Why Supplement?


Collodial Minerals: Facts and Myths   Colloidal Minerals

You must give your body all the raw materials it requires to maintain and renew itself in order to achieve a healthful life. The raw materials so vital to your health can be challenging to find. Centuries of mining, farming, irrigation and acid rain have eroded life-giving minerals from our soil. Mineral deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. Because of this, our food may be lacking in [he essential minerals necessary to live such a long and healthy life. In fact, Dr. Wallach has stated that "one sentence has killed more people than all the wars in American history: You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups."

The finest certified organic, plant derived minerals available are mined from deep within the mountains of Utah and are the foundation of our product line. Along with a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and exercise, these products will assist you to live a full life.

Dr. Wallach was not the first to discover that minerals are absolutely essential to health and longevity, but he has been on a crusade to inform the American people of their vital importance, lecturing 300 times per year all over the United States.

On this web page I present two articles about mineral supplementation. There are lots of companies out there  making money from mineral supplements, but how do you know which supplements are best? Youngevity mineral supplements are organic and plant derived and so they are friendly to human biology.

The first article is by Dr. Steven E. Whiting, PhD, from the Institute of Nutritional Science in San Diego. This is copyrighted material and I am quoting directly from the article:

Colloidal Minerals

Facts & Myths By Steven E. Whiting PhD


With the tremendous success of trace mineral products in the marketplace, there naturally will be differences of opinion regarding type, form, source, etc. Unfortunately, most of this 'controversy' comes from the marketing departments of various firms attempting to cast aspersions on competing products.

Many of the companies currently selling liquid mineral supplements have `jumped on the bandwagon' very recently, doing so with little or no knowledge of the product they are promoting. It is tragic that the biggest source of nutritional information available to the public is the marketing hype delivered by companies whose goal is to simply sell a product rather than provide an education and information source to the clientele they service.

Having worked intimately with mineral supplements for over 20 years, it is amazing to read some companies' literature, much of which contains statements which have little or no basis of fact. When you look at a piece of `negative' material about liquid colloidal minerals, you will very often find, upon reading far enough, that whomever is putting this out is also, just by `coincidence '

selling a competing product. This special report is offered in an attempt to clarify some of the confusion and concerns the public has regarding the use of liquid mineral supplements.

We will first address the issue of `colloids.' Because mineral marketers tend to use it in a variety of different contexts, it is no wonder that the term `colloidal' has caused some confusion. Properly used in present day context, `colloidal' refers only to particle size. However due to the fact that mineral researchers in the 1930's used only organic sourced minerals in their research, the properties they discovered in such minerals are now, unfortunately, attributed by those (who are less informed) to all colloidal minerals. This is a big mistake because, as we shall soon illustrate, there are essential bio-electrical life-supporting properties in organic minerals which inorganic colloidal minerals do not have. Because of the increased absorption, certain inorganic colloidal minerals are, in fact, more toxic than their non-colloidal counterparts.

While current popular audio tapes infer that colloidal minerals are somehow `special', the term colloidal, alone, does not make the mineral bio-available nor does it solely guarantee that the mineral is from a source that is synergistic with the human body makeup. More about this later.

 What Exactly is a Colloid?  

By physical definition, a colloid describes the size of a particle of matter, one that neither floats nor sinks in water. Companies wishing to compete with those selling colloidal minerals first argue that there are other forms of minerals that are smaller in size. While this may well be true, particle size is only one of several factors that affect the body's ability to assimilate minerals. Colloids are not the smallest particle size obtainable, but are certainly much smaller than 99% of all other mineral supplements being offered in the marketplace.

Particle size is indeed a factor in mineral absorption since a basic physical law states that the smaller a particle the greater its relative surface area. It is upon this surface area that the body chemistry must act in order to break down and absorb any nutrient. Therefore, colloidal minerals, which are a far smaller size than pills or powders, are better absorbed.

