
Artificial divisions of the psyche lead to fragmentation and separateness


The current polarized and fragmented political climate is a reflection of the fragmented way human beings think about themselves. What is within us is reflected to the outside world. Here is a sample of the human belief system:

• You have to struggle and work hard for everything you get. [the universe is lined up against you]

• Challenge builds character. [only by overcoming the negative can you reach the positive]

• You'll get your reward in heaven. [you can't really find joy while on earth, so shut up and get to work]

• Souls are born with original sin (or karma). [tainted before you ever begin]

• Human nature is animalistic and primitive; therefore, human beings need to be controlled and disciplined. [you can't know what's best for you, because your instincts are inherently flawed]

• If you don't behave you should be punished. [thus reinforcing negative behavior]

• Things never go as smoothly as you plan them [obstacles are inevitable]

• And finally, the formula that succinctly expresses mankind's worldview: All good things must come to an end. [But the bad stuff, that can last forever].

“Well no, you fool,” you say. “These beliefs just reflect reality.”

Uh, no. Materialists believe that history, and even consciousness, is defined by the random interactions of matter. Karl Marx believed that the material world drives social progress, and that the only way for the social system to be changed is through violent revolution. Violence and war is the hallmark of those who believe “reality” – the material world – is supreme and that the higher, divine aspects of the human being are delusional nonsense.

That kind of thinking results in fragmentation.

Thought precedes and drives action. Change thought, change reality.

Fragmented thinking leads to a feeling of separation. Today, fragmented thinking extends even into how we define consciousness itself! We divide the psyche into artificial compartments, such as the ego, the id, the subconscious, the conscious, the super–conscious, the “inner child,” and many more. Our psyches have been partitioned off into separate boxes like we were cutting up a pie. We then assign these parts magical powers to influence our behavior in undesirable ways.

For example, we are taught that the ego is bad, and that we should strive to overcome and transcend it. We are taught that the inner child is wounded and needs healing, that the id contains harmful negative emotions, and that the subconscious is a vast, murky repository of neurotic and unhealthy impulses that can affect our behavior without our conscious consent. If these aspects of our consciousness are part of our very nature, then how can we possible achieve wholeness? Well, we cannot!

This sort of fragmentary thinking regards our own psyche as a battleground of competing factions, and leads inevitably to a feeling of tension and frustration. We must then invent complicated therapies and 12–step programs to try to overcome this self–created conflict. No wonder there are so many self–help books, seminars, and courses out there!

These artificial designations of the psyche don't exist, and you aren't any of them. These psychic constructs have been invented by well intentioned people in an attempt to explain the complex gamut of human behavior; but they have somehow taken on a life of their own, just like the “monsters of the id” in the famous science fiction movie, “Forbidden Planet.”


Wholeness begins with wholeness in thought, in how we regard ourselves. So pull back those psychic curtains and air out your psyche. Throw away all of those psychic boxes marked “ego” “subconscious” “inner child,” and all the rest. You are you without all of that added baggage. So just BE you!

I don’t think it’s a good idea to look to a politicized and fragmented world to model our inner selves, but that’s just what science does. The world, and our own lives, are a reflection of our own thinking.

There is no requirement to think a certain way, or to be a certain way, or believe a certain way, despite the constant media hammering of narratives and agendas.

Meditation to promote the feeling of wholeness:

Sit or lie anywhere you like, as long as it is comfortable.

Imagine that you are surrounded by a sphere of soft, golden light, and that you are inside this sphere. The Sphere is the geometric equivalent of wholeness. It is smooth, unbroken and has no beginning and ending. The golden energy within this sphere penetrates and warms every cell in your body. Feel yourself as whole and complete. Fragmentary thoughts and emotions simply dissolve, and you feel a delicious warmth and a feeling that all is right within you. If you are a sensitive you see or feel color.

Once you feel this energy, you can get up and go about your business. This feeling should stay with you for a while, because the color gold has the peculiar property of warmth and wholeness. It is a very fundamental energy that lasts a long time, like a warm breakfast on a cold day.

This exercise can be done at any time. It is not necessary to close your eyes. Just imagine being surrounded by golden light and feel the sense of completeness that accompanies it.

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