is measured in many ways including lifestyle, financial freedom and accomplishing personal goals. Tied closely to your business success is the company's distributor support structure and the method by which Youngevity will compensate you.

Experience has shown that a simple, rewarding and well defined compensation plan is the key in planning your efforts for maximum return and effectiveness.

At Youngevity, we have a very simple and straight forward plan that achieves these goals. As you study the Youngevity Plan , you will find that it is very concise and simple to explain. You will find that the plan can lead to success and rewards for you as well as those who join the Youngevity team.

And best of all, we pay on time, every time.




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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are for informational purposes only. The FDA has not approved vitamins or supplements. Consult your health care professional before embarking on any supplementation program.

"For the rapid increase in knowledge it becomes more and more apparent that the science of nutrition is the foundation of a more rational medicine. It is to be hoped that on future occasions the work of this section will not be limited to physiological, biochemical, pathological, and medical aspects of the subject, but that it will include those that are veterinary and agricultural."
 -- Major General Sir Robert McCarrison MA, MD, DSc, LLD, FRCP (Honorary physician to the King of England 1928-1935)