Opponents of colloidal mineral supplements further argue that colloids do not diffuse easily through a membrane. This is true. But what these companies' literature doesn't tell you is that ALL MINERALS, even those in solution which are small enough to pass through a semi-permeable membrane, must first be processed by the body in order to be biologically useful. Colloids, because of their small size, happen to break down much easier than pills or powders due to the increase of the relative surface area upon which the body's chemistry needs to act.

Yet another area of confusion regarding the term, colloidal, seems to be the claim that `colloidal minerals are 98% absorbable'. The fact is, while colloidal minerals, because of their relative size, are certainly more absorbable than most of the mineral products on the market, we don't know exactly by how much. Mineral absorption may be affected for the better or worse by a variety of factors such as a person's age, physical condition, overall state of health, and the condition of their digestive system.

It has been fairly well established that minerals from rocks and clays (inorganic sources) are the poorest absorbed, probably 20 to 40%. A chelated mineral which has been pre-acidified, preferably by an amino acid process, has a much better absorption rate since the burden of acidification does not rest with the body chemistry. Chelated minerals are likely absorbed at about 50 to 60%. Organic colloidal minerals, which are smaller in particle size, are also naturally chelated or pre-acidified. Since they have a natural pH of between 3.0 and 4.0, no other chelation process is necessary. Their absorption is very high due to these factors together with one other very significant characteristic which we will discuss shortly.

Colloids, by definition, do not dissolve, and become part of a solution. In the case of mineral colloids, this is due to their unique electro-magnetic charges, which bind them to each other. The body chemistry acts upon these structures, breaking them down into biologically beneficial elements. Most minerals in solution, on the other hand, are in the form of positively charged atoms (cations) which also have a positive electro-magnetic charge. Their charge is the same as the bio-electrical charge of the body and thus they are more poorly absorbed due to the Like-repels-like concept of electro-magnetics.

Opponents of colloidal products are fond of quoting from Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, which states that "colloidal mineral particles consist of many aggregates and each aggregate contains many molecules..."

It should be noted that the definition refers to mineral compounds are not pure atomic structures as are found in organic minerals colloids. Elements as found on the periodic table are in their atomic state and cannot be broken down any further. For example, you cannot have a molecule of calcium or boron or any other pure element found in the periodic table. These elements are atomic structures only. They can combine with other elements, forming molecular structures and other substances without number, but in their pure elemental form they are atomic only. The concept of atomic colloids, as opposed to molecular colloids is one which is still not fully understood by the scientific community.

 Mineral Marketing Madness  

A classic example of employing marketing sensationalism to confuse an issue may be seen as follows:

A certain 'ionic' mineral company, which seems to spend a great deal of time and money denouncing colloidal minerals, devotes 90% of their promotional material to attacks upon other mineral products...and only 10% to inform the consumer about their own product. To begin with, if you were going to spend your hard earned money on advertising, wouldn't you spend it on touting the goodness of your own product rather than waste time, space and money on giving recognition and publicity to your competition? Secondly, what this particular company is obviously ignorant of is a matter of simple physical chemistry. ALL MINERALS ARE IONIC!!! There is no such thing as a non-ionic mineral. The term ionic simply refers to something that bears an electrical charge of some kind. All minerals carry an electrical charge - that's why they are minerals. If this were not so physical matter as we know it would not hold together and the physical universe would come apart!

This company's advertising, although largely confusing and scientifically incorrect, does make one good point. It states that chelated minerals are still the best source of minerals for man. We could not agree more! Natural organic sourced liquid trace mineral products are naturally chelated with vegetable acids called fulvic acids. It appears that these acids actually do more than merely chelate the mineral but actually contribute to generating the life sustaining negative bio-electrical charges that are responsible for colloidal minerals' greatest benefit to the human biochemistry.

Ignorance abounds in the nutrition marketplace and as this market grows in size, it will continue to attract the `big business' element whose main focus is financially motivated marketing hype rather than fact-based science.

Now let's turn our attention to the all-important issue of...

 'Organic' Vs `Inorganic'

Currently, there are two types of colloidal mineral products on the market. First, there is the inorganic colloidal mineral product which is a combination of soils & clays (dispersed colloid) and water (dispersing substance). Second, there is the organic colloidal mineral product which consists of a combination of minerals derived from prehistoric plant material (dispersed solid) and water (dispersing substance). Those inorganic colloidal minerals consisting of soil & clays, whether from plain inorganic sources or chelated inorganic sources, have an electromagnetic charge that is positive. The colloidal minerals from organic sources, consisting of plant derived minerals, have an electro-magnetic charge that is negative. Whether the electromagnetic charge is positive or negative is a major factor that affects mineral availability and subsequent absorption: unfortunately, it is a factor about which very little is understood by manufacturers and consumers alike.

It is plants and their unique chemistry that are responsible for the conversion of a mineral's electromagnetic charge from positive - found in rocks and clays, to negative - found in all plants. Minerals are absorbed by plants in their free positively-charged independent ionic state. A plant's root hairs are the sites of absorption of nutrients from soil and water. Because of chemical processes in the plant during photosynthesis which involve chlorophyll, the positive electromagnetic charges on the minerals are changed to negative. You now understand why humans were intended by nature to derive their minerals by eating plants as opposed to rocks and dirt!

The electromagnetic charge of organic sourced colloidal minerals is one of the most important factors affecting the rate of intestinal absorption. Competitors of organic-sourced products have recently confused this complex issue of electromagnetics by stating that the human intestine is negatively charged and therefore, negative minerals would be repelled rather than absorbed: Perhaps the following explanation will clear this misunderstanding...

All living cells - and the cells of the intestine are no exception - produce an electrochemical gradient which is positive on the outside and negative on the inside due to the action of the sodium-potassium pump. There has been some question about this since some of the physiology textbooks state that the wall of the intestine is negatively charged. The covering of the intestinal wall, the endothelium, is, according to the textbooks, negatively charged due to the fuzzy coat of hyaluronic acid which is a mucopolysaccharide. However, this negative charge only occurs when the pH is 7 (neutrality). At a pH of 7, the carboxyl groups of glucuronic acid, a monosaccharide of hyaluronic acid, is completely ionised creating a negative charge at the intestinal wall. The problem with this theoretical explanation of why the intestinal wall may be negatively charged is that a pH of 7, neutrality, is simply incompatible with life! As living organisms, we have millions of chemical and enzymatic processes going on at all times. Our body fluids are, at any moment in time, at various points in the body: either a pH of more than 7 (alkaline) or a pH of less than 7 (acidic). At pH's other than 7 (neutral), all living cells, as discussed above, produce an electrochemical gradient which is positive on the outside. Therefore, negatively charged plant derived minerals are attracted to a greater extent than their positively charged inorganic counterparts.

The reason for the lower absorption percentage for inorganic colloidal minerals, as compared with organic colloidal minerals can now be understood. It is due to the fact that these types of colloidal minerals, sourced from inorganic soil and clay, whether chelated or not, have a positive charge. The intestinal wall has an extracellular charge which is positive. Like charges repel one another, thus impeding absorption. The positively charged intestinal wall attracts particles that are negatively charged. Since opposite charges attract there is a much greater absorption of plant sourced colloidal minerals.

 What About Toxicity?  

This brings us to a discussion of those minerals which may be toxic in certain forms. Due to the extensive pollution of our environment at virtually every level, consumers are being bombarded with warnings about the toxic effects of metals such as aluminium, cadmium, lead, mercury and others. In their inorganic base state, these elements can seriously compromise an individual's health status.

Because the body has no effective way of dealing with these substances when they are in their inorganic state, they are often stored in the soft tissues of the body because an elimination pathway cannot be found. Unfortunately opponents of colloidal broad-spectrum mineral products point out that they contain the so-called toxic minerals. What these 'marketers' of other products don't tell you is that not all colloidal minerals are the same: organic colloidal minerals have absolutely no toxicity whatsoever because they cannot be stored by the body for longer than a few hours. For a further discussion of this subject please refer to our special report entitled, "Not All Minerals Are Created Equal," available from the Institute of Nutritional Science.

Let's take one mineral, aluminium, as an example. This element, in its inorganic base metallic form, has been linked to a variety of health concerns. Yet since aluminium is one of the most prevalent elements in nature it may be found in quite high amounts in most of our foods. Jonathon Wright, MD, in a recent seminar entitled, "Nutrition Therapy in Medical Practice", indicated that certain fruits and vegetables such as bananas, cucumbers and tomatoes have very high amounts of organic aluminium which they naturally take up from the soil. Why is no one worried about an overdoes of aluminium, from bananas?

The answer is simple: aluminium has always been a normal, natural constituent of many healthful foods! It therefore seems to us that all the hysteria about aluminium in organic colloidal products has simply been generated by individuals who either have no knowledge of food science or have a special interest to fulfil such as the promotion of their own product.

 The Oldest Nutritional Supplement Ever Sold   

What we must remember is that natural organic sourced liquid mineral products are the oldest nutritional supplement commercially sold in the United States. These products have been sold to the public via various venues since the early 1930's. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken these products for a lifetime and yet after numerous generations of consumption, no one has reported any toxicity or other detrimental effects from their use.

In fact research done primarily in Germany and other European countries has shown that minerals in this natural form not only nourish the body with over 70 natural elements present in all healthy humans but also actually demonstrate therapeutic benefits - such as being able to naturally remove heavy metal or toxic metal counterparts lodged with the soft tissues of the human body. For more on this subject please refer to the study shown in The Institute's Special Report entitled, "Not All Minerals Are Created Equal," available from the Institute of Nutritional Science.

One final comment regarding liquid organic trace minerals. It has been implied by many marketing people that these products provide adequate amounts of all the minerals your body needs.

 This is simply not the case!   

All liquid trace mineral products are just exactly that -- trace mineral products. Yes, they do contain the major minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium etc., but only in trace amounts. In order to receive the necessary amounts of these major minerals you need to take a product that provides them in the amounts required by the body. Furthermore, the body needs about 100 nutrients every day of its life.

In order To meet that need for vitamins, major minerals, trace minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, it is necessary to include a full spectrum program that can deliver ALL of the nutrients IN THE RIGHT RATIO TO EACH OTHER!!! The companies that offer only a trace mineral product are not giving you everything your body needs. In fact, they may be simply trying to capture a piece of the commercial wave of interest in liquid trace minerals and do not necessarily have your good health in mind.

When selecting a nutritional company, we urge you to pick one that not only offers good, high quality products but goes the extra step to provide you with the knowledge and education necessary to incorporate these products into a lifestyle program that will serve you and your family for all the good years ahead. Nutrition is only as sound as the research behind it.

Beware of those who criticise others only to have another product in the shadows that, by strange `coincidence', is better according to them.

Your health and the health of those you care about is not to be gambled with. Seek the facts then ensure that each and every member of your family is receiving the right full spectrum combination of products for their individual needs. You will be rewarded ten-fold for your efforts.

© The Institute of Nutritional Science    1997.


According to the Cancer Information and Support International website[1], plant based minerals are different from the stuff that comes from the ground. Although minerals -- even if they are metallic -- are of significant value to balance and metabolize our bodily functions, you could not live on soil or rock because it is not alive or enzymatically active. Plant derived minerals, which have not been destroyed by heat or altered by man-made chemicals are, from a medical standpoint, enzymatically active or living minerals.

Note: Plant derived minerals should not be confused with colloidal metallic minerals, which come from clay, ancient sea-beds and ground up rocks and soil.

Quoting from "Colloidal Minerals," the Cancer Information and Support International document states,

"Major Minerals Versus Colloidal Trace Minerals

"The United States government and the scientific community have grouped minerals into two categories. Those that are considered to be required in our diets in amounts greater than 100 milligrams per day are called major minerals. Those that are considered to be required in our diets in amounts of less than 100 milligrams per day are called trace minerals.

"There are seven major minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, and chlorine. Our bodies should contain significant amounts of each! Trace minerals, on the other hand, are present in the body in minute amounts. It is thought that each makes up less than one-hundredth of one percent of our body weight.

"Metallic vs Plant Based Minerals

"The human body is not designed to absorb or assimilate and use metallic minerals. The health food industry recognized the metallic mineral absorption problem in the mid 70s. Chelated minerals were developed in the laboratory. This process involved wrapping amino acids or protein around metallic minerals to help the body metabolize them. This did help the problem by providing slightly more than 50% absorption. We all know about toxic metals (toxic minerals) and most people have been led to believe the so-called toxic minerals are bad regardless of their source.

"Let's take aluminum as an example. Aluminum, as found in the earth is a metallic mineral. It has always bothered us to learn that so many of our supposed leaders, intellectuals, doctors and nutritionists know so little about the element. It has been criticized beyond belief. Granted, metallic aluminum, like that which can be dissolved or leached from aluminum pans or utensils may be extremely harmful and we truly believe it is. But what about aluminum from food?

"In the first place, all aluminum which comes from food is colloidal (preassimilated by the plant) and it is naturally tied to oxygen or silica. This makes it aluminum hydroxide or aluminum silica. Both are known to be very beneficial and both are used extensively as food additives throughout the world.

"Minerals and Taste

 "We all know 8 minerals are sufficient to raise large, red, juicy tomatoes, but many times if you were blindfolded while eating, you would have trouble identifying the tomatoes due to a lack of taste. The lack of taste is due to a lack of minerals which causes a lack of Brix. Soil depletion is the only reason today's plants contain no more than 16 to 20 minerals, on average, compared to at least 77 minerals millions of years ago.

"Mineral Requirements in Animals and Humans

"Millions of years ago the soil near the earth's surface, where our plants are grown, was saturated with dozens of minerals. At least 84 minerals were available nearly everywhere and some areas of the planet did contain 100 minerals. The plants of prehistoric times were rich in minerals because there was an abundant supply for them to feed upon from the soil. When a plant grows it draws available minerals from the soil. We now know the mineral content of plants has been severely altered throughout the last several million years and drastically altered during the last 100 years.

"When man began to till the soil, wind and rain erosion began to take its toll along with continuous cropping which gradually caused the soils to lack minerals.

"According to research in the animal husbandry field and The National Science Foundation, animals require at least 45 minerals, 12 essential amino acids, 16 vitamins, and 3 essential fatty acids. According to Gary Price Todd, M.D., the human body requires at least 60 minerals for optimal health and basically the same other essentials as animals. But, only 8 minerals are available in any kind of quantity in most of the food we eat today. We know plants can make vitamins, amino acids and varying amounts of fatty acids, if they are healthy from being grown in soils containing abundant minerals. If the soil lacks minerals, the plant is stunted because a plant can not make minerals."

 In the United States our soils are particularly mineral deficient because of the extended use of fertilizers and "maximum yield" mass farming methods.


Do your body a favor and treat yourself to outstanding products. We offer everything you need, from mineral supplements to natural, whole-body cleansers. These products are designed with your health in mind, and each one is carefully inspected before it reaches you. Give yourself the best nutrition you can, and let the healing be done by the greatest physician of all...  your own body.


[1]From "Colloidal Minerals" at the Cancer Information & Support International website at


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are for informational purposes only. The FDA has not approved vitamins or supplements. Consult your health care professional before embarking on any supplementation program.

"For the rapid increase in knowledge it becomes more and more apparent that the science of nutrition is the foundation of a more rational medicine. It is to be hoped that on future occasions the work of this section will not be limited to physiological, biochemical, pathological, and medical aspects of the subject, but that it will include those that are veterinary and agricultural."
 -- Major General Sir Robert McCarrison MA, MD, DSc, LLD, FRCP (Honorary physician to the King of England 1928-1935